Items where Division is "Military Academy" and Year is 2019
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Border Control and Using Analysis Tools due to the Humanitarian Aspect of the Immigrant Crisis. International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences, 85. ISSN 2300-2697
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) E-learning platforms: The future of education. Proceedings of papers / 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19,. ISSN 978-9989-134-10-4
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Markov Model of Unsteady Profile of Normal Behavior of Network Objects of Computer Systems. In: CMiGIN 2019, 29 Nov 2019, Lviv, Ukraine.
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Multi-Criteria Synthesis of the Software-Defined Network Structure. In: CMiGIN 2019, 29 Nov 2019, Kiev.
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Service Oriented Architecture for Intelligence Information System Development in South East Europe. In: Senior Leadership Roundtable on Military and Defence Aspects of Border Security in South East Europe. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 141 (141). IOS Press, pp. 220-227. ISBN 978-1-61499-907-2 (print) | 978-1-61499-908-9 (online)
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) System Development for Monitoring Physiological Parameters in Living Environment. In: Enhanced Living Environments. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11369 (11369). Springer, Cham, pp. 227-242. ISBN 978-3-030-10752-9
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Tomographic Application-Specific Integrated Circuits for Fast Radon Transformation. In: CybHyg 2019, 30 Nov 2019, Kiev, Ukraine.
Ackoski, Jugoslav (2019) Značaj mobilnog poslovanja u pametnim gradovima The Importance of Mobile Business in Smart Cities. Sinergija University International Scientific Conference. ISSN UDK 005.54:621.39-182.3 10.7251/ZRSNG1708011A COBISS.RS-ID 7296024
Ackoski, Jugoslav and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) Proceedings of Papers 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19. Military Academy "General Mihailo Apostolski", Skopje.
Andonov, Oliver and Georgiev, Toni and Andonova, Monika (2019) Metodoloska istrazivanja u politici i sigurnosti kao dio kompjuterske manipulacije podacima u kreiranju sigurnosne percepcije javnosti. Kriminalisticke teme Zbornik radova 2019, 19 (5). pp. 515-523. ISSN 1512-5505
Andonov, Oliver and Kukeska, Jana (2019) Dissembling and redefining of one state and nation (the example of the Republic of Macedonia through the prism of the political, security, legal and international consequences for the Macedonian state and nation). Political Science Forum Politologicke Forum Trencianska univerzita Alexandra Dubceka v Trencine, 8 (2). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1338-6859
Andonova, Spasenka and Bozhinovski, Andrej and Gogov, Bogdancho and Dimovska 1, Daniela and Jovcheski, Jovan and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Krstikj, Sandra and Petrovikj-Arsovska, Snezana and Saiti, Xhemali and Saramandova, Natasha (2019) Прирачник за спроведување на мерките за следење на комуникациите. [Project]
Bogdanoski, Mitko and Trajchevski, Neven and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Serafimova, Nevena and Stevanoski, Goce (2019) European network of Cyber-security centers and competence Hub for Innovation and Operations (ECHO) - Research and Inovation Action. [Project] (Submitted)
Cikarski, Zoran and Shosholovski, Ljupcho and Mustafovski, Reghep (2019) Use of training needs, analysis for improvement of cadet's training skills. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference MILCON '19, 12 Nov 2019, Skopje.
Gjoreski, Igor and Petreski, Toni (2019) The impact of migration on urban security and the quality of urban life. Security Dialogues, 10 (1-2). pp. 337-349. ISSN 1857-7172 eISSN 1857-8055
Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) Integrated Operations Center for Providing Humanitarian Assistance - HELP IPA Cross-border Co-operation Programme Greece INTERREG IPA CBC "Greece - The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 2014-2020. [Project]
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Hrnjić, Kerim and Jovanova, Bojana (2019) E-learning. In: 2nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19, November 12th, 2019, Skopje.
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Odzakov, Ferdinand and Iliev, Andrej (2019) Implementation of the unique communication and information system in the Republic of North Macedonia. Knowledge - International journal, 31 (5). pp. 1497-1508. ISSN 2545-4439 1857-923X
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage (2019) Challenges of the local government for reduction of natural catastrophic in Republic of Macedonia. In: 12-th International scientific conference - conference proceedings, 27-29 May 2019.
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Odjakov, Ferdinand and Iliev, Andrej (2019) Implementation of the unique communication and information system in Republic of North Macedonia. In: International journal of Knowledge, Vol.31, No.5, 15.06.2019 year, Budva, Montenegro.
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Teofilovski, Aco (2019) COST European Cooperation in science & technology COST Action CA18135 CA18135 - Fire in the Earth System: Science & Society. [Project]
Gorgiev, Toni (2019) Човековите слободи и права од сегашноста во современиот свет од иднината. In: Меѓународен дијалог: Исток - Запад.
Gorgiev, Toni (2019) Политичко креирање на законодавството. In: Abuse of the Law and "Abnormal" Law Versus Rule of Law.
Iliev, Andrej and Grizhev, Aleksandar and Hasic, Faruk (2019) Comparative analysis of Macedonian and Slovenian crisis management system. Knowledge International Journal, 34 (5). pp. 1349-1355. ISSN 2545 4429
Iliev, Andrej and Jovanovski, Zoran and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2019) Learning and motivation. In: 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON'19: Military academy "Gen. Mihailo Apostolski", 12 Nov 2019, Skopje.
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на конфликтите во Франција. STIT (112). pp. 52-55. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на современите конфликти во Иран. STIT (111). pp. 48-51. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на конфликтите во Пакистан. STIT (113). pp. 48-50. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на конфликтите во Саудиска Арабија. STIT (114). pp. 48-51. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на конфликтите во Јужен Судан. STIT (115). pp. 53-55. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на конфликтите во Нигерија. STIT (118). pp. 52-55. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Историја на современите конфликти во Сомалија. STIT (120). pp. 48-51. ISSN 1857-6710
Iliev, Andrej (2019) Analysis of military-economic reforms in the Republic of North Macedonia with South-East European countries as a precondition for NATO accession. Contemporary Macedonian Defence – International Scientific Defence, Security and Peace Journal, XIX (37). pp. 95-112. ISSN 1409-8199
Iliev, Andrej and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Iliev, Jovan (2019) Republic of Slovenia and the migrant crisis: history and perspectives. International scientific conference the great powers influence on the security of small states, I. pp. 315-332. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4828-48-8 (Т. 1)
Iliev, Andrej and Grizev, Aleksandar (2019) Historical and social aspects of Ataturk's activity in Macedonia. International Journal of Knowledge, 35 (5). pp. 1563-1568. ISSN 2545 – 4439
Iliev, Andrej and Hasic, Faruk and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2019) Comparative analysis of the system for Crisis management on Republic of Macedonia with Crisis management system on Republic of Croatia. In: 12th Crisis Management Day, 27-29 May 2019, Šibenik, Croatia.
Iliev, Andrej and Hasik, Faruk and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2019) Comparative analysis of system for crisis management on Republic of North Macedonia with crisis management system on Republic of Croatia. In: 12-th International scientific conference - conference proceedings, 27-29 May 2019, Velika Gorica, Republic of Croatia.
Iliev, Andrej and Jovanovski, Zoran and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2019) Learning and Motivation. In: International scientific conference - Milcon 2019, 12 Nov 2019, Skopje, Army House.
Iliev, Andrej and Jovanovski, Zoran and Kozarev, Atanas (2019) Historical perspectives of euro-Atlantic path on Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina. XIX international conference Innovatively and research in the function of technical and technological changes in transport, ecology and logistics, 9 (19). pp. 352-362. ISSN 2232-8807
Iliev, Andrej and Odzakov, Ferdinand and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) History and perspectives of Kosovo conflict in Southeast Europe. In: Center for Strategic Forecast Bezbednosni izazovi Jugoistocne Evrope, 23 May 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
Ilieva, Nikolovska, Anita and Grizev, Aleksandar and Iliev, Andrej (2019) History of Heutagogy as a self-determinate learning. In: International scientific conference, 12 Nov 2019, Skopje, Army House.
Jovanovski, Zoran (2019) Nasilje na sportskim priredbama i uloga medija. Pravo i snaga umnosti, 9 (1). pp. 503-518. ISSN 0350-0500
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Родовата рамноправност стереотипна фраза или демократско право;. In: Научни скуп „Право, традиција и промјене“, 26 Oct 2019, Pale, East Sarajevo.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Утицај европске конвенције за људска права на национално право и праксу. In: Научни скуп са мегјународним учешпем Право у функцији развоја друштва (2019 ; Косовска Митровица), 24 мај 2019, Правном факултету Универзитета у Приштини са привременим седиштем у Косовкој Митровици.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Globalization - challenge or threat for the cultural identity. In: Sixth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2019, Stip.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Human rights protection a challenge in international relations (a historical perspective). In: Меѓународна научна конференција Право и мултидисциплинарност, 12-13 Apr 2019, Nis.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Human rights protection a challenge in international relations (a historical perspective). In: Меѓународна научна конференција Право и мултидисциплинарност, 12-13 Apr 2019, Nis.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Ivanova P, Elena (2019) Лишувањето од слобода низ призма на националните законодавства co оцена на законитоста (компаративна анализа). In: 5-та Меѓународна научна конференција, Охридска школа на правото, 9-12 May 2019, Ohrid.
Jovanovski, Zoran and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) Меѓунароно хуманитарно право - прирачник за слушатели. Црвен крст на Република Северна Македонија.
Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) Humanitarian intervention and human right protection: legal and ethical dilemmas. In: Social changes in global word - VI the International conference, 5-6 Sept 2019, Stip.
Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) The human rights treatment and the role of the international community in the Syrian war. International Yearbook Faculty of Security. ISSN 1857-6508
Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Jovanovski, Zoran (2019) Меѓународно хуманитарно право - водич за дисеминатори. Црвен крст на Република Северна Македонија.
Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Jovanovski, Zoran (2019) Reforms in the communications monitoring system as a precondition for effective human rights protection. Knowledge - International Journal, 31 (5). pp. 1509-1514. ISSN 2545-4439
Karovska Andonovska, Biljana and Trajanovska, Elena (2019) How to improve students' motivation in online education? In: MILCON'19 Contemporary education based on ADL.
Naumovska, Grozdanka and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) Increase government and local awareness of Disaster Risk Reduction, perspective for socio–economic prosperity of the community. In: 12th Crisis Management Days, 27-29 May 2019, Šibenik, Croatia.
Naumovska, Grozdanka and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) National plan for the protection of critical infrastructure - a condition for providing a coordinated approach in establishing national goals and priorities for protecting key resources. International peer reviewed journal Безбедносни дијалози / Security dialogues, 10 (1-2). pp. 410-428. ISSN ISSN 1857-7172
Naumovski, Toni and Taneski, Nenad (2019) Social engineering in the context of cyber security. 10 th International scientific conference The great power influence on the security of small states, 1. pp. 282-292. ISSN 987-608-4828-46-4
Odjakov, Ferdinand and Iliev, Andrej and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) International migration and terrorism as the main security challenges in the 21st century. In: International scientific conference, Thematic conference proceedings of international significance "Archibald reiss days", 6-7 Nov 2019, University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies Belgrade.
Odzakov, Ferdinad and Iliev, Andrej and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) International migration and terrorism as the main security challenges in 21st century. In: IX-th international scientific conference "Archibald Reiss days", 6-7 Nov 2019, Zemun, Belgrade.
Petrovski, Aleksandar and Taneski, Nenad (2019) One belt one road – how does it affect the Eurasian economic and security issue. Contemporary Macedonian Defence – International Scientific Defence, Security and Peace Journal, 19 (37). pp. 69-79. ISSN 1409-8199
Shosholovski, Ljupcho and Mustafovski, Reghep (2019) Learning strategies and metacognitive awareness. In: 2-nd International Scientific Conference MILCON '19, 12 Nov 2019, Skopje.
Sosholovski, Ljupcho and Jovanovski, Zoran and Cikarski, Zoran (2019) Strategy and concept on urban crime prevention. Journal of Criminology and Criminal Law, 57 (3). pp. 139-149. ISSN 1820-2969
Sosolovski, Ljupco and Jovanovski, Zoran (2019) Strategy and concept on urban crime prevention. Journal of criminology and criminal law. Institute of criminology and sociological research, 57 (3). pp. 139-149.
Taneski, Nenad (2019) Огнот како терористичка алатка. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (113). pp. 42-44. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad (2019) Продор на современиот салафизам во Германија. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (116). pp. 42-45. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad (2019) Сириските бегалци и нивниот пат дома. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, XI (112). pp. 45-47. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad and Bakreski, Oliver and Grizev, Aleksandar and Fritzhand, Ana (2019) Concept of radicalization. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers, 35 (5). pp. 1423-1430. ISSN 1857-923X
Taneski, Nenad and Bogatinov, Dejan (2019) Intelligence as a response to contemporary threats from non state actor. In: 12th International scientific and professional conference "Crisis management days 2019", 27-29 May 2019, Amadria Park Šibenik, Hrvatska - Croatia.
Taneski, Nenad and Bogatinov, Dejan (2019) Тhe role of intelligence in the fight against terrorism. Security Dialogues – International Peer Reviewed, 10 (1-2). pp. 327-337. ISSN 1857-8055
Taneski, Nenad and Kozarev, Atanas (2019) Foreign fighters - perception of threat. Economy and globalization, the rule of law and media in the conditions of digitalization in the Western Balkan Countries, 9 (20). ISSN 2232-8807
Taneski, Nenad and Petrovski, Aleksandar and Bogatinov, Dimitar (2019) Geography in geospatial intelligence - C4IRS and cyber security. Security and crisis management–theory and practice. pp. 65-73. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-80692-02-9
Taneski, Nenad and Petrovski, Aleksandar and Karovska Andonovska, Biljana (2019) Modern platforms on the Internet as a instrument of power in hands of violent religious extreme organization. MILCON 2019 (2). pp. 110-116.
Trajchevski, Neven (2019) Проект за електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.
Trajchevski, Neven (2019) Проект за електротехнички инсталации. КОРТЕК МБ – Скопје.
Trajchevski, Neven and Smileski, Rose (2019) Елаборат за Систем за откривање и јавување на пожар за објект на Друштвото за информатичка технологија Иборн.нет ДОО - Скопје. Кортек МБ ДОО - Скопје.
Trajchevski, Neven and Sarac, Vasilija and Kuzinovski, Mikolaj (2019) Determination of the influence of the natural thermo-couple thermo-voltage characteristics in the modelling of machining processes by turning. In: 14th International conference of applied electromagnetics PES-2019, Nis, R. Serbia.