Items where Author is "Cingoski, Vlatko"

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Number of items: 203.


Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Implementation of a SCADA system for remote monitoring and power metering in RF and IoT networks. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 7 (1). pp. 49-62. ISSN 2545-4803

Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2024) Expectations and Disappointments of Small and Medium-Sized Solar PV Power Plant Prosumers. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 12 (1). pp. 27-38. ISSN 1857- 8721

Mitkovski, Mladen and Cingoski, Vlatko (2023) Comparative Analysis Between Bifacial and Monofacial Solar Panels Using PV*SOL Software. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (BJAMI), 6 (2). pp. 155-169. ISSN 2545-4803 (on line)

Velkov, Toshe and Cingoski, Vlatko (2023) Speed Control of AC Motors for Electric Vehicles Using Field Oriented Control. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (BJAMI), 6 (1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 2545-4803

Cingoski, Vlatko (2023) Soncevi elektrani - Golemi ocekuvanja ili Golemi razocaruvanja. UGD Life - On-line Internet Journal.

Gerasimovski, Vasko and Cingoski, Vlatko (2022) Small Modular Nuclear Reactors – New Perspectives in Energy Transition. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, 5 (2). pp. 107-115. ISSN 2545-4803

Kocevski, Zoran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2022) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај гасна печка преку рекуперација на топлина. Зборник на трудови - Меѓународна конференција ЗЕМАК 2022. pp. 269-278. ISSN 978 608-4764-14-4

Milevski, Vasko and Cingoski, Vlatko (2022) Пловечки фотоволтаични електрани - ФЕЦ Козјак. Зборник на трудови - Меѓународна конференција ЗЕМАК 2022. pp. 197-204. ISSN 978-608-4764-14-4

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) Sustainability in hotel industry: The role of rooftop PV plants. Yearbook of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delčev University – Štip, 1. pp. 12-17. ISSN 2671-3969

Kocevski, Zoran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2020) Energy efficiency improvements of the industrial natural gas furnace using a heat recovery system. Energetika 2020, 20. pp. 181-186. ISSN 978-86-86199-02-7

Panajotov, Martin and Cingoski, Vlatko (2019) The Economic Impact of Climate Change on the HPS Mavrovo. 19th International Conference on Thermal Sciences and Engineering in Serbia - SIMTERM 2019, 19. pp. 279-291. ISSN 978-86-6055-124-7

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2019) From Global Earth Magnetic Field to Therapeutic Experience: Towards a Theoretical Framework for Developing Tourism Product. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 7 (3). pp. 23-29. ISSN 1857- 8721

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Green solution for clean environment: The case of Skopje, Macedoniа. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 6 (3). pp. 58-64. ISSN 1857- 8721

Noguchi, So and Matsumoto, Shinya and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) An Adaptive FEM Based on Magnetic Field Conservation Applying to Ferromagnetic Problems. IEEE Transactrion on Magnetics, 54 (3). ISSN 0018-9464

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Environmental Management: Assessment of Macedonian Hotel Industry. Quality - Access to Success, 19 (162). pp. 122-125. ISSN 1582-2559

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) How can We Make a Green Tourism Brand? The Evidence of Macedonia. South East European Journal of Sustainable Development, 1 (1). pp. 7-15. ISSN 2545-4463

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2018) Making hotels more energy efficient: the managerial perception. Economic Research, 31 (1). pp. 87-101. ISSN 1848-9664

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2017) Flexible textile photovoltaics: application of new generation in tourism. Journal of Applied Economics and Business, 5 (4). pp. 5-18. ISSN 1857- 8721

Noguchi, So and Naoe, Takuto and Igarashi, Hajime and Matsumoto, Shinya and Cingoski, Vlatko and Ahagon, Akira and Kameari, Akihisa (2017) A New Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method in FEA Based on Magnetic Field Conservation at Elements Interfaces and Non- conforming Mesh Refinement Technique. IEEE Transactrion on Magnetics, 53 (6). ISSN 0018-9464

Noguchi, So and Cingoski, Vlatko (2017) Simulation of Screening Current Reduction Effect in REBCO Coils by External AC Magnetic Field. IEEE Transaction on Applied Superconductivity, 27 (4). ISSN 1051-8223

Matsumoto, Shinya and Manabe, Thomohisa and Cingoski, Vlatko and Noguchi, So (2017) A Computer Aided Education System Based on Augmented Reality by Immersion to 3-D Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactrion on Magnetics, 53 (6). ISSN 0018-9464

Naumovski, Darko and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2017) Maloletnicka računarska pornografija u Republici Makedoniji. Zbornik radova sa XXII međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa „Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost“. pp. 209-212. ISSN 978-86-85775-20-8

Mitkovski, Mladen and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2017) Performance Modelling of PV Arrays Under Specific Working Conditions. Zbornik radova sa XXII međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa „Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost“, XXII. pp. 42-45. ISSN 978-86-85775-20-8

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2017) Branding the green tourism in Macedonia. Sociology and Space, 55 (207(1)). pp. 101-116. ISSN 1849-0387

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Energy Efficiency Practices: Assessment of Ohrid Hotel Industry. Horisons, International Scientific Journal - Social Sciences and Humanities, 20 (10). pp. 511-520. ISSN 1857-9884

Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 22. pp. 68-78. ISSN 0353 - 5207

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2016) Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), X (9). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1313-0226

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko and Serafimova, Mimoza (2016) Sustainable tourism and hotel management in Macedonia through the use of renewable energy sources. UTMS Journal of Economics, 7 (1). pp. 123-132. ISSN 1857-6974

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2016) From Smart Rooms to Smart Hotels. Zbornik radova sa XXI međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost, Žabljak. 29 feb 05 mar 2016, 21. pp. 201-204.

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Analysis and performance of two PV cells under various weather conditions. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 5 (5/2016). pp. 14-17. ISSN 1313-0226

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2016) Технички аспекти и анализа на можности за дистрибуирано производство и снабдување со електрична енергија кај изолирани енергетски потрошувачи. Енергетика, 24 (101). pp. 18-22. ISSN 1409-6048

Naoe, Takuto and Noguchi, So and Cingoski, Vlatko and Igarashi, Hajime (2016) Fast Magnetic Flux Line Allocation Algorithm for Interactive Visualization Using Magnetic Flux Line Existence Probability. IEEE Transactrion on Magnetics, 52 (3). ISSN 0018-9464

Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Detekcija i izolacija neispravnosti u sistemima automatskog upravljanja. Zbornik radova sa XXI međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost, Žabljak. 29 feb 05 mar 2016, 21. pp. 217-220.

Sarac, Vasilija and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Application of software PSIM in simulation of power converters. Zbornik radova sa XXI međunarodnog naučno - stručnog skupa Informacione tehnologije - sadašnjost i budućnost, Žabljak. 29 feb 05 mar 2016, 21. pp. 38-42.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Can Macedonian Hotels Be Green: The Evidence of Hotel "Flamingo" - Gevgelija, Macedonia. Mechanical Engineering – Scientific Journal, Proceedings, 34 (1). pp. 311-321. ISSN 1857 – 5293

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Klepov, Goran (2015) A Novel Method for Control and Operation of Induction Motors Implemented in Intermitted Working Regime for Musical Fountains. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 84-92. ISSN 0354-8653

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 9 (11). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1313-0226

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola (2015) Assessment of the energy efficiency practices in the hotel industry. Technics Technologies Education Management, 10 (4). pp. 509-516. ISSN 1840-1503

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso (2015) Energy improvements in the hotel industry. Jökull Journal, 65 (8). pp. 145-150. ISSN 0449-0576

Barvinok, Vitaly and Bogdanovich, Valery and Dokukina, Irina and Barvinok, Alexey and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Mathematical Modeling of High Energy Plasma Technologies with Account for some of the Fundamental Problems. Wulfenia Journal, 21 (2). pp. 104-113. ISSN 1561-882X

Barvinok, Vitaly and Bogdanovich, Valery and Dokukina, Irina and Barvinok, Alexey and Bunova, Galina and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Mathematical Modeling of Spray Material Acceleration and Heating during the Formation of Plasma Cluster Coatings. Wulfenia Journal, 21 (2). pp. 94-103. ISSN 1561-882X

Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Reduction of the development cost for SHPP utilizing a container-type mini hydropower plants. Proceedings of the Hydro 2013 - Promoting the Versatile Role of Hydro.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna (2012) The energy security of Southeast Europe - the role of coal. Book of Abstracts of the 7th Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – SDEWES - 2012. pp. 76-77. ISSN 1847-7186

Cingoski, Vlatko (2006) Електро-енергетски состојби и перспективи во Република Македонија. Енергетика, 55&56. pp. 23-29. ISSN 1409 - 6048

Cingoski, Vlatko and Fujinami, Yoshinori and Yamashita, Hideo (2004) Анализа на температурно поле на синхронен генераратор земајќи ги предвид врливите високо-фреквентни хармоници на магнетното поле. Proceeding of MAKO-CIGRE 2004, 4. ISSN 978-608-4578-10-9

Noguchi, So and Matsubayashi, Yutaka and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2004) A New Interactive Visualization System with Force Feedback Device in 3-D Electromagnetics. IEEE Transactrion on Magnetics, 40 (2). pp. 1382-1385. ISSN 0018-9464

Nagakura, Satoshi and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) Automatic Hexahedral Mesh Generalization Using Shape Recognition Technique and Tree Method. Ieee transitions on magnetics, 38 (2). pp. 416-420.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) How to Achieve Modern and Competitive Electric Power Industry in Macedonia. Ministry of Finance, Bulletin No. 3, March 2002 (3/2002). pp. 74-79. ISSN 1409 - 9209

Shikoski, Jordan and Katic, Vladimir and Nikoloski, Ljubomir and Cingoski, Vlatko and Rechkoska, Ustijana (2002) Harmonic distortion in Macedonian power system, the needs for adequate standards and measurements under deregulation. Cigre 2002 General Session.

Nagakura, Satoshi and Noguchi, So and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2001) Automatic Quadrilateral Mesh generation for FEM Using Dynamic Bubble System. Ieee transaction on magnetics, 37 (5). pp. 3522-3525.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tokuda, Ryutaro and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Fast Multigrid Solution Method for Nested Edge-Based Finite Element Meshes. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 1539-1542.

Yokose, Yoshio and Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Genetic Algorithms with Assistant Chromosomes for Inverse Shape Optimization of Electromagnetic Devices. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 1052-1056.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Miyamoto, Naoki and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Hybrid Element-Free Galerkin-Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 1543-1547.

Okayama, Eiji and Cingoski, Vlatko and Noguchi, So and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Interactive Visualization System for Education and Design in Electromagnetics. IEEE Transactions in magnetics, 36 (4). pp. 995-999.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2000) Како до модерно и конкурентно електростопанство на Македонија. Energetics (27). pp. 21-27.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tsubota, Katsumi and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Comparison between Nested and Non-Nested Multigrid Methods for Magnetostatic Field Analysis. Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems.

Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko and Namera, Akihiro and Nakamae, Eihachiro and Kitamura, Hideo (2000) A Design Method for Graded Insulation of Transformers by Transient Electric Field Intensity Analysis. IEEE Transactions on magnetics (2-3). pp. 144-145.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Kowata, Norio (1999) Inverse Optimization of Core Shape of Electromagnetic Devices using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transaction on Energy Conversion, 14 (4). pp. 661-666.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tsubota, Katsumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Investigation of the Efficiency of the Multigrid Method for Finite Element Electromagnetic Field Computations Using Nested Meshes. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (5). pp. 3751-3753.

Yokoyama, Takayuki and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) 3-D Automatic Mesh Generation for FEA Using Dynamic Bubble System. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (3). pp. 1318-1321.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Mikami, Mitsuru and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Computer Simulation of a Three-phase Brushless Self-Excited Synchronous Generator. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (3). pp. 1251-1254.

Matsuda, Hironori and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Extraction and Visualization of Semitransparent Isosurfaces for 3-D Finite Element Analysis. IEEE Transactions of magnetics, 35 (3). pp. 1365-1368.

Yokose, Yoshio and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Shape Optimization of Magnetic Devices Using Genetic Algorithms with Dynamically Adjustable Parameters. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 35 (3). pp. 1686-1689.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Fast electromagnetic Field Computations Using Multigrid Method Based on Nested Finite Elements Meshes. 7 th International Journal of Theoretical Electrotechnics. pp. 6-11. ISSN 1562-5370

Cingoski, Vlatko (1999) Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел I). Energetics (24). pp. 10-15.

Cingoski, Vlatko (1999) Недеструктивно тестирање на материјали со помош на вртложни струи (дел II). Energetics (25). pp. 10-15.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Miyamoto, Naoki and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Element-Free Galernik Method for Electromagnetic Field Computations. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 34 (5). pp. 3236-3239.

Yoshinori, Dobashi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Tomoyuki, Nishita (1998) A Fast Volume Rendering Method for Time-Varying 3-D Scalar Field Visualization Using Orthonormal Wavelets. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 34 (5). pp. 3431-3434.

Oohigashi, Masakazu and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) A New Method for 3-D Vector Field Visualization Utilizing Streamlines and Volume Rendering Techniques. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 34 (5). pp. 3435-3438.

Yokose, Yoshio and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Performance Comparison Between Gray Coded and Binary Coded Genetic Algorithms for Inverse Shape Optimization of Magnetic Devicec. Applied Electromagnetics and Computational Technology, Proceeding of 1st Japanese-Bulgarian-Macedonian Joint Seminar. pp. 115-121. ISSN 1383-7281

Hayakawa, Masahiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) A Mixed Method Using Whitney and Linear Edge Elements for High Accuracy and Low Computation Cost Eddy Current Analysis (in Japanese). Proceedings of National Conference (98-69). pp. 21-26.

Yamashita, Hideo and Nakamae, Eihachiro and Namera, Akihiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kitamura, Hideo (1998) Design Improvements on Graded Insulation of Power Transformers Using Transient Electric Field Analysis and Visualization Technique. IEEE Power Engineering Society. pp. 1-6.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Inverse Shape Optimization Using Dynamically Adjustable Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Electric Machinery Committee. pp. 1-6.

Yokoyama, Takayuki and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Automatic 3D Finite Element Subdivision Using Bubble System (in Japanese). Proceedings of National Conference (97-72). pp. 13-18.

Matsuda, Hironori and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Takehara, Jun and Tatewaki, Ikuo (1997) Generation and Semitransparent Representation of Isosurfaces for 3-D Distributed Scalar Variables (in Japanese). Proceedings of National Conference (97-75). pp. 31-36.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Murakawa, Ryo and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Automatic Mesh Generation Using Bubble System. Applied Electromagnetics and Computational Technology, Proceeding of 4th Japan Joint Seminar, 11. pp. 190-197. ISSN 1383-7281

Murakawa, Ryo and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Adaptive Element Subdivision using Bubble System (in Japanese). Journal of Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 5 (2). pp. 19-29.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Murakawa, Ryo and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Automatic mesh generation in finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system. Journal of Applied Physics, 81 (8). pp. 4085-4087.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Modeling of permanent magnets in three-dimensional space using edge finite elements. Journal of Applied physics, 81 (8). pp. 4088-4090.

Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko and Mikami, Mitsuru and Kaneda, Kazufumi (1997) Visual Computing Concept in Finite Element Analysis. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 33 (2). pp. 1982-1985.

Yamane, Hideaki and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo and Nakayama, Michio (1997) Development and Verification of a System for 2D Analysis of a Coupled Magneto-Thermal Problems. 4th Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. pp. 58-61.

Murakawa, Ryo and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) r-Adaptive method for Mesh Improvements Using Directly Magnetic Flux Density as an Error Norm Estimator. Applied Electromagnetics and Computational Technology, Proceedings of the 4th Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar, 11. pp. 232-237. ISSN 1383-7281

Cingoski, Vlatko and Namera, Akihiro and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Analysis of Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problem Involving Moving Eddy-Current Conductors. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 32 (3). pp. 1042-1045.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kuribayashi, Tsuyoshi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Improved Interactive Visualization of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space Using Edge Finite Elements. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 32 (3). pp. 1477-1480.

Yamashita, Hideo and Yamaji, Akihisa and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi (1996) A Novel Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Method for Rotating Machines Including End-Coil Region. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 32 (3). pp. 1353-1356.

Yamashita, Hideo and Namera, Akihiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Nakayama, Michio (1995) Simulation of Induction Heating of Steel Billet Considering its Movement using 3-D FEM (in Japanese). Journal of Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 3 (3). pp. 16-20.

Yamashita, Hideo and Kowata, Norio and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi (1995) Direct Solution Method for Finite Element Analysis Using Hopfield Neural Network. 6th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 31 (3). pp. 1964-1966.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) The Influence of Mesh Density in 3-D Eddy-Current Analysis using First Order Edge-based Finite Elements of mixed Type. The Digests of 4th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Electromagnetic Phenomena Applied to Technology. pp. 53-60.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) A Mixed Solving Procedure for Ungauged 3d Edge Finite Element Analysis. IEEE Transactions on magnetics, 31 (3). pp. 1702-1705.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) On the Current Input in 3-D Finite Element Analysis using Tetrahedron Edge Finite Element. Applied electromagnetic in materials, Proceedings of The Second Japanese-Czech-Slovak Seminar, 3. pp. 357-367.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) An improved 3-d Edge Finite Element Method for Eddy -Current Analysis of Induction Furnace Using Sliced Models. Advanced Computations and Design Techniques in Applied electromagnetic Systems. pp. 67-70.

Iwano, Kenji and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) A parallel Processing Method in Finite Element Analysis using Domain Division. Ieee transactions of magnetics, 30 (5). pp. 3598-3601.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) Analysis of Induction Skull Melting Furnace by Edge Finite Element Method excited from Voltage Source. Ieee transactions of magnetics, 30 (5). pp. 3459-3462.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ichinose, Manabu and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) Analytical Calculation of Magnetic Flux Lines in 3-D Space. Ieee transactions on magnetics, 40 (5). pp. 2912-2915.

Toyonaga, Kiyomi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) h-Adaptive Mesh Generation using Electric Field Intensity Value as a Criterion (in Japanese). Journal of Japan Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2 (2). pp. 32-35.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) An improved method for magnetic flux density visualization using three‐dimensional edge finite element method. Journal of Applied Physic, 75. pp. 6042-6044.

Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (1994) The Hopfield Neural Network and its Application for direct Solution and inverse Optimization in Finite Element Analysis. Proceedinds of 3rd Japan-Hungary Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics in Materials and Computational Technology, 38 (3). pp. 231-228.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Toyonaga, Kiyomi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1994) A new 'floating nodes method' for 2d h-adaptive mesh refinement using electric field intensity values as a criterion. Periodica Polytechnica, 38 (3). pp. 287-298.

Book Section

Cingoski, Vlatko (2017) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност и примена на обновливи енергетски извори во комерцијално-административни објекти и објекти за домување. In: Енергетската ефикасност и еколошките унапредувања во хотелската индустрија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип, pp. 6-29. ISBN 978-608-244-390-4

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. In: Scientific Proceedings of the XII International Conference Machines, Technologies, Materials. Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 92-95.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Jovanovski, Emil and Papasterevski, Kosta (2015) Обезбедување на дополнителни услуги во ЕЕС на РМ од термоблоковите на РЕК Битола. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај водоснабдителните системи. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Papasterevski, Kosta and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Високо ефикасни transnorm (TN) асинхрони мотори. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Velkov, Tomce and Panev, Ace and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2015) Ambient Control System in Greenhouse. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 156-159. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Application of Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems of Heat Substations. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 172-175. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija and Golubovski, Roman (2015) Determination of Output Characteristics of Quasi-Resonant Power Converter with Computer Simulation. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 168-171. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Kostadinova, Slavica and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso (2015) Increasing Energy Efficiency of Water Supply Systems with Pump Systems Power Factor Improvement. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 160-163. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Klepov, Goran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce (2015) A New Control Method for Induction Motors in Intermitted Working Regime for Artistic (Music-driven) Fountains. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 164-167. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Papsterevski, Kosta (2014) Sustainable Energy Production from Old Coal-fired Thermal Power Plants beyond 2016 Utilizing Major Rehabilitation Program. In: International Environmental Law: Contemporary Concerns and Challenges in 2014. International Environmental Law (2). IUS Software d.o.o. GV Zalozba, Ljubljana, Slovenia, pp. 701-713. ISBN 978-961-247-280-1

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) LTspice IV as Educational Tool for Teaching Electrical Circuit Analysis. In: Informaciske Tehnologije - Sadasnost i Buducnost - IT'14. Simpozium Informaciske tehnologije, 19 . Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, 2014, pp. 205-208. ISBN 978-86-85775-15-4

Cingoski, Vlatko and Grupa, avtori (2011) Energy. In: The Republic of Macedonia, Fifth Edition. SIBIS, Skopje, Macedonia, pp. 65-71. ISBN 978-9989-2104-1-9

Tokuda, Ryutaro and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2000) Speed-up for 3D Finite Element Analysis by Using Multigrid Method. In: Proceeding of the 3rd Japanese-Bulgarian-Macedonian Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics. Applied Electromagnetics (3). National University Library "St. Kliment Ohridski", Skopje, Ohrid, Macedonia, pp. 12-16. ISBN 9989-57-094-9

Okayama, Eiji and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) 3 D Magnetic Field Visualization System Based on Virtual Reality Technique. In: Applied Electromagnetics. Heron press applied science series, Sofia, pp. 267-273.

Tsubota, Katsumi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Multigrid Solution Method for Electromagnetic Field Computation. In: Applied Electromagnetics. Heron press applied science series, Sofia, pp. 33-39.

Hosokawa, Yoshihiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Inverse Shape Optimization of a Permanent Magnet Device Using genetic Algorithm and Finite Element Method. In: Applied Electromagnetics and Computational technology II. IOS Ohmsha, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 151-159.

Hayakawa, Masahiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Evaluation of the Characteristics of Rotating Eddy-Current Probe for ECT using Edge FEM. In: Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation(II). IOS Ohmsha, pp. 170-175.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Toyonaga, Kiyomi and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) 2-d Adaptive mesh refinement using 'floating nodes method ' and electric field intensity as a criterion. In: Advanced computational electromagnetics. Elsivier, pp. 399-409.

Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (1994) On the application of Hopfield neural network in finite element analysis. In: IOS Press, 1995. Advanced Computational Electromagnetics . Elsevier, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 37-49.

Conference or Workshop Item

Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Towards Pollution Reductions and Decarbonization of District Heating Systems. In: The 9th International Scientific Congress - Shaping the Future: Trends and Insights for Tomorrow, 18 Nov 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Mitkovski, Mladen and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Comparative Analysis Between Bifacial and Monofacial Solar Panels Using PV*SOL Software. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

Tasevski, Velibor and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Comparative Environmental Analysis Between Conventional and Cogeneration Gas-Fired Central Heating Systems. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

Dimovski, Stojce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2024) Environmental and Energy Utilization of Municiple Wast - One Product, Two Solutions. In: 2nd International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Technology, Informatics, Machinery and Automation - ETIMA 2023, 27-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University Goce Delcev - Shtip.

Paunova, Kristina and Cingoski, Vlatko (2022) Perspectives for Energy Generation in Southeast Europe using Clean Coal Technologies. In: 6th International scientific conference, 17-19 Nov 2022, Jahorina, East Sarajevo, BiH, RS.

Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) WI-FI Smart Power Meter. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Majstorski, Filip and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) Energy-Efficient Street Lighting System of the City of Shtip Using Solar Energy and LED Technology. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Bogatinov, Aleksandar and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) Grid-Connected Hybrid PV System with Battery Storage. In: First International Conference ETIMA 2021, 19-21 Oct 2021, Stip, R.N.Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) Geothermal resources: New insights for spa tourism in North Macedonia. In: Geobalcanica 2021, 15-16 June 2021, Ohrid.

Petrevska, Biljana and Popovski, Risto and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) New innovative tourism product for reanimating rural areas. In: ETIMA 2021, 19-21.10.2021, online via Zoom platform.

Matsutomo, Shinya and Tanizaki, Reiji and Yamauchi, Kouhei and Manabe, Tomohisa and Cingoski, Vlatko and Noguchi, So (2019) Magnetic Field Visualization System using 3-axis Magnetic Field Sensor and Augmented Reality for Education. In: COMPUMAG 2019 - Paris, 15-19 July 2019, Paris, France.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2019) Global Earth Magnetic Field and Recreational Environment: Issues to be Addressed. In: The 4th International Scientific Conference “Tourism in function of development of the Republic of Serbia”: Tourism as a Generator of Employment, 30 May - 1 June 2019, Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2019) Preserving environment by clean energy public transport: the case of Skopje, Macedonia. In: Proceedings from ESPERA 2018.

Noguchi, So and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Economical Optimization Method of REBCO Superconducting Magnets using Game Theory. In: 15 th International Workshop on Optimization and Inverse Problems in Electromagnetism, 11-13 Sept 2018, Hall in Tirol, Austria.

Petrevska, Biljana and Serafimova, Mimoza and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Managing sustainable tourism and hotel industry in Macedonia: energy resources strategic approach. In: 26th International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research, 12-15 June 2018, Bor, Serbia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana (2018) A new long-term sustainable public transportation system for the city of Skopje. In: 26th International Conference Ecological Truth & Environmental Research, 12-15 June 2018, Bor, Serbia.

Bundalevski, Slobodan and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2018) Determination of the Total Impulse of the Solid Rocket Motor by Using Two Mathematical Methods. In: 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), 19-24 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Giceva, Ivana and Sarac, Vasilija and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko (2018) Single Phasing of Three-phase Induction Motors under Various Load Conditions. In: 23rd International Scientific-Professional Conference on Information Technology (IT), 19-24 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Gelev, Saso and Tudzarov, Aleksandar and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Bundalevski, Slobodan (2018) Metodi i alati za forenziku mobilnih telefona. In: Information Technology -IT 2018, 19-22 Feb 2018, Zabljak, Montenegro.

Cingoska, Marija and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2018) Efficiency optimization of electrical devices. In: Information Technology -IT 2018.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso (2017) New Generation of PV Cells and Their Potential Application in Tourism and Hotel Industry. In: First International Scientific Conference - Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2017«, 24-25 Oct 2017, Gevgelija, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Andonov-Chento, Ilija and Nikolov, Igor (2017) Prospects for Pump Storage HPP in Macedonia. In: SIMTERM - 2017, 17-20 Oct 2017, Sokobanja, Srbija.

Postolov, Borce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Cingoska, Marija (2017) Comparative Analysis of Energy Production of Wind Turbines with Double-fed Induction Generator (DFIG) and with Conventional Induction Generator. In: XXXIII Savetovanje Energeticara Srbije - Energetika 2017, 28-31 March 2017, Zlatibor, Srbija.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Papasterevski, Kosta (2017) Extensive Boiler Rehabilitation at TPP Bitola - Lessons Learned. In: XXXIII Savetovanje Energeticara Srbije - Energetika, 28-31 March 2017, Zlatibor, Srbija.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2017) Can we make a green tourism brand? The evidence of Macedonia. In: 1st International conference towards sustainable development “Sustainable development in the Western Balkans: approaches, short-comings and challenges”, 27-28 Oct 2017, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Енергетски политики на ЕУ и нивното влијание врз конкурентноста и сигурноста на енергетските пазари на природен гас. In: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција „Науката - подршка на развојот во Југоисточна Европа“, 23-24 Dec 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoska, Marija and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Влијание на кусите врски врз работата на ветрогенератори со двојно-напојуван асинхронен генератор (DFIG). In: Меѓународно советување „Енергетика 2016”, 6-9 Oct 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Energy Efficiency Practices: Assessment of Ohrid Hotel Industry. In: XIII International Scientific Conference on Service Sector INSCOSES 2016, 06-07 Oct 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Stefanov, Goce and Karadzinov, Ljupco and Sarac, Vasilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso (2016) Determination of input/output characteristics of full-bridge AC/DC/DC converter for arc welding. In: MTMcongres16, 14-17 Sept 2016, Varna, Bulgaria.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija (2016) Integrated Solar-Thermal Power Plants: TPP Bitola Case Study. In: XXI međunarodni naučno-stručni skup Informacione tehnologije IT'16, 29 Feb - 05 Mart 2016, Crna Gora.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Mожности за искористување на соларната енергија како примарен енергетски ресурс. In: Евро Балкан, Трета меѓународна научна конференција „Науката – подршка на развојот во Република Македонија“, 29-30 Jan 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Енергетска ефикасност во хотелската индустрија: Случај на хотелот „Фламинго“ - Гевгелија, Македонија. In: Трета меѓународна научна конференција „Науката - поддршка на развојот во Република Македонија“, 29-30 Jan 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2016) Can Macedonian hotels be green: The evidence of hotel “Flamingo” - Gevgelija, Macedonia. In: International conference GREDIT 2016 Green development, infrastructure, technology, 31 March-01 Apr 2016, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Trajkov, Nikola and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Velkov, Tomce (2015) A Joint Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Potentials for energy efficiency improvements and implementation of renewable energy sources in hotel industry in Macedonia. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Applicatrion of fuzzy logic in control systems are heat substation. In: 20 Megunarodno naucno-strucni skup Informacione tehnologije sadasnjost i buducnost, 23-28 Feb 2015, Zabljak, Monte Negro.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Environmental protection and energy efficiency concept in five star hotels in Macedonia. In: 6th International Symposium on Industrial Engineering, SIE 2015, 24-15 Sept 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Renewable energy for sustainable tourism: assessment of Macedonian hotels. In: ICONBEST 2015: Economic analysis of global trends in tourism, finance, education and management, 9-10 Oct 2015, Skopje, Macedonia. (In Press)

Milevski, Vasko and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Енергетски пасивни објекти за домување. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија", 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Velkov, Tomce and Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) FEMM како едукативна алатка за решавање на проблеми од електромагнетизам. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 Oct 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2014) Технички аспекти и анализа на можности за дистрибуирано производство и снабдување со електрична енергија кај изолирани енергетски потрошувачи. In: Energetika - 2014, 16-18 Oct 2014, Struga, Makedonija.

Stefanov, Goce and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanova, Elena (2014) Моделирање на DC/DC конвертори за управување на еднонасочни мотори со компјутерска симулација. In: Energetika 2014, 16-17 Oct 2014, Struga, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Dambov, Risto (2014) Техно-економска анализа за снабдување со електрична енергија на изолирани енергетски потрошувачи со користење на програмски пакет HOMER©. In: Energetika - 2014, 16-18 Oct 2014, Struga, Makedonija.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Улогата на пумпно-акумулационите хидроелектрани во функција на зголемување на безбедноста и флексибилноста на електроенергетскиот систем. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 20-21 Dec 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Потреба и можности за развој и функционирање на Берза за електрична енергија во Република Македонија. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје, Македонија.

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Signature driven e-mail spam detection using network intrusion detection methodology. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје.

Cvetkovski, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Развој на Хибридна Концентрирачка Сончева Термоелектана во ТЕ Битола - Дел I. In: 8 Советување - МАКО-СИГРЕ, 22-24 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Cvetkovski, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2013) Хибридна Концентрирачка Сончева Термоелектрана во ТЕ Битола - Анализа на Tрошоци и Придобивки - Дел II. In: 8 Советување - МАКО-СИГРЕ, 22-24 Sept 2013, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Andonov-Chento, Ilija and Cingoski, Vlatko and Nikolov, Igor (2011) Pump Storage in Macedonia - Opportunities beyond 2020. In: PowerGEN 2011, 7-9 June 2011, Milan, Italy. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Mladenovska, Daniela (2011) Investment Incentives for Rehabilitation and Performance Improvement of TPP Bitola. In: Investment Conference, May, 2011, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Shikoski, Jordan and Rechkoska, Ustijana and Cingoski, Vlatko and Najdenkoski, Krste (2005) Auctions and Bidding Strategies in the Open Electric Power Market. In: The 6th International Power System Conference, 03-04 Nov 1995, Timisoara, Romania.

Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Cingoski, Vlatko and Pavleski, Vlatko and Saveski, Vasil (2004) Upgrading of the Spilje HPP. In: 13th Seminar on Hydropower plants, 22-24 Nov 2004, Vienna, Austria.

Shikoski, Jordan and Cingoski, Vlatko and Katic, Vladimir (2002) Deregulation of the Macedonian power system, and harmonic distortion. In: Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 2002: Asia Pacific IEEE/PES, 06-10 Oct 2002, Yokohama, Japan.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Fustik, Vangel and Ivanova-Davidovic, Jasna and Iliev, Atanas and Stojkoski, Valentino and Cvetanov, Konstantin (2002) Rehabilitation, Operation and Transfer of the Small Hydro Power Plants in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Hydro Vision 2002 Conference, July 2002, Portland, Oregon.

Hadzievska, Milica and Cinceva, Elida and Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) Improving Macedonian's Power System through Rehabilitation of its Biggest HPPs. In: Proceedings of the Second IASTED International Conference, 25-28 June 2002, Crete, Greece.

Cingoski, Vlatko (2002) Development of the First Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Heat and Power Plant in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Energy Forum 2002, 14-17 June 2002, Varna, Bulgaria.

Nagakura, Satoshi and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2001) Data Input Support System for Automatic Tetrahedral Mesh Generation Using Dynamic Bubble System. In: 13 th Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields, July 2-5, 2001, Lyon-Evian, France.

Fujinami, Y and Noguchi, So and Yamashita, Hideo and Cingoski, Vlatko (2000) Thermal analysis of a synchronous generator taking into account the rotating high-frequency magnetic field harmonics. In: ICEM 2000 : international conference on electrical machines, 28-30 August 2000, Espoo, Finland.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Hayakawa, Masahiro and Yamashita, Hideo (2000) Improved Method for Inverse Shape Optimization Using Constrained Condition Gradients and Genetic Algorithms. In: The Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Non-Linear Electromagnetic Systems.

Yokoyama, Takayuki and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Adaptive Finite Element Analysis Using Dynamic Bubble System Taking into Account Magnitude of Magnetic Flux Density (in Japanese). In: Transaction on IEE Japan. 119-D (11), 1999.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yokoyama, Takayuki and Yamashita, Hideo (1999) Dynamic Bubble System: An Automatic Mesh Generation System for 2D and 3D Finite Element Mesh Generation in Electromagnetic Field Computations. In: 5th U.S. National Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1999, Boulder, Colorado.

Miyamoto, Naoki and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Hybrid Element-Free Galerkin - Finite Element Method for Electromagnetic Field Analysis (in Japanese). In: Proceedings of MAGDA Conference, Fukuyama, Japan.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Mikami, Mitsuru and Inoue, Kenji and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Computer Simulation and Operating Characteristics of a Three-Phase Brushless Synchronous Generator. In: 8th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 1998, Tucson.

Oohigashi, Masakazu and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Development of Virtual Environment for Visualization of 3D Magnetic Field with Moving Object (in Japanese). In: Japanese Technical University Conference. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Hayakawa, Masahiro and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) On the Properties of Mixed Consistently and Non-Consistently First Order Edge Finite Elements. In: 8th International IGTE Symposium on Numerical Field Calculation in Electrical Engineering and European TEAM Workshop Proceedings, Sept. 21-23, 1998, Graz, Austria.

Hayakawa, Masahiro and Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1998) Optimal Design of Tank Shield Model of Transformer Using GA and the Gradient of the Constrained Condition (in Japanese). In: Japanese Technical University Conference. (Unpublished)

Murakawa, Ryo and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1997) Adaptive finite element analysis using dynamic bubble system. In: Compumag - the 11th Conference on the Computation of electromagnetic Fields, November 03-06, 1997, Rio De Janiero.

Yamamoto, Takeyoshi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Hybrid Method for Inverse Electromagnetic Coil Optimization Using Multi-transition and Hopfield Neural Networks. In: Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo (1996) Integro-Differential Method for Permanent Magnet Modeling in 3d Space using Edge Finite Elements. In: Nonlinear Electromagnetic Systems, 1996.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Namera, Akihiro and Kaneda, Kazufumi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) 3-D Animation of Magneto-Thermal Coupled Problem using Fea. In: Proc. of The 3rd Japanese-Czech-Slovak Joint Seminar on Applied Electromagnetics.

Yamamoto, Takeyoshi and Cingoski, Vlatko and Harano, Yuuichi and Yamashita, Hideo (1995) Inverse Optimization of Core Shape of Electromagnetic Devices using Genetic Algorithms. In: The Digests of 4th Japanese-Polish Joint Seminar on Electromagnetic Phenomena Applied to Technology.

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo and Aoi, Tatsufumi (1994) Analysis of Eddy- Current Losses and Levitation Force inside Induction Furnace by 3-D Edge Finite Element Method. In: The Sixth Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, CEFC’94, July 5-7, 1994, Aix-les-Bains, France. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Yamashita, Hideo and Aoi, Tatsufumi (1994) Analyses of Levitation Force in Induction Heating Furnace using 3D Edge Finite Element Method. In: The Third World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 1994.

Inoue, Kenji and Yamashita, Hideo and Ohnogi, Yukio and Cingoski, Vlatko (1993) A Brushless Three-phase Synchronous Induction Motor with Two Stators. In: Small Motor International Conference, 1993.


Cingoski, Vlatko (2019) Основи на применета електротехника: За студенти од техничките факултети. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-623-3

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola (2017) Енергетската ефикасност и еколошките унапредувања во хотелската индустрија. University Goce Delcev, Stip, Stip, Makedonija. ISBN 978-608-244-390-4

Cingoski, Vlatko and MANU, (grupa avtori) (2010) Стратегија за развој на обновливите извори во Република Македонија до 2020 година. Македонска академија на науки и уметности (МАНУ), Скопје.

Cingoski, Vlatko and MANU, (grupa avtori) (2009) Стратегија за развој на енергетиката во Република Македонија за период 2008-2020. Македонска академија на науките и уметностите, Скопје.


Cingoski, Vlatko (1996) Study of Improved Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Field Computations Utilizing Vector Edge Finite Elements. PhD thesis, Hiroshima University, Japan.


Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola and Velkov, Tomce (2015) Mожности и методи за замена и заштеда на енергија и зголемување на енергетската ефикасност во хотелската индустрија. [Project] (Unpublished)

Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Miteva, Marija and Kostadinova, Slavica and Vasileva, Liljana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena (2013) Functional Spaces, Topological and Statistical Aspects and Their Applications in Electrical Engineering. [Project] (In Press)

Teaching Resource

Cingoski, Vlatko and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana (2020) Електрични мерења: Збирка задачи и проблеми. [Teaching Resource]

Cingoski, Vlatko and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja (2017) Практикум и збирка задачи по предметот Основи на CAD/CAM во електротехника. [Teaching Resource]

Cingoski, Vlatko (2014) Инженерска економика. [Teaching Resource]

Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Основи на CAD/CAM во електротехника - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

This list was generated on Sat Mar 8 13:28:14 2025 UTC.