Items where Subject is "Agricultural biotechnology"

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Agho, Collins and Avni, Adi and Bacu, Ariola and Bakery, Ayat and Balazadeh, Salma and Shehzad Baloch, Faheem and Bazakos, Christos and Čereković, Nataša and Chaturvedi, Palak and Chauhan, Harsh and De Smet, Ive and Dresselhaus, Thomas and Ferreira, Liliana and Fíla, Jan and M. Fortes, Ana and Fotopoulos, Vasileios and Francesca, Silvana and García-Perez, Pascual and Gong, Wen and Graci, Salvatore and Granell, Antonio and Gulyás, Andrea and Hidvégi, Norbert and Honys, David and Jankovska-Bortkevič, Elžbieta and Jonak, Claudia and Jurkonienė, Sigita and Kaiserli, Eirini and Kanwar, Meenakshi and Kavas, Musa and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Kollist, Hannes and Lakhneko, Olha and ..., ... and Fragkostefanakis, Sotirios (2024) Integrative approaches to enhance reproductive resilience of crops for climate-proof agriculture. Plant Stress.

Aleksoski, Jane and Ilieva, Verica and Korubin - Aleksoska, Ana (2023) Tobacco Breeding for Leaves and Yield. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Agricultural Research (IJIAAR), Vol. 7 (4). pp. 413-421. ISSN 2602-4772

Andonovic, Zorana and Ivanova, Violeta (2014) Grape pomace application in environmental studies: from waste to natural food preservative and source of biofuel. In: CECE 2014, 20-22 Oct 2014, Brno, Czech Republic.

Andonovic, Zorana and Ivanova, Violeta and Andonovikj, Vladan (2014) Grape pomace: from waste to natural food supplement and biodiesel. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-57235-7

Andonovic, Zorana and Ivanova, Violeta and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Tasev, Krste and Beleski, Klime (2014) Production of a new diary product enriched with antioxidants from grape pomace and berries. In: XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 Oct 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Andov, Dobre and Andreevska, Danica and Ilieva, Verica (2007) Application of green manure from fodder plants as precondition for organic production of rice. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia with International Participation. pp. 325-329.

Andov, Dobre and Najcevska, Cvetanka and Andreevska, Danica and Ilieva, Verica (2003) White rice yield and products obtained during paddy rice de hulling depending on the variety and cultivation. Зборник на трудови XXVIII Средба 'Факултет - Стопанство', 11. pp. 115-127. ISSN 1409-8237

Andreevska, Danica and Andov, Dobre and Ilieva, Verica and Zaseva, Tanja (2007) Weed vegetation in rice grown in precrop of some fooder plants. Proceedings of the III Congress of Ecologists of Macedonia (6). pp. 297-302.

Andreevska, Danica and Ilieva, Verica and Andov, Dobre and Tomeva, Elizabeta (1998) The effect of fertilizers on the yield and some productive properties of three recently developed rice cultivars. Годишен зборник на Земјоделскиот институт, 18-19. pp. 125-134. ISSN 1409-5297

Andreevska, Danica and Petkovski, Dime and Spasenoski, Mirko and Ilieva, Verica (2000) Содржината на вкупните и леснодостапни форми на манган и магнезиум во оризовите почви во Кочанско Поле. Зборник на трудови - Симпозиум, Почвите и нивното искористување. pp. 239-250.

Andronikov, Darko and Kuzelov, Aco and Benedik, Evgen and Sazdova, Julijana and Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Jordeva, Sanja and Golomeova Longurova, Saska (2021) Chemical charasteristic of rabbit hibrids. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, JAPS, 19 (1). pp. 9-15. ISSN 2545-4447

Andronikov, Darko and Kuzelov, Aco and Sazdova, Julijana and Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Jordeva, Sonja and Longurova, Saska (2019) Quantitative characteristics of rabbit hybrids. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 17 (2). pp. 9-14. ISSN 2545-4447

Andronikov, Darko and Kuzelov, Aco and Taskov, Nako and Saneva, Dusica and Janevski, Aco and Mojsov, Kiro and Sofijanova, Elenica (2015) Content of nitrites and salt and chemical composition of some meat products. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 5 (1). pp. 35-41. ISSN 1857-7709

Andronikov, Darko and Kuzelov, Aco and Taskov, Nako and Saneva, Dusica and Janevski, Aco and Mojsov, Kiro and Sofijanova, Elenica (2015) The influence of the content of the brine on the growth rate and the loss of weight of some smoked pork products. In: XX Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, 13-14 March 2015, Čačak, Serbia.

Andronikov, Darko and Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Kuzelov, Aco and Sofijanova, Elenica and Indzhelieva, Dijana (2017) Proximate composition, microbiological quality and sensory characteristics in different types of pates. In: Scientific Works of University of Food Technologies, 20-21 Oct 2017, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Andronikov, Darko and Polak, Tomaz and Gasperlin, Lea and Zlender, Bozidar (2012) Effect of salt reduction on some parameters of prolonged matured dry-cured hams (kraški pršut) originated from Slovenia. In: 6th Central European Congress on Food, 23-26 May 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Angelkov, Dimitrija and Dimovska, Violeta and Nikolov, Efremco and Ilieva, Fidanka (2023) Remote management in systems for irrigation of solar energy bunaries in the viticulture. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, JAPS, 21 (1). pp. 17-30. ISSN 2545-4447

Angelkova, Tanja and Jakovlev, Zlatko and Stojanova, Marina and Bardarova, Snezana (2011) Multifunkcionalna poljoprivreda - osnova za razvoj ruralnog turizma. XVI Savetovanje o biotehnologiji sa međunarodnim učešćem, Čačak, Srbija, 16. pp. 663-667. ISSN 978-86-87611-15-3

Angelova, Ljubica and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Значењето на храната – секојдневна потреба како здравје и лек. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2023) Растителна вирологија - општ дел. Универзитет "Гоце Делчев" - Штип, Земјоделски факултет. ISBN 978-608-277-001-7

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2024) Present status of Acidovorax citrulli- causing Bacterial Fruit Blotch of watermelon fruits in North Macedonia. In: XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2024", 27-30 May 2024, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Arsov, Emilija and Trajkova, Fidanka (2023) „Развој на менторска програма за високото образование во земјоделството“. [Project]

Arsov, Emilija and Trajkova, Fidanka and Balabanova, Biljana and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Nakov, Dimitar and Atanasova, Biljana (2023) Подобрување на организацискиот пристап при реализација на практичната настава во компании. [Project]

Arsov, Emilija (2017) Erasmus + Programme, KA1 Higher education student and staff mobility. [Teaching Resource]

Arsov, Emilija (2020) InnoTech Club Платформа за промоција на наука, технологија и иновации. [Project]

Arsov, Emilija (2014) Phloem Limited Pathogens on Grapevine in the Republic of Macedonia. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Arsov, Emilija (2008) Phytoplasmas, causal agent of grapevine yellows diseases in the Republic of Macedonia. Masters thesis, Faculty of Natural Science and mathematics .

Arsov, Emilija and Ivanova, Galina and Mitrev, Sasa (2017) Multigene characterization of ‘Candidatus phytoplasma solani’ in pepper and tomato plants in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 15 (1/2). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2545-4455

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2017) Заштита при работа во лабораторија. [Teaching Resource]

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2017) Анатомски и физиолошки промени кај болните растенија - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2016) EuroXanth: Integrating science on Hanthomonadaceae for integrated plant disease management in Europe. [Project]

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2019) Implementation of accreditation method in UNILAB laboratory, for healthy life and environmental protection. In: 1 st scientific conference for Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan countries.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2019) One Step Real Time Polymerase Chain reaction using for detection of Plum Pox Potyvirus. In: 2nd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2016) Phloem Limited Pathogens of Grapevine in the Republic of Macedonia. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-3-659-82658-0

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2019) Phytoplasma infection causes physiological changes in systemic pepper leaves. In: 2nd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Casati, Paola and Bulgari, Daniela and Atilio Bianco, Piero (2014) First Report of Grapevine virus A (GVA) and Grapevine fleck virus (GFkV) in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. Plant Disease. ISSN 0191-2917

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Karov, Ilija (2015) Occurrence of grapevine leafroll-associated virus complex in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Scientific Anniversary Conference, 19-20 May 2015, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Karov, Ilija (2015) Occurrence of grapevine leafroll-associated virus complex in the Republic of Macedonia (full paper). Agricultural Science and Technology, 7 (4). pp. 455-460. ISSN 1313-8820

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Karov, Ilija and Dimovska, Violeta (2014) Presence of Stolbur Phytoplasma on local variety Stanusina. Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University. ISSN 1857- 8608

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Rusevski, Rade and Karov, Ilija and Dimovska, Violeta (2015) Присуство на вирусот на свиткување на листовите кај виновата лоза во Македонија. Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, 13 (1). pp. 5-25. ISSN 1857- 8608

Arsov, Emilija and Quaglino, Fabio and Mitrev, Sasa and Casati, Paola and Bulgari, Daniela and Atilio Bianco, Piero (2014) Multiple gene analyses identify distinct “bois noir” phytoplasma genotypes in the Republic of Macedonia. Phytopathologia meditteranea, 53 (3). pp. 491-501. ISSN 1593-2095

Arsova, Julijana and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2017) Present status of Fire Blight Caused by Erwinia amylovora on Quince Trees in the Republic of Macedonia. VEGETOS: An International Journal of Plant Research, 30 (2). ISSN 2229-4473

Atanasoski, Drasko and Ivanova, Violeta (2013) Логистиката и винската индустрија во Република Македонија. 2-ри Август, Штип. ISBN 978-608-4662-15-0

Ažderski, Јоvan and Pejkovski, Zlatko and Stojanova, Marina and Jakovlev, Zlatko and Angelkova, Tanja and Bunevski, Goko (2011) Production and consumption of meat in Republic of Macedonia. International 56th meat industry conference, Tara, 52 (1). pp. 187-192. ISSN 0494-9846


Balabanova, Biljana and Gulaboski, Rubin and Mitrev, Sasa (2014) Characterization of macro and trace elements characterization of macro and trace elements contents in edible oils with application of microwave digestion and ICP-MS. In: SOE DAAD Workshop - Polymers, 5-10 Sept 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Balabanova, Biljana and Ivanova, Violeta and Gulaboski, Rubin and Mitrev, Sasa (2015) Isotopic lead measurements in organicaly based matrix samples using the quadropole inductively coupled plasma with mass spectrometry (Q-ICP-MS). In: SOE DAAD Workshop 2015, 17-21 Sept 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Balabanova, Biljana and Ivanova, Violeta and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Mitrev, Sasa (2014) Component analysis for the influence of yeasts on multi-element composition of Vranec wines. In: XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 Oct 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Beleski, Klime and Božinović, Zvonimir and Dimovska, Violeta and Boskov, Krum and Bakeva, Verica (2007) Phyllometric study of some wine grapevine cultivar (vitis vinifera l.) from the Balkan subgroup (subconvarietas balcanica negr.). XV International Symposium, 2. pp. 637-642.

Beleski, Klime and Božinović, Zvonimir and Dimovska, Violeta and Ilic - Popova, Srebra and Doneva - Sapceska, Donka (2008) Climate influence on the grapevine phenology and anthocyanins content in wines from the Skopje vineyard area, Republic of Macedonia. VII-th International terroir Congress 2008 .

Beleski, Klime and Ivanova, Violeta and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Božinović, Zvonimir and Dimovska, Violeta (2012) Effects of Partial Defoliation on the Skin Polyphenolic Content of Syrah Grapes (Vitis Vinifera l.) Grown in Skopje Vineyard Area. In: 14th Serbian Congress of Fruit and Grapevine Producers with International Participation, 9-12 Oct 2012, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2021) Development of Botrytis cinerea under different climatic conditions. Working Paper. Lambert Academic Publisher.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2021) Development of Botrytis cinerea under reduction of pesticides treatments in Macedonian viticulture production. In: 2nd Scientific conference for Critical Environmental Issues Of The Western Balkan Countries.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2022) Development of Botrytis cinerea under reduction of pesticides treatments in Macedonian viticulture production. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 21 (1). pp. 6-19. ISSN 2581-3250

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2023) Development of hypothetical infection model based on environmental variables for Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Ton. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 24 (7). pp. 75-81. ISSN 2581-3250

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2024) Development of hypothetical infection model based on environmental variables for Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni. In: 4th International meeting agriscience & practice (ASP 13 June 2024, Stip – Republic of North Macedonia).

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2021) Entwicklung von Botrytis cinerea unter verschiedenen klimatischen Bedingungen. KS Omniscriptum Publishing. ISBN 9786204175300

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2022) Forecasting model based on cumulative degree days for incubation period of Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni. Journal of Agriculture and and Plant Sciences.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2023) Impact of disease severity on infected bunches upon a yield of grape variety Vranec, caused by Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl and De Toni. GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2023, 23 (02), 23 (2). pp. 121-128. ISSN 2581-3250

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2023) Impact of disease severity on infected bunches upon a yield of grape variety Vranec, caused by Plasmopara viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni. In: 3rd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2023), 19-20 April, 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2022) Регресиони релации помеѓу индексот на инфекција на листовите на виновата лоза и инфекцијата на гроздовите кај Plasmopara viticola (Berk & M.A.Curtis) Berl. & De Toni. In: III Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“.

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Effectiveness of Preventive Fungicide Treatments in Controlling Plasmopara Viticola Outbreaks. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Farming System.

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Foliar symptoms of Esca as a sign of vine mortality: A binary logistic regression approach. In: XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2024", 27-30 May 2024, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2023) Влијание на оштетената лисна маса од P. viticola (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Berl. & De Toni врз процентот на гликоза во гроздовите. In: IV студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 09 Nov 2023, Stip.

Bojkov, Gligor and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2018) Impact of ampelotechnical measures in the grapevine protection from occurrence of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). In: 1st International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018).

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2020) Determination on Microclimatic Conditions at Vines upon Development on Gray Mold (Botrytis cinerea). Agricultural Sciences, 11 (11). pp. 1007-1016. ISSN 2156-8561

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2019) Determination on the phyllospheric and microclimatic conditions at vines upon development on gray mold (Botrytis cinerea ). In: 1 st scientific conference for Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan countries.

Bojkov, Gligor and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2019) Impact of ampelotechnical measures in the grapevine protection from occurrence of grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) (full paper). Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, JAPS. pp. 29-41. ISSN 2545-4447

Boskov, Krum and Božinović, Zvonimir and Hristov, Petar and Petkov, Mihail and Angelova, Elizabeta (2007) The effect of pruning and cluster thinning for producing of dessert wine's raw material from semillon cultivar in Skopje wine district's conditions. XV International Symposium, 2. pp. 902-910.

Burovska, Adrijana (2019) Сортна специфичност на овесот одгледуван во услови на органско производство. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina (2020) Oдредување на некои биохемиско-физиолошки параметри кај луцерка (Medicago sativa L.). PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip. Faculty of Agriculture.

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina and Cvetanovska, Lenka and Krstik, Marija (2016) Photosynthetic status, organic production and activity of the enzyme alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different sites in the Republic of Macedonia. Knowledge - International Journal, 15.2 (2). pp. 909-914. ISSN 1857-92

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Cvetanovska, Lenka (2019) Content of total nitrogen and proteins collected in three slopes from alfalfa (Medicago sativa l.). Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 34 (3). pp. 635-640. ISSN 2545-4439

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina and Krstik, Marija and Cvetanovska, Lenka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2019) Analysis of organic acids and total acidity in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different locations in the Republic of North Macedonia. Advancement in Medical Plant Research, 73 (3). pp. 68-78. ISSN 2354-2152

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina and Krstik, Marija and Jovanovska Klincarska, Ivana and Cvetanovska, Ana and Cvetanovska, Lenka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2018) Evaluation of total phenols in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different localities in Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 16 (1). pp. 45-54. ISSN 2545-4455

Butleska Gjoroska, Valentina and Krstik, Marija and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Cvetanovska, Lenka (2019) Determination of mineral composition in the alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) collected from different regions in the Republic of North Macedonia. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 17 (1). pp. 57-65. ISSN 2545-4455


Chorbadzhiev, Pavel and Gradinarska, Dijana and Valkova- Jorgova, Katya and Kuzelov, Aco and Indjelieva, Diana (2020) Effect of type and level of collagen supplements on morphological characteristics of cooked sausages. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 30. pp. 40-47. ISSN 1857 - 8489

Cocevska, Maja and Jancovska Seniceva, Elizabeta and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Naumova-Letia, Galaba and Mirceski, Valentin (2021) Determination of quality and antioxidant activity of traditional homemade fruit vinegars produced with double spontaneous fermentation. In: 2nd Scientific conference for Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan Countries, 28-30 Oct 2021, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.


Daskalovska, Nina (2013) Англиско-македонски земјоделски речник. Просветно дело АД, Скопје. ISBN 978-9989-0-0935-8

Dedejski, George (2012) Characterization and evaluation of some lines from cherry tomatoes lycopersicon esculentum mill. Var. Cerasiforme (dunal) and their ability for micropropagation in in vitro conditions. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University.

Delic, Mersija and Behmen, Fikreta and Sefo, Semira and Drkenda, Pakeza and Dimovska, Violeta and Sunulahpasic, Amer (2017) The effect of pruning on fruiting capacity of Black Magic table grape variety. Works of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Univeristy of Sarajevo, 62 (67/2). pp. 146-153. ISSN 0033-8583

Dimitrovski, Zoran (2014) Последици и технички решенија за намалување на сообраќајните несреќи со трактори во Република Македонија. Годишен зборник, Земјоделски факултет, 12 (12). pp. 67-82. ISSN 1409-987X

Dimitrovski, Zoran (2014) Технички решенија за зголемување на безбедноста и сигурноста при експлоатација на тракторите во јавниот сообраќај. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Dimitrovski, Zoran (2014) Трагични последици при сообраќајните несреќи со трактори во Р. Македонија. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Dimitrovski, Zoran (2013) Fatal Consequences in Traffic Accidents with Tractors in the Agriculture of Republic of Macedonia. Machines, Technologies, Materials, 6. ISSN 1313-0226

Dimitrovski, Zoran (2006) Uzroci i posledice nesreca pri eksploataciji traktora u poljoprivredi. PhD thesis, Poljoprivredni fakultet, Beograd, R. Srbija.

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Dimitrov, Sasko and Cvetkov, Slavco and Kukutanov, Risto (2017) Condition of the pesticide aplication equipment in part of the Mediterranean region in the Republic of Macedonia. In: 45. Međunarodnog simpozija iz područja mehanizacije poljoprivrede, 21-24 Feb 2017, Opatia, Croatia.

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Dimitrov, Sasko and Kukutanov, Risto (2016) Stanje mašina i opreme za aplikaciju pesticida u štipskom regionu i mogučnost primene evropskog standarda EN 13790. Savremena poljoprivredna tehnika, 42 (2). pp. 95-104. ISSN 0350-2953

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Dimitrov, Sasko and Mihajlov, Vanco (2016) Operativni i vizuelni nedostatci mašina i opreme za aplikaciju pesticida u svetinikolskoj opštini. In: 18th Scientific Conference Current Problems and Tendencies im Agricultural Engineering, Dec 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Kukutanov, Risto and Gligorevic, Kosta and Oljaca, Mico (2016) Mere zaštite pri eksploataciji mašina i opreme za aplikaciju pesticida. In: 13. Nacionalna konferencija sa međunarodnim učešćem, Oct 2016, Tara, Serbia.

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Oljaca, Mico and Gligorevic, Kosta (2013) Nesreče sa vozačima traktora u javnom saobračaju Republike Makedonije za period 2005 – 2010. Traktori i pogonske mašine, 18 (3). pp. 72-78. ISSN 0354-9496

Dimitrovski, Zoran and Oljaca, Mico and Gligorevic, Kosta (2014) Nova regulativa u vezi inspekcije masina za aplikaciju pesticida u Republici Makedonije. In: 17. Naučno stručni skup sa međunarodnim učešćem „Aktuelni problemi mehanizacije poljoprivrede“, 12 Dec 2014, Zemun – Beograd, Republika Srbija.

Dimovska, Daniela and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Kovacevik, Biljana (2021) Differences in some quality traits between red and yellow cherry tomato varieties grown in Republic of Macedonia. In: 2nd Scientific conference for “Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan Countries”, 28-30 Oct 2021, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Dimovska, Daniela and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Kovacevik, Biljana (2021) The effect on genotype on some quality traits in red cherry tomato. In: 2nd Scientific conference for Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan Countries, 28-30 Oct 2021, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Dimovska, Daniela and Kovacevik, Biljana (2021) Influence of different substrates on the quality properties of tomato seedlings (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). International Journal of Agronomy and Agriculture Research, 19. ISSN 2225-3610

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Ivanova, Violeta (2013) Phenolic compounds in Macedonian grapes and wines. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-41572-2

Ivanova, Violeta and Andonovic, Zorana and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Tasev, Krste and Beleski, Klime (2014) Application of Grape Pomace as a Natural Food Preservative and Source of Biofuel. GRIN, Germany. ISBN 978-3-656-70053-1

Ivanova, Violeta and Atanasoski, Drasko (2013) Wine industry logistics in Republic of Macedonia. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-49488-8

Ivanova, Violeta and Baceva, Katerina and Bogeva, Elena and Milanov, Goran and Stafilov, Trajče (2014) Influence of Vinification Practices on the Elements Concentration in Vranec wines studied by ICP-OES. In: 14th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 28 June – 6 July 2014, Bratislava – Smolenice, Slovakia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Balabanova, Biljana and Bogeva, Elena and Frentiu, Tiberiu and Ponta, Michaela and Senila, Marin and Gulaboski, Rubin and Irimie, Florin Dan (2017) Rapid Determination of Trace Elements in Macedonian Grape Brandies for Their Characterization and Safety Evaluation. Food Analytical Methods, 10 (2). pp. 459-468. ISSN 1936-9751

Ivanova, Violeta and Balabanova, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Dimovska, Violeta and Gulaboski, Rubin (2016) Optimization and Validation of a Microwave Digestion Method for Multi-element Characterization of Vranec Wines. Food Analytical Methods, 9 (1). pp. 48-60. ISSN 1936-9751

Ivanova, Violeta and Bogeva, Elena and Stafilov, Trajče and Stefova, Marina and Siegmund, Barbara and Pabi, Nicole and Lankmayr, Ernst (2014) Study of the influence of maceration time and oenological practices on the aroma profile of Vranec wines. Food Chemistry, 165 (15). pp. 506-514. ISSN 0308-8146

Ivanova, Violeta and Boros, Borbala and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Dimovska, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Kilár, Ferenc (2011) Phenolic composition, colour and antioxidant activity of Vranec, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon wines from R. Macedonia. In: 10th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, September, 18-28, 2011, Graz, Austria.

Ivanova, Violeta and Boros, Borbala and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Kilár, Ferenc (2011) Phenolic Composition, Colour and Antioxidant Activity of Vranec, Merlot and Cabernet Sauvignon Wines from R. Macedonia. In: International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, September, 18-28, 2011, Graz, Austria.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dimovska, Violeta (2010) Determination of Total Flavan-3-Ols in Wines from Macedonia. Yearbook, Goce Delcev University – Stip, Faculty of Agriculture. pp. 45-57.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dimovska, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Tasev, Krste and Balabanova, Biljana and Ilieva, Fidanka and Petreska Stanoeva, Jasmina (2016) Biogenic aminies and aroma in Vranec wines from Macedonia and Montenegro and effect of malolactic fermentation on their formation. [Project]

Ivanova, Violeta and Durakova, Sanja and Ricci, Arianna and Parpinello, Giuseppina P. and Versari, Andrea (2016) Extraction and evaluation of natural occurring bioactive compounds and change in antioxidant activity during red winemaking. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 53 (6). pp. 2634-2643. ISSN 0975-8402

Ivanova, Violeta and Durakova, Sanja and Ricci, Arianna and Parpinello, Giuseppina P. and Versari, Andrea (2016) Influence of Maceration Time on Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Stanušina Wines. In: 16th CEEPUS Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, July 6 - 15, 2016, Warsaw, Poland.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Kilár, Ferenc and Márk, László and Vojnoski, Borimir and Boros, Borbala and Beleski, Klime and Stafilov, Trajče and Stefova, Marina (2009) HPLC-MS and Spectrophotometric Assay of the Phenolic Content of Macedonian Red and White Grape Varieties. In: 8th Balaton Symposium on High-Performance Separation Methods and 15th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, 2-4 Sept 2009, Balaton, Hungary.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Kilár, Ferenc and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stafilov, Trajče and Stefova, Marina (2009) Phenolic content of Macedonian grapes followed at different physiological stages. In: CEEPUS International Symposium and Summer Schools on Bioanalysis, 6-12, September, 2009, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Márk, László and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stafilov, Trajče and Stefova, Marina and Kilár, Ferenc (2011) Polyphenolic content of Vranec wines produced by different vinification conditions. Food Chemistry, 124. pp. 316-325.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Kilár, Ferenc and Márk, László (2011) Rapid MALDI-TOF-MS Detection of Anthocyanins in Wine and Grape Using Different Matrices. Food Analytical Methods, 4. pp. 108-115.

Ivanova, Violeta and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Márk, László and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro and Kilár, Ferenc (2014) Application of a Novel Small-Scale Sample Cleanup Procedure Prior to MALDI-TOF-MS for Rapid Pigment Fingerprinting of Red Wines. Food Analytical Methods, 7 (4). pp. 820-827. ISSN 1936-9751

Ivanova, Violeta and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro and Boros, Borbala and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Kilár, Ferenc (2015) Phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Macedonian red wines. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 52. pp. 1-41. ISSN 0889-1575

Ivanova, Violeta and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro and Vojnoski, Borimir and Gulaboski, Rubin (2015) Nutritional phenolic compounds in red wines determined by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MS and MS/MS technique. In: SOE DAAD Workshop 2015, 17-21 Sept 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Jakabová, Silvia and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Pavlík, Vladimír and Balážová, Želmira and Hegedűs, Ondrej (2015) Determination of Pb and Cd in Macedonian Wines by Electrothermal Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (ETAAS). Food Analytical Methods, 8 (8). pp. 1947-1952. ISSN 1936-9751

Ivanova, Violeta and Meudec, Emmanuelle and Souquet, Jean-Marc and Vojnoski, Borimir and Cheynier, Veronique and Stefova, Marina (2010) HPLC analysis of hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives in Smederevka and Chardonnay wines. In: XXI Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 23-26, September, 2010, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Milanov, Goran and Sarafimovska, Ana and Beleski, Klime and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče (2008) HPLC determination of ogranic acids in Macedonian wines. In: 20th Congress of Chemists and Technologysts of Macedonia, 17-20, September, 2008, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Mitrev, Sasa (2014) Determination of SO2 and reducing sugars in Macedonian wines. Yearbook of Faculty of Agriculture, 12. pp. 7-18. ISSN 1409-987X

Ivanova, Violeta and Mitrev, Sasa and Karov, Ilija and Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Balabanova, Biljana and Kovacevik, Biljana (2013) Polyphenolic and aroma profile of Vranec wines fermented with isolated yeasts from Tikveš wine area. [Project]

Ivanova, Violeta and Mitrev, Sasa and Leitner, Erich and Lankmayr, Ernst and Siegmund, Barbara and Stafilov, Trajče (2015) Analysis of fatty acids in selected Macedonian edible oils. In: 15th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 13-18 July 2015, Tr. Mures, Romania.

Ivanova, Violeta and Mitrev, Sasa and Leitner, Erich and Lankmayr, Ernst and Siegmund, Barbara and Stafilov, Trajče (2015) Characterization of volatile compounds in Macedonian edible oils. In: 15th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, 13-18 July 2015, Tg. Mures, Romania.

Ivanova, Violeta and Mitrev, Sasa and Stafilov, Trajče and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Leitner, Erich and Lankmayr, Ernst and Siegmund, Barbara (2015) Characterisation of traditional Macedonian edible oils by their fatty acid composition and their volatile compounds. Food Research International, 77 (3). pp. 506-514. ISSN 0963-9969

Ivanova, Violeta and Petruseva, Dragana and Mitrev, Sasa (2015) Methods for determination of SO2 and reducing sugars in wines and alcoholic beverages. Yearbook of Faculty of Agriculture, 13 (1). pp. 119-127. ISSN 1409-987X

Ivanova, Violeta and Ricci, Arianna and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Dimovska, Violeta and Parpinello, Giuseppina P. and Versari, Andrea (2014) Influence of yeast strains on phenolic composition and antioxidant activity of Vranec wines. In: XXIII Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 Oct 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Ricci, Arianna and Nedelkovski, Dusko and Dimovska, Violeta and Parpinello, Giuseppina P. and Versari, Andrea (2015) Targeted analysis of bioactive phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of Macedonian red wines. Food Chemistry, 171. pp. 412-420. ISSN 0308-8146

Ivanova, Violeta and Souquet, Jean-Marc and Meudec, Emmanuelle and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stefova, Marina and Cheynier, Veronique (2010) Influence of maceration time, SO2 and yeast strain on the content of phenolic compounds in wines from Vranec and Merlot varieties. In: XXV the International Conference on Polyphenols, August, 24-27, 2010, Montpellier, France.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina (2011) Phenolic Bioactives in Grapes and Grape-Based Products. In: Fruit and Cereal Bioactives: Sources, Chemistry, and Applications. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, pp. 171-184.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Chinnici, Fabio (2010) Determination of the polyphenol contents in Macedonian grapes and wines by standardized spectrophotometric methods. Journal of the Serbian Chemical Society, 75 (1). pp. 45-59.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Hermosín-Gutiérrez, Isidro (2011) Phenolic composition of red wines from Republic of Macedonia. In: IX Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry of students from Republic of Macedonia, 06-09.10. 2011, Skopje, R. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Bíró, Ildiko and Bufa, Anita and Kilár, Ferenc (2012) Validation of a Liquid-liquid Extraction Method for Analysis of Wine Aroma Compounds with GC-MS. In: 12th International Symposium and Summer School on Bioanalysis, July, 4-14, 2012, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Stafilov, Trajče and Vojnoski, Borimir and Bíró, Ildiko and Bufa, Anita and Kilár, Ferenc (2012) Validation of a Method for Analysis of Aroma Compounds in Red Wine using Liquid–Liquid Extraction and GC–MS. Food Analytical Methods, 5. pp. 1427-1434.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Vojnoski, Borimir (2009) Assay of the phenolic profile of Merlot wines from Macedonia: Effect of maceration time, storage, SO2 and temperature of storage. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 28 (2). pp. 141-149. ISSN 1857 – 5552

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Vojnoski, Borimir and Beleski, Klime and Dimovska, Violeta (2012) Phenolic Content of Vranec Grapes During Ripening. In: 22nd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09, September, 2012, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Vojnoski, Borimir and Dörnyei, Ágnes and Márk, László and Dimovska, Violeta and Stafilov, Trajče and Kilár, Ferenc (2011) Identification of polyphenolic compounds in red and white grape varieties grown in R. Macedonia and changes of their content during ripening. Food Research International, 44. pp. 2851-2860.

Ivanova, Violeta and Stefova, Marina and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stafilov, Trajče and Bíró, Ildiko and Bufa, Anita and Felinger, Attila and Kilár, Ferenc (2013) Volatile Composition of Macedonian and Hungarian Wines Assessed by GC/MS. Food and Bioprocess Technology, An International Journal, 6 (6). pp. 1609-1617. ISSN 1935-5130

Ivanova, Violeta and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stefova, Marina (2011) Effect of the Winemaking Practices and Aging on Phenolic Content of Smederevka and Chardonnay Wines. Food and Bioprocess Technolog, 4. pp. 1512-1518.

Ivanova, Violeta and Vojnoski, Borimir and Stefova, Marina (2012) Effect of winemaking treatment and wine aging on phenolic content in Vranec wines. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 49 (2). pp. 161-172.

Ivanova, Violeta and Wiltsche, Helmar and Stafilov, Trajče and Motter, Herber and Stefova, Marina and Lankmayr, Ernst (2013) Inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and inductively coupled plasma – optical emission spectrometry (IP-OES) analysis of elements in Macedonian wines. In: 13th International Symposium and Summer School on BIoanalysis, 27June-7 July 2013, Debrecen, Hungary.

Ivanova, Violeta and Wiltsche, Helmar and Stafilov, Trajče and Stefova, Marina and Motter, Herber and Lankmayr, Ernst (2013) Multi-element analysis of Macedonian wines by inductively coupled plasma–mass spectrometry (ICP–MS) and inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (IP–OES) for regional classification. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 32 (2). 265 -281. ISSN 1857-5552


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Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Dedejski, George (2012) Eвалуација на некои генотипови oд црешовиден домат и одредување на нивната способност за микропропагација во in vitro услови. Годишен зборник 2011 - Yearbook. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Dedejski, George (2012) In vivo and in vitro production of some genotypes of cherry tomato Solanum lycopersicum var. cerasiforme (Dunal). International Journal of Farming and Allied Science, 1 (4). pp. 91-96. ISSN 2012-1-4/

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Gulaboski, Rubin and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Trajkova, Fidanka and Maksimova, Viktorija (2013) Capsaicin - Inhibitory Factor for Somatic Embriogenesis in Pepper Anther Culture. Electronic Journal of Biology, 9 (2). pp. 29-36. ISSN 1860-3122

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Gulaboski, Rubin and Trajkova, Fidanka and Maksimova, Viktorija and Velesanova, Ivana (2017) Application of biotechnological methods for improvement of plant species. [Project] (In Press)

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Iljovska Tusev, Jasmina and Trajkova, Fidanka (2014) Micropropagation of different aromatic plants. In: Plant Physiology and Genetics Achievements and Challenges, 24-26 Sept 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Janev, Dragi (2008) Од органски отпад до органски компост. Manual. AgroBiotika.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Gulaboski, Rubin and Trajkova, Fidanka and Maksimova, Viktorija (2013) Extraction of capsaicin from hot peppers and determination of its antioxidant properties. [Project] (In Press)

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Maksimova, Viktorija and Spasov, Dusan (2013) Content of capsaicin extracted from hot pepper (Capsicum annuum ssp. microcarpum L.) and its use as an ecopesticide. Hemijska industrija, 67 (4). pp. 671-675. ISSN 2217-7426

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Spasenoski, Mirko (2001) Possibilityes of uses of some new methods for free of viruses production of plants. Годишен зборник 2001, Yearbook, 1. pp. 27-33. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Trajkova, Fidanka and Ilievski, Mite (2012) Micropropagation of Potato Solanum tuberosum L. Electronic Journal of Biology, 8 (3). pp. 45-49. ISSN 1860-3122

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Rafajlovska, Vesna and Spasenoski, Mirko (2004) Продукција на капсаицин во култура од пиперка (Capsicum annuum L.) во услови in vitro. In: XVIII конгрес на хемичарите и технолозите на Македонија, 23-25 Sept 2004, Охрид, Македонија.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Sachevska, Violeta (2010) Micropropagation of some horticulture and garden species under in vitro conditions. In: Biotechnology days in Macedonia, Skopje 30.9.2010 - 2.10 2010, Republic of Macedonia, "Biotechnology days in Macedonia" Skopje 30.9.2010 - 2.10 2010, Republic of Macedonia.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Sofijanova, Elenica (2011) Qualification Framework - Instrument for Development of Qualifications in Lifelong Learning. In: III Simpozium of imternational participation "Education in 21 century" - Bitola, 09- december 2011-, Bitola .

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (2002) Callus induction of pepper anthers. Годишен зборник 2002, Yearbook, 2. pp. 22-32. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (2003) Вкоренување и аклиматизација на микропропагирана пиперка(Capsicum annuum L.). II Kongres na Ekolozi.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (1995) Одгледување на врвни пупки од пиперка (Capsicum annuum L.) сорта Куртовска капија во култура in vitro. Годишен зборник за заштита на растенијата, VI (1). pp. 237-242. ISSN 1409-5084

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (2002) Micropropagation of some ornamental plants. Годишен зборник 2002, Yearbook, 2. pp. 12-21. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (1996) Some morphological and biological characteristics of pepper produced under in vitro conditions. In: I Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, 4-7 July 1996, Belgrade, Yugoslavia.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko (2001) The effect of some cytokinins on pepper ogranogenesis (Capsicun annuum L.c.v. Kurtovska kapija and zlaten medal) cultured in vitro. Годишен зборник 2001, Yearbook, 1. pp. 23-26. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Rafajlovska, Vesna (2003) Content of capsaicin in pepper fruits(Capsicum annuum L.). Годишен зборник 2003, Yearbook, 3. pp. 79-86. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Rafajlovska, Vesna (2004) Content of photosynthetic pigments in pepper in vitro cultures. Годишен зборник 2004/2005, Yearbook. pp. 75-83.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Rafajlovska, Vesna (2004) In vivo and in vitro content of capsaicin in pepper(Capsicum annuum L.). Proceedings VIII Symposium Biotechnology and agroindustry. pp. 252-259.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Spasenoski, Mirko and Trajkova, Fidanka (2007) Somatic embryogenesis in pepper anther culture: the effect of incubation treatments and different media. Scientia Horticulturae, 111 (2). pp. 114-119. ISSN 0304-4238

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) Some Physiological Characteristics of Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) produced In vitro. Electronic Journal of Biology, 7 (7). pp. 1-5. ISSN 1860-3122

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2016) Практикум по Физиологија на растенијата - резензиран парактикум. [Teaching Resource]

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2012) Anther Culture of Pepper: Morphological Characteristics of Fruits of Androgenetic Pepper Lines (Capsicum Annuum L.). Journal of Research in Agriculture, 1 (2). pp. 136-145. ISSN 136-145

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2018) Application of phytohormones in improvement of agricultural and horticultural species in in vitro and in vivo conditions. In: 1st International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018), 10-11 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2009) Морфолошки карактеристики на плодови од андрогенетски линии пиперка (Capiscum annuum L.) одгледувани во пластеник (2007-2009). Годишен Зборник 2009 - Yearbook. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2012) In vitro response from different explants at some vegetable species. In: Scientific conference of UFT Food science engeneering and technology,

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2015) The effect of plant growth regulators on morphogenesis in tissue culture of some agriculture species. In: Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium “Agrosym 2015”, 15-18 Oct 2015, Jahorina, Bosnia and Hercegovina.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2010) Производствeни карактеристики на црешовиден домат Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme (Dunal) во струмичкиот реон. Годишен зборник 2010 - Yearbook, 10. pp. 35-45. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2016) The role of plant biotechnology methods in sustainable agriculture. In: 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation, 19-22 Oct 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Dimeska, Gordana and Spasenoski, Mirko (2009) Androgenesis Efficiency in Anther Culture of Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.). In: ISHS Acta Horticulturae 830: IV Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Ilievski, Mite (2010) Содржина на некои биогени елементи и други физиолошки карактеристики кај пиперка (capsicum annuum l.) добиени во in vivo и in vitro услови. Годишен зборник 2010 - Yearbook, 10. pp. 69-79. ISSN 1409-987X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Troiciki, Julijana (2017) Influence of different auxins on rooting of rosemary, sage and elderberry. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 12 (5). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2347-565X

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Spasenoski, Mirko (2008) Примена на андрогенезата како метод за подобрување на разновидноста на земјоделските култури. III Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Spasenoski, Mirko (2007) Effectiveness of androgenesis induced in anther culture of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Progress in Research on Capsicum and Eggplant.

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Stojkova, Irena (2014) Microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University -Stip, XII. ISSN 1857-8608

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Stojkova, Irena (2016) The effect of plant growth regulators and sucrose on microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Romanian Agricultural Research, 33. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2067-5720

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Troiciki, Julijana (2015) Stimulation of vegetative propagation with auxins in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinialis L.) and sage (Salvia officinialis L.). Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University -Stip, 13. pp. 69-82. ISSN 1857-8608

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2008) Биотехнологија и биодиверзитет: Аспекти на подобрување на генетските ресурси на земјоделските култури. Годишен Зборник 2008 - Yearbook. ISSN 1409-987X

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja (2014) Производство на екстракти од растително потекло - рецензирана скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Ilieva, Fidanka and Dimovska, Daniela (2023) Chemical composition and antioxidant activity of XAD-7 extracts from lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.). In: 3rd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice, 19-20 Apr 2023, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Maksimova, Viktorija and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2022) Oxidomics: A new approach to study the lipid oxidation and qualitative properties of cold-pressed vegetable oils. In: 11th Conference on medicinal and aromatic plants of southeast European countries (CMAPSEEC), 6-10 Oct 2022, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Donev, Ivan (2022) Impact of the hybrid on the fatty acid composition and thermal stability of cold-pressed sunflower oils produced from 17 newly cultivated hybrids from the region of North Macedonia. La rivista italiana delle sostanze grasse. ISSN 0035-6808

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Arsova, Julijana and Petruseva, Dragana and Pignitter, Marc (2022) Oxidomics-guided development of cold pressed oils rich in antioxidants by improving manufacturing processes. [Project]

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Pljevljakusic, Dejan and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Dimovska, Daniela and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Fidanka (2022) Chemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial effect of Lavandula essential oil used as a natural antioxidant for cold-pressed oils. In: 11th Conference on medicinal and aromatic plants of southeast European countries (CMAPSEEC), 6-10 Oct 2022, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Wilkens, Andrea and Stefova, Marina and Ivanova, Violeta and Vojnoski, Borimir and Mirhosseini, Hamed and Winterhalter, Peter (2012) Stilbene levels and antioxidant activity of Vranec and Merlot wines from Macedonia: effect of variety and enological practices. Food Chemistry, 135. pp. 3003-3009. ISSN 0308-8146

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Arsov, Emilija (2021) Производство и контрола на квалитет на термички стабилно ладно-цедено масло за пржење и готвење од нови високо-квалитетни хибриди на сончоглед. [Project]

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Catalin Moţ, Augustin and Mitrev, Sasa and Gulaboski, Rubin and Brühl, Ludger and Mirhosseini, Hamed and Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Radu and Matthäus, Bertrand (2018) Bioactive compounds and “in vitro” antioxidant activity of some traditional and non-traditional cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonia. Journal of Food Science and Technology. pp. 1-10. ISSN 0022-1155

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Kovacevik, Biljana (2019) Chemical composition, antiradical and antimicrobial activity of extracts and cold-pressed edible oils from Macedonian nutty fruits. In: 2ndInternational Meeting Agriscience & Practice, ASP 2019, 12 Apr 2019, Stip, North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Ilieva, Fidanka and Dimovska, Violeta (2020) Quality of pomegranates from the region of North Macedonia. Project Report. Lambert Academic Publishing - LAP.

Kostadinovski, Vasil and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2020) Observation of grapevine phytoplasmas status (Candidatus phytoplasma solani) in the Republic of North Macedonia. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 18 (1). pp. 29-36. ISSN 2545-4455

Kostka, Tina and Ostberg-Potthoff, Johanna Josefine and Stärke, Joachim and Guigas, Claudia and Seiichi, Matsugo and Mirceski, Valentin and Stojanov, Leon and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Winterhalter, Peter and Esatbeyoglu, Tuba (2022) Bioactive phenolic compounds from Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea L.): extraction, chemical characterization, fractionation and cellular antioxidant activity. Antioxidants, 11 (3). pp. 467-482. ISSN 2076-3921

Kovacevik, Biljana (2003) SOURDOMICS (CA18101) Sourdough biotechnology network towards novel, healthier and sustainable food and bioprocesses. In: Fermented Foods & Health, 03.03.2023, Brussel.

Kovacevik, Biljana (2003) Sourdough biotechnology network towards novel, healthier and sustainable food and bioprocesses. In: BrIAS Workshop "Fermented Foods & Health". (Unpublished)

Kovacevik, Biljana and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Esatbeyoglu, Tuba and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Qamar, Muhammad and Rocha, Joao Miguel F. (2024) Biopreservation in Flours and Bread. In: Novel Approaches in Biopreservation for Food and Clinical Purposes. Taylor & Francis Group, Stip.

Kovacevik, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Strobilurins – quinone outside inhibitors: development, applications, and resistance. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip.

Kovacevik, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Todevska, Daniela (2024) The role of essential oil in plant protection: effective biopesticides or just a myth? In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip.

Krsteska, Izabela and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2022) Одгледување на пиперка и проблеми при производството во Р. Северна Македонија. In: III Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“.

Kulukovska, Cvetanka and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2021) Real time PCR method for PPV diagnostic on plums and apricot in the Republic of North Macedonia. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 19 (2). pp. 37-45. ISSN 2545-4447

Kulukovska, Cvetanka and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2021) Use of Real Time methods for different investigation at environmental protection. In: 2nd Scientific conference for Critical Environmental Issues Of The Western Balkan Countries.

Kunguloski, Dzoko and Atanasova - Pancevska, Natalija and Dimovska, Daniela (2017) Impact of microbiological fertilizers on soil microbiota. 10th Balkan congress of Microbiology. p. 368.

Kuzelov, Aco and Malinov, Boban and Joshevska, Elena (2021) Fettsäurezusammensetzung und Sensorik von halblanglebiger mazedonischer Wurst Aco Kuzelov, Boban Malinov , Elena Joshevska. Fleischwirtschaft, 7-2021 (7-2021). pp. 196-201. ISSN 0015-363X

Kuzelov, Aco (2013) Производство, обработка и преработка на месо. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-4708-16-2

Kuzelov, Aco (2015) Традиционални месни производи. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-233-4

Kuzelov, Aco (2010) Impact on the quality of the meat by the lenght of transport of pigs. Godisnik Nauka Obrazovanie - Iskustvo (6). pp. 274-279.

Kuzelov, Aco and Agunova, Larisa (2016) Geriatric dietary meat-based products. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 6 (1). pp. 51-57. ISSN 1857- 7709

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Naseva, Dijana and Marenceva, Daniela (2015) Effect of garlic extract on the microbiological status and sensory properties of pork minced meat. In: International conference on Food Science Engineering and Technology, 20-23 Oct 2015, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Sofijanova, Elenica and Taskov, Nako and Naseva, Dijana and Saneva, Dusica and Kletnikoski, Petar (2014) The influence of extracts on the durability of different ground meats and sausages. [Project] (In Press)

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Taskov, Nako and Saneva, Dusica and Naseva, Dijana and Sofijanova, Elenica (2015) Influence of the basil extracts and arillus myristicae on antioxidative changes in semidurable sausages. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 5 (1). pp. 31-34. ISSN 1857-7709

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Taskov, Nako and Saneva, Dusica and Sofijanova, Elenica (2015) Antimicrobiological effect of extracts from spices during production of semidurable national sausages. Macedonian Journal of Animal Science, 5 (1). pp. 25-30. ISSN 1857 - 7709

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Taskov, Nako and Sofijanova, Elenica and Saneva, Dusica (2017) Oxidative stability effect of basil, garlic and muscat blossom extracts on lipids and microbiology of minced meat. Comptes rendus de l'Académie bulgare des Sciences, 70 (9). pp. 1227-1236. ISSN 1310-1331

Kuzelov, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Taskov, Nako and Sofijanova, Elenica and Saneva, Dusica and Naseva, Dijana (2016) The influence of the garlic extract on the chemical composition, microbiological status and the sensory characteristics of minced pork meat and the semi-durable sausage. Macedonian journal of animal science, 6 (1). pp. 41-46. ISSN 1857 -7709

Kuzelov, Aco and Chorbadziev, Pavel and Boyanova, Petja and Dvoryaninova, Olga and Sokolov, Aleksandar (2017) Application of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria as starter cultures for dry fermented sausages. I. influence on pH value and color characteristics of meat products. In: Системный анализ и моделирование процессов, 15 May 2017, Voronez, Russia.

Kuzelov, Aco and Cigulevska Kirovska, Olga (2009) Application of a new micro­ enzymatic preparation in processing of canned beef meat products. Journal for meat production, processing and research, 24 (4). pp. 63-65. ISSN D 42804 F

Kuzelov, Aco and Cigulevska Kirovska, Olga (2013) The impact of the combination of citrates and acetates on the shelf-life of beef packaged in a modified atmosphere. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 29 (3). pp. 505-511. ISSN 1450-9156

Kuzelov, Aco and Ilieva, Verica and Taskov, Nako and Saneva, Dusica (2015) Influence of the sweet red paper extract on the quality and oxidative changes in fats of sausages. Agricultural Science and Technology, 7 (3). pp. 372-378. ISSN 1313-8820

Kuzelov, Aco and Ilieva, Verica and Taskov, Nako and Sofijanova, Elenica and Andronikov, Darko and Saneva, Dusica and Vasilev, Kostadin (2015) Antioxidative Wirkung von Gewürzextrakten. Journal Fleischwirtschaft (11). pp. 126-130.

Kuzelov, Aco and Mladenov, M (2010) Yield of pork carcass meat from Dalant breed. In: Naucna konferencija s mezdunarodno ucastie - Scientific works, Volume LVII issue 1, 15 - 16 oktomvri 2010, Plovdiv.

Kuzelov, Aco and Naseva, Dijana and Bojkov, Goran (2009) Statistical processing of the chemicalanalysis of some meat products. Годишен Зборник 2009 - Yearbook, IX (11). pp. 77-86. ISSN 1409-987X

Kuzelov, Aco and Stojanovski, Mitre (2010) Anatomsko - topografske karakteristike unutrasnih organa kod svinja. Zbornik Radova, XV Savetovanje o biotehnologii, 15 (5). pp. 873-840.

Kuzelov, Aco and Stojanovski, Mitre (2010) Ucesce masa misica muskulus semimembranosus i muskulus semitendinosus u trupovima i butovima kod svinja rase Daland. Zbornik radova - XV Savetovanje o Biotehnologiji, 15(17) (5). pp. 833-836.

Kuzelov, Aco and Stojanovski, Mitre and Josevska, Elena and Marenceva, Daniela (2013) Impact of Technological Procedures Safety of Meat Products Producer In Industrial Conditions. Journal of Mountain Agriculture on the Balkans, 16 (4). pp. 863-870. ISSN 1311-0489

Kuzelov, Aco and Stojanovski, Mitre and Taskov, Nako and Sofijanova, Elenica and Saneva, Dusica (2013) Uticaj težine i presovanje buta na kalo svinjskog pršuta proizvedenog u industrijskim uslovima. In: XVIII Savetovanje o biotehnologiji, 15 -16 March 2013, Cacak, Republika Srbija.

Kuzmanovski, Vladimir and Kuzelov, Aco and Joshevska, Elena (2018) Influence of olive oil on the fatty acids composition of coarse chopped boiled sausages. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 16 (2). pp. 43-49. ISSN 2545-4455

Kuzmanovski, Vladimir and Kuzelov, Aco and Joshevska, Elena (2018) Use of cold-pressed olive oil for improvement the quality of Kranj sausages Vladimir Kuzmanovski*, Aco Kuzelov1, Elena Joshevska2. Scientific Works University of Food Technologies Plovdiv Bulgaria, LXV (1). pp. 24-28. ISSN E - ISSN 2535 - 1311


Maksimova, Viktorija (2016) Evaluation of the antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of capsaicinoids extracted from capsicum sp. cultivated in Republic of Macedonia. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Maksimova, Viktorija and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Shishovska, Maja (2016) Процентуална застапеност на капсаициноиди во плодови од Capsicum sp. култивирани во Република Македонија. Годишен зборник 2016, Земјоделски факултет, 14 (1). ISSN 1409-987X

Maksimova, Viktorija and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Gulaboski, Rubin (2014) Oдредување на вкупни антиоксидативни особини на капсаициноиди во Capsicum видови култивирани во Република Македонија. Годишен зборник 2014, Yearbook (12). pp. 101-109. ISSN 1409-987X

Maksimova, Viktorija and Mirceski, Valentin and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Gulaboski, Rubin (2015) Electrochemical evaluation of the mechanisam of oxidation of capsaicin and its dependence of different pH values of the medium. In: SOE DAAD Workshop 2015, 17-21 Sept 2015, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Malinov, Boban and Kuzelov, Aco (2020) Qualitative characteristics of sausages made with addition of pumpkin and black seed oils. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 18 (2). pp. 25-31. ISSN 2545-4455

Malinov, Boban and Kuzelov, Aco and Joshevska, Elena and Ilieva, Verica and Barbareeva, Elizabeta (2019) Influence of various cold-pressed oils on the chemical composition and microbiological quality of sausages. In: Scientific works of University of Food Technologies Scientific conference with international participation Food science enginering and technology participation, 11-12 Oct 2019, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Manevska, Kristina and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2018) Xylella fastidiosa – possible threat in production of grapevine and olive trees in the Republic of Macedonia. In: 1st International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018).

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Verica and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilievski, Mite and Petkovski, Nenad (2021) Study of relationship between yield and yield related components in spring barley varieties using multivariate analysis. In: 2nd Scientific conference for Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan Countries, 28-30 Oct 2021, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilievski, Mite and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Assessment of genetic diversity among barley varieties with different origin using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In: IV International Meeting "Agriscience & Practice", APS 2024, 13 June 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilievski, Mite and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Assessment of genetic diversity among barley varieties with different origin using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Science, 22 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2545-4455

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