Items where Division is "Faculty of Medical Science" and Year is 2011
Abubucker, Sahar and Martin, John and Taylor, Christina M. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2011) HelmCoP: An Online Resource for Helminth Functional Genomics and Drug and Vaccine Targets Prioritization. PLoS One, 6 (7). e21832.
Andonov, Dragan (2011) Urgent State in Anaesthesia in Klinical Hospital – Stip with in 11.2009-04.2010. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Angeleska, Bojana (2011) Researching the Possibilities of the Epidemiological Features of Viral Hepatitis B in Rebublic of Macedonia and Sity of Skopje for Period 2000-2009 Year. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Совладување на предизвиците поставени од реформските процеси. Лекарски весник (15-16). p. 4.
Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Местото и задачите на менаџментот во здравството. Лекарски весник (17). p. 8.
Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Антибактериски лекови за системска примена во денталната медицина. In: Антимикробни средства во дентална медицина, 05.03.2011, Прилеп. (Unpublished)
Angelovska, Bistra and Ivanovska, Verica (2011) The pharmaceutical system in the Republic of Macedonia in the in and out patient sector. In: WHO Collaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursment Policies at the Austrian Health Institute (Gesundheit Osterreich GmbH) in Vienna, March - April 2011, Vienna.
Angelovska, Bistra and Kovacevska, Ivona and Dimova, Cena and Ivanovska, Verica (2011) Antimicrobial chemotherapy in dental practice. In: 11th Scientific Congress of BgDA, 17-19 June 2011, Burgas, Bulgaria.
Angelovska, Bistra and Petrova, Guenka (2011) Иследување на влијанието на документот за Стратегија на лекови на РМ врз пропишувањето и рационалната употреба на лековите. In: Fifth Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia with International Participation, 21 – 25.09.2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Angelovska, Bistra and Stojadinovic Maleska, Slavica (2011) Анализа на потрошувачка на триесетте најиздавани лекови на рецепт во транзицискиот период. In: Fifth Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia with International Participation, 21 – 25.09.2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Anguseva, Tanja (2011) Шок - хемодинамика при кардиоген шок. [Teaching Resource]
Bosnakovski, Darko (2011) Journey toward developing a drug for FSHD. FSHWatch Research .
Cantacessi, Cinzia and Gasser, Robin B. and Strube, Christina and Schnieder, Thomas and Jex, Aaron R. and Hall, Ross S. and Campbell, Bronwyn E. and Young, Neil D. and Ranganathan, Shoba and Sternberg, Paul W. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2011) Deep insights into Dictyocaulus viviparus transcriptomes provides unique prospects for new drug targets and disease intervention. In: Biotechnology Advances. Elsevier B.V., pp. 261-271.
Celeva Markovska, Vesna and Stankovic Babic, Gordana and Zdravkovska, Milka (2011) Comparative study of Pterygium surgery. Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci.MASA, 32 (2). pp. 273-287. ISSN 0351–3254
Chen, Steven C. and Frett, Ellie and Marx, Joseph and Bosnakovski, Darko and Reed, Xylena and Kyba, Michael and Kennedy, Brian K. and Feany, Mel B. (2011) Decreased Proliferation Kinetics of Mouse Myoblasts Overexpressing FRG1. Plos One.
Chibishev, Andon (2011) Nutritional Therapy in Adult Patients with Post-corrosive Injuries of GastrointestinalTract. MSM.
Chibishev, Andon and Pereska, Zanina and Simonovska, Natasa and Babulovska, Aleksandra and Chibisheva, Vesna (2011) The role of urgent esophagogastoduodenoscopy in prognosis of acute caustic poisonings. AIM, 19 (2). pp. 80-84.
Cvetkovski, Aleksandar (2011) Troškovi, kvalitet i ishodi zdravstvene zaštite : ISPOR knjiga termina. In: Troškovi, kvalitet i ishodi zdravstvene zaštite: ISPOR knjiga termina. Beograd: Udruženje ISPOR Srbija. ISBN 978-86-912363-1-1
Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Gulaboski, Rubin (2011) Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals. In: Intensive Lecture Course "From Molecules to Functionalised Materials", 16-20 March 2011, Skopje, Macedonia.
Dalzell, Johnathan J. and McVeigh, Paul and Warnock, Neil D. and Mitreva, Makedonka and McK Bird, David and Abad, Pierre and Fleming, Day and Mousley, Angela and Marks, Nikki J. and Maule, Aaron G. (2011) RNAi Effector Diversity in Nematodes. Plos Neglected tropical diseases - Open access, 5 (6). pp. 1-11.
Dandapat, Abhijit and Bosnakovski, Darko and Baltgalvis, Kristen and Hartweck, Lynn M. and Lonetree, Cara-lin and Nash, Nardine and Lowe, Dawn and Kyba, Michael (2011) Mouse model to understand the role of Dux4 in FSHD. In: ISSCR 9th Annual Meeting, 15-18 June 2011, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Danilova, Marina (2011) Појава на хепатит Б и Ц кај дарители на крв. In: XI семинар за квалитет, контрола, информатика и заштита во медицинска лабораториска дијагностика. (Submitted)
Darabi, Radbod and Pan, Weihong and Bosnakovski, Darko and Baik, June and Kyba, Michael and Perlingeiro, Rita C. R. (2011) Functional Myogenic Engraftment from Mouse iPS Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. pp. 1-10.
Dimitrioska, Radmila and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Pehcevska, Nevena and Andreevska, Emilija (2011) Postnatalna homeostaza glikoze u terminskog hipotrofičnog novorođenceta. In: 43. Pedijatriski dani Srbije sa međunarodnim učešćem, 29 Sep - 01 Oct 2011, Nis, Serbia.
Dimitrov, Olgica (2011) Лумбален болен синдром (ЛБС) кај здравствени работници - патогенеза и превенција. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Dimitrovska Ivanova, Marija (2011) Вродени аномалии на лицето и устата. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип, 6 (13). p. 36. ISSN 1857-5994
Dimova, Cena (2011) Лекови и орално здравје. Medicus - Informativen glasnik na javnoto zdravstvo, Stip, 6 (13). p. 45. ISSN 1857-5994
Dimova, Cena (2011) Ургентни состојби во стоматологија. [Teaching Resource]
Dimova, Cena (2011) Нови орални антикоагуланси – нови пристапи во денталната медицина. Farmacevtski informator, 10 (26). pp. 42-44. ISSN 1409-8784
Dimova, Cena (2011) Нови пристапи во денталната медицина и клиничката пракса кај орално антикоагулирани пациенти. In: Aktuelnosti vo stomatologijata, Naucen simpozium so megjunarodno ucestvo, 18 Dec 2011, Tetovo.
Dimova, Cena (2011) Oral surgical and orthodontic management of impacted maxillary canines. In: 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Update in Dental Medicine, 3-6 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Dimova, Cena and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Kovacevska, Ivona and Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Учење преку соработка на Факултетот за медицински науки – Штип: работни групи и студиски тимови. In: III Научно-стручен собир со меѓународно учество „Образованието во 21 век“, 8 Dec 2011, Bitola, Makedonija.
Dimova, Cena and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Kovacevska, Ivona and Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Collaborative learning in Faculty of Medical Sciences - Stip: Group work and study teams. III Symposium of international participation. pp. 225-226.
Dimova, Cena and Kamcev, Nikola and Papakoca, Kiro (2011) The use of venostasis test for evaluation of the fibrinolytic capacity in the perioperative oral surgical period. Revista Romana de Medicina Dentara. ISSN 1841-6942
Dimova, Cena and Papakoca, Kiro (2011) The use of venostasis test for evaluation of the fibrinolytic capacity in the perioperative oral surgical period. Revista Romana de Medicina Dentara, XIV (1). pp. 50-61. ISSN 1841-6942
Dobrovolschi, Oleg and Sfarghiu, Lorelai and Dobrovolschi, Tatiana and Muntianu, Ligia and Papakoca, Gordana and Papakoca, Kiro and Burlibasa, Mihai (2011) Microbial biofilms development on the surface of biomaterials in dental medicine. In: BaSS 2011,16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, April 28th – May 1st 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Dobrovolschi, Tatiana and Dobrovolschi, Oleg and Sfarghiu, Lorelai and Papakoca, Kiro and Papakoca, Gordana and Muntianu, Ligia and Burlibasa, Mihai (2011) Repartition of microbial biofilms on metallic structures in dental medicine. In: BaSS 2011,16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, April 28th – May 1st 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Evrosimovska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela and Velickovski, Boris (2011) Management of bone defects with Bio-oss. In: 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Update in dental medicine, 3-5 May 2011, Bucharest.
Evrosimovska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena and Velickovski, Boris and Papakoca, Kiro (2011) Matrix metalloproteinases. Revista Romana de Medicina Dentara, 14 (2). pp. 127-139. ISSN 1841-6942
Evrosimovska, Biljana and Velickovski, Boris and Dimova, Cena and Veleska-Stefkovska, Daniela (2011) Matrix metalloproteinases (with accent to collagenases). Journal of Cell and Animal Biology, 5 (7). pp. 113-120. ISSN 1996-0867
Fontanesi, Luca and Garreau, Hervé and Bosnakovski, Darko (2011) A Collaborative European Network on Rabbit Genome Biology (RGB-Net). [Project]
Galeski, Dragisha and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana and Mangaroski, Dushan and Taushanova, Biljana (2011) Influence of fibrinogenic paste application and antibiotic administration on pilonidal sinus surgery. Physioacta, 5 (2). pp. 93-99. ISSN 1857-5587
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka (2011) Генотоксични ефекти на ксенобиотици: компаративно истражување со растителни модели. Masters thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј”, Фармацевтски факултет, Скопје.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Baceva, Katerina and Stafilov, Trajče (2011) Metalic Trace Elements in Medicinal Plants from Macedonia. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 7 (1). pp. 109-114. ISSN 1990-9233
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Mitrev, Sasa and Arsov, Emilija and Kovacevik, Biljana (2011) Assessment of Genotoxicity of Xenobiotics by RAPD-PCR. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 57 (suppl). pp. 146-147.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Mitrev, Sasa and Kovacevik, Biljana and Arsov, Emilija (2011) New Trends in Biomonitoring: Application of RAPD-PCR and Plant Model Systems to Genetic Ecotoxicology. In: Fifth Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia with International Participation, 21 – 25.09.2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2011) Antioxidant Status and DNA Damage Induced by Heavy Metals in Matricaria recutita L. (Asteraceae). Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 57 (suppl). pp. 144-146.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2011) Heavy Metals Induced DNA Damage and Total Antioxidant Status in Urtica dioica (Urticaceae). In: Society for Free Radical Research - SFRR – Europe 2011 Meeting, 07-10 Sept 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Ruskovska, Tatjana (2011) Total Antioxidants Level and DNA Damage in Plant Model System Subjected to Heavy Metals Phytotoxicity. In: 10th Indo-Italian Workshop on Chemistry and Biology of Antioxidants, 10-12.11.2011, Rome, Italy.
Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Kadifkova-Panovska, Tatjana and Ruskovska, Tatjana and Baceva, Katerina and Stafilov, Trajče (2011) Metal Accumulation and Antioxidative Status in Selected Medicinal Plants. In: V National Pharmaceutical Congress with international participation, 1-3.04.2011, Hysarya, Bulgaria.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Интерпрофесионално и тимско континуирано образование на здравствени работници. Education in 21 century, Lifelong learning.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Determination of ketoconazole in pharmaceutical formulations. In: Fifth Congress of Pharmacy of Macedonia, 21-25 September, 2011, Ohrid, R.Macedonia.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Methodology for measuring the occupational health and safety risks in tourism companies. In: 2nd Biennial International Scientific Congress, The influence of tourism on economic development, 27-29.04.2011, Skopje, R. Macedonia.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Predicting of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants using disinfection activity coefficient of solution. In: Prvi kongres farmaceuta Crne Gore sa medzunarodnom ucescem, 12-15 Maj, 2011, Becici, Crna Gora.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Quantitative determination of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants using disinfection activity coefficient of solution. Fifth National Pharmaceutical Congress with international participation, Vol. LVIII, 17, CH-P3, LVIII. p. 17. ISSN 0428-0296
Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2011) Activity of antiseptic solutions in relation to their physicochemical properties. EPMA Journal, 2. p. 178. ISSN 1878-5085
Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2011) Antiseptic activity of disinfectant solutions in relation to their physicochemical properties. In: 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Update in Dental Medicine, 3-5 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2011) Antiseptic activity of disinfectant solutions in relation to their physocochemical properties. In: BaSS 2011,16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, 28 Apr–1 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Gruev, Todor and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Jovcevska-Mecevska, Jasmina and Dimitrov, Saso (2011) Differences in hematology and biochemical parameters in diabetic patients. In: IFCC - Worldlab Berlin 2011, 15-19 May 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Gucev, Zoran and Pop-Jordanova, Nada and Calovska, V and Tasic, Velibor and Slavevska, Nevenka and Laban, Nevenka and Noli, MC and Lepori, MB and Loudianos, G (2011) Acute gallbladder hydrops and arthritis: unusual initial manifestations of Wilson’s disease (WD). Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., 32 (2). pp. 307-315. ISSN 0351–3254
Gucev, Zoran and Slavevska, Nevenka and Laban, Nevenka and Danilovski, Dragan and Tasic, Velibor and Pop-Jordanova, Nada and Zatkova, A (2011) Early-onset ocular ochronosis in a girl with alkaptonuria (aku) and a novel mutation in homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase (HGD). Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., 32 (1). pp. 305-311. ISSN 0351–3254
Gucev, Zoran and Slavevska, Nevenka and Tasic, Velibor and Laban, Nevenka and Pop-Jordanova, Nada and Danilovski, Dragan and Woolf, Jacqueline and Cole, Duncan (2011) Congenital erythropoietic porphyria with two mutations of the uroporphyrinogen III synthase gene (Cys73Arg, Thr228Met). Indian J Hum Genet, 17 (2). pp. 104-107.
Gurzanova Durnev, Liljana and Djosic Markovska, Bozidarka and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Zivkovic, Jadranka and Stafilov, Trajče and Zendelovska, Dragica (2011) Inadequate antioxidant protection in preterm babies: possible cause for hyperbilirubinemia. Biologia Macedonia (62). pp. 55-64. ISSN 1857-5277
Gurzanova-Dunev, Liljana and Zisovska, Elizabeta and Gjosic Markovska, Bozidarka and Zivkovik, Jadranka and Stafilov, Trajče and Zendelovska, Dragica (2011) Антиоксидативната заштита на ниско ниво кај предвреме родени деца со хипербилирубинемија. In: Петти Конгрес на педијатари со интернационално учество, 5-9 Oct 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Hristov, Nikola and Atanasov, Zvonko and Zafiroski, George and Mitrev, Zan (2011) Intramuscular cavernous hemangioma in the left soleus muscle: successful surgical treatment. Interact CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery, 13. pp. 521-522. ISSN 1569-9293
Iacovino, Michelina and Bosnakovski, Darko and Fey, Holger and Rux, Danielle and Bajwa, Gagan and Mahen, Elisabeth and Mitanoska, Ana and Xu, Zhaohui and Kyba, Michael (2011) Inducible cassette exchange: a rapid and efficient system enabling conditional gene expression in embryonic stem and primary cells. Stem Cells, 29 (10). ISSN 1580–1588
Ilhan, Aysegul and Neziri, Dashurie and Maj, Magdalena and Mazal, PR and Susani, M and Base, Wolfgang and Gartner, Wolfgang and Wagner, Ludwig (2011) Expression of secretagogin in clear-cell renal cell carcinomas is associated with a high metastasis rate. Hum Pathol, 42 (5). pp. 641-648.
Ilievski, Stojance (2011) “Postoperative Kinezitherapeutica Treatment of Patient with Ill-Boding Trias of Knee“. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Ivanovska, Blagica and Panova, Gordana and Panov, Nenad and Velickova, Nevenka (2011) Сколиозата како развоен проблем во школската возраст. In: 34 International Medical Scientific Congress for medical students and young doctors, 12-15 May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Ivanovska, Verica (2011) Pharmacy practice in the Republic of Macedonia. Southern Med Review, 4 (2). pp. 88-91. ISSN 11742704
Ivanovska, Verica and Angelovska, Bistra (2011) Comparison on two pricing methodologies in relation to affordability and availibility of medicines in the Republic of Macedonia. In: PPRI Conference 2011 Abstract Book. WHO Colaborating Centre for Pharmaceutical Pricing and Reimbursement Policies, Vienna, pp. 10-12.
J. Liakopoulos, Oliver and Hristov, Nikola and D. Buckberg, Gerald and Triana, Jonathan and Trummer, Georg and S. Allen, Bradley (2011) Resuscitation after prolonged cardiac arrest: effects of cardiopulmonary bypass and sodium - hydrogen exchange inhibition on myocardial and neurological recovery. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery (40). pp. 978-984.
Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Pasquali, Micol and Boschi, Alessandra and Uccelli, Licia and Smilkov, Katarina and Zdraveska-Kocovska, Marina and Crcareva, Biljana and Miladinova, Daniela and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Gulaboski, Rubin and Duatti, Adriano (2011) The role of experimental animal studies in development and evaluation of radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy of pathological diseases. In: 1st Macedonian Congress of Pathology with International participation, 12-16 Oct 2011, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Pasquali, Micol and Boschi, Alessandra and Uccelli, Licia and Smilkov, Katarina and Duatti, Adriano (2011) Development of a kit formulation for the high-yield preparation of a Re-188 labelled biotin conjugate for the treatment of breast cancer through the IART approach. In: XXIII Congreso de Alasbimn, 28.09-01.10.2011, Porto de Galinhas, Brasil.
Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Smilkov, Katarina and Boschi, Alessandra and Pasquali, Micol and Uccelli, Licia and Duatti, Adriano (2011) A new class of Copper-62 brain imaging agents with dithiophosphinate ligands. In: XXIII Congreso de ALASBIMN, 28 Sept-09 Oct 2011, Porto de Galinhas, Brasil.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Subeska Stratrova, Slavica and Pereska, Zanina and Mecevska Jovcevska, Jasmina (2011) Heroin dependents are insulin resistant. In: IFCC Worldlab Berlin 2011, 15-19 May 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Kamcev, Nikola (2011) Заболување на венскиот систем. Фармацевтски информатор. ISSN 1409-8784
Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Velickova, Nevenka (2011) Prevention from transfusion transmissive diseases in the regional center for transfusion medicine in Stip, Republic of Macedonia for the period 2009-2010. Vox Sanguinis, 101 (2 ). ISSN 1423-0410
Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Milka and Velickova, Nevenka (2011) Преттрансфузиско испитување на крвни примероци во РЕ Трансфузиологија при Клиничката болница во Штип, Република Македонија. In: Second International Medical Congress-SEEMF, 07-10 Sept 2011, Nesebar, Bulgaria.
Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Panov, Zoran and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Kamceva, Milka and Richter, Kneginja (2011) Analysis of metals in the serum of professionally exposed population of blood-donors from the Buchim-Radovish mine and unexposed general population from the municipality of Shtip. In: Vox Sanguinis - The International Journal of Transfusion Medicine, 18-22 June 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kamcev, Nikola and Velickova, Nevenka and Nakova, Vesna and Kamceva, Gordana and Panova, Gordana and Ivanovska, Verica (2011) Contemporary treatment and review of patient with type 2 diabetes in region of Stip. In: Second International Medical Congress-SEEMF, 07-10 Sept 2011, Nesebar, Bulgaria.
Kamcev, Nikola and Zdravkovska, Milka and Ivanovska, Verica and Kamceva, Gordana and Richter, Kneginja (2011) Evaluation of the immunization strategy implementation in the Republic of Macedonia for the period 2004-2009. In: EPMA World Congress 2011, 15-18 Sept 2011, Bonn, Germany.
Kamceva, Gordana (2011) Влијание на применетиот терапевтски третман врз раниот клинички тек кај пациенти со акутен миокарден инфаркт со СТ- сегмент елевација од источниот регион на Република Македонија. Masters thesis, Univerzitet "Sv.Kiril i Metodij", Medicinski fakultet Skopje.
Kamceva, Gordana and Kamcev, Nikola and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Kamceva, Milka (2011) Connection of the ABO blood group system from the whole blood groups with the diabetes mellitus typ 2 for the period 2005-2009. In: Vox Sanguinis - The International Journal of Transfusion Medicine, 18-22 June 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.
Kamceva, Gordana and Panova, Gordana and Velickova, Nevenka and Kamcev, Nikola and Panova, Blagica (2011) The correlation between tha cardio-vascular risk factors and deep vein thrombos in patients treated at the clinical hospital in Stip. In: Second international medical congress-SEEMF, 07-10 Sept 2011, Nesebar, Bulgaria.
Kanurkova, Lidija and Popovska, Mirjana and Pandilova, Maja and Dimova, Cena (2011) Anatomical perspective of clinical application of micro-implants for temporary skeletal anchorage in orthodontics. Acta Morphologica, 8 (2). pp. 47-54.
Karakolevska Ilova, Marija and Stojmenova, Vita (2011) Золедронска киселина во превенција, одложување и намалување на скелетните компликации кај карцином на простата. In: Scientific muМуltidisciplinary gathering of oncologists, pathologists and internists, Ohrid. (Unpublished)
Kncev, D and Nikolovska, Lence and Kraydjikova, Leyla (2011) Кинезитерапия при пациенти с шийна спондилоартроза. In: VІІІ Национален конгрес по спортна медицина и кинезитерапия, 12 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Koleva, Elena (2011) "Examination of Intrahospital Infections Caused by Streptococcal Sequelae". Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Kostik, Vesna and Memeti, Shaban and Mickov, Toni and Kiroska-Petreska, Evgenija (2011) Analysis of the results obtained for proficiency testing schemes in laboratories for food control in Institute of Public Health, Skopje, FYROM. In: 7th Workshop proficiency testing in analytical chemistry, microbiology and laboratory medicine (EURACHEM) - Current practise and future directions, 3-6 Oct 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.
Kovacevska, Ivona (2011) Антимикробни средства и нивна примена во ендодонција. In: Антимикробни средства во дентална медицина, 05.03.2011, Прилеп.
Kovacevska, Ivona (2011) За оралното здравје и стоматолошките услуги. In: Sojuz na zenite penzionerki i organizacijata SOS, Skopje.
Kovacevska, Ivona (2011) Орално здравје за сите генерации. Medicus (13). pp. 19-20. ISSN 1857-5994
Kovacevska, Ivona (2011) Можности за стерилизација на каналниот систем со Nd: Yag ласер. In: Современи трендови во конзервативната стоматологија, 29.10.2011, Скопје, хотел „Бест Вестерн“.
Kovacevska, Ivona and Angelovska, Bistra and Georgiev, Zlatko and Denkovski, Marjan and Popovska, Lidija (2011) The effect of ND: YAG Laser on dental hypersensitivity. In: 11th Scientific Congress of the BgDA, 17-20 May, 2012, Burgas .
Kovacevska, Ivona and Dimova, Cena and Georgiev, Zlatko and Korunoska Stevkovska, Vesna and Georgieva, Kristina (2011) Non-surgical endodontic treatment of periapical lesions 3 years retrospectiv study. In: 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Update in Dental Medicine, 28 Apr-1 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Kraidjikova, Leila and Nikolovska, Lence and Krstev, Toshe and Spasov, D (2011) Кинезитерапия при хроничен болков синдром в лумбосакрална област. In: Първи национален конгрес по неврорехабилитация (с международно участие), 27-29 Oct 2011, Veliko Trnovo, Bulgaria.
Kraydjikova, Leyla and Gacova, Svetla and Nikolovska, Lence (2011) Physical therapy in the acute period after total knee arthroplasty. [Project]
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Mitrev, Zan (2011) Потрошувачка на крв и крвни деривати во Кардиохирургија. [Teaching Resource]
Mitrev, Zan (2011) Reconstructive surgery of the aortic root. [Teaching Resource]
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Nikolovska, Lence and Gacova, Svetla and Kraydzikova, L (2011) Фасциални меридиани и манипулации. In: VІІІ Национален конгрес по спортна медицина и кинезитерапия, 12 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nikolovska, Lence and Nikolova, Milica (2011) Методика за масаж при жени с гиноидно затлъстяване и целулит. In: VІІІ Национален конгрес по спортна медицина и кинезитерапия, 12 March 2011, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Nikolovska, Lence and Yasenova, Danka and Matsouridis, Athanasios and Matsouridis, Antreas (2011) Physiotherapy in the late postoperative stage after total hip аrthroplasty. [Project]
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Panova, Gordana and Ivanovska, Blagica and Velickova, Nevenka and Nikolovska, Lence and Sendov, L (2011) Лекување и контрола на хроничната болка. In: 34 International Medical Scientific Congress for medical students and young doctors, 12-15 May 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Panova, Gordana and Ivanovska, Verica and Panov, N and Velickova, Nevenka and Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Nikolovska, Lence (2011) Representation of diabetes in children and adolescents in Eastern Macedonia. In: Second International Medical Congress-SEEMF, 07-10 Sept 2011, Nesebar, Bulgaria.
Panovski, Nikola and Petrovska, Milena and Popovska, Katja and Dokic-Trajkovska, Elena and Cekovska, Zaklina and Jankoska, Gordana and Kotevska, Vesna and Kaftandzieva, Ana and Grdanoska, Tatjana and Mircevska, Gordana and Pavlova Jurhar, Maja and Taleski, Vaso and Cvetkovic, Danica and Meloska-Hadzi Petruseva, Ivanka and Curcic Trajkovska, Biljana (2011) Медицинска микробиологија и паразитологија, Специјален дел. In: Медицинска микробиологија и паразитологија, Специјален дел. Катедра по микробиологија и паразитологија, Медицински факултет, Универзитет „Кирил и Методиј” Скопје, Skopje. ISBN 978-9989-9626-6-0
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Petreska Ivanovska, Tanja and Petrusevska Tozi, Lidija and Smilkov, Katarina and Popovski, Emil and Grozdanov, Anita and Geskovski, Nikola and Petkovska, Rumenka and Glavas Dodov, Marija and Mladenovska, Kristina (2011) Effect of formulation variables on physicochemical characteristics of synbiotic microparticles with Lactobacillus casei. In: 3rd Pharm Sci Fair: Pharmaceutical Sciences for the Future of Medicines, 13-17 june 2011, Prague, Chech Republic.
Petreska Ivanovska, Tanja and Petrusevska Tozi, Lidija and Smilkov, Katarina and Popovski, Emil and Stafilov, Trajče and Grozdanov, Anita and Geskovski, Nikola and Petkovska, Rumenka and Mladenovska, Kristina (2011) Influence of formulation variables on survival of L. casei loaded in chitosan-Ca-alginate microparticles prepared by spray-drying. European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences.
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Popovska, Katja and Soljakova, Marija and Zdravkovska, Milka and Gerasimovska, Vesna and Zdravevska, E and Icev, Konstantin (2011) Unusual appearance of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia in entubated patients hospitalized in Clinic for anestesiology, reanimation and intensive care) - KARIL Skopje. In: International Journal of Infection Control;Eleventh Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control, 12-15 Oct 2011, Venice, Italy.
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Ruskovska, Tatjana (2011) High-sensitivity C-reactive protein in clinical practice: analytical methods and some aspects of its diagnostic significance. In: 19th Meeting of Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 21 – 23 September 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
Ruskovska, Tatjana (2011) hsCRP and all cause mortality in hemodialysed patients. Review of Global Medicine and Healthcare Research (RGMHR), 2 (1). pp. 72-78. ISSN 1986-5872
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Simonovska, Natasa and Chibishev, Andon and Babulovska, Aleksandra and Pereska, Zanina and Jurukova, Milena and Glasnovic, Marija (2011) Program of the University Clinic of Toxicology, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia in Treatment of Drug Addiction (Buprenorfin Treatment Protocol). MSM, 23 (4). pp. 232-234.
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Vasilevska, Violeta and Gligorievski, A and Zafiroski, George and Janevska, Vesna and Samardziski, Milan (2011) Radiologic-pathologic correlation of 100 consecutive biopsied soft tissue musculoskeletal lesions after multimodality imaging. Cancer Imaging (11).
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Velickova, Nevenka (2011) Drugs like risks factors for oral-facial clefts. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, (57). pp. 147-148. ISSN 1409–8695
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Velickova, Nevenka and Gacova, Marina and Dimova, Cena and Papakoca, Kiro and Kamceva, Gordana (2011) Risks factors for Oral-facial clefts. In: 16th Congress of the Balkan Stomatological Society, Update in Dental Medicine, 28 Apr-1 May 2011, Bucharest, Romania.
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