Items where Division is "Faculty of Economics" and Year is 2024
Apostolov, Mico (2024) Essential Economic Features of Digital Currencies and Blockchain. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing, USA. ISBN 979-8341481077
Arsova, Monika (2024) Brainstorming methodology. In: Green transition of female entrepreneurs in the Balkan region - Best Practices Webinar. (Submitted)
Arsova, Monika and Adelajda Zaninović, Petra (2024) The analysis of the application of digital marketing in shipping companies. Working Paper. University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business.
Azeski, Branko and Lazarov, Darko (2024) Стратешки документи на Комората. Economic Chamber of North Macedonia.
Azeski, Branko and Lazarov, Darko (2024) Нов договор за економски развој. Economic Chamber of North Macedonia. ISBN ISBN 978-608-4975-03-8
Badarovski, Todor (2024) Влијанието на менаџментот на знаење врз перформансите на организацијата. Doctoral thesis, Економски факултет - Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ – Штип.
Bezovski, Zlatko (2024) “Business Concept Proofing 3.0” - A New Model for Validating and Testing Product Ideas in the Digital Environment. Annals of "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati Fascicle I. Economics and Applied Informatics, 2024 (3). ISSN 1584-0409
Bezovski, Zlatko (2024) Content length recommendations for alternative tourism web pages: a comparative analysis of rural, wine, and adventure travel. Asian Journal of Management Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 04 (04). ISSN 2808 7399
Bezovski, Zlatko (2024) The New 3P Model in Digital Marketing: Redefining the Marketing Mix for the Digital Age. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science. ISSN 2808 7399
Bezovski, Zlatko and Jovanov, Tamara and Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Online methods for validating and testing entrepreneurial ideas: A new product development perspective. Management Research and Practice, 16 (1). ISSN 2067- 2462
Cabuleva, Kostadinka and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2024) Analysis of the trade relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and China. Knowledge - International Journal, 65 (1). pp. 73-79. ISSN 2545-4439 (Online)
Davcev, Ljupco (2024) Банкарство. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев”-Штип.
Davcev, Ljupco and Davcev, Aleksandar and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Organizational Structure of Banks. Knowledge without borders, 44th International Scientific Conference, 44 (1). pp. 47-52.
Davcev, Ljupco and Davcev, Aleksandar and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Principles of banking operations. Knowledge International Journal, 63 (1). pp. 85-90. ISSN 2545-4439
Davcev, Ljupco and Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Aleksandar (2024) Modern trends, financial innovations and determinants of variability in banking operations. Knowledge International Journal, 63 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 2545-4439
Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina and Cvetkoska, Violeta and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Investigating the Efficiency of Insurance Companies in a Developing Country: A Data Envelopment Analysis Perspective. Economies, 12 (6). ISSN 2227-7099
Fotova Cikovikj, Katerina and Mitreva, Mila and Keček, Damira (2024) The impact of mergers and acquisitions on efficiency and performance in banking: Empirical evidence from Croatia. In: 7th International Scientific Conference on Business and Economics (ISCBE), Portugal.
Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Davcev, Ljupco and Gaber, Stevan and Gruevski, Ilija and Mitreva, Mila (2024) „Ден на денарот“-2024. [Project]
Gogova Samonikov, Marija and Mitreva, Mila (2024) Микро бизнис игри - FinYes-„Финансиска писменост за млади претприемачи“. In: FinYes - Финансиска писменост за млади претприемачи, 19-20 Feb 2024, Stip.
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Како може(в)ме да го позиционираме брендот „Македонија“? Marketing 365, Marketing 365.
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Инвестираме во знаење – ги инспирираме младите: Работилници на Универзитет Гоце Делчев во средните училишта во Македонија. In: Инвестираме во знаење – ги инспирираме младите, февруари - март 2024, Штип, Кочани, Скопје, Св. Николе, Виница, Куманово и др.. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Парадоксот на Заборавањето: Благослов на Природата, Проклетство во Политиката.
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Консумеризам: Мотор на Економски Раст или Алатка за Управување со Луѓето. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Блог на Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип.
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Патронен празник на УГД 2024. [Show/Exhibition]
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Саем на Универзитети 2024. [Show/Exhibition]
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Прв Академски Час - Бруцошка на УГД 2024. [Show/Exhibition]
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Circular economy. In: Training Programe for National Platform of Women Entrepreneurs, 05 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Climate Promise - From Pledge to Impact. [Project] (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Experiential Learning Method. In: G-FEB Best Practice Webinar, 26 Nov 2024, Online. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Pitching of entrepreneurial Ideas. In: WUS Workshop for Career Transition Support Macedonia. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Sustainable Business Model in Green transition of Female Entrepreneurs in the Balkan region, ERASMUS-EDU-2023-CB-VET and project No 101128967. [Project] (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara (2024) Sustainable Development Goals. In: Training Programe for National Platform of Women Entrepreneurs, 03 Feb 2024, Kocani. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Career management and communication for personal and workplace success. In: WUS Seminar - Module 1, 06-08 Dec 2024, Veles, Macedonia. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara and Arsova, Monika (2024) Entrepreneurship - Intentions, Competences and Gender. In: How to become a great employee and what it takes to be an entrepreneur, 10 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)
Jovanov, Tamara and Mitreva, Mila and Fotova Čiković, Katerina (2024) Crafting future entrepreneurs from emerging adults: what matters more - personality or context? International Journal of Education Economics and Development, 15 (1/2). pp. 31-56. ISSN 1759-5681
Koleva, Blagica (2024) Forensic accounting in the Republic of North Macedonia-status and perspectives. Academic Journal "Management and Education" Economics, Finance, Accounting., 20 (1). ISSN 1312-6121
Lazarov, Darko (2024) Микроекономија за бизнис. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев" - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-035-2
Lazarov, Darko (2024) Стратегијата за геолошки истражувања и одржливо искористување на минералните суровини на Република Северна Македонија, 2025-2045: Економска анализа на секторот рударство во РСМ. [Project] (Unpublished)
Lazarov, Darko (2024) Green Industrial Policy in North Macedonia. In: Green Industrial Policy Framework in the Western Balkans, GAP Institute – Kosovo, Tirana, Albania. (Unpublished)
Lazarov, Darko (2024) The Role of Manufacturing Sector to Economic Growth in North Macedonia. Ekonomika Journal. ISSN 0350-137X
Lazarov, Darko (2024) The Study for mapping regional trade and investment potential in the Manufacturing. In: PIT Adria Regional Sumit. (Submitted)
Lazarov, Darko (2024) A framework for Green Industrial Policies in the Western Balkan: GIP in North Macedonia (country report). [Project] (In Press)
Locu, Afrim and Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Fostering economic cooperation for enhanced benefits in the Western Balkans: needs, practices and values. Journal of Educational and Social Research, 14 (5). pp. 157-166. ISSN 2240-0524
Mirakovski, Dejan and Lazarov, Darko and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Zendelska, Afrodita and Krcheva, Violeta (2024) Циркуларна и зелена економија базирана на соработка наука-бизнис. [Project] (Unpublished)
Mitkov Leova, Martina and Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Craftsmanship and local economic development: a Veles municipality case study. Macedonian international Journal of “Marketing”, 10 (20). pp. 5-19. ISSN 1857-9787
Mitreva, Mila (2024) Влијанието на институционалните инвеститори врз пазарот на капитал и економскиот раст. Doctoral thesis, "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" University, Skopje, N. Macedonia.
Mitreva, Mila and Arsova, Monika and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija (2024) Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју. In: Работилница: Деловна комуникација – CV, мотивациско писмо и интервју.
Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Impact of institutional investors on capital markets in selected European countries. Review of Socio-Economic Perspectives, 9 (1). pp. 29-37. ISSN 2149-9276
Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Overview of the Financial System in N.Macedonia. In: Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, ISCTBL 2024.
Mitreva, Mila and Davcev, Ljupco and Gogova Samonikov, Marija (2024) Overview of the financial system in North Macedonia. 7th International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century" - (ISCTBL), 7 (1). pp. 60-64.
Sofijanova, Elenica and Stojanovska, Mare and Bezovski, Zlatko (2024) Time importance and significance during managing new projects. Macedonian international Journal of “Marketing”, 10 (19). pp. 5-15. ISSN 1857-9787
Stanceva Gigov, Iskra and Miteva-Kacarski, Emilija and Poposka, Klimentina (2024) Exports and MNE linkage in SMEs internationalization in Western Balkan. Economic Development, Journal of the Institute of Economics - Skopje, 3 (23). pp. 33-45. ISSN 1409-7893
Temelkov, Zoran and Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna (2024) AI impact on traditional credit scoring models. Journal of Economics, 9 (1). pp. 1-9. ISSN 1857 - 9973
Temjanovski, Riste (2024) Претприемништво и иновации. Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia, Stip. ISBN 978-608-277-041-3