Items where Division is "Faculty of Medical Science" and Year is 2020

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Number of items: 340.

Bozinovks Beaka, Gordana and Prgova Veljanovska, Biljana and Zdravkovska, Milka and Kalamaras, Patricija (2020) Comparative study for application of polypropylene monofilament light mesh, polypropylene monofilament heavy mesh and self gripping polypropylene mesh in patients with inguinal hernia surgically treated with Lichtenstein technique. Lietuvos chirurgija, 19 ((3-4)). pp. 128-139. ISSN 1392–0995 eISSN 1648–9942

Panova, Gordana and Janeva, Kristina (2020) The role of the family nurse in the implementation of immunization and education of the population in the municipality of Kocani for the period 2015-2019. Знаење - Меѓународно списание, научни трудови, 38.4. pp. 909-915. ISSN 2545-4439


Ademi, Majlinda (2020) Ефектот на јонизираната вода збогатена со глутатион и витамин ц врз антиоксидативната ензимска активност при акутен хипертермички стрес кај белиот лабораториски стаорец. PhD thesis, Факултет за медицински науки.

Ambardjieva, Martina and Sofronievska, Maja (2020) Necessity of improving urinary stents used during pregnanc. In: Urolithiasis. Springer, pp. 553-559.

Andova, Sanela and Serafimovska, Tijana and Zdravkovska, Milka and Balkanov, Trajan and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija (2020) Pharmacotherapy approach in kidney cancer therapy. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Andrade, Vanda and Jorge, Rui and Garcia Conesa, Maria-Teresa and Philippou, Elena and Massaro, Marika and Chervenkov, Mihail and Ivanova, Teodora and Maksimova, Viktorija and Smilkov, Katarina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Miloseva, Lence and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Deligiannidou, Georgia-Eirini and Kontogiorgis, Christos A. and Pinto, Paula (2020) Mediterranean diet adherence and subjective well-being in a sample of Portuguese adults. Nutrients, 12 (12). p. 3837. ISSN 2072-6643

Andreevski, Aleksandar (2020) Влијанието на различни прехрамбени продукти врз колоритот на комозитните реставрации-in vitro евалуација. PhD thesis, University Goce Delcev, Stip.

Andreevski, Aleksandar and Kovacevska, Ivona (2020) Discoloration of nano composite resin by everyday drinks:in vitro study. Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (print) (In Press)

Andreevski, Aleksandar and Kovacevska, Ivona (2020) The effect of every day drinks on composite restorations aesthetics: in vitro study. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS). ISSN e 2279-0853/ p 2279-0861 (Unpublished)

Angelovska, Bistra and Drakalska, Elena and Miceva, Dijana (2020) Community pharmacies in North Macedonia – legal status. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin. ISSN 1409 - 8695

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan and Milojevic, Predrag and Zdravkovska, Milka (2020) Evaluation of Prognosis of Aortic Valve Stenosis: A New Approach Based on Transvalvular Energy Loss Index. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences., 8 (B2020). pp. 1136-1143. ISSN eISSN: 1857-9655

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan and Zdravkovska, Milka (2020) Transesophageal Evaluation of Reconstructive Surgery for Aortic Valve Stenosis. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences., 8 (B2020). pp. 1199-1206. ISSN eISSN: 1857-9655

Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija and Balkanov, Trajan (2020) Клиничка фармација. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-732-2

Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Darkovska-Serafimovska, Marija and Balkanov, Trajan (2020) Клиничка фармација - учебник. University "Goce Delcev" Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-732-2

Arsovska, Blagica and Zhu, Jihe and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Acupuncture treatment in female patient with infertility due to elevated TSH. European Journal of Pharmaceutical and Medical Research, 7 (11). pp. 48-50. ISSN 2394-3211

Arsovska, Blagica and Zhu, Jihe and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Case report – Acupuncture treatment in female patient presented with primary hypothyroidism. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 8 (6). pp. 71-74. ISSN 2350-0530

Arsovska, Blagica and Zhu, Jihe and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Case report – Acupuncture treatment in patient with high TSH (thyroidstimulating hormone). International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 7 (4). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2308-1365

Arsovska, Blagica and Zhu, Jihe and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Statistical analysis and comparison of data on patients with thyroid cancer in the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Croatia in the period from 2014 to 2018. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 8 (9). pp. 1-4. ISSN 2350-0530

Arsovski, Andreja and Mitev, Konstantin and Mitevski, Aleksandar (2020) Хируршка пропедевтика. In: Хируршка пропедевтика. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип.

Atanasova, Sandra and Proseva, Ljubica (2020) Ортодонтско-протетски пристап во третманот на хиподонција. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 40 (5). pp. 875-880. ISSN 2545-4439


Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela and Mickovski, Ivana and Buklioska, Adriana (2020) Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease (COPD) as a risk factor for Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). In: 7th Slovenian Pneumology Congress joined with Allergology and Immunology Congress, 10-12 Dec 2020, Slovenia.

Buklioska Ilievska, Daniela and Mickovski, Ivana and Kuzmanovska Dimitrovska, Melina (2020) Prevalence and risk factors for Pulmonary Embolism (PE) and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) during Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (AECOPD). Medical Research Journal, 5 (2). pp. 79-85. ISSN 2451-2591


Curguz, Zoran and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Mishra, Rosaline and Sapra, B.K. and Yarmoshenko, I.V and Kolarz, P. and Mirjanic, Lj. Dragoljub (2020) Long-term measurements of equilibrium equivalent radon and thoron progeny concentrations in Republic of Srpska dwellings. Contemporary Materials, 1 (11). pp. 33-38. ISSN 1986-8669

Curguz, Zoran and Venoso, Gennaro and Zunic, Zora S. and Mirjanic, Lj. Dragoljub and Amopollini, M. and Carpentieri, Carmela and Di Carlo, C. and Caprio, M. and Alavantić, Dragan and Kolarz, P. and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Antignani, Sara and Bochicchio, Francesco (2020) Spatial variability of indoor radon concentration in schools: implications on radon measurement protocols. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 191 (2). pp. 133-137. ISSN 0144-8420

Cvetanovska, Marija and Milenkovic, Zvonko and Grozdanovski, Krsto and Demiri, Ilir and Spasovska, Katerina and Cvetanovski, Vlatko (2020) The Impact of Pneumonia on the Course and Outcome in Patients with Seasonal Influzenza. Cvetanovska M, Milenovic Z, Grozdanovski K, Demiri I, Spasovska K, Cvetanovski V. Pril (Makedon Akad Nauk Umet Odd Med Nauki). 2020 Sep 1;41(2):63-70. doi: 10.2478/prilozi2020-0034.PMID: 33011704. Prilozi (Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite. Oddelenie za medicinski nauki), 41 (2). pp. 63-70.

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2020) Basic and analysis of Mechanochemıcal reactions using MS/ FT-IR coupled simultaneous thermal analysis and X-ray Sub-micro-Tomography. In: Cost action CA 18112 Mechsustind Training School 2020, 23-27 Nov 2020, Online University in Malta.

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2020) Chairperson for WG4: NECTAR tools, services & facilities. member of Scientific Committee: COST- European Cooperation in Science & Technology, 1st European NECTAR - the Network for Equilibria and Chemical Thermodynamics Advanced Research Conference. In: 1st European NECTAR Conference, 5-6 March 2020, Belgrade, Serbia.

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2020) The Challenge for Engineering Pharmaceutical Crystalline Solids: Scientific and Regulatory Affairs perspectives for crystal structure design and prediction. International Journal of Contemporary Research and Review, 11 . pp. 20201-20210. ISSN 0976-4852

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2020) Increasing water solubility of drugs, prerequisite for improvement of bioavailability. Acta Medica Balkanica International Journal of Medical Science, 3 (5). pp. 9-12. ISSN 2545-4870

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina and Drakalska, Elena and Duvlis, Sotirija and Angelovska, Bistra (2020) Пренаменети терапевтски индикации за метформин: стариот лек, со нови трикови во неговиот механизмот на дејство, нуди нови терапевтски апликации. Farmacevtski informator (56). pp. 53-57. ISSN 1409-8784 (In Press)

Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Smilkov, Katarina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Drakalska, Elena and Duvlis, Sotirija and Angelovska, Bistra (2020) Улога на интестиналните транспортери во унапредување на биорасположливоста на лековите. Farmacevtski informator, 56 (56). pp. 44-50. ISSN 1409-8784 (Submitted)


Daci, Arian and Kovacevska, Gordana and Dimova, Cena (2020) In-vitro evaluation of depth reading and quality of post space in the root canal using intraoral (IOS) compared to a laboratory scanner for CAD/CAM post and core. In: 29th International Scientific Conference – Knowledge in practice, 18-19 Dec 2020, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Daci, Arian and Kovacevska, Gordana and Dimova, Cena and Naskova, Sanja and Petkov, Marjan (2020) In-vitro evaluation of depth reading and quality of post space in the root canal using intraoral (IOS) compared to a laboratory scanner for CAD/CAM post and core. International Journal Knowledge, 43 (4). pp. 669-676. ISSN 2545-4439

Daci, Arian and Mijovska, Aneta and Kovacevska, Gordana (2020) CAD/CAM post-and-core: different materials for esthetic and fracture strength. International Journal Knowledge, 43 (4). pp. 641-644. ISSN 1857-923X

Damevska, Katerina and Neloska, Lence and Simenonovski, Viktor and Petrov, Andrej and Dimitrovska, Irena and Najdova, Anita and Polozani, Nora (2020) Impact of COVID-19 outbreak on dermatology services: Dermatology in isolation. Dermatologic Therapy. 2020;33: e13552..

Demerdzieva, Aneta and Pop-Jordanova, Nada (2020) History information's are indispensable in developmental assessment of children. Contributions. Sec. of Med. Sci., 41 (1). ISSN 1857-9345

Dimitrova, Antoaneta and Grigorova-Petrova, Kristin and Lubenova, Daniela and Vasileva, Dance (2020) The effect of physiotherapy on the functional recovery in patients after stroke in a subacute stage. In: The Joint European Stroke Organisation and World Stroke Organization Conference (ESO-WSO 2020), 7-9 Nov 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija (2020) Корелација помеѓу секреторен имуноглобулин А од мајчиното млеко и alpha glutathionе S transferase во серум кај доенчиња со акутен гастроентерит. PhD thesis, University Goce Delcev Stip, Faculty od medical sciences.

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2020) Alpha glutathione S-transferase – a potential biomarker for intestinal epithelial damage in infants with acute gastroenteritis. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 8 (B(2020). pp. 902-905. ISSN 1857-9655

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2020) Breast milk effects on clinical signs of acute gastroenteritis in infants up to 6 months of age. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 9 (1). pp. 145-150. ISSN 1857-8160

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2020) Clinical and microbiologic patterns of acute gastroenteritis on infants of different age. International Medical Journal Medicus, 25 (2). pp. 157-163. ISSN 1409-6366

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2020) Evaluation of breast milk sIgA protective role versus alpha glutathione S transferase in infants acute gastroenteritis. Physioacta: Journal of Macedonian Association of Physiologists and Anthropologista, 14 (1). pp. 77-90. ISSN 1857-5587

Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija and Zisovska, Elizabeta (2020) Impact of breast milk secretory immunoglobulin A on infants acute gastroenteritis. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 8 (B(2020). pp. 897-901. ISSN 1857-9655

Dimova, Cena and Naskova, Sanja and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Zarkova, Julija and Mitevski, Kiril and Rogoleva Gjurovski, Sonja (2020) Современи аспекти на дезинфекција и стерилизација на инструменти и апарати во дентална медицина. [Project] (Unpublished)

Dimova, Cena (2020) Ургентни состојби во стоматолошката пракса – управување и превенција. In: Ургентни состојби во дентална медицина - IX Научен Симпозиум со меѓународно учество, 10 Oct 2020, Stip, Macedonia.

Dimova, Cena (2020) Современ модалитет за локална хемостаза во оралната хирургија - Hemcon Dental Dressing. Списание на Академијата за Естетска Стоматологија - Ендомак - Journal of the Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry - Endomak, 1 (1). pp. 31-33. ISSN 2671-3330

Dimova, Cena and Popovska, Mirjana and Evrosimovska, Biljana and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Papakoca, Kiro and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Ivanovska-Stojanovska, Marija and Spasovski, Spiro (2020) Various suturing material and wound healing process after oral surgery procedure - a review paper. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 30. pp. 96-100. ISSN 1857- 8489

Dokuzova, Stojka and Kamceva, Gordana (2020) Спонтан пнеумоперитонеум и субкутан емфизем како невообичаени компликации на Ковид 19. In: International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging and COVID 19 experience in collaboration with EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow, 04-05 Oct 2020, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Dokuzova, Stojka and Kamceva, Gordana and Jordanova, Slavica (2020) Пациентка со тешка ментална ретардација и Ковид 19. In: International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging and COVID 19 experience in collaboration with EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow, 04-05 Oct 2020, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Domingues, Rosario and Fedorova, Maria and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2020) Pan-European Network in Lipidomics and EpiLipidomics. [Project] (Unpublished)

Drakalska, Elena and Angelovska, Bistra and Miceva, Dijana and Sakir, Elmedina (2020) Drug supply chain safety-fight against counterfeit drugs. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38. pp. 813-819. ISSN 2545-4439

Drakalska, Elena and Vasileva, Tanja and Angelovska, Bistra and Miceva, Dijana and Miteva, Natasha (2020) The use of dendrimers as a modern drug delivery platform. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin. pp. 113-114. ISSN 1409 - 8695

Duvlis, Sotirija and Dabeski, Drage and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Mladenovska, Kristina and Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana (2020) Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) With Susceptibility to Cervical Intraepithelial Lesion and Cervical Carcinoma in Women from Republic of North Macedonia. International journal of immunogenetics, 47 (6). pp. 522-528. ISSN 1744-313X

Duvlis, Sotirija and Dabeski, Drage and Predrag, Noveski and Ljube, Ivkovski and Dijana, Plaseska-Karanfilska (2020) Association of IL-10 (rs1800872) and IL-4R (rs1805010) polymorphisms with cervical intraepithelial lesions and cervical carcinomas. JBUON, 25 (1). p. 1107.

Duvlis, Sotirija and Dabeski, Drage and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Mladenovska, Kristina and Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana (2020) Association of TNF-a (rs361525 and rs1800629) with susceptibility to cervical intraepithelial lesion and cervical carcinoma in women from Republic of North Macedonia. The International Journal of Immunogenetics, 47 (6). pp. 522-528. ISSN 1744-313X

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2020) Electronic Submissions Moving Towards Global Aspects. In: 2. Lorenz userBridge.20, 15-16 Sept 2020, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2020) Herbal food supplements safety and future regulation challenges. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 66 (Suppl1). pp. 189-190. ISSN 1857 - 8969

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2020) Labelling in non-EU Countries. In: World Drug Safety Europe virtual Congress, Terrapinn, 14-16 Oct 2020, Virtual. (Unpublished)

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2020) Regulation of PV in non-EU Countries. In: 21st Pharmacovigilance Conference, Virtue Insight, 26-27 Feb 2020, London. (Unpublished)

Dzeparoski, Marjan (2020) eSubmissions – regional moving towards global aspects. In: RAPS Regulatory Conference – Europe 2020, 26-30 Oct 2020, Virtual. (Unpublished)


Evrosimovska, Biljana and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Dimova, Cena and Menceva, Zaklina (2020) Second generation platelet concentrate (platelet-rich fibrin) in its application in oral surgery. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 31. pp. 145-151. ISSN 1857- 8489


Fachal, Laura and Aschard, Hugues and Beesley, Jonathan and Barnes, Daniel R and Allen, Jamie and Kar, Siddhartha and Pooley, Karen A and Dennis, Joe and Michailidou, Kyriaki and Turman, Constance and Soucy, Penny and Lemaçon, Audrey and Lush, Michael and Tyrer, Jonathan P and Ghoussaini, Maya and Moradi Marjaneh, Mahdi and Jiang, Xia and Agata, Simona and Aittomäki, Kristiina and Alonso, M Rosario and Andrulis, Irene L and Anton-Culver, Hoda and Antonenkova, Natalia N and Arason, Adalgeir and Arndt, Volker and Aronson, Kristan J and Arun, Banu K and Auber, Bernd and Auer, Paul L and Azzollini, Jacopo and Balmaña, Judith and Barkardottir, Rosa B and Barrowdale, Daniel and Beeghly-Fadiel, Alicia and Benitez, Javier and Bermisheva, Marina and Białkowska, Katarzyna and Blanco, Amie M and Blomqvist, Carl and Blot, William and Bogdanova, Natalia V and Bojesen, Stig E and Bolla, Manjeet K and Bonanni, Bernardo and Borg, Ake and Bosse, Kristin and Brauch, Hiltrud and Brenner, Hermann and Briceno, Ignacio and Brock, Ian W and Brooks-Wilson, Angela and Brüning, Thomas and Burwinkel, Barbara and Buys, Saundra S and Cai, Qiuyin and Caldés, Trinidad and Caligo, Maria A and Camp, Nicola J and Campbell, Ian and Canzian, Federico and Carroll, Jason S and Carter, Brian D and Castelao, Jose E and Chiquette, Jocelyne and Christiansen, Hans and Chung, Wendy K and Claes, Kathleen B M and Clarke, Christine L and Collée, J Margriet and Cornelissen, Sten and Couch, Fergus J and Cox, Angela and Cross, Simon S and Cybulski, Cezary and Czene, Kamila and Daly, Mary B and de la Hoya, Miguel and Devilee, Peter and Diez, Orland and Ding, Yuan Chun and Dite, Gillian S and Domchek, Susan M and Dörk, Thilo and Dos-Santos-Silva, Isabel and Droit, Arnaud and Dubois, Stéphane and Dumont, Martine and Duran, Mercedes and Durcan, Lorraine and Dwek, Miriam and Eccles, Diana M and Engel, Christoph and Eriksson, Mikael and Evans, D Gareth and Fasching, Peter A and Fletcher, Olivia and Floris, Giuseppe and Flyger, Henrik and Foretova, Lenka and Foulkes, William D and Friedman, Eitan and Fritschi, Lin and Frost, Debra and Gabrielson, Marike and Gago-Dominguez, Manuela and Gambino, Gaetana and Ganz, Patricia A and Gapstur, Susan M and Garber, Judy and García-Sáenz, José A and Gaudet, Mia M and Georgoulias, Vassilios and Giles, Graham G and Glendon, Gord and Godwin, Andrew K and Goldberg, Mark S and Goldgar, David E and González-Neira, Anna and Tibiletti, Maria Grazia and Greene, Mark H and Grip, Mervi and Gronwald, Jacek and Grundy, Anne and Guénel, Pascal and Hahnen, Eric and Haiman, Christopher A and Håkansson, Niclas and Hall, Per and Hamann, Ute and Harrington, Patricia A and Hartikainen, Jaana M and Hartman, Mikael and He, Wei and Healey, Catherine S and Heemskerk-Gerritsen, Bernadette A M and Heyworth, Jane and Hillemanns, Peter and Hogervorst, Frans B L and Hollestelle, Antoinette and Hooning, Maartje J and Hopper, John L and Howell, Anthony and Huang, Guanmengqian and Hulick, Peter J and Imyanitov, Evgeny N and Isaacs, Claudine and Iwasaki, Motoki and Jager, Agnes and Jakimovska, Milena and Jakubowska, Anna and James, Paul A and Janavicius, Ramunas and Jankowitz, Rachel C and John, Esther M and Johnson, Nichola and Jones, Michael E and Jukkola-Vuorinen, Arja and Jung, Audrey and Kaaks, Rudolf and Kang, Daehee and Kapoor, Pooja Middha and Karlan, Beth Y and Keeman, Renske and Kerin, Michael J and Khusnutdinova, Elza and Kiiski, Johanna I and Kirk, Judy and Kitahara, Cari M and Ko, Yon-Dschun and Konstantopoulou, Irene and Kosma, Veli-Matti and Koutros, Stella and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Kwong, Ava and Kyriacou, Kyriacos and Laitman, Yael and Lambrechts, Diether and Lee, Eunjung and Leslie, Goska and Lester, Jenny and Lesueur, Fabienne and Lindblom, Annika and Lo, Wing-Yee and Long, Jirong and Lophatananon, Artitaya and Loud, Jennifer T and Lubiński, Jan and MacInnis, Robert J and Maishman, Tom and Makalic, Enes and Mannermaa, Arto and Manoochehri, Mehdi and Manoukian, Siranoush and Margolin, Sara and Martinez, Maria Elena and Matsuo, Keitaro and Maurer, Tabea and Mavroudis, Dimitrios and Mayes, Rebecca and McGuffog, Lesley and McLean, Catriona and Mebirouk, Noura and Meindl, Alfons and Miller, Austin and Miller, Nicola and Montagna, Marco and Moreno, Fernando and Muir, Kenneth and Mulligan, Anna Marie and Muñoz-Garzon, Victor M and Muranen, Taru A and Narod, Steven A and Nassir, Rami and Nathanson, Katherine L and Neuhausen, Susan L and Nevanlinna, Heli and Neven, Patrick and Nielsen, Finn C and Nikitina-Zake, Liene and Norman, Aaron and Offit, Kenneth and Olah, Edith and Olopade, Olufunmilayo I and Olsson, Håkan and Orr, Nick and Osorio, Ana and Pankratz, V Shane and Papp, Janos and Park, Sue K and Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won and Parsons, Michael T and Paul, James and Pedersen, Inge Sokilde and Peissel, Bernard and Peshkin, Beth and Peterlongo, Paolo and Peto, Julian and Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana and Prajzendanc, Karolina and Prentice, Ross and Presneau, Nadege and Prokofyeva, Darya and Pujana, Miquel Angel and Pylkäs, Katri and Radice, Paolo and Ramus, Susan J and Rantala, Johanna and Rau-Murthy, Rohini and Rennert, Gad and Risch, Harvey A and Robson, Mark and Romero, Atocha and Rossing, Maria and Saloustros, Emmanouil and Sánchez-Herrero, Estela and Sandler, Dale P and Santamariña, Marta and Saunders, Christobel and Sawyer, Elinor J and Scheuner, Maren T and Schmidt, Daniel F and Schmutzler, Rita K and Schneeweiss, Andreas and Schoemaker, Minouk J and Schöttker, Ben and Schürmann, Peter and Scott, Christopher and Scott, Rodney J and Senter, Leigha and Seynaeve, Caroline M and Shah, Mitul and Sharma, Priyanka and Shen, Chen-Yang and Shu, Xiao-Ou and Singer, Christian F and Slavin, Thomas P and Smichkoska, Snezhana and Southey, Melissa C and Spinelli, John J and Spurdle, Amanda B and Stone, Jennifer and Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique and Sutter, Christian and Swerdlow, Anthony J and Tamimi, Rulla M and Tan, Yen Yen and Tapper, William J and Taylor, Jack A and Teixeira, Manuel R and Tengström, Maria and Teo, Soo Hwang and Terry, Mary Beth and Teulé, Alex and Thomassen, Mads and Thull, Darcy L and Tischkowitz, Marc and Toland, Amanda E and Tollenaar, Rob A E M and Tomlinson, Ian and Torres, Diana and Torres-Mejía, Gabriela and Troester, Melissa A and Truong, Thérèse and Tung, Nadine and Tzardi, Maria and Ulmer, Hans-Ulrich and Vachon, Celine M and van Asperen, Christi J and van der Kolk, Lizet E and van Rensburg, Elizabeth J and Vega, Ana and Viel, Alessandra and Vijai, Joseph and Vogel, Maartje J and Wang, Qin and Wappenschmidt, Barbara and Weinberg, Clarice R and Weitzel, Jeffrey N and Wendt, Camilla and Wildiers, Hans and Winqvist, Robert and Wolk, Alicja and Wu, Anna H and Yannoukakos, Drakoulis and Zhang, Yan and Zheng, Wei and Hunter, David and Pharoah, Paul D P and Chang-Claude, Jenny and García-Closas, Montserrat and Schmidt, Marjanka K and Milne, Roger L and Kristensen, Vessela N and French, Juliet D and Edwards, Stacey L and Antoniou, Antonis C and Chenevix-Trench, Georgia and Simard, Jacques and Easton, Douglas F and Kraft, Peter and Dunning, Alison M (2020) Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes. Nature genetics, 52 (1). pp. 56-73. ISSN 1546-1718

Figlioli, Gisella and Kvist, Anders and Tham, Emma and Soukupova, Jana and Kleiblova, Petra and Muranen, Taru A and Andrieu, Nadine and Azzollini, Jacopo and Balmaña, Judith and Barroso, Alicia and Benítez, Javier and Bertelsen, Birgitte and Blanco, Ana and Bonanni, Bernardo and Borg, Åke and Brunet, Joan and Calistri, Daniele and Calvello, Mariarosaria and Chvojka, Stepan and Cortesi, Laura and Darder, Esther and Del Valle, Jesús and Diez, Orland and Eon-Marchais, Séverine and Fostira, Florentia and Gensini, Francesca and Houdayer, Claude and Janatova, Marketa and Kiiski, Johanna I and Konstantopoulou, Irene and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Lázaro, Conxi and Lesueur, Fabienne and Manoukian, Siranoush and Marcinkute, Ruta and Mickys, Ugnius and Moncoutier, Virginie and Myszka, Aleksander and Nguyen-Dumont, Tu and Nielsen, Finn Cilius and Norvilas, Rimvydas and Olah, Edith and Osorio, Ana and Papi, Laura and Peissel, Bernard and Peixoto, Ana and Plaseska-Karanfilska, Dijana and Pócza, Timea and Rossing, Maria and Rudaitis, Vilius and Santamariña, Marta and Santos, Catarina and Smichkoska, Snezhana and Southey, Melissa C and Stoppa-Lyonnet, Dominique and Teixeira, Manuel and Törngren, Therese and Toss, Angela and Urioste, Miguel and Vega, Ana and Vlckova, Zdenka and Yannoukakos, Drakoulis and Zampiga, Valentina and Kleibl, Zdenek and Radice, Paolo and Nevanlinna, Heli and Ehrencrona, Hans and Janavicius, Ramunas and Peterlongo, Paolo (2020) The Spectrum of Protein Truncating Variants in European Breast Cancer Cases. Cancers, 12 (2). ISSN 2072-6694


Garcia Conesa, Maria-Teresa and Philippou, Elena and Pafilas, Christos and Massaro, Marika and Quarta, Stefano and Andrade, Vanda and Jorge, Rui and Chervenkov, Mihail and Ivanova, Teodora and Dimitrova, Dessislava and Maksimova, Viktorija and Smilkov, Katarina and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Miloseva, Lence and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Deligiannidou, Georgia-Eirini and Kontogiorgis, Christos A. and Pinto, Paula (2020) Exploring the validity of the 14-item Mediterranean diet adherence screener (MEDAS): a cross-national study in seven European countries around the Mediterranean region. Nutrients, 12 (10). p. 2960. ISSN 2072-6643

Gavrilovska-Brazanov, Aleksandra and Mojsova, Maja and Petrusheva Panovska, Aleksandra and Shabani, Bashkim and Jovanovski-Srceva, Marija and Kuzmanovska, Biljana (2020) OUR INITIAL EXPERIENCE WITH LAPAROSCOPIC RADICAL CYSTECTOMY. Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia, 4 (1). pp. 57-62. ISSN 2545-4366

Gazepov, Strahil (2020) Дигитални уреди и човечки очи. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 41 (3). pp. 601-606. ISSN 2545-4439

Gazepov, Strahil and Micevska, Viktorija and Gorgiev, Alen and Stojkova, Slavena (2020) Хемиски корозивни болести на око. Knowledge – International Journal, 38 (4). pp. 853-858. ISSN 2545-4439

Gestin, Jean-François and Aneheim, Emma and Lindegren, Sture and Gaschet, Joelle and Palm, Stig and Chicharo de Freitas, Jose Reinaldo and Niculae, Dana and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Pruszynski, Marek and Bouziotis, Penelope and Navarro, Laurent and D'Huyvetter, Matthias and Stanković, Aljoša and Rajkovača, Zvezdana and Ingemann Jensen, Andreas and Jensen, Holger and Rösch, Frank and Rösch, Uwe and Tsoukalas, Charalampos and Faraggi, David and Popovtzer, Rachela and De Jong, Marion and Apostolova, Paulina and Henriksen, Gjermund and Mikolajczak, Renata and Rocha Paulo, António and Abrunhosa, Antero and Manda, Gina and Vranjes Djuric, Sanja and Kolenc Peitl, Petra and Corredoira Silva, Eva and Sönmez, Bircan and Cinan, Zehra Merve and Cleeren, Frederik and Milaković, Dragana and Herth, Matthias and Haddad, Ferid and Guerard, Francois and Kraeber-Bodéré, Françoise and Seimbille, Yann and Drakalska, Elena and Darkovska Serafinivska, Marija and Garnuszek, Piotr and Alves, Francisco and D'Onofrio, Alice and Radu, Mihai and Janković, Drina and Mitrovic, Nebojsa and Krošelj, Marko and Luque, Luis Alejo and Garcia-Arguello, Segundo Francisco and Albertsson, Per (2020) COST Action CA19114, Network for Optimized Astatine labelled Radiopharmaceuticals. [Project]

Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina and Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Makreski, Petre (2020) Vibrational spectroscopy studies on biosynthesized silver nanoparticles. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 66 (S1). pp. 27-28. ISSN 1409 - 8695

Gjorgjievska Kamceva, Martina and Maksimovik, Julijana and Petrovska, Lidija and Kamceva, Gordana (2020) Hereditary angioedema (HAE): a case report and literature overview. Knowledge – International Journal. ISSN 2545-4439

Gligorievski, Antonio (2020) CT Diagnosis of Rare Case of Morgagni Hernia in an Adult. Annals of Clinical and Medical Case Reports, 3 (3). ISSN 2639-8109

Gligorievski, Antonio (2020) Complicated Hepatic Hydatid Cysts with Rupture into the Biliary Ducts. Clinical Case Reports, 10 (9). ISSN 2165-7920

Gligorievski, Antonio (2020) A rare case of Amyand’s hernia with acute appendicitis in a 69- year-old woman: a case report. Iberoamerican Journal of Medicine. ISSN 2695 5075

Gorgeska, Biljana and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja (2020) Учебник по „Хемија на колоиди“. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-747-6

Grigorova-Petrova, Kristin and Dimitrova, Antoaneta and Lubenova, Daniela and Vasileva, Dance (2020) Correlation between diaphragmatic movement and pulmonary function in acute stroke patients. In: The Joint European Stroke Organisation and World Stroke Organization Conference (ESO-WSO 2020), 7-9 Nov 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Acid-Base Equilibria in Water-Importance of Weak Acids and Weak Bases in Medicine and Pharmacy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) CE Mechanism in Cyclic Voltammetry-Diagnostic Criteria (chapter is a part of Electrochemical Dictionary, A. J. Bard, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz). [Teaching Resource] (In Press)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Chemical Reactions-General Concepts of Chemical Reactions and Characterization of Chemical Reactions with Voltammetric Techniques. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Chemistry of Metal-Ligand Coordination Complexes. Application of Coordination Complexes in Pharmacy, Medicine and Electrochemistry. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Concept of pH in Aqueous Solutions-Importance in Medicine. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Cyclic Square-Wave Voltammetry of a Surface CE Electrode Mechanism (MATHCAD Simulation Protocol). [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Cyclic Voltammetry - fundamentals. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Diffusional "CE Mechanism" in Square Wave Voltammetry-MATHCAD Simulation Procedure. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Electrochemistry in the twenty-first century—future trends and perspectives. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Impact Factor of 2.531 Thomson Reuters), 24 (4). ISSN 1432-8488

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Equilibria in Solutions of Sparingly Soluble Salts. Cathodic Stripping Voltammetry of Hardly Water Soluble Mercury Complexes. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Hydrolysis-General Thermodynamic Aspects. Application of Voltammetry to Study Hydrolysis Reactions. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Protein-film voltammetry of Successive two-step Electrode Mechanism coupled with irreversible regenerative reaction in Square-Wave Voltammetry-Theoretical Model with Simulation Parameters. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Solutions-Properties, Functions and Importance of Water Solutions in Medicine and Pharmacy. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Square-wave Voltammetry of Surface Electrode Mechanisms with Non-Unity Stoichiometry-Simulation Protocol in MATHCAD. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Theory of Enzymatic Reactions in Cyclic Square-Wave Voltammetry: MATHCAD Simulation Protocol. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Three-phase Boundaries and Three-phase Electrodes-Fundamental Principles to Understand Ion Transfer between two Immiscible Solvents (in Electrochemical Dictionary, A. Bard, G. Inzelt, F. Scholz, eds.). [Teaching Resource]

Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Water-Properties, Importance, and Functions of Water in Pharmacy and Medicine. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Bogeski, Ivan and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka (2020) Electrochemistry of Coenzyme Q-0: A Voltammetric and Antioxidative Study. Supplementary Material. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Janeva, Milkica and Maksimova, Viktorija and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka (2020) Theoretical Model of a Surface Two-Step Enzymatic Reaction Coupled with Irreversible Regenerative Reaction under Conditions of Square-wave Voltammetry-MATHCAD Simulation File. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Petkovska, Sofija (2020) Analysis of Drug-Drug Interactions with Cyclic Voltammetry: An Overview of Relevant Theoretical Models and Recent Experimental Achievements. Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 12 (3). pp. 345-364. ISSN 2008-4226,

Gulaboski, Rubin and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Risafova, Sonja (2020) Analysis of enzyme-substrate interactions from square-wave protein-film voltammetry of complex electrochemical-catalytic mechanism associated with reversible regenerative reaction. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry (Impact Factor of 3.26 Thomson Reuters), 867. pp. 1-11. ISSN 15726657

Gulaboski, Rubin and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Risafova, Sonja (2020) Supplementary material to work: Analysis of enzyme-substrate interactions from square-wave protein-film voltammetry of complex electrochemical-catalytic mechanism associated with reversible regenerative reaction. [Dataset]

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Application of Voltammetry in Biomedicine-Recent Achievements in Enzymatic Voltammetry. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 39 (2). pp. 1-14. ISSN 1857-5552

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Cathodic Stripping Mechanism of Second Order Associated with Adsorption of Reacting Ligand-MATHCAD Simulation file in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Cathodic stripping mechanism of first order associated with adsorption of the reacting ligand-MATHCAD File for simulation in Cyclic Voltammetry. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Cyclic Voltammetry Simulation Protocol for surface Ox(ads) + ne = Red(ads) mechanism in protein-film voltammetry: A MATHCAD File for calculations. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Protein-film voltammetry of surface Ox(ads) + ne = Red(ads) mechanism: Simulation procedure in Square-wave voltammetry-A MATHCAD file. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Simple voltammetric approach for characterization of two-step surface electrode mechanism in protein-film voltammetry. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry (Impact Factor of 2.531 Thomson Reuters), 24 (5). pp. 1-10. ISSN 1432-8488

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Simulation of Ox + ne = Red diffusional mechanism in Square-wave voltammetry-MATHCAD File. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin (2020) Supplementary Material-Application of voltammetry in biomedicine - Recent achievements in enzymatic voltammetry. [Dataset]

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin and Komorsky-Lovric, Sebojka and Lovric, Milivoj (2020) Three-phase electrodes: Ion Transfer across Liquid-Liquid Interface: Twenty years on (Additional Material). [Dataset] (Unpublished)

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin and Komorsky-Lovric, Sebojka and Lovric, Milivoj (2020) Three-phase electrodes: simple and efficient tool for analysis of ion transfer processes across liquid-liquid interface—twenty years on. Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, 24 (6). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1432-8488

Gulaboski, Rubin and Mirceski, Valentin and Lovrić, Milivoj (2020) SURFACE CE Mechanism-Model for Analyzing Chemical Interactions and Electrochemical Behavior of Lipophilic Drugs and Enzymes-MATHCAD Simulation Protocol. [Dataset] (Unpublished)


Ivchev, Jovan and Ivchev, Ljubomir (2020) Surgical Treatment of Gangrene of the Urine Bladder, Review of Three Cases. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 8 (4). pp. 101-105. ISSN 2354-323X

Izairi, Pranvera and Antovska, Vesna and Skeparovska, Kristina and Velickova, Nevenka (2020) The corelation between feto-placental unit, fetal biometry and amniotic fluid in pregnant women with preeclampsia in second trimester. In: International Medical Congress in Albania, 02-04 Apr 2020, Tirana, Albania.

Izairi, Pranvera and Skeparovska, Kristina and Velickova, Nevenka (2020) The corelation between feto-placental unit, fetal biometry and amniotic fluid in pregnant women with preeclampsia in second trimester. International Journal Knowledge, 38 (4). pp. 685-689. ISSN 1857-923X


Jakimovska, Sofi and Panova, Gordana (2020) Access, care and diagnostics of patients with acute abdomen in the municipality of Stip for the period May 2017- May 2020. Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers, 41.3. pp. 551-557. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545–4439 (print)

Jakjimoska, Verica and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2020) Sesame allergy: a growing food allergy of global proportions? Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38.4 (4). ISSN 2545-4439

Jakjimoska, Verica and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2020) Therapeutic drug monitoring of valproic acid through plasma concentration. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 66 (1). pp. 5-6. ISSN 1857 - 8969

Janeva, Milkica and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Multistep Surface Electrode Mechanism Coupled with Preceding Chemical Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Electrochemistry, 12 (6). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2008-4226,

Janeva, Milkica and Kokoskarova, Pavlinka and Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Supplementary material-MATHCAD working File to paper: Multistep Surface Electrode Mechanism Coupled with Preceding Chemical Reaction-Theoretical Analysis in Square-Wave Voltammetry. [Dataset]

Janicevic-Ivanovska, Danijela (2020) Одбрани поглавја на клиничка биохемија за лаборанти - учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-766-7

Jasar, Dzengis and Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Filipovski, Vanja and Curcic Trajkovska, Biljana (2020) Intestinal microbiota composition and the risk of colorectal cancer-novel approach of an old issue. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design (JHED), 30. pp. 83-88. ISSN 1857- 8489

Jovanova, Rusandra and Kamceva, Gordana (2020) Comparative study on conditions of intoxication in patients received in „Clinical Hospital“ Shtip. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439


Kamceva, Gordana (2020) "Burnout" синдром. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип. ISSN 1857-5994

Kamceva, Gordana and Kamcev, Nikola (2020) Асоцијација помеѓу АБО крвногрупниот систем и Ковид-19. Knowledge – International Journal, 43 (4).

Kamceva, Gordana and Kamceva Panova, Lidija and Kamcev, Nikola (2020) Ментални карактеристики кај луѓето врз основа на крвната група. НУ-Универзитетска библиотека „Гоце Делчев" Штип. ISBN 978-608-242-099-8

Kamceva, Gordana and Karagozova, Glorija and Dokuzova, Stojka and Dimova, Gabriela (2020) False negative Covid-19 test in a patient with coronavirus infection symptoms. In: International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging and COVID 19 experience in collaboration with EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow, 04-05 Oct 2020, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Kamceva, Gordana and Karagozova, Glorija and Dokuzova, Stojka and Dimova, Gabriela (2020) Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in an adult male with bilateral pneumonia. Complication of COVID-19 or not? In: International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging and COVID 19 experience in collaboration with EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow, 04-05 Oct 2020, Skopje, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Kamceva, Gordana and Karagozova, Glorija and Dokuzova, Stojka and Dimova, Gabriela (2020) Spontaneous pneumothorax in a patient with COVID 19. In: International Symposium of Cardiovascular Imaging and COVID 19 experience in collaboration with EACVI Heart Imagers of Tomorrow. (Unpublished)

Kamceva, Gordana and Vavlukis, Marija (2020) Клиничко испитување - интернистички аспекти на преглед на адултен болен. [Teaching Resource]

Kamceva Panova, Lidija and Kamceva, Gordana and Kamcev, Nikola (2020) Алергија кај деца и возрасни - совети и препораки за наставници. НУ-Универзитетска библиотека „Гоце Делчев" Штип. ISBN 978-608-242-098-1

Kolarz, P. and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Curguz, Zoran and Zunic, Zora S. (2020) Diurnal and spatial variations of radon concentration and its influence on ionization of air. Contemporary Materials, 1 (11). pp. 14-19. ISSN 1986-8669

Kolevska, Natasa (2020) Епидемиолошки карактеристики на заболени од мали сипаници во Република Северна Македонија. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Kondeva, Marija and Vasileva, Dance (2020) Therapeutic possibilities of kinesitherapy in progressive muscular dystrophy. In: Sixth national congress with International Participation, 15 years Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 9-11 Oct 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Kovacevska, Ivona (2020) Ергономски мерки и препораки за заштита на докторите по дентална медицина. In: Актуелности во стоматологијата, 14 Nov 2020. (Unpublished)

Kovacevska, Ivona and Longurova, Natasa and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Arsova, Natasa (2020) Употреба на хлорхексидин во реставративната стоматологија и ендодонција. [Project] (Submitted)

Kovacevska, Ivona and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Kovacevski, Ivo (2020) Devitilizing agents in endodontics. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin.

Krsteska, Blagica (2020) Лабораториско дијагностицирање на chlamydia trachomatis инфекции. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Krsteska, Blagica and Karpicarov, Dino and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2020) Laboratory diagnosis of infections caused by chlamydia trachomatis, experiences from the PHF Clinical Hospital “M.D. Trifun Panovski” – Bitola for the period from 2013 to 2019. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38.4 (4). pp. 691-696. ISSN 2545-4439

Krstev, Toshe (2020) Проприоцептивно нервно-мускулно олеснување - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

Krstev, Toshe (2020) Проприоцептивно нервно-мускулно олеснување - практукум. [Teaching Resource]

Krstev, Toshe and Nikolovska, Lence and Vasileva, Dance and Stratorska, Tamara (2020) Медицинска масажа. [Teaching Resource]

Krstevski, Danilo (2020) Евалуација на вредноста на џвакопритисокот и реакцијатa на периимплантните ткива кај хибридни протези над имплантати во мандибула. PhD thesis, Факултет за медицински науки, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ Штип.

Kubelka-Sabit, Katerina and Filipovski, Vanja and Dimova, Biljana and Trajkova, Kornelija and Jasar, Dzengis (2020) Serous adenofibroma of the fallopian tube with coexistent ectopictubal pregnancy. Virchows Archiv. ISSN 1432-2307 (electronic version) Journal no. 428


Lazarova, Biljana and Naumovska, Zorica and Kapedanovska, Aleksandra and Sterjev, Zoran and Suturkova, Ljubica (2020) Cost-effectiveness of combination LMWHs/UFH versus UFH/LMWHs for the prevention of postsurgical venous thromboembolism at orthopedic department in Clinical Hospital Stip. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 66 (Suppl 1) 75 - 76 (2020). ISSN 1857 - 8969

Lazarova, Ana and Gligorievski, Antonio (2020) Peritoneal Carcinomatosis Present in Signet Ring Cells Gastric Carcinoma-Case Report. Gastroenterology Medicine & Research. ISSN 2637-7632

Lazarova, Ana and Gligorievski, Antonio and Nevcev, Ivan (2020) Case of Sister Mary Joseph’s Nodule Inpatient Who Underwent A Whipple Procedure. Gastroenterology Medicine & Research. ISSN 2637-7632

Lazarova, Ana and Gligorievski, Antonio and Nevcev, Ivan (2020) A are case of meningeal hemangiopericytoma accompanied with intraoperative blood loss. Macedonian Journal of Anaesthesia, 4 (4). ISSN 2545-4366

Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Atanasova, Sandra and Toneva Stojmenova, Verica and Arsova, Natasa (2020) Практикум по клиничка кариологија 2. [Teaching Resource]

Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona (2020) Современи дијагностички методи за детектирање на кариозна лезија. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип. ISSN 1857-5994 (In Press)

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Naskova, Sanja (2020) Therapeutic approach to caries profunda. In: 29th International Scientific Conference – Knowledge in practice, 18-19 Dec 2020, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Longurova, Natasa and Zlatanovska, Katerina and Naskova, Sanja (2020) Тераписки пристап на caries profunda. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers. ISSN 2545-4439 (In Press)


Majhosheva, Mila and Vasileva, Dance (2020) Kinesitherapy in lumbar spinal stenosis. In: Sixth national congress with International Participation, 15 years Bulgarian Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics, 9-11 Oct 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Makraduli, Liljana and Makreski, Petre and Goracinova, Katerina and Stefov, Stefan and Anevska, Maja and Geskovski, Nikola (2020) A comparative approach to screen the capability of Raman and infrared (mid-and near-) spectroscopy for quantification of low-active pharmaceutical ingredient content solid dosage forms: the case of alprazolam. Applied Spectroscopy, 74 (6). pp. 661-673.

Male, Kristi (2020) Рехабилитација на спортски повреди со методи на Традиционална кинеска медицина. Other thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.

Markovki, Velo (2020) Immune response to COVID-19 compared to the immune response to SARS, MERS and Influenza. Problems of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, 48 (2). pp. 11-14. ISSN 0204-9155

Markovski, Velo (2020) KOVID -19 pandemija opasna bolest, panicna reakcija ili rat. In: Bezbednosna kriza u 21. veku i kako njom upravljati, Institut za standardizaciju Srbije- video konferencija.

Markovski, Velo (2020) Otvoreno studio - TV 24. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Интерју со инфектологот Вело Марковски: Здравствениот систем не е во добра кондиција. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Вело Марковски: Заспиј ако можеш? Влегува ли Македонија во критична фаза со корона вирусот? - ТВ Алфа. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Проф. д-р Марковски - Дали е потребно тестирање за одење на летен одмор? [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Вело Марковски: Имаме нејасна доктрина како до колективен имунитет. Portal Skopsko eho.MK.

Markovski, Velo (2020) Вело Марковски за Магазин: Се соочуваме со вештачки продолжен прв бран- вакви бројки требаше да има на почеток на пандемијата! Magazin.MK.

Markovski, Velo (2020) Интервју Д-р. Вело Марковски: Вакцина против вирус не се прави за една година. Portal Faktor, Portal Faktor Skopje.

Markovski, Velo (2020) Вело Марковски: Европските држави сфатија дека погрешија и сега пак сме на почетокот. Portal Press24.MK.

Markovski, Velo (2020) Д-р Вело Марковски во „Само Вистина“ 14.4.2020 1 дел Канал 5 телевизија- национална телевизија. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Д-р Вело Марковски во „Само Вистина“ 14.4.2020 1 дел: Kako da se spasime od korona virusot. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Д-р Вело Марковски во „Само Вистина“ 14.4.2020 2 дел- Kako da se spasime od korona virusot. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Д-р Вело Марковски во „Само Вистина“ 16.11.2020 1 дел. [Video]

Markovski, Velo (2020) Д-р Вело Марковски во „Само Вистина“ 16.11.2020 2 дел. [Video]

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Papakoca, Kiro and Petrovski, Mihajlo and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Minovska, Ana (2020) Influence of platelet- rich plasma (PRP) after surgical removal of impacted lower third molars. In: Second international congress for oral surgery and implantology & 14th European Symposium of BDIZ EDI, 2-3 Oct 2020, Skopje, Macedonia.

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Petkovska, Sofija (2020) Теоретска и експериментална студија за примена на електрохемиски регенеративни електродни механизми во аналитиката на лекови во услови на циклична скалеста волтаметрија. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of medical sciences.

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Petkovska, Sofija and Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Theoretical Analysis of a Surface Catalytic Mechanism Associated with Reversible Chemical Reaction Under Conditions of Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry. Electroanalysis, 32. pp. 1-14. ISSN 1040-0397

Petkovska, Sofija and Gulaboski, Rubin (2020) Theoretical Model in Cyclic Voltammetry of an Electrode Reaction of Water-Soluble Redox Enzymes Associated with Reversible Regenerative Reaction-MATHCAD Simulation File for Studying kinetics and thermodynamics of Enzyme-Substrate and Drug-Drug interactions. [Dataset] (Unpublished)

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Petrovski, Mihajlo and Jovevska, Svetlana and Terzieva-Petrovska, Olivera and Minovska, Ana (2020) Radiographic analysis of the mental foramen and mandibular canal localization. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 30. pp. 125-129. ISSN 1857- 8489

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Papakoca, Kiro (2020) Correlation of periodontal status of the adjacent teeth to implants and peri-implantitis. Knowledge – International Journal. pp. 645-649. ISSN 2545-4439

Petrovski, Mihajlo and Papakoca, Kiro (2020) Pathological changes of dental cementum during periodontal disease. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers. ISSN 1857-923X

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Serafimov, Aleksandar and Taravari, Hajber and Shehu, Enes and Kitanoski, Darko and Miftari, Visar and Georgievska-Ismail, Ljubica and Kedev, Sasko and Vavlukis, Marija (2020) Added Value of Modified Anderson–Wilkins Acuteness Score in Prognostication of Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences. ISSN 1857-9655

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Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Gastric cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Contemporary Applied Researches, 7 (5). pp. 99-107. ISSN 2308-1365

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Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Liver cirrhosis - statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Prilep, Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Research - Granthaalayah, 8 (3). pp. 366-371. ISSN 2350-0530 (Submitted)

Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Lung cancer – statistical analysis data in a 5 year period in Strumica, Republic of North Macedonia. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 6 (2). pp. 24-29. ISSN 2581-9615

Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina (2020) Prostate cancer – statistical analysis data in a 3year period in the Eastern region of Republic of North Macedonia. IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS), 19 (3). pp. 44-47. ISSN 2279-0853

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Zhu, Jihe and Arsovska, Blagica and Kozovska, Kristina and Jovevska, Svetlana (2020) Acupuncture and herbal treatment for human papillomavirus (HPV) and uterine myoma. World Journal of Advanced Research and Reviews, 6 (2). pp. 166-169. ISSN 2581-9615,

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Zlatanovska, Katerina and Dimova, Cena and Longurova, Natasa and Kovacevska, Ivona and Naskova, Sanja (2020) The Impact of Oral Health on Quality of Life in Partially Edentulous Patients Before and After Prosthodontic Rehabilitations. Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, 30. pp. 89-94. ISSN 1857- 8489

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