Items where Year is 2024

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Adjiski, Vancho (2024) Detection of personal protective equipment through automated systems based on computer vision and machine learning. In: Technology of underground and surface mining of mineral raw materials, Podeks - Poveks ’24, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Adjiski, Vancho and Angjusheva, Biljana (2024) Enhancing Environmental Management of Mining Legacies: Database, Mapping, and Monitoring Insights from COST Action Remindnet. In: Book of Abstracts, 27th Congress of the SCTM, 25-28 Sept 2024, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Adjiski, Vancho and Serafimovski, Dalibor (2024) GIS-and AHP-based Decision Systems for Evaluating Optimal Locations of Photovoltaic Power Plants: Case Study of Republic of North Macedonia. Geomatics and environmental engineering, 18 (1). pp. 51-82. ISSN 2300-7095

Agho, Collins and Avni, Adi and Bacu, Ariola and Bakery, Ayat and Balazadeh, Salma and Shehzad Baloch, Faheem and Bazakos, Christos and Čereković, Nataša and Chaturvedi, Palak and Chauhan, Harsh and De Smet, Ive and Dresselhaus, Thomas and Ferreira, Liliana and Fíla, Jan and M. Fortes, Ana and Fotopoulos, Vasileios and Francesca, Silvana and García-Perez, Pascual and Gong, Wen and Graci, Salvatore and Granell, Antonio and Gulyás, Andrea and Hidvégi, Norbert and Honys, David and Jankovska-Bortkevič, Elžbieta and Jonak, Claudia and Jurkonienė, Sigita and Kaiserli, Eirini and Kanwar, Meenakshi and Kavas, Musa and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Kollist, Hannes and Lakhneko, Olha and ..., ... and Fragkostefanakis, Sotirios (2024) Integrative approaches to enhance reproductive resilience of crops for climate-proof agriculture. Plant Stress.

Ailer, Štefan and Benešová, Lucia and Janás, Martin and Forneck, Astrid and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Evaluation of grape phylloxera’s (Dactylosphaera vitifoliae) occurrence during the BBCH 13-71 phenophases in the 2024 vegetation year. In: XXIII. Slovak and Czech Conference on Plant Protection, 10-12 Sept 2024, Nitra, Slovakia.

Ailer, Štefan and Benešová, Lucia and Janás, Martin and Forneck, Astrid and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Monitoring the effects of active substances used to treat Plasmopara viticola in Nitra wine district during the 2023 growing year. In: XXIII. Slovak and Czech Conference on Plant Protection, 10-12 Sept 2024, Nitra, Slovakia.

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Jordanoska Shishkoska, Biljana and Maksimova, Viktorija (2024) The importance of trace elements follow-up in Cannabis sativa L. varieties. In: Plantmetals, Trace Metal Metabolism in Plants, Annual Meeting, 2024, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Maksimova, Viktorija (2024) Application of voltammetric methods in electrochemical analyzes of cannabinoids. In: 27th Congress of SCTM, Ohrid.

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Maksimova, Viktorija and Brchina, Irena and Filipova, Daniela and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina (2024) A comprehensive overview of cannabis nutrient compounds: alternatives and challenges. In: Congress on Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition - NUTRICON 2024, 05-07 June 2024, Ohrid.

Aleksov, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana (2024) Коронарна артериска болест во итна медицинска помош-иницијална дијагноза и третман. Knowledge – International Journal, 62 (4). ISSN 2545-4439

Aliaga, Lindita and Aliaga, Armend and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2024) Medication Adherence in Kosovo - A Comprehensive Survey Study. In: International Conference of Medical Sciences (ICMS2024), 7-8 June 2024, Pristina, Kosovo.

Aliaga, Lindita and Aliaga, Armend and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2024) Medication adherence – what Pharmacy students in Kosovo knows about it? In: Pharmaceutical Integration in the EU – Legislative Challenges, 1-2 June 2024, Pristina, Kosovo.

Aliaga, Lindita and Aliaga, Armend and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2024) Survey about medication adherence in Kosovo. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, 15-17 May 2024, Tetovo.

Alihodzic, Belma and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Nesimovic, Sanela (2024) Attitudes of high school students towards visualization of mathematical content. International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education, 19 (2). ISSN 1306-3030

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Предавања за новиот предизвик на правната наука и правната практика – вештачката интелигенција како производ. Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2024) European Union civil liability frameworks in the age of AI: Assessing current regimes and future prospects. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 2, 15 (2). pp. 466-482. ISSN 2587-5833

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Introduction to Macedonian Private Law. [Teaching Resource]

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Seminar "Unraveling new horizons: exploring EU's proposed ai liability framework and corporate finance". Faculty of law, University of Vienna.

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Strict Liability in Autonomous Vehicles: European Legal Perspectives. In: Bratislava Legal Forum 2024, 17-19 Sept 2024, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Stjepanovic, Stanka and Morait, Branko (2024) Облигационо право општи дио. In: Облигационо право општи дио. Универзитет у Источно Сарајево.

Anastasova, Ankica and Nakov, Dimitar and Angjelevska, Aleksandra and Kuzelov, Aco and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Analysis of groundwater quality in shallow wells before and after disinfection with peracetic acid. In: Book of abstracts of the 4th International Meeting Agriscience and Practice (ASP 2024), Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia.

Andonovska, Tatjana and Vasileva, Dance (2024) Functional recovery in patients with ulnar nerve injury. In: Tenth National Congress with international participation of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (BSNCH), 22-24 Nov 2024, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.

Andov, Ivica and Lepitkova, Sonja and Zendelska, Afrodita and Dimov, Gorgi (2024) Phytoremediation of contaminated soils in the vicinity of Probishtip, the Republic of North Macedonia. Natural Resources and Technology, 18 (1). pp. 22-31. ISSN 1857-6966

Andova Jovcev, Simona and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Видови ризици и управување со ризиците во банките - НЛБ Банка. Годишен зборник 2024, Year book, Економски факултет, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, 26 (1). ISSN 1857-7628

Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Stojkovikj, Sasho and Golomeova, Saska and Cekerovski, Todor and Mojsov, Kiro (2024) Sensory evaluation of the quality of Macedonian Pastramajlija, a traditional Macedonian speciality. In: 8 Conference Vivus: Healthy environment – our future, 21 Nov 2024, Slovenia.

Aneva, Sara and Minovski, Dragan (2024) Possibilities for installation of Photovoltaic Systems in Catering Facilities in Macedonia. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). ISSN 2545-4803

Angelkova, Tanja (2024) The mapping of potential forms of tourism in the Malesevo region, for the development of a sustainable tourist destination. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 67 (6). pp. 999-1004. ISSN 2545-4439

Angelova, Ljubica and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Значењето на храната – секојдневна потреба како здравје и лек. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Византиската „Еклога“ – Иконоборскиот бревијар на Јустинијановите закони. In: Единаесеттата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-21 Sept 2024, Штип.

Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Римско право - учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-074-1

Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Codex Theodosianus – Првата државна кодисфикација на римскиот поредок на leges. In: Единаесеттата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-21 Sept 2024, Stip.

Apostoloski, Pavle (2024) Иновативни технологии во Денталната медицина, вештачка интелигенција, виртуелна реалност и теледонтологија. In: 13 ти Симпозиум со меѓународно учество: Иновативни третмани и технологии во денталната медицина: предизвици на иднината, Мултимедијален центар, Штип.

Apostoloski, Pavle and Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Dissolution and Deposition of Dental Metallic Biomaterials-A Theoretical Model in Cyclic Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Apostoloski, Pavle and Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Temperature Effect to the Dissolution and Deposition Process in Dental Metallic Biomaterials-A Theoretical Model in Cyclic Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Apostolov, Mico (2024) Essential Economic Features of Digital Currencies and Blockchain. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing, USA. ISBN 979-8341481077

Apostolova, Paulina and Francois-Gestin, Jean and Vranjes-Djuric, Sanja and Arev, Marija and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) Astatine-211 as an emerging radioisotope for Targeted Alpha Therapy (TAT). RAD Conference Proceedings, 8 (/). pp. 53-58. ISSN 2466-4626 (online)

Apostolova, Paulina and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) The Integration of Astatine-211 as Potential Radiotheranostics in Personalized Cancer Treatment. In: Twelfth International Conference of Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology, 17-21 June 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.

Arev, Marija and Rustemi-Ahmeti, Hanife and Apostolova, Paulina and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) Theranostic Potential of Lutetium-177: Characteristics and Applications. In: RAD Conference.

Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2024) Present status of Acidovorax citrulli- causing Bacterial Fruit Blotch of watermelon fruits in North Macedonia. In: XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2024", 27-30 May 2024, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Arsova, Monika (2024) Социјалните медиуми како успешна алатка за промоција на туризмот во Република Северна Македонија. In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century, 17 May 2024, Stip.

Arsova, Monika (2024) Brainstorming methodology. In: Green transition of female entrepreneurs in the Balkan region - Best Practices Webinar. (Submitted)

Arsova, Monika and Adelajda Zaninović, Petra (2024) The analysis of the application of digital marketing in shipping companies. Working Paper. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business.

Arsovski, Ljupka and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Papakoca, Kiro and Boev, Ivan and Ristova Delipetrev, Maja (2024) Modifications on the dental implant surfaces and their influence on the osseointegration process. Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 40 (89). pp. 2749-2757. ISSN 1820-1202

Asani, Agim (2024) Културното наследство во функција на одржливиот развој на туризмот во Полошкиот регион. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип.

Atanasova, Biljana and Karov, Ilija and Spasov, Dusan and Spasova, Dragica and Ilievski, Mite (2024) Occurrence and damages in rice caused by rice water weevil Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). In: 4th International meeting "Agriscience & practice" ASP 2024, 13 June 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Dellcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Kolevska, Katerina and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Ugrinska, Ana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) Validation of an in-house process for the production of Sodium [18F]fluoride radiopharmaceutical. In: 21st European Symposium on Radiopharmacy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 18-21 Apr 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.

Atanasova, Marija and Kolevska, Katerina and Cocevska, Maja and Velichkovska, Maja and Ugrinska, Ana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) Development and implementation of [18F]NaF radiopharmaceutical production in University Institute of Positron Emission Tomography, Skopje, North Macedonia. In: 11th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 30 May - 02 June 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Atanasova, Sandra and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Dzipunova, Biljana (2024) Analysis of Different Vertical and Horizontal Smile Characteristics. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 12 (1). pp. 122-127.

Atanasova Pachemska, Tatjana and Aleksov, Borco (2024) EPALE академија - Вебинар: Валидација на претходно учење – можности и предизвици. In: EPALE Academia, 23 Dec 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2024) Digital Tools for Teachers, E-learning Platforms in Education. In: International Conference - Digital Tools for Teachers, 28 Oct 2024, Mersin, Turkiye. (Submitted)

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Bogatinov, Darko and Atanasova, Ana and Jovevski, Dobri and Huart, Roxane (2024) Building Everyday and Basic Learning Skills through Play: Educational Robots as a Tool for the Improvement of the Learning of Students with Special Educational Needs. International conference on information technology and development of education ITRO (15; 2024; Zrenjanin). pp. 239-244. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7672-167-2

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Misajleski, Zoran (2024) CA23134 - Topological textures in condensed matter (Polytopo). [Project]

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Popovska, Violeta and Jovevski, Dobri (2024) Збирка задачи со вежби и активности по математика за прво одделение. [Teaching Resource]

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and et al. (2024) A Cross-National Perspective of Prejudice-Based Cyberbullying and Cybervictimization ( Chapter IX) International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School. In: International Perspectives on Migration, Bullying, and School. Taylor&Francis Groupe, London. ISBN 9781003439202

Atanasovski, Viktor and Veselinova, Elena (2024) Creating a strategic competitive advantage through branding. Journal of Economics, 9 (2). ISSN 1857-9973

Auljona, Abdiu and Kamceva, Gordana (2024) Третман и начин на лекување на пациенти со дијабетично стопало во интензивна нега. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). ISSN 2545-4439

Azeski, Branko and Lazarov, Darko (2024) Стратешки документи на Комората. Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.

Azeski, Branko and Lazarov, Darko (2024) Нов договор за економски развој. Economic Chamber of North Macedonia. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4975-03-8


Badarovski, Todor (2024) Влијанието на менаџментот на знаење врз перформансите на организацијата. Doctoral thesis, Економски факултет - Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип.

Baftijari, Burim and Koceski, Saso (2024) Review on Software Applications for Children with Dyslexia. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education – ITRO, Nov 2024, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Bajrami, Ismet and Spahiu, Fakir and Kaçiu, Yll and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Drakalska, Elena and Stojanoski, Sinisa and Jashari, Armend (2024) The role of radiopharmaceutical [99mTc]Tc-MIBI in the evaluation of parathyroid adenoma and osteoporosis in young patients—a case report supporting its integration into standard clinical practice. In: 21st European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 18-21 April 2024, Coimbra, Portugal.

Bajrami, Muhamet and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Stojanova, Irena and Temelkova, Simona and Arsovski, Zoran and Simjanovska, Ljuba (2024) The impact of dexamethason on postoperative morbidity after surgical extraction of impacted third molars. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Bajrami, Muhamet and Stojanova, Irena and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Radicular cyst of the mandible: case report. Apolonia Journal of Dentistry, 2 (54-55). pp. 72-78. ISSN 1857-6087

Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Хемија за студентите на биотехнички науки. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-039-0

Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Eco-toxicological risk assessment of e-waste soil pollution. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Soil chemistry: an evidence for agroecological risks. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-620-7-48306-8

Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Chemometric Evidence for Sr and Rb Isotopes Due to the Specific Soil Chemistry in Different Geographical Regions. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, 15-17 May 2023, Tetovo.

Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Chemometric evidence for Sr and Rb isotopes due to the specific soil chemistry in different geographical regions. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development, 2 (3-4). ISSN 2955-2257

Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Lead and Strontium Isotope Evidence for Local Herbal Varieties Due to the Elemental Soil Chemistry. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 10 (2). pp. 287-300. ISSN 2455-6939

Baldzieva, Sanja and Jovevska, Svetlana and Markov, Petar and Baldzieva, Anica (2024) Age and thyroid dysfunction as risk factors for spontaneous early pregnancy loss and the need for thyroid function screening in women of reproductive period. Knowledge- International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 525-530. ISSN 2545-4439

Barbareev, Kiril and Koceva, Daniela and Stojanov, Trajce and Cackov, Oliver and Runceva, Jadranka (2024) Промоција на безбедна училишна средина. [Project]

Barbareev, Kiril and Stojanov, Trajce and Koceva, Daniela and Runceva, Jadranka (2024) Media literacy. [Project]

Bastard, Paul and Gervais, Adrian and Taniguchi, Maki and Saare, Liisa and Särekannu, Karita and Le Voyer, Tom and Philippot, Quentin and Rosain, Jérémie and Bizien, Lucy and Asano, Takaki and Garcia-Prat, Marina and Parra-Martínez, Alba and Migaud, Mélanie and Tsumura, Miyuki and Conti, Francesca and Belot, Alexandre and Rivière, Jacques G. and Morio, Tomohiro and Tanaka, Junko and Javouhey, Etienne and Haerynck, Filomeen and Duvlis, Sotirija and Ozcelik, Tayfun and Keles, Sevgi and Tandjaoui-Lambiotte, Yacine and Escoda, Simon and Husain, Maya and Pan-Hammarström, Qiang and Hammarström, Lennart and Ahlijah, Gloria and Abi Haidar, Anthony and Soudee, Camille and Arseguel, Vincent and Abolhassani, Hassan and Sahanic, Sabina and Tancevski, Ivan and Nukui, Yoko and Hayakawa, Seiichi and Chrousos, George P. and Michos, Athanasios and Tatsi, Elizabeth-Barbara and Filippatos, Filippos and Rodriguez-Palmero, Agusti and Troya, Jesus and Tipu, Imran and Meyts, Isabelle and Roussel, Lucie and Ostrowski, Sisse Rye and Schidlowski, Laire and Prando, Carolina and Condino-Neto, Antonio and Cheikh, Nathalie and Bousfiha, Ahmed A. and El Bakkouri, Jalila and Aguilera-Albesa, Sergio and AlKhater, Suzan A. and Alkan, Gulsum and Castagnoli, Riccardo and Cyrus, Cyril and Elmas Bozdemir, Sefika and Emiroglu, Melike and Gulhan, Belgin and Erdeniz, Emine Hafize and Hatipoglu, Nevin and Bayhan, Gülsün Iclal and Jabandziev, Petr and Kanik Yuksek, Saliha and Karbuz, Adem and Tüter Öz, Şadiye Kübra and Marseglia, Gian Luigi and Metin Akcan, Ozge and Kılıç, Ahmet Osman and Ozkaya Parlakay, Aslinur and Papadaki, Maria and Slaba, Katerina and Sevketoglu, Esra and Valencia-Ramos, Juan and Yahşi, Aysun and Aguilera Guirao, Antonio and Álvarez Escudero, Julián and Antela López, Antonio and Barbeito Castiñeiras, Gema and Bello Paderne, Xabier and Ben García, Miriam and Carral García, María Victoria and Cebey López, Miriam and Coira Nieto, Amparo and Conde Pájaro, Mónica and Costa Alcalde, José Javier and Currás Tuala, María José and Dacosta Urbieta, Ana Isabel and Díaz Esteban, Blanca and Domínguez Santalla, María Jesús and Fernández Pérez, Cristina and Fernández Villaverde, Juan and Galbán Rodríguez, Cristóbal and García Allut, José Luis and García Vicente, Luisa and Giráldez Vázquez, Elena and Gómez Carballa, Alberto and Gómez Rial, José and González Barcala, Francisco Javier and Guerra Liñares, Beatriz and Leboráns Iglesias, Pilar and Lence Massa, Beatriz and Lendoiro Fuentes, Marta and López Franco, Montserrat and López Lago, Ana and Martinón-Torres, Federico and Salas, Antonio and Navarro De la Cruz, Daniel and Núñez Masid, Eloína and Ortolá Devesa, Juan Bautista and Pardo Seco, Jacobo and Pazo Núñez, María and Pérez del Molino Bernal, Marisa and Pérez Freixo, Hugo and Piñeiro Rodríguez, Lidia and Pischedda, Sara and Portela Romero, Manuel and Pose Reino, Antonio and Prada Hervella, Gloria María and Queiro Verdes, Teresa and Redondo Collazo, Lorenzo and Regueiro Casuso, Patricia and Rey García, Susana and Rey Vázquez, Sara and Riveiro Blanco, Vanessa and Rivero Calle, Irene and Rivero Velasco, Carmen and Rodríguez Núñez, Nuria and Rodríguez-Tenreiro Sánchez, Carmen and Saborido Paz, Eva and Sadiki Orayyou, José Miguel and Saito Villanueva, Carla and Serén Fernández, Sonia and Souto Sanmartín, Pablo and Taboada Muñiz, Manuel and Trastoy Pena, Rocío and Treviño Castellano, Mercedes and Valdés Cuadrado, Luis and Varela García, Pablo and Vilas Iglesias, María Soledad and Viz Lasheras, Sandra and Ferreiro-Iglesias, Rocio and Bastón-Rey, Iria and Calviño-Suárez, Cristina and Abel, Laurent and Aiuti, Alessandro and Al-Muhsen, Saleh and Al-Mulla, Fahd and Amara, Ali and Anderson, Mark S. and Andreakos, Evangelos and Arias, Andrés A. and Arkin, Lisa M. and Baris Feldman, Hagit and Bastard, Paul and Belot, Alexandre and Biggs, Catherine M. and Bogunovic, Dusan and Bolze, Alexandre and Bondarenko, Anastasiia and Bousfiha, Ahmed A. and Brodin, Petter and Bryceson, Yenan and Butte, Manish J. and Casanova, Jean-Laurent and Casari, Giorgio and Christodoulou, John and Cobat, Aurélie and Colobran, Roger and Condino-Neto, Antonio and Constantinescu, Stefan N. and Cooper, Megan A. and Dalgard, Clifton L. and Desai, Murkesh and Drolet, Beth A. and Duval, Xavier and El Baghdadi, Jamila and Eloy, Philippine and Espinosa-Padilla, Sara and Fellay, Jacques and Flores, Carlos and Franco, José Luis and Froidure, Antoine and Gorochov, Guy and Gregersen, Peter K. and Grimbacher, Bodo and Haerynck, Filomeen and Hagin, David and Halwani, Rabih and Hammarström, Lennart and Heath, James R. and Hsieh, Elena W.Y. and Husebye, Eystein and Imai, Kohsuke and Itan, Yuval and Jarvis, Erich D. and Jouanguy, Emmanuelle and Kaja, Elżbieta and Karamitros, Timokratis and Kisand, Kai and Ku, Cheng-Lung and Lau, Yu-Lung and Ling, Yun and Lucas, Carrie L. and Mansouri, Davood and Maródi, László and Mentré, France and Meyts, Isabelle and Milner, Joshua D. and Mironska, Kristina and Mogensen, Trine H. and Morio, Tomohiro and Ng, Lisa F.P. and Notarangelo, Luigi D. and Novelli, Antonio and Novelli, Giuseppe and O’Farrelly, Cliona and Okada, Satoshi and Okamoto, Keisuke and Ozcelik, Tayfun and Pan-Hammarström, Qiang and Pape, Jean W. and Perez de Diego, Rebeca and Perez-Tur, Jordi and Perlin, David S. and Pesole, Graziano and Planas, Anna M. and Prando, Carolina and Pujol, Aurora and Puel, Anne and Quintana-Murci, Lluis and Ramaswamy, Sathishkumar and Renia, Laurent and Resnick, Igor and Rodríguez-Gallego, Carlos and Sancho-Shimizu, Vanessa and Sediva, Anna and Seppänen, Mikko R.J. and Shahrooei, Mohammed and Shcherbina, Anna and Slaby, Ondrej and Snow, Andrew L. and Soler-Palacín, Pere and Soumelis, Vassili and Spaan, András N. and Su, Helen C. and Tancevski, Ivan and Tangye, Stuart G. and Abou Tayoun, Ahmad and Temel, Şehime Gülsün and Thorball, Christian and Tiberghien, Pierre and Trouillet-Assant, Sophie and Turvey, Stuart E. and Furkan Uddin, K.M. 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Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Рецензија за збирката македонски драми „Славуј у дворишту“ од приредувачите Милутин Ѓуричковиќ и Сашо Огненовски. In: Славуј у дворишту (македонска драма за децу и младе). Институт за дечју књижевност, Битола, pp. 179-180. ISBN 978-86-82180-25-8

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Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Магијата на првата љубов прикажана во романот „Бакнеж за сеќавање“ - од Александар Поповски. Годишњак Института за дечју књижевност, 4. pp. 237-246. ISSN 2812-765Х

Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Исповед на бршленот. Јованка Денкова, Штип. ISBN 978-608-66129-1-7

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Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Сликовницата како книжевен жанр во творештвото на Видое Подгорец. In: Зборник на трудови од III научен симпозиум "Kнижевното дело на Видое Подгорец јазик, поетика и херменевтика" ("Средби под јаворите“), 17-18 Dec 2021, Strumica, Macedonia.

Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Мрачните ходници на адолесценцијата. Детињство, L (3). pp. 45-54. ISSN 0350-5286

Denkova, Jovanka (2024) Романот за млади „Ти носам пустински песок“ (2021) од Винка Саздова - роман за пријателството без граници. Годишен зборник на Факултет за образовни науки, 13. pp. 35-42. ISSN 1409-9187

Denkova, Jovanka (2024) The novel "Anika decided to play" by Maria Petrovska school for life. In: The International Scientific Conference: Children, Culture, Education, 25 Oct 2024, Uzice, Univerzitet Kragujevac.

Denkova, Jovanka (2024) The novel "I am Mia" by Jana Misho - a reflection of the life of young adolescents. In: 11. Uluslararasi Çpcuk ve genclik edebiyati sempozyumu bildiriler kitabi, 04-05 Oct 2024, Ankara, Turkey.

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Denkova, Jovanka (2024) The significance of the mother-daughter relationship and the loss of the mother through the prism of the novel "Bella sama" by Violeta Tancheva-Zlateva. Horizons- International Scientific Journal, 1 (1). pp. 38-45. ISSN 2955-2303

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Despodov, Zoran (2024) Компаративна анализа за проектирани и потрошени материјали при изградба на барикади од прскан бетон. In: XV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество Подекс – Повекс ’24, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Despodov, Zoran (2024) Технички преглед на рударска извозна постројка. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Despodov, Zoran and Despodov, Bojan (2024) Solving a two-phase transportation problem transshipment model with the application of lingo software. Natural Resources and Technology, 18 (2). ISSN 1857-6966

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Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Методика на настава по Географија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-073-4 (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Macedonian identity - UNESCO world heritage - arguments and propositions -. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 4 (1). pp. 65-75. ISSN 2671-3810 (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Main characteristics of Macedonian mountain tourism. In: VIth Congress of Macedonian geographers with international participation, 29-30 May 2024, Ohrid - Skopje, RN Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Tourist places, facilities and events that Macedonians should visit. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT), 4 (2). pp. 30-44. ISSN 2671-3810 online version (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola and Dimitrova, Angela (2024) Од предисториски ритуал до културен туризам. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, 4 (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2671-3969 (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola and Kalauzi, Viktor (2024) Атрактивни мотиви за планинарење во јужниот дел на Баба Планина. In: Пелагонски културно - научни средби, Novaci, Republic of North Macedonia.

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Dimitrov, Sasko and Komitovski, Mihail (2024) Theoretic research on transient process in hydraulic cylinder with cushioning device with constant gap. AIP Conference Proceedings, 3078 (1). 060002-1-060002-7. ISSN 1551-7616

Dimitrov, Sasko and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Krstev, Dejan and Dzidrov, Misko and Cekerovska, Marija and Cekerovski, Todor (2024) Theoretical research on transient process in hydraulic cyl-inder with conical cushioning devices. In: The 12th International Conference on Machine and Industrial Design in Mechanical Engineering (KOD 2024), 23-26 May 2024, Balatonfüred, Hungary.

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Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Velkova, Stanka and Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Simeonovska Joveva, Elena and Sandeva, Dragana (2024) Acute pancreatitits uncommon manifestation of cystic fibrosis? A case report. Research in physical education sport and health, 13 (2). pp. 39-44.

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Dimov, Zoran and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Prentovich, Tatjana and Ristakjoska Sirgovska, Biljana and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija (2024) Status and visions for the development of organic production in RN Macedonia. In: Innovations in sustainable agriculture – bridging science and practice, 11 Dec 2024, Skopje.

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Dimova, Cena and Azizi, Fadilj and Naskova, Sanja and Miteva, Marija. and Gavrilov, Aleksandar and Baze, Jordanov (2024) Clinical aspects of local dental anesthesia in childhood. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia, 26 (54-55). pp. 110-115. ISSN 1409-8768 | 1857-6087 (Online)

Dimova, Megi and Marolova, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana (2024) Идиомите во говорите на германските политичари и нивната преводливост на македонски јазик. Зборник на Филолошки факултет, 23 (1). pp. 31-42. ISSN 2184-1489

Dimova, Megi and Marolova, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Ivanova, Biljana (2024) Фразеологизми со компонентата „глава“ во германскиот и во македонскиот јазик и можни меѓусебни еквивалентни релации. Yearbook 2024 Faculty of Philology, Goce Delcev University – Stip, 15 (24). pp. 31-42. ISSN 2184-1489

Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Arsov, Emilija and Balabanova, Biljana and Vitanovska, Biljana (2024) Chemical Composition of Madžun (grape molasses) Produced From Different Grape Varieties. In: 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture Farming System.

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Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Arsov, Emilija and Piperevski, Aleksandar and Balabanova, Biljana and Vitanovska, Biljana (2024) Physical and chemical properties of grape molasses produced from Vranec grape variety by traditional and industrial techniques. In: XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences "AgroReS 2024", 27-30 May 2024, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Balabanova, Biljana and Vitanovska, Biljana and Piperevski, Aleksandar (2024) Chemical composition of juisе and madzun (grape molasses) produced from Stanushina grape variety by traditional means. In: Innovations in sustainable agriculture – bridging science and practice, 11 Dec 2024, Skopje. (Unpublished)

Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Piperevski, Aleksandar and Vitanovska, Biljana (2024) Physical and chemical properties of Madžun (grape molasses) produced from Vranec grape variety by traditional and industrial techniques. In: AgroRes 2024, Trebnje, BIH. (Submitted)

Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Piperevski, Aleksandar and Vitanovska, Biljana (2024) A research on the composition of madzum (grape molasses) produced from table grape varieties. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip. (Unpublished)

Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Rabrenovic, Biljana and Pajic, Lazar and Arsov, Emilija and Piperevski, Aleksandar (2024) Fizicko-hemiska i senzorna analiza proizvoda Madzun (melasa od grozda) od sorte grozda gajenih u usovima Republike Severen Makedonije. In: 17 Kongres vocara &vinogradara Srbije za megunarodnim ucescem, 16-18 Oct 2024, Vrsac, R.Srbija. (Unpublished)

Dimovski, Stojce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Environmental and Energy Utilization of Municiple Wast - One Product, Two Solutions. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

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Doneva, Nada and Gjorgjieva, Dijana (2024) The Place of the Judicial Authority in the System of Division of Power in the Republic of North Macedonia and Responsibility of Judges МЕСТОТО НА СУДСКАТА ВЛАСТ ВО СИСТЕМОТ НА ПОДЕЛБА НА ВЛАСТА ВО РЕПУБЛИКА СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА И ОДГОВОРНОСТ НА СУДИИТЕ. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 11 (11). pp. 109-124. ISSN UDK 347.96/.99:342.33(497.7) 347.962.6(497.7)

Doneva, Natasa (2024) Човекови права поврзани со животната средина и нивна ефикасна заштита пред ЕСЧП. In: Програма: Клиничка програма за еколошка правда; Младински активизам за позелени општини;.

Doneva, Natasa (2024) „Постконфликтниот уставен инженеринг и улогата на меѓународниот фактор во креирањето на т.н. октроирани устави: дилеми и проблеми“. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Law "Iustinian Primus"-Skopje.

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Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Food supplements regulation on health claims labelling in non-EU countries. In: Book of abstracts / Congress on food quality and safety, health and nutrition - NUTRICON 2024. Consulting and Training Center KEY, Ohrid, pp. 119-121. ISBN 978-608-4565-18-5

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Food supplements regulation on health claims labelling in non-EU countries. In: Congress on Food Quality and Safety, Health and Nutrition - NUTRICON 2024, 05-07 June 2024, Ohrid. (Submitted)

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Harmonizing local activities to improve PV efficiency. In: World Drug Safety Congress Europe, 09-10 Oct 2024, Amsterdam. (Unpublished)

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Regulatory Update on eSubmissions in Balkans. Mathews Journal of Pharmaceutical Science, 8 (1). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2474-753X

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Efremov, Jordan and Miloseski, Slobodan and Namicev, Petar and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga and Jakimovska, Jana and Naumovska, Verica and Pecov, Ivo (2024) Годишна студентска изложба на факултетите од визуелните уметности - 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

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Efremov, Jordan and Namicev, Petar and Miloseski, Slobodan and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga and Naumovska, Verica and Jakimovska, Jana and Pecov, Ivo (2024) Фестивал на уметноста „Ликовна визија“ - 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

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Emilija, Potevska Popivoda and Branko, Pavlovski (2024) Concert of Branko Pavlovski - klarinet & Ema Popivoda - piano in Sorrento, Italy. [Performance] (Unpublished)

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Evrosimovska, Biljana and Jurukovska Sotarovska, Vesna and Petkov, Marjan and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Management and protocols for oral surgical interventions in older patients. In: 34th Annual Congress of European College of Gerodontology (ECG), 6-7 June, 2024, School of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade.

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Nikolovski, Bruno and Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Trpevska, Vesna and Jurukovska Sotarovska, Vesna (2024) Use of PRF to Facilitate Wound Healing After Oral Surgical Interventions in Patients With a Risk of Bisphosphonate-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 April 2024, Avala Resort and Villas, Budva, Montenegro.

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Nikolovski, Bruno and Terzievska, Aneta and Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Peeva-Petreska, Marija (2024) Surgical treatment of oroantral communication with PRF. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Terzievska, Aneta and Nikolovski, Bruno and Gigovska Arsova, Ana (2024) Management of Miller`s Class II Gingival Recession With PRF Membrane and Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft Combination: a Case Report. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 April 2024, Avala Resort and Villas, Budva, Montenegro.

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Terzievska, Aneta and Nikolovski, Bruno and Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Trpevska, Vesna (2024) Management of Miller's II Class gingival recession with PRF membrane and subepithelial connective tissue graft combination.pdf. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.


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Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina and Mitreva, Mila and Keček, Damira (2024) The Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Efficiency and Performance in Banking: Empirical Evidence from Croatia. Navigating Economic Uncertainty, ISCBE 2024. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics, 1. ISSN 2198-7254

Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina and Mitreva, Mila and Keček, Damira (2024) The impact of mergers and acquisitions on efficiency and performance in banking: Empirical evidence from Croatia. In: 7th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), Portugal.


Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights. In: Climate migration in the Western Balkan: Legal framework and security - University Dialogue with the Western Balkans, 07-14 Oct 2024, Skopje, Ohrid, Belgrade. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Legal Principles in Light of the Ohrid Framework Agreement: the Case of Macedonia. In: Legal principles in contemporary law, 19 - 20.04.2024, Nis, Serbia.

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Right to clean air and environmental migration. In: Climate Migration in the Western Balkans: Legal Framework and Security, 16-18 Dec 2024, Cottbus. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Right to clean air, reason for environmental migration? In: 6th International scientific conference “Legal tradition and new legal challenges”, 17-18 Oct 2024, Novi Sad. (Submitted)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Rule of Law and Use of State and Minority Symbols in Macedonian and Serbian Case. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024, Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society – „MELSIS 2024“, 17 May 2024, Belgrade. (In Press)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Sustainability of minority rights in Macedonian case. In: Sustainability and Law, optional course, 05 Nov 2024, Miskolc, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Marolov, Dejan (2024) Непланираното дете на Европа, Македонија како дел од Источното прашање во 19 век и западните евроатлантски политики во 21 век. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев" - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-050-5

Galeva, Jordanka and Marolov, Dejan (2024) Navigating the Nexus: Exploring the Interplay Between the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Future Wars in Europe. In: Cooperative Multipolar System: In Quest for a New World Order, 3-4 Oct 2024, Skopje. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Stojanov, Igor (2024) The future of Macedonian news radio stations in the time of social media and artificial intelligence. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World. pp. 479-490.

Galeva, Jordanka and Stojanov, Igor (2024) The future of Macedonian news radio stations in the time of social media and artificial intelligence. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Gavrilovski, Goce (2024) Bum-ta-ka Bum, Nish. [Performance] (In Press)

Gavrilovski, Goce (2024) Requiem for a nature, for string orchestra, DMM 2024. [Performance] (In Press)

Gazepov, Strahil and Alicov, Funda and Blagadusoska, Gabriela (2024) Anti Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF therapy). Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 607-610. ISSN 1857-923X

Gazepov, Strahil and Andonovski, Ivan and Jovancevska, Saska (2024) Cataract: treatment with phacoemulsification at Clinical Hospital Stip in 2023. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 445-450. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X

Gazepov, Strahil and Dolevska, Angela and Velkova, Bozanka (2024) Intraocular pressure (glaucoma). Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 601-605. ISSN 1857-923X

Gazepov, Strahil and Mancova, Martina (2024) Macular edema as the third cause of blindness in the world. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 619-622. ISSN 1857-923X

Gazepov, Strahil and Spasovski, Jovan and Mirakovska, Sara (2024) Diabetic retinopathy: new aspects. Knowlwdge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 429-432. ISSN 2545-4439

Georgieva, Ana and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Employable persons with visual impairment aspects and challenges. Knowledge – International Journal, 64 (4). pp. 401-406. ISSN 2545-4439

Gherle, Anamaria and Nistor-Cseppento, Carmen Delia and Iovanovici, Diana-Carina and Cevei, Iulia Ruxandra and Cevei, Mariana Lidia and Vasileva, Dance and Deac, Stefania and Stoicanescu, Dorina (2024) Secondary Sarcopenia and Spinal Cord Injury: Clinical Associations and Health Outcomes. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13 (3). p. 885. ISSN 2077-0383

Gianotti, Andrea and Smilkov, Katarina (2024) COST Action CA23110 - International networking on in vitro colon models simulating gut microbiota mediated interactions (INFOGUT). [Project]

Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Nikolovski, Bruno and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Gigovski, Nikola (2024) Socket preservation following maxillary central incisor extraction utilizing xenograft and platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) – A case report. In: International Dental Congress Naissa'24, 5-7 Apr 2024, University of Nis.

Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Nikolovski, Bruno and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Josifov, Daniel and Ristevska, Nada and Zivkovic, Nadezda (2024) Guided bone regeneration using xenograft and magnesium membrane for large bone and soft tissue defects in the anterior maxilla: a case report. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Gjorgieva, Dijana and Doneva, Nada (2024) The Impact of Criminal Verdicts in Civil Proceedings. International Scientific Journal Vision, 9 (1). pp. 105-116.

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2024) European Network for Sigma-1 Receptor as a Therapeutic Opportunity (SIGMA-1EUROPE) CA23156. [Project]

Gjorgjiev, Lazar and Stefanova, Violeta and Tasev, Goran (2024) Morphological and chemical characteristics of grains of placer gold from the Otinja River. Geologica Macedonica, 38 (2). pp. 115-129. ISSN 1857-8586

Gjorgjievska Dimovska, Elena and Vasileva, Dance (2024) Motor neurorehabilitation in patients with hemiplegia. In: Tenth National Congress with international participation of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (BSNCH), 22-24 Nov 2024, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.

Gjorgjievska Kamceva, Martina and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Urticaria e Pressione: a Case Report. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, 64.4 (4). pp. 425-428. ISSN ISSN 1857-923X

Gjorgjievski, Pavle and Papakocha, Kiro and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Dimova, Cena and Temelkova, Simona and Chadikovska, Elizabeta (2024) Guided Bone Regeneration in IN Reconstruction of Bone Defects. JMS Journal.

Gligorovski, Aleksandar and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2024) Промени во темпоромандибуларниот зглоб кај пациенти со ревматоиден артритис. In: Трет конгрес на студенти по Општа медицина, 17-18 May 2024, Stip, Macedonia.

Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Davcev, Ljupco and Gaber, Stevan and Gruevski, Ilija and Mitreva, Mila (2024) „Ден на денарот“-2024. [Project]

Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Микро бизнис игри - FinYes-„Финансиска писменост за млади претприемачи“. In: FinYes - Финансиска писменост за млади претприемачи, 19-20 Feb 2024, Stip.

Golakov, Kostadin (2024) Нарине Абгарјан „Симон“ (превод од руски). Издавачка куќа „Муза“ - Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4906-40-7

Golceva, Ana and Ilieva, Verica and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija (2024) Влијанието на сортата и времето на чување на оризовата арпаврз радманот на бел ориз. In: V Студентска конференција "Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University.

Golomeova, Saska and Popova, Dushica and Zhezhova, Silvana and Jordeva, Sonja and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga and Risteski, Sanja and Andronikov, Darko (2024) Effectiveness of teamwork in the textile-leather industry in the Republic of North Macedonia. The Journal Leather and Footwear, 73 (2/24). pp. 11-17. ISSN 1849-9767

Gorgeska, Biljana and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja (2024) Учебник по „Изолација на природни продукти“ (второ издание). Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип, Издавачка дејност, е-библиотека, Stip. ISBN 978-608-277-057-4

Gorgieva, Sandra and Atanasova, Biljana and Spasov, Dusan and Spasova, Dragica and Ilievski, Mite (2024) Значењето на пчелите во опрашувањето на растенијата. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Grkov, Daniel and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Примена на дигиталните алатки во лозарското производство. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Зошто е важно да се пишува научен труд: Прв дел-Важни совети и информации. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Влијание на брзината на хемиската реакција врз цикличните волтаметриски одговори на дифузиски “ECrev” механизам. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Влијание на константата на рамнотежа на хемиската реакција врз цикличните волтаметриски одговор на дифузиски “ECrev” механизам. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Симулација на циклични волтамограми за електрохемиски-регенеративен (EC’) дифузиски електроден механизам. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Влијание на кинетиката на регенеративната хемиска реакција поврзана со првата електродна трансформација врз квадратно-брановите волтаметриски одговори на на EC’EC’ површински регенеративен механизам во услови на значителна кинетика на двата електродни чекори. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) EC’EC” Diffusional Mechanism with asymmetrical number of electrons-Theoretical Considerations in Square-wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Оксидациски и редукциски струјни компоненти на квадратно-бранови волтамограми за електрохемиски механизам каде постои каталитичка хемиска реакција што е поврзана со регенерација на меѓупродуктот од двостепен EECat механизам. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of Kinetics of Electron Transfer to Splitting Phenomenon of a Surface EC’EC’ Mechanism Calculated at Moderate Rate of Regenerative Reactions in Square-wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of Potential Step (dE) of Potential Signal to the Splitting Net-Peak Phenomena of an EC’EC’ Mechanism in Protein-Film Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of Square-Wave Amplitude to the Splitting Net-Peak Phenomena of a Surface EC’EC’ Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of equilibrium constant of chemical reaction to the features of square-wave voltammograms of a diffusional “CrevErev” mechanism featuring preceding homogeneous chemical step. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of the Frequency to the Features of a Diffusional EC’EC’ Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Effect of the chemical reaction rate to the features of square-wave voltammograms of a “CrevErev” mechanism. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) MATHCAD platform for calculating cyclic voltammograms. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) MATHCAD Платформа за симулација на циклични волтамограми за “CE” електрохемиски механизам. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) MATHCAD платформа за симулации на EC’ дифузиски регенеративен механизам во циклична волтаметрија. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Preparing the final nails to seal the coffin of genuine science. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 43 (2). pp. 285-289. ISSN 1857-5552

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Protein-Film Voltammetry of a Surface EC’EC’ Mechanism-Effect of Regenerative Reaction Associated to the Second Electron Transfer Step in Systems with Inverted Formal Redox Potentials. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Resolving a Consecutive Two-Step Electrochemical Transformation of Water-Soluble Redox Enzymes with Inverted Potentials-A Theory of Diffusional EEC’ Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Theory of Diffusional Two-Step Electrochemical Mechanism associated with Regenerative Chemical Reaction to the First Electron Transfer and Reversible Chemical Reaction to the Product of Second Electron transfer Step-EC’ECrev Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Two Regenerative Chemical Reactions Associated to both Electron Transfer Steps of a Diffusional EE Mechanism-Theory of an EC’EC’ Mechanism in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Visionary Figures in the Field of Electrochemistry who Revolutionized voltammetry. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 43 (1). pp. 1-20. ISSN 857-5552


Hadzi-Nikolova, Adrijana and Daskalovska, Nina (2024) Synchronous and Asynchronous forms of Distance Learning in the University’s Department of English Language and Literature: Case study in Three Universities: South East European University in Tetovo, Goce Delcev University in Shtip and Sinergia University. Journal of Electrical Systems, 20 (10). pp. 7143-7151. ISSN 1112-5209

Hadzi-Nikolova, Adrijana and Daskalovska, Nina (2024) Synchronous and Asynchronous forms of Distance Learning in the University’s Department of English Language and Literature: Case study in Three Universities: South East European University in Tetovo, Goce Delcev University in Shtip and Sinergia University. In: International Conference on Distance Learning and Education Systems - (ICDLES-24), 25 Sept 2024, Berlin, Germany.

Hadzi-Nikolova, Adrijana and Daskalovska, Nina and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) Psychological aspects of Distance learning. In: Languages, cultures and communication: The future of the humanities and social sciences, 31 May 2024, South East European University - Tetovo. (Submitted)

Hajdari, Arsim and Velickova, Nevenka (2024) Measured - real values of intraocular tension, 24 h after the application of brolucizumab intravitreal injection in patients with wAMD. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 3 (3). pp. 23-26. ISSN 2671-3497 (Online)

Hajdari, Arsim and Velickova, Nevenka (2024) New Perspective of Biological Therapy in Treatment of Age-related Macular Degeneration. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, 66 (4). ISSN 1857-923X (Printed)

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Џез Фабрика Феестивал Битола 04.2024. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт на Џез одделот на Музичка Академија на Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип и Националниот Џез оркестар 08.10.2024 Македонски Народен Теаатар - Скопје. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт бр.1 на Џез одделот во АудиоКултура-Скопје 24.02.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт на Џез оддел - Циклус концерти Виртуозо - Музичка Академија на Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип 17.12.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Настап на Џез оддел -17годишнина на Универзитет „Гoце Делчев"-Штип. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Џез приказни - Годишен концерт на студентите од Џез оддел МА-УГД 18.05.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт бр.2 на Џез одделот во АудиоКултура-Скопје 27.04.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт бр.3 на Џез одделот во АудиоКултура-Скопје 24.06.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Концерт бр.4 на Џез одделот во АудиоКултура Скопје 09.11.2024. [Performance]

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Меѓународен фестивал со натпреварувачки карактер „Сергеј Михајлoв" -Штип 05.2024 вон.проф Ванче Хараламповски -член на жири комисија. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)

Haralampovski, Vance (2024) Настап на Џез одделот на Прв Академски Час -Универзитет ,,Гoце Делчев"-Штип 01.10.2024. [Performance]

Harbova, Katerina and Ivanovska, Biljana (2024) Предлозите за место во германскиот јазик и нивните еквиваленти на македонски јазик во делото „Парфем“ од Патрик Зискинд. Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет, 15 (24). pp. 41-55.

Hasik, Amra and Kamceva, Gordana (2024) Инциденца на коронарна артериска болест за 2023 година во ЈЗУ “Клиника за кардиологија” – Скопје: важност на сестринска нега на пациенти во болнички услови. Knowledge – International Journal, 62 (4). ISSN 2545-4439

Hristina, Mihov and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Comparative analysis of low vision in pre-school children in Veles. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 463-468.

Hristov, Daniela and Stojanov, Done (2024) Exploring Regulatory Properties of Genes Associated with Nonsyndromic Male Infertility. Reproductive Medicine, 5 (3). pp. 136-153. ISSN 2673-3897

Hristov, Slavča and Cincović, Marko and Stanković, Branislav and Đoković, Radojica and Ostojić, Andrić and Nakov, Dimitar (2024) Determination of new welfare and stress indicators on cattle and pig farms based on previously published studies. Zbornik radova 26. medunarodni kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produkciju preživara - FeMeSPRum - zbornik radova. p. 14.

Hristov, Slavča and Stanković, Branislav and Starič, Jože and Nakov, Dimitar and Prodanov-Radulović, Jasna and Milovanović, Bojan and Chantziaras, Ilias and Allepuz, Alberto (2024) Biosecurity measures on ruminant farms. Zbornik radova 26. medunarodni kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produkciju preživara - FeMeSPRum - zbornik radova. p. 15.

Hristovska, Vesna and Koceska, Natasa (2024) Using ICT in the Education of Children with Special Needs: a Scoping Review. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education – ITRO, Nov 2024, Zrenjanin, Serbia.


Ilieski, Vlatko and Terzievski, Dimitar and Nakov, Dimitar (2024) Evaluation of Dog Population Management Interventions with Using of Quantifiable Indicator. In: The 6th annual meeting of the European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare, 3- 4 Oct 2024, Paris, France.

Ilievski, Ile and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Chemical composition of Smederevka and Vranec wines. Book of Proceedings from the Second International Scientific Conference GIRR 2024. pp. 13-21.

Ilievski, Mite and Todevska, Daniela and Spasova, Dragica and Spasov, Dusan and Atanasova, Biljana and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Capanov, Boris (2024) Influence of the non-woven cover cloth - agril on the development of spring cabbage in the open field. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Isahi Palosi, Ardijana and Aleksovska, Slobotka and Ilievska, Nadica and Metodijeski, Dejan (2024) Одржливи практики во туризмот и угостителството. Центар за стручно образование и обука, Скопје.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2024) Re-Design and Revision of Music Education Program in an Elementary School in RN Macedonia. An Overview of Literature, Language and Education Research, 4. pp. 75-88. ISSN 978-93-48006-56-1 (Print)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2024) Students’ opinions on the online teaching of the Music subjects during the COVID-19 pandemic at the Faculty of Education — Skopje. Education Through the COVID-19 Pandemic: Pedagogical, Didactic and Methodological Aspects, 1. pp. 223-230. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7849-342-3

Ivanova, Biljana and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Marolova, Darinka (2024) Integrative versus instrumental motivation among foreign language online learners. INTED2024 Proceedings. pp. 3895-3901. ISSN 978-84-09-59215-9

Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Мобилности во рамки на CEEPUS. In: V Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Biesaga, Magdalena and Bogeva, Elena and Pobozy, Ewa (2024) Flavonoids and nonflavonoids profile of Kratošija wines determined by HPLC- ESI-Q TRAP-MS/MS. In: Innovations in sustainable agriculture – bridging science and practice, 11 Dec 2024, Skopje, Republic of N. Macedonia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Biesaga, Magdalena and Bogeva, Elena and Pobozy, Ewa (2024) HPLC- ESI-Q TRAP-MS/MS analysis of flavonoids and nonflavonoids in red wine. In: 22nd International Summer School on Bioanalysis, 7-14 July 2024, Charles University, Faculty of Science, Prague, Czech Republic.

Ivanova, Violeta and Gicev, Dragana and Kumsta, Michal and Licek, Josef and Slama, Petr (2024) Aroma profile of Stanušina wines determined by GC-MS. In: 17th Serbian congress of fruit and grapevine producers with international participation, 16-18 Oct 2024, Vrsac, Serbia.

Ivanova, Violeta and Ilievski, Ile and Ailer, Štefan (2024) Influence of variety and vintage on the basic phusico-chemical composition of Smederevka and Vranec wines. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 22 (2). pp. 87-95. ISSN 2545-4455

Ivanova, Violeta and Stojanova, Nikolina and Bogeva, Elena and Nikolić, Dragan (2024) Physicochemical characterization of Vranec wines using fournier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. In: 17th Serbian congress of fruit and grapevine producers with international participation, 16-18 Oct 2024, Vrsac, Serbia.

Ivanovska, Biljana (2024) Вештачка интелигенција и ChatGPT – предизвици во наставата по германски како странски јазик. Годишен зборник на Филолошки факултет, 15 (23). pp. 9-19.

Ivanovska, Biljana and Xhaferri, Gzim (2024) Примена на вештачка интелигенција во наставата по странски јазик - можности и предизвици. Yearbook Faculty of Educational Sciences, 13. pp. 50-56.

Ivanovski, Igor and Despodov, Zoran and Petrov, Gose and Angelov, Vancho (2024) Техничко решение за непредвидени услови-постоење на подземни рударски работи при изградба на експресен пат. Зборник на трудови XV советување Подекс-Повекс 2024. pp. 68-78.

Ivanovski, Igor and Maksimov, Bojan and Dimov, Gorgi and Jovanovski, Milorad and Nedelkovska, Natasha (2024) Using the iPhone as a tool in structural geology. Proceedings of the 5th congress of the Geologistsof the Republic of North Macedonia. pp. 285-292.

Ivanovski, Igor and Nedelkovska, Natasha and Pesevski, Igor and Petrov, Gose and Jovanovski, Milorad (2024) Application of 3D point cloud data for cut slope monitoring. Geologica Macedonica, 38 (1). ISSN 0352–1206

Ivanovski, Igor and Nedelkovska, Natasha and Petrov, Gose and Jovanovski, Milorad and Nikolovski, Toni and Peshevski, Igor (2024) Detection and monitoring of slope movement by using point cloud derived from the SfM technique. Proceedings of the 6th Regional Symposium on Landslides, Belgrade, 2024. pp. 127-132.


Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Сценографија за Радио Милева. [Artefact]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на Зимски салон на ДЛУМ, Интимност и интерконекција. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Интимност и интерконекција, НУ Завод и музеј Штип - учество. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Награда за мал формат „Константин Мазев - Коце“. ДЛУМ. (Unpublished)

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) „Лебдење“ - групна изложба во организација на ДЛУМ. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на групна изложба на жени уметници за меѓународниот ден на жената, Амбасада на САД во Скопје. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) (Не) суди ме според корицата, работилница. Europe House Strumica. (Unpublished)

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Дизајн на плакат за Виртуелна изложба 2024. [Artefact]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на групна изложба Цртеж. Експериментален цртеж 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Гостување на Зимски салон 2024 во Куманово - учество на изложба на ДЛУМ. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на Голем формат 2024, ДЛУМ. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на Мал формат 2024, ДЛУМ. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на Миниартура 2024, ДЛУМ. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Учество на Experimental Drawing, Kunst Depot, Венеција. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Multicultural Group Exhibition of Artists - participation. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana (2024) Ut Pictura Latinum - илустрации на трет том. Чудна шума.

Jakimovska, Jana and Miloseski, Slobodan and Dobrivoevski, Filip and Toshevska, Bojana and Micevski, Riste (2024) Учество на групна изложба „Професори и студенти“ 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana and Miloseski, Slobodan and Efremov, Jordan and Egorov, Igor and Egorova, Viktorija and Bondarenko, Larisa and Nedajborshch, Volodymyr (2024) Ментор и куратор на студентска Виртуелна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Jakimovska, Jana and Toshevska, Bojana and Efremova, Mia (2024) Дизајн на корица на публикација и ментор на студентски илустрации. [Artefact]

Jakimovska, Svetlana (2024) L’image du clergé dans les proverbes français et macédoniens. Considérations philologiques françaises et francophones, 1 (1). pp. 207-222. ISSN 978-608-234-107-1

Jakimovska, Svetlana (2024) MOOC for teaching literary translation to Italian learning students. Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges, 1 (1). pp. 225-243. ISSN 978-88-99811-20-4

Jakimovski, Elena and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Visual impairment in the elderly. Knowledge International Journal Scientific Papers, 63 (4). pp. 395-400. ISSN 2545-4439

Jakimovski, Stefan and Gelev, Saso (2024) Autonomous robotic vacuum cleaner. In: Second international conference ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

Jakovlev, Zlatko (2024) Теоретски аспекти на туристичката промоција. International Journal of Knowledge Management. pp. 33-38. ISSN 2545-4439

Jakovlev, Zlatko (2024) Essence and characteristics of leadership. Knowledge – International Journal, 67.6. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545 – 4439

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) Улогите на менаџерите за ефективност и ефикасност во деловните активности. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика - Гевгелија, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, 4 (1). pp. 17-26. ISSN 2671-3969

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) Значење на функцијата планирање во финансиското одлучување во претпријатијата од туристичкиот сектор во Република Македонија. In: Седма Меѓународна Научна Конференција Seventh International Scientific Conference: Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2024», May 2024, Stip.

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) Meaning and state of management in tourism companies and its perspective. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 4 (1). pp. 116-122. ISSN 2671-3810

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) The importance of the planning function in the business financial decision-making process in tourism enterprises. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 4 (2). pp. 109-116. ISSN 2671-3810

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Koteski, Cane (2024) Моќ и одговорност на менаџерот и ефективен и модерен менаџер. Годишен зборник на трудови на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика - Гевгелија, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, 4 (1). pp. 6-16.

Janeva, Milkica and Lazarova, Sanja and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka (2024) Application of Electrode Mechanisms of Surface Active Systems in Drug Analysis. In: 27th Congress of the SCTM, 25–28 Sept 2024, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Baloch, Lajos and Vranjes-Duric, Sanja and Gjorgoski, Icko and Makreski, Petre and Dimovski, Aleksandar and Davalieva, Katarina and Arev, Marija and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina and Jankovic, Drina and Mirkovic, Marija and Radovic, Magdalena and Apostolova, Paulina and Duatti, Adriano (2024) Lutetium-177 immunoconjugates – Immunotheranostics for successful translational in molecular imaging and therapy. In: RAD Conference, 17-21 June 2024, Herceg Novi, Montenegro.

Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Stojkovikj, Sasho and Koleva, Violeta and Demiri, Sani and Najdovski, Metodija (2024) Determination of crystallization characteristics of honey from Skopje region. In: 8 Conference Vivus: Healthy environment – our future, 21 Nov 2024, Slovenia.

Janevski, Aco and Najdoski, Metodija and Stojkovikj, Sasho and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana and Stefov, Viktor (2024) Morphological Peculiarities of Isotactic Polypropylene Nucleated with Alkaline Earth Metal Pimelates. In: 27th Congress of the Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia (SCTM), 25-28 Sep 2024, Ohrid.

Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Изведба на делото „Пастирско“ (за две виолини) од авторот, проф. м-р Марјан Јанкоски во Кочани. [Performance]

Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Изведба на делото "Wings of the Dove" од авторот проф. м-р Марјан Јанкоски во Њујорк (САД). [Performance]

Jankoski, Marjan and Mihajlovski, Angele and Petrev, Sasko and Elena, Gorgievska and Kolev, Ile and Naumovski, Stojance and Panov, Zlatko and Dautovski, Ratko (2024) Концерт на Марјан Јанкоски и „Портал“ во Свети Николе. [Performance]

Jankoski, Marjan and Mihajlovski, Angele and Petrev, Sasko and Kolev, Ile and Naumovski, Stojance and Panov, Zlatko and Dautovski, Ratko and Elena, Gorgievska (2024) Целовечерен концерт на Марјан Јанкоски и „Портал“ на ФНК „Пображење“ во Вевчани. [Performance]

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) Acquiring Intercultural Competence: Cultural Worldview vs. Intercultural Worldview. In: 10th International New York Academic Research Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences, 11-13 July 2024, New York. (Submitted)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) Correcting Ethnocentrism By Acquiring Intercultural Communication Competence. In: Liberation of Creativity: Navigating New Frontiers in Multidisciplinary Research. Independently published, pp. 233-246.

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) Correcting Ethnocentrism by Acquiring Intercultural Communication Competence. In: Third International Conference on Recent Trends in Multidisciplinary Research 2024 (ICORM 3.0), 26-27 April 2024, Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA & Eudoxia Research Centre, India.. (Submitted)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) In Memoriam Проф. д-р Марија Кусевска (1954–2024). Годишен зборник. ISSN 1857-7059

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) The Interplay between Morphology, Phonology and Phonetics in the English Language. In: 11th International Baskent Congress on Social, Humanities and Educational Sciences, 08-10 Feb 2024, Ankara, Turkey. (Submitted)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) The Interplay between Morphology, Phonology and Phonetics in the English Language. 11th International "Başkent" Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences Proceedings Book. ISSN 978-625-6879-47-8

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) The Importance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Learning. In: 9th International New York Academic Research Congress On Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences, 08-10 Feb 2024, New York. (Submitted)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) The Importance of Communicative Competence in Foreign Language Learning. 9th International New York Academic Research Congress On Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences Proceedings Book. ISSN 978-625-6879-51-5

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Intercultural Lessons: Reality or Myth. International Turkic World Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative and Educational Sciences Proceedings Book, Baku - Azerbaijan. ISSN ISBN: 978-625-6879-43-0

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Intercultural lessons: Reality or Myth. In: International Turkic World Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative and Educational Sciences, 11-13 Jan 2024, Virtual participation. (Submitted)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) The Politics of Pronouns in English Language: The Case of Politcal Speeches. In: 14th International “başkent” Congress оn Social, Humanities, Administrative, аnd Educational Sciences, 12-14 Dec 2024, Istanbul. (In Press)

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) The Politics of Pronouns in English Language: The Case of Political Speeches. 14th International Baskent Congress on Social, Humanities, Administrative, and Educational Sciences | Congress Proceedings Book. ISSN 978-9952-8541-2-1

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Robison Crusoe and His Way to Moral Survival. In: Space Identity and Literature. Worldwide Circulation through Authorspress Global Network, India, pp. 108-114. ISBN 978-93-5529-915-4

Jevtić, Radivoje and Župunski, Vesna and Živančev, Dragan and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Orbović, Branka (2024) Contrasting Performance of Two Winter Wheat Varieties Susceptible to Leaf Rust under Diverse Pathogen Pressure, Fungicide Application, and Cultivation Practices. J. Fungi 2024.

Jordanoska, Ana and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Contribution to rehabilitation aids in low vision. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 413-418. ISSN 2545-4439

Jordanova, Elena and Necev, Vasil and Suncica, Nikolovska and Mihailovska, Ana and Zendelska, Afrodita (2024) Определување на концентрацијата на ПМ2.5 во неколку општини во Република Северна Македонија. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Jordeva, Sonja and Zhezhova, Silvana and Golomeova, Saska and Risteski, Sanja and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga (2024) Final quality control of shirts. In: 7th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Trends and Innovations in Textile Industry – CT&ITI 2024, 19-20 Sept 2024, Belgrade.

Jordeva, Sonja and Zhezhova, Silvana and Golomeova, Saska and Risteski, Sanja and Tudzarovska Advokatov, Daniela and Dimitrijeva, Vanga (2024) The effect of different types of cut marker on the utilization of textile materials. Koža & Obuća, 73 (2). pp. 18-23. ISSN 1849-9767

Josheski, Dushko and Apostolov, Mico (2024) Heterogeneous agent (HA) models and two-asset HANK model: Review of some computational models. Southeast European Review of Business and Economics (SERBE), 4 (2). pp. 32-66. ISSN 2671-339X

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Miteva, Natasha (2024) Monetary policy and unemployment :Literature review and computational examples. Political Economy - Development: Domestic Development Strategies eJournal, 12 (45). pp. 1-31. ISSN 1556-5068

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Miteva, Natasha (2024) Three essays in computational economics: Publications of Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing. ISBN 979-8873696710

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2024) Kantian economics, Impure altruism, Berge equilibrium, Arrow-Lind principle, with linear-cost equilibrium. In: 13th International Conference on Economy, Business & Society in Digitalized Environment (EBSiDE 2024).

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2024) Optimal taxation policy, monetary policy and state-contingent debt, time inconsistency in Ramsey problem, tax smoothing, non-CRRA preferences and taxation in LQ economy. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 4 (1). pp. 24-51. ISSN 2671-3810

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2024) Optimal taxation without state-contingent debt, the Ramsey allocation for a given multiplier, and tax smoothing of consumption and taxes in complete and incomplete. Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 4 (1). pp. 71-91. ISSN 2671-3969

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Popova, Dushica (2024) Kripke semantics, common knowledge, bounded rationality and Aumann’s agreement theorem. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT), 4 (2). pp. 60-87. ISSN 2671-3810

Josheski, Dushko and Risteska Jankuloska, Aneta and Zezova, Aleksandra (2024) Economics of networks as applied to social choice model of level of education, social distance, news veracity and prospect theory and a note on Wardrop equilibrium and Braess paradox. In: 7th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" - (ISCTBL), Skopje.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Приказна без крај - вечно во чекалната - ЕУ (Македонија) нема да чека засекогаш. In: Тиквешки правнички денови, 18-20 Oct 2024, Kavadarci.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Постапка по претходно одлучување пред судот на правдата на Европската Унија: предизвик во најава за македонското судство. Стручно списание Правник (381-2). pp. 20-26. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) European Union (or North Macedonia) Will Not Wait Forever. In: International Scientific Conference Legal Principles in Contemporary Law, 19-20 Apr 2024, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Правото на конкуренција vis-à-vis правото на слободно движење на услугите во Европската унија: студија на случај. Стручно списание Правник (389-90). pp. 13-17. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2024) The Game at Risk: Analyzing the CJEU's Judgment in the “ESLC” Case. 11th International Scientific Conference: Social Changes in the Global World, 11. pp. 155-163. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-277-076-5

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2024) Republika severna Makedonija kao studija slucaja za medunarodne eksperimente: Igra bez kraja. Revija za Evropsko pravo, 26 (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 1450-7986

Josimovska, Verica (2024) Македонците во рамките на Кралството Схс/Југославија, Бугарија И Грција (1919 -1941). [Teaching Resource]

Jovanov, Ilco (2024) Илчо Јованов, концертен настап. [Performance]

Jovanov, Ilco (2024) Илчо Јованов, семинар за хармоника. Културен центар Горан Алачки.

Jovanov, Ilco (2024) Илчо Јованов, Денови на македонска музика. [Composition]

Jovanov, Ilco (2024) Илчо Јованов, композитор и аранжер. [Composition]

Jovanov, Ilco (2024) Илчо Јованов, композитор. [Composition]

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Како може(в)ме да го позиционираме брендот „Македонија“? Marketing 365, Marketing 365.

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Парадоксот на Заборавањето: Благослов на Природата, Проклетство во Политиката.

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Консумеризам: Мотор на Економски Раст или Алатка за Управување со Луѓето. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Блог на Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип.

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Инвестираме во знаење – ги инспирираме младите: Работилници на Универзитет Гоце Делчев во средните училишта во Македонија. In: Инвестираме во знаење – ги инспирираме младите, февруари - март 2024, Штип, Кочани, Скопје, Св. Николе, Виница, Куманово и др.. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Патронен празник на УГД 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Прв Академски Час - Бруцошка на УГД 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Саем на Универзитети 2024. [Show/Exhibition]

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Circular economy. In: Training Programe for National Platform of Women Entrepreneurs, 05 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Climate Promise - From Pledge to Impact. [Project] (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Experiential Learning Method. In: G-FEB Best Practice Webinar, 26 Nov 2024, Online. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Pitching of entrepreneurial Ideas. In: WUS Workshop for Career Transition Support Macedonia. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Sustainable Business Model in Green transition of Female Entrepreneurs in the Balkan region, ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET and project No 101128967. [Project] (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Sustainable Development Goals. In: Training Programe for National Platform of Women Entrepreneurs, 03 Feb 2024, Kocani. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara (2024) WP8 Communication, Dissemination, and Impact in ACE2EU (2024-2030). [Project] (Unpublished)

Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Career management and communication for personal and workplace success. In: WUS Seminar - Module 1, 06-08 Dec 2024, Veles, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Entrepreneurship - Intentions, Competences and Gender. In: How to become a great employee and what it takes to be an entrepreneur, 10 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Jovanov, Tamara and Mitreva, Mila and Fotova Čiković, Katerina (2024) Crafting future entrepreneurs from emerging adults: what matters more - personality or context? International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 15 (1/2). pp. 31-56. ISSN 1759-5681

Jovanovikj, Eleonora and Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame (2024) Addressing the challenges to the introduction of Battery Energy Storage Systems in renewable energy utilisation systems. Journal of Energy Technology, 17 (3). pp. 26-38. ISSN 2463-7815

Jovanovsk Radanovic, Elizabeta and Veljkovic, Olgica and Jordeva, Sonja and Blinkova Doncevska, Martina (2024) Одржлива мода. Ministerstvo za obrazovanie, Centar za strucno obrazovanie i obuka. ISBN /

Jovanovska, Sashka (2024) The Importance of Mother Tongue Learning. In: Vulnerable and Endangered Languages in Europe, 2-4 Oct 2024, University of Belgrade – Faculty of Philology, Belgrade, Serbia.

Jovanovska, Sashka (2024) Language Variations Expressed in English Negations and Equivalent Translations into Macedonian. In: International Scientific Conference Languages and Social Sciences in Contact: The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, 5 Oct 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Jovanovska, Sashka (2024) Multilingualism and Bilingualism – Sociolinguistics aspect. In: “Languages of Coexistence, Languages of Conflict”, 6-8 June 2024, Koper, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Jovanovska, Sashka (2024) Quantitative research of semantic role of English subject. In: 6th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology, University of Montenegro “Language, Translation and Literary Horizons in the 21st Century”, 27-28 Sept 2024, Bar, Montenegro.

Jovanovska, Sashka (2024) “Wellbeing at School“- Erasmus Plus project “Natural Born Teachers”. [Project]

Jovanovska, Sashka and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Koceva, Ana and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Auxiliary Verbs in English Language Sentences. Academy Global Publishing House. pp. 605-613. ISSN 978-625-6830-98-1

Jovanovska, Sashka and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Koceva, Ana and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Auxiliary Verbs in English Language sentences. In: Balkan 11th International Conference on Social Sciences, 4-7 April, 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Constructions That Depend on Auxiliaries. Academy Global Conferences & Journals. pp. 36-45. ISSN 978-625-6283-02-2

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Constructions that depend on auxiliaries. In: European Conferences 4th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences, 12-14 April, 2024, Paris, France.

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Sentence structure- functions in the English language. In: Karadeniz 15th International Conference on Social Sciences, 8-10 March 2024, Rize, Turkie.

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Sentence structure: functions in the English language. Academy Global Publishing House (15). pp. 560-567. ISSN 978-625-6830-90-5

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Typical English Sentence Patterns. In: European Conferences 6th International Conference on Humanity and Social Sciences, 17-20 Oct 2024, Belgrade.

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Typical English Sentence Patterns. Academy Global Publishing House - New York, 6. pp. 50-56. ISSN ISBN: 978-625-6283-78-7

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Word Classes In English - Grammatical Categories. In: Spectrum 6.0: - Bridging Disciplines for Sustainable Development. Eudoxia Research University - USA, New Castle, USA, pp. 238-254. ISBN 979-8344702636

Jovanovska, Sashka and Talevska, Marija and Tashkoska, Marija (2024) Word classes in English - Grammatical categories. In: Sixth International Conference on New Frontiers in Engineering, Science, Law, Management, Humanities and Social Sciences INFES, 30-31 Aug 2024, Eudoxia Research University, New Castle, USA. (Submitted)

Jovanovski, Zoran (2024) Управно право во пракса. Воена академија „Генерал Михаило Апостолски“ - Скопје, Skopje. ISBN 978-9989-134-27-2

Jovevska, Svetlana and Panova, Gordana and Kamceva, Gordana and Serafimov, Aleksandar (2024) Uloga zdravstvenog radnika u edukaciji i leĉenju bolesnika od raka pluća. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Jovevski, Dobri and Atanasova, Ana and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Peshevska, Aleksandra (2024) Enhancing Mathematics Education Through Digital Technologies and Innovative Approach. International conference on information technology and development of education ITRO (15; 2024; Zrenjanin) (15). pp. 203-208. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7672-167-2

Jovevski, Dobri and Atanasova Pachemska, Tatjana and Atanasova, Ana (2024) Benefits of Digitalization of Textbooks for Improving the Educational Process – A Case Study in the Republic of North Macedonia. 10th International Scientific Conference Technics, Informatics, and Education – TIE 2024, 10 (1). pp. 196-200. ISSN 978-86-7776-276-6


Kalajdziev, Gordan and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Gogov, Bogdanco and Peric, Cvetanka and Saveski, Nenad and Krstic, Sandra and Dimovska, Daniela and Pajaziti, Pajazit and Andonova, Spasenka and Bubevski, Gavril and Saramandova, Natasha and Neziri, Ermon and Berzecka Krsteva, Verica and Kadriu Leshi, Engelushe and Najdenov, Aleksandar and Patrovic Arsovska, Snezana and Panov, Zafirco and Pejkoski, Goran and Tumanovski, Aleksandar (2024) Водич за ништење податоци собрани со посебни истражни мерки. [Project]

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Заштита на човековите права во ера на вештачка интелигенција - Влијанието на новите технологии врз остварувањето на дигиталните права. In: Остварување на правата во новиот дигитален свет, 23 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Правна анализа за статусот на препреки, брани и други инфраструктурни градби во сливното подрачје на реката Пчиња. [Project]

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Правна анализа препрека и брана у сливу реке Пчиње. In: Balkans Dam Safety-Best Practices Workshop, 26 March 2024, Belgrade, Serbia. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Artificial Inteligence-legal and Ethical Dilemmas. In: Tikves Days of Law 2024, 18-20 Oct 2024, Kavadarci. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Artificial intelligence and automated contracting in electronic commerce. In: International Scientific Conference - Legal Principles in Contemporary Law, 18 Apr 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Concession contracts for small hydropower plants in Macedonian law and possibilities for their termination. In: The XIII Scientific conference on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law, 26 Oct 2024, Pale, East Sarajevo, Rep. Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina). (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Тhe impact of generative artificial intelligence on contract law: legal challenges and ethical issues. Right to Justice-Challenges of Modern Age - Proceedings of the 37th Meeting of Kopaonik School of Natural Law-Slobodan Perovic, III. pp. 254-265. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-81956-28-1

Kambovski, Igor and Stojanovska, Elena (2024) Истражување за ефектот на новите технологии, со особен фокус на вештачката интелигенција, врз човековите права на интернет и развивање етички стандарди за заштита на човековите права на интернет при автоматско донесување одлуки. Metamorphosis. pp. 1-47.

Kamceva, Gordana and Gjorgjievska Kamceva, Martina and Dokuzova, Stojka (2024) Thrombus in the Left Ventricle after Acute Myocardial Infarction. In: XXV National Congress of the Cardiology Society of Serbia with international participation, 24-26 Oct 2024, Congress Venue Sava Centar, Belgrade, Serbia.

Kamceva, Gordana and Panova, Gordana and Jovevska, Svetlana and Serafimov, Aleksandar (2024) Komunikacija sa pacijentima sa komplikacijama od post-covid 19. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Kamceva, Gordana and Panova, Gordana and Panova, Blagica (2024) Veštaĉka inteligencija kao znaĉajan deo medicine. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Kamcheva – Panova, Lidjia and Stanojoski, Igor (2024) The use of AI, ChatGPT - The student learning model. Knowledge - International Journal, 64 (2). pp. 215-221. ISSN 2545-4439

Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Kamceva, Gordana and Panova, Gordana (2024) Inovacije u sestrinstvu. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Gorgiev, Dragan and Velinov, Aleksandar and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Analysis of the Knowledge of Primary Education Students for Following Subjects in Higher Education Related to Informatics. In: ITRO 2024, 29 Nov 2024, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.

Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Предности и недостатоци при изведување online настава по математика. In: Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip, Macedonia.

Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Mančevska, Sonja and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Statistical Analysis of Knowledge for Topic Complex Numbers of Students From the First Academic Year. In: ITRO 2023, 24 Nov 2023, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.

Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Tuneski, Nikola (2024) Third order Hankel determinant for inverse functions of a class of starlike functions of order α. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 37 (3). pp. 369-381. ISSN 1311-1728; 1314-8060 (on-line)

Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Panov, Zoran and Popovski, Risto (2024) Конверзија на јаглен во гасовити горива со технологија на подземна гасификација. In: XV-то стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс '24, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Panov, Zoran and Popovski, Risto (2024) Технологија на одлагање на откривка со одлагачот А2RSB-5500X60 во рудниците за јаглен. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Karanikolova-Cocorovska, Lusi (2024) Полемичките тонови во „Горски венец“ од Петар Петровиќ Његош. Сборник с доклади от Международна конференция Петнадесети славистични четения София, 16–18 юни 2022 г. Том втори Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски“, 2. ISSN ISBN: 978-619-7433-86-9

Karanikolova-Cocorovska, Lusi (2024) Дали „Расказите“ на Ацо Шопов се – раскази? 50. Меѓународна научна конференција на меѓународниот семинар за македонски јазик, литература и култура при УКИМ во Скопје Охрид, 1 – 3 септември, 2023. ISSN ISBN: 978-9989-43-515-7

Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2024) From Intent to Impact: Motivational Design in an Online Learning Environment. In: ХІ International Conference ,,Problems of professional communication, translation and integration processes in society,,, 30 April 2024, Kharkiv, Ukraina.

Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Volchinova, Radica and Petrova, Maja and Simonovski, Boban (2024) Примена на посебни истражни мерки - Случаи од правосудната практика на Република Северна Македонија. [Project]

Karovski, Mitko and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Psychology of low vision. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 473-478. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X

Karpicarov, Dino (2024) По успешната реализација на првиот симпозиум со меѓународно учество од областа на фармацијата, организаторите со мотив повеќе симпозиумот да добие традиционален карактер. Фармацевтски информатор, 63. pp. 13-15. ISSN 1409-8784

Keleshovska, Biljana and Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Formulation and Evaluation of Ibuprofen Peroral Suspension 100 mg/5 ml. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal, 66 (4). pp. 453-458.

Kertakova, Marija (2024) Успешни приказни на студенти на ТТФ за академската 2024/2025 година. [Image]

Kertakova, Marija (2024) Analysis of transfer and application of the conceptual dimensions of the historical costume from the XIX century in the practice of the fashion designers of women's fashion in the middle of the XXI century – Year 2005. Kowledge International Journal, 64 (5). pp. 631-637. ISSN 2545-4439

Kertakova, Marija (2024) The Nineteenth Century Costume in The Design Practice of Women's Fashion in 2006 – Spring-Summer Collections. In: 47th International scientific conference – Knowledge in practice, 13-15 Dec 2024, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Kertakova, Marija (2024) The Nineteenth Century Costume in the Design Practice of Women's Fashion in 2006 – Fall-Winter Collections. In: 47th International scientific conference – Knowledge in practice, 13-15 Dec 2024, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Kertakova, Marija (2024) Sustainable Design and Its Importance in Contemporary Fashion – an Analysis of The Work of Fashion Designer Stella McCartney. In: 7th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Trends and Innovations in Textile Industry – CT&ITI 2024, 19-20 Sept 2024, Belgrade.

Kertakova, Marija and Efremov, Jordan (2024) Fashion of The New Century – Modern Fashion or Expression of Social Status and Clothes for Success. Tekstilna industrija, 72 (1). pp. 11-22. ISSN 0040-2389

Kertakova, Marija and Golomeova, Saska and Andronikov, Darko (2024) Брошура на Технолошко-технички факултет за академската 2024/2025 година. [Image]

Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Унапредување на деловните процеси во хотелиерството во Република Северна Македонија. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип.

Kitanov, Trajce and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Производство на луцерка во Овче поле и проблеми со жолтата трева. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) Supply and demand as factors for the development of rural tourism. Knowledge International Journal, 67 (1). pp. 217-222. ISSN 1857-923X

Kitanov, Vladimir (2024) The economic effects of the development of wine tourism. International journal Knowledge, 63.1 (1). pp. 27-32. ISSN 2545-4439

Kitanova, Irena (2024) The Writing Process in Classroom Teaching. Mednarodna konferenca EDUizziv »Izzivi poučevanja in vrednotenja znanja«. pp. 544-549.

Kitanova, Irena (2024) The word of the teacher- a source of knowledge in teaching and strengthening the interactive component. Knowledge International Journal, 63.2 (2). pp. 175-179. ISSN 1857-923X

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) SAGA, a ballet composed by Toni Kitanovski. [Composition]

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) Toni Kitanovski, Concert at Kinarmonik, Kinshasa, DR Congo. [Performance]

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) Toni Kitanovski, invited visiting professor at Zhejiang Conservatory, Hangzhou , China. One month engagement as a musical director, conductor and arranger of CEEC Big Band orchestra. [Project]

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) Toni Kitanovski, performance at MC Gallery, New York, USA. [Performance]

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) Translajtanijski valceri, a CD produced by Toni Kitanovski (also arranger and performer), featuring Ahmed Buric and the poetry of Nenad Rizvanovic. [Project]

Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) YOTSI, Toni Kitanovski producer/arranger. Kinarmonik.

Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) CA22129 - InsectAI - Using Image-based AI for Insect Monitoring & Conservation (InsectAI). [Project]

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Gicev, Vlado (2024) Analysis of microtremors by measuring and processing of ambient vibrations tests. Geologica Macedonica, 38 (2). pp. 105-114.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Sofijanova, Elenica (2024) The Importance of Students Meaning in Process of Creating Teaching Materials. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8 (3). pp. 47-51.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2024) Migration and Redesign of an Existing Website to a New Server. In: ITRO 2023, 24 Nov 2023, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Risteska, Aleksandra (2024) Учење со помош на мобилни уреди – придобивки и предизвици на новото време. In: Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip, Macedonia.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Zlatev, Zoran and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2024) Students’ Attitude Towards Learning of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering and Their Professors. TEM Journal, 13 (3). pp. 2046-2053. ISSN 2217-8309

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Risteska, Aleksandra and Zlatev, Zoran (2024) With an Electronic Store Closer to our Customers. In: ITRO 2023, 24 Nov 2023, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojkovic, Natasa and Martinovska Bande, Cveta and Arnautova, Kamelija and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2024) Python Chatbot: Virtual Assistant in Educational Process. In: ITRO 2024, 29 Nov 2024, Zrenjanin, Republic of Serbia.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Zlatev, Zoran (2024) Cloud computing and virtualization: can cloud computing exist separately from virtualization? In: Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip, Macedonia.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija (2024) WordPress - an essential tool for digital marketing. Proceeding of XIII International conference on social and technological development. pp. 333-339. ISSN 2303-498X

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija (2024) Wordpress – an essential tool for digital marketing. In: XIII International conference on social and technological development – STED 2024, 06-09 June 2024, Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, B&H.

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatev, Zoran and Hinov, Nikolay (2024) Boost and Buck DC-DC Converters - Prediction of The Output. In: 13th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 26-28 June 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria. (In Press)

Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatev, Zoran and Hinov, Nikolay (2024) Boost and Buck DC-DC Converters - Prediction of The Output. In: 13th International Conference on Modern Circuits and Systems Technologies (MOCAST), 26-28 June 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Elena, Tashkova (2024) Design and Development of Educational Game Using ARCS model. In: MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention (MIPRO), 20-24 May 2024, Opatija, Croatia.

Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso and Maria Potes, Barbas (2024) The Integration of Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education: An Overview. In: Artificial Intelligence. Pro Universitaria SRL, pp. 10-16.

Koceva, Ana (2024) Лексикологија на англискиот јазик. [Teaching Resource]

Koceva, Ana (2024) English as a Linguacultural Code for Communication. In: International Scientific Conference Languages and Social Sciences in Contact: The Challenges of Interdisciplinarity, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Novi Sad, 5 Oct 2024, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Koceva, Ana (2024) Hybrid Learning and Teaching of EFL. Book of papers International Conference EDUchallenge ''Challenges in Education and Evaluation of Knowledge''. pp. 560-566.

Koceva, Ana (2024) Hybrid learning and teaching of EFL. In: International Online Conference EDU challenge "Challenges of Teaching and Knowledge Assessment", 26-28 June, 2024, online.

Koceva, Ana (2024) A comparative view on socio-pragmatic parameters of requests. In: International conference "Minds, Networks, Narratives: 90 Years of the Department of English", 8-9 Nov 2024, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia.

Koceva, Ana (2024) A cross-cultural comparison of complaints. In: Western Conference on Linguistics, 16-17 Nov 2024, Fresno, California.

Koceva, Ana and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Jovanovska, Sashka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Regional varieties of English & listening comprehension skills of EFL university students. Conference proceedings: Bursa 3rd International conference on humanity and social sciences..

Koceva, Ana and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka and Jovanovska, Sashka and Serafimovska, Simona (2024) Regional varieties of English and listening comprehension skills of EFL university students. In: Bursa 3rd International conference on humanity and social sciences, 20 - 22 September 2024, online.

Koceva, Biljana and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Ulanska, Darinka (2024) Using mythological idiomatic expressions in a foreig language classroom - bridging the past and the present. Proceedings of INTED 2024 Conference. pp. 4351-4357. ISSN 978-84-09-59215-9

Koceva, Daniela (2024) Социологија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-061-1

Koceva, Daniela (2024) Language as an imperative for higher educational achievements. In: Mednarodna online konferenca EDUizziv, Junij 2024 "Izzivi poučevanja in vrednotenja znanja", 26-28 Juni, 2024. (In Press)

Koceva, Daniela and Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2024) Универзитетски курикулум за интеркултурна работа со млади. [Project]

Koceva, Vesna and Karanikikj Josimovska, Jovana (2024) La Letteratura e i Testi Autentici in Rete. Un Connubio per Sviluppare le Capacità Argomentative in Classe di Italiano LS: Una Proposta Didattica del Contesto Universitario Macedone. Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges, 1 (1). pp. 355-364. ISSN 978-88-99811-20-4

Koceva, Vesna and Karanikikj Josimovska, Jovana (2024) La letteratura e i testi autentici in rete. Un connubio per sviluppare le capacità argomentative in classe di italiano LS: una proposta didattica del contesto universitario macedone. Language MOOCs and OERs: new trends and challenges. ISSN 978-88-99811-20-4

Koceva, Vesna and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana (2024) I rapporti familiari nei proverbi - potenzialità interculturale ed implicazioni glottodidattiche. Annual Review of the Faculty of Philosophy, Novi Sad, 49 (3). pp. 254-266. ISSN 0374-0730

Koceva, Vesna and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Ulanska, Tatjana (2024) Using mythological idiomatic expressions in a foreign language classroom - bridging the past and the present. INTED2024 18th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Proceedings, 18. pp. 4351-4357. ISSN 2340-1079

Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Stojkovic, Natasa and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Martinovska Bande, Cveta (2024) Metaheuristics methods for solving capacity vehicle routing problem an overview. In: XV International conference of information technology and development of education ITRO 2024, Zrenjanin.

Kochoski, Filip (2024) Развој на математички модели за дизајн на симетрични и асиметрични композитни делови. Doctoral thesis, University "Goce Delcev" - Stip.

Koevski, Goran and Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2024) „Местење на понуди“ во македонското конкурентско право и практика. In: Меѓународна научна конфенреција „Општествени промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Koevski, Goran and Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2024) Правата на оштетените наспроти правата на подносителите на “Leniency” во европското конкурентско право. In: Меѓународна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет Штип“, 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Kokalanov, Vasko and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Stojkovic, Natasa (2024) Designing a numerical model of tooth from CT with volumetric mesh. In: XIII International conference on social and technological development – STED 2024, 06-09 June 2024, Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, B&H.

Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Brycht, Mariola and Skrzypek, Sławomira and Mirceski, Valentin (2024) Label-Free Voltammetric Screening of Human Blood Serum. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 43 (1). pp. 21-32. ISSN 1857-5552

Koleva, Blagica (2024) Forensic accounting in the Republic of North Macedonia-status and perspectives. Academic Journal "Management and Education" Economics, Finance, Accounting., 20 (1). ISSN 1312-6121

Koleva, Blagica and Gjorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Анализа на финансиските извештаи на училиштата во РСМ. Годишен зборник 2024, Универзитет ”Гоце Делчев” – Штип, Економски факултет, 26 (1). pp. 17-26. ISSN 1857-7628

Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2024) The usage of modified atmosphere packing (MAP) as a useful method in maintaining the quality of agricultural products. In: 4th International Meeting ‘Agriscience & Practice’ ASP 2024, 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kolevska, Katerina and Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Petrova, Guenka and Ugrinska, Ana and Angelovska, Bistra (2024) Pharmacoeconomic analysis as a tool for more objective insight into the idea of introducing new radiopharmaceuticals. In: 21st European Symposium on Radiopharmacy & Radiopharmaceuticals, 18-21 Apr 2024, Coimbra, Portugal. (Unpublished)

Kolevska, Katerina and Cocevska, Maja and Atanasova, Marija and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Petrova, Guenka and Ugrinska, Ana and Angelovska, Bistra (2024) Feasibility study - a mean for multi-faceted assessment of the idea of establishing radioisotope production and introducing new radiopharmaceuticals into clinical practice. In: 11th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 30 May - 02 Jun 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Kolevska, Katerina and Cocevska, Maja and Atanasova, Marija and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Ugrinska, Ana and Angelovska, Bistra (2024) Feasibility study – a mean for multi-faced assessment of the idea of establishing radioisotope production and introducing new radiopharmaceuticals into clinical practice. In: 11th The Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 30 May - 02 June 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Капацитетите и Предизвиците на Македонското Правосудство за Навремено и Професионално Постапување. In: IX ОХРИДСКА ШКОЛА ЗА ПРИРОДНО ПРАВО, МАНУ „Зајакнување на националната отпорност кон корупцијата: транспарентност, отчетност и одговорност“, 01-06 June 2024, Ohrid. (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Femicide in North Macedonia: A Complex Interplay of Sociocultural Factors and Legal Challenges. In: International scientific conference "LEGAL PRINCIPLES IN CONTEMPORARY LAW", 19-20 Apr 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Nish. (Unpublished)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Hate crimes and social inclusion: Addressing inequality for sustainable development. [Teaching Resource] (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Is There a Growing Risk of Violent Extremism Due to Migration? In: The European Union’s Securitarian Approach to Migration Management: What Are the Repercussions?, 22 Nov 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Salerno, Italy. (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga and Isamatov, Ernis (2024) Unraveling the Impact of Xenophobia and Hate Crimes on the Human Rights of Migrants and Asylum Seekers. EUWEB LEGAL ESSAYS: Global & International Perspectives, 1. pp. 10-19. ISSN 2785-5228

Kosevaliska, Olga and Maksimova, Elena (2024) The efforts of the Republic of North Macedonia in improving the fight against gender-based violence by harmonizing the national legislation with international and European standards. In: EUVALWEB Final Conference Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights in the Prospect of the EU Enlargement (2nd edition), Belgrade, Serbia. (In Press)

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nanev, Lazar and Maksimova, Elena (2024) Од фемицид до убиство во нужна одбрана - кулминацијата на родово-базираното насилство во Р.С Македонија, со осврт на националното законодавство и пракса. Vol. 11 No. 11 (2024): Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". pp. 195-211.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Poposka, Zaneta and Maksimova, Elena (2024) Prevalence of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents in Municipalities in North Macedonia. In: The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Provision of Security, Responses to Crime and Security Threats and Fair Criminal Justice System. University of Maribor Press, pp. 91-121. ISBN 978-961-286-884-0

Kosevaliska, Olga and Surlovska, Roze (2024) Етничко профилирање и криминал од омраза како обележја на антициганизмот. Македонска ревија за казнено право и криминологија, 31 (1-2). ISSN 1409-5327

Kostadinov, Aleksandra and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Koleva, Blagica (2024) Значењето на анализата на финансиски извештаи за финансиската стабилност и успешност на компаниите. Годишен зборник 2024, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Економски факултет, 26. ISSN 1857-7628

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Dimovska, Daniela and Lelova, Zorica and Pljevljakusic, Dejan and Zivkovic, Jelena and Davcev, Zivko and Davcev, Petar and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Shade netting on raspberry and blackberries produced from south-east region of North Macedonia: effect on morphological characterization, chemical composition and antioxidant activity. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Dimovska, Daniela and Ilieva, Fidanka and Mot, Augustin Catalin and Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Radu and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Determination of antioxidant activity of cold-pressed edible oils from Republic of North Macedonia by Hemoglobin assay. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Todevska, Daniela and Lelova, Zorica and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Fermented food products from raspberries and blackberries - a new formulation for functional beverages. In: The 12th Conference on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Southeast European Countries, 17-19 Oct 2024, Izmir, Republic of Turkey.

Kostevska, Sara and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Cekerovski, Todor and Cekerovska, Marija and Srebrenkoska, Sara (2024) Паметен град. In: Energetics 2024. (In Press)

Koteski, Cane (2024) Геогравско потекло на храна и пијалаци. Универзитет Гоце Делчев, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-087-1

Koteski, Cane and Petkoski, Gjorgji (2024) Специјалитети од турската и бошњачката гастрономија во имплементација во Општините Прилеп, Крушево, Долнени и Кривогаштани. In: Седма меѓународна научна конференција Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век »ISCTBL 2024«, 17 May 2024, Skopje-North Macedonia.

Koteski, Cane and Petkoski, Gjorgji (2024) Archaeological sites in the municipalities of Prilep, Krushevo, Dolneni, and Krivogashtani as tourism development potential. In: VI Scientific conference with international participation Geografy, regional development and tourism dedicated to te 60th anniversary of the beginning of training in geography in higher edukation in Shumen, 8-10 Nov 2024, Shumen, Bulgarija.

Koteski, Cane and Popova, Svetlana and Petkoski, Gjorgji (2024) Significant motive characteristics for the development of tourism in Prilep municipality. In: VI Scientific conference with international participation Geografy, regional development and tourism dedicated to te 60th anniversary of the beginning of training in geography in higher edukation in Shumen, 8-10 Nov 2024, Shumen, Bulgarija.

Koteski, Cane and Qahili, Perparim (2024) Туристичка промоција на културните вредности на во град Вити. In: Седма меѓународна научна конференција Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век »ISCTBL 2024«, 17 May 2024, Skopje-North Macedonia.

Koteva, Ivana (2024) Dragi Mihaylovski’nin “Keşişin Ölümü” Adlı Romanındaki Hümanist Bakış Açısı. International Congress on Tourism, Culture and Economy (ITEC’24). ISSN 978-625-6497-47-4

Kotevski, Blagoj and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2024) Augmented Reality Application for Improving Writing and Motoric Skills in Children With Disabilities. In: MIPRO ICT and Electronics Convention, 20-24 May 2024, Opatija, Croatia.

Kotevski, Blagoj and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2024) Online Exam Proctoring System – Student Perspective. In: International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education – ITRO, Nov 2024, Zrenjanin, Serbia.

Kovacevik, Biljana and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Esatbeyoglu, Tuba and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Qamar, Muhammad and Rocha, Joao Miguel F. (2024) Biopreservation in Flours and Bread. In: Novel Approaches in Biopreservation for Food and Clinical Purposes. Taylor & Francis Group, Stip.

Kovacevik, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Determination and quantification of folpet in barley using HPLC-DAD analysis. Comptes rendus de l’Acad´emie bulgare des Sciences, 77 (10). pp. 1567-1574. ISSN 1310–1331 (Print), 2367–5535 (Online)

Kovacevik, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Strobilurins – quinone outside inhibitors: development, applications, and resistance. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip.

Kovacevik, Biljana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Todevska, Daniela (2024) The role of essential oil in plant protection: effective biopesticides or just a myth? In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip.

Kovacevska, Ivona and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa (2024) Стоматолошки материјали 1. Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-277-092-5

Krsteska, Blagica and Filipovski, Vanja and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Jasar, Dzengis and Bogdanovska Todorovska, Magdalena and Velickova, Nevenka (2024) PD-L1 expression in metastatic colorectal carcinoma. Archive of Oncology, 30 (1S). p. 30. ISSN 0354-7310 eISSN: 1450-9520

Krsteska, Blagica and Filipovski, Vanja and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Jasar, Dzengis and Bogdanovska Todorovska, Magdalena and Velickova, Nevenka (2024) Prognostic and clinicopathological value of PD-L1 and HER2 in colorectal cancer. In: Second Internists Gastroenterohepatology meeting with international participation, 26-27 Apr 2024, Skopje.

Krstev, Aleksandar and Cebova, Ivana and Krstev, Dejan (2024) Research on the implementation of a system for monitoring processes in educational institutions. IJSDR - International Journal of Scientific Development and Research, 9 (11). ISSN 2455-2631

Krstev, Dejan and Krstev, Aleksandar (2024) Application of center of gravity method for locations of facilities. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). pp. 83-89. ISSN 2545-4803

Krstev, Toshe and Vasileva, Dance and Nikolovska, Lence and Stratorska, Tamara (2024) Evaluation of the effectiveness of dry needling in the treatment of chronic lumbosacral pain. In: Tenth national congress of the BSNCH, 22-23 Nov 2024, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Krstev, Toshe and Vasileva, Dance and Nikolovska, Lence and Stratorska, Tamara (2024) Possibilities to Influence the Functional Possibilities in the Knee Joint Through the Application of Tissue Flossing. Journal of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 20 (2). pp. 137-143. ISSN 1312-6431

Krsteva, Marija (2024) American history culture and civilisation - Workbook. [Teaching Resource]

Krsteva, Marija (2024) European Fashion Figures in American Biofictions. Годишен Зборник на Филолошки факултет, 15 (13). pp. 79-84.

Krsteva, Marija (2024) European Fashion Figures in American Biofictions. In: International conference - Literature at the Borders: Biofiction Studies Today, 29-30 May 2024, Sofia University "St.Kliment Ohridski" - Sofia, Bulgaria. (Unpublished)

Krsteva, Marija (2024) The Lost Generation in Biofiction. In: 6 th International Conference of the Faculty of Philology (ICFP6) University of Montenegro: Language, translation and literary horizons in the 21st century, 27-28 Sept 2024, Bar, Montenegro. (Submitted)

Krsteva, Marija (2024) Sitcoms and language and culture acquisition. In: Intercultural Encounters: Global Perspectives, Local Contexts, University of Opole, Poland. (Submitted)

Krsteva, Marija (2024) Sitcoms and the Languaculture. Knowledge in Practice, 67 (5). pp. 789-794. ISSN 1857-923X

Kuan, Garry and Chin, Ming-Kai and Kuen, Yee Cheng and Sabo, Abdulwali and Mok, Magdalena Mo Ching and Balasekaran, Govindasamy and Chang, Yu-Kai and Edington.R, Christopher and Cuplan, Ian and Popeska, Biljana and Durstin.J., Larry (2024) A Systematic Review on the Effectiveness of Brain-Breaks® Video Programming on Academic Performance and Physical Activity of School Children. Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, 35 (2). pp. 258-272. ISSN 2651-4451

Kukuseva, Maja and Cekerovski, Todor and Stefanova, Sara and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Web Server Support of Multiple Controllers Data Transfer in IoT Network. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, 28. pp. 1-13. ISSN : 2602-3199

Kukuseva, Maja and Cekerovski, Todor and Stefanova, Sara and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Web Server Support of Multiple Controllers Data Transfer in IoT Network. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2602-3199

Kukuseva, Maja and Stojkovic, Natasa and Martinovska Bande, Cveta and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2024) Mathematical Analysis and Simulation of Measles Infection Spread with SEIRV+D Model. ICT Innovations 2023 Web proceedings. pp. 39-47.

Kukuseva, Maja and Stojkovic, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Martinovska Bande, Cveta (2024) Modeling and Simulation of Susceptible- Exposed– Infected – Recovered– Vaccinated- Susceptible Model of Influenza. TEM Journal, 13. pp. 663-669. ISSN 2217-8309

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Kulkarni, Aniket and Surya Bhavana Harish Gollavilli, Venkata and Alsalami, Zaid and Kaur Bhatia, Manpreet and Jovanovska, Sashka and Nurul Absur, Md (2024) Leveraging Deep Learning for Improved Sentiment Analysis in Natural Language Processing. In: ODICON 2024, 8-9 Nov 2024, Bhubaneswar, India.

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Latifi, Hamide and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2024) Stomatognathic system changes in partial edentulism and rehabilitation with fixed prosthetic solutions. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia, 26 (56-57). pp. 18-29. ISSN 1409-8768 | 1857-6087

Lazarevski, Dejan (2024) Концерт на класична гитара Дејан Лазаревски и Александра Кировска-Лешочки камерен музички фестивал 2024. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Lazarevski, Dejan (2024) Солистички концерт на Дејан Лазаревски-НУЦК "Ацо Шопов"-Штип 2024. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Lazarevski, Dejan (2024) Концерт на Дејан Лазаревски и Горан Тонев заедно со Женскиот младински хор Менада на - XV P.S.Guitar Fest Krushevo-2024. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Lazarevski, Martin and Delipetrova, Natali and Eftimova, Biljana (2024) Anesthesia for splenectomy – case report. In: VII Macedonian congress of anaesthesiology, reanimation and intensive care medicine, 04-07 Apr 2024, Ohrid, N. Macedonia.

Lazarov, Darko (2024) Микроекономија за бизнис. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев" - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-035-2

Lazarov, Darko (2024) Стратегијата за геолошки истражувања и одржливо искористување на минералните суровини на Република Северна Македонија, 2025-2045: Економска анализа на секторот рударство во РСМ. [Project] (Unpublished)

Lazarov, Darko (2024) Green Industrial Policy in North Macedonia. In: Green Industrial Policy Framework in the Western Balkans, GAP Institute – Kosovo, Tirana, Albania. (Unpublished)

Lazarov, Darko (2024) The Role of Manufacturing Sector to Economic Growth in North Macedonia. Ekonomika Journal. ISSN 0350-137X

Lazarov, Darko (2024) The Study for mapping regional trade and investment potential in the Manufacturing. In: PIT Adria Regional Sumit. (Submitted)

Lazarov, Darko (2024) A framework for Green Industrial Policies in the Western Balkan: GIP in North Macedonia (country report). [Project] (In Press)

Lazarova, Sanja (2024) Синтеза на сребрени наночестички преку хетерогена хемиска реакција на гроздови семки и сребро I нитрат. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Lazarova, Sanja (2024) Квадратно-бранова волтаметрија на Quercetin во пуфери со различни рН вредности снимени при ниски фреквенции. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Lazarova, Sanja (2024) Квадратно-бранова волтаметрија на Quercetin во рН = 7 и интеракции со Dopamine. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Lazarova, Sanja (2024) Електрохемиска студија на Quercetin со квадратно-бранова волтаметрија при ниски фреквенции во силно кисела средина. [Experiment] (Unpublished)

Lazarova, Sanja and Janeva, Milkica and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka (2024) Exploring the Electrochemistry of Surface-Active Redox Systems in Voltametric Analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions. In: Сојуз на хемичарите и технолозите на Македонија Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 25–28 Sept 2024, Ohrid. (Unpublished)

Lelova, Zorica and Stojakovic, Marko and Ivanova, Violeta and Kilár, Ferenc and Lisjak, Klemen and Márk, László (2024) MALDI-TOF-MS detection of pigments in wines during maceration. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Agriculture, Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia.

Leontik, Marija (2024) Синтагми со број во турскиот јазик и нивното предавање во македонскиот јазик. Годишен зборник 2024 - Yearbook 2024, 15 (23). pp. 19-30. ISSN 1857-7059

Leontik, Marija (2024) Поетските книги и поезијата на Ферид Мухиќ. Филозовска трибина, 47 (36). pp. 157-170. ISSN 0352-2954

Leontik, Marija (2024) Kuzey Makedonya'da Türkoloji / Turkology in North Macedonia. In: Dünya'da Türkoloji. Türkoloji Akademisi&Continent Publıcations, Ankara, pp. 245-396. ISBN 978-625-98594-5-3

Leontik, Marija and Çağma, Duygu (2024) Türkçe Dil Bilgisi Öğretiminde Çağdaş Türk Şiirinin Kullanılması. Палимпсест-Меѓународно списание за лингвистички, книжевни и културолошки истражувања/Palimpsest-International journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research, 9 (17). pp. 201-211. ISSN 2545-3998

Locu, Afrim and Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Fostering economic cooperation for enhanced benefits in the Western Balkans: needs, practices and values. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 14 (5). pp. 157-166. ISSN 2240-0524

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2024) Resin infiltration of non-cavitated caries lesions: review. Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers, 62 (4). ISSN 1857-923X / 2545 – 4439

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Atanasova, Sandra (2024) The possibility of using ultrasound in endodontics: Review. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 46. ISSN 1857- 8489

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija (2024) Polymerization Contraction in Composites - How to Reduce it? In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 April 2024, Avala Resort and Villas, Budva, Montenegro.

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova, Julija and Kovacevska, Ivona (2024) The minimally invasive management of early occlusal caries. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 April 2024, Avala Resort and Villas, Budva, Montenegro.

Lozanoska, Ana and Trpevska, Vesna and Tanatarec, Ivan and Stefanoska, Tanja (2024) Efficiency of segmented mechanics to optimize the orthodontic treatment in canine distalization - case report. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Lukarevski, Martin and Marinescu, Dan Stefan (2024) Bridges between three remarkable inequalities. Elemente der Mathematik. (In Press)


Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2024) Green skills of human resources in small and medium enterprises. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (6). pp. 921-926. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2024) Polices and challenges in the transformation of green enterprises. Tourism and green investments -Conference Proceedings, 8 (1). pp. 225-233.

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Jovevska, Svetlana (2024) Државни политики и мерки за развој на претприемништво. Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 4 (1). pp. 44-48.

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Komnenovikj, Kristina (2024) Претприемачки вештини за деловен развој: Трансформација на предизвикот во можност. International Scientific Conference, "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" (ISCTBL), 7 (1). pp. 65-71.

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Petroska-Angelovska, Neda (2024) Македонскиот случај на политики за дигитална трансформација на финансиското известување. Računovodstvo i revizija u teoriji i praksi, 6 (6). pp. 23-30. ISSN 2637-272X

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Petroska-Angelovska, Neda (2024) Trends for introducing green policies in small and medium enterprises. Knowledge-International Journal, 63 (1). pp. 21-25. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Majhosev, Andon (2024) Медиумите во Штип: историја на подеми и падови. Nacionalna ustanova Univerzitetska biblioteka Goce Delcev Stip, Stip. ISBN 978-608-242-142-1

Majhosev, Andon and Cackov, Oliver (2024) 100 години синдикално движење во Штип (1923-2023). Other. Национална установа Универзитетска библиотека Гоце Делчев Штип, Stip.

Maksimov, Bojan and Dimov, Gorgi and Zendelska, Afrodita (2024) Application of modern platforms for the acquisition of spatial data in landfill monitoring. Natural Resources and Technology, 18 (2). pp. 16-25. ISSN 1857-6966

Maksimov, Bojan and Ivanovski, Igor and Dimov, Gorgi (2024) Фотограметријата како метод за мониторинг на усеци. Book of extended abstracts of the 5th congress of the Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia. pp. 81-82.

Maksimova, Elena (2024) Cooperation for the Protection of the Rights of Female Migrants: Prevention of Gender-Based Violence During Migration. EUWEB Legal Essays Global & International Perspectives. ISSN 2785-5228

Maksimova, Elena (2024) Criminological Aspects of Gender – Based Violence Towards Women and Girls During Migration Flows. In: International scientific conference "Legal Principles in Cotemporary Law", Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Maksimova, Viktorija and Amos, Milena (2024) Potential of natural triterpenoid structures as a framework for design and development of perspective synthetic NRF2-modulating therapeutic agents. In: 8th BenBedPhar Scientific Meeting: Thirty years since the discovery of NRF2, 10-11 Oct 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.

Manev, Nikola and Jovanovikj, Eleonora and Dimitrovski, Dame (2024) Review of the required legislative changes to facilitate N. Macedonia’s transition to renewables. Mechanical Engineering Scientific Journal, 42 (2). pp. 117-125. ISSN 1857–9191

Manev, Nikola and Jovchevski, Igor and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior (2024) Implications for the environmental-engineering compromise as a result of the aftermarket optimization of a diesel engine. Journal of Energy Technology, 17 (1). pp. 20-31. ISSN 2463-7815

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Ilieva, Verica (2024) Селекција и семепроизводство во поледелството. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип, Северна Македонија.

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilievski, Mite and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Assessment of genetic diversity among barley varieties with different origin using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. In: IV International Meeting "Agriscience & Practice", APS 2024, 13 June 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilievski, Mite and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Assessment of genetic diversity among barley varieties with different origin using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Science, 22 (1). pp. 23-31. ISSN 2545-4455

Markovska, Evgenija (2024) Promotion of health tourism in spa Bansko. Knowledge – International Journal, 66 (1). ISSN 2545 – 4439

Markovska, Evgenija and Sazdova, Julijana (2024) Development of spa tourism in the republic of north Macedonia over the years. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (1). ISSN 2545 – 4439

Markovska, Evgenija and Sazdova, Julijana (2024) Domestic versus foreign visitors to the spas in the Republic of North Macedonia. Knoweledge International Journal, 63 (1). pp. 51-55. ISSN 2545-4439

Markovska, Evgenija and Sazdova, Julijana (2024) Potentials for the development of health tourism in Katlanovska Spa. Knoweledge - International Journal, 66 (1). pp. 165-169. ISSN 2545-4439

Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Dimova, Cena (2024) Ефикасност на озонот во дезинфекција на медицински апарати. In: Вие сте во сигурни раце со дезинфекција и стерилизација, 14-16 June 2024, Ohrid, Makedonija.

Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Jashari, Visar and Ilijev, Aneta and Belevska Kinova, Jasmina and Abdulahi, Bardulj and Sulejmani, Valjon (2024) Supernumerary teeth extraction as a pre-therapy of planned orthodontic treatment. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia (54-55). pp. 95-101. ISSN 1857-6087

Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Petreska, Anita and Arsovski, Zoran and Dimova, Cena and Menceva, Zaklina (2024) Револуција во оралната хирургија со вештачка интелигенција и етичките стандарди. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Popovic-Monevska, Danica and Temelkova, Simona and Mencheva, Zaklina and Stojanova, Irena and Trajculeski, Stavre (2024) Actinomyces spp. како причина за појава на бисфосфонатна остеонекроза на вилиците. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Markovski Spasovska, Slagjana and Papakoca, Kiro and Stojanova, Irena and Markoska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Epulis fibrosis in mandible - a case report. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Markovski Spasovska, Slagjana and Papakoca, Kiro and Stojanova, Irena and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Epulis fibrosis in mandible – case report. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Marolov, Dejan (2024) Security dilemma unveiled: a scholarly inquiry into the Palestinian-Israeli and Ukrainian-Russian conflicts through the prism of offensive and defensive realism. Balkan Social Science Review. ISSN 1857-8772

Marolov, Dejan and Stojanovski, Strasko and Doneva, Natasa (2024) Evaluating Macedonian foreign policy: legal perspectives, regional realities, and public opinion perceptions. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World".

Marolova, Ana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Ivanova, Biljana (2024) Intercultural translation - achieving dynamic equivalence in translating specific terms of material and spiritual culture. Education and new trends 2024, 2 (1). pp. 57-61. ISSN 2184-1489

Marolova, Darinka (2024) Преведување-теорија и практика. [Teaching Resource]

Marolova, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Ivanova, Biljana (2024) Possible Ways to Disambiguate Syntactic Ambiguity in Academic Writing in German. ICERI2024 Proceedings. pp. 8000-8004. ISSN 2340-1095

Marolova, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Ivanova, Biljana (2024) The Problematic Translability of Pejorative and Obscene Expressions. ICERI2024 Proceedings 17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation. pp. 8014-8018. ISSN 2340-1095

Mateta Gigova, Dusica and Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Општи карактеристики и категоризација на македонските хотели (состојба 2023). In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2024«, 17 May 2024, Skopje, Republic оf N.Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Mateta Gigova, Dusica and Dimitrov, Nikola (2024) Општи карактеристики и категоризација на македонските хотели (состојба 2023). In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2024«, 17 May 2024, Skopje, Republic оf N.Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Menceva, Zaklina and Trajculeski, Stavre and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Rusevska, Biljana (2024) Autograft vs mucograft – maturation index for surface healing of the graft site. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Mencheva, Zaklina and Trajchuleski, Stavre and Rusevska, Biljana and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Stanoev, Slobodan (2024) Inteross® collagen block in alveola preservation. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Metodijeski, Dejan (2024) Менаџмент на мени. [Teaching Resource]

Metodijeski, Dejan (2024) Храна и пијалаци. Министерство за образование и наука на Република Северна Македонија, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-273-881-9

Metodijeski, Dejan (2024) Musical opus of Arena records independent hip hop label. Balkan hip hop studies (BHHS) International Journal of hip hop and urban culture, 2 (4). pp. 13-22. ISSN 2955-2206

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Cuculeski, Nikola and Todorovic, Emilija (2024) Basic aspects of youth travel and tourism – educational tourism. In: 12th International Conference “Ohrid-Vodici 2024”, 17-19 Jan 2024, Ohrid.

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Todorovic, Emilija and Dzambazovski, Kristijan and Timovski, Riste and Cuculeski, Nikola and Micevski, Mladen (2024) Кампинг туризам. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-21-4

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Todorovic, Emilija and Dzambazovski, Kristijan and Timovski, Riste and Cuculeski, Nikola and Micevski, Mladen (2024) Шопинг туризам. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-23-8

Metodijeski, Dejan and Sazdova, Julijana (2024) Интернационална гастрономија (Е-Практикум). [Teaching Resource]

Metodijeski, Dejan and Sazdova, Julijana (2024) Интернационална гастрономија (Е-Скрипта). [Teaching Resource]

Miceva, Dijana (2024) Придржување кон терапија со лекови: фактори кои влијаат и методи и пристапи на мерење - приказ на состојбата во Република Северна Македонија. In: Дванаесета работилница на болнички фармацевти на Македонија „Улогата на болничкиот фармацевт во придржување кон терапија на болничките пациенти, промоција и унапредување на јавното здравство“, 27-29 Sept 2024, Berovo.

Miceva, Dijana and Dima, Alexandra L. and Lizano-Barrantes, Catalina and Ferrer, Montse and Garin, Olatz and Smilkov, Katarina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Lazarova, Biljana and Angelovska, Bistra and Naumovska, Zorica and Drakalska, Elena (2024) Macedonian Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the InhalerTechnique Questionnaire (InTeQ). In: 31st Annual Conference of the International Society for Quality of Life Research, 13-16 Oct 2024, Cologne, Germany.

Miceva, Dijana and Dima, L. Alexandra and Smilkov, Katarina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Lazarova, Biljana and Angelovska, Bistra and Naumovska, Zorica and Drakalska, Elena (2024) Translation and adaptation of the MIS-A (Medication Intake Survey-Asthma) questionnaire in Macedonian language. In: 9th PCNE Working Symposium 2024, 20 - 22 June 2024, Basel, Switzerland.

Mickovski, Ivana and Eftimovska-Otovikj, Natasha and Poposka, Elizabeta and Popovska, Bojana (2024) Adrenal crisis due to addison ‘s disease presenting acute kidney failure: a rare presentation. In: 7th MSNDTAO Congress Macedonian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Artificial Organs with International participation and ISN supported CME course with ERA endorsement, 04-07 Apr 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mickovski, Ivana and Eftimovska-Otovikj, Natasha and poposka, elizabeta and Popovska, Bojana (2024) Case report: acute kidney injury secondary to mixedema accompaning rhabdomyolysis. In: 7th MSNDTAO Congress Macedonian Society of Nephrology, Dialysis and Artificial Organs with International participation and ISN supported CME course with ERA endorsement, 04-07 Apr 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mickovski, Ivana and Miloshevska, Radmila and Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela (2024) Adipsic Central Diabetes Insipidus as a Result of Neurosarcoidosis. In: 26th European congress of Endrocrinology 2024, 11-14 May 2024, Stockholm Sweden.

Mickovski, Ivana and Miloshevska, Radmila and Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela (2024) Adipsic Central Diabetes Insipidus as a Result of Neurosarcoidosis. Endrocrine Abstract (2024), 99. p. 728. ISSN ISSN 1470-3947 (print) | ISSN 1479-6848 (online)

Mickovski, Ivana and Petreski, Stevanche (2024) Motivation of women to donate blood. Knowledge - International Journal, 66 (4). pp. 503-509. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Mihailov, Stefan and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Присуство на вирус на свиткување на листовите кај виновата лоза (Grapevine leafroll associated virus – GLRaV) кај винските сорти на грозје. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2024) Characteristics, Legal Nature and Taxation of Management Contracts According to the Macedonian Law. Review of European and Comparative Law, 3. ISSN 2545-384X (Online)

Mihajlov, Ljupco (2024) “Germany - Western Balkan Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD-WB)“. [Project] (In Press)

Mihajlov, Ljupco (2024) The organic sector in North Macedonia – current situation, challenges and Government policies to support the sector. In: The 2nd International Conference for Organic Agriculture in Kosovo, 23 Sept 2024, Pristina, Kosovo.

Mihajlovski, Angele and Dzorleva, Tatjana and Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Концерт на Татјана Џорлева и Ангеле Михајловски во Прилеп. [Performance]

Mihajlovski, Angele and Dzorleva, Tatjana and Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Целовечерен концерт на дуото Михајловски-Џорлева во Истанбул (Р. Турција) и премиерна изведба на композицијата „Повторна средба“ од авторот Марјан Јанкоски. [Performance]

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Lazarovski, Aleksandar and Doneva, Nikolinka (2024) Избор на начин за отворање на подземен рудник. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Stefanov, Vasko and Mirakovski, Dejan (2024) Application of the TOPSIS Method for Selecting the Location of the Main Warehouse. TRANSPORT & LOGISTICS: the International Journal, 24 (56). pp. 51-58. ISSN 2406-1069

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Stefanov, Vasko and Mirakovski, Dejan (2024) Application of the VIKOR method for solving problems in logistics. Logistics, Supply Chain, Sustainability and Global Challenges, 15 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2784-7497

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Stefanov, Vasko and Mirakovski, Dejan (2024) Избор на местоположба на рударски магацин со примена на Promethee методата. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Stefanov, Vasko and Mirakovski, Dejan (2024) Selection of the location of the main warehouse using the EDAS method. Natural Resources and Technology. ISSN 1857-6966

Mijoska, Aneta and Jovanovski, Saso and Petkov, Marjan and Spirov, Vancho and Trpevska, Vesna (2024) Efficacy of Botulinum Toxin in Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Mijoska, Aneta and Petkov, Marjan and Denkovski, Marijan and Bajraktarova Valjakova, Emilija and Trpevska, Vesna and Stojanovski, Ivan and Stojanovska, Magdalena and Naumovski, Borjan (2024) Ефикасност на конзервативниот третман со ботулинум токсин кај хипертофија на масетеричен мускул. Vox Dentarii (56). pp. 30-34. ISSN 1857-7814

Mijoska, Aneta and Trpevska, Vesna and Bajraktarova Valjakova, Emilija and Petkov, Marjan and Dastevski, Blagoja and Jovanovski, Saso (2024) Conservative treatment of the masseter muscle hypertrophy associated with temporomandibular joint disorder. Proceeding of the international scientific conference in dentistry 2024 Novi Sad, 1 (1): 1. pp. 12-16. ISSN 616.31(082)

Milenkovic, Dragan and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Benefits of fruit intake on cardiovascular health. MDPI.

Mileska, Biljana (2024) Улогата на сестрата при нега на болни со краниоцеребрални повреди. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Milev, Sasko and Tasevski, Darko and Dimitrovski, Zoran (2024) Change in the bending stress and Hertzian contact stress on the teeth in a planetary gear reducer depending on the number of revolution of the input shaft. International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management, 8 (12). pp. 345-354. ISSN 2456-9348

Mileva, Aleksandra and Koceski, Saso and Stojanov, Done and Stojkovic, Natasa and Velinov, Aleksandar and Kukuseva, Maja and Anceva, Milka and Chibisheva Noveska, Aleksandra (2024) Securing FHIR Servers: Security Evaluation and AI-Driven Medical Data Analysis and Simulations for Enhanced Healthcare Services. [Project]

Milicević, Vladimir and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Jordović Pavlović, Miroslava (2024) The Application of Artificial Intelligence in Education – The Current State and Trends. International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education (IJCRSEE), 12 (2). pp. 259-272. ISSN 2334-8496

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Животна нишка. In: Прва вајарска колонија Моклиште 2024, 14-20 Aug 2024, Kavadarci, N.R. Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Одблесоци - самостојна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Треперливи секвенци - скулпторско дело. [Artefact]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Од Балканот до Анадолија - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) „Бескраен лет“ и „Товарот на свесноста“. In: Арт симпозиум Јахорина, 15-24 July 2024, Pale. BiH. (Unpublished)

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Фрагментирана интроспекција - самостојна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Боите на Св.Трифун низ сликите на ликовните уметници од Македонија - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Изложба на дела од „Арт симпозиум Јахорина 19“ - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Професори и студенти, академска година 2023-24 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) ДЛУМ Годишна изложба 2024 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Експериментален цртеж 2024 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Современа скулптура 2024 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Мал фотмат 2024 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Миниартура 2024 - групна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Miloseski, Slobodan (2024) Меѓународната ликовна колонија „Марко Цепенков -Дрен 2024“. In: „Марко Цепенков -Дрен 2024“, 08-13 Aug 2024, Prilep. (Unpublished)

Mimoza, Serafimova and Ruzica, Nikolova (2024) Женско Претприемништво - Предизвик, Можност, Феминизам. In: Seventh International Scientific Conference, 17 May 2024, Skopje.

Minevska, Emilija and Apostolova, Paulina and Karpicarov, Dino and Vitanov, Petre and Grozdanov, Anita and Paunovic, Perica and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica (2024) A Simple and Sensitive HPLC Method For Determination of Tacrolimus in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms. In: 27th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 25–28 Sept 2024, Metropol Lake Resort, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Minkova, Aleksandra and Ivanovska, Biljana (2024) Деонтичката и епистемската застапеност на модалните глаголи во германскиот јазик врз примери од Светото евангелие според Матеј. Годишен зборник на Филолошкиот факултет, УГД, Штип, 15 (24). pp. 13-31.

Minov, Ivan and Ilieva, Verica and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija (2024) Принос и компоненти на приносот кај некои сорти пченица одгледувани во Кочанско. In: V Студентска конференција "Критични прашања во земјоделствотот и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University.

Minov, Ivan and Ilieva, Verica and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija (2024) Yield and yield components in some wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in Kocani region. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 22 (2). pp. 45-51. ISSN 2545-4455

Minov, Jordan and Stoleski, Sasho and Kochovska-Kamchevska, Nade and Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela and Mijakoski, Dragan and Atanasovska, Aneta and Panajotovic-Radevska, Maja and Bislimovska, Dragana and Zdraveski, David (2024) Outcomes of Sensitizer-Induced Occupational Asthma: Clinical and Functional Features in Regard to Occupational Exposure After Diagnosis. International Journal of Clinical Studies & Medical Case Reports, 48 (1). ISSN 2692-5877

Minovski, Dragan and Sterjova, Marija (2024) Conceptual Techno-Economic Analysis of Retrofitting a 210 MW Thermal Heavy-Oil Power Plant with a Molten Salt Thermal Energy Storage System for Renewable Power: A case Analysis of TEC Negotino. Journal of Energy Technology (JET).

Miovska, Sijce and Martinovska Bande, Cveta and Stojkovic, Natasa (2024) Predicting wine properties based on weather conditions using machine learning techniques. In: 47 ICT and Electronics Convention, Artificial Intelligence Systems, 20-24 May 2024, Opatija, Croatia. (In Press)

Mirakovski, Dejan and Lazarov, Darko and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Zendelska, Afrodita and Krcheva, Violeta (2024) Циркуларна и зелена економија базирана на соработка наука-бизнис. [Project] (Unpublished)

Mirakovski, Dejan and Zendelska, Afrodita and Boev, Blazo and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Doneva, Nikolinka and Boev, Ivan and Dimov, Gorgi and Doneva, Elena and Mihailovska, Ana (2024) Evaluation of PM2.5 Sources in Skopje Urban Area Using Positive Matrix Factorization. Environmental Modeling & Assessment. ISSN 1420-2026 / e-ISSN:1573-2967

Mirascieva, Snezana and Josimovska, Verica (2024) Игра Као Подстицај за Развој Деце Предшколског Узраста. In: XII Naučno – stručna konferencija međunarodnog karaktera „Razvijanje kooperativnosti i kompetitivnosti kroz igru dece predškolskog uzrasta“, 19-22 Sep 2024, Sarajevo, BiH..

Mirascieva, Snezana and Josimovska, Verica (2024) Играта како поттик за развој на предучилишното дете. Годишен зборник, 13. pp. 25-30. ISSN 1409-9187

Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Josimovska, Verica and Koceva, Daniela (2024) Dimensioning of strategies in contemporary educational work in a historical context– from Comenius to Stream –. In: International Conference Stem/Steam/Stream Approach in Theory and Practice of Contemporary Education., 31 May 2024, Jagodina, Srbija. (In Press)

Mirceska, Viktorija and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Diabetic retinopathy challenge of modern times. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 433-438. ISSN 2545-4439

Mirceski, Valentin and Guziejewski, Dariusz and Gulaboski, Rubin (2024) Genuine anodic and cathodic current components in cyclic voltammetry. Scientific Reports, 14 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2045-2322

Mircovski, Vojo and Gicevski, Biljana and Hristovski, Slavco and Petric, Metka (2024) Natural tracers as a tool for understanding the functioning of the Karst system and its vulnerability – a case study of the Manastirec spring –. Geologica Macedonica, 38 (2). ISSN 0352 – 1206

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Пристап, собирање, обработка и трансфер на медицинските податоци и правото на приватност: македонски практики. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Хрестоматија во финансиите и финансовото право. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” – Штип.

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Introduction to Macedonian Law. In: International lecturing within the Law School of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 10-11 May 2024, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) THE PUBLIC -PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP - benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024 “Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society”, 17 May 2024, Faculty of Business and Law "MB" University, Belgrade, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2024) The ambiguity of Solidarity tax. In: New Challenges and New Technologies in Public Administration, Public Finances and Tax Law, 26-27 Sept 2024, Management Campus at Széchenyi István University of Győr, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) The public -private partnership -benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. MB University International Review - MBUIR, Journal of Theory and Practice, 2 (1).

Mitev, Petar and Spasov, Dusan and Atanasova, Biljana and Spasova, Dragica and Ilievski, Mite (2024) Контрола на популацијата на штетници кај виновата лоза. In: V Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделствотот и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University. Stip.

Miteva, Marija and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2024) СТЕМ приод во изучување на диференцијалните равенки. In: Ден на диференцијалните равенки, 17 May 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miteva, Marija and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2024) Application of Algebras in Evaluating Products of Distributions. In: Computer Science and Mathematics, 21-23 May, 2024, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miteva, Marija and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Stojkovic, Natasa (2024) Products of distributions in Colombeau algebra. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (7).

Mitevski, Aleksandar and Cvetanovski, Vlatko and Markov, Petar and Milev, Ilija (2024) Transanal Hemorrhoidal Dearterialization (THD): A Single Center Experience on 100 Consecutive Cases. Lietuvos chirurgija, 23 (1). pp. 34-39. ISSN 1392–0995

Mitkov, Oliver and Vasileva, Dance and Ristik Stomnaroska, Daniela and Lichkova, Elena (2024) Modern aspects of treatment with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation. In: Tenth National Congress with international participation of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (BSNCH), 22-24 Nov 2024, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.

Mitkov Leova, Martina and Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Craftsmanship and local economic development: a Veles municipality case study. Macedonian international Journal of “Marketing”, 10 (20). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1857-9787

Mitkovski, Mladen and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Comparative Analysis Between Bifacial and Monofacial Solar Panels Using PV*SOL Software. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

Mitrev, Spase and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Types of dioptric glasses in North Macedonia and their application in the correction of refractive anomalies with special emphasis in the municipality of Strumica. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 615-618. ISSN 1857-923X

Mitreva, Anastasija and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Incidence of refractive anomalies in Strumica. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 611-614. ISSN 1857-923X

Mitreva, Elizabeta (2024) Мерен систем во управувањето со деловните процеси во организациите во Република Северна Македонија. In: 7th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" - (ISCTBL), Skopje.

Mitreva, Elizabeta (2024) Тотален менаџмент на квалитет. Other. Печатница 2-ри Август Штип, Штип.

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Бранот на промени во деловните процеси во хотелската индустрија во Р.С.Македонија. In: Vol. 7 No. 1 (2024): 7th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" - (ISCTBL), 17.05.2024, Скопје.

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Improvement of business processes in the hotel industry in RN Macedonia. Humanities Journal, 1 (3). pp. 1-12. ISSN 2966-1382

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Proposed Model for Improving Quality in the Hotel Industry in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: The 3rd International Conference on Frontiers in Academic Research ICFAR 2024, June 15-16, 2024, Konya, Turkey.

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Quality System Management in the hotel industry in the Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT), Vol. 4 (1). pp. 105-116. ISSN 2 671 - 3810

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Tashev, Marija and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Comparative analysis of television and email as digital marketing channels through a case study. Journal of Digital Science, 6 (1). pp. 36-46. ISSN 2686-8296

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Todorova, Pavlinka and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Application of Kaizen Philosophy in Business Process Improvement in the Automotive Industry. SAR Journal, 7 (2). pp. 113-119. ISSN 2619-9955

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Todorova, Pavlinka and Kicara, Dzevat (2024) Developing solutions for the improvement of business processes in the Macedonian automotive industry. In: the 11th International Conference on October, 17-18 Oct 2024, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mitreva, Mila (2024) Влијанието на институционалните инвеститори врз пазарот на капитал и економскиот раст. Doctoral thesis, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Skopje, N. Macedonia.

Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2024) Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју. In: Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју.

Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Impact of institutional investors on capital markets in selected European countries. Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives, 9 (1). pp. 29-37. ISSN 2149-9276

Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Overview of the Financial System in N.Macedonia. In: Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, ISCTBL 2024.

Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Overview of the financial system in North Macedonia. 7th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" - (ISCTBL), 7 (1). pp. 60-64.

Mitreva, Mila and Koleva, Blagica (2024) Примена на вештачката интелигенција во финансиско моделирање и предвидување на ризици. Годишен зборник 2024, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” – Штип, Економски факултет, 26 (1). pp. 35-40. ISSN 1857-7628

Mitrova, Ana and Koceva, Daniela (2024) Интеркултурна комуникација и интеркултурна компетенција во мултикултурно општество. Годишен зборник на Факултетот за образовни науки, 13 (13). ISSN 1409-9187

Mitrova, Ana and Koceva, Daniela (2024) Socialization and education. Vospitanie - Journal of educational sciences, theory and practice, 19 (1). ISSN 1857-8705

Mladenovski, Marko and Jakovchevska, Аleksandra and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Stefanoska, Таnjа and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Gjorshovska, Klimentina (2024) The Braille in Dental Offices. In: II Macedonian Pedodontic Congress, 30 May - 01 June 2024, Skopje.

Mladenovski, Marko and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Longurova, Natasa and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2024) Oral cancer screening: timely detection gives better results. In: Congress od Macedonian orthodontic society with international participation “Excellence in orthodontics through diagnostics, treatment techniques, results and ethics”, 26-29 Sept 2024, Hotel Granit, Ohrid, R.N.Macedonia.

Mladenovski, Marko and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Arsovski, Ljupka (2024) Oral leukoplakia early detection and effective management. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 4-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mladenovski, Milan and Gelev, Saso (2024) Digital forensics on android device. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). pp. 25-38. ISSN 2545-4803 online

Mogilevska Gruevska, Dragana and Gruevski, Ilija and Boshevska, Golubinka and Gaber, Stevan (2024) Probability Threshold Optimization for Classification of COVID-19 Patients with Higher Mortality Risk: A Case Study from the North-Eastern Region in North Macedonia. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2 (5). ISSN 2786-8524

Mogilevska-Gruevska, Dragana and Boshevska, Golubinka and Gjoreski, Klime (2024) SWOT Analysis of the Method of Radiographic Assessment of the Pathogen Mechanism in the Lungs of COVID-19 Patients. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2 (6). pp. 72-78. ISSN 2786-8524

Mogilevska-Gruevska, Dragana and Gruevski, Ilija and Boshevska, Golubinka and Gjoreski, Klime (2024) Covid-19 Outcome Prediction Model by Using Radio-Diagnostic Methods. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2 (3). ISSN 2786-8524


Nacev, Trajce (2024) Убикација на античкиот град Астибо. In: Научен симпозиум по повод 10 години Истражувачки центар за културно наследство, МАНУ, Скопје., Скопје.

Nacev, Trajce (2024) Конзерваторско работи на фортификацијата ( порта, кула, 1, кула 2, кула 3, кула 4, кула 5, кула 6,северен, јужен, источен и западен одбранбен ѕид) и на објект IX на Цари Мали Град село Белчин - Самоков. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce and Angelovski, Bosko (2024) Идентификација на пајонско оружје од VI – V век п.н.е. од просторот на Р. Македонија. 75 year jubilee of the Institute of art history and archeology.

Nacev, Trajce and Atanasova, Ilinka (2024) Работилница за стакло во Баргала. Годишник на асоциација „ОНГЪЛ“, 17 (23). ISSN 1311-493X

Nacev, Trajce and Cvetanov, Dusko (2024) Археолошки локалитет „Мал Кајаси“ се наоѓа во атарот на с. Банско. Годишник на асоцијација „ОНГЪЛ“, 17 (23). ISSN 1311-493X

Nacev, Trajce and Cvetanov, Dusko (2024) Некропола во подножјето на археолошкиот локалитет Цареви Кули - Струмица. In: XVIII Цар-Шишманови дни в Самоков, Samokov, Bulgaria.

Nacev, Trajce and Machkovski, Andrej and Stojanovski, Darko and Temovski, Marjan and Lejsi, Sara and Atanasov, Rade (2024) Пештера Будимирица, Кавадаречко: Сондажно ископување 2024. In: XXVII Симпозиум на Македонското археолошко друштво - in honorem Бошко Бабиќ, 20-22 Nov 2024, Bitola.

Nacev, Trajce and Slamkov, Emil (2024) Заштитни археолошки истражувања на лок. Богослов камен, с. Горни Балван, Штип. In: XXVII Симпозиум на македонското археолошко друштво in honorem д-р Бошко Бабиќ.

Nacev, Trajce and Veselinov, Dragan (2024) Фортификациите како основна заштита на населението од опасности во средниот век на територијата на општина Штип. In: XVIII Цар-Шишманови дни в Самоков, Samokov, Bulgaria.

Nakov, Dimitar and Gjorgjievski, Srecko and Kuzelov, Aco and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) The effects of feed form on broiler chicken growth performance. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, 15-17 May 2023, Tetovo.

Nakov, Dimitar and Kuzelov, Aco and Hristov, Slavča and Stankovic, Branislav and Miočinović, Jelena and Cincović, Marko (2024) Mastitis makes changes in the blood antioxidant enzyme activity during the transition period of dairy cows: Part II. Book of Proceedings of the XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences (AgroReS 2024). ISSN 2831-1248

Nakov, Dimitar and Kuzelov, Aco and Hristov, Slavča and Stankovic, Branislav and Miočinović, Jelena and Cincović, Marko (2024) Mastitis makes changes in the blood antioxidant enzyme activity during the transition period of dairy cows: Part II. In: XIII International Symposium on Agricultural Sciences (AgroReS 2024), 27-30 May, 2024, Trebinje, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Nakov, Dimitar and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Miteva, Marija and Hristov, Slavča and Stankovic, Branislav (2024) Mathematical modeling and machine learning prediction for prevalence dynamics of clinical mastitis in dairy herds. Zbornik radova 26. medunarodni kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produkciju preživara - FeMeSPRum - zbornik radova. p. 22.

Namicev, Petar (2024) Rural architecture in southeast Macedonia from XIX century. Project Report. Petar Namicev, Skopje.

Namicev, Petar and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2024) Ottoman Influence on Architecture: The Evolution of Spatial and Decorative Elements in the 19th Century Traditional Macedonian Architecture. Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, 11 (9). pp. 76-92. ISSN 2738-2222

Namicev, Petar and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2024) Transformations of the Vernacular Houses of Macedonia in the 19th Century. Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, 11 (05). pp. 70-87. ISSN 2378-2222

Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2024) The Architectural Production of Architect Boris Dutov in the Period of 1921-1940 in the City of Skopje. Palimpsest, 9 (17). pp. 157-168. ISSN 2545-3998

Naskova, Sanja (2024) Кариес во рано детство. In: 47 International Scientific Conference The Power of Knowledge. (In Press)

Naskova, Sanja (2024) Caries in early childhood. International Journal Knowledge / The Power of Knowledge, 66 (4).

Naskova, Sanja and Dimova, Cena and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2024) immunoglobulins IgA and IgG in children with permanent dentition and dental caries. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design (JHED), 46.

Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2024) Дентална трауматологија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Факултет за медицински науки, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-086-4

Naskova, Sanja and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Dimova, Cena and Longurova, Natasa and Nikolovski, Bruno and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2024) Interdependence of dental caries and salivary parameters in children. In: FDI World Dental Congress 2024 (FDIWDC24), 12-15 Sept 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.

Nastić, Maja and Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Blagojević, Anita and Tasić, Anđelija and Obradović, Goran and Dimovski, Darko and Cvetković, Mihajlo (2024) Jean Monnet Module "Digital transformation and human rights: EU perspective" (DIGIRIGHTS). [Project]

Naumovska, Zorica and Lazarova, Biljana and Kovaceva, Maja and Kapedanovska, Aleksandra and Crcarevska, Maja Simonoska and Mihajlova, Evgenija and Dimkovski, Aleksandar (2024) Role of the Hospital Pharmacists During COVID-19 Pandemic in the RN Macedonia. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin, 70. ISSN 1409 - 8695 (Unpublished)

Neceva, Zaneta and Sándor, Viktor and Makszin, Lilla and Deutsch‐Nagy, Laura and Berkics, Balázs and Stafilov, Trajče and Kilár, Ferenc and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Состав на органски киселини во вина од сортата Вранец определени со CZE-ESI-QTOF-MS техника. In: V Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia.

Nedelkovska, Ivana and Kovacevska, Ivona and Spasovski, Spiro and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Atanasovska-Stojanovska, Aneta and Popovska, Mirjana and Grbovic, Edis and Panajotu, Risto and Isa, Maxhide and Rusevska, Biljana and Ivanovska-Stojanovska, Marija (2024) Guided tissue regeneration for periodontal intrabony defects. In: FDI World Dental Congress 2024 (FDIWDC24), 12-15 Sept 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.

Nenovska Gjorgjievska, Nena and Galeva, Jordanka and Mileski, Toni (2024) A comparative analysis of the Russian - Ukrainian conflict and the middle east conflicts and the refugee responses towards two refugee crisis. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World. pp. 379-392.

Nenovska Gjorgjievska, Nena and Galeva, Jordanka and Mileski, Toni (2024) A comparative analysis of the Russian – Ukrainian conflict and the Middle East conflicts and the refugee responses towards the two refugee crisis. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Nestoroska, Ivanka and Petrevska, Biljana and Angelevska-Najdeska, Katerina (2024) Revitalizing spas for wellness: A new challenge for Macedonian tourism. In: INSCOSES 2024, 26-27 Sept 2024, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Nikolov, Sashko and Zdravkovska, Milka and Kamceva, Gordana (2024) Statistical analysis of ablation of superficial venous insufficiency in patients with symptomatic chronic peripheral arterial disease. Medicus, 29 (3). ISSN 1409-6366

Nikolova, Aleksandra and Velinov, Aleksandar and Zdravev, Zoran (2024) Comparative analysis of BPMN tools. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). pp. 61-70. ISSN 2545-4803

Nikolova, Aleksandra and Velinov, Aleksandar and Zdravev, Zoran (2024) Use cases for BPMN and UML tools. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). pp. 51-59. ISSN 2545-4803

Nikolova Panevska, Milica and Doneva, Blagica and Spasovski, Orce (2024) Улога и значење на геолошко-економска оценка во различните фази на истражувањето на минералните суровини. In: XV-то стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс '24, 2024, Struga.

Nikolova Panevska, Milica and Doneva, Blagica and Spasovski, Orce (2024) Хидрогеолошки истражувања за обезбедување на потребните количини на подземна вода за водоснабдување на Агроглобал Трејд ДОО Скопје, подружница 1 Коки Лукс Свети Николе. In: XV-то стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс '24, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Nikolovska, Lence and Angelkoska, Marija (2024) Effectiveness of conventional and complementary medicine in the treatment of patients with lumboischialgia. In: 47th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge in practice, 13-15 Dec 2024, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Nikolovska, Lence and Crvenkovski, Aleksandar (2024) Effectiveness of physical medicine and kinesitherapy in patients with lumbosacral radiculitis. In: 47th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge in practice, 13-15 Dec 2024, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Nikolovska, Lence and Filipova, Mariela and Mitova, Ekaterina (2024) The low back pain - looking for a physiotherapeutic approach. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 12 (2). ISSN 1857-9655

Nikolovska, Lence and Iliev, Vane (2024) Role of functional magnetic stimulation in the treatment of patients with disc herniation. In: 46th International scientific conference The power of knowledge, 03-06 Oct 2024, Perea - Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece.

Nikolovska, Lence and Ismani, Besart (2024) Treatment of pain in patients with cervicobrachial syndrome with methods of traditional Chinese medicine. Knowledge International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 151-155. ISSN 2545-4439

Nikolovska, Lence and Koca, Mevludin (2024) Effectiveness of physical medicine and kinesitherapy in people with impaired circulation in blood vessels. Knowledge - International Journal, 64 (4). pp. 481-484. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Nikolovska, Lence and Rustemi, Fadil (2024) Treatment of patients with lumbar syndrome with conventional and complementary methods. In: 46th International scientific conference The power of knowledge, 03-06 Oct 2024, Perea - Thessaloniki, Republic of Greece.

Nikolovska, Lence and Vitanova, Sofce (2024) The role of physical medicine and kinesitherapy in the treatment of patients with spondylolistessis. Knowledge – International Journal, 65 (4). pp. 425-431. ISSN 1857-923X

Nikolovska, Lence and Zlatkov, Petar and Stratorska, Tamara (2024) Effectiveness of physical rehabilitation and kinesitherapy in patients with ankylosis spondilitis (Morbus Bechterev). OAIJOARU Open Access International Journal of Academic Research UNIVERSES, 2 (2). pp. 82-94. ISSN 2955-2117

Nikolovska, Violeta (2024) Општа лингвистика. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Nikolovska, Violeta (2024) Македонски јазик 2. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Nikolovska, Vladica and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2024) Accessible urban space - case study of the city of Shtip. In: 33rd International Conference for Young Scientists, 3-4 Oct 2024.

Nikolovska Panevska, Milica and Doneva, Blagica and Spasovski, Orce (2024) Hydrogeological parameters of the exploitation wells EB-1 and EB-2 in the central city area of the Municipality of Sveti Nikole. Natural Resorces and Technology, 18 (2). pp. 4-15. ISSN 1857-6966

Nikolovski, Bruno and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Popovic-Monevska, Danica and Dimova, Cena and Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Pesic, Zoran (2024) Optical biopsy – new diagnostic technique in dentistry. In: International Dental Congress - Dental Naissa'24, 5-7 Apr 2024, University of Nis.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Stojanova, Irena and Terzievska, Aneta and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Toseska Spasova, Natasa and Dzipunova, Biljana and Stavreva, Natasa (2024) Implant supported fractured incisor replacement. In: International Dental Congress - Dental Naissa'24, 5-7 Apr 2024, University of Nis.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Radeska, Elena and Gigovska Arsova, Ana and Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera (2024) Современи трендови во производството на оптуратори за затворање на орназална фистула по третман на расцеп на непце. In: II Macedonian Pedodontic Congress, 30 May - 01 June 2024, Skopje.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Spirov, Vancho and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Susak, Zoran and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Trpevska, Vesna and Mijoska, Aneta and Zarkova, Julija and Longurova, Natasa (2024) Diagnostic dilemma in a non-healing ulcer of the tongue. In: FDI World Dental Congress 2024 (FDIWDC24), 12-15 Sept 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Trpevska, Vesna and Belazelkovska Grezlovska, Ana and Dimova, Cena and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera (2024) Safe Harvest Rules and Recipient Bed Preparing. In: 28th BaSS Congres, 25-27 April 2024, Avala Resort and Villas, Budva, Montenegro.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Longurova, Natasa and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Susak, Zoran and Spirov, Vancho and Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Trpevska, Vesna and Naskova, Sanja and Papakoca, Kiro and Purde, Selis (2024) Soft-tissue contour changes after the socket shield technique. In: FDI World Dental Congress 2024 (FDIWDC24), 12-15 Sept 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.

Nikov, Gorgi and Dimova, Cena and Azizi, Fadilj and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Donevski, Riste and Belevska Kinova, Jasmina (2024) Pain in the orofacial region and dentistry. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia, 26 (54-55). pp. 102-109. ISSN ISSN 1409-8768 (Print) | ISSN 1857-6087 (Online) |


Paceskoski, Vlatko and Taskovski, Filip (2024) Transmission of monetary policy in developing countries in conditions of global inflation groeth-The case of North Macedonia and Serbia. EMIDWORLD 2nd International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business & Social Sciences. pp. 299-303.

Paceskoski, Vlatko and Taskovski, Filip (2024) The role of monetary policy in stabilizing inflation in the European Monetary Union during the energy crisis. Novi Ekonomist, 18 (1). pp. 11-16. ISSN 1840-2313

Palifrova Nikolova, Sandra and Veselinova, Elena (2024) Бизнис план – патоказ во деловното работење. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 26 (1). ISSN 1857-7628

Panev, Dejan and Stojanova, Irena and Papakoca, Kiro and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho (2024) Large maxillary radicular cyst (case report). JMS Journal of Medical Scienses, 7 (3). pp. 126-137. ISSN 2545-4706

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Clinical Legal Education and Free Legal Aid: The Macedonian Perspective. In: 36th International Legal Clinics Conference, 18-20 Oct 2024, Poznan, Poland. (Submitted)

Panev, Kristijan (2024) The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Human Rights: Ensuring Due Diligence in Labor Practices. In: III Annual Scientific Conference of the Central European Academy (ASCEA), 19-20 Sept 2024, Budapest, Hungary.

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Towards Responsible Business Conduct: Analyzing the Evolution of Corporate Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in the EU. In: EU at the Crossroads - Ways to Preserve Democracy and Rule of Law, 13-14 June 2024, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek.

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Understanding Merger Control in Macedonian Competition Law. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024 “Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society”, 17 May 2024, Faculty of Business and Law "MB" University, Belgrade, Serbia. (In Press)

Panev, Kristina and Arsov, Emilija and Mitrev, Sasa (2024) Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum - causal agent of soft rot of peppers produced in the Strumica region. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, JAPS, 2 (22). ISSN On line: ISSN 2545-4455

Panov, Zoran and Bikov, Dusan (2024) Application of audio recorders for registering seismic signals from induced seismicity produced by blasting in open pit mines. In: XIII International conference on social and technological development – STED 2024, 06-09 June 2024, Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, B&H.

Panov, Zoran and Bikov, Dusan and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila (2024) Примена на ml при проценка на геотехничка стабилност на косини на површински копови. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Panova, Gordana and Jovevska, Svetlana and Kamceva, Gordana and Serafimov, Aleksandar (2024) Uloga medicinske sestre u edukaciji i leĉenju obolelih od dijabetesa. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Panova, Gordana and Jovevska, Svetlana and Kamceva, Gordana and Serafimov, Aleksandar and Spasov, Mire (2024) Primjena holistiĉkog pristupa u medicini. In: IV Međunarodni simpozijum UZPS „Holistiĉki pristup i inovacije u medicinskoj doktrini", 17-19 Oct 2024, Opština Novi Beograd, Beograd, Srbija.

Papakoca, Kiro (2024) Протетски компликации во денталната имплантологија. In: 9th PAN Albanian Dental Congress, 24-26 May 2024, Struga.

Pejcinovska Stoilkovska, Viktorija and Veselinova, Elena (2024) Улогата на ефективно лидерство во организациската култура. Yearbook - Faculty of Economics, 26 (1). ISSN 1857-7628

Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Ambarkova, Vesna and Solev, Gjorgji and Nikolovski, Bruno and Sylejmani, Mimoza and Rusevska, Biljana and Mirceva, Elena and Ivkovska, Tamara (2024) A Case of a Large Irritation Fibroma - Etiology, Diagnosis and Treatment in a Patient. EC Dental Science.

Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Nikolovski, Bruno and Pejkovska, Ana and Mijoska, Aneta and Jusufi, Gazmend and Jusufi, Osman (2024) Digitally Designed Stabilization Splint of a Patient With BRUXISM - A Case Report. Apolonia.

Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima and Rusevska, Biljana and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Nikolovski, Bruno and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova Atanasova, Julija and Kovacevska, Ivona and Sylejmani, Mimoza and Pejkovska, Ana and Janceska Georgievksa, Tatjana (2024) Comparison of two diagnostic imaging techniques for diagnosisng synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. Journal of Morphological Sciences.

Pendovska, Marija and Panovska, Irina and Krstevska Balkanov, Svetlana and Ridova, Nevenka and Atanasova Nadzinska, Marija and Maksimova, Viktorija (2024) Polatuzumab vedotin, manageable safety profile, and pharmacist involvement. In: 7th Croatian Congress on Pharmacy with international participation, 16-19 May 2024, Dubrovnik.

Peshevska, Martina and Koceska, Natasa (2024) The Effect of Digital Storytelling on Primary School Students. International Journal of Computers in Education. ISSN 2636-8722

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2024) Улогата на манастирот Св. Јован Претеча с. Слепче за развој на туризмот во Пелагонискиот плански регион. Списание на трудови на ДНУ - Прилеп 36-37, 2020-2021 (36-37). pp. 94-100. ISSN 0352-3497

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2024) Krushevo: A Comprehensive Study on its Tourism Opportunities. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 73 (1). pp. 579-609. ISSN 2307-4531

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2024) Research on Tourist Potential in Krushevo. Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Studies, 7 (6). pp. 3686-3707. ISSN 2644-050

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane and Petkoski, Gjorgji (2024) The role of monasteries and churches in the municipalities of Prilep, Krushevo, Dolneni, and Krivogashtani in tourism and regional development. In: VI Scientific conference with international participation Geografy, regional development and tourism dedicated to te 60th anniversary of the beginning of training in geography in higher edukation in Shumen, 8-10 Nov 2024, Shumen, Bulgarija.

Petrevska, Biljana (2024) Калкулации: Избрани теми. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев' - Штип, Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-048-2

Petrevska, Biljana (2024) Exploring preferences and tourist types visiting Ohrid. In: 6th Congress of Macedonian Geographers with international participation, 30 May 2024, Ohrid, North Macedonia.

Petrevska, Biljana (2024) Exploring tourism dynamics: North Macedonia in regional context. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 12 (1). pp. 39-46.

Petrevska, Biljana (2024) Tourism of Ohrid (North Macedonia): (Un)sustainable development. In: Planning and managing sport, recreation and health in higher education: Sustainable practices for sustainable future. Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Niš, Serbia, pp. 19-23. ISBN 978-86-81474-32-7

Petrevska, Biljana and Andreeski, Cvetko (2024) Mapping new Ottoman heritage tourism routes in North Macedonia: A supply-side approach. Journal of the Bulgarian Geographical Society, 51. pp. 205-228. ISSN 2738-8115

Petrevska, Biljana and Martinoska, Simona (2024) Event (Over)Tourism in Ohrid (North Macedonia): Critical Thinking. UTMS Journal of Economics, 15 (2). pp. 172-186. ISSN 1857-6982

Petrevska, Biljana and Terzić, Aleksandra (2024) Enriching the Sultan trail with North Macedonia's Ottoman sites. In: ISCTBL 2024, 17 May 2024, Stip, North Macedonia.

Petrovik, Tina and Trpevska, Vesna and Dimova, Cena and Srbinoska, Daniela and Stavreva, Natasa (2024) Characterization of occlusal stability as goals of orthodontic treatment. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Petrovska, Lidija and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Diagnostic discrepancy between dermoscopic and histopathological findings in non-melanoma skin cancer, correlation with serum lipids. In: 2nd Biomedicine and Health PhD Students Congress "Science and us", 16-18 May 2024, Rijeka, Croatia.

Petrovska, Lidija and Vasileva, Mirela and Petrovski, Stefan and Adzi-Andov, Ljubica and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Difficult to diagnose squamous cell carcinoma: a literature review and a case report. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 67 (4). pp. 495-499. ISSN 2545-4439

Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina (2024) Peer acceptance of children with special educational needs in the school context. In: III International Scientific and Practical Conference, ‘Learning & Teaching: In the World after the War’, 08 Nov 2024, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

Petrovski, Aleksandar and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2024) Поставување на интерна гео-позициона мрежа за мониторинг на вработените во рудниците. In: XV-то Стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс - Повекс, 18-20 Oct 2024, Struga.

Petrovski, Aleksandar and Shosholovski, Ljupco and Grizhev, Aleksandar (2024) Exploring the impact of migration, environment and climate change on North Macedonia: A systematic review. Security Dialogues (SD), 15 (1). pp. 221-232.

Petrovski, Mihajlo (2024) Примената на денталните ласери во подобрувањето на третманот со мобилни протетски изработки. In: Практични и современи решенија за секојдневна стоматолошка практика, 23 Nov 2024, Skopje.

Petrovski, Mihajlo (2024) Prevalence of oral mucosal lesions among the institutionalized elderly people. Acta Stomatologica Naissi, 40 (89). pp. 2758-2772.

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Minovska, Ana (2024) Influence of periodontal therapy on chemical and mineralogical characteristics of root surface. In: 9th Edition of the International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health (ICDO 2024), 02-04 Sept 2024, Madrid, Spain.

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Timovski, Riste (2024) The impact of online teaching on the dental students’ exam success. Conference Proceedings Second International Conference ETIMA 2023.

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Veljanovski, Darko and Nikolovski, Bruno and Mladenovski, Marko and Kovacevska, Ivona (2024) Contemporary Aspects of Trеatment of Endodonal-Periodontal Lesions. Mathews Journal of Dentistry, 8 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2474-6843

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Veljanovski, Darko and Nikolovski, Bruno and Mladenovski, Marko and Kovacevska, Ivona (2024) Contemporary aspects of trеatment of endodonal-periodontal lesions. Mathews Journal of Dentistry, 8 (2). pp. 1-5. ISSN 2474-6843

Petruseva, Sara and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Bozinovski, Zoran (2024) Квалитетот на водата за пиење на град Скопје. In: 5 студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.

Piperevski, Aleksandar and Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Data extraction of significant soil chemistry markers for sustainable viticulture. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Piperevski, Aleksandar and Dimovska, Violeta and Runcev, Atanas and Milanov, Dejan and Runcev, Aleksandar and Kukutanov, Gjorgi (2024) Determination of free hydrocyanic acid in fruit brandies produced under industrial and homemade condition. In: Inovation in sustainable agriculture -bridging science and practice, 11 Dec 2024, Skopje. (Unpublished)

Piperevski, Aleksandar and Dimovska, Violeta and Runcev, Atanas and Runcev, Aleksandar and Milanov, Dejan (2024) Determination of free hydrocyanic acide in homemade produced fruit brandies. In: AgroRes 2024, Trebinje. BIH. (Submitted)

Pitsillidou, Olga and Soenen, Rani and Cakmak Barsbay, M and Petrou, P and Kamusheva, Maria and Kawalec, Pawel and Arev, Marija and Drakalska, Elena and Milushewa, Petya and Zrubka, Z (2024) Scoping Review on Attitudes and Barriers Towards Therapeutic Drug Monitoring for Biological Treatments for Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Diseases Among Key Stakeholders. In: ISPOR Europe 2024, 17-20 Nov 2024, Barcelona, Spain.

Pointer, Tobias and Rauh, Katharina and Auñon-Lopez, Arturo and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Pignitter, Marc (2024) Comprehensive analysis of oxidative stability and nutritional values of germinated linseed and sunflower seed oil. Food Chemistry. ISSN 0308-8146

Poposki, Bozidar and Bushev, Jane and Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela and Baloski, Marjan and Manasievska, Elena and Sajkovska Todorovski, Iva and Trajkovska, Vanche and Tofiloska Poposka, Persida (2024) Bronchial aspirate versus induced sputum in diagnosis of tuberculosis - case report. In: Drugi kongres bronhologa Srbije, 16-18 May 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.

Popova, Dushica and Miteva, Natasha (2024) Socio - Demographic Characteristics as a Factor for Customers’ Satisfaction. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism (IJEMT), 4 (1). pp. 7-12.

Popova, Dushica and Miteva, Natasha and Dzambaski, Martin (2024) Identification of Factors Included in the Customer’s Decision Making. Knowledge – International Journal, 64 (1). pp. 107-110. ISSN 24545-4439

Popova, Dushica and Miteva, Natasha and Martin, Dzambaski (2024) Region of Berovo as a Tourist Destination. International Scientific Conference CHALLENGES OF TOURISM AND BUSINESS LOGISTICS IN THE 21ST CENTURY, 7 (1). pp. 117-125.

Popova, Gorica and Jakjovska, Tatjana and Arnaudova-Danevska, Ivana and Boskovska, Katerina and Smilevska-Spasovska, Olga (2024) Multiplex PCR in diagnosing respiratory tract infections in hospitalized children. Pril (Makedon Akad Nauk Umet Odd Med Nauki), 45 (1). pp. 61-68. ISSN ISSN 1857-9345

Popova, Svetlana and Koteski, Cane (2024) Chalenges in tourism -mediation as a new way of solving disputes in tourism. In: VI Scientific conference with international participation Geografy, regional development and tourism dedicated to te 60th anniversary of the beginning of training in geography in higher edukation in Shumen, 8-10 Nov 2024, Shumen-Bulgarija.

Popovski, Orce (2024) Сашо Поповски Квинтет - Рочела Џез Фестивал 2024. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso (2024) Сашо Поповски Трио. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso (2024) ПИН конференција. PIN. (Unpublished)

Popovski, Saso (2024) Сашо Поповски Квартет. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Popovski, Saso (2024) Сашо Поповски Трио. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso (2024) Џезот денес 20 емисии (подкасти) за развој и афирмација на џез сцената во Република Северна Македонија. [Project]

Popovski, Saso (2024) Конференција Франција Балкан џез мрежа - Шамбери 2024. Ville de Chambery.

Popovski, Saso (2024) Сашо Поповски Трио - Петровац Џез Фестивал 2024. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso (2024) Рецензија на концертот Сашо Поповски Квинтет - Рочела Џез Фестивал 2024. L'Osservatore Roma.

Popovski, Saso (2024) Сашо Поповски Трио - Тетово Џез Фестивал 2024. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso (2024) Џез Фабрика Фестивал Битола 2024. [Project]

Popovski, Saso (2024) 7 Virtual Jazz Club International Contest (7 Виртуелен Џез Клуб Интернационален Натпревар) Италија. [Project]

Popovski, Saso (2024) 7 Virtual Jazz Club International Contest (7 Виртуелен џез клуб интернационален натпревар) Италија 2024. [Project]

Popovski, Saso (2024) ChinaSPAF 2024 и Network of Silk Road Arts Festivals конференција. ChinaSPAF 2024.

Popovski, Saso (2024) Рецензија на албумот “STEPS“ за Le Strade del Jazz Roma (Италија) 2024. Le Strade del Jazz - Roma.

Popovski, Saso (2024) Промoција на книгите „Радио“ и „Неправилен ритам“ од Љупчо Јолевски и концерт на Сашо Поповски, Александра Поповска, Добрила Грашеска - Охридско Лето 2024. [Performance]

Popovski, Saso and Kitanovski, Antonijo (2024) Концерт Тони Китановски - Сашо Поповски - Оливер Јосифовски Аудиокултура 2024. [Performance]

Postolova, Ivana and Lepitkova, Sonja and Doneva, Blagica and Andov, Ivica (2024) Management of sludge from wastewater treatment plants. 5-th congress of the Geologists of the Republic of North Macedonia, Proceedings, 6. pp. 330-337.


Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane (2024) Natural Potential in the Eastern region of Kosovo. In: VI Scientific conference with international participation Geografy, regional development and tourism dedicated to te 60th anniversary of the beginning of training in geography in higher edukation in Shumen, 8-10 Nov 2024, Shumen, Bulgarija.


Radeska, Elena and Gjorgievska, Elizabeta and Pavlevska, Meri and Simonoska, Jasna and Radeska, Ana and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Ефекти од апликација на средства за епителизација при френулектомија. In: II Macedonian Pedodontic Congress, 30 May - 01 June 2024, Skopje.

Radeska, Elena and Gjorgievska, Elizabeta and Simonoska, Jasna and Dimkov, Aleksandar and Poposki, Bojan and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Одредување на pH вредноста и присуството на фосфати во плунка кај 9 - годишни деца при користење на Mizuha Fuji четките. In: II Macedonian Pedodontic Congress, 30 May - 01 June 2024, Skopje.

Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Nikolovski, Bruno and Dzipunova, Biljana and Toseska Spasova, Natasa and Dimova, Cena (2024) Periodontal infection as a trigger factor for rheumatoid arthritis. In: International Dental Congress - Dental Naissa'24, 5-7 Apr 2024, University of Nis.

Radulovik, Makedonka and Todorova, Biljana (2024) New models of employee leave of absences and their impact on family-work balance. Collection of papers from the International conference “Social work and social policy in times of global crises” 19-22 Sept 2023, Ohrid. pp. 122-137. ISSN 978-608-238-248-7

Rambabova, Emilija (2024) Орални промени кај пациенти на хроничен хемодијализен програм. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип.

Redzepi, Armend (2024) Клиничка евалвација на различни блок техники на долниот алвеоларен нерв. Doctoral thesis, Факултет за медицински нууки, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ Штип.

Redzepi, Armend and Dimova, Cena and Bedzeti Redzepi, Jeta (2024) Use of panoramic radiography for localization of the foramen mandibulae - the orientation parameter during mandibular anesthesia. Knowledge – International Journal, 65 (4). pp. 381-387. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545 – 4439 (printed)

Redzepi, Armend and Dimova, Cena and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Bedzeti Redzepi, Jeta (2024) Evaluation of patient comfort during different methods of mandibular anesthesia. Knowledge - International Journal, 65 (4). pp. 389-394. ISSN ISSN 1857-923X / 2545 – 4439 (printed)

Rexhepi, Ruzhdi and Arifi, Selma and Rexhepi, Merita and Dokic, Dejan and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Histopathological findings in the context of the effective invasive and non-invasive methods for detecting lung cancer and their application in PHI Clinical Hospital Tetovo. Medicus International Medical Journal, 29 (3). pp. 281-286. ISSN 1409-6366

Ridvan, Xhemaili and Xhoni Ibrahimi, Bleranda and Stojanova, Irena and Popovik Monevska, Danica and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana (2024) Carcinoma of the lower lip. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Risteska, Svetlana and Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Zhezhova, Silvana and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Risteski, Sanja and Jordeva, Sonja and Golomeova, Saska (2024) The Effect of Textile Structure Reinforcement on Polymer Composite Material Mechanical Behavior. Polymers, 16 (24). ISSN 2073-4360

Risteska Jankuloska, Aneta and Josheski, Dushko (2024) SMEs and Green Economy concept – Case of North Macedonia. In: XIII International Conference on Economy, Business & Society in Digitalized Environment (EBSiDE 2024).

Risteska-Kamcheski, Aleksandra (2024) Solution to the catenary problem by applying the fundamental lemma of variational calculus. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (1). ISSN 2545-4803

Risteski, Sanja (2024) Kолекцијата Еклектик на Технолошко – техничкиот факултет при Универзитет Гоце Делчев – Штип, како дел од Shtip Fashion Days. [Show/Exhibition]

Risteski, Sanja and Zhezhova, Silvana and Golomeova, Saska and Jordeva, Sonja and Dimitrijeva, Vanga and Kertakova, Marija (2024) Студентска годишна изложба. [Show/Exhibition]

Risteski, Sanja and Zhezhova, Silvana and Golomeova, Saska and Jordeva, Sonja and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga and Dimitrijeva, Vanga (2024) The costume in Egypt as inspiration for the redesign of men's contemporary clothes. 7th International Scientific Conference Contemporary Trends and Innovations in Textile Industry – CT&ITI 2024, 73 (2). pp. 326-333. ISSN 1849-9767

Risteski, Sanja and Zhezhova, Silvana and Jordeva, Sonja and Golomeova, Saska and Dimitrijeva, Vanga (2024) ECO-PRINT training. In: ECO-PRINT training, 15-20 Април 2024, Кампус 2, Технолошко-технички факултет.

Ristomanov, Hristijan and Andonova, Radica and Bajlozova, Martina and Stefanov, Tome and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Влијанието на Bacillus sp. врз бројот на стоми кај пашканат (Pastinaca sativa L.). In: Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Ristomanov, Hristijan and Andonova, Radica and Bajlozova, Martina and Stefanov, Tome and Todevska, Daniela (2024) Влијанието на Bacillus sp. врз бројот на стоми кај пашканатот (Pastinaca sativa L.). In: V Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University.

Ristova, Cvetanka (2024) Usage and impact of mobile guest applications in hotels: will they remain essential in 2025? Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (6). pp. 1005-1010. ISSN 2545-4439

Ristova, Cvetanka and Angelkova, Tanja and Dzambaski, Martin (2024) Factors influencing intentions in hotel selection: Millennials’ perception. In: Седма меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век“, 17 May 2024, Skopje, RN Macedonia.

Ristova, Elisaveta and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2024) Брзи имунохемиски тестови за токсиколошки скрининг. Фармацевтски информатор, 63. pp. 30-35. ISSN 1409-8784

Rocha, Joao Miguel F. and Kovacevik, Biljana and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Tamame, Mercedes and Teixeira, José António (2024) Diversity of microorganisms and their metabolites in food. Microorganisms, 12. pp. 205-209. ISSN 2076-2607

Runceva, Jadranka and Miovska-Spaseva, Suzana (2024) Students’ experiences and views of online teaching and learning in higher education. Yearbook 2024.

Runceva, Jadranka and Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Grdanova, Bojana (2024) The opinions of the parents of children with autism about their children’s inclusion in mainstream preschool and school institutions - opportunities and challenges. Pedagoška stvarnost - časopis za školska i kulturno-prosvetna pitanja, 70 (2). ISSN 0553-4569 / eISSN 2620-2700

Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) COST Testimonial. COST.

Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Mediterranean diet adherence across several European countries, including North Macedonia. In: Посета на професори и студенти од Универзитетот на Охајо на Факултетот за медицински науки. (Unpublished)

Ruskovska, Tatjana (2024) Use of genomics and bioinformatics to decipher molecular mechanisms of mate underlying its health effects in humans. In: GGNB Monday Seminar Series, 05 Feb 2024. (Unpublished)

Ruskovska, Tatjana and Milenkovic, Dragan (2024) The roles of non-coding RNAs in cardiometabolic health-promoting properties of (poly)phenols. In: 15th International Congress on Nutrition “Food, nutrition, and health within the framework of sustainable development”, 20-22 Nov 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.

Ruskovska, Tatjana and Postolov, Filip and Milenkovic, Dragan (2024) Integrated analysis of genomic and genome-wide association studies identified candidate genes for nutrigenetic studies in flavonoids and vascular health: path to precision nutrition for (poly)phenols. Nutrients, 16 (9). p. 1362.


Saini, Refide and Koteva, Ivana (2024) The woman’s mentality in the short story “The Iron Sister” by Nemica Tugju. Knowledge – International Journal, 64 (5). ISSN 2545-4439

Sali, Ferija and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Najdenovska – Bojcinovska, Slavica and Dovolani, Teuta and Andonovska, Sonja and Mehmet, Blerim (2024) Efektet e aparatit Hyrax në zgjerimin transversal të harkut dentar maksillar. In: Konferenca VIII vjetore: Aplikimet moderne në praktikën ortodontike, 22 Apr 2024, Pristina, Kosovo.

Sandeva, Vaska (2024) Елементи на проектирање. In: Елементи на проектирање. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип.

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2024) Инфинити. [Show/Exhibition]

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2024) Integration of biophilic design in landscape architecture. In: Scientific Committee for the Conference on Green Urbanism (GU) -8th Edition, 07-09 Oct 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2024) The link between industrial design and administrative facilities. In: 33rd International Conference for Young Scientists, 3-4 Oct 2024.

Sarac, Vasilija (2024) Impact of core saturation on operating characteristics of three-phase squirrel cage motor. In: International Conference Electrical Engineering, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - Technical Sciences applied in Economy, Education and Industry-ETIMA, 27-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

Sarac, Vasilija (2024) Learning Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering by the Aid of Virtual Laboratories. In: 23rd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 20-22 March, 2024, East Sarajevo, Bosna and Herzegovina.

Sarac, Vasilija and Bogatinov, Darko and Aneva, Sara (2024) Impact of Faulty Conditions of Power Supply on Operating Characteristics of Three-Phase Asynchronous Squirrel Cage Motor. In: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer Nature, Switzerland AG, pp. 1-18. ISBN 978-3-031-80596-7

Sentkowska, Aleksandra and Ivanova, Violeta and Pyrzynska, Krystyna (2024) What Can Be Done to Get More—Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Plant Materials. Food Analytical Methods, 17. pp. 594-610.

Serafimov, Aleksandar and Kamceva, Gordana (2024) Praznicni srcani sindrom. Galenika Medical Journal, 3 (12). ISSN 2812-9547

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Serafimova, Mimoza and Atanasovski, Drasko and Nikolova, Ruzica (2024) Challenges in managing employees with different characteristics. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 4. pp. 86-92. ISSN 2671-3810

Serafimovska, Hristina (2024) Entrepreneurial Behaviour in service of Interculturalism. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, 1 (4). ISSN 2671-3969

Serafimovska, Marija and Nevcev, Ivan and Gligorievski, Antonio (2024) Cutaneous Metastases as an Initial Presentation of Neo Infiltrative Process in the Lungs: Case Report and Literature Review. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2 (1). ISSN 2786-8524

Serafimovska, Marija and Nevcev, Ivan and Gligorievski, Antonio (2024) Cutaneous Metastases as an Initial Presentation of Neo Infiltrative Process in the Lungs: Case Report and Literature Review. European Journal of Medical and Health Research, 2 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 2786-8524

Serafimovska, Simona and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) The Relationship Between Multiculturalism and Feminism. BZT TURAN PUBLISHING HOUSE. pp. 731-736. ISSN 978-625-6879-55-3

Serafimovska, Simona and Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2024) The relationship between Multiculturalism and Feminism. In: 12th International Congress on Humanities and Social Sciences in a Changing World, 11-13 Apr 2024, Izmir, Turkey.

Serafimovska, Simona and Kamceva Panova, Lidija (2024) The Culture Globalization. Knowledge International Journal, 62.5 (5). pp. 587-590. ISSN 2545-4439

Shala, Shkumbin and Mirakovski, Dejan and Zendelska, Afrodita and Shala, Mentor and Shala, Astrit (2024) Analysis of the Impact of Saharan Dust in the Rural Areas of Brezovica and the Concentration of PM10, PM2.5, NO2, O3, SO2, and CO. In: NanoBalkan Conference 2024, 28 Oct - 01 Nov 2024, Tirana, Albania.

Shala, Shkumbin and Mirakovski, Dejan and Zendelska, Afrodita and Shala, Mentor and Thaqi, Shpresa (2024) Concentration of PM10, PM2.5, NO2, O3, SO2, CO, in the Air of Gjilan. In: International Conference on New Achievements in Science, Technology and Arts - ICNA-STA, 4-5 May 2024, Prishtina, Kosovo.

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Simeonovska, Natasha and Dzeparoski, Marjan (2024) Validation of production and processing of cannabis for medicinal purposes. Knowledge – International Journal, 65 (4). pp. 451-457. ISSN 2545-4439

Simeonovska Joveva, Elena (2024) Скрипта-Неврологија на визуелна перцепција. [Teaching Resource]

Simeonovska Joveva, Elena and Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Petrovski, Stefan and Jovev, Marijan and Serafimov, Aleksandar and Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija (2024) Association Between Inflammatory Markers and Cognitive Impairment in Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Stenosis. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. ISSN 1857-9655

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Skarik, Milica (2024) Christ Symbolism in Bach's Music. [Teaching Resource]

Skarik, Milica and Akbulut Demirci, Sirin (2024) Концерт на дуото Ширин Акбулут Демирчи и Милица Шкариќ на Вториот меѓународен фестивал за современа музика на УГД Штип. [Performance]

Skarik, Milica and Pavlovski, Branko and Dzorleva, Tatjana and Nikoska Madzaroska, Sofija and Lazarevski, Dejan and Trbojevik, Natasa and Dukoska, Nevenka (2024) Годишен концерт на студентите од вокално-инструменталниот оддел од Музичката академија на УГД Штип. [Performance]

Skarik, Milica and Petkovski, Mario and Bojadzieva, Lina (2024) Настап на студентите Марио Петковски и Лина Бојаџиева од класата на проф. д-р Милица Шкариќ на циклусот Слободна среда на Музичка младина на Македонија. [Performance]

Slamkov, Gjorgi (2024) Corruption as an obstacle to the rule of law and economic development. Vision International Scientific Journal, 9 (2). pp. 35-45. ISSN 2545-4323

Slamkov, Gjorgi and Stamevski, Vasko (2024) Степенот на имплементација на стратешкиот антикорупциски документ како позакател за успешноста во борбата против корупцијата. Монографија Знаењето и талентот – фундамент за успешност. pp. 69-80.

Smilkov, Katarina (2024) Придржување кон терапија со лекови:искуства од ENABLE COST акција CA19132. In: Дванаесета работилница на болнички фармацевти на Македонија „Улогата на болничкиот фармацевт во придржување кон терапија на болничките пациенти, промоција и унапредување на јавното здравство“.

Smilkov, Nikola (2024) Exhibition „Beyond Borders“. [Show/Exhibition]

Smlanski, Metodi and Krstev, Toshe and Stratorska, Tamara (2024) Qualitative analysis of the motoric activity in children with Down syndrome. Knowledge - International Journal, 67 (4). pp. 635-639. ISSN 2545-4439

Smulders, Tom and Nakov, Dimitar (2024) CA23106 - An Evolutionary View to Understanding Affective States across Species (AFFECT-EVO). [Project]

Sofijanova, Elenica and Stojanovska, Mare and Bezovski, Zlatko (2024) Time importance and significance during managing new projects. Macedonian international Journal of “Marketing”, 10 (19). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1857-9787

Sofronievska, Maja (2024) Современи пристапи во дијагностика и третман на карцином на простата. In: Карцином на простата - од дијагностика, современ тераписки пристап и палијативен третман, 18 Dec 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Sofronievska, Maja and Arsov, Stefan (2024) Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome and Urinary Tract Infections. KNOWLEDGE – International Journal, 66 (4). pp. 371-376. ISSN 2545-4439

Sofronievska, Maja and Jovanovic, Rubens and Majstorov, Venijamin and Nikolovski, Andrej (2024) Unusual Initial Presentation of Prostate Adenocarcinoma With Inguinal Lymph Nodes Metastases: a Case Report. Oxford Medical Case Reports, 2024 (4). ISSN 2053-8855

Sofronievska, Maja and Krsteska, Blagica and Stojmenova, Vita and Petrovska, Tanja and Jovanovic, Rubens (2024) Adenoid Cystic/Basal-cell Carcinoma of the Prostate Following High-grade Urothelial Bladder Cancer: a Case Report. Oxford Medical Case Reports, 5. pp. 219-221. ISSN 2053-8855

Sofronievska, Maja and Petrovska, Tanja and Radulovska, Jasminka (2024) Urothelial Carcinoma of Upper Renal Calyces Following Pyelolithiasis: A Case Report. In: International Case Report Congress, 5-7 March 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Sofronievska, Maja and Petrovska, Tanja and Radulovska, Jasminka and Tahir, Senol and Arsov, Stefan (2024) COVID‑19’s effects on symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Discover Public Health.

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Spasov, Mire (2024) The influence of hyperthermia on the content of RNA in the adrenal glands at different developmental periods in the white rat. Knowledge - International Journal. ISSN 2545 - 4439

Spasov, Mire and Spasov, Hristijan (2024) Ca 125 in Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis and Screening. KNOWLEDGE International Journal. ISSN 2545 - 4439

Spasova, Ana and Kochoska, Angela and Krsteva, Viktorija and Serafimov, Aleksandar (2024) Периферна артериска болест асоцирана со карцином на бел дроб - приказ на случај. In: Трет конгрес на студенти по Општа медицина, 17-18 May 2024, Stip, Macedonia.

Spasovska, Ana and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Advantages of automatic edging machine in the process of producing optical lenses. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 451-456. ISSN 2545-4439/ 1857-923X

Spirov, Vancho and Nikolovski, Bruno and Trpevska, Vesna and Mijoska, Aneta and Jurukovska Sotarovska, Vesna (2024) Novel techniques of implant uncovering. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2024) Robotized Automated Fiber Placement and Automated Tape Laying (AFP/ATL) Processes for Composite Material Part Production. In: 3rd International Forum on Chemical Engineering and Catalysis, 17-19 Jun 2024, Porto, Portugal. (Submitted)

Srebrenkoska, Sara (2024) Robotized Automated Fiber Placement and Automated Tape Laying (AFP/ATL) Processes for Composite Material Part Production. In: 3rd International Forum on Chemical Engineering and Catalysis, 17-19 June 2024, Porto, Portugal. (Submitted)

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Dukovski, Vladimir (2024) An Analysis of Defects IN Automated Fiber Placement (AFP) Technology. In: Current Approaches in Engineering Research and Technology. BP International, pp. 174-184. ISBN 978-81-983173-0-8

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Dzidrov, Misko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2024) Six Sigma and Mathematical Modelling for Symmetric Composite Parts Design. Proceedings of Research World International Conference. pp. 18-23.

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Krstev, Dejan and Dimitrov, Sasko and Risteska, Aleksandra (2024) Designing Technological Process for Composite Pipe Production Using Software. Advances in Robotics & Mechanical Engineering, 4 (3). pp. 593-600. ISSN 2643-6736

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Krstev, Dejan and Kochoski, Filip and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2024) Development of Mathematical Models for the Design of Composite Structures. Proceedings of Research World International Conference. pp. 24-30.

Srebrenkoska, Sara and Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Cekerovska, Marija and Cekerovski, Todor (2024) Design and Calculation of Products from Composite Materials Using Software. The Eurasia Proceedings of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics (EPSTEM), 28. pp. 252-258. ISSN 2602-3199

Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2024) Preparation of innovative polymer composite materials for food packaging. In: 4th Circul-a-bility Conference, 11-13 Sept 2024, Aarhus, Denmark. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Risteska, Svetlana and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2024) Determination of Activation Energy of Cyanet Ester and Epoxy Resins Using Dynamic Mechanical Analysis. Proceedings of Research World International Conference. pp. 12-17.

Stamevski, Vasko and Slamkov, Gjorgi (2024) Услови за уставно, законско и одговорно вршење на власта - правна држава и владеење на правото. Монографија Знаењето и талентот – фундамент за успешност. pp. 59-68.

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Stanković, Branislav and Hristov, Slavča and Cincović, Marko and Đoković, Radojica and Ostojić, Andrić and Milošević-Stanković, Ivana and Nakov, Dimitar (2024) Determination of new biosecurity indicators on cattle and pig farms based on published studies. Zbornik radova 26. medunarodni kongres Mediteranske federacije za zdravlje i produkciju preživara - FeMeSPRum - zbornik radova. p. 32.

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Stanojoski, Igor (2024) Вивчаємо македонську: рівень А1 та А2 / Учиме македонски: ниво А1 и А2. Издавачка куќа Муза, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-4906-43-8

Stanojoski, Igor (2024) Differentiability and comprehensibility as basic linguistic factors in the acquisition of the vocabulary of the Macedonian language. In: Knowledge without borders. Institute of Knowledge Management, pp. 97-100. ISBN 978-608-4834-30-4

Stanojoski, Igor and Kamcheva – Panova, Lidjia (2024) Horizontal and vertical connection of texts in the textbooks for learning foreign languages. International Journal Knowledge, 64 (2). pp. 273-277. ISSN 2545-4439

Stavreva, Natasa and Toseska Spasova, Natasa and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Bajraktarova Valjakova, Emilija and Mijoska, Aneta and Dastevski, Blagoja and Janeva, Nadiva and Nikolovski, Bruno and Trpevska, Vesna (2024) Effect of Shoulder and Chamfer Marginal Design on Fracture Resistance of Zircona Crowns. an in Vitro Study. In: International Dental Congress - Dental Naissa'24, 5-7 Apr 2024, University of Nis.

Stavreva, Natasa and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Bajraktarova Valjakova, Emilija and Mijoska, Aneta and Georgievska, Biljana and Janeva, Nadiva (2024) Протетско решавање на фрактура на максиларен инцизив со користење на фибер-глас колче и циркониумска коронка. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2024) Why do children spend less time in the natural environment? Book of proceedings: International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference “Everyday life of children”, 1 (1). pp. 28-36.

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina (2024) Impact of physical activity on the health status and quality of life of children and school adolescents. In: International Conference on Education and New Developments (END 2024), 15-17 June 2024, Porto, Portugal.

Stavrova, Aleksandra and Velickova, Nevenka (2024) Advantages, Disadvantages and Application of Different Technics in PCR Technology. JOURNAL OF MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY, 43 (5). pp. 796-797. ISSN 1452-8258

Stavrova, Vesna and Lazarova, Biljana and Maksimova, Viktorija (2024) Pharmacovigilance of herbal products in North Macedonia. In: 7th Croatian Congress on Pharmacy with international participation, 16-19 May 2024, Dubrovnik.

Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Implementation of a SCADA system for remote monitoring and power metering in RF and IoT networks. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (1). pp. 49-62. ISSN 2545-4803

Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja and Stefanova, Sara (2024) SCADA process variables monitoring integrated in RF network. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (1). pp. 19-28. ISSN 2545-4803

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Stevkovska-Cvetkovska, Elizabeta and Longurova, Natasa (2024) Hyaluronic acid in dentistry. Knowledge – International Journal, 67 (4). ISSN 1857-923X 2545 – 4439

Stojanov, Done (2024) On the in silico application of the center-of-mass distance method. Gene & Protein in Disease, 3 (1). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2811-003X

Stojanova, Irena and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Bajrami, Muhamet and Spirov, Vancho and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Association between the presence of odontogenic inflammatory cysts and systemic immune response before and after their surgical therapy. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Stojanova, Irena and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho and Dimitrova Popovska, Maja and Mencheva, Zaklina and Evrosimovska, Biljana (2024) Association between the presence of odontogenic inflamatory cysts and systemic immune response and after their surgical therapy. JMS Journal of medical scienses, 7 (3). pp. 126-137. ISSN 2545-4706

Stojanova, Monika and Pantic, Milena and Boev, Blazo and Mihajlovic, Dragana and Stojanova, Marina T. and Niksic, Miomir (2024) Drying of extracts from Coriolus versicolor using the lyophilisation technique and their application in new industrially produced dehydrated soups. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59 (8). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1365-2621

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Komnenovikj, Kristina (2024) Јавното мислење и демократијата. Seventh International Scientific Conference Proceedings, Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century (ISCTBL), 7 (1). pp. 95-100.

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Popova, Dushica (2024) Теориите за масовно комуницирање и нивните импликации на демократските процеси. Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 4 (1). pp. 92-99.

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Уроки, извлеченные из боевого применения COVID-19 в связи с изменением климата. Sciencia Scripts. ISBN 978-620-7-44468-7

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Enseignements tirés de la lutte contre la pandémie COVID-19 Applicable au changement climatique. Editions Notre Savoir. ISBN 978-620-7-44465-6

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Lecciones aprendidas de COVID-19 Combate aplicable al cambio climático. Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento. ISBN 978-620-7-44464-9

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Lehren aus dem COVID-19-Kampfeinsatz gegen den Klimawandel. Verlag Unser Wissen. ISBN 978-620-7-44463-2

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Lessons Learned From Covid-19 Combat Applicable On Climate Change. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-620-7-45725-0

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Lezioni apprese dalla lotta al cambiamento climatico COVID-19. Edizioni Sapienza. ISBN 978-620-7-44466-3

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2024) Lições aprendidas com o combate à COVID-19 aplicável às alterações climáticas. Edições Nosso Conhecimento. ISBN 978-620-7-44467-0

Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2024) Млади, миграции и образование. Other. Фондација за развој на локалната заедница-Штип.

Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2024) Youth, migration, and higher education. 11-та Меѓународна научна конференција „Општестевните промени во глобалниот свет“, 11 (11). ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-353-9

Stojkov, Stojko (2024) За да не стане Вардарска Пиринска и да не нè повтори историјата. Selfpublishing. (Unpublished)

Stojkov, Stojko (2024) Многуимените Други. Македонија - пресечна точка на Другоста на средновековниот Балкан (Идентитетски Јазли). Other. Комитет за византологија и медиевистика на Република Македонија - Скопје, Скопје.

Stojkov, Stojko (2024) Презентација на книгата Многуимените Други во МАНУ. Self published. (Unpublished)

Stojkovic, Natasa and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Miteva, Marija and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Application of Agent-Based Modelling in Learning Process. Informatica, 48 (1). pp. 11-20. ISSN 1854-3871

Stojkovic, Natasa and Kukuseva, Maja and Martinovska Bande, Cveta and Bikov, Dusan (2024) Machine Learning Models for prediction of COVID-19 Infection in North Macedonia. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Mathematics Dedicated to prof. Smile Markovski, 21-23 May, 2024, Ohrid, N. Macedonia.

Stojkovic, Natasa and Kukuseva, Maja and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2024) SEIRV Model of Measles. International Journal of Applied Mathematics, 37 (6). pp. 615-626. ISSN 1311-1728

Stojkovic, Natasa and Kukuseva, Maja and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2024) Modeling, analysis, and simulation of tuberculosis. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. ISSN 1793-7183

Stojkovikj, Sasho and El-Nagar, Gumaa A. and Gupta, Siddharth and Najdoski, Metodija and Koleva, Violeta and Tzanoudakis, Theocharis and Firschke, Frederik and Bogdanoff, Peter and Mayer, Matthew T. (2024) Facile Synthesis of CuxS Electrocatalysts for CO2 Conversion into Formate and Study of Relations Between Cu and S with the Selectivity. Advanced Functional Materials (241540). ISSN 1616-3028

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Stratorska, Tamara and Krstev, Toshe and Nikolovska, Lence (2024) Comparation of kinesitherapy and powerplate in patients with cervicoarthrosis. MEDIS - Medical Science and Research, 3 (2). pp. 53-57.

Sutova, Milica and Paunovic, Ksenija (2024) Fundamental criteria for determining the risk of confusion regarding the product origin in trademark law. XX International May Conference “Challenges and open issues of service law", 1 (20). pp. 191-206. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7623-135-5

Sutova, Milica and Zembrzuski, Tadeusz (2024) Hearing a minor as an instrument of protecting the child’s best interests in Polish and Macedonian procedural law. Balkan Social Science Review, 24 (24). ISSN 1857-8772


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Taseva, Bojana and Brashnarova, Aleksandra and Mileva, Aleksandra and Bikov, Dusan (2024) HTTP Security Headers Analysis of Several Categories Macedonian Websites. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Mathematics Dedicated to prof. Smile Markovski, 21-23 May 2024, Ohrid, Macedonia.

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Taskovski, Filip and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Paceskoski, Vlatko (2024) Islamic Banking-A challenge for the Turkish financial system. Journal of Economics, Goce Delcev University, 9 (2). ISSN 1857-9973

Taskovski, Filip and Paceskoski, Vlatko (2024) Determinants of inflation in conditions of global changes and conflicts-the case of North Macedonia. EMIDWORLD 2nd International Congress on Economics Public Finance Business & Social Sciences.

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Temelkov, Zoran (2024) Банкарско работење - учебник. Goce Delcev University. ISBN 978-608-277-051-2

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Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Претприемништво и иновации. Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia, Stip. ISBN 978-608-277-041-3

Tendogdu, Zafer and Sofronievska Glavinov, Maja and Ristovski, Slobodan (2024) Urosepsis 30-day mortality, morbidity, and their risk factors: SERPENS study, a prospective, observational multi-center study. World Journal of Urology, 42 (1). p. 314. ISSN 1433-8726

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Todevska, Daniela and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Iljovski, Igor and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ilieva, Fidanka and Crvenkovski, Marjan (2024) Characterization and introduction of new tomato hybrids. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences (JAPS), 22 (1). pp. 41-45. ISSN 2545-4447

Todevska, Daniela and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Kovacevik, Biljana and Ristova, Sanja and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Antioxidant potential of new tomato hybrids. In: XV International Agriculture Symposium "AGROSYM 2024", 10-13 Oct 2024, Bosna i Herzegovina.

Todevska, Daniela and Kostadinovik - Velickovska, Sanja and Crvenkovski, Marjan and Ilievski, Mite and Kovacevik, Biljana and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Ristrova, Sanja and Tasev, Krste (2024) Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in fruit of some new tomato hybrids. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Клучни предизвици и ефективни решенија во справување со корупцијата во животната средина. IX Охридска школа за природно право, МАНУ. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Обештетување на работникот за неискористен дел од годишен одмор. In: XI Меѓународна научна конференција, Општествените промени во реалниот свет, Правен факултет, УГД. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Enhancing youth employment opportunities and promoting decent work for sustainable development. Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Marija (2024) Cognitive Processes in Reading Comprehension: A Theoretical Framework for Foreign Language Acquisition. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 8 (3). pp. 162-170. ISSN 2980-0811

Todorova, Marija (2024) Reading strategies in multilingual context. Knowledge – International Journal, 66 (5). pp. 621-627. ISSN 2545-4439

Todorova, Marija (2024) A theoretical exploration of information processing models in multilingual reading comprehension. Knowledge–International Journal, 64 (5). pp. 659-664. ISSN 2545-4439

Todorovic, Emilija and Filiposki, Oliver and Metodijeski, Dejan (2024) Културен туризам: Аспекти на Европските престолнини на културата. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-22-1

Todorovic, Emilija and Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver (2024) Modification and Valorization of Cultural Heritage in the Function of Tourism Development. In: International Congress on Tourism, Culture and Economy (ITEC’24), 08-10 May 2024, Skopje.

Todorovska, Nadica and Sosolovski, Ljupco (2024) Determination of daily intake of copper and zinc through food by two methods. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 24 (46). pp. 105-110. ISSN 1409-8199

Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Popovska, Lidija and Kovacevska, Ivona and Mladenovski, Marko and Apostoloski, Pavle and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Arsovski, Ljupka and Atanasova, Sandra and Gjorgjievski, Ljupcho (2024) Endodontic treatment as a risk factor affecting the tooth strength. Arch Pub Health, 16 (2).

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Trajculeski, Marija and Smilkov, Katarina (2024) Соработка на клиничките фармацевти со лекарите специјалисти при пропишување на биолошки оригинаторни и биолошки слични лекови. In: Развој на аптекарска практика и меѓупрофесионална соработка. Kолку брзо може да растеме?, 08-10 Nov 2024, Struga, R.N.Macedonia.

Trajculeski, Marija and Smilkov, Katarina (2024) Соработка помеѓу лекар и фармацевт при третман на пациенти со автоимуни заболувања кои користат биолошки лекови - предизвик на современата терапија. In: I Интернационален конгрес на превентивна медицина и јавно здравје, 31 Oct - 02 Nov 2024, Struga, R.N.Macedonia.

Trajculeski, Stavre and Veleska Stevkovska, Daniela and Menceva, Zaklina and Markovska Arsovska, Mirjana and Spirov, Vancho (2024) Autologous socket preservation. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2024) Analysis of sub-sector Herbs & Spices: A case study from North Macedonia. In: 4th International Meeting ‘Agriscience & Practice’ ASP 2024, 13 June 2024, Stip.

Trajkova, Nevenka (2024) Годишен концерт на студентите од музичката академија. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trajkova, Nevenka (2024) Концерт вокално-инструментален оддел на МА - УГД. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trajkova, Nevenka and Arevski, Vane (2024) Целовечерен концерт на дуо - флејта и пијано. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trajkova, Nevenka and Jordanova, Blagica (2024) Концерт со студент по соло пеење од втор циклус студии при УГД Невенка Дуковска и Благица Јорданова. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trajkova, Nevenka and Vreshkova, Ilina (2024) Дипломски концерт со студент по соло пеење. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trajkovska, Dijana and Biljali, Sefedin and Velickova, Nevenka and Mechevska-Jovchevska, Jasmina (2024) Prednosti i ogranicenja konvencionalne i automatizirane mikroskopske tehnike kod laboratoriske ispitivanja urinarnog sedimenta. In: 8th CONGRESS ASSOCIATION OF LABORATORY AND SANITARY HEALTH PROFESSIONALS IN BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION, 16-19 May, 2024, Sarajevo.

Trajkovska, Mihaela and Koleva, Blagica (2024) Современи системи за пресметка и управување со трошоците. Годишен зборник 2024, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Економски факултет, 26. ISSN 1857-7628

Trbojevik, Natasa and Bratic, Angela and Miteva, Zlatka (2024) Концерт на Ангела Братиќ и Наташа Трбојевиќ на меѓународниот „Фестивал за современа музика 2024" во УГ Безистен во Штип. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Dohnal, Karel and Pavlovski, Branko (2024) Концерт на Карел Дохнал и Наташа Трбојевиќ на меѓународниот „Фестивал за современа музика 2024" во УГ Безистен во Штип. [Performance] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Miteva, Zlatka and Pavlovski, Branko and Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Авторско аудио ЦД на Трио академико( Златка Митева, Бранко Павловски, Наташа Трбојевиќ). [Audio] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Miteva, Zlatka and Pavlovski, Branko and Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Концерт на Трио академико во Musikhochschule Münster. [Project] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Miteva, Zlatka and Velkovska-Trajanovska, Valentina (2024) Концерт за флејта и пијано од македонски композитори на Златка Митева и Наташа Трбојевиќ во концертната сала на Музичката академија при УГД Штип. [Project] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Miteva, Zlatka and Velkovska-Trajanovska, Valentina (2024) Концерт за флејта и пијано од македонски композитори на Златка Митева и Наташа Трбојевиќ во Музеј на град Неготино. [Project] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Miteva, Zlatka and Velkovska-Trajanovska, Valentina (2024) „Концерт за флејта и пијано од македонски композитори на Златка Митева и Наташа Трбојевиќ" во Културно - информативниот центар на РС Македонија во Загреб, РХрватска. [Project] (Unpublished)

Trbojevik, Natasa and Pavlovski, Branko and Miteva, Zlatka and Jankoski, Marjan (2024) Концерт на Трио академико во рамките на Фестивалот „Pro musica" во свечената сала на Културно - информативниот центар во Битола. [Project] (Unpublished)

Trifunov, Zoran and Kjosevski, Stevan and Lutovska, Monika (2024) Capacity of contributing to sustainable development of cars with different propulsion systems - Western Balkan study. In: Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications - COMETa 2024, 14-16 Nov 2024, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo.

Trifunov, Zoran and Zeqiri, Izet and Lutovska, Monika and Kjosevski, Stevan and Kitanovski, Vladimir (2024) Occupational safety awareness measuring tool among agricultural workers in North Macedonia. In: Conference on Mechanical Engineering Technologies and Applications - COMETa 2024, 16 Nov 2024, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo.

Trpevsk, Andrejana and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Rehabilitation of persons with low vision. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 439-444. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X

Trpevska, Monika (2024) Препознавање и тип на градна болка во пред инфарктна состојба од страна на медицинската сестра. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Trpevska, Vesna and Dimova, Cena and Mijoska, Aneta and Denkovski, Marijan and Spirov, Vancho (2024) Biomechanics in deep bite malocclusion treatment. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Trpevska, Vesna and Dimova, Cena and Mijoska, Aneta and Denkovski, Marijan and Vasileska, Aleksandra (2024) Анализа на динамичните оклузални фактори поврзани со нарушувања на темпоромандибуларниот зглоб. Vox Dentarii (57). pp. 41-44.

Trpevska, Vesna and Dimova, Cena and Mijoska, Aneta and Nikolovski, Bruno and Evrosimovska, Biljana (2024) TMJ dysfunction management using occlusal splint therapy. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference in Dentistry 2024 Novi Sad. pp. 32-35.

Trpevska, Vesna and Dimova, Cena and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Stefanoska, Tanja (2024) Extraction vs. nonextraction in orthodontic cases. In: 28th BaSS Congress, 25-27 Apr 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Tuda, Rron and Trifunov, Zoran (2024) Creating a parking sensor by utilizing arduino. Journal Of Technical Sciences-JTC, 1 (1). pp. 25-28. ISSN 2545-4471

Tuda, Shpresa and Trifunov, Zoran (2024) Examining and sketching the graph of Rational Functions using GeoGebra. Journal Of Technological Sciences - JTS, 1 (1). pp. 7-13. ISSN 2545-4471

Tusevska, Borka (2024) Улогата на конкурентското право во концептот на „Одржлив развој“. Miskolc University - The campus of knowledge and community - Hungaria.


Ujmir, Uka and Dambov, Risto and Zekiri, Kemalj (2024) Development of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods (MCDM) in the Mining Industry. XVто стручно советување на тема: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс. 18 – 20 Oct 2024, Struga, 15 (255): 19. pp. 174-185.


Vanek, Ales and Đorđevic, Tamara and Mihaljevič, Martin and Vanokova, Maria and Fizkova, Karolina and Zadorova, Tereza and Vokurkova, Petra and Galuškova, Ivana and Penižek, Vit and Drábek, Ondrej and Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Todor and Boev, Ivan and Boev, Blazo (2024) Thallium in Technosols from Allchar (North Macedonia): Isotopic and speciation insights. Environmental Pollution, 357 (124413). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0269-7491

Vasileva, Dance and Andovska, Valentina (2024) Средства на кинезитерапија кај лумбалгија. Knowledge - International Journal, 65 (4). pp. 431-436. ISSN 2545-4439 (Online)

Vasileva, Dance and Fidanovski, Andrej (2024) Effect of Extension Therapy in the Most Common Vertebral Syndromes. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal (KIJ), 66 (4). pp. 423-427. ISSN 1857-923X

Vasileva, Dance and Gjorgjievska Dimovska, Elena (2024) Motor Neurorehabilitation in Patients with Hemiplegia. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal (KIJ), 66 (4). pp. 411-416. ISSN 1857-923X

Vasileva, Dance and Gjorgjievski, Dejan (2024) Теоретски основи за примена на краниосакралната терапија кај најчести проблеми во цервикалниот дел. Knowledge - International Journal, 62 (4). pp. 483-489. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Vasileva, Dance and Lubenova, Daniela and Krstev, Toshe and Ristik Stomnaroska, Daniela and Lichkova, Elena (2024) Functional recovery after supratentorial unilateral ischemic stroke. In: Tenth National Congress with international participation of the Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics (BSNCH), 22-24 Nov 2024, Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia.

Vasileva, Dance and Lubenova, Daniela and Krstev, Toshe and Ristik Stomnaroska, Daniela and Lichkova, Elena (2024) Functional recovery after supratentorial unilateral ischemic stroke. Journal of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 20 (2). pp. 127-136. ISSN 1312-6431

Vasileva, Dance and Mitkov, Oliver (2024) Modern aspects of Treatment with Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. KNOWLEDGE - International Journal (KIJ), 66 (4). pp. 401-406. ISSN 1857-923X

Vasileva, Dance and Vitanova, Katerina (2024) Примена на методот на Feldenkrais кај пациенти со мултиплекс склероза. Knowledge - International Journal, 62 (4). pp. 453-459. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Vasileva, Dance and Zelnichka, Ilinka (2024) Treatment of peripheral facial paralysis as part of motor neurorehabilitation. MEDIS – International Journal of Medical Sciences and Research, 3 (4). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2671-3497

Vasileva, Mirela and Drakalska, Elena (2024) Vaccine-induced SCLE refractory to antimalarials in a diabetic patient. Our Dermatology Online. pp. 272-274.

Velickova, Nevenka (2024) Значењето на циркулирачките нуклеински киселини во лабораториската дијагностика. In: 36-ти Априлски средби на медицински лаборанти и санитарни техничари, 12-14 Apr 2024, Pelister, Macedonia.

Velickova, Nevenka (2024) Плунката како медиум во молекуларната лабораториска дијагностика. In: 51-ви Октомвриски средби на медицински лаборанти и санитарни техничари со меѓународно учество, 03-06 Oct 2024, Охрид.

Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Kolevska, Katerina and Ugrinska, Ana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2024) Development and validation of a headspace gas chromatographic method for the determination of residual solvents in [18F]FDG. In: 11th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 30 May - 02 Jun 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Velinov, Aleksandar and Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Nikolova, Aleksandra and Zdravev, Zoran (2024) E-learning Platforms for Studying Cloud Technologies. In: XV International Conference on Information Technology and Development of Education ITRO.

Velinov, Aleksandar and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2024) Virtual Tour Using Telepresence Robot and MQTT Protocol. TEM Journal, 13 (1). pp. 750-756. ISSN 2217-8309

Velinov, Aleksandar and Nikolova, Aleksandra and Zdravev, Zoran (2024) Review of the Usage of Cloud Technologies in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development, 8 (3). pp. 89-95. ISSN 2545-4471

Velinova, Eva (2024) CA23137 - Print Culture and Public Spheres in Central Europe 1500–1800 (PCPSce). [Project]

Velinova, Eva (2024) From Religious Lauda to Medieval Canzone and Sonnet: Poetry of the Senses in 13th and 14th Century Italy. Studia universitatis hereditati, 12 (2). pp. 13-24. ISSN 2350-5443

Velinova, Eva (2024) La mémoire et la perception du temps dans "à la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust". Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature, 22 (2). pp. 247-255. ISSN 2406-0518

Velinova, Eva and Karanikikj Josimovska, Jovana (2024) Италијанската книжевност на барокот, просветителството и неокласицизмот - Учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-069-7

Veljanovski, Darko and Nikolovski, Bruno and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Stefanovikj, Bojana and Abdul, Melisa (2024) Употреба на биоразградлива мембрана за регенерација на коскен дефект пред имплантирање - приказ на случај. In: Конгрес на Здружението на специјалисти по орална хирургија имплантологија, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje.

Veljanovski, Darko and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Nikolovski, Bruno and Stefanovikj, Bojana and Abdul, Melisa (2024) The use of biodegradable magnesium membrane for regeneration of bony defect before implant placement - a case report. In: 3rd Congress on Oral and Implant Surgery with International participation, 3-5 Oct 2024, Skopje, Macedonia.

Veljanovski, Darko and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Papakoca, Kiro and Spirov, Vancho and Susak, Zoran and Baftijari, Denis and Dervishoski, Alil (2024) Biomechanical Parameters of Implants Placed with Osseodensification Versus Implants Placed with Under-drilling Osteotomy Techniques in Posterior Maxilla: A Comparative Clinical Study. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 15 (2). pp. 330-337. ISSN 1857-9655

Veljanovski, Darko and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Papakoca, Kiro and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Mladenovski, Marko (2024) Аssessment of gingival and periodontal health in institutionalized elderly. In: European College of Gerodontology Annual Congress 2024, 6-7 June 2024, Belgrade, Serbia.

Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2024) Abelian- and Tauberian-type results for the generalized Stockwell and wavelet transforms. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics. ISSN (print): 1793-5571 | ISSN (online): 1793-7183

Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2024) Asymptotic analysis of distributions through some integral transforms and frames. In: Generalized Functions Online Workshop (4 Edition), May 10th.

Veta Buralieva, Jasmina and Todorova Stoeva, Diana and Hadzi-Velkova Saneva, Katerina and Atanasova, Sanja (2024) Asymptotic Analysis for Generalized Functions Using Frames. In: Chatzakou, M., Ruzhansky, M., Stoeva, D. (eds) Women in Analysis and PDE. GFOW APDEGS 2022 2021. Trends in Mathematics, vol. 5 . Birkhäuser, Cham., pp. 89-98. ISBN 978-3-031-57004-9 / 978-3-031-57005-6 (online)


Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana (2024) Детството како извор на книжевна граѓа во делото на Бајрузин Хајро Плањац. Институт за дечју књижевност. pp. 247-258. ISSN 2812-765X

Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Marolova, Darinka and Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Ivanova, Biljana (2024) Zoonym phraseological units as hate speech in youth vocabulary. Education and new developments 2024, 1 (1). pp. 185-189. ISSN 2184-1489

Vitanova-Ringaceva, Ana and Miceva, Suzana (2024) Видеото Како Алатка за Дигитализација и Трансмисија на Фолклорните Материјали. Савремена српска фолклористика 15. ISSN 978-86-7301-210-0

Vitanovska, Biljana and Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Влијание на технологијата на производство врз некои квалитативни својства, минерали и тешки метали во Маџун од сортата грозје Кардинал. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 13 Nov 2024, Stip. (Unpublished)

Vladimirova, Stefani and Gazepov, Strahil (2024) Refraction in a low vision patient. Knowledge – International Journal, 63 (4). pp. 407-412. ISSN 2545-4439

Volceska, Afrodita and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija (2024) Присуство на столбур фитоплазма кај автохтоната македонска сорта Станушина. In: V студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.


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Xhaferri, Gzim and Ivanovska, Biljana (2024) Die Rolle und die Funktion der Diskursmarker am Beispiel eines Youtube-Interviews. International Journal for Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Research, Palimpsest, 9 (17). pp. 69-79. ISSN 2545-3998

Xhaferri, Gzim and Ivanovska, Biljana (2024) Die Sprache und das Phänomen Höflichkeit am Beispiel eines YouTube-Interviews. Journal of Languages for Specific Purposes (11). pp. 129-140. ISSN 2359 – 9103


Zarkova Atanasova, Julija (2024) Современ план на терапија при трансформација на насмевката. In: 13ти Симпозиум на Факултет за медицински науки - Дентална медицина на тема „Иновативни третмани и технологии во денталната медицина: предизвици на иднината", 21 Sept 2024, Stip, North Macedonia.

Zarkova Atanasova, Julija (2024) Процедури за трансформација на насмевката со порцелански фасети. In: Симпозиум со меѓународно учество „Естетика во протетиката", 9 June 2024, Gostivar, North Macedonia.

Zarkova Atanasova, Julija (2024) Kеys for Predictable and Accurate Intraoral Scanning. In: International Dental Conference and Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC), 6-8,Fev 2024, Dubai,UAE.

Zarkova Atanasova, Julija (2024) Mastering Intraoral Scanning. In: Digital Protocols in Contemporary Implantology; Surgical Guides with advanced programs Exocad, 3Shape, SMOP and Mastering Intraoral Scanning", 13, April 2024, Tirana,Albania.

Zarkova Atanasova, Julija and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Duran, Ibrahim (2024) Backward Planning Digital Protocol for Full Mouth Rehabilitation. In: 28th congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society (BASS), 25-27th April 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Zarkova Atanasova, Julija and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Nikolovski, Bruno and Tashkovski, Hristijan (2024) Comparative Analysis of Spectrophotometric vs Visual Tooth Color Determination. In: 28th congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society (BASS), 25-27th April 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2024) Кон концертот „Оперски приказни“,. Sloboden pecat.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2024) The Benefits оf Music Education Across Multiple Scientific Disciplines. Current Progress in Arts and Social Studies Research, 5. pp. 24-33. ISSN ISBN 978-93-48119-01-8 (Print)

Zendelska, Afrodita and Lepitkova, Sonja and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Dimov, Gorgi and Trpcevska Angelkovic, Dusica (2024) GHG Emissions from Municipal Solid Waste in North Macedonia. Natural Resources and Technology, 18 (2). pp. 15-21. ISSN 1857-6966

Zeqiri, Besim (2024) Постимплантациски и психосоцијални параметри за оцена на прогресијата во комуникациските капацитети кај деца со кохлеарни импланти. Doctoral thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Zeqiri, Kemajl and Mijalkovski, Stojance and Gzim, Ibishi and Mojsiu Lavdie, Ledi (2024) Comprehensive analysis of the mining accident forecasting and risk assessment methodologies: Case study – Stanterg Mine. Mining of Mineral Deposits, 18 (2). pp. 11-17. ISSN 2415-3443

Zhezhova, Silvana and Jordeva, Sonja and Risteski, Sanja and Golomeova, Saska and Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga (2024) Application of technical textiles in sports. Koža & Obuća, 73 (2). pp. 3-10. ISSN 1849-9767

Zlatanovska, Biljana and Dimovski, Donco and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) About the solutions of Modified Lorenz system. Asian-European Journal of Mathematics, 17 (7). ISSN 1793-7183

Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Nakov, Dimitar (2024) SIRS+P model of cow mastitis. In: International Conference on Computer Science and Mathematics Dedicated to prof. Smile Markovski, 21-23 May 2024, Ohrid, Macedonia. (In Press)

Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Using ChatGPT in solving definite integrals. In: XIII International conference on social and technological development – STED 2024, 06-09 June 2024, Trebinje, Republic of Srpska, B&H.

Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija and Kocaleva, Mirjana (2024) Using ChatGPT in solving definite integrals. Proceedings of XIII International conference on social and technological development. pp. 340-348. ISSN 2303-498X

Zlatanovska, Biljana and Piperevski, Boro (2024) On the integrability of a subclass of 2D matrix differential equations. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (2). pp. 91-102. ISSN 2545-4803

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Zarkova Atanasova, Julija and Atanasova, Sandra (2024) Artificial Intelligence in Teledentistry as New Oral Health Care Tool Among Macedonian Dental Professionals – a Questionnaire Study. In: 28th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society; "Sea, Science and Skills", 25-27 April 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Nikolovski, Bruno and Naskova, Sanja and Mijoska, Aneta and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Kovacevska, Ivona and Trpevska, Vesna and Pejkovska Shahpaska, Budima (2024) Fracture resistance of porcelain veneers with different preparation designs. In: FDI World Dental Congress 2024 (FDIWDC24), 12-15 Sept 2024, Istanbul, Turkiye.

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Longurova, Natasa and Apostoloski, Pavle and Nikolovski, Bruno (2024) Assessment of Stem Cell Utilization in Routine Dental Practice. In: 28th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society; "Sea, Science and Skills", 25-27 April 2024, Budva, Montenegro.

Zubicek, Vaclav and Hudeček, Vlastimil and Orlíková, Lucie and Dandoš, Rostislav and Jadviščok, Petr and Adjiski, Vancho and Dlouhá, Dagmara (2024) Thermal signatures of relict coal spoil, waste and tailing dumps. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 38 (3). pp. 267-279. ISSN 1748-0930 / 1748-0949 Online


Životić, Dragana and Jovanovski, Gligor and Simic, Vladimir and Boev, Ivan and Cvetkov, Vesna and Makreski, Petre and Polomčić, Dušan and Ristić Vakanjac, Vesna (2024) Coal: exploration, reserves, and utilization. ChemTexts, 10 (1).

This list was generated on Fri Mar 28 22:40:24 2025 UTC.