Items where Division is "Faculty of Economics" and Year is 2011
Atanasova, Svetlana (2011) Реформите во пензискиот систем и пензиските фондови како институционални инвеститори. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev - Stip.
Bezovski, Zlatko and Koceski, Saso (2011) Влијанието на надградбите на алгоритмот на пребарувачот Google врз онлајн бизнисите. Годишен зборник 2011 - Филолошки факултет, УГД - Штип, 3 (3). pp. 199-210. ISSN 1857-7059
Bezovski, Zlatko and MIlanov, Dusan (2011) Е-Бизнис Клуб. [Project]
Cabuleva, Kostadinka and Jovanov, Tamara and Davcev, Ljupco (2011) Export and GDP - the case of Macedonia. Conference Proceedings, Economocs and management in the 21st Century - Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. ISSN 978-954-23-0679-5
Davcev, Ljupco (2011) The Role and Importance of Investment Banking in the Financial Industry and Innovation. ICEIRD 2011 Proceedings. pp. 237-241. ISSN 978–608–65144-2-6
Davcev, Ljupco and Cabuleva, Kostadinka and Jovanov, Tamara (2011) Characteristics of Portfolio Under Risk. Conference Proceedings, Economocs and Management in the 21st Century - Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. ISSN 978-954-23-0679-5
Dimitrova, Janka (2011) Investments consalting (Advisory). International Jubilee Scientific Sonference, Economics and Management in the 21st Century-Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. ISSN 978-954-23-0678-8 (t 2)
Fotov, Risto and Fotova, Katerina (2011) Регулација на комерцијалните банки:Осврт на регулацијата на комерцијалните банки во Република Македонија. Godisen zbornik. ISSN 1857-7628
Fotov, Risto and Lazarov, Darko (2011) Analysis of food industry in Republic of Macedonia. In: Food Science, Engineering and Tecnologies, 14-15 Oct 2011, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
Gaber, Stevan (2011) The positive and negative aspects of fiscal policy in improving the business environment. In: Economic Development and Entrepreneurship in Transition Economies: A Review of Surrent Policy Approaches. First REDETE Conference, 1 (1). Faculty of Economics, University of Banja Luka, BiH, pp. 561-568. ISBN 2233-1034
Gaber, Stevan and Gaber, Vasilka (2011) Улогата на фискалната политика во текот на најголемата финансиската криза на XXI век. Yearbook, Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University - Stip, 3. pp. 257-271. ISSN 1857- 7628
Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna (2011) Либерализација на капиталната сметка и финансиската стабилност. PhD thesis, Универзитет Св. Кирил и Методиј, Скопје.
Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna and Fiti, Taki (2011) Early and recent debates on the role and efficiency of fiscal policy in stabilization of the economies. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera (2011) Кредитен пазар-карактеристики и функции. In: Годишен зборник 2011 Универзитет Гоце Делчев-Штип, Економски факултет. Печатница 2-ри Август, Штип, pp. 85-94. ISBN 1857-7628
Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Инструменти на пазарот на кредити. In: Годишен зборник 2011, Универзитет Гоце Делчев-Штип, Економски факултет. Универзитет Гоце Делчев-Штип, Штип, pp. 94-103. ISBN 1857-7628
Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Milanovski, Nikola (2011) Инфлацијата како израз на нерамнотежата во стопанството на една земја. In: Годишен зборник 2011, Економски факултет. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип, pp. 105-114. ISBN 1857-7628
Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2011) Implementation of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) and their impact on economic growth. In: Economics and Management in the 21-st century-Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. Tsenov Academic Publishing House, Svishtov, Svishtov, Bulgaria, pp. 53-61. ISBN 978-954-23-0678-89 (t.2)
Jakimov, Aleksandar (2011) „Prevention, planning and managing crisis of companies, as the greatest leadership challenge for success in the 21st century“. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev.
Jordanova, Ivana (2011) “Ethnic Composition of Female Entrepreneurs“. Masters thesis, University ,,Goce Delcev,,- Stip.
Josheski, Dushko and Lazarov, Darko (2011) Labor market and natural rate of unemployment in US and Canadian time series analysis. Labor: Supply & Demand eJournal, 3 (98).
Josheski, Dushko and Miceski, Trajko (2011) Колузии: Бертранд решение на теоремата на неразликување претставена од Коурнот Дуполот, големата Prisioner's Dilemma. Yearbook 2011, Faculty of Economics, III. ISSN 1857- 7628
Jovanov, Tamara (2011) Creating a competitive marketing strategy for B2C businesses through market research: analysis of the chocolate market in Macedonia. Conference Proceedings, 19th Annual Conference Marketing and Business Strategies for Central&Eastern Europe.
Jovanov, Tamara (2011) Understanding the influence of international economics and promoting the developing countries as the new “Robin Hood” of FDI - an international marketing perspective. International Student Conference (ISCON 2011), 1.
Jovanov, Tamara (2011) Understanding the influence of international economics and promoting the developing countries as the new “Robin Hood” of FDI - an international marketing perspective. In: International Student Conference on Economics and Finance, 9-10 May 2011.
Jovanov, Tamara and Conevska, Biljana (2011) Comparative analysis of factors from marketing and legal perspective and policies that affect SMEs in Macedonia and EU. Conference proceedings, economic development and entrepreneurship in transition economies: A Review of Current Policy Approaches. pp. 477-490. ISSN 2233-1034
Jovanov, Tamara and Davcev, Ljupco and Cabuleva, Kostadinka and MIlanov, Dusan (2011) Marketing strategy – foundation for SMEs development on Macedonian consumer market of confectionery products. Conference Proceedings, Economocs and management in the 21st Century - Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. ISSN 978-954-23-0679-5
Jovanov, Tamara and Davcev, Ljupco and Temjanovski, Riste (2011) Формирање на цена на производ во фазата на воведување од животниот циклус. Годишен зборник 2011, 3. pp. 165-179. ISSN 1857- 7628
Jovanov, Tamara and Davcev, Ljupco and Temjanovski, Riste (2011) Формирање на цена во фазата на воведување од животниот циклус на производите. Yearbook, Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University - Stip, 3 (1). pp. 165-175. ISSN 1857- 7628
Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Финансови,инвестиционни и очетни проблеми на търговския бизнес. Съвременни измерения на търговския бизнес - комуникация между наука и практика (1). ISSN 978-954-23-0592-7
Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Analaysis and observations from the rivision of the state budget of the Republic of Macedonia in the last 5 years. International scientific assembly ES-NBE 2011 Economic Science in Function of Creating a New Business Environment.
Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Difference between DAS 28 and IAS 28. Management and Education, 1 (7). ISSN 13126121
Jovanova, Blagica (2011) International standard on auditing 800 the auditor`s report on special purpose audit engagements. Management and Education, Burgas, 1 (7). ISSN 13126121
Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Theory Keynes-modern exit from crisis-problems and solutions. International conference, Burgas (1). ISSN 9789549370782
Jovanova, Blagica and Kostadinovski, Aleksandar (2011) Accounting as a control system. International Jubilee Scientific Sonference, Economics and Management in the 21st Century-Solutions for Sustainability and Growth.
Jovanova, Blagica and Kostadinovski, Aleksandar (2011) “Expectations gap" – current phenomenon in the contemporary auditing profession. Универзитет ,,Гоце Делчев” – Штип, Економски факултет, Годишен зборник 2011.
Kocev, Saso (2011) „ Влијание на промените на човечките ресурси врз организациското однесување во трговски друштва во Република Македонија “. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University - Stip.
Kostadinovski, Aleksandar (2011) Микро и макро аспектите на трошоците во здравствениот сектор. Универзитет "Гоце Делчев" - Штип, Економски факултет. ISBN 978-608-4504-41-2
Kostadinovski, Aleksandar and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera (2011) Планирање на трошоци за истражување и развој. Годишен Зборник 2011, 3. pp. 55-62. ISSN 1857-76-28
Kostadinovski, Aleksandar and Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Impact of economic crisis on the world economy in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Седма международна научна конференция на младите научни работници "Икономиката на България - пътят към еврото" University of National and World Economy .
Kostadinovski, Aleksandar and Jovanova, Blagica (2011) Planning capital investments. In: Economics and Management in the 21st Century - Solutions for Sustainability and Growth, 8-9.11.2011, Svishov.
Kovacevik, Kristina (2011) The preference of ethical norms and the respectability towards social responsibility in companies and business as factors for their long-term survival and development. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University - Stip.
Lazarov, Darko and Fotov, Risto (2011) Analysis the factors that determine dynamic of Macedonian economy (models of new theory of growth). Stopanska akademija "D.A. Svisov". ISSN ISBN 978-954-23-0438-8
Lazarov, Darko and Fotov, Risto and Josheski, Dushko (2011) Емпириска анализа на Solow-Swan моделот на раст. Годишен Зборник 2011. ISSN 1857-76-28
Lazarov, Darko and Nikoloski, Krume (2011) Неокласична теорија на егзоген раст (модел на Solow и Swan). Годишен зборник 2011. ISSN 1857-76-28
Madzova, Violeta (2011) Кредитна политика. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Штип. ISBN 978-608-4504-65-8
Madzova, Violeta (2011) Introduction of Basel III: Opportunities and Challenges. Yearbook - 2012, 3. pp. 73-84.
Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2011) Организациска култура кај малите претпријатија. PhD thesis, Faculty of Economics Skopje, University ''Ss.Cyril and Methodius''-Skopje.
Matlievska, Margarita (2011) Одржлив развој - нова глобална парадигма / Sustainable development - new global paradigm. Other. Margarita Matlievska.
Matlievska, Margarita and Miladinov, Goran (2011) Основи на здравствен менаџмент. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Matlievska, Margarita and Nedanovski, Pece (2011) Environmental protection as a factor for tourism development - nonfiscal goals of taxes. Collection of scientific papers of The Second International Scientific Congress - Biennale, "The influence of tourism on economic development". p. 122.
Matlievska, Margarita and Paceskoski, Vlatko (2011) Економика на претпријатие. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Matlievska, Margarita and Temjanovski, Riste and Sajnoski, Krste and Paceskoski, Vlatko and Nikolova, Elena (2011) The influence of the legislation on the FDIs the case of the R. of Macedonia in the period 2001-2010. D.A.Tsenov Academy of Economics - Svishtov.
Miceski, Trajko (2011) Создавање и одржување на конкурентската предност на претпријатијата преку градење на маркетинг стратегија. Yearbook 2011, Faculty of Economics (III). ISSN 1857- 7628
Milanovski, Nikola (2011) The cost of loans to enterprises with special focus on short-term loans and their impact on liquidity in the economy. Masters thesis, University ,,Goce Delcev,,- Stip.
Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Gorgieva-Trajkovska, Olivera (2011) Benefits of trade facilitation as a simpler procedure for world trade growth. In: Economics and Management in the 21-st Century-Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. Tsenov Academic Publishing House, pp. 188-194. ISBN 978-954-23-0679-5(t.3)
Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Paceskoski, Vlatko (2011) Анализа на ефектите на увозните квоти. Godisen zbornik na Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet „Goce Delcev“ -Stip.
Mitov Penev, Kiril and Cvetkova Gergova, Margarita and Koleva Hristova, Rosica and Marinova Doncheva, Ljudmila and Jovanova, Blagica and Korelov, Kristijan (2011) Ефективност и икономически растеж на индустриалния бизнес в съвременните условия. [Project]
Nedanovski, Pece and Matlievska, Margarita and Mitrevski, Vladimir (2011) The legal framework and its influence on the scope and the structure of the FDIs – the case of the R. of Macedonia. Conference proceedings, economic development and entrepreneurship in transition economies: A Review of Current Policy Approaches. pp. 680-688. ISSN 2233-1034
Nikoloski, Krume (2011) Животниот стандард наспроти здравјето на економијата. Списание „Економија и бизнис”. ISSN 1409-6781
Nikoloski, Krume (2011) Современи тенденции на Јавно здравство. Goce Delcev University Stip, Faculty of Economics.
Nikolova, Elena (2011) Корпоративно управување: улогатa на одборот на директори. Yearbook, Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University - Stip. pp. 247-256. ISSN 1857- 7628
Paceskoski, Vlatko and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2011) Процесот на економска глобализација во светската економија низ призмата на виртуализација и транснационализација. In: Годишен зборник на Економски факултет 2011. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев" - Штип.
Paparova, Elizabeta (2011) Моделирање на лидерство со високи перформанси - со осврт во здравствените институции. Masters thesis, University ,,Goce Delcev,,- Stip.
Radosavljevic, Ema (2011) Јавно приватно партнерство – економски и правни аспекти во Рeпублика Македонија. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev - Stip.
Radosavljevik-Bojceva, Marina and Temelkov, Zoran (2011) EU Financial Support for the Republic of Macedonia. In: Международна юбилейна научна конференция, Стопанска Академия „Д.А.Ценов“ - Свиштов.
Radosavljevik-Bojceva, Marina and Temelkov, Zoran and Cabuleva, Kostadinka (2011) Главни цели и приоритети на ИПАРД програмата во Република Македонија. Годишен Зборник 2011, 3. pp. 239-246. ISSN 1857-76-28
Sajnoski, Krste (2011) Девизен систем и девизно работење. Универзитет "Гоце Делчев" Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-4504-43-6
Sajnoski, Krste (2011) Монетарна економија. [Teaching Resource]
Sajnoski, Krste (2011) Патот на денарот по прифаќање на еврото. Зборник на научни трудови, Меѓународен дијалог: исток - запад, (култура, славјанство и економија). pp. 311-315.
Sajnoski, Krste (2011) Opportunities for upheaval in developing market securities in Macedonia. Годишен Зборник 2011, 3. pp. 4-72. ISSN 1857-76-28
Sajnoski, Krste and Matlievska, Margarita and Gaber, Stevan and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Nikolova, Elena (2011) Global imbalances and the dollar. In: Economics and Management in the 21st Century-Solutions for Sustainability and Growth. International Jubilee Scientific Conference, 1 . Tsenov Academic Publishing House, Svishtov, pp. 169-176. ISBN 978-954-23-0677-1 (t.1)
Sofijanova, Elenica and Jovanov, Tamara and Kletnikoski, Petar (2011) Marketing strategy - a strong base for tourism growth and development: A Case study analysis – Republic of Macedonia. Collections of Papers, The Second International Scientific Congress - Biennale: The influence of tourism on economic development. pp. 682-691.
Stefanova, Sladzana (2011) “The Influence of Recruitment and Selection Staffs on the Working Success of Organizations“. Masters thesis, University „Goce Delcev“,- Stip.
Stevcevska Samrdziska, Natasa (2011) “Creation of Effective Managerial Leadership Teams”. Masters thesis, University "Goce Delcev",- Stip.
Temjanovski, Riste (2011) Strengthening neighbourhood economic cooperation: Crucial factor for positive economic growth. In: Seventh International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists, 18th October 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Temjanovski, Riste (2011) The direction of international trade: participant and winners. Annual Review, III (3). pp. 219-234. ISSN 1857-6117
Tosev, Aleksandar (2011) Развојната тенденција и корелациска зависност на заразните болести и населението во Република Македонија и окружувањето и нивното влијание врз економските ефекти на организациите. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev - Stip.
Veselinova, Elena and Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Matlievska, Margarita and Sajnoski, Krste (2011) Selecting and assessing a target firm for an international merger or acquisition. Conference Proceedings, Economics and Management in the 21st Century - Solutions for Sustainability and Growth, 3. pp. 479-563. ISSN 978-954-23-0679-5
Vlasceva, Marija (2011) “Effective organizational communication – an imperative for creating higher business results in contemporary business trends”. Masters thesis, University ,,Goce Delcev,,- Stip.