Items where Subject is "Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering"

Group by: Creators | Item Type
Number of items at this level: 758.


Ackoski, Jugoslav and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2011) Сајбер криминал и заштита на дигиталните податоци во компјутерските мрежи. Современа македонска одбрана. pp. 77-94. ISSN 1409-8199

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Koceski, Saso and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Temelkovski, Boban and Stevanoski, Goce and Kocev, Ivica (2016) Remote triage support algorithm based on fuzzy logic. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. ISSN 2052-0468

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Serafimova, Nevena and Angelevski, Slavko and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Bogatinov, Dimitar (2013) Operational value and accessibility of services in SOA-based intelligence information systems. TEM Journal, 2 (3). pp. 211-217. ISSN 2217-8309 / 2217-8333 (Online)

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2012) Usage of Service-Oriented Architecture for developing prototype of intelligence information system. Tem Journal, 1 (4). pp. 234-245. ISSN 2217-8309 (Print)

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Kukuseva, Maja (2021) Nanotechnology–based biosensors in drug delivery systems: a review. Conference Proceedings First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 1 (1). pp. 212-221. ISSN 978-608-244-823-7

Aneva, Sara and Sarac, Vasilija (2022) Modeling and simulation of switched reluctance motor. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 5 (1). pp. 31-42.

Angelkov, Dimitrija and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2015) Automated Chess Playing with a Robot Manipulator. International Journal of Engineering Issues, 2015 (2). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2458-651X

Barvinok, Vitaly and Bogdanovich, Valery and Dokukina, Irina and Barvinok, Alexey and Bunova, Galina and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Mathematical Modeling of Spray Material Acceleration and Heating during the Formation of Plasma Cluster Coatings. Wulfenia Journal, 21 (2). pp. 94-103. ISSN 1561-882X

Barvinok, Vitaly and Bogdanovich, Valery and Dokukina, Irina and Barvinok, Alexey and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Mathematical Modeling of High Energy Plasma Technologies with Account for some of the Fundamental Problems. Wulfenia Journal, 21 (2). pp. 104-113. ISSN 1561-882X

Beqiri, Lavdim and Zdravev, Zoran and Fetaji, Majlinda and Fetaji, Bekim (2021) Analyses of Methods for Prediction of Elections Using Software Systems. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). ISSN 2307-4531

Beqiri, Lavdim and Zdravev, Zoran and Fetaji, Majlinda and Fetaji, Bekim (2021) Devising an Algorithm for Election Prediction Using Survey of Voters Opinions. International Journal of Scientific Advances. ISSN 2708-7972

Bogatinov, Darko and Gelev, Saso (2023) Programming a PLC controller with a Ladder Diagram. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 6 (2). pp. 19-29. ISSN 2545-4083

Bogatinov, Darko and Stojanova, Aleksandra (2022) Microcomputer TK8-A for Solar System. ITRO 2022. pp. 127-130.

Bogatinov, Dimitar and Angelevski, Slavko (2013) USB flash drives - security risks and protection. International Scientific Conference -The Balkans between past and future: Security, conflict resolution and Euro-Atlantic integration, I. pp. 622-633. ISSN 978-608-4532-35-4

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Gelev, Saso (2014) Performance Analysis of Statistical QoS Routing Schemes for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 7 (5). pp. 119-128. ISSN 2233-7857

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gjorgjev, Jelena (2015) Evaluation of the Parallel Computing Performances based on the nVIDIA GeForce GPU. Technics Technologies Education Management, 10 (1). pp. 60-70. ISSN 1840-1503

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Risteski, Aleksandar (2016) Analysis of the Impact of AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE.11e-Based Access Point. Mobile Networks and Applications. ISSN 1383-469X

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Milkovski, Nikolche (2015) Information as a strategic resource critical to military operations and defence of the nation. Contemporary Macedonian Defense - International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 15 (28). pp. 107-118. ISSN 1409-8199

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Petreski, Drage (2013) Cyber Terrorism– Global Security Threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defense - International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 13 (24). pp. 59-73. ISSN 1409-8199

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2011) Wireless Network Behavior under ICMP Ping FloodDoS Attack and Mitigation Techniques. International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS), 3 (1).

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Suminoski, Tomislav and Risteski, Aleksandar (2013) Analysis of the SYN Flood DoS Attack. International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security (IJCNIS), 5 (8). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2074-9104

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Toshevski, Aleksandar and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2016) A novel approach for mitigating the effects of the TCP SYN flood DDoS attacks. World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 12 (3). pp. 217-230. ISSN 1746-7233

Cabukovski, Vanco and Golubovski, Roman and Temjanovski, Riste (2016) Learning Repository Adaptability in an Agent-Based University Environment. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), 8 (3). pp. 103-110. ISSN 0975-3826

Cekerovski, Todor and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Cekerovska, Marija (2019) Geo - Mapping opportunities for detecting different type of waste and transformation into eco-business solutions. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2 (1). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2545-4803

Cekerovski, Todor and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Eftimova, Ana and Stojchevski, Filip (2024) Automated processing line for efficient sorting of waste recyclable materials. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (1). pp. 29-38. ISSN 2545-4803

Cekerovski, Todor and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Cekerovska, Marija (2019) Geo - Mapping opportunities for detecting different type of waste and transformation into eco-business solutions. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2 (1). pp. 7-14. ISSN 2545-4803

Cekova, Katerina and Cekova, Jasna and Gelev, Saso (2017) Home Automation System Control Based on Speech Commands. Zbornik radova sa XXII međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa „Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost“. pp. 205-208. ISSN 978-86-85775-20-8

Cekova, Katerina and Gelev, Saso (2016) Controlling mobile robot via bluetooth. Zbornik radova sa XXI međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost, Žabljak. 29 feb 05 mar 2016, 21. pp. 145-148.

Cekova, Katerina and Stojanovic, Igor (2016) Deblurring Image with a Barcode. Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, 4 (4). pp. 71-76. ISSN 1857- 8691

Cingoski, Vlatko (2006) Електро-енергетски состојби и перспективи во Република Македонија. Енергетика, 55&56. pp. 23-29. ISSN 1409 - 6048

Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) How to Achieve Modern and Competitive Electric Power Industry in Macedonia. Ministry of Finance, Bulletin No. 3, March 2002 (3/2002). pp. 74-79. ISSN 1409 - 9209

Cingoski, Vlatko (2023) Soncevi elektrani - Golemi ocekuvanja ili Golemi razocaruvanja. UGD Life - On-line Internet Journal.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Fujinami, Yoshinori and Yamashita, Hideo (2004) Анализа на температурно поле на синхронен генераратор земајќи ги предвид врливите високо-фреквентни хармоници на магнетното поле. Proceeding of MAKO-CIGRE 2004, 4. ISSN 978-608-4578-10-9

Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Expectations and Disappointments of Small and Medium-Sized Solar PV Power Plant Prosumers. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 12 (1). pp. 27-38. ISSN 1857- 8721

Cingoski, Vlatko (2000) Како до модерно и конкурентно електростопанство на Македонија. Energetics (27). pp. 21-27.

Cingoski, Vlatko (1999) Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел I). Energetics (24). pp. 10-15.

Cingoski, Vlatko (1999) Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел II). Energetics (25). pp. 10-15.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 22. pp. 68-78. ISSN 0353 - 5207

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2016) Технички аспекти и анализа на можности за дистрибуирано производство и снабдување со електрична енергија кај изолирани енергетски потрошувачи. Енергетика, 24 (101). pp. 18-22. ISSN 1409-6048

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Klepov, Goran (2015) A Novel Method for Control and Operation of Induction Motors Implemented in Intermitted Working Regime for Musical Fountains. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 84-92. ISSN 0354-8653

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ichinose, Manabu and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space. Ieee transactions on magnetics, 40 (5). pp. 2912-2915.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna (2012) The energy security of Southeast Europe - the role of coal. Book of Abstracts of the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES - 2012. pp. 76-77. ISSN 1847-7186

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Inverse Shape Optimization Using Dynamically Adjustable Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Electric Machinery Committee. pp. 1-6.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) On the Current Input in 3-D Finite Element Analysis using Tetrahedron Edge Finite Element. Applied electromagnetic in materials, Proceedings of The Second Japanese-Czech-Slovak Seminar, 3. pp. 357-367.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Kowata, Norio (1999) Inverse Optimization of Core Shape of Electromagnetic Devices using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, 14 (4). pp. 661-666.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kuribayashi, Tsuyoshi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Improved Interactive Visualization of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space Using Edge Finite Elements. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 32 (3). pp. 1477-1480.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Mikami, Mitsuru and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Computer Simulation of a Three-phase Brushless Self-Excited Synchronous Generator. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (3). pp. 1251-1254.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Miyamoto, Naoki and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Element-Free Galernik Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 34 (5). pp. 3236-3239.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Miyamoto, Naoki and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Hybrid Element-Free Galerkin-Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 1543-1547.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Murakawa, Ryo and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Automatic mesh generation in finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system. Journal of Applied Physics, 81 (8). pp. 4085-4087.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Murakawa, Ryo and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Automatic Mesh Generation Using Bubble System. Applied Electromagnetics and Computational Technology, Proceeding of 4th Japan Joint Seminar, 11. pp. 190-197. ISSN 1383-7281

Cingoski, Vlatko and Namera, Akihiro and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Analysis of Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problem Involving Moving Eddy-Current Conductors. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 32 (3). pp. 1042-1045.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Reduction of the development cost for SHPP utilizing a container-type mini hydropower plants. Proceedings of the Hydro 2013 - Promoting the Versatile Role of Hydro.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tokuda, Ryutaro and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Fast Multigrid Solution Method for Nested Edge-Based Finite Element Meshes. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 1539-1542.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Toyonaga, Kiyomi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) A new 'floating nodes method' for 2d h-adaptive mesh refinement using electric field intensity values as a criterion. Periodica Polytechnica, 38 (3). pp. 287-298.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tsubota, Katsumi and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Comparison between Nested and Non-Nested Multigrid Methods for Magnetostatic Field Analysis. Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tsubota, Katsumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Investigation of the Efficiency of the Multigrid Method for Finite Element Electromagnetic Field Computations Using Nested Meshes. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (5). pp. 3751-3753.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) Analysis of Induction Skull Melting Furnace by Edge Finite Element Method excited from Voltage Source. Ieee transactions of magnetics, 30 (5). pp. 3459-3462.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Fast electromagnetic Field Computations Using Multigrid Method Based on Nested Finite Elements Meshes. 7 th International Journal of Theoretical Electrotechnics. pp. 6-11. ISSN 1562-5370

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) The Influence of Mesh Density in 3-D Eddy-Current Analysis using First Order Edge-based Finite Elements of mixed Type. The Digests of 4th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Electromagnetic Phenomena Applied to Technology. pp. 53-60.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) A Mixed Solving Procedure for Ungauged 3d Edge Finite Element Analysis. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 31 (3). pp. 1702-1705.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Modeling of permanent magnets in three-dimensional space using edge finite elements. Journal of Applied physics, 81 (8). pp. 4088-4090.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) An improved 3-d Edge Finite Element Method for Eddy -Current Analysis of Induction Furnace Using Sliced Models. Advanced Computations and Design Techniques in Applied electromagnetic Systems. pp. 67-70.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) An improved method for magnetic flux density visualization using three‐dimensional edge finite element method. Journal of Applied Physic, 75. pp. 6042-6044.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2020) Modeling Photovoltaic grid inter-shading. Thermal Science, 24 (6B). pp. 4183-4195. ISSN 0354-9836

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Spasevska, Hristina and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2021) Investigation of efficiency aspects in 3x3 photovoltaic plant using model of shading. Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): First International Conference ETIMA 2021.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Spasevska, Hristina and Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2021) Computational methodology in determining shading among photovoltaic panels. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (BJAMI), 4 (1). pp. 41-50. ISSN 2545-4803

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Zafirov, Elena and Stefanov, Goce (2024) SCADA System for Process Data Exchange in Master Slave RF and IoT Network. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM). ISSN 2602-3199

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Analysis and performance of two PV cells under various weather conditions. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 5 (5/2016). pp. 14-17. ISSN 1313-0226

Cogelja, Goran and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Increasing the Attractiveness of Locations for Investment in SHPP in the Republic of Macedonia. Energetika. pp. 67-72. ISSN 0375-8842

Devassy, R. and Durisi, Giuseppe and Ostman, J. and Yang, Wei and Eftimov, Tome and Utkovski, Zoran (2015) Finite-SNR Bounds on the Sum-Rate Capacity of Rayleigh Block-Fading Multiple-Access Channels With No A Priori CSI. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63 (10). pp. 3621-3632. ISSN 0090-6778

Dimitrov, Dimitar and Cogelja, Goran and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Rules for electricity exchange for photovoltaic residential systems. Mechanical Engineering - Scientific Journal, 34 (1). pp. 261-267. ISSN 1857-5293

Gajduk, Andrej and Utkovski, Zoran and Basnarkov, Lasko and Kocarev, Ljupco (2014) Energy-efficiency in decentralized wireless networks: A game-theoretic approach inspired by evolutionary biology. Proceedings of 12th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks (WiOpt), 2014 . pp. 636-643.

Gelev, Saso and Gacovski, Zoran and Deskovski, Stojce and Dimirovski, Georgi (2008) Homing air-defence missile systems using a novel fuzzy-logic mode of fire control. Facta Universitatis, 7 (1). 159 -168.

Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Detekcija i izolacija neispravnosti u sistemima automatskog upravljanja. Zbornik radova sa XXI međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost, Žabljak. 29 feb 05 mar 2016, 21. pp. 217-220.

Gerasimovski, Vasko and Cingoski, Vlatko (2022) Small Modular Nuclear Reactors – New Perspectives in Energy Transition. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 5 (2). pp. 107-115. ISSN 2545-4803

Golomeova, Sanja and Koceski, Saso (2017) Low Cost Robotic Arm for Object Grasping Applications. International Journal of Computer Applications, 177 (7). pp. 39-43.

Golubovska, Elena and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman (2023) Analytical estimation of the optimal PV panel tilt based on a clear-sky irradiance model. Journal of Energy Technology, 16 (4). pp. 41-53. ISSN 1855-5748

Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2016) Swarming-based cyber defence under the framework of collective security. Security Journal. ISSN 0955-1662

Hayakawa, Masahiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) A Mixed Method Using Whitney and Linear Edge Elements for High Accuracy and Low Computation Cost Eddy Current Analysis (in Japanese). Proceedings of National Conference (98-69). pp. 21-26.

Hinov, Nikolay and Vacheva, Gergana and Zlatev, Zoran (2018) Modelling a charging process of a supercapacitor in MATLAB/Simulink for electric vehicles. Modelling a charging process of a supercapacitor in MATLAB/Simulink for electric vehicles. ISSN 2048, 060023

Hristov, Risto and Temjanovski, Riste and Gorgev, Jelena (2014) E-decisions - mobile information system to support the decision process. Yearbook, Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University - Stip, 6 (6). pp. 27-36. ISSN 1857- 7628

Iliev, Dejan and Stefanov, Goce (2018) Embedded Microprocessory SCADA System for Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition in the Process of Purification of Gasses in Ferro-Nickel Factor. Machines, Technologies, Materials, 12 (9). pp. 350-353. ISSN 1313-0226

Iwano, Kenji and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) A parallel Processing Method in Finite Element Analysis using Domain Division. Ieee transactions of magnetics, 30 (5). pp. 3598-3601.

Jing, Lishuai and Utkovski, Zoran and de Carvalho, Elisabeth and Popovski, Petar (2015) Performance Limits of Energy Detection Systems with Massive Receiver Arrays. 2015 IEEE 6th International Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP). pp. 205-208.

Jovanovikj, Eleonora and Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame (2024) Addressing the challenges to the introduction of Battery Energy Storage Systems in renewable energy utilisation systems. Journal of Energy Technology, 17 (3). pp. 26-38. ISSN 2463-7815

Jovanovski, Vlatko and Suteva, Gabriela and Jovanovska, Verica and Cekerovski, Todor (2012) A macro analysis of the united states recovery with a particular focus on public debt. Iliria International Review, 2 (1). pp. 103-111. ISSN 2192-7081

Karolczak, Pawel and Kowalski, Maciej and Szmara, Adam and Trajchevski, Neven (2010) Application aiding rapid selection of cutting parameters on the example of aluminium alloys turning. Technological Engineering - International Scientific Journal, 7 (2). pp. 15-17. ISSN 1336-5967

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2014) Financial-Economic Time Series Modeling and Prediction Techniques – Review. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 2 (4). pp. 28-33. ISSN 1857- 8721

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2013) Review: Robot Devices for Gait Rehabilitation. International Journal of Computer Applications, 62 (13). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0975 - 8887

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Zobel, Pierluigi Beomonte and Durante, Francesco (2009) Control Architecture for a Lower Limbs Rehabilitation Robot System. 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. pp. 971-976.

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Zobel, Pierluigi Beomonte and Durante, Francesco and Raparelli, Terenziano (2011) Un prototipo di Gait Trainer. Oleodinamica pneumatica lubrificazione. ISSN 1122-5017

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2013) Challenges of videoconferencing distance education - a student perspective. International Journal of Information, Business and Management, 5 (2). pp. 274-281. ISSN 2076-9202

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2011) Interaction between players of mobile phone game with augmented reality (AR) interface. 2011 International Conference on User Science and Engineering iUSEr. pp. 245-250.

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2013) Modeling and Simulation of 3D Laser Range Scanner with Generic Interface for Robotics Applications. Frontiers in Sensors (FS), 1 (1). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2327-7610

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2010) Vision-based gesture recognition for human-computer interaction and mobile robotʼs freight ramp control. Information Technology Interfaces ITI 2010 32nd International Conference on.

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Kocev, Ivica (2012) Design and Evaluation of Cell Phone Pointing Interface for Robot Control. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 9 (135). ISSN 1729-8806

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Kocev, Ivica (2012) Design and Evaluation of a Cell Phone Pointing Interface for Interaction with Large Projector based Displays. International Journal of Computer Applications, 51 (3). pp. 27-32. ISSN 0975 - 8887

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Krstev, Aleksandar (2011) Object Recognition Based on Local Features Using Camera – Equipped Mobile Phone. Communications in Computer and Information Science - ICT Innovations 2010 , 83. pp. 296-305. ISSN 1865-0929

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Zobel, Pierluigi Beomonte and Durante, Francesco (2009) Characterization and Modeling of a 3D Scanner for Mobile Robot Navigation. Med 2009 17th Mediterranean Conference on Control Automation Vols 13. pp. 79-84.

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Zobel, Pierluigi Beomonte and Durante, Francesco (2009) Modeling and Simulation of Custom Developed 3D Laser Range Scanner. Iasted International Conference on Modelling Identification and Control. pp. 183-188.

Koceski, Saso and Kotevska, Olivera and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2014) Continuous realtime monitoring of patient’s vital signs based onZigBee standard. International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (IJ-ICT), 3 (2). ISSN 2252-8776

Koceski, Saso and Panov, Stojanche and Koceska, Natasa (2014) A Novel Quad Harmony Search Algorithm for Grid-based Path Finding. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 11. pp. 144-155. ISSN 1729-8806

Koceski, Saso and Vladimirov, Gjorgji (2019) Inverse Kinematics Solution of a Robot Arm based on Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Interface System. International Journal of Computer Applications, 178 (39). pp. 10-14. ISSN 09758887

Kocev, Ivica and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Koceski, Saso and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Stevanoski, Goce and Temelkovski, Boban (2017) Novel approach for automating medical emergency protocol in military environment. Technology and Health Care. pp. 1-13. ISSN 09287329

Kocevski, Zoran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2022) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај гасна печка преку рекуперација на топлина. Зборник на трудови - Меѓународна конференција ЗЕМАК 2022. pp. 269-278. ISSN 978 608-4764-14-4

Kocevski, Zoran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2020) Energy efficiency improvements of the industrial natural gas furnace using a heat recovery system. Energetika 2020, 20. pp. 181-186. ISSN 978-86-86199-02-7

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 9 (11). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1313-0226

Krtolica, Predrag and Stanimirovic, Predrag and Stojanovic, Igor (2018) An Alternative Decomposition of Catalan Number. Facta Universitatis, Series Mathematics and Informatics, 33 (1). pp. 63-77. ISSN 0352-9665

Kukuseva, Maja and Cekerovski, Todor and Stefanova, Sara and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Web Server Support of Multiple Controllers Data Transfer in IoT Network. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 28. pp. 1-13. ISSN : 2602-3199

Kukuseva, Maja and Cekerovski, Todor and Stefanova, Sara and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Web Server Support of Multiple Controllers Data Transfer in IoT Network. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2602-3199

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Veta Buralieva, Jasmina and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2018) Proposed Queuing Model M/M/3 with Infinite Waiting Line in a Supermarket. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 1 (1). pp. 73-78. ISSN 2545-4803

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Stefanov, Goce and Cekerovski, Todor and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Stefanova, Sara (2020) 3-Phase motor speed regulator based on microcontroller and intelligent power driver controller. Machines, Technologies, Materials, 14 (6). pp. 226-229. ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Karacinov, Ljupco and Cundev, Dobri (2011) Estimation on the switching losses at IGBT bridges power converter. Annual of Univerity of Minning and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski" - Sofia, Part II, 54. pp. 38-43. ISSN 1312 - 1820

Stefanov, Goce and Karacinov, Ljupco and Mojsoska, Natasa (2010) Calculation of induction device with simulation methods. Annual of the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski", Sofia, 53. pp. 160-165. ISSN 1312-1820

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco (2010) Control and data log of functions for protection in the hydraulic excavator. Comptes rendus de l ́Academie bulgare des Sciences, 63 (6). pp. 909-916.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Milcevski, Dejan (2010) Control circuit at H– bridge IGBT power converter with constant duty cycle on the output. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Engineering Series, 3 (3/2010). pp. 189-198. ISSN 1842-4856

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija (2011) Regulating of the output power at the resonant converter. Journal eu MMT 2011, 5 (2). pp. 13-23.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Kukuseva, Maja and Dambov, Risto (2018) Dependence of the Active Power of the Serial Resonant Bridge Converter from the Phase Difference and the Duty Cycle. Machines, Technologies, Materials, 12 (2). pp. 62-65. ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2016) Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), X (9). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Dambov, Risto (2012) Defining the optimal bandwidth in bridge power converters. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials). ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Dambov, Risto (2011) Distribution of the temperature and energy at induction heating of work piece copper. Machines, Technologies. ISSN 1313-0226

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Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2019) Analysis of RL-circuit supply by voltage with sinus or square waveform. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 34 (3). pp. 607-612. ISSN 2545-4439

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Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2020) Measurement and visualization on analog signals with microcomputers connection. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 3 (1). pp. 85-94. ISSN 2545-4803

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja (2016) Analysis of parallel resonat converters with computer simulations. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 10 (2/16). pp. 24-27. ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja (2020) Calculate on phase angle at RL- circuit supply with square voltage pulse. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 3 (1). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2545-4803

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja (2021) Sine inverter system based on special circuit. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 3 (2). pp. 31-42. ISSN 2545-4803

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2019) Calculation of the parameters on output current in full─bridge serial resonant power converter. Machines, Technologies, Materials, 13 (7). pp. 310-313. ISSN 1313-0226

Stefanov, Goce and Tudzarov, Aleksandar (2017) Procedure for calculation of the parameters of device for induction heating. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers, 16 (2). pp. 677-683. ISSN 1857-923X

Stefanov, Goce and Veta Buralieva, Jasmina and Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2019) Application of second - order nonhomоgeneous differential equation with constant coefficients in serial RL parallel C circuit. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 2 (2). pp. 37-44. ISSN 2545-4803

Sterjova, Marija and Sarac, Vasilija (2022) Review of the scalar control strategy of an induction motor: constant V/f method for speed control. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 5 (1). pp. 57-68.

Stevanoski, Goce and Kocev, Ivica and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Koceski, Saso and Temelkovski, Boban (2016) Implementation of a System for Physiological Status Monitoring by using Tactical Military Networks. Defence Science Journal, 66 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 0011-748X

Stoilkovski, Marjan and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2014) Novel First Responder Script as a Tool for Computer Forensics. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and its Applications – IJCSIA, 4 (1). pp. 339-343. ISSN 2250 – 3765

Stoilov, Marjan and Sarac, Vasilija (2013) Web базиран софтвер за SCADA апликации IntegraXor. Годишен зборник на Факултет за информатика. ISSN 1857- 8691

Stojanov, Ivan and Ljubotenska, Ana and Stojanovic, Igor and Zdravev, Zoran (2014) Internet application for image processing with matrix transformations. Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, 2 (2). pp. 85-94. ISSN 1857- 8691

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Filipov, Lyubomir and Varbanov, Zlatko (2018) Simplest oblivious transfer protocol in Python. Proceedings of the Forty Fourth Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians. ISSN 1313-3330

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Stojkovic, Natasa and Bikov, Dusan (2015) Tools for software visualization. Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, 3 (3). pp. 47-55. ISSN 1857- 8691

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Stojanovic, Igor and Brajevic, Ivona and Stanimirovic, Predrag and Kazakovtsev, Lev and Zdravev, Zoran (2017) Application of heuristic and metaheuristic algorithms in solving constrained Weber problem with feasible region bounded by arcs. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2017. ISSN 1024-123X

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Trajkovik, Vladimir and Koceski, Saso and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Kulev, Igor (2015) Evaluation of Health Care System Model Based on Collaborative Algorithms. Mobile Health: A Technology Roadmap, 5. pp. 429-451. ISSN 2193-9349

Trajkovik, Vladimir and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Koceski, Saso and Kulev, Igor (2015) General Assisted Living System Architecture Model. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Mobile Networks and Management: Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 141. pp. 329-343. ISSN 1867-8211

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Tuda, Rron and Trifunov, Zoran (2024) Creating a parking sensor by utilizing arduino. Journal Of Technical Sciences-JTC, 1 (1). pp. 25-28. ISSN 2545-4471

Tuda, Shpresa and Trifunov, Zoran (2024) Examining and sketching the graph of Rational Functions using GeoGebra. Journal Of Technological Sciences - JTS, 1 (1). pp. 7-13. ISSN 2545-4471

Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2017) Requirements for next generation business transformation and their implementation in 5G architecture. International Journal of Computer Applications, 162 (2). pp. 31-35. ISSN 0975 - 8887 (In Press)

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Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Stefanov, Goce (2017) PSO Optimized Fuzzy SMART Based MCDM ANS Algorithm. International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research, 4 (1). pp. 52-56. ISSN 2347-5900

Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso (2017) Client based selection algorithm for Hybrid Wireless Networks. Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost.

Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso (2017) Novel technique for Authentication & Encryption in Next Generation Networks. 22nd Internacionalna Naučno-Stručna Konferencija Informacione Tehnologije 2017.

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Book Section

Bogatinov, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Angelevski, Slavko (2015) AI-Based Cyber Defense for More Secure Cyberspace. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 220-237. ISBN 9781466687936

Bogatinov, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Angelevski, Slavko (2017) AI-Based Cyber Defense for More Secure Cyberspace. In: Nature-Inspired Computing: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 1471-1489.

Bogdanoski, Mitko (2018) The Nexus Between Cyberspace and Modern Terrorism. In: Countering Terrorist Activities in Cyberspace. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 139 . IOS Press, Nederland, pp. 44-54. ISBN 978-1-61499-846-4

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) An Analysis of the Impact of the AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE 802.11e Standard. In: Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 204-211. ISBN 978-3-319-27071-5

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2015) Steganography in Support of the Global Terrorism. In: Terrorist Use of Cyberspace and Cyber Terrorism: New Challenges and Responses. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, 12 . IOS Press, pp. 15-28.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Stoilkovski, Marjan and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) Novel First Responder Digital Forensics Tool as a Support to Law Enforcement. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 352-376. ISBN 9781466687936

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Veljovski, Gjorgji (2017) The Presence of Militant Religious Extremism in the Cyber Battlefield. In: Countering Terrorism in South Eastern Europe. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 131 . IOS Press, Netherlands, pp. 1-14. ISBN 978-1-61499-736-8

Cingoski, Vlatko (2017) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност и примена на обновливи енергетски извори во комерцијално-административни објекти и објекти за домување. In: Енергетската ефикасност и еколошките унапредувања во хотелската индустрија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип, pp. 6-29. ISBN 978-608-244-390-4

Cingoski, Vlatko and Grupa, avtori (2011) Energy. In: The Republic of Macedonia, Fifth Edition. SIBIS, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 65-71. ISBN 978-9989-2104-1-9

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Jovanovski, Emil and Papasterevski, Kosta (2015) Обезбедување на дополнителни услуги во ЕЕС на РМ од термоблоковите на РЕК Битола. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Papsterevski, Kosta (2014) Sustainable Energy Production from Old Coal-fired Thermal Power Plants beyond 2016 Utilizing Major Rehabilitation Program. In: International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges in 2014. International Environmental Law (2). IUS Software d.o.o. GV Zalozba, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 701-713. ISBN 978-961-247-280-1

Cingoski, Vlatko and Toyonaga, Kiyomi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) 2-d Adaptive mesh refinement using 'floating nodes method ' and electric field intensity as a criterion. In: Advanced computational electromagnetics. Elsivier, pp. 399-409.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) LTspice IV as Educational Tool for Teaching Electrical Circuit Analysis. In: Informaciske Tehnologije - Sadasnost i Buducnost - IT'14. Simpozium Informaciske tehnologije, 19 . Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, 2014, pp. 205-208. ISBN 978-86-85775-15-4

Cogelja, Goran and Sarac, Vasilija (2014) Impact of new model for preferential prices for SHPP in Republic of Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference OZE 2014 “Renewable Energy Sources 2014”. Published by: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Institute of Power and Applied Electrical Engineering, Slovakia, pp. 75-79. ISBN 978-80-89402-73-1

Gjorgjievski, Ognen and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman (2013) Автоматска регулација на пумпни станици со фреквентен регулатор. In: Зборник на трудови: Прва меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“. Универзитет „Евро-Балкан“ Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4714-05-7

Golubovski, Roman (2014) Affordable PIC Based Solution for Photovoltaic Panel Auto-Tracking. In: Informacione tehnologije IT'14 - Sadasnjost i buducnost. Univerzitet Crne Gore, pp. 166-169. ISBN 978-86-85775-15-4

Golubovski, Roman (2014) A Concept of Expert System for Automated ECG Diagnosis. In: Informacione tehnologije IT'14 - Sadasnjost i buducnost. Univerzitet Crne Gore, pp. 53-55. ISBN 978-86-85775-15-4

Golubovski, Roman (2013) Multiplatform DAQ synchronization technique of a biaxial shaking table for structural testing. In: Informacione tehnologije IT'13 - Sadasnjost i buducnost. Univerzitet Crne Gore, pp. 45-48. ISBN 9788676641079

Golubovski, Roman (2013) Photovoltaic Panel Auto-Tracking Soluton. In: Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија. Универзитет „Евро-Балкан” - Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4714-05-7

Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2017) Strategic, Legal and Doctrinal Consideration for a Better Cyber Defense in the Region of South-East Europe. In: Strategic Cyber Defense. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series, 48 . IOS Press, Netherlands, pp. 111-119. ISBN 978-1-61499-771-9

Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2015) The Terrorist Threat to the Critical Information Infrastructure in South East Europe. In: Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 191-196. ISBN 978-3-319-27071-5

Hayakawa, Masahiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Evaluation of the Characteristics of Rotating Eddy-Current Probe for ECT using Edge FEM. In: Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation(II). IOS Ohmsha, pp. 170-175.

Hosokawa, Yoshihiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Inverse Shape Optimization of a Permanent Magnet Device Using genetic Algorithm and Finite Element Method. In: Applied Electromagnetics and Computational technology II. IOS Ohmsha, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 151-159.

Klepov, Goran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce (2015) A New Control Method for Induction Motors in Intermitted Working Regime for Artistic (Music-driven) Fountains. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 164-167. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Beomonte, Pierluigi and Durante, Francesco (2011) Gait Training using Pneumatically Actuated Robot System. In: Advances in Robot Navigation. Advances in Robot Navigation . InTech, pp. 224-238. ISBN 978-953-307-346-0

Kostadinova, Slavica and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso (2015) Increasing Energy Efficiency of Water Supply Systems with Pump Systems Power Factor Improvement. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 160-163. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај водоснабдителните системи. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. In: Scientific Proceedings of the XII International Conference Machines, Technologies, Materials. Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 92-95.

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Overview of Elliptic Curve Integrated Scheme. In: Zbornik Radova Informacione Tehnologije- Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki Fakultet, pp. 148-151. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2012) Impacts from new 50 MW wind power plant – Bogdanci on the price of electrical energy in Macedonia. In: Volume of Abstracts of the 3rd International Scientific Conference OZE 2012 Renewable Energy Sources 2012. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, pp. 295-296. ISBN 978-80-89402-48-9

Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija and Bozinovski, Goce (2014) Wind power plant - Bogdanci and its impact on the price of electrical energy in Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference OZE 2014 “Renewable Energy Sources 2014”. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Institute of Power and Applied Electrical Engineering, Slovakia, pp. 241-243. ISBN 978-80-89402-73-1

Okayama, Eiji and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) 3 D Magnetic Field Visualization System Based on Virtual Reality Technique. In: Applied Electromagnetics. Heron press applied science series, Sofia, pp. 267-273.

Papasterevski, Kosta and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Високо ефикасни transnorm (TN) асинхрони мотори. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Risteski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Stoilkovski, Marjan and Jovanovic, Miroslav (2014) Cyber security issues of telecommunication infrastructure. In: Cyber Security and Resiliency Policy Framework. 38 of NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security . IOS Press. ISBN 978-1-61499-445-9

Runcev, Kostadin and Koceska, Natasa and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2017) Tangible user interface for pre-school children learning. In: Proceedings of papers / VIII International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education ITRO 2017. University of Novi Sad, Technical faculty „Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia, Zrenjanin, pp. 73-76. ISBN 978-86-7672-302-7

Sarac, Vasilija (2022) Design Optimization of Induction Motor for Efficiency and Reliability Improvement. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, Cham, pp. 35-49. ISBN 978-3-030-92850-6

Sarac, Vasilija (2010) Different Approaches of Numerical Analysis of Electromagnetic Phenomena in Shaded Pole Motor with Application of Finite Elements Method. In: EMTS 2010: 2010 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory. EMTS, pp. 97-100. ISBN 978-1-4244-5153-1

Sarac, Vasilija and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Trifunov, Zoran (2014) Electronic Tests in High Education-Opportunities and Challenges. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education. University of Novi Sad, Technical Faculty „Mihajlo Pupin”, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia, pp. 68-72. ISBN 978-86-7672-225-9

Sarac, Vasilija and Cundev, Dobri (2011) Electromagnetic fields calculation at single phase shaded pole motor. In: Proceedings of the extended abstracts - 10th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics. Univeristy of Nis, Electronic Faculty, pp. 137-138. ISBN 978-86-6125-035-4

Sarac, Vasilija and Cvetkovski, Goga (2010) Different motor models based on parameter variation using method of genetic algorithms. In: Proceedings of the third Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics SAEM'10. University of Maribor, Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Slovenia, pp. 1-8. ISBN 978-961-248-237-4

Sarac, Vasilija and Cvetkovski, Goga (2014) Efficiency Optimisation of Single Phase Motor Using GA Approach. In: 5th Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics Saem'14-Book of Digests. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies, pp. 31-32. ISBN 978-9989-630-72-9

Sarac, Vasilija and Cvetkovski, Goga (2012) Transient analysis of induction motor using different simulation models. In: Digest book of 4th Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics. Universitas-Gyor Nonprofit Kft, pp. 117-119. ISBN 978-963-9819-85-6

Sarac, Vasilija and Minovski, Dragan (2012) Application of Sicap Pas System in automation and control of T.S 400/110 KV Stip. In: Volume of Abstracts of the 10th International Scientific Conference CPS 2012 Control of Power Systems 2012. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, pp. 161-162. ISBN 978-80-89402-47-2

Sarac, Vasilija and Minovski, Dragan and Cogelja, Goran and Smitkova, Miroslava (2014) Upgrade and application of automation system in t.s. 110/35/10 kV “Petrovec”. In: Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference Control of Power Systems 2014. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Institute of Robotics and Cybernetics, Slovakia. ISBN 978-80-89402-71-7

Sarac, Vasilija and Petkovska, Lidija (2006) Application of soft magnetic materials in development of new experimental model of single phase shaded pole motor. In: Book of Digests of SAEM-2006. Macedonian-Polish syposium on applied electromagnetics. ISBN 9989-630-51-8

Sarac, Vasilija and Petkovska, Lidija and Cundev, Milan (2001) An improved performance analysis of a shaded pole motor. In: Proceedings of the Thirty-eight International Intelligent Motion Conference. ZM Communications GMBH, pp. 399-405. ISBN 3-928643-28-2

Smitkova, Miroslava and Eleschova, Zaneta and Hajducek, Peter and Janicek, Frantisek and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2011) Introduction of the national centre for research and application of renewable energy sources. In: Volume of Abstracts of the 10th International Scientific Conference EEE 2011 Energy – Ecology – Economy 2011. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Slovakia, pp. 181-182. ISBN 978-80-89402-40-3

Smitkova, Miroslava and Janíček, Frantisek and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2012) Different support for RES in Slovakia and in Macedonia. In: Volume of Abstracts of the 3rd International Scientific Conference OZE 2012 Renewable Energy Sources 2012. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, pp. 249-250. ISBN 978-80-89402-48-9

Stefanoski, Goce and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Koceski, Saso and Madevska Bogdanova, Ana and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2015) Addressing Communication Security Issues in BAN Medical System: SIARS. In: Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 219-225. ISBN 978-3-319-27071-5

Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija and Golubovski, Roman (2015) Determination of Output Characteristics of Quasi-Resonant Power Converter with Computer Simulation. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 168-171. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2010) Estimation of the parameters of electromagnetic field at induction device by the aid of computer simulation. In: Proceedings of the third Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics SAEM'10. University of Maribor,Faculty of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Slovenia, pp. 1-9. ISBN 978-961-248-237-4

Tanceska, Biljana and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) Simulation Analysis of DoS, MITM and CDP Security Attacks and Countermeasures. In: Future Access Enablers for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering . Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 197-203. ISBN 978-3-319-27071-5

Tanceska, Biljana and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) Toward More Resilient Cyber Infrastructure: A Practical Approach. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 305-351. ISBN 9781466687936

Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Application of Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems of Heat Substations. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 172-175. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Tokuda, Ryutaro and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2000) Speed-up for 3D Finite Element Analysis by Using Multigrid Method. In: Proceeding of the 3rd Japanese-Bulgarian-Macedonian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. Applied Electromagnetics (3). National University Library "St. Kliment Ohridski", Skopje, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 12-16. ISBN 9989-57-094-9

Tsubota, Katsumi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Multigrid Solution Method for Electromagnetic Field Computation. In: Applied Electromagnetics. Heron press applied science series, Sofia, pp. 33-39.

Velkov, Tomce and Panev, Ace and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2015) Ambient Control System in Greenhouse. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 156-159. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (1994) On the application of Hopfield neural network in finite element analysis. In: IOS Press, 1995. Advanced Computational Electromagnetics . Elsevier, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 37-49.


Annoni, Alessandro and Benczur, Peter and Bertoldi, Paolo and Delipetrev, Blagoj and De Prato, Giuditta and Feijoo, Claudio and Macias, Enrique Fernandez and Gutierrez, Emilia Gomez and Portela, Maria Iglesias and Junklewitz, Henrik (2018) Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective. Technical Report. Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

Baldini, Gianmarco and Barboni, Marcello and Bono, Flavio and Delipetrev, Blagoj and Duch Brown, Néstor and Fernandez Macias, Enrique and Gkoumas, Konstantinos and Joossens, Elisabeth and Kalpaka, Anna and Nepelski, Daniel (2019) Digital Transformation in Transport, Construction, Energy, Government and Public Administration. Technical Report. Joint Research Centre (Seville site).

Stojanovic, Igor (2013) Progressive Wavelet Correlation for Image Recognition. Documentation. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing.

Conference or Workshop Item

Ackoski, Jugoslav and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Serafimova, Nevena (2013) A concept for a smart web portal development in intelligence information system based on SOA. In: The 10th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2013), March 2013, Bitola, Macedonia.

Aguareles, Maria and Bikov, Dusan and Canadell, Marta and Costa-Miracle, Enric and Domingo, Carlos and Fernández-Sánchez, Jesús and Folguera, Núria and Saludes, Jordi and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Varbanov, Zlatko (2017) Searching for a Predictive Model for Burglaries in Catalonia. In: European Study Group with Industry, 25-29 Jan 2016, Barcelona, Spain.

Andonov-Chento, Ilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2011) Pump Storage in Macedonia - Opportunities beyond 2020. In: PowerGEN 2011, 7-9 June 2011, Milan, Italy. (Unpublished)

Aneva, Sara and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2021) Power-to-X technologies. In: ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, online via Zoom platform.

Angelevski, Slavko and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Serafimova, Nevena and Bogatinov, Dimitar (2013) Game-Theoretic Models for Assessing Security of a SOA Based Intelligence Information System. In: XI International Conference – ETAI 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Angelkov, Dimitrija and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2014) Low-cost dual-axis system for solar tracking. In: Embedded Computing (MECO) - 3rd Mediterranean Conference, 15-19 June 2014, Budva, Montenegro.

Apostolov, Ilija and Hristov, Risto and Gelev, Saso (2014) Selection of optimal techniques for encryption and descryption of data. In: XIX Naucno strucni skup Informacione tehnologije, sadasnjost i buducnost, 14-18 Feb 2014, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

Apostolovski, Ilija and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2012) Безбедно користење на безжични ad-hoc мрежи. In: CITYR'12, 21-23 Sept 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Implementation of factor analysis in project of lighting system modernization. In: International Scientific Conference "UNITECH"-2015, Gabrovo, R.Bulgaria.

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Sarac, Vasilija and Runcev, Kostadin (2014) Примена на методот на факторска анализа во проект ревитализација на уличнотo осветление во општина Кочани. In: Меѓународно советување Енергетика 2014, Oct 2014, Struga, Macedonia.

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Timovski, Riste (2014) Quality Valorization of University Study Programs using Linear Programming Application. In: ITRO 2014, 27 June 2014, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Bashovski, Vasko and Koceski, Saso (2014) Teaching modular software architectures. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education – ITRO 2014, June 2014, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Beqiri, Lavdim and Fetaji, Majlinda and Fetaji, Bekim and Zdravev, Zoran (2022) Assessing the Impacting Factors in Prediction of Parliamentary Elections Turnout Using Heuristics and Devising MIP Algorithmic Model. In: IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking, Telecommunications & Engineering Sciences Applications 2022 (IEEE CoNTESA ’22), 15-16 Dec 2022, Mother Teresa University, North Macedonia.

Bikov, Dusan and Dvoriashyna, Mariia and Ertugrul, Ümit and Kresoja, Milena and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Repetto, Rodolfo and Stojancevic, Tijana and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Stojkovic, Natasa and Stojkovska, Irena and Veneva, Milena and Ying, Fabian and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2018) Increasing efficiency of on-line shopping by optimizing the staff schedule. In: 136th ESGI , 14-18 May 2018, Gran Sasso, Italy.

Bikov, Dusan and Stojanova, Aleksandra (2015) Using GPU matrix vector multiplication for computing Walsh spectra. In: ETAI 2015, 24-26 Sept 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Bogatinov, Aleksandar and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) Grid-Connected Hybrid PV System with Battery Storage. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Bogatinov, Darko and Gelev, Saso (2024) Design and implementation of SCADA systems. In: ETIMA 2023.

Bogdanoski, Mitko (2007) Меѓумрежно поврзување помеѓу мобилниот WiMAX (IEEE802.16e) и третата генерација мобилни системи. In: 8ма Национална конференција со интернационално присуство - ETAI 2007, 26-29 Sept 2007, Охрид, Р. Македонија.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Bogdanoski, Marjan and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage (2012) Сајбер нападите како најсовремени закани врз воените операции и критичната инфраструктура. In: Научно – стручна конференција MILCON’12, 14 May 2012, Скопје, Р. Македонија.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Risteski, Aleksandar and Popovski, Borislav (2008) IEEE 802.16 Security Issues: A Survey. In: 16th Telecommunications Forum TELFOR 2008, 25-27 Nov 2008, Belgrade, Serbia.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Suminoski, Tomislav and Risteski, Aleksandar (2009) Authentication, Authorization and Accounting Provided by Diameter Protocol. In: 9та Национална конференција со интернационално присуство - ETAI, 26-29 Sept 2009, Охрид, Р. Македонија.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2012) Индустриски сајбер напади – Глобална безбедносна закана. In: International conference “The Faces of the Crisis”, European University, 09-10 March 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Suminoski, Tomislav and Risteski, Aleksandar (2011) Novel Model of Adaptive Module for Security and QoS Provisioning in Wireless Heterogeneous Networks. In: X International Conference ETAI, 16-20 Sept 2011, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Suminoski, Tomislav and Risteski, Aleksandar (2012) TCP-SYN Flooding Attack in Wireless Networks. In: Innovations on Communication Theory, INCT 2012, 3-5 Oct 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.

Borisov, Donco and Ognanov, Ognance and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gelev, Saso (2010) Статистичко QoS рутирање за IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc мрежи со повеќе прескокнувања. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Brahimaj, Frasher and Dambov, Risto and Brahimaj, Shkurte (2019) Application of the QGIS 3.4 software in drilling and blasting at surface mine in Banja. In: SGEM, 2019, Section Exploration and Mining, 30 June - 06 July 2019, Albena, Bulgaria.

Bundalevski, Slobodan and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2018) Determination of the Total Impulse of the Solid Rocket Motor by Using Two Mathematical Methods. In: 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), 19-24 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Cabukovski, Vanco and Temjanovski, Riste and Golubovski, Roman (2016) The University Library Information System Adaptability in an Intelligent Based University Environment. In: 6th International Conference: Technics and informatics in education, 28-29 May 2016, Cacak, Serbia.

Cekerovski, Todor and Zivanovic, Jordan and Despodov, Zoran (2011) Comparison of some parameters from the old and the new control system in mine Bucim. In: Proceedings of the XІth National conference with international participation of the open and underwater mining of minerals, 19-23 June 2011, Varna, Bulgaria.

Cekerovski, Todor and Zivanovic, Jordan and Despodov, Zoran (2011) Improvement of the perfomances of the mine transport in mine Bucim with implementation of the system SkyLinks. In: 8 th International Symposium Mine Haulage and Hoisting ISTI'11, 11-15 Sept 2011, Zlatibor .

Cekerovski, Todor and Zivanovic, Jordan and Despodov, Zoran (2011) Примена интернет технологије у управљању диспечерског система SkyLinks у руднику „Бучим“ у Македонији. In: 8 th International Symposium Mine Haulage and hoising, ISTI, 11, 11-15 Sept 2011, Zlatibor.

Cekerovski, Todor and Zivanovic, Jordan and Minov, Kirco (2011) The role of the GPS-system in integrated control system skylines in mine for copper Bucim. In: Proceedings of the XІ-th national conference with international participation of the open and underwater mining of minerals, 19-23 June 2011, Varna, Bulgaria.

Cekova, Katerina and Gelev, Saso (2016) SMS security system for smart home detectors. In: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција, „Науката - подршка на развојот во Југоисточна Европа“, 23-24 Dec 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cerepnalkovska Dukovska, Snezana and Gelev, Saso (2017) Информатичка платформа за смарт јавен превоз во Скопје. In: Петта меѓународна научна конференција, „Науката – подршка на развојот во Југоисточна Европа“, 15-16 Dec 2017, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoska, Marija and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Влијание на кусите врски врз работата на ветрогенератори со двојно-напојуван асинхронен генератор (DFIG). In: Меѓународно советување „Енергетика 2016”, 6-9 Oct 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Cingoska, Marija and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2018) Efficiency optimization of electrical devices. In: Information Technology -IT 2018.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Towards Pollution Reductions and Decarbonization of District Heating Systems. In: The 9th International Scientific Congress - Shaping the Future: Trends and Insights for Tomorrow, 18 Nov 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo and Aoi, Tatsufumi (1994) Analysis of Eddy- Current Losses and Levitation Force inside Induction Furnace by 3-D Edge Finite Element Method. In: The Sixth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC’94, July 5-7, 1994, Aix-les-Bains, France. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Улогата на пумпно-акумулационите хидроелектрани во функција на зголемување на безбедноста и флексибилноста на електроенергетскиот систем. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 20-21 Dec 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Потреба и можности за развој и функционирање на Берза за електрична енергија во Република Македонија. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје, Македонија.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Енергетски политики на ЕУ и нивното влијание врз конкурентноста и сигурноста на енергетските пазари на природен гас. In: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција „Науката - подршка на развојот во Југоисточна Европа“, 23-24 Dec 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) Development of the First Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Heat and Power Plant in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Energy Forum 2002, 14-17 June 2002, Varna, Bulgaria.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2019) Global Earth Magnetic Field and Recreational Environment: Issues to be Addressed. In: The 4th International Scientific Conference “Tourism in function of development of the Republic of Serbia”: Tourism as a Generator of Employment, 30 May - 1 June 2019, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Mожности за искористување на соларната енергија како примарен енергетски ресурс. In: Евро Балкан, Трета меѓународна научна конференција „Науката – подршка на развојот во Република Македонија“, 29-30 Jan 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Potentials for energy efficiency improvements and implementation of renewable energy sources in hotel industry in Macedonia. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Andonov-Chento, Ilija and Nikolov, Igor (2017) Prospects for Pump Storage HPP in Macedonia. In: SIMTERM - 2017, 17-20 Oct 2017, Sokobanja, Srbija.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Fustik, Vangel and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Iliev, Atanas and Stojkoski, Valentino and Cvetanov, Konstantin (2002) Rehabilitation, Operation and Transfer of the Small Hydro Power Plants in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Hydro Vision 2002 Conference, July 2002, Portland, Oregon.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study. In: XXI međunarodni naučno-stručni skup Informacione tehnologije IT'16, 29 Feb - 05 Mart 2016, Crna Gora.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2014) Технички аспекти и анализа на можности за дистрибуирано производство и снабдување со електрична енергија кај изолирани енергетски потрошувачи. In: Energetika - 2014, 16-18 Oct 2014, Struga, Makedonija.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2014) Техно-економска анализа за снабдување со електрична енергија на изолирани енергетски потрошувачи со користење на програмски пакет HOMER©. In: Energetika - 2014, 16-18 Oct 2014, Struga, Makedonija.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Hayakawa, Masahiro and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Improved Method for Inverse Shape Optimization Using Constrained Condition Gradients and Genetic Algorithms. In: The Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Hayakawa, Masahiro and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) On the Properties of Mixed Consistently and Non-Consistently First Order Edge Finite Elements. In: 8th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering and European TEAM Workshop Proceedings, Sept. 21-23, 1998, Graz, Austria.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Mladenovska, Daniela (2011) Investment Incentives for Rehabilitation and Performance Improvement of TPP Bitola. In: Investment Conference, May, 2011, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Namera, Akihiro and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) 3-D Animation of Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problem using Fea. In: Proc. of The 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso (2017) New Generation of PV Cells and Their Potential Application in Tourism and Hotel Industry. In: First International Scientific Conference - Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2017«, 24-25 Oct 2017, Gevgelija, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Trajkov, Nikola and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Velkov, Tomce (2015) A Joint Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Papasterevski, Kosta (2017) Extensive Boiler Rehabilitation at TPP Bitola - Lessons Learned. In: XXXIII Savetovanje Energeticara Srbije - Energetika, 28-31 March 2017, Zlatibor, Srbija.

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Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo and Aoi, Tatsufumi (1994) Analyses of Levitation Force in Induction Heating Furnace using 3D Edge Finite Element Method. In: The Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1994.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yokoyama, Takayuki and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Dynamic Bubble System: An Automatic Mesh Generation System for 2D and 3D Finite Element Mesh Generation in Electromagnetic Field Computations. In: 5th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1999, Boulder, Colorado.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Spasevska, Hristina and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2021) Investigation of efficiency aspects in 3x3 photovoltaic plant using model of shading. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Zafirov, Elena and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Scada System For Process Data Exchange In Master Slave RF And IoT Network. In: ICBASET 2024: International Conference on Basic Sciences, Engineering and Technology. (In Press)

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Kukuseva, Maja (2013) Implementation of modified OSPF protocol in network simulator. In: Informacione Tehnologije IT '13, 25 Feb - 01 March 2013, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Analysis for Installation of Stand- Alone PV System in Household in Radovis. In: International Scientific Conference “UNITECH 2015” – Gabrovo.

Cundev, Dobri and Sarac, Vasilija and Stefanov, Goce (2011) Configurations of hybrid-electric cars propulsion systems. In: ETAI-2011.

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Cvetanoska, Verce and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gelev, Saso (2010) Фреквентното потскокнување како метод против нападите со попречување. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Cvetkovski, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Развој на Хибридна Концентрирачка Сончева Термоелектана во ТЕ Битола - Дел I. In: 8 Советување - МАКО-СИГРЕ, 22-24 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Cvetkovski, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Хибридна Концентрирачка Сончева Термоелектрана во ТЕ Битола - Анализа на Tрошоци и Придобивки - Дел II. In: 8 Советување - МАКО-СИГРЕ, 22-24 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

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Dimovski, Stojce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Environmental and Energy Utilization of Municiple Wast - One Product, Two Solutions. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

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Eblewongel, Esseynew and Berhanyikun, Amanuel and Mekuria, Sinke and Damtew, Abel and Koceski, Saso (2016) Ubiquitous Computing in the context of developing countries. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, ICAIIT 2016, 3-4 June 2016, Bitola, Macedonia.

Eftimov, Tome and Utkovski, Zoran (2013) Mutual Information of Isotropically Distributed Unitary Signals on Block Rayleigh-faded Multiple Access Channels. In: IEEE European School of Information Theory, 22-26 Apr 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

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Gacovski, Zoran and Ilieski, Milan and Gelev, Saso (2007) Fuzzy inference system applied for calculation of environmental pollution. In: 8th national conference with international participation ETAI 2007, 19-21 Sept 2007, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

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Gelev, Saso and Gacovski, Zoran and Jiea-he, Xu and Yuan-wei, Jing and Deskovski, Stojce and Dimirovski, Georgi (2007) A novel mode of fire control in missile systems for air defence. In: 5rd IFAC WS on Automatic System for Building the Infrastructure in Developing Countries DECOM-TT 2007, 17-20 May 2007, Cesme, Turkey.

Gelev, Saso and Geleva, Ivana (2013) Smart clothes, and computers equipment as a fashion accessory. In: Informacione tehnologije IT'13, 25 Feb - 01 March 2013, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

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Gelev, Saso and Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Bundalevski, Slobodan (2018) Metodi i alati za forenziku mobilnih telefona. In: Information Technology -IT 2018, 19-22 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Giceva, Ivana and Sarac, Vasilija and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Single Phasing of Three-phase Induction Motors under Various Load Conditions. In: 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), 19-24 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Gjorgjev, Jelena and Milosavljev-Apostolovski, Martin and Gelev, Saso and Sokolovski, Aleksandar (2012) Usability aspect of the cloud solutions in used in enterprise environment, the case of Microsoft 365. In: Меѓународна научна конференција „Лицето на кризата“.

Gjorgjev, Jelena and Petkova, Aleksandra and Gelev, Saso and Sokolovski, Aleksandar (2011) Анализа на перформанси на квалитет на сервис за voip и iptv во ipv4 и ipv6 компјутерските мрежи. In: Трета конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи.

Gjorgjev, Jelena and Zivadinovik, Milena and Gelev, Saso and Sokolovski, Aleksandar (2012) ICT business value of using a cloud based system in an enterprise environment, the case of Microsoft 365. In: Меѓународна научна конференција „Лицата на кризата“, Скопје.

Golubovska, Elena and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman (2023) Analytical estimation of optimal PV panel tilt based on clear-sky irradiance model. In: Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip, Macedonia.

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Gorgievski, Ognen and Gelev, Saso (2012) Далечинско управување/мониторирање на пумпна станица. In: Четврта конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи.

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Iliev, Dejan and Stefanov, Goce (2018) Embedded Microprocessory SCADA System for Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition in the Process of Purification of Gasses in Ferro-Nickel Factory. In: XV International Scientific Congress MTM 2018, 12-15 Sept 2018, Varna, R.Bulgaria.

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Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Cingoski, Vlatko and Pavleski, Vlatko and Saveski, Vasil (2004) Upgrading of the Spilje HPP. In: 13th Seminar on Hydropower plants, 22-24 Nov 2004, Vienna, Austria.

Jakimovski, Stefan and Gelev, Saso (2024) Autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner. In: Second international conference ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

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Jia-he, Xu and Yuan-wei, Jing and Lian-dong, Shi and Gelev, Saso and Dimirovski, Georgi (2007) UKF Based filters in INS/GPS integrated navigation systems: Novel application results. In: the 5rd IFAC WS on Automatic System for Building the Infrastructure in Developing Countries DECOM-TT 2007, 17-20 May 2007, Cesme, Turkey.

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Kokalanov, Vasko and Gicev, Vlado (2011) Energy approach of accuracy estimation of P3 and P4 Stacey boundaries. In: CIIT 2011, 16-18 March 2011, Bitola, Macedonia.

Koneska, Elena and Sukarovska-Kostadinovska, Jasminka and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gelev, Saso (2010) DoS напади кај безжичните мрежи и методи за намалување на ефектите од овие напади. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Koneski, Dejan and Gelev, Saso and Sokolovski, Aleksandar (2013) ERP System based on a model for GIS positioning of fiber optic network. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје.

Kotevska, Olivera and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Koceski, Saso (2011) Towards a Patient-Centered Collaborative Health Care System Model. In: 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology, 10-12 June 2011, Chengdu, China.

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2013) ECDH power consumption in wireless sensor networks. In: Informacione Tehnologije IT'13, 25 Feb - 01 March 2013, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Velkov, Tomce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) FEMM како едукативна алатка за решавање на проблеми од електромагнетизам. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Kukuseva, Maja and Risteski, Aleksandar and Bikov, Dusan and Milcevski, Dejan (2011) Power Analyze of Elliptic Curve Cryptography for Usage in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: ETAI-2011, 16-17 Sept 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kumpanijoska, Biljana and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2011) Нов модел за мониторинг во медицината базиран наинтеграција на RFID и WSN технологиите. In: CITYR'11, 30 Sept - 02 Oct 2011, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

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Matsutomo, Shinya and Tanizaki, Reiji and Yamauchi, Kouhei and Manabe, Tomohisa and Cingoski, Vlatko and Noguchi, So (2019) Magnetic Field Visualization System using 3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor and Augmented Reality for Education. In: COMPUMAG 2019 - Paris, 15-19 July 2019, Paris, France.

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Mihajlov, Boris and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2013) Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.15.4 under Jamming DoS Attack. In: XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

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Mihajlov, Boris and Sazdovski, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gelev, Saso (2010) Рутирачки алгоритми за услуги во MANET во реално време. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Milcevski, Dejan and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2011) Design and practical implementation of a variable duty cycle control circuit for bridge power converters. In: ETAI-2011, 16-17.09.2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

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Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija and Bozinovski, Goran (2013) Renewable energy support in Republic of Macedonia. In: 4th International Conference, 21-23 May 2013, Tatranské Matliare.

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Nagakura, Satoshi and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2001) Data Input Support System for Automatic Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Using Dynamic Bubble System. In: 13 th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, July 2-5, 2001, Lyon-Evian, France.

Nasteski, Vladimir and Gelev, Saso (2009) Безбедност на VoIP системите. In: Прва конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR.

Nikoloski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2012) DDoS напади и DDoS напади врз DNS. In: CITYR'12, 21-23 Sept 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Cvetkovski, Ivica and Gelev, Saso (2013) Моделирање на процесот на водење евиденција за извршени гаѓања, потрошувачка на муниција и обученост на единиците на АРМ. In: XI Меѓународна конференција ЕТАИ 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Dimitrovski, Dame and Gelev, Saso (2013) Нумеричка анализа и симулација на преминување на возило преку вертикална препрека на пат. In: XI Меѓународна конференција ЕТАИ 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Noguchi, So and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Economical Optimization Method of REBCO Superconducting Magnets using Game Theory. In: 15 th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, 11-13 Sept 2018, Hall in Tirol, Austria.

Ognanov, Ognance and Gelev, Saso (2012) DVB-C ws IPTV. In: Меѓународна научна конференција „Лицето на кризата“.

Oohigashi, Masakazu and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Development of Virtual Environment for Visualization of 3D Magnetic Field with Moving Object (in Japanese). In: Japanese Technical University Conference. (Unpublished)

Panov, Angel and Gelev, Saso (2019) An autonomous mobile robot for obstacle avoidance. In: 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19, Skopje, 12.11.2019, Skopje.

Paunova, Kristina and Cingoski, Vlatko (2022) Perspectives for Energy Generation in Southeast Europe using Clean Coal Technologies. In: 6th International scientific conference, 17-19 Nov 2022, Jahorina, East Sarajevo, BiH, RS.

Pejoski, Filip and Bujar, Hiseni and Gelev, Saso (2014) Можности и предизвици од влијанието на Cloud Computing врз дигиталната форензика. In: Втора меѓународна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

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Petrov, Ivan and Gelev, Saso (2017) Препораки при проектирање на лабараторија за дигитална фореника. In: Петта меѓународна научна конференција, „Науката – подршка на развојот во Југоисточна Европа“, 15-16 Dec 2017, Skopje, Macedonia.

Pleskov, Dusko and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce (2021) Simulation of an industrial robot with the help of the Matlab Software Package. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Popnikolova-Radevska, Mirka and Sarac, Vasilija and Cundev, Milan and Petkovska, Lidija (2002) 3.0 Magnetic field Analysis of Solid Salient Poles Synchronous motor. In: 37 International Scientific conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies.

Popovic, Nenad and Gelev, Saso (2021) Изработка на вешт наод и мислење од областа на електротехничките науки. In: Прва меѓународна конференција ЕТИМА 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip.

Popovski, Petar and Utkovski, Zoran and Trillingsgaard, Kasper Floe (2012) Communication through Reordering of Resources: Capacity Results and Trellis Code Design. In: Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 05-10 Feb 2012, San Diego.

Postolov, Borce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Cingoska, Marija (2017) Comparative Analysis of Energy Production of Wind Turbines with Double-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and with Conventional Induction Generator. In: XXXIII Savetovanje Energeticara Srbije - Energetika 2017, 28-31 March 2017, Zlatibor, Srbija.

Raicevic Velkovska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Sefedanoski, Anis and Kaevik, Zorica (2021) Алгоритамот „Вештачка колонија на пчели“. In: Прва меѓународна конференција ЕТИМА 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip.

Risteska, Elena and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2012) Напад со преплавување со UDP пакети. In: CITYR'12, 21-23 Sept 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

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Sapundziev, Ljupce and Gelev, Saso (2010) Имплементација на рутирачкиот протокол ospf за ipv6. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Sarac, Vasilija (2024) Impact of core saturation on operating characteristics of three-phase squirrel cage motor. In: International Conference Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - Technical Sciences applied in Economy, Education and Industry-ETIMA, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

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Sarac, Vasilija (2023) Optimization and analysis of interior permanent magnet synchronous motor. In: 16th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics – ПЕС 2023, 28-30 Aug 2023, Niš, Serbia.

Sarac, Vasilija (2021) PWM operation of synchronous permanent magnet motor. In: First international conference ETIMA 202.

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Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Application of Simulink in simulation of electrical machines. In: IT-2015, 23-28 Feb 2015, Žabljak, Crna Gora.

Sarac, Vasilija (2014) Complex analysis of performance characteristics of single phase shaded pole motor. In: XIth International Congress Machines Technologies Materials, 2014, Varna, R. Bulgaria.

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Sarac, Vasilija and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2018) Remote Control System at 110/20 kV Substation for Wind Park “Bogdanci”. In: 2018 International IEEE Conference and Workshop in Óbuda on Electrical and Power Engineering (CANDO-EPE), Budapest, Hungary, .

Sarac, Vasilija and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2016) Genetic Algorithm in Torque Optimisation of Permanently Split Capacitor Motor. In: 2016 International Conference on Smart Systems and Technologies, Osjek, Croatia.

Sarac, Vasilija and Cvetkovski, Goga (2013) GA optimisation and FEM analysis of PWM inverter inductor for LCL filter. In: ISEF 2013 - XVI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Fields in Mechatronics, 12-14 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Sarac, Vasilija and Gelev, Saso and Minovski, Dragan and Stefanov, Goce and Golubovski, Roman (2013) SCADA systems in upgrade and automatisation of s.s. 110/10 kV “Dracevo”. In: XVIII Naucno-strucni skup "Informacione tehnologije", 25 Feb - 01 March 2013, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

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Sarac, Vasilija and Minovski, Dragan and Stefanov, Goce (2020) Virtual Laboratories - an Innovative Concept in Teaching of Electrical Engineering. In: 24 th International Conference on Information Technology, Zabljak, Montenegro.

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Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2014) Мобилна автентификација на корисници со модерни криптографски методи. In: Втора меѓународна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2011) Algorithm for distributed agent based network intrusion detection system (INDS). In: The 8th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2011).

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Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2011) Information system proposal for cloud based file system. In: Трета конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи.

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2014) Using GPU for query of email spam detection systems and IDS. In: XIX Naucno strucni skup Informacione tehnologije, sadasnjost i buducnost, 14-18 Feb 2014, Zabljak, Crna Gora.

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Signature driven e-mail spam detection using network intrusion detection methodology. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје.

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Mitrev, Sasa and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Karov, Ilija (2014) Lifelong learning for creativity and innovation. In: UNITECH'14 - International Scientific Conference, 21-22 Nov 2014, Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) WI-FI Smart Power Meter. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso and Cekerovski, Todor (2021) Measurement on compensation capacitance in inductive network by microcontroller. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2021) RF sensor smart network. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip R.N.Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2021) Frequency sinus source. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2023) Intelligent Power Module Controlled By Microcomputer And Implemented In AC Motor Speed Regulator. In: Second International Conference ETIMA, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Cekerovski, Todor and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Stefanova, Sara (2020) 3-phase motor speed regulator based on microcontroller and intelligent power driver controller. In: XVII International scientific conference: Machines, technologies, materials, 9-12 Sept 2020, Varna, R.Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanova, Elena (2014) Моделирање на DC/DC конвертори за управување на еднонасочни мотори со компјутерска симулација. In: Energetika 2014, 16-17 Oct 2014, Struga, Macedonia.

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Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco (2011) Methods for resonant power converter con-trol supplying loads with variable dynamics. In: ETAI-2011, 16-17 Sept 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco (2010) Phase Controlled Bridge Converter With Serial Resonance Load. In: 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC, 8-10.09.2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Comu, Konstantin (2010) Influence of control signals of the power converter operation. In: MIPRO 2010, 33 International Convention, pp.158-163, 24-28.05.2010, Opatija, Croatia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Dzhekov, Tomislav (2010) Design of an IGBT Bridge Converter for Serial Resonant Load. In: 14th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, EPE-PEMC 2010, 8-10.09.2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Karanfilov, Dejan (2010) Design of power converter for induction furnaces with computer simulations. In: MIPRO 2010, 33 International Convention, pp.164-169, 24-28.05.2010, Opatia, Croatia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija (2010) Numerical Based Simulation and Electromagnetic Field Calculation at Metal Induction Heating. In: 14 th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Fields Calcultation in Electrical Engineering, Graz Austria.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Kukuseva, Maja and Dambov, Risto (2018) Dependence of the active power of the serial resonant bridge converter from the phase difference and the duty cycle. In: XV International Scientific Congress MTM 2018, 14-17 March 2018, Borovec, R.Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2016) Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding. In: MTMcongres16, 14-17 Sept 2016, Varna, Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja (2015) Analysis of parallel resonat converters with computer simulations. In: International Congress: Machines, Technolоgies, Materials, 16-19 Sept 2015, Varna, Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2019) Calculation of the parameters on output current in full─bridge serial resonant power converter. In: International Scientific conference MTM 2019, 11-14 Sept 2019, Varna, R.Bulgaria.

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Milcevski, Dejan (2011) Анализа на преодниот период на прекинувачите кај Н – топологија на сериски резонантен конвертор при работа со уред за индукционо загревање. In: MakoCigre-2011.

Sterjova, Marija and Minovski, Dragan (2023) Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage for Renewable Energy: System Design, Materials, and Performance. In: ETIMA 2023.

Sterjova, Marija and Minovski, Dragan (2023) Techno-Economic Evaluation of Retrofitting a 210 MW Thermal Heavy-Oil Power Plant With a Photovoltaic Solar Thermal Energy Storage System using Molten Salt: A Case Study of TEC Negotino. In: ETIMA 2023.

Sterjova, Marija and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2021) Battery energy storage systems and technologies: a review. In: ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, online via Zoom platform.

Stoilkovski, Marjan and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2013) Computer Incidents Analysis based on Live Response Script. In: XI International Conference ETAI 2013, 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Stoilkovski, Marjan and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2013) Novel First Responder Script as a Tool for Computer Forensics. In: International Conference on Advances in Computing, Electronics and Communication ACEC – 2013,, 12-13 Oct 2013, Zurich, Switzerland.

Stoilkovski, Marjan and Kaevik, Zorica and Gelev, Saso (2012) Корпорациска истрага на компјутерски криминален инцидент. In: Четврта конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи.

Stojanoski, Peco and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2012) Wireless Local Area Network Behavior under RTS Flood DoS attack. In: Telecommunications Forum (TELFOR), 20th, 20-22 Nov 2012, Belgrade, Serbia.

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Bikov, Dusan and Kobeaga, Gorka and Del Ser Lorente, Javier and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Koca, Thimjo and Ashley, Thomas and Balabanov, Todor (2017) Self Organized Networks. In: The 131st European Study Group with Industry, 15-19 May 2017, Bilbao, Spain.

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Bikov, Dusan and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Varbanov, Zlatko (2016) QURAMI challenge - Estimating the waiting time. In: The 124th European Study Group with Industry, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2016, Rome, Italy.

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Manevski, Vladimir and Kocev, Ivica and Delipetrev, Blagoj (2015) Model of crowdsorce enviromental application based on mobile photos. In: ITRO 2015, 26 June 2015, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Stojanova, Aleksandra and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Gicev, Vlado (2015) Obtaining functions from fourier series with Matlab. In: ITRO 2015, 26 June 2015, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Stojanovic, Igor and Zlatev, Zoran and Stanimirovic, Predrag and Miladinovic, Marko (2013) Application of the Moore-Penrose Inverse Matrix in Image Deblurring. In: "ETAI-2013", 26-28 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

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Sukarovska-Kostadinovska, Jasminka and Gelev, Saso (2010) ISA Server - политики за регулирање на интернет сообраќај во мрежи. In: Втора конференција за информатички технологии за млади истражувачи CITYR10.

Sukleva, Eva and Sarac, Vasilija (2009) Рутински испитувања на 110 kV SF6 прекинувачи во согласност со IEC стандардите, презентација на добиените резултати. In: MakoCigre-2009, Ohrid.

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Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Applicatrion of fuzzy logic in control systems are heat substation. In: 20 Megunarodno naucno-strucni skup Informacione tehnologije sadasnjost i buducnost, 23-28 Feb 2015, Zabljak, Monte Negro.

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Trajchevski, Neven and Kuzinovski, Mikolaj and Tomov, Mite and Cichosz, Piotr (2018) Outlook on measurement, uncertainty and mathematical representation of the physical phenomena that occur in machining processes. In: The 10th International Symposium Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2018), 6–8 June 2018, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Trajchevski, Neven and Sarac, Vasilija and Kuzinovski, Mikolaj (2019) Determination of the influence of the natural thermo-couple thermo-voltage characteristics in the modelling of machining processes by turning. In: 14th International conference of applied electromagnetics PES-2019, Nis, R. Serbia.

Trajchevski, Neven and Sarac, Vasilija and Smileski, Rose (2019) Uncertainty considerations of measuring equipment during experimental research in machining. In: 16th Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (ELMA), 6-8 June 2019, Varna, R. Bulgaria.

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Trencevska, Magdalena and Jovanovski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2012) Replay напад и методи за намалување на ефектите на овој напад кај бежичните мрежи. In: CITYR'12, 21-23 Sept 2012, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2018) 5G and software network paradigm. In: Information Technology -IT 2018. .

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Utkovski, Zoran and Durisi, Giuseppe (2012) Degrees of Freedom Analysis of the Non-coherent Block Fading MAC Channel. In: 4-th COST IC1004 Scientific Meeting, 02-04 May, 2012, Lyon, France.

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Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2014) Cyber operations - a permanent part of the global conflict. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-52016-7

Cingoski, Vlatko (2019) Основи на применета електротехника: За студенти од техничките факултети. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-623-3

Cingoski, Vlatko and MANU, (grupa avtori) (2009) Стратегија за развој на енергетиката во Република Македонија за период 2008-2020. Македонска академија на науките и уметностите, Скопје.

Cingoski, Vlatko and MANU, (grupa avtori) (2010) Стратегија за развој на обновливите извори во Република Македонија до 2020 година. Македонска академија на науки и уметности (МАНУ), Скопје.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola (2017) Енергетската ефикасност и еколошките унапредувања во хотелската индустрија. University Goce Delcev, Stip, Stip, Makedonija. ISBN 978-608-244-390-4

Deskovski, Stojce and Achkoski, Jugoslav and Temelkovski, Boban (2021) Теорија на системи и управување со примена на MATLAB/SIMULINK /. Воена академија "Генерал Михаило Апостолски", SKOPJE. ISBN 978-9989-134-12-8

Gelev, Saso (2019) Теорија на сигнали и системи. Univerzitet Goce Delcev Stip, Stip, Republika Makedonija. ISBN 978-608-244-659-2

Gelev, Saso (2020) Основи на автоматско управување. Univerzitet Goce Delcev Stip, Stip, Republika Makedonija. ISBN 978-608-244-729-2

Gelev, Saso (2022) Дискретни системи на управување. Универзитет Гоце Делчев, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-889-3

Gelev, Saso (2015) Роботика и автоматизација. Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-244-244-0

Gelev, Saso (2016) Дигитални системи на управување 1. Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-244-341-6

Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2015) Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA. ISBN 9781466687936

Koceski, Saso (2016) Графика и визуелизација. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-288-4

Loshkovska, Suzana and Koceski, Saso (2016) ICT Innovations 2015-Emerging Technologies for Better Living. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-25733-4

Sarac, Vasilija (2022) Computational Intelligence Application in Electrical Engineering. MDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel, Switzerland. ISBN 978-3-0365-4696-4

Stefanov, Goce (2021) Интелигентни електронски компоненти и уреди. University Goce Delcev Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-801-5

Tudzarov, Aleksandar (2012) Quality of Service in next generation mobile and wireless networks. LAMBERT. ISBN 978-3-8433-7765-2


Atanasova Pachemska, Tatjana and Bogatinov, Darko and Timovski, Riste and Stojanov, Trajce and Nikoloski, Krume (2023) Robotics and Inclusion for Students with Disabilities in Special Education. [Project]

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija and Kostadinova, Slavica and Vasileva, Liljana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena (2013) Functional Spaces, Topological and Statistical Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering. [Project] (In Press)

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2016) COSTAction CA15225 Fractional-order systems; analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design. [Project] (In Press)

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Sarac, Vasilija and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Miteva, Marija and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Timovski, Riste and Runcev, Kostadin and Srebrenova, Maja (2017) Contributions in mathematical theory, mathematical modelling and their applications. [Project]

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Trajchevski, Neven and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Serafimova, Nevena and Stevanoski, Goce (2019) European network of Cyber-security centers and competence Hub for Innovation and Operations (ECHO) - Research and Inovation Action. [Project] (Submitted)

Cundev, Milan and Cvetkovski, Goga and Cundeva, Snezana and Petkovska, Lidija and Sarac, Vasilija (2003) Истражување на стохастичките методии развој на генетски алгоритам за оптимално проектирање на електрични машини. [Project]

Cvetkovski, Goga and Petkovska, Lidija and Najdenkoski, Krste and Sarac, Vasilija and Kolondzovski, Zlatko and Digalovski, Mihail (2009) Истражување и примена на современи методи за компјутерски подржана анализа на електрични машини. [Project]

Cvetkovski, Goga and Petkovska, Lidija and Sarac, Vasilija and Lefi, Pol and Geir, Sinkler (2012) Зголемување на енергетска ефикасност на електроенергетски уреди со имплементација на информациски технологии во функција на заштитата на животната средина. [Project]

Gicev, Vlado and Golubovski, Roman and Popovski, Risto and Cernik - Anastasovska, Dragana and Risteska, Aleksandra and Zlatev, Zoran and Kokalanov, Vasko (2015) Распределба на сеизмичка енергија при интеракција објект-темел-почва. [Project] (Submitted)

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Velinov, Aleksandar and Stojanova, Aleksandra (2022) Robo STEAM - Inclusive Technologies (STREAM IT). [Project]

Koceski, Saso (2012) European Network on Robotics for NeuroRehabilitation. [Project]

Koceski, Saso and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Koceska, Natasa and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2015) Ubiquitous iNteroperable Care for Ageing People. [Project] (In Press)

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2012) 3D-ConTourNet - 3D Content Creation, Coding and Transmission over Future Media Networks. [Project]

Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Sazdovski, Vasko and Stojkovic, Natasa and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Vladimirov, Angel (2015) Development of novel techiques for cooperative localization and mapping using mobile robots and their application in precise agriculture. [Project]

Krstev, Aleksandar and Andonovski, Filip (2020) Софтвер за контролер за воздушен соларен систем. [Project]

Kulev, Igor and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Koceski, Saso and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena (2013) Recommendation algorithms based on collaborative filtering and their application in health care. [Project]

Kuzinovski, Mikolaj and Zebrowski, Henryk and Cichosz, Piotr and Tomov, Mite and Trajchevski, Neven and Nedelkovski, Mirce and Jovchevski, Ljupco and Kevilovski, Ognen and Kitanovski, Kire and Tiricovski, Dragi and Gonovski, Blagoja and Josifovski, Vasko (2005) Развој и воведување на методологија за определување на цената на чинење на услугите и производите во функција од бараното ниво на квалитет. [Project]

Lameski, Petre and Zdravevski, Eftim and Kulakov, Andrea and Koceski, Saso (2018) Сервис за детекција на плевел базиран на пресметки во облак. [Project]

Madjarov, Gjorgji and Gams, Matjaž and Lustrek, Mitja and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Zdravevski, Eftim and Koceski, Saso and Lameski, Petre (2018) Patient health status prediction and diagnostics based on sensor data and machine learning. [Project] (In Press)

Martinovska, Cveta (2012) Behavioural Types for Reliable Large-Scale Software Systems. [Project]

Petkovska, Lidija and Cundev, Milan and Cvetkovski, Goga and Cundeva, Snezana and Sarac, Vasilija and Salkoski, Rasim and Cogelja, Goran and Andreevski, Goran (1999) Анализа на нестационарните и несиметрични режими на електричните машини од аспект на електроенергетскиот систем. [Project]

Pop-Jordanov, Jordan and Koceski, Saso and Markovska-Simoska, Silvana (2012) Модулација на електрични мозочни осцилации (МЕМО). [Project]

Stojanovic, Igor (2013) De-identification for privacy protection in multimedia content. [Project]

Stojanovic, Igor (2012) Trustworthy Manufacturing and Utilization of Secure Devices. [Project]

Stojanovic, Igor and Zdravev, Zoran (2014) The European Network on Integrating Vision and Language (iV&L Net): Combining Computer Vision and Language Processing For Advanced Search, Retrieval, Annotation and Description of Visual Data. [Project]

Stojanovic, Igor and Zdravev, Zoran and Stanimirovic, Predrag and Miladinovic, Marko and Cekerovski, Todor and Ljubotenska, Ana and Stojanov, Ivan (2014) Applying direct methods for digital image restoring. [Project]

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Идеен проект за електротехнички инсталации за реконструкција на објект Тим’с хотел - Скопје. [Project]

Trajchevski, Neven and Stevanoski, Goce and Monika, Kacurova and Todorovska, Nadica and Marjan, Zafirovski (2023) Eмпириско истражување на кибер безбедносната готовност на електронските и информациските системи. [Project]

Trajkovik, Vladimir and Kulev, Igor and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Koceski, Saso (2011) Collaborative model for mobile system for prevention of increased blood sugar level. [Project]

Trajkovik, Vladimir and Madevska Bogdanova, Ana and Koceski, Saso and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Simjanoska, Monika (2016) Интероперабилен слоевит модел за поврзано здравство. [Project]

Utkovski, Zoran (2013) Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments. [Project]

Utkovski, Zoran (2015) Cooperative Radio Communications for Green Smart Environments. [Project]

Utkovski, Zoran (2013) Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology. [Project]

Utkovski, Zoran (2015) Optical Wireless Communications - An Emerging Technology. [Project]

Zdravev, Zoran and Delipetrev, Blagoj (2015) High-Performance Modelling and Simulation for Big Data Applications (cHiPSet). [Project]

Zdravev, Zoran and Ulanska, Tatjana and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2013) Parsing and multi-word expressions. Towards linguistic precision and computational efficiency in natural language processing (PARSEME). [Project]

Zdravevski, Eftim and Lameski, Petre and Trajkovik, Vladimir and Kulakov, Andrea and Koceski, Saso (2018) Генерирање на атрибути од фреквентен домен кај временски серии. [Project]


Cekerovski, Todor (2015) Optimization of operative management system of mobile mining equipment with application of GPS technology. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Cingoski, Vlatko (1996) Study of Improved Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Field Computations Utilizing Vector Edge Finite Elements. PhD thesis, Hiroshima University, Japan.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2021) Развој на стандарден модел на сенка кај мрежа од фотоволтаични панели за оптимизација на нејзината геометрија за поефикасна искористеност на плац. Doctoral thesis, Ss. Cyril and Methodious University - Skopje.

Delipetrev, Blagoj (2011) Модел на хидро-информационен систем на Република Македонија. PhD thesis, Универзитет Св Кирил и Методиј.

Kocaleva, Mirjana (2021) Определување на природни периоди на градежни објекти преку мерење и процесирање на амбиентални вибрации. PhD thesis, Факултет за информатика - Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип.

Kostadinova, Slavica (2016) Оптимизација на погонските трошоци кај водоснабдителните системи преку зголемување на енергетската ефикасност. Masters thesis, Unervisity Goce Delcev - Stip.

Stefanov, Goce (2014) Резонантен преобразувач за индукционо загревање на метали со подобрување на коефициентот на полезно дејство. PhD thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“, Скопје.

Stojanova, Aleksandra (2014) Динамичка визуелизација на софтвер. Masters thesis, Универзитет „Св Кирил и Методиј“ -Скопје.

Stojanova, Aleksandra (2020) Систем за амбиентално помогнато живеење и континуирано следење на биофизиолошки параметри. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University of Shtip.

Stojanovic, Igor (2011) Application of the progressive wavelet correlation for image recognition and retrieval from the collection of images - Thesis. PhD thesis, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Stojanovic, Igor (2014) Non-iterative methods for digital image restoration - Thesis. PhD thesis, University of Nis, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics.

Stojanovic, Igor (2002) Searching jpeg images and location of objects in images with multiresolution analysis. Masters thesis, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technologies.

Zlatev, Zoran (2020) Interactive design of power electronic converters with guaranteed parameters. PhD thesis, Technical University of Sofia.

Teaching Resource

Ackoski, Jugoslav (2012) Сигурност на компјутерски системи, компјутерски криминал и компјутерски тероризам. . (Unpublished)

Cekerovski, Todor and Kukuseva, Maja (2022) Скрипта по електрични актуатори и сензори. ISBN 978-608-244-901-2.

Cekerovski, Todor and Kukuseva, Maja (2022) Практикум по електрични актуатори и сензори. ISBN 978-608-244-902-9.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Инженерска економика. ISBN 978-608-244-108-5.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Основи на CAD/CAM во електротехника - скрипта. ISBN 978-608-4708-70-4.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2020) Електрични мерења: Збирка задачи и проблеми. ISBN 978-608-244-765-0.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja (2017) Практикум и збирка задачи по предметот Основи на CAD/CAM во електротехника. ISBN 978-608-244-352-2.

Gelev, Saso and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2014) Практикум по теорија на системи. ISBN 978-608-244-065-1.

Golubovski, Roman (2013) Автоматизација и процеси. ISBN 978-608-4708-82-7.

Golubovski, Roman (2014) Автоматизација и процеси -практикум. ISBN 978-608-244-068-2.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojanovic, Igor and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Bikov, Dusan and Cekerovski, Todor (2022) Практикум по архитектура на компјутери. ISBN 978-608-244-870-1.

Krstev, Aleksandar and Serafimovski, Dalibor (2019) Применето софтверско инженерство во техничките науки-скрипта. ISBN 978-608-244-696-7.

Minovski, Dragan and Kukuseva, Maja (2016) Практикум за вежби по предметот системи на квалитет и стандарди. ISBN 978-608-244-293-8.

Sarac, Vasilija (2012) Индустриска електроника. ISBN 978-608-4504-64-1.

Stefanov, Goce (2014) Микропроцесорски системи - скрипта. ISBN 978-608-244-080-4.

Stefanov, Goce (2015) Практикум задачи и вежби по микропроцесорски системи. ISBN 978-608-244-234-1.

Stefanov, Goce (2016) Збирката задачи од електроника. ISBN 978-608-244-301-0.

Stefanov, Goce (2017) Микрокомпјутери. ISBN 978-608-244-415-4.

Trajchevski, Neven (2021) ПРАКТИКУМ ПО ЕЛЕКТРОНИКА. ISBN 978-608-244-858-9.


Trajchevski, Neven (2018) Проект за слабострујна инсталација. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2019) Проект за електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2019) Проект за електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Проект за изведена состојба на електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven (2020) Елаборат за компјутерско-телефонска мрежа во објект на Aгенција за странски инвестиции и промоција на извозот. Aгенција за странски инвестиции и промоција на извозот на РСМ - Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven and Smileski, Rose (2019) Елаборат за Систем за откривање и јавување на пожар за објект на Друштвото за информатичка технологија Иборн.нет ДОО - Скопје. Кортек МБ ДОО - Скопје.

Trajchevski, Neven and Todorovski, Vladko (2021) Елаборат за термичко димензионирање на доводен кабел за напојување со електрична енергија на деловен простор. Блаком дооел - Скопје.

This list was generated on Wed Dec 18 20:10:52 2024 CET.