Items where Division is "Faculty of Medical Science" and Year is 2018

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Number of items: 442.


Bozinovska Beaka, Gordana and Prgova Veljanovska, Biljana and Zdravkovska, Milka and Burova, Blagica (2018) A case report of intraoperatively diagnosed holangiocarcinoma after unsuccessful conservative treatment of ERCP complicated with hemorrhage. Lietuvos Chirurgija / Lithuanian Surgery, 17 (3-4). pp. 256-263. ISSN 1392–0995 ; 1648–9942 (online)

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Maksimova, Viktorija (2018) Оправданост на употребата на хербални препрати од Valeriana officinalis L., во третман на анксиозност и несоница. Фармацевтски информатор (48). pp. 54-57. ISSN 1409-8784

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Sarafiloska, Elena and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica (2018) Улогата на ензимскиот цитохром P450 ензимски систем во интеракциите на некои позначајни лекови кои делуваат на централниот нервен систем со пушењето. Farmacevtski informator (49). pp. 36-44. ISSN 1409-8784

Alemu, Aschalew and Wanjeh, David Mwanza and Tripunoski, Toni and Apostolova, Paulina and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Spect and pet radiopharmaceuticals for the diagnosis of infectious and inflammatory foci. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research (EJPMR), 5 (3). pp. 170-186. ISSN 2394-3211

Alimani - Jakupi, Jetmire and Iljovska, Marina and Naskova, Sanja (2018) Процена на ризични фактори за кариес со користење на вкупен и редуциран Cariogram кај училишни деца на возраст од 10-12 години. Vox Dentarii Информатор на стоматолошката комора на Македонија. ISSN 1857-7814

Aliu, Shpend and Dimova, Cena and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Основи на зголемување на алвеоларен гребен. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 26 (4). pp. 1317-1320. ISSN 2545-4439

Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena and Gligorovska, Ana and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Treatment of hypertension and complications in the Emergency Department-Delchevo. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena and Miladinovska, Aleksandra (2018) Фармацевтска грижа за болни од астма. Социјалните детерминанти и здравјето на населението, 2 (1). pp. 22-26.

Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena and Seremetkovska, Hristina (2018) Пазарот на антипсихотици во Република Македонија. Фармацевтски информатор (48). pp. 44-49. ISSN 1409-8784

Arev, Marija and Dzodic, Predrag and Makreski, Petre and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Physico-chemical assessment of labeled freeze dried kits of trastuzumab-immunoconjugates significant for breast cancer therapy. EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry, 3 (1). pp. 31-32.

Atanasov, Ilija and Gazepov, Strahil (2018) Evaluation of the number of patients with cataracts operated with еxtracapsular cataract extraction of thedepartment of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip. Knowledge – International Journal. ISSN 2545-4439

Atanasov, Ilija and Gazepov, Strahil and Gorgiev, Alen and Kocev, Pavle (2018) Prevalence of hypermetropy in preschool children in Delchevo. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Atanasova, Sandra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Nashkova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Side effects of orthodontic treatment. Knowledge, International Journal Scientific Papers. ISSN 1857- 92 (In Press)

Atanasova, Sandra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Oral higiene during orthodontic tretment. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers. ISSN 1857-92 (In Press)

Atanasova, Sandra and Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Oral health changes during pregnancy. Knowledge – International Journal, 22 (5). ISSN 1857-923X, 2545-4439

Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Kolevska, Katerina and Velickovska, Maja and Angelovska, Bistra and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Дизајн на студија на стабилност на радиофармацевтски препарати. Farmacevtski informator (50). pp. 26-30. ISSN 1409-8784

Atanasova, Sandra and Carceva Salja, Sofija and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Proseva, Ljubica (2018) Oral hygiene behavior during treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 17 (11). ISSN 2279-0853

Binakaj, Zahida and Stojkov, Svetlana and Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena (2018) The Role of Pharmacist in Treatment of Depression. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 6 (2). pp. 149-153. ISSN 2328-2150

Bogdanovska, Lepa and Velickova, Nevenka (2018) The importance of Pap smear as cytological screening methods. Cytopathology, 29 (S1). p. 30. ISSN 1365-2303

Boschi, Alessandra and Martini, Petra and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Duatti, Adriano (2018) The emerging role of copper-64 radiopharmaceuticals as cancer theranostics. Drug Discovery Today, 23 (8). pp. 1489-1501. ISSN 1359-6446

Bosnakovski, Darko and Gearhart , M and Toso, Erik and Ener, Elizabeth and Choi, Si Ho and Kyba, Michael (2018) Low level DUX4 expression disrupts myogenesis through deregulation of myogenic gene expression. Scientific Reports.

Brchina, Irena and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2018) Development and validation of HPLC method for in-vitro determination of dissolution of Bromazepam in tablets. Knowledge – International Journal, 23 (2). ISSN 2545-4439

Candan, Selman and Bakan, Merve and Kocovski, Darko and Apostoloski, Pavle (2018) Ivoclar porcelain system empress max, part from modern dentistry. First international students congress in dental medicine 2018.

Carceva Salja, Sofija and Getova, Biljana and Papakoca, Kiro and Kitanovski, Stefan (2018) Редукција на ДМФТ индексот после имплементација на „Национална стратегија за превенција на орални заболувања кај деца од 0-14 години на Република Македонија за периодот 2008 - 2018 година”. Knowledge – International Journal. ISSN 2545-4439

Chibishev, Andon (2018) Acute corrosive poisonings - Frequent cause for fatal outcome. Am J Emerg Med.

Chibishev, Andon (2018) Clinical evaluation and management of acute corrosive poisoning in adult patients - A ten year experience. Am J Emerg Med.

Chibishev, Andon (2018) Wild Mushrooms: An Exclusive Delicacy or Last Meal. The American Journal of Gastroenterology. ISSN 0002-9270/EISSN: 1572-0241

Chobanova, Nina and Ivanova, Kremena and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Atanasov, Trayan (2018) Bronchus and lung cancer incidence in population living around the former uranium maining and miling sites. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. ISSN 0144-8420

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra (2018) Increasing water solubility, the prerequsite for improvement of bioavailability. "Acta Medica Balkanica", International Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 9-12. ISSN 2545-4870

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija and Serafimovska, Tijana and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Stefanoski, Sasho and Keskovski, Zlatko and Balkanov, Trajan (2018) Pharmacotherapeutic considerations for use of cannabinoids to relieve pain in patients with malignant diseases. Journal of Pain Research. pp. 837-842. ISSN 1178-7090

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Социјални детерминанти и акутен гастроентеритис во детската возраст. Zbornik na trudovi, Regionalna konferencija, Socijalni determinanti i zdravje, 2 (1). pp. 49-56.

Dimova, Cena (2018) Структурни компетенции - поим, извори и ефекти од социо-економска нееднаквост. Социјални детерминанти и здравје на населението, Зборник на трудови од Регионална стручно-научна конференција, 2 (1). pp. 64-73.

Dimova, Cena and Evrosimovska, Biljana (2018) Implementation of problem-based learning in dental education. Knowledge – International Journal, 23 (2). pp. 513-517. ISSN 2545-4439

Dimova, Cena and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova, Julija (2018) Update in periradicular surgery. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 26 (4). pp. 1331-1334. ISSN 2545-4439

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Stefanovska, Tamara (2018) Formulation and characterization of niosomes as potential nanocarriers for drug delivery. ,,Acta Medica Balkanica"-International Journal of Medical Sciences, 3 (5). pp. 19-22. ISSN 2545-4870

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Stefanovska, Tamara and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2018) Ниозоми-Современи наночестички за испорака на лекови. Фармацевтски информатор. pp. 44-48. ISSN 1409-8784

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Ucok, Aleksandra (2018) Карактеризација на препарати со хијалуронска киселина и нивна примена за козметички и медицински цели. Фармацевтски информатор. pp. 53-58. ISSN 1409-8784

Dzeparoski, Marjan and Trajkoic-Jolevska, Suzana (2018) Impact of regulation on advertising and promotion of traditional herbal medicines and food supplements. International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, 12 (1). pp. 77-90. ISSN 1750-6123

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Dimova, Cena (2018) Alveolar ridge preservation using platelet rich fibrin and bone graft. Knowledge – International Journal, 23 (2). pp. 423-429. ISSN 2545-4439

Feflakova, Ruzica and Aleksandrov, Mihail and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica (2018) Истражување за употребата на енергетски пијалоци и нивните ефекти врз здравјето кај студентите во Република Македонија. Фармацевтски информатор (48). pp. 64-68. ISSN 1409-8784

Gazepov, Strahil and Gorgiev, Alen and Ismaili, Iljaz (2018) Operated patients from cataract of the department of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip for the period of 2014/2017. Knowledge – International Journal. ISSN 2545-4439

Gazepov, Strahil and Gorgiev, Alen and Kocev, Pavle (2018) Screening of glaucoma. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Gazepov, Strahil and Hubreva, Marija and Zendelska, Radmila and Lichkova, Elena and Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Fixed combinations in the treatment of glaucoma. International Journal Knowledge, 28 (2). pp. 613-618. ISSN 2545-4439

Getova, Biljana and Pavlevska, Meri and Carceva-Salja, Sofija (2018) Prevalence of first permanent molar caries among children at age 12 in Republic of Macedonia. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences ISSN: 0975-8585.

Getova, Biljana and Pavlevska, Meri and Janevska, S and Carceva-Salja, Sofija (2018) DMFT evaluation of first permanent molars among 12 year old children in the Republic of Macedonia. Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 41 (3). pp. 73-78. ISSN 2545-4757

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2018) Нов предизвик во токсикологијата: нанотоксикологија. Farmacevtski informator (49). pp. 22-26. ISSN 1409-8784

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2018) Heavy metals and their general toxicity on plants. Plant Science Today, 5 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 2348-1900

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kotur-Stevuljevic, Jelena and Mishra, Chandra Bhushan and Luthra, Pratibha Mehta and Saso, Luciano (2018) Antioxidant Properties of Synthesized Bicyclic Thiazolopyrimidine Derivatives as Possible Therapeutic Agents. Applied Sciences, 9 (1). p. 113. ISSN 2076-3417

Gjorgievska Velinova, Katerina and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2018) HbA1C test for diagnosis diabetes mellitus, experiences of Phi Gotse Delcev in Delcevo in the period from 2015 to 2017. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 26 (4). pp. 1017-1024. ISSN 2545-4439

Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Janeva, Andonela and Iceva, Ivana and Karpicarov, Dino and Velkova, Antonela and Krzovska, Viktorija and Dimitrova, Ana and Delipetrova, Natali (2018) Structure and physicochemical properties of antiseptics and disinfectants in relation to their activity. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 23. pp. 3-7. ISSN 1857- 8489

Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Karpicarov, Dino (2018) Механизам на дејство и карактеристики на одредени антисептици и дезинфициенси во корелација со нивната активност врз селектирани микроорганизми. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 28 (2). pp. 423-428. ISSN 2545-4439

Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Koceva, Andonela and Iceva, Ivana and Karpicarov, Dino (2018) Relation between Quantity of Disinfectant and Antiseptics Used and Appearance of Intra-Hospital Infections in the Region of Eastern Macedonia. International Journal of Healthcare and Medical Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 1-10. ISSN 2414-2999

Gligorievski, Antonio (2018) Left Sided Boshdalek Hernia in Adult: A Case Report. Frontiers in Medical Case Reports.

Gligorievski, Antonio (2018) Appearance of Krukenberg tumor from gastric carcinoma, ultrasound and computed tomography evaluation. Digestive Medicine Research, 1. p. 3. ISSN 26171627

Gligorievski, Antonio (2018) Atypical Localizations of Hydatid Disease: US and CT Evaluation. ARC Journal of Radiology and Medical Imaging, 3 (2). pp. 4-13.

Gligorievski, Antonio (2018) CT Diagnosis of Fahr disease, a case report. Clinical Case Reports and Reviews , 4 (2). pp. 1-3. ISSN 2059-0393

Gligorievski, Antonio (2018) US diagnosis of acute appendicitis. MOJ Anatomy & Physiology, 5 (3). ISSN 2471-139X

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Theoretical Contribution Towards Understanding Specific Behaviour of “Simple” Protein‐film Reactions in Square‐wave Voltammetry. Electroanalysis, 30. pp. 1-10. ISSN 1040-0397

Gulaboski, Rubin and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Petkovska, Sofija (2018) Time-Independent Methodology to Access Michaelis-Menten Constant by Exploring Electrochemical-Catalytic Mechanism in Protein-Film Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry. Croatica Chemica Acta, 91 (3). ISSN 00111643

Gulaboski, Rubin and Petkovska, Sofija (2018) A Time-Independent Approach to Evaluate the Kinetics of Enzyme-Substrate Reactions in Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 10 (5). pp. 566-575.

Hideki, Aihara and Ke , Shi and John , K. Lee and Darko, Bosnakovski and Michael, Kyba (2018) Comment on structural basis of DUX4/IGH-driven transactivation. Leukemia.

Idrizovikj, Merima and Jovevska, Svetlana (2018) Rehabilitation and kinesiotherapeutic treatment during surgery for humerus fracture with pseudoarthrosis-a case report. Knowledge – International Journal, 28 (2). pp. 541-545. ISSN 2545-4439

Ilieva, Verica and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture Treatment in Patients with Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease and Hip Pain. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research (IJIR), 4 (1). pp. 21-22. ISSN 2454-1362

Ilievska Poposka, Biljana and Metodieva, Marija and Zakoska, Maja and Trajkov, Dejan (2018) Latent Tuberculosis Infection - Diagnosis and Treatment. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 6 (4). pp. 651-655. ISSN 1857-9655

Ilievska Poposka, Biljana and Zakoska, Maja and Mitreski, Vladimir (2018) Evaluation of the Directly Observed Treatment’s Acceptance by Tuberculosis Patients in the Republic of Macedonia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018 May, 6 (5). pp. 896-900.

Ilievska Poposka, Biljana and Zakoska, Maja and Pilovska Spasovska, Karolina and Simonovska, Ljiljana and Mitreski, Vladimir (2018) Tuberculosis in the Prisons in the Republic of Macedonia, 2008-2017. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 6 (7). pp. 1300-1304. ISSN 1857-9655

Ilievska Poposka, Biljana and Zakoska, Maja and Talevski, Srefan (2018) Practical Approach to Lung Health – Experience from the Republic of Macedonia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. 2018 Apr 15, 6 (4). pp. 618-623. ISSN : 1857-9655

Ismaili, Iljaz and Dashtevska, Emilija and Mehmeti, Gazmend and Gazepov, Strahil (2018) Prevention of visual loss in diabetic retinopathy. Knowledge – International Journal. ISSN 2545-4439

Ivanova, Svetlana and Dimova, Cena and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Apostoloski, Pavle and Mitevski, Kiril (2018) Употреба на анализа на конечни елементи во стоматолошка протетика. Социјални детерминанти и здравјето на населението, зборник на трудови од Регионална стручно-научна конференција, 2 (1). pp. 80-85.

Ivanovska, Verica and Angelovska, Bistra and van Dijk, Liset and Zdravkovska, Milka and Leufkens, Hubert G and Mantel-Teeuwisse, Aukje (2018) Change in parental knowledge, attitudes and practice of antibiotic use after a national intervention programme. European Journal of Public Health, 28 (4). pp. 724-729. ISSN 1101-1262

Ivanovska Adjievska, Biljana and Boskurt, Salih and Gineva, Natasha (2018) Хируршки третман на пролиферативна дијабетична ретинопатија: функционален и анатомски исход после витректомија. Macedonian Journal of Ophthalmology, 5 (2). pp. 34-39. ISSN 1857-9523

Ivanovska-Stojanovska, Marija and Popovska, Mirjana and Dimova, Cena and Spasovski, Spiro and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Mitik, Kristina and Tasevska, Angela (2018) Comparison of root surface roughness induced by hand and ultrasonic instrumentation on treated molars: an in vitro study. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 26 (4). pp. 1335-1340. ISSN 2545-4439

Jankovska, Vesna and Gazepov, Strahil (2018) EValuation of the number of patients with cataracts operated with the method of phacoemulsification of the department of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Jankovska, Vesna and Gazepov, Strahil and Panova, Gordana and Sumanov, Gorgi (2018) Prevalence of myopia in preschool children in Radovish. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Jovanovski-Srceva, Marija and Kokareva, Anita and Kartalov, Andrijan and Kuzmanovska, Biljana and Gavrilovska, A. and Spirovski, Zoran and Kondov, Goran and Cholanceski, Risto and Crvenkova, Simonida and Mojsova, Maja and Peneva, Margarita and Stevic, M. and Nedxati, J. and Shosholcheva, Mirjana and Jankulovski, Nikola (2018) Postoperative complications in patients undergoing thyroid surgery. Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia, 4. pp. 59-64. ISSN 2545-4366

Jovevska, Svetlana (2018) Anatomical variations of accessory foramina transversaria in cervical vertebrae. Knowledge - International Journal, 28 (8). pp. 537-540. ISSN 2545-4439

Jovevska, Svetlana and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Challenges and opportunities in teaching pediatrics. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 23.2 (2). pp. 431-434. ISSN 2545-4439

Jovevska, Svetlana and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Nikolovska, Lence (2018) Anatomical variations of mental foramen in adult human mandibules. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 23.2 (2). pp. 431-434. ISSN 2545-4439 (In Press)

Jovevska, Svetlana and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Nikolovska, Lence (2018) Variation of Human Renal Artery. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 25 (5). pp. 1441-1444. ISSN 2545-4439

Jusufi, Gazmend and Petrovska, Jasna and Kanurkova, Lidija and Cekovska, Saska and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Xhelili, A and Jusufi, O and Lazarevska, Bisera and Jankulovska, Mira (2018) Salivary fluoride concentration during orthodontic treatment using two types of adhesives. Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 41 (3). pp. 80-83. ISSN 0350-8129

Kalcev, Goce and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) The impact of social determinants on growth and health in preschool children. Зборник на трудови од регионална конференција „Социјални детерминанти и здравјето на населението“, 2 (1). pp. 110-115.

Kalcev, Goce and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) The relationship between mother’s lifestyle during pregnancy with the low birth weight. Zbornik na trudovi, Regionalna konferencija, Socijalni determinanti i zdravjeto na naselenieto, 2 (1). pp. 116-122.

Kamceva, Gordana and Kamcev-Panova, Lidija (2018) Long and permanent standing of the teachers is one of the factors for the appearance of varicose veins on the lower limbs. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Kamusheva, Marija and Manova, Manoela and Savova, Alexandra and Petrova, Guenka and Mitov, Konstantin and Harsányi, Andras and Kaló, Zoltan and Marky, Kristóf and Kawalec, Pawel and Angelovska, Bistra and Lakic, Dragana and Tesar, Tomas and Draganic, Pero and Geitona, Mary and Hatzikou, Magdalini and Paveliu, Marian and Männik, Agnes (2018) Comparative Analysis of Legislative Requirements About Patients' Access to Biotechnological Drugs for Rare Diseases in Central and Eastern European Countries. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 9 (795).

Karakaseva, Cvetanka and Panova, Gordana (2018) The task of the nurse's nursing care, treatment and evaluation in post-operative patients. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 27. pp. 99-106. ISSN 2545-4439

Karakolevska Ilova, Marija (2018) Can breast cancer metastasize to an unusual organ? : case report and review. The Breast, 41. S21-S22. ISSN 0960 - 9776

Kartalov, Andrijan and Jankulovski, Nikola and Kuzmanovska, Biljana and Zdravkovska, Milka and Shosholcheva, Mirjana and Tolevska, Marija and Naumovski, Filip and Srceva, Marija and Panovska Petrusheva, Aleksandra and Selmani, Rexhep and Sivevski, Atanas (2018) The Effect of Rectus Sheath Block as a Supplement of General Anesthesia on Postoperative Analgesia in Adult Patient Undergoing Umbilical Hernia Repair. Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., 38 (3). pp. 135-142. ISSN 1857-9345

Kocovski, Darko and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Atanasova, Sandra and Longurova, Natasa and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Denture Hygiene. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers, 23 (2). pp. 473-476. ISSN 1857-92

Kocovski, Darko (2018) Flexible Partial Dentures in Children. Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 41 (1). p. 68. ISSN 0350-8129

Kolevska, Katerina and Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Velickovska, Maja and Angelovska, Bistra and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Економско влијание на фармакогенетските тестирања врз фармакотерапискиот пристап. Farmacevtski informator (50). pp. 40-45. ISSN 1409-8784

Kovacevska, Ivona and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Georgiev, Zlatko (2018) Споредбена анализа за употреба на дентални нанокомпозити во Македонија, Бугарија и Шведска. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439 (In Press)

Krstev, Toshe and Nikolovska, Lence and Vasileva, Dance and Stratorska, Tamara (2018) Comparison of the short term effects in the decrease of the pain in the treatment of dysfunction of the cervical part. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers, 26.4. pp. 1225-1229. ISSN 1857-92

Krstevska, Katerina and Panova, Gordana (2018) Role and task of the patronage nurse and work with pregnant women before and after giving birth. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 28.2. pp. 289-294. ISSN 2545-4439

Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Filipovski, Vanja and Sardzovski, Boban and Jasar, Dzengis (2018) Mature teratoma of the fallopian tube. Journal of Morphological Sciences, 1 (1). pp. 77-81. ISSN 2177-0298

Kučan, Rok and Soltirovska Šalamon, Aneta and Andronikov, Darko and Benedik, Evgen (2018) Dietary Sources of Vitamin D, Vitamin D Supplementation, and Its Bio-Viability. Central European Journal of Paediatrics, 14 (2). pp. 115-122.

Lee, JK and Bosnakovski, Darko and Toso, Erik and Dinh, T and Banerjee, S and Bohl, TE and Shi, K and Orellana, K and Kyba, Michael and Aihara, Hideki (2018) Crystal Structure of the Double Homeodomain of DUX4 in Complex with DNA. Cell Reports.

Livrinova, Vesna and Jovanovska, Viktorija and Samardziski, Igor and Daneva Markova, Ana and Simeonova-Krstevska, Slagjana and Petrovski, Ljupco and Janevska, Vesna and Baldzieva, Sanja (2018) The role of the early diagnosis of autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease in fetuses - case study. nternational Medical Journal Medicus. ISSN 1409-6366

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Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Dimova, Cena and Longurova, Natasa and Naskova, Sanja and Panova, Gordana and Jurukova , Milena (2018) Употреба на отпечаточни материјали во фиксна протетика во источна Македонија. Knowledge: International Journal Scientific Papers, 22 (5). pp. 1428-1432. ISSN 1857-92

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Most common mistakes and complications in impressions at fixed-prosthodontic constructions. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 23 (2). pp. 553-558. ISSN 2545-4439

Zubor, Pavol and Kubatka, Peter and Kapustova, Ivana and Miloseva, Lence and Dankova, Zuzana and Gondova, Alexandra and Bielik, Tibor and Krivus, Stefan and Bujnak, Jan and Laucekova, Zuzana and Kehrer, Christina and Kudela, Erik and Danko, Jan (2018) Current approaches in the clinical management of pregnancy-associated breast cancer-pros and cons. EPMA Journal, 9 (3). pp. 257-270. ISSN 1878-5085

Book Section

Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Simeonovska Joveva, Elena and Lichkova, Elena (2018) The impact of socioeconomic status on outcome in patients with brain metastases. In: Zbornik na trudovi, Regionalna strucno-naucna konferencija, FMN,Vol 2, No1, Oktomvi 2018. Univerzitet Goce Delcev Stip, pp. 86-89.

Conference or Workshop Item

Ahtarova, Ivana and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment for hyperprolactinemia. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Alcheva, Mimoza and Candan, Selman and Papakoca, Kiro and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) The beneficial effects of the PRF membranes in a clinical setting. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Maksimova, Viktorija (2018) Клиничка ефикасност на хербални препарати од Ginkgo biloba L. (Ginkgoaceae) во третман на церебрална инсуфициенција. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Aleksandrov, Mihail and Maksimova, Viktorija and Gulaboski, Rubin and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2018) Short review of the anticancer and cytotoxic activity of some species from genus Euphorbia. In: 10th Conference on medicinal and aromatic plants of Southeast European countries.

Aleksandrovska, Ana and Cvetanovska-Stojchevska, Daniela and Nikolovski, Bruno and Brzakov, Riste and Minovska, Ana (2018) Minimal cosmetic restoration with Lithium Disilicate Veneers in patients with parafunction, while achieving oclusal stability. In: 23rd Bass Congress, 10-12 may 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Andreevski, Aleksandar and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Modified Direct Composite Resin Bonded Bridge. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena and Seremetkovska, Hristina and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Market access of antipsychotic drugs in Republic Macedonia. In: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation , 10-14 Oct 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

Angelovska, Bistra and Ilioska, Viktorija and Drakalska, Elena and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Market analysis of oral antidiabetic drugs in Republic Macedonia. In: 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Science, 8-10 Nov 2018, Ohrid, Macedonija.

Angelovska, Bistra and Micevska, Angela and Drakalska, Elena and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Процена на потрошувачката на антибиотици во аптеките во Општина Делчево. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Apostoloski, Pavle (2018) Cad / cam systems - the basis of modern dental prosthetics. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Arev, Marija and Dzodic, Predrag and Apostolova, Paulina and Drakalska, Elena and Ilieva, Stefanija and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) SDS-PAGE electrophoresis – technique for integrity examination of antibodies. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Arev, Marija and Dzodic, Predrag and Makreski, Petre and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) ATR-IR and Raman spectoscropic characterization of p-SCN-Bn-DTPA and p-SCN-Bn-1B4M-DTPA trastuzumab conjugates. In: 7th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 9-12 May 2018, Sarajevo, BiH.

Arev, Marija and Dzodic, Predrag and Makreski, Petre and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Cold labeled trastuzumab-p-SCN-Bn-DTPA and trastuzumab-p-SCN-Bn-1B4M-DTPA conjugates– preparation and spectroscopic analysis. In: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, 10-14 Oct 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

Arev, Marija and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Smilkov, Katarina and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) The role of radiopharmaceuticals in individualized diagnostic and therapy. In: 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Science, 8-10 Nov 2018, Ohrid, Macedonija.

Arsova, Dijana and Lazarova, Bilijana and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture and herbal treatment for breast cancer after mastectomy. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Arsovski, Ljupka and Naskova, Sanja and Taseva, Tatjana and Mladenovska, Katerina (2018) Application of fluoride in children (advantages and disadvantages). In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Atanasov, Nace and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Presence of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and rehabilitation. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Atanasova, Sandra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Несакани ефекти на ортодонтски третман. In: Knowledge – International Journal Vol. 23.2, 24-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Atanasova, Sandra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Орална хигиена за време на ортодонтски третман. In: Knowledge - International Journal Scientific and applicative papers Vol 19.4, 29 Sept -1 Oct 2017, Agia Triada, Greece.

Atanasova, Sandra and Naskova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Промени во оралното здравје во текот на бременост. In: Knowledge - International Journal, Vrnjacka Banja 2018.

Atanasova, Anita and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment for subfertility due to ovarian endometrioma. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Atanasova, Marija and Cocevska, Maja and Kolevska, Katerina and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Optimization of production of [11C]CH3I with Methylator II for synthesis and development of [11C]radiopharmaceuticals. In: 19th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals (ESRR’18), 05-08 April 2018, Groningen, Netherlands.

Baldzieva, Sanja and Trajkovska, Radojka and Dodevski, Emilija and Jovevska, Svetlana (2018) Dlaboka venska tromboza vo bremenost, prikaz na slucaj. In: Prv kongres na studenti po Opsta medicina, 9-10 May 2018, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delcev Stip.

Baldzieva, Sanja and Trajkovska, Radojka and Jovevska, Svetlana and Baldzieva, Anica (2018) Socio-ekonomskite faktori i dijabetot vo bremenost. In: Regionalna strucno-naucna konferencija:Socijalni determinanti i zdravjeto na naselenieto, Oct 2018, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delcev Stip.

Balshevska, Biljana and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona (2018) Prevalence, causes and prevention of post – cementation hypersensitivity. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Bikovski, Ljupco and Cvetanoski, Ognen and Dimova, Cena (2018) Evaluation of Post-extraction Site Wound Healing. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine - First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Bozinov, Nikola and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) Oral hygiene habits of a dental medicine students. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Brchina, Irena and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2018) Development and validation of HPLC method for in-vitro determination of dissolution of Bromazepam in tablets. In: Seventeenth International Scientific Conference “The teacher of the future”, 23–27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Brzakov, Riste and Nikolovski, Bruno and Velkoski, Bojan and Minovska, Ana and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera (2018) Impacted canines - to extract or not? In: 23rd BaSS Congress, 10-12 May 2018, Iasi, Romania.

Carceva Salja, Sofija and Papakoca, Kiro and Jusufi, Gazmend (2018) Maxillary response after facial orthopedic treatment in class III patients in early and late mixed dentition. In: Sofia Dental Meeting 2018, 27-30 Sept 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Cocevska, Maja and Atanasova, Marija and Kolevska, Katerina and Velickovska, Maja and Jolevski, Filip and Razmoska, Jasmina and Doslakoski, Nikolce and Filipovski, Zlatko and Nikolovski, Saso and Zdravevska Kocova, Marina and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) 2-[18F]fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose production: correlation between yield and eob activity. In: 7th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 9-12 May 2018, Sarajevo, BiH.

Cvetanoski, Ognen and Bikovski, Ljupco and Dimova, Cena (2018) The Most Common Anesthetics Used in Dentistry. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina (2018) Preliminary study on screening the intermolecular interactions of organic cation drugs from BSC Class III (case study Metformin). In: CA16205, F2F meeting, UNGAP WGs, 8-9 March 2018, Leuven, Belgium.

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Makreski, Petre and Stojanovska, Monika and Petrusevski, Gjorgji and Ugarkovic, Sonja and Pejov, Ljupco (2018) Solid-state characterization of the new molecular salts of Pyridoxine. In: 25th Conference of the SCS (Serbian Crystallography Society), 21-23 June 2018, Bajina Bašta, Serbija.

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Тераписки потенцијал канабиноида. In: ICQ: The 15th International Convention on Quality – UASQ 2018, 5-7 May 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Терапијски потенцијал канабиноида. In: 17. Simpozijum farmaceuta sa međunarodnim učešćem, 05-08 Dec 2018, Zlatibor, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Правна регулатива и законодавство у Републици Македонији. In: 17. Simpozijum farmaceuta sa međunarodnim učešćem, 05-08 Dec 2018, Zlatibor, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Adverse drug interactions in dental practice. In: Digital vs analogical in dental medicine, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Legalization of cannabis for medical purposes – legislation in Republic of Macedonia and public health-. In: III Scientific Symposium “Health Outcomes & Social Pharmacy” Central & Eastern European Symposium, 23-24 March 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Balkanov, Trajan (2018) National regulations in Radiopharmacy: Is the present situation generally acceptable? In: 19th European Symposium on Radiopharmacy and Radiopharmaceuticals, 05-08 Apr 2018, Groningen, Netherlands. (Submitted)

Dejkoska, Magdalena and Tileva, Slavica and Kocovski, Darko and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Innovative materials in medicine and dentistry. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Dejkoska, Magdalena and Tileva, Slavica and Kocovski, Darko and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Digital vs analog dental impression. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Социјални детерминанти и акутен гастроентерит во Детската возраст. In: Социјални детерминанти и здравјето на населението, 27 Oct 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Dimitrovska-Ivanova, Marija and Nikolova, Irena and Karagozova, Marija and Doneva, Luiza (2018) Acute dehydration as a prymary manifestation of Cystic Fibrosis. In: 41 st European Cystic Fibrosis Conference, 06-09 June 2018, Belgrade, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Dimova, Cena and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2018) Игли, конци и сутури во оралната хирургија. In: Dental Summer School 2018, 13-16 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Dimova, Cena and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Kocovski, Darko and Hadzi-Vasileva, Marija (2018) Needles, suture materials and knots used in oral surgery procedures. In: “Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine” First International Student Congress- Students’ Workshop, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Dimova, Cena (2018) Примена на различни коскени супституенти при процедури на сочувување и зголемување на алвеоларниот гребен. In: Стоматолошки Симпозиум со меѓународно учество „Современи постапки во стоматологијата“, Здружение на приватни здравствени стоматолошки установи, 19 May 2018, Bitola, Macedonia.

Dimova, Cena (2018) Оралнохируршки процедури во менаџментот на флап-дизајн: резенки, инструменти и техники на шиење- Шеста работилница. In: Оралнохируршки процедури во менаџментот на флап-дизајн: резенки, инструменти и техники на шиење, - Шеста работилница, 31.05.2018, Штип.

Dimova, Cena and Evrosimovska, Biljana (2018) Implementation of problem-based learning in dental education. In: The teacher of the future - Seventeenth International Scientific Conference, 23-27 March 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Dimova, Cena and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija (2018) Новини во перирадикуларната хирургија. In: The Power Of Knowledge, XVIII -th International Scientific Conference, Knowledge, 26-29 Sept 2018, Agia Triada, Greece.

Dishoski, Blagojche and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Hepatitis B Treatment with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Domazetovska, Saska and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Koloska, Valentina and Miov, Biljana and Chofkarovska, Suzana (2018) Role of standard markers and hsp 70 in diagnostic and prognostic managing of acs. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.

Domazetovska, Saska and Slaveska Raicki, Renata and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2018) Diabetes mellitus treatment, effects and consequences. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Arev, Marija and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Formulation and characterization of nanosized carriers as potential platforms for topical delivery of antioxidants. In: VII Serbian Congress of Pharmacy with international participation, 10-14 Oct 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Arev, Marija and Stefanovska, Tamara (2018) Антитуморна активност на ресвератрол инкорпориран во цврсти липидни наночестички. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Drakalska, Elena and Gligorovska, Ana and Angelovska, Bistra (2018) Treatment of hypertension as most common diagnosis in Emergency Department-Delchevo. In: Социјалните детерминанти и здравјето на населението-Зборник на трудови, 27.10.2018.

Evrosimovska, Biljana and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Dimova, Cena (2018) Alveolar ridge preservation using platelet rich fibrin and bone graft. In: The teacher of the future - Seventeenth International Scientific Conference , 23-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Feflakova, Ruzica and Aleksandrov, Mihail and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica (2018) Истражување на употребата на енергетски пијалоци кај студентите во Република Македонија. In: First Congress of Students on General Medicine; UGD; Stip, 9-10 May 2018, Stip, Republic of Macedonia.

Gazepov, Strahil and Dzidrova, Violeta and Petrova, Marina and Georgiev, Alen (2018) Operated patients from cataract of the department of ophthalmology at the Clinical Hospital Stip for the period of 2014/2017. In: Knowledge - International Journal, 16-18 March 2018, Vrnjacka Banja, Republic of Serbia.

Gicheva, Bojana and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment for hip pain and lumbar degenerative disc disease. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2018) Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles using plant extracts as reducing/capping agents. In: Congress BIO2018, 18-21 Sept 2018, Gdansk, Poland.

Gjorgievska Velinova, Katerina and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2018) HbA1C test for diagnosis diabetes mellitus, experiences of Phi Gotse Delcev in Delcevo in the period from 2015 to 2017. In: Eighteenth International Scientific Conference: The teacher of the future, 27–29 Sept 2018, Agia Triada, Greece.

Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Karpicarov, Dino (2018) Mechanism of action and characteristics of certain antiseptics and disinfectants in correlation with their activity on selected microorganisms. In: Knowledge in Practice, XIX-th International Scientific Conference, 14-16 Dec 2018, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Gjurchinoska, Elena and Coneva, Ana and Georgieva, Maria and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Program of kinesitherapy for adults and people in ages with myocardial infarction. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gjurovska, Danica and Nikolovska, Lence (2018) Pathological conditions for the duration of the pregnancy and the effects of physical activity on the mother and the fetus. In: XVIII-th International Scientific Conference “Knowledge in practice”, 28-30 Sept 2018, Agia Triada, Greece.

Gligorova, Danche and Malinova, Natsha and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment in Bell’s palsy. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gorgieva, Natalija and Angova, Lidija and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) The most common reasons for toothache. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Важни пронајдоци во медицината што се случајно откриени. In: First Congress of Students of General Medicine, Goce Delcev University, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Electrochemistry of Dental Biomaterials. In: Стоматолошка наука и пракса - Денес и тука, 24 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Fake Science, Fake Journals, Fake Scientists. In: First Students Symposium of Dental Medicine -Digital vs Analogical, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Gulaboski, Rubin and Maksimova, Viktorija and Janeva, Milkica (2018) The Power of Voltammetry. In: Alexander von Humboldt Kolleg, 19-23 April 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Gulbahar, Emre and Angova, Lidija and Apostoloski, Pavle and Mitevski, Kiril (2018) 3D Printing in Dental Lab. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Ivanova, Svetlana and Dimova, Cena and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Apostoloski, Pavle and Mitevski, Kiril (2018) Употреба на анализа на конечни елементи во стоматолошка протетика. In: Социјалните детерминанти и здравјето на населението-Зборник на трудови, 27 Oct 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Jakjimoska, Verica and Cubrinoska, Marina and Trojacanec Piponska, Sonja (2018) Clinical significance of the combination of CEA and CA 19-9 tumor markers in malignant and benign tumors of various origins. In: The 26th Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation The 6th National Congress of the Macedonian Association of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 3-5 Oct 2018, Skopje.

Janeva, Martina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2018) IL-6: important cytokine in state of health and disease. In: Prv kongres na studenti po Opsta medicina, 9-10 May 2018, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delcev Stip.

Janeva, Milkica and Petkovska, Sofija and Ristova, Angela and Maksimova, Viktorija and Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Ембелин – моќен природен антиоксидант и транспортер на калциумови јони. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Current Good Manufacturing Practice with integrated Building Management System in the production of PET Radiopharmaceuticals. In: 7th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 9-12 May 2018, Sarajevo, BiH.

Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Preclinical studies in development of therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals - the critical approach for successful clinical application. In: 7th Balkan Congress of Nuclear Medicine, 9-12 May 2018, Sarajevo, BiH.

Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Regulation of Radiopharmaceuticals - what is required for a good clinical application. In: 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Sciences - University of Tetova & 2nd Annual Albanian Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, 8-10 November 2018, Ohrid.

Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Therapeutic Radiopharmaceuticals – Importance of Preclinical Investigation for Effective Clinical Application. In: 18th Biennial Congress of the South African Society of Nuclear Medicine (SASNM), 10-12 Aug 2018, Pretoria, South Africa.

Janevska, S and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Getova, Biljana (2018) Превентивната мерка од националната стратегија – едукација, реализирана преку едукативниот караван „Орбит дарува насмевка“. In: 1st Congress of Macedonian Association of Pediatric and Preventive Dentists, 18-19 May 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Domazetovska, Saska and Kololoska, Valentina (2018) Immunological criteria for the differential diagnosis of thyroid disease. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.

Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Domazetovska, Saska and Koloska, Valentina and Gorgeska, Biljana (2018) Autoimune antibodies in thyroid diseases. In: Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory - 26, (18, 1), 3-5 Oct 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Jasar, Dzengis and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Petrova, Deva and Filipovski, Vanja (2018) The Breast cancer Imunophenotypes in Correlation with Classical Morphological Parameters as a Predictive Model for Recurrenec Risk. In: The XXXII Congress of the International Academy of Pathology, 14.10.2018 - 18.10.2018, King Hussein Bin Talal Convention Centre, Dead Sea, Jordan.

Joleski, Petar and Nanev, Stefan and Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) The manufacture of inlays throughout the dental clinics in the Municipality of Shtip. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Jovevska, Svetlana and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Baldzieva, Sanja and Andova, Emilija and Sazdova, Radojka (2018) Anatomical variations of mental foramen in adult human mandibles. In: 55. Kongres Antropološkog Društva Srbije, 23-26 May 2018, Zlatibor, Serbia.

Kamceva, Fidanka and Lazarevska, Mateja and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Карцином на бели дробови – Статистичка анализа на податоци на ниво на Р. Македонија и општина Струмица во период 2013-2017. In: Втор Конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2019, Stip, Macedonia.

Kashuba, Monika and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Aesthetic restorations with porcelain veneers. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Koceva, Magdalena and Trajkovska, Ana and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Hand tracing vs digital methods of cephalometric analysis. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Kocovski, Darko and Arsovski, Ljupka and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) All Ceramics Bridge for Perfect Smile (Case Report). In: V kongres stomatologa BiH sa međunarodnim učešćem, 11-12 May 2018, Teslić, Banja Vrućica, BiH. (Unpublished)

Kocovski, Darko and Naskova, Sanja and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Flexible Dentures for Children – Case Report. In: II Kongres Preventivne Stomatologije "Prevencija Oralnih Oboljenja - Buducnost Savreme Stomatologije", 02-03 Nov 2018, Belgradе, Serbia.

Kocovski, Darko and Papakoca, Kiro and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija (2018) Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders in Complete Denture Wearers. In: BaSS 2018, 23th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 10-12 May 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Kocovski, Darko and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Atanasova, Sandra and Longurova, Natasa and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Denture hygiene. In: Seventeenth International Scientific Conference “The teacher of the future”, 23–27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Kocovski, Darko (2018) Флексибилни парцијални протези кај деца. In: First Congress of Specialists in Pediatric and Preventive Dentistry of Macedonia with international participation: Healthy teeth ‒ happy childhood, 18-19 May 2018, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Koloska, Valentina and Chaloska- Ivanova, Viktorija and Panov, Sašo and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Stojkovski, Velimir and Jankulovski, Nikola (2018) Identification of pre-core and basal core promoter mutants in patients with chronic hepatitis b in the Republic of Macedonia. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.

Kostova, Ordanka and Gavrilova, Sofija and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera (2018) General plan of treatment in dentistry. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Техники на апликаџција на гутаперка. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Guta-Perha root sealing tehniques. In: Dental Summer School 2018, 13-16 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kovacevska, Ivona (2018) Тераписки модалитети кај третите молари. In: „Актуелности во денталната медицина" ДДДММ Симпозиум со меѓународно учество, 30 June 2018, Strumica, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Kovacevska, Ivona and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Longurova, Natasa and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Gorgiev, Zlatko (2018) Comparative analysis for the use of dental nanocomposites in Macedonia, Bulgaria and Sweden. In: Knowledge - International Journal Scientific and applicative papers Vol 19.4, 29 Sept -1 Oct 2017, Agia Triada, Greece.

Krstevski, Danilo and Spasovska, Katerina and Angelic, Dubravka and Dimova, Cena and Veleski, Dragoljub (2018) Immediate loading of dental implants with hybrid bridge. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Krstonijevikj, Jelena and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Colorectal adenocarcinoma post-operative treatment with Chinese herbs. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Kunovska, Bistra and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Ivanova, Kremena and Angelova, Antoaneta (2018) A study of building factors affecting indoor radon concentration. In: RAD 2018 Conference, 18-22 June 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Lazareva, Tatjana and Spasova, Anastasija and Kocovski, Darko and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Denture‐related oral mucosal lesions. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Lazareva, Tatjana and Spasova , Anastasija and Kocovski, Darko and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Oral health related quality of life on patients with partial removable dentures. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Lazarov, Blagoj and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) Most common reasons for apicotomy. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Lazarova, Bilijana and Arsova, Dijana and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment in menstrual disorder after oocyte donation. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Longurova, Natasa and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Georgieva, Zorka and Talevska, Sara (2018) Use of the teeth whitening procedure by dental medicine students. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Denkov, Nikola and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Knowledge and attitudes of the parents of 7-12 year old children regarding the need for interventions of the first permanent molar. In: Knowledge – International Journal Vol. 23.2, 24-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Longurova, Natasa and Atanasova, Sandra and Markoska, Aleksandra and Brsakoska, Izabela (2018) Tooth discolorations after dental interventions. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Kirova, Anita and Pandova, Frosina (2018) Mineral trioxide aggregate material use in dental pathology. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Влијание на социјално економскиот статус на родителите на денталното здравје и КЕП индексот кај децата. In: Стручно-научна конференција Социјални детерминанти и здравјето на населението.

Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Correlaton between consumption of fruit drinks and the concentration of Ca and phosphates in the saliva. In: BaSS 2018, 23th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 10-12 May 2018, Jasi, Romania. (Submitted)

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Atanasova, Sandra and Denkov, Nikola (2018) Најчести компликации после ендодонтски третман. In: Knowledge - International Journal Scientific and applicative papers Vol 19.4, 29 Sept -1 Oct 2017, Agia Triada, Greece.

Majhosheva, Mila and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Neurorehabilitation in a patient with parkinson's disease. In: Fourth National Congress with international participation, Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 5-7.10.2018, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Maksimov, Zlatko and Miteva, Aleksandra and Dimova, Cena (2018) Post-operative complications after extraction of impacted lower third molar. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Manov, Dean and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Physical therapy in a case of spinal cord injury (level c7-c8). In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Meckaroska, Elena and Ristovska, Isidora and Janeva, Milkica and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka (2018) Voltammetric Sensors for Hydrogen Peroxide Detection in Living Cells. In: Firts Congress of Students of General Medicine, Goce Delcev University, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Micevski, Bobi and Nikolovski, Bruno and Cvetanovska-Stojchevska, Daniela and Aleksandrovska, Ana and Minovska, Ana (2018) Prosthetics over hemisected molars and their follow up (case study). In: 23rd BaSS congress, 10-12 may 2018, Iasi, Romania.

Milkovska, Marina and Milkovska, Dragana and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture And Herbal Treatment With Yunnan Baiyao For Hyperhidrosis. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Miloseva, Lence (2018) Excellence through Diversity: Doctoral education in a globalised world. In: 11th EUA-CDE Annual Meeting, 7-8 June 2018, Ljubljana, Sovenia.

Miloseva, Lence (2018) Mental health and substance abuse as non – communicable diseases (NCDs) Essential Interventions in Primary Health Care (WHO PEN). In: Fact finding mission for non – communicable diseases (NCDs) Essential Interventions in Primary Health Care (WHO PEN) , 18 December, 2018, Hotel Aleksandar Palace, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miloseva, Lence and Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, Tatjana and Miloseva, Dijana (2018) A Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Nature and Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In: Book of abstracts, 23 rd Congress of European Association for Psychotherapy, 18-21 Oct 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

Minovska, Ana (2018) The nature of surface roughness after ER:YAG laser assisted root bio-modification. In: 23rd BaSS congress, 10-12 May 2018, Iasi, Romania.

Mitev, Kiril and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Cubital tunnel syndrome: compressive neuropathy of the ulnar nerv - case report. In: Fourth National Congress with international participation, Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 5-7.10.2018, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Miteva, Aleksandra and Maksimov, Zlatko and Dimova, Cena (2018) Management of post-operative complications during maxillary teeth extraction. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Mladenovska, Martina and Risteski, Milan and Serafimovska, Tijana and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Објективен одговор на комбинирана терапија во третман на Меланом. In: Прв конгрес на студентите по Општа медицина на УГД, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Nacevski, Jane and Cekova, Olivera and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Identification and most common problems in dental impressions. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Nadzenski, Simon and Dimovski, Hristijan and Apostoloski, Pavle and Mitevski, Kiril (2018) Digital technology and techniques used in the fabrication of complete dentures. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Nashkova, Sanja and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica (2018) Одржување на орална хигиена во домашни услови. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Naskova, Sanja and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Atanasova, Sandra and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Saliva antioxidant capacity and dental caries in children between the age 4 to 6. In: BaSS 2018, 23th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 10-12 May 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Nicheva, Angelina and Milchinska, Marija and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment for diaphragm muscle damage after peptic ulcer surgery. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Nikolova, Irena and Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija (2018) Влијанието на социо-економските фактори на застапеноста на Акутен гастроентерит кај децата од ромска и неромска припадност. In: Социјални дететрминанти и здравјето на населението, 27 Oct 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Minovska, Ana and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Popovic-Monevska, Danica and Popovska, Mirjana (2018) Gingival recession - choosing the right treatment option. In: 23rd BaSS Congress, 10-12 May 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Nikolovski, Bruno and Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Minovska, Ana and Cvetanovska-Stojchevska, Daniela and Bundalevska-Aleksandrovska, Ana (2018) Diagnostic accuracy of different oral screening methods in detection of potentially malignant disorders. In: 23rd BaSS Congress, 10-12 May 2018, Iasi, Romania.

Nikolovski, Kristijan and Nikolovska, Lence (2018) Comparison of the effectiveness of Conventional western medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine methods in the treatment of lumbago. In: XIX-th International Scientific Conference “Knowledge in practice”, 14-16 Dec 2018, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Nikova, Sara and Markova, Zana and Georgieva, Maria and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Kinesitherapy in patients with chronic ischemic heart disease. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Novoselska, Marija and Krmzova, Suzana and Naskova, Sanja and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Role of fluoride varnish in preventing early childhood caries. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro and Dimova, Cena and Arsovski, Ljupka and Atanasova, Sandra and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Digital Vs. Analog X-ray Images and Their Application in Dentistry Then and Now. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Arsovski, Ljupka (2018) Basic Implantology - Theoretical and Practical Concept. In: Dental Summer School 2018, 13-16 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Импланто – протетска рехабилитација кај лимитирани едентации – предности за долгорочен успех. In: Novi trendovi vo dentalnata medicina, 26 May 2018, Kumanovo, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Importance of connection between dental implant and prosthetic construction. In: БаСС & Имплантолошко здружение на Македонија „Предизвици во решавањето на сеопфатни дентални случаеви”, 27 Oct 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Prosthetic complications in dental implantology. In: "Bozicni kongres 2018" - Medzunarodni kongres i izlozba, 14-15 Dec 2018, Zagreb, R. Hrvatska.

Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Prosthetic technical complications in dental implantology. In: 6thInternational Dicle Symposium of Turkish Prosthodontics and Implantology Association, 2-4 Nov 2018, Diyarbakir, Turkey.

Papakoca, Kiro and Apostoloski, Pavle and Mitevski, Kiril and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera (2018) Basic concept of DSD. In: Dental Summer School 2018, 13-16 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Papakoca, Kiro and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Minovska, Ana and Kovacevska, Ivona (2018) Patients’ knowledge about dental implants as an option in replacing missing teeth. In: Sofia Dental Meeting 2018, 27-30 Sept 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Papakoca, Kiro and Hadzi-Vasileva, Marija and Seneva, Teodora and Risteska, Marija (2018) Anatomical and Morphological Variations of the Maxillary Lateral Incisor. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Pavlova, Dimka and Ristova, Velika and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Кinesitherapy program for patients with Chronic bronchitis. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Petkovska, Sofija and Janeva, Milkica and Maksimova, Viktorija and Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Нова волтаметриска метода за определување на Michaelis-Menten кинетичката константа на ензимско-супстратните реакции во протеин-филм волтаметрија. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) Implantology vs. Periodontology. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Minovska, Ana and Papakoca, Kiro (2018) Assessment of periodontal status among patients with fixed- prosthodontics reconstructions. In: 8th Congress of dentists from Macedonia with international participation “Behind the healthy smile - science and art”, 20-23 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Popovska, Anastasija and Popovska, Verica and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera (2018) Dental laser usage in everyday dental practice. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Proseva, Ljubica and Apostoloski, Pavle (2018) Bioprint in medicine. In: First International Students’ Symposium of Faculty of Medical Sciences “Celebrating achievements in medicine, promoting health and sharing knowledge”, 20 Apr 2016, Stip, Macedonia.

Proseva, Ljubica and Atanasova, Sandra and Naskova, Sanja (2018) Traumatic injury caused by a toothbrushing: A case report. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Radojkova-Nikolovska, Vera and Popovska, Mirjana and Minovska, Ana and Atanasovska-Stojanovska, Aneta and Nikolovski, Bruno (2018) Periodontal affection of sex hormones in the reproductive period in the woman. In: 23rd BaSS Congress, 10-12 may 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Ristova, Marija and Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Nocturnal Enuresis – Treatment with Acupuncture. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Sajkarova, Verica and Arsovski, Ljupka and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Composite laminates for a perfect smile. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Shajkarova, Verica and Arsovski, Ljupka and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Composite laminates for a perfect smile. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018.

Smokovski, Ivica (2018) First stratified diabetes prevalence data for Republic of Macedonia derived from the National eHealth System. In: Third Diabetes Days with International Participation, 10-13 May 2018; Ohrid, Macedonia.

Spigova, Aleksandra and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Prevalence of patients with diabetic polyneuropathy and rehabilitation. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Stoilova, Snezana and Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Značaj rane prevencije i dijagnoze melanoma kože. In: IV Simposium, “Dani laboratorijske dijagnostike i sanitarne tehnike BiH“ ALISZP, 10-13 May 2018, Tuzla, BIH.

Stoimenov, Manuel and Arsovski, Ljupka and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Application of combined fixed - mobile prosthetic allowances. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018.

Stojanov, Spase and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina (2018) Beneficial effects of Lactobacillus sp. against Streptococcus mutans. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Stojanova, Stefanija and Joveva, Stefani and Kocovski, Darko and Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Smile design with metal free ceramics. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Stojanovska, Zdenka (2018) Experiences and general conclusions from indoor radon surveys�performed in the Republic of Macedonia. In: The Influence of Radon and Toron to the Health of People, April 13, 2018, Teslić, Hotel Kardial, Congress Centre. (Unpublished)

Stojanovska, Zdenka and Curguz, Zoran and Kolarz, P. and Zunic, Zora S. (2018) Comparison of indoor radon concentrations between schools in Skopje and Banja Luka cities. In: Savremeni materijali, 2018, 2-3 Sept 2018, Banja Luka, RS. (Unpublished)

Stojkova, Irina and Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Компарација и дијагностичкото значење на вредностите на HE4 И CA125 во гинеколошката онкологија. In: October meeting, Union of Associations of medical laboratory and sanitary technicians of the Republic of Macedonia, 04-07 Oct 2018, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Taleski, Vaso (2018) Brucellosis. In: 38th Turkish Microbiology Congress, 4-8 Nov 2018, Antalya, Turkey.

Taleski, Vaso (2018) New brucella strains towards re-emerging trends of Brucellosis. In: FEMS-supported symposium: “Emerging Infections”, 30 May to 2 June 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Taleski, Vaso and Trpceva, Kristina and Zdravkovska, Milka and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2018) Potential impact of probiotics on human health and diseases. In: XII Kongres mikrobiologa Srbije sa megjunarodnim ucescem. Mikromed regio 2018, 10 - 12 May 2018, Belgrade, Serbia.

Talevska, Sara and Gorgieva, Zorka and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Oral hygiene maintenance in patients with denture. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Minovska, Ana and Papakoca, Kiro and Kovacevska, Ivona (2018) Usage of systematic antibiotics in treatment of chronic periodontitis in everyday dental practice. In: 8th Congress of dentists from Macedonia with international participation “Behind the healthy smile - science and art”, 20-23 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Todorov, Strahil and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2018) Importance of social determinants for successful vaccination in R. Macedonia. In: Социјални детерминанти и здравјето на населението, 27 Oct 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Todorov , Strahil and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina (2018) Anti-caries vaccine - approach and challenges. In: Digital vs Analogical in Dental Medicine- First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Toneva, Stojkica and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Prevalence of patients with stroke and rehabilitation in the acute phase. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Kovacevska, Ivona and Kocovski, Darko and Longurova, Natasa (2018) Oral manifestation due tobacco addiction. In: Knowledge - International Journal, Vrnjacka Banja 2018.

Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Kocovski, Darko and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2018) Helicobacter pylori as a reason in oral diseases and GIT diseases. In: Knowledge – International Journal Vol. 23.2, 24-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Naskova, Sanja and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra (2018) Предности во оралната средина од конзумација на Витамин C. In: Knowledge - International Journal Vrnjacka Banja.

Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra and Naskova, Sanja and Atanasova, Sandra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Ризик фактори во корелација со мускулоскелетни нарушувања во стоматологијата. In: Knowledge – International Journal Vol. 23.2, 24-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra and Trajkova, Maja and Dimevska, Nina (2018) Орална манифестација на дијатес. In: Прв конгрес на студентите по Општа медицина на УГД, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Trajanova, Milka and Antovska, Vesna and Baldzieva, Sanja and Zlateska, Aleksandra and Filipovska, Marijana (2018) Severe OHSSY with ascites in IVF treatment: case report. In: XIX National Congress of infertility and reproductive health with international participation, 15-18 March 2018, Borovets, Bulgaria.

Trajkova, Maja and Dimevska, Nina and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Toneva Nikolova, Aleksandra (2018) Орална манифестација на дијабетес. In: Прв конгрес на студенти по општа медицина, 09-10 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Trajkovska, Radojka and Nikolov, Sasko and Baldzieva, Sanja and Jovevska, Svetlana and Baldzieva, Anica (2018) Pushenjeto cigari-rizik faktor za Koronarna Arteriska Bolest, pred i posle koronarno stentiranje. In: Regionalna strucno-naucna konferencija: Socijalni determinanti i zdravjeto na naselenieto, Oct 2018, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Goce Delcev Stip.

Trenevski, Martin and Dimovski, Hristijan and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) TMD disorders among dental students. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Vasileva, Dance and Lubenova, Daniela (2018) Improving orthostatic reactions after supratentorial unilateral stroke in the chronic period. In: Fourth National Congress with international participation, Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 5-7.10.2018, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Cellular and molecular alteration as biomarkers for xenobiotic exposure. In: International Scientific Confrerence GREDIT 2018 – Green Development, Geeen Infrastructure, Green Technology, 22-25 March 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Genotoxicological effect of ionizing radiation. In: Гените и животната средина, 16 Feb 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Submitted)

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Virtual microscopy as a learning method in part-time medical education. In: EDUvision 2018, International Expert Science Conference - "Modern approaches to teaching the coming generations", 29 Nov-1 Dec 2018, Ljubljana.

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Značaj praćenja β-HCG kao serumski tumor marker. In: Dani laboratorijske dijagnostike Republike Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem-Tara 2018, 15-17 Nov 2018, Tara, Serbia.

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) The importance of Pap smear as cytological screening methods. In: 41st European Congress of Cytology, 10-13 june, 2018, Madrid.

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) The role and importance of AFP (Alpha-fetoproteine) as a potential diagnostic biomarker. In: October meeting, Union of Associations of medical laboratory and sanitary technicians of the Republic of Macedonia, 04-07 Oct 2018, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Velickova, Nevenka and Milev, Mishko (2018) Biomarkers - useful tools in modern medicine. In: Program IV Međunarodnog simpozija „Dani laboratorijske dijagnostike i sanitarne tehnike BiH” ALISZP u BiH, 10-13 May 2018, Tuzla, BIH.

Veljanovski, Darko and Tasevski, Tome and Tasevski, DImitar and Spirov, Vancho and Stefanovik, Bojana and Baftijari, Denis (2018) Clinical outcomes of guided tissue regeneration procedure utilized with two different surgical approaches - a comparative study. In: EuroPerio 9, 20-23 June 2018, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Velkoska, Maja and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Application of neurorehabilittion agents to improve functional mobility in a patient with an ischemic stroke. In: Fourth National Congress with international participation, Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 5-7.10.2018, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Velkoski , Bojan and Nikolovski, Bruno and Cvetanovska-Stojchevska, Daniela and Brzakov, Riste and Minovska, Ana (2018) How to avoid explantation in cases of peri-implantitis. In: 23rd BaSS Congress, 10-12 May 2018, Iasi, Romania.

Yzeiri Havziu, Drita and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Cvetkovska, Dragana and Bilali, Sefedin and Nikolov, Igor (2018) Monitoring of renal function in patients with Medication-overuse headache (MOH). In: 3rd International Scientific Conference of the Faculty of Medical Science, 8-10 Nov 2018, Ohrid, Macedonija.

Zamanovski, Kosta and Vasileva, Dance (2018) Conservative treatment in a patient with a disc herniation. In: Fourth National Congress with international participation, Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 5-7.10.2018, National Palace of Culture, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Боја на забите и усогласување на нијанси во стоматологијата. In: Dental Summer School 2018, 13-16 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Popovska, Lidija and Korunoska Stevkovska, Vesna (2018) Спектрофотометриска проценка на разликите во бојата кај максиларните централни инцизиви кај пациенти од различен пол. In: 8th Congress of dentists from Macedonia with international participation “Behind the healthy smile - science and art”, 20-23 Sept 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Zdravkovska, Milka (2018) Морталитетот од кардиоваскуларните заболувања кај нас и во светот. In: Регионална стручно-научна конференција "Социјалните детерминанти и здравјето на населението".

Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2018) Acupuncture treatment for lumbar disc herniation. In: Humboldt Kolleg 2018, 20-23 April, Ohrid, R.Macedonia.

Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Доењето и потребата за Омега-3 масните киселини. In: Sostanok na Zdruzenie na neonatolozi na Republika Makedonija, 21 May 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Procena bola kod novorođenčeta. In: Treći kongres pedijatara Srbije, 20-23 Sept 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.

Zisovska, Elizabeta (2018) Scoring systems in neonatal medicine and detection of risks. In: Balkan School for Pediatricians, 12-15 Sept 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Jovevska, Svetlana (2018) The anthropometry of the term newborn infant. In: 55. Kongres Antropološkog Društva Srbije, 23-26 May 2018, Zlatibor, Serbia.

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Pehcevska, Nevena and Madzovska, Lidija (2018) Korelacija vaginalnih briseva sa konatalnom infekcijom pluća novorođenčadi. In: Treći kongres pedijatara Srbije, 20-23 Sept 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Pehcevska, Nevena and Madzovska, Lidija (2018) Prednosti tranzitorne nege novorođenčadi. In: Treći kongres pedijatara Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 20-23 Sept 2018, Vrnjačka Banja, Srbija.

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Pehcevska, Nevena and Madzovska, Lidija and Dimitrioska, Renata (2018) Assessment of the dyad mother/baby before discharge. In: Peti godišnji kongres Udruženja za preventivnu pedijatriju Srbije (UPPS) sa međunarodnim učešćem Organizator: Udruženje za preventivnu pedijatriju Srbije.

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Pehcevska, Nevena and Madzovska, Lidija and Dimitrioska, Renata (2018) Maternal readiness for home care and nutrition. In: Peti godišnji kongres Udruženja za preventivnu pedijatriju Srbije (UPPS) sa međunarodnim učešćem Organizator: Udruženje za preventivnu pedijatriju Srbije, 20-22 Apr 2018, Nis, Serbia.

Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Естетски реставрации со порцелански фасети. In: Симпозиум со меѓународно учество, ДДДММ Стоматолошко здружение на Македонија "Современи концепции во дентална медицина", 3 March 2018, Prilep, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Zlatanovska, Katerina (2018) Естетска реставрација со порцелански фасети - денес и тука. In: 7ми симпозиум на Универзитет Гоце Делчев Штип, Факултет за медицински науки "Стоматолошка наука и пракса - денес и тука", 24 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kocovski, Darko and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Препарација на заби за безметални надоместоци - коронки и фасети. In: First International Students Congress in Dental Medicine - 2018, 28-29 March 2018, Stip, Macedonia.

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Naskova, Sanja and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Use of porcelain veneers in dental offices in Macedonia. In: BaSS 2018, 23th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 10-12 May 2018, Jasi, Romania.

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Atanasova, Sandra (2018) Најчести грешки и компликации при отпечатување кај фиксно-протетички конструкции. In: Knowledge – International Journal Vol. 23.2, 24-27 May 2018, Budva, Montenegro.

Zlatanovska, Katerina and Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Papakoca, Kiro and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2018) Influence of pregnancy on oral health. In: "Nutricon 2018" Food quality and safety health and nutricon, 13-15 June 2018, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Zunic, Zora S. and Benedik, Ljudmila and Sahoo, Sarata Kumar and Kritsananuwat, Rawiwan and Veselinovic, Nenad and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Tokonami, Shinji (2018) Distribution of uranium in urine, hair and nails in residents of Niska Banja town, a high natural background radiation area. In: 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas - For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts, 24-27 Sept 2018, Hirosaki University, Aomori, Japan. (Unpublished)

Zunic, Zora S. and Mishra, Rosaline and Celikovic, Igor and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Yarmoshenko, I.V and Malinovski, G and Veselinovic, Nenad and Gulan, Ljiljana and Curguz, Zoran and Vaupotic, Janja and Ujic, P. and Kolarz, P. and Milic, Gordana and Kovacs, Tibor and Sapra, B.K. and Sahoo, S.K. (2018) Effective doses estimated from the results of direct radon and thoron progeny sensors (DRPS/DTPS), exposed in some regions of Balkans. In: 9th International Conference on High Level Environmental Radiation Areas - For Understanding Chronic Low-Dose-Rate Radiation Exposure Health Effects and Social Impacts, 24-27 Sept 2018, Hirosaki University, Aomori, Japan. (Unpublished)


Balkanov, Trajan and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija and Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica (2018) Фармакотерапија. Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-244-492-5

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2018) Метаболизам на лекови. University Goce Delcev - Stip, Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-557-1

Gulaboski, Rubin and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja (2018) Учебник по „Основи на органска хемија (за фармацевти)“. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-544-1

Kjosevska, Elena and Velikj - Stefanovska, Vesna and Najcevska, Mirjana and Spasovski, Mome and Georgevska - Ismail, Ljubica and Dimova, Cena and Polozani, Azis and Mircevska, Lence and Rajcanovska, Domnika (2018) Културолошки и структурни компетенции на здравствените работници. Фондација Отворено општество - Македонија, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-218-271-1

Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Jasar, Dzengis and Filipovski, Vanja and Bozhinovski, Gorgi and Plasheska-Karanfilska, Dijana (2018) Molecular and histological characteristics of early triploid and partial molar pregnancies. Abstracts of Posters & Oral Presentations . The Arab Division of the International Academy of Pathology.

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera (2018) Basics Of Geriatric Dentistry. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-620-2-05734-9

Taleski, Vaso (2018) Микробиологија со паразитологија - Општ дел - Учебник. Goce Delcev University, Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-550-2

Topuzov, Ivan and Nikolovska, Lence and Krstev, Toshe and Vasileva, Dance and Stratorska, Tamara (2018) Кинезиологија со патокинезиологија и патобиомеханика. Национална и универзитетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје, Универзитет 'Гоце Делчев"-Штип, Факултет за медицински науки, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-545-8


Carcev, Mile and Miloshevski, Branko and Getova, Biljana and Janevska, Sevdalina and Pavlevska, Meri and Carceva-Salja, Sofija (2018) Национална стратегија за превенција на орални заболувања кај деца од 0-14 години на Република Македонија за периодот од 2018-2028 година. [Project]

Dimova, Cena and Papakoca, Kiro and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Naskova, Sanja and Zarkova-Atanasova, Julija and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja and Kocovski, Darko (2018) Значење на соодветна орална хигиена за состојбата на оралното здравје кај студенти на медицинските науки. [Project] (Unpublished)

Jovevska, Svetlana and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska , Olivera and Baldzieva, Sanja (2018) Position of the mental aperture and its relationship with the mandibular channel Jovevska, Svetlana and Petrovski, Mihailo and Terzieva-Petrovska , Olivera and Baldzieva ,Sanja (2018) Position of the mental aperture and its relationship with the mandibular channel [Project] (Unpublished). [Project]

Miloseva, Lence and Vukosavljevic-Gvozden, Tatjana and Richter, Kneginja and Bajraktarov, Stojan and Arsova, Roza and Miloseva, Dijana and Ivanovska Trencevska, Iskra (2018) A Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy and Nature and Structure of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. [Project]

Velickova, Nevenka (2018) Biomonitoring of cytotoxic effects of statins using cytological and biochemical biomarkers. [Project] (Submitted)


Gaceva, Margarita (2018) Акупунктурен третман за мигрена. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Gjurovska, Danica (2018) Патолошки состојби за време на бременоста и влијанието на физичката активност врз трудницата и фетусот. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Gorgen, Sulejman (2018) Постоперативна рехабилитација кај пациенти со ендопротеза на колк. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Ilieva, Magdalena (2018) Бактериска контаминација на мобилни телефони и нивна улога во ширење на инфекции. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University - Stip.

Ivanovska, Katerina (2018) Лабораториски наоди од редовни систематски прегледи на работоспособното население од градот Велес и околината. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Kabranova, Violeta (2018) Улога на PNMF техники при рехабилитација на пациентите со мозочен удар. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Karajigit, Deniz (2018) Улога на кинезитерапијата при рехабилитација на пациенти со кардиоваскуларни заболувања. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Knnags, Nina (2018) Епидемиолошки карактеристики на тетанусот во скопскиот регион, во периодот 2001 – 2016 година – имунопрофилакса на тетанус. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Milenkovski, Robert (2018) Превенција и рехабилитација на фрактури кај децата. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Mladenova, Dragana (2018) Бактериска контаминација на такси возила како потенцијална можност за ширење на инфекции. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Nikolovska, Karolina (2018) Примена на традиционална кинеска медицина кај пациенти со бурзитис на рамото. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Todosieva, Julija (2018) Спроведување на задолжителна имунизација во општина Kочани во периодот 2012 – 2016 година. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Trenceva, Ivana (2018) Улогата на патронажната сестра при едукација и третман на пациенти со дијабетес во Кочани и околните населени места во период од 2012 до 2016 година. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Wanjeh, David (2018) Optimization of freeze-drying method for therapeutic Rituximab-1B4M kit, radiopharmaceutical for targeted radioimmunotherapy of CD20+ lymphomas. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.


Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2018) Емисија Здравствен код – УГД ФМ, Учество како гостин-експерт на тема – Вакцини. [Audio]

Teaching Resource

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Voltammetry in 21st Century. . (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2018) Voltammetry of Important Surface Redox Reactions-Insight into Enzyme Redox Mechanisms in Protein-Film Voltammetry. . (Unpublished)

Kjosevska, Elena and Velic Stefanovska, Vesna and Najcevska, Mirjana and Spasovski, Mome and Georgievska-Ismail, Ljubica and Dimova, Cena and Mircevska, Lence and Rajcanovska, Domnika (2018) Културолошки и структурни компетенции на здравствените работници-практикум за студенти по медицински науки и здравство. ISBN 978-608-218-272-8.

Todosieva, Daniela and Andova, Emilija and Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Bosnakovski, Darko (2018) Основи на хумана генетика - практикум. ISBN 978-608-244-514-4.


Bajraktarov, Stojan and Stefanovski, Branislav and Miloseva, Lence and Panova, Nikica and Bacanovik, Angelina and Dimitrovski, Saso and Raleva, Marija and Filipce, Ana and Peceva, Sandra and Lazova, Slobodanka and Jeremik, Miodrag and Hadgihamza, Kadri and Karkalaseva, Danica and Taleska, Valentina and Taneska, Biljana and Ivanoska, Spasena (2018) Национална стратегија за унапредување на менталното здравје во Република Македонија септември 2018 - 2025 година со акциски план. Министерство за здравство, Скопје, Република Северна Македонија.

This list was generated on Mon Jan 20 16:20:17 2025 CET.