Items where Subject is "Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries"
- Scientific Fields (Frascati) (23670)
- Agricultural Sciences (1386)
- Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries (173)
- Agricultural Sciences (1386)
Agic, Rukie and Zdravkovska, Marija and Pop Simonova, Gordana and Dimovska, Daniela and Bogevska, Zvezda and Davitkovska, Margarita (2018) Yeald and chemical composition of beet (Beta vulgaris ssp.esculenta L.) grown using microbial fertilizers. The Serbian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 67 (1). pp. 40-44. ISSN 2466-4774
Agic, Rukie and Zdravkovska, Marija and Popsimonova, Gordana and Dimovska, Daniela and Bogevska, Zvezda and Davitkovska, Margarita (2017) Yield and chemical composition of beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. esculenta L.) grown using microbial fertilizers. In: 3rd International Conference Agrobiodiversity.
Ailer, Štefan and Benešová, Lucia and Janás, Martin and Forneck, Astrid and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Evaluation of grape phylloxera’s (Dactylosphaera vitifoliae) occurrence during the BBCH 13-71 phenophases in the 2024 vegetation year. In: XXIII. Slovak and Czech Conference on Plant Protection, 10-12 Sept 2024, Nitra, Slovakia.
Ailer, Štefan and Benešová, Lucia and Janás, Martin and Forneck, Astrid and Ivanova, Violeta (2024) Monitoring the effects of active substances used to treat Plasmopara viticola in Nitra wine district during the 2023 growing year. In: XXIII. Slovak and Czech Conference on Plant Protection, 10-12 Sept 2024, Nitra, Slovakia.
Anastasova, Ankica and Angjeleska, Aleksandra and Kuzelov, Aco and Nakov, Dimitar (2023) Хигиенски квалитет на бунарска вода во регионот на Пробиштип и Кочани. In: Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина, 9 Nov 2023, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Andonova, Radica and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2023) Производство на цвеќе како семеен бизнис. In: IV Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 09 Nov 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Bajlozova, Martina and Trajkova, Fidanka (2023) Производство на јагоди во вертикален систем. In: IV Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 09 Nov 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Хемија за студентите на биотехнички науки. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-039-0
Balabanova, Biljana (2020) Antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance mechanism of entry in the environment. In: Antibiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance Genes in the Environment. Elsevier, pp. 126-137. ISBN 978-0-12-818882-8
Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Eco-toxicological risk assessment of e-waste soil pollution. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Soil chemistry: an evidence for agroecological risks. Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-620-7-48306-8
Balabanova, Biljana (2023) Претставување на целите на проектот „КАРБОНИКА – Јаглеродна иницијатива за климатcки отпорно земјоделие“, од програмата ХОРИЗОНТ, финансиран од ЕУ. In: „Денови на млади истражувачи на Земјоделски факултет“ - КАРБОНИКА работилница „Наука и пракса: евиденција на состојби во реални услови“.
Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Chemometric Evidence for Sr and Rb Isotopes Due to the Specific Soil Chemistry in Different Geographical Regions. In: International Congress on Natural, Health Sciences and Technology, 15-17 May 2023, Tetovo.
Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Chemometric evidence for Sr and Rb isotopes due to the specific soil chemistry in different geographical regions. Journal of Agriculture and Sustainable Rural Development, 2 (3-4). ISSN 2955-2257
Balabanova, Biljana and Fan, Liping (2024) Lead and Strontium Isotope Evidence for Local Herbal Varieties Due to the Elemental Soil Chemistry. International Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Research, 10 (2). pp. 287-300. ISSN 2455-6939
Balabanova, Biljana and Jordanov, Kiril and Stefanova, Sanja (2021) Extracting Green-COVID effects for generating clean technologies and successful youth transition awareness for the climate change and sustainable development of the Western Balkan countries. [Project]
Bicikliski, Olivera and Tasev, Krste and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2017) Comparative analysis of capsaicin content in peppers (Capsicum annuum L.)grown in conventional and organic agricultural systems. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, XV (1/2). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2545-4455
Bicikliski, Olivera and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2018) Evaluation of the current status in organic agricultural production in Republic of Macedonia and European countries. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, XVI (1). pp. 27-35. ISSN 2545-4455
Bicikliski, Olivera and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2018) Morphological characteristics of some pepper genotypes (Capsicum annuum L.) grown in conventional and organic agricultural systems: comparative analysis. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 28 (3). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2347-565X
Bicikliski, Olivera and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Jordanovska, Suzana and Tashev, Krste (2018) Vitamin C and total antioxidant content in pepper fruits (Capsicum annuum L.): Comparative analysis of peppers grown in conventional and organic agricultural systems. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 27 (5). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2347-565X
Cekovska, Aleksandra and Masteva, Meri and Trajkova, Fidanka (2022) Реализација на студентска пракса во време на пандемија. In: III Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 11 Nov 2022, Stip.
Daskalovska, Nina (2013) Англиско-македонски земјоделски речник. Просветно дело АД, Скопје. ISBN 978-9989-0-0935-8
Dimitrovski, Zoran and Dimitrov, Sasko and Kukutanov, Risto (2017) Condition of air assisted sprayers in Stip region and possibility of applying European standard EN 13790. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, 15 (1/2). ISSN 2545-4447
Dimov, Zoran and Cukaliev, Ordan and Mukaetov, Duško and Todevska, Daniela (2002) The influence of several characteristic on the yield of flax seed Linum usitatissimum L. Eko -konferencija 2002 Ekoloski pokret grada Novog Sada . pp. 69-75. ISSN 86- 83177- 12- 2
Dimovska, Daniela (2020) Практикум по општо и специјално градинарство. [Teaching Resource]
Dimovska, Daniela (2021) Систем за автоматизирано земјоделско производство на храна во затворен простор базирано на IoT технологии. [Project]
Dimovska, Daniela and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2021) Специјално градинарство - рецензирана скрипта. [Teaching Resource]
Dimovska, Daniela (2020) Иднината на органското производство. [Project] (Unpublished)
Dimovska, Daniela (2018) Заштита на животна средина (почва). [Project]
Dimovska, Daniela and Bogevska, Zvezda and Iljovski, Igor and Zdravkovska, Marija and Kunguloski, Dzoko and Atanasova - Pancevska, Natalija (2017) Quantitative and chemical traits in broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.var. italica) grown with the use of microbiological fertilizer. 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress. p. 200. ISSN 978-605-4265-46-6
Dimovska, Daniela and Kostoska-Marinovska, Jovanka (2008) Possibility for produsing of lufa (Luffa sp.) in area of Skopje. Yearbook of the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, 53. pp. 179-187. ISSN 0351-9112
Dimovska, Daniela and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Iljovski, Igor (2019) The influence of organic fertilizers on the growth and yield of broccoli(Brassica oleracea L. var. italica). In: 2nd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice, 12 Apr 2019, Stip.
Dimovska, Violeta and Ilieva, Fidanka and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Kovacevik, Biljana and Lelova, Zorica (2018) Quality of the pomegranates varieties “Hicaz” and “Karamustafa” from the region of Macedonia. In: IX International Scientific Agriculture Symposium “AGROSYM 2018”, 04-07 Oct 2018, Jahorina, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Dimovska, Violeta and Sofijanova, Elenica and Ilieva, Fidanka (2013) Agro-biological characteristics of three Sauvignon blanc (Vitisvinifera L.) clones, growing in R. Macedonia. International scientific on-line journal "Science & Technologies", 3 (6). pp. 9-14. ISSN 1314-4111
Dolensek, Marjan and Jeroncic, Robert and Gligorevic, Kosta and Oljaca, Mico and Dimitrovski, Zoran (2018) Problematika udesa sa poljoprivrednom i šumarskom tehnikom u R. Sloveniji. Poljoprivredna tehnika, XLIII (1). pp. 35-44. ISSN 0554-5587
Egumenovski, Petar and Dimov, Zoran and Mitrev, Sasa and Dimovska, Daniela and Jutriev, T and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2002) The influence of the climatic conditions as a factor on some quantitative characteristics of sunflower in the region of Ovce Pole. Yearbook of the Institute for Southern Crops, Strumica . pp. 29-35. ISSN UDC 58.056:633.85
Georgievski, Milan (2007) The influence of breeding conditions on the genetics “number of leaves between flower branches” applied on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Yearbook 2007, Faculty of Agriculture, 7 (7). pp. 69-78. ISSN 1409-987X
Georgievski, Milan and Ilievski, Mite and Kukutanov, Risto (2009) Production and technological characteristics of some new pepper genotyps. Yearbook 2009, Goce Delcev University-Stip, Faculty of Agriculture, 9 (9). pp. 57-63. ISSN 1409-987X
Georgievski, Milan and Spasov, Dusan and Ilievski, Mite and Atanasova, Biljana (2005) Problems in seed production of wheat in R. Macedonia. Yearbook 2004/2005 Institute of Southern Crops – Strumica, 04/05. pp. 105-112. ISSN 1409-987X
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2012) Physicochemical basis for microbicidal action of disinfectant aqueous solutions. In: 15th Hellenic Symposium on Medicinal Chemistry, 25-27 May 2012, Athens, Greece.
Huyghe, Chrisitian and Bazok, Renata and Kovacevik, Biljana (2022) CA21134 - Towards zer0 Pesticide AGRIculture : European Network for sustainability (T0P-AGRI-Network). [Project]
Ilieva, Verica (2023) Јаглеродно земјоделство – состојби, предизвици и можности. In: Наука и пракса-евиденција на состојби во реални услови, 08 Nov 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, UGD, Stip. (Unpublished)
Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa and Balabanova, Biljana (2023) CARBONICA - Carbon initiative for climate-resilient agriculture. [Project]
Ilievski, Mite (2002) Сортна специфичност и ласерска обработка на компирот. Masters thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методи“ - Скопје.
Ilievski, Mite (2014) Житни растенија - рецензирана скрипта. [Teaching Resource]
Ilievski, Mite (2014) Практикум по житни растенија. [Teaching Resource]
Ilievski, Mite (2002) Changes in some morphological and biological characteristics of potato (Solanum tuberosum) under influence of biostimulation from laser light. Yearbook 2002, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 2 (2). pp. 15-22. ISSN 1409-987X
Ilievski, Mite (2003) Foliar application with agrostemin on potato (Solanum tuberosum). Yearbook 2003, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 3 (3). pp. 29-35. ISSN 409-987X
Ilievski, Mite (2009) Variety specifity of soft wheat in conditions of organic and conventional production. PhD thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методи“ - Скопје.
Ilievski, Mite and Egumenovski, Petar and Cavdarova, Mikica and Spasova, Dragica and Kirov, Nake (2002) Production caracteristics for some sorts of potato growing in conditions on less intervent irrigation in the region of Strumica. Yearbook 2002, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 2 (2). pp. 8-13. ISSN 1409-987X
Ilievski, Mite and Mitrev, Sasa and Spasova, Dragica and Cebotareva, Conka (2003) The influence of tomasphosfate and NPK fertilizations of quantitative and qualitative characteristics on Kurtovska kapija. Yearbook 2003, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 3 (3). pp. 37-43. ISSN 1409-987X
Ilievski, Mite and Spasova, Dragica and Georgievski, Milan and Kukutanov, Risto and Atanasova, Biljana (2010) Quantitative characteristics of some Macedonian wheat varieties in system of organic production. In: 20th International Scientific Conference, 3-4 June 2010, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
Ilievski, Mite and Spasova, Dragica and Kirov, Nake (2003) The influence of fertilizers on the morphological characteristics of fruit on pepper Kurtovska kapija. Yearbook 2003, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 3 (3). pp. 45-54. ISSN 1409-987X
Ilievski, Mite and Spasova, Dragica and Sofijanova, Elenica and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Georgievski, Milan and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija (2013) The role of crop production in receiving of biodisel as a new entrepreneurial opportunities in the Republic of Macedonia. International Scientific on-line Journal "Science & Technologies", III (6). pp. 17-23. ISSN 1314-4111
Ilievski, Mite and Spasova, Dragica and Spasov, Dusan and Georgievski, Milan and Kukutanov, Risto and Atanasova, Biljana and Kirov, Nake (2005) The influence of some types of fertilizers on the yield of industrial tomatoes. Yearbook 2004/2005 Institute of Southern Crops – Strumica, 4/5. pp. 49-54. ISSN 1409-987X
Ilievski, Mite and Vasilevski, Goce and Jankulovski, Danail (2002) The influence of laser light on the yield of potato. Yearbook 2002, Institute of Southern Crops-Strumica, 2 (2). pp. 23-39. ISSN 1409-987X
Iljovski, Igor and Canev, Ile and Todevska, Daniela and Arsov, Zlatko (2023) Using BBCH scaleand growing degree days to identifity the growth stages of winter oilseed rapa genotypes in the Skopje region. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences (JAPS), 21 (1). pp. 53-60. ISSN 2545-4447 / 2545-4455 online
Iljovski, Igor and Dimovska, Daniela and Arsov, Zlatko and Prentovich, Tatjana and Canev, Ile (2022) Agronomic and technical efficiency of the productivity of oilseed rape from combinations of several nutrients. In: ISAF 2022, 12-14 Oct 2022, Ohrid.
Iljovski, Igor and Dimov, Zoran and Kabranova, Romina and Canev, Ile and Dimovska, Daniela and Arsov, Zlatko and Prentovich, Tatjana (2017) Variability of quantitative properties in oilseed rape- Brassica napus L. depending on the quantity, way and time of use of certain macro and microelements. 2nd International Balkan Agriculture Congress. p. 199. ISSN 978-605-4265-46-6
Ivanova, Violeta (2019) Life cycle environmental impacts of viticulture and wine industry. In: 1st scientific conference for Critical Environmental Issues of the Western Balkan Countries, 28-30 Oct 2019, Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia.
Jakimov, Dobre and Mitrev, Sasa (1996) Проучување на важните причинители на болести и штетни инсекти на пиперката на подрачјето на општина Струмица со посебен осврт на мерките за заштита. [Project]
Jankuloska, Vezirka (2018) Determination of pesticide residues in the apple in the Resen region. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Jovanov, Dalibor (2013) Characteristics of Vertisols From Štip, Probištip and O. Pole Valleys. LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN 978-3-659-39003-6
Jovanov, Dalibor and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Ilievski, Mite and Ivanova, Violeta (2012) Moisture Retention Characteristics in the Vertisols of the Stip, Probistip and Sv. Nikole Region. Agriculturae Conspectus Scientificus, 77 (2). pp. 69-75. ISSN 1331-7768
Karov, Ilija (2010) „Exploration of Balkan biodiversity of capsicum spp. to extract biotic stress resistant germplasm”. [Project] (In Press)
Karov, Ilija (2006) "Rice blast disease in Republic of Macedonia and Peoples Republic of China, sources for resistance and material for selection". [Project]
Karov, Ilija and Mitrev, Sasa and Kovacevik, Biljana and Arsov, Emilija (2015) Патогени габи на пченицата и јачменот во Република Македонија и можности за заштита. [Project]
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2024) The usage of modified atmosphere packing (MAP) as a useful method in maintaining the quality of agricultural products. In: 4th International Meeting ‘Agriscience & Practice’ ASP 2024, 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2006) "Obtaining haploids in anther culture of pepper (C. annuum L.) and their inclusion in the breeding process". [Project]
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2012) Агроекологија - интерна скрипта од предавања. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2014) Агроекологија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-090-3
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2016) Практикум по Физиологија на растенијата - резензиран парактикум. [Teaching Resource]
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2018) Application of phytohormones in improvement of agricultural and horticultural species in in vitro and in vivo conditions. In: 1st International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018), 10-11 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2008) Генетски ресурси на Capsicum spp. во генбанката на ЈНУ Институт за јужни земјоделски култури. Зборник на трудови од III Конгрес на еколозите на Македонија со меѓународно учество.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2004) Seed production from papper obtained in in vitro anther cultere. Годишен зборник 2004/2005, Yearbook. pp. 85-93.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka (2016) The role of plant biotechnology methods in sustainable agriculture. In: 5th Congress of Ecologists of the Republic of Macedonia with international participation, 19-22 Oct 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Troiciki, Julijana (2017) Influence of different auxins on rooting of rosemary, sage and elderberry. Annual Research & Review in Biology, 12 (5). pp. 1-8. ISSN 2347-565X
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Miteva, Tanja (2006) Микропропагација на домат (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). Годишен зборник на ЈНУ Земјоделски институт, Скопје, XXIV/V. pp. 76-80.
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Stojkova, Irena (2016) The effect of plant growth regulators and sucrose on microtuberization of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Romanian Agricultural Research, 33. pp. 1-7. ISSN 2067-5720
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Troiciki, Julijana (2015) Stimulation of vegetative propagation with auxins in rosemary (Rosmarinus officinialis L.) and sage (Salvia officinialis L.). Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University -Stip, 13. pp. 69-82. ISSN 1857-8608
Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Dimovska, Daniela and Lelova, Zorica and Pljevljakusic, Dejan and Zivkovic, Jelena and Davcev, Zivko and Davcev, Petar and Ilieva, Fidanka (2024) Shade netting on raspberry and blackberries produced from south-east region of North Macedonia: effect on morphological characterization, chemical composition and antioxidant activity. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Andronikov, Darko and Saneva, Dusica (2019) Одредување на квалитет на храна - учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-676-9
Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2015) Chemical composition and antioxidant potential of essential oil and menthol extract from Mint (Mentha piperita L.) growing in Macedonia. Sixth International Scientific Agricultural Symposium „Agrosym 2015“ Book of proceedings.
Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko and Mitreva, Elizabeta and Angelkova, Tanja and Kitanov, Vladimir (2012) The importance of hunting and hunting grounds for big and small game for tourism development in the basin of Crna Reka the Republic of Macedonia. In: Second internacional Conference Management of Tourism and Entertainment - MTE, 24-27- May, 2012, Ohrid- Republika Macedonia.
Kovacevik, Biljana (2016) Испитување на квалитетот на подземните води во Струмичкиот регион како важен ресурс во земјоделското производство. PhD thesis, UGD.
Kovacevik, Biljana and Boev, Blazo and Zajkova-Paneva, Vesna and Mitrev, Sasa (2016) Groundwater quality in alluvial and prolluvial areas under the influence of irrigated agriculture activities. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 51 (14). pp. 1197-1204. ISSN 1093-4529 (Print) 1532-4117 (Online)
Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Ilievski, Mite and Ilieva, Verica and Kovacevik, Biljana and Todevska, Daniela (2023) Evaluation of yield and some yield related components of spring barley varieties based on multivariate analyses. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Science, 21 (2). pp. 45-52. ISSN 2545-4455
Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Hristova, Emilija and Zlatkovski, Vasko and Ilieva, Verica and Mitrev, Sasa (2011) Pasture utilization in the East Planning Region in Republic of Macedonia and the necessity for determination of their grass composition. 1st National Agriculture Congress and Exposition on behalf of Ali Numan Kıraç with International Participation, Vol. I. pp. 2657-2664.
Mihajlov, Ljupco (2023) Explanation of the effect of windbreaks on farmland. In: Seminar on windbreak belts in Sveti Nikole, 15 May 2023, Sveti Nikole City Hall. (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2022) Управување на растителната генетска разновидност (ПГР) за храна и земјоделство во Република Северна Македонија. [Project]
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2011) Полјоделство. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-4504-60-3
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2008) Растителна екологија и фитоценологија Интерна скрипта од предавања. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2008) Интерен практикум по Растителна екологија и фитоценологија. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2009) Практикум по Полјоделство (за интерна употреба). [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka (2018) Green manure as an alternative for improvement of soil fertility. In: First International Meeting "Agriscience & Practice", Goce Delcev University, Faculty of Agriculture, Stip. (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Karov, Ilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2012) Impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and regional distribution of broomrapes (Orobanchaceae) in the Balkans. [Project]
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2010) Climate change and the impact on agriculture in Republic of Macedonia. In: Second Balkan Conference on Biology, 21-23.05.2010, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. (Unpublished)
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2010) Technology for Organic Production of Soybean in Macedonia. Book of Proceedings International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Scope of Environmental Problems.
Mihajlov, Ljupco and Zlatkovski, Vasko and Trajkova, Fidanka and Bicikliski, Olivera (2012) Rural development and agriculture: Status and trends in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Environment and Ecology in the Mediterranean Region. Cambrige Scholars Publishing, New Castle upon Tyne, pp. 353-364. ISBN 978-1443837576
Mitrev, Sasa (2000) Можности за примена на некои нови методи за добивање на безвирусен посадочен материјал. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa (2005) Болести кај пиперката во Македонија и Бугарија - видова и расна разновидност, извори на отпорност и материјал за селекција. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa (2004) Проучување на фитоплазмите како причинители на заболувања кај различни земјоделски култури. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa (2010) Diagnostics, control and protection from phytoplasma - causes of diseases in grape vines and the surrounding vegetation. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa (2008) Establishment of agricultural research and information center at Goce Delcev University - Stip. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa (2007) Global epidemiology of phytoplasma diseases of economic importance in Southeast Europe. [Project]
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Mitrev, Sasa and Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Kovacevik, Biljana and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2010) Halophytes in Republic of Macedonia. In: Sabkha Ecosystems. SpringerLink, pp. 133-137.
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Mitrev, Sasa and Trajkova, Fidanka (2007) Implementation of Novel Biotechnological Methods Towards Food Security. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa and Trajkova, Fidanka (2013) Integrated selection, protection and promotion of Balkan forest genetic resources with aesthetic values - ISPROP FORGEN. [Project]
Mitrev, Sasa and Trajkova, Fidanka (2013) Selection, protection and promotion of Balkan food forest species – Food Forest Parks. [Project] (In Press)
Mitrev, Sasa and Trajkova, Fidanka (2010) "Using local resources for micro-regional development – sustainable agribusiness and tourism in the southern Balkan". [Project] (In Press)
Mitrev, Sasa and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2010) "Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform". [Project] (In Press)
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Piperevski, Aleksandar and Balabanova, Biljana (2024) Data extraction of significant soil chemistry markers for sustainable viticulture. In: 4th International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2024), 13 June 2024, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
Pockovska, Marija and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2018) Current application of anther culture as a tool for improvement of horticultural crops. In: International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018), 10-11 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.
Pockovska, Marija and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2019) Evaluation of androgenic competence of different pepper, tomato and eggplant genotypes. Book of Proceedings / X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium "Agrosym 2019". pp. 525-530. ISSN 978-99976-787-2-0
Ristomanov, Hristijan and Trajkova, Fidanka (2023) Производство на рукола во заштитен простор. In: IV Студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина“, 09 Nov 2023, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University, Stip, Republic of North Macedonia.
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Trajkova, Fidanka (2010) Стандардите во земјоделското производство - мит или можност? In: Стандардите во земјоделското производство - мит или можност?, 29.11.2010, Пробиштип. (Unpublished)
Trajkova, Fidanka (2005) CROPWAT – Assessment of irrigation strategies in the region of Skopje. Yearbook of Institute of Southern Crops - Strumica, IV/V. pp. 9-17.
Trajkova, Fidanka (2013) Characterization and agronomic evaluation of some pepper lines (Capsicum annuum L.) obtained via androgenesis. PhD thesis, Ss. Cyril and Methodius Univeristy .
Trajkova, Fidanka (2005) Influence of moderate levels of NaCl– and CaCl2– salinity on cucumber grown in a closed hydroponic system. Masters thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania .
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Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2019) Genetically modified crops - current state, issues and perspectives. In: 2nd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice, 12 Apr 2019, Stip.
Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mihajlov, Ljupco (2018) Практикум по Агроекологија -рецензиран практикум-. [Teaching Resource]
Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Mitrev, Sasa (2015) Zygotic embryos culture from apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.). Yearbook, Faculty of Agriculture, Goce Delcev University -Stip, 13. pp. 39-48. ISSN 1857-8608
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Trajkova, Fidanka and Papadantonakis, Nicolas and Savvas, Dimitrios (2006) Comparative Effects of NaCl and CaCl2 Salinity on Cucumber Grown in a Closed Hydroponic System. HortScience.
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Trajkova, Fidanka and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2017) Водич за земање почвени проби од земјоделски површини. [Teaching Resource]
Trajkova, Fidanka and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2017) Guidelines for soil sampling from agricultural fields. [Teaching Resource]
Velesanova, Ivana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2017) Influence of different growth regulators on micropropagation of pink dianthus (Dianthus chinensis x barbatus). In: 3rd International Symposium for Agriculture and Food, 18-20 Oct 2017, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Velesanova, Ivana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2018) Micropropagation of ornamental plants: practical application and opportunities in Republic of Macedonia. In: International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2018), 10-11 May 2018, Stip, Macedonia.
Velesanova, Ivana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2017) Micropropagation of ornamental species Brassica oleracea cv. Kyoto red given and Ageratum sp. Journal of Agriculture and Plant Sciences, XV (1/2). pp. 97-105. ISSN 2545-4455
Velesanova, Ivana and Trajkova, Fidanka and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2019) Spectrophotometric determination of the content of photosynthetic pigments in some decorative species grown in in vitro and in vivo conditions. In: 2nd International Meeting Agriscience & Practice, 12 Apr 2019, Stip.
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