Items where Division is "Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences" and Year is 2019

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 102.

Adjiski, Vancho and Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Serafimovski, Dalibor (2019) System architecture to bring smart personal protective equipment wearables and sensors to transform safety at work in the underground mining industry. The Mining-Geology-Petroleum Engineering Bulletin, 34 (1). pp. 37-44. ISSN 0353-4529

Adjiski, Vancho and Despodov, Zoran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2019) Methodology for evaluation of the evacuation time in case of fire in underground mines. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Adjiski, Vancho and Despodov, Zoran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2019) System for prediction of carboxyhemoglobin levels as an indicator for on-time installation of self-contained self-rescuers in case of fire in underground mines. GeoScience Engineering, 65 (4). pp. 23-37. ISSN 1802-5420

Adjiski, Vancho and Mirakovski, Dejan and Despodov, Zoran and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2019) Determining optimal distance from outlet of auxiliary forcing ventilation system to development of heading in underground mines. Journal of Mining and Environment, 10 (4). pp. 821-832. ISSN 2251-8606

Adjiski, Vancho and Zubicek, Vaclav and Despodov, Zoran (2019) Monte Carlo simulation of uncertain parameters to evaluate the evacuation process in an underground mine fire emergency. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 119 (11). pp. 907-917. ISSN 2411-9717

Adramanova, Ana Marija and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) The chair important functional element in the space. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.

Alili, Agron (2019) Ecological and socio-economical aspects for hazardous waste management on local level. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University in Stip.

Anachkova, Maja and Domazetovska, Simona and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Gavrilovski, Viktor (2019) Noise exposure level detection using the Skopje.Pulse platform. In: OSH Priority, 9-12 Oct 2019, Ohrid.

Antonova, Pale and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Creativity and harmony with materials in office space. In: Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria.

Arianit, Reka and Pavlovski, Blagoj and Boev, Blazo and Boev, Ivan and Makreski, Petre (2019) Phase transitions of silica in diatomite from Besiste (North Macedonia) during thermal treatment. Zbornik radova knjiga sažetaka: II Kongres geologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem, 6. ISSN 1840-4073

Boev, Blazo (2019) Excavation of sufficient quantity lorandite-bearing ore from ore body Crven Dol. In: EMMI Rapid Reaction Task Force (RRTF) - LORandite Experiment (LOREX), 12-13 Dec 2019, Darmstadt, Germany. (Unpublished)

Boev, Blazo and Serafimovski, Todor and Stafilov, Trajče and Lepitkova, Sonja and Tasev, Goran and Boev, Ivan (2019) RIS-RECOVER (HORIZON 2020 Programme Project). [Project] (Unpublished)

Boev, Ivan (2019) Air polution of dust in town of Kavadarci. Determination of phase content by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). In: XII Expert Conference Themed: “Technology of underground and surface mining of mineral raw materials” Podeks - Poveks ’19 , 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Boev, Ivan (2019) Classification of the Volcanic Rocks of Kozuf Mountain. Natural resources and technologies, 23. pp. 23-32. ISSN 185-6966

Boev, Ivan and Boev, Blazo (2019) Chemical composition of the tool used in the exploitation of marble during the Roman Period on the territory of Prilep- Republic of North Macedonia. In: XII Expert Conference Themed: “Technology of underground and surface mining of mineral raw materials” Podeks - Poveks ’19 , 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Boev, Ivan and Mirakovski, Dejan and Lazarova, M and Arianit, Reka and Boev, Blazo (2019) Determination of the presence of nano-plastic in bottled drinking water in the Republic of Macedonia by applying the SEM-EDX method. In: II Kongres geologa Bosne i Hercegovine sa međunarodnim učešćem, 2-4 Oct 2019, Laktaši, BiH.

Boev, Ivan and Mirakovski, Dejan and Lazarova, Maja and Arianit, Reka and Boev, Blazo (2019) Determination of the presence of nano-plastic in bottled drinking water in the Republic of Macedonia by applying the SEM-EDS method. Natural resources and technology, 13. pp. 57-61. ISSN 185-6966

Boev, Ivan and Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Boev, Blazo (2019) Volcanic activity in the Kožuf Mountain area and implications for the distribution of rare earth elements in diatomite and tridymite. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (1). pp. 5-24. ISSN 0352-1206

Brahimaj, Frasher and Dambov, Risto and Brahimaj, Shkurte (2019) Application of the QGIS 3.4 software in drilling and blasting at surface mine in Banja. In: SGEM, 2019, Section Exploration and Mining, 30 June - 06 July 2019, Albena, Bulgaria.

Dambov, Risto and Ivanovski, Dejan and Dambov, Ilija (2019) Примена на машинка „Can-blast“ за машинско полнење на мински дупчотини со патронирани експлозиви. In: XII Strucno sovetuvanje za rudarstvo, PODEX 2019, 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica.

Dambov, Risto and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Stojceski, Igor (2019) Компаративно техно-економска анализа при кроење на мермерни блокови. Подекс – Повекс ’19. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-65530-5-0

Delipetrev, Marjan and Doneva, Blagica and Dimov, Gorgi and Panov, Zoran and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Filipovski, Robert (2019) Проценка на ризик на работно место – геофизичар при истражување на минерални суровини. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Delipetrev, Marjan and Panov, Zoran and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Filipovski, Robert and Zendelska, Afrodita and Lazarova, Maja (2019) Risk assessment method for the operator of the machine for deep pit and geological exploration drilling. In: Proceedings of the XV-th International conference of the open and underwater mining of minerals, 03-07 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria.

Demjanski, Kiril and Efnusev, Ljupce and Doneva, Blagica (2019) The stability of the working and finishing slopes in the coal mine "Brod-Gneotino" at the municipality of Novaci. In: XVInternational Conference of the Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, 3-7 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria.

Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Panov, Zoran and Adjiski, Vancho (2019) The impact of the old mining works in Bentomak mine - Kriva Palanka on the construction of the road infrastructure. In: 7th International Symposium "Mining and environmental protection", 25-28 Sept 2019, Vrdnik, Serbia.

Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Дизајн на мебел. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 684.4:7.05(075.8). ISBN 978-608-244-630-1

Dimov, Gorgi and Doneva, Blagica and Mircovski, Vojo and Delipetrev, Marjan (2019) Геомеханички карактеристики на глината од наоѓалиштето „Градец” – Виница и нејзина примена. In: XII Стручно советување: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини, 1-3 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Djordjevic, Tamara and Kolitsch, Uwe and Serafimovski, Todor and Tasev, Goran and Boev, Blazo and Stoger-Pollach, Michael (2019) Arsenic in roméite-group minerals formed by weathering of realgar-rich tailings (Lojane mine, North Macedonia). 9th European Conference on Mineralogy and Spectroscopy, 1 (1). p. 18.

Djordjevic, Tamara and Kolitsch, Uwe and Serafimovski, Todor and Tasev, Goran and Stoger-Pollach, Michael and Boev, Blazo (2019) A case study of realgar and stibnite weathering in an iron-deficient environment: the abandoned Lojane flotation tailings dump, North Macedonia. Goldschmidt 2019, 1 (1). p. 539.

Djordjevic, Tamara and Kolitsch, Uwe and Serafimovski, Todor and Tasev, Goran and Tepe, Nathalie and Stoger-Pollach, Michael and Hofmann, Thilo and Boev, Blazo (2019) Mineralogy and weathering of realgar-rich tailings at a former As-Sb-Cr mine at Lojane, North Macedonia. The Canadian Mineralogist, 57. pp. 1-21. ISSN 1499-1276

Domazetovska, Simona and Anachkova , Maja and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Gavrilovski, Viktor (2019) Analysis of noise impact in urban areas. In: OSH Priority, 9-12 Oct 2019, Ohrid.

Doneva, Nikolinka and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2019) Analysis of required construction time for drift in rock type – lead and zink ore. Natural resources and technology, 13 (13). pp. 5-9. ISSN 185-6966

Doneva, Blagica and Delipetrev, Marjan and Dimov, Gorgi (2019) Корелација на пресметаната и филтрираната карта на гравиметриското влијание на мохо дисконтинуитетот. Natural Resources and Technologies, 13 (13). pp. 33-40. ISSN 185-6966

Doneva, Blagica and Dimov, Gorgi and Efnusev, Ljupce and Delipetrev, Marjan (2019) Геоелектрични методи за истражување на подземни води. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Doneva, Blagica and Tomova, Iva and Dimov, Gorgi and Delipetrev, Marjan (2019) Geophysical and geotechnical explorations on the fortress Isar – Štip. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (2). pp. 147-158. ISSN 0352-1206

Doneva, Nikolinka and Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2019) Two parametric functional dependents of time for construction of horizontal mining facilities in gneiss and schist. Podzemni radovi (34). pp. 1-9. ISSN YU 03542904

Efnusev, Ljupce and Demjanski, Kiril and Doneva, Blagica (2019) New open pit for exploitation of mineral raw material architectural decorative stone - marble, locality "Samarnica 2", village Nebregovo, Municipality of Dolneni and Municipality of Prilep. In: XV International Conference of the Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, 3-7 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria.

Filipovski, Atanas and Gigovski, Vlatko and Mijoski, Goran and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) Состоjбата на сообраќајната бучава на две делници од автопатот А-2A (E-65) Скопје-Тетово и предлог мерки за заштита. In: First Macedonian Road Congress, 7-8 Nov 2019, Skopje, Macedonia.

Frasher, Brahimaj and Dambov, Risto (2019) The optimal parameters determination of drilling in the Kosovo motorway project in Bellanica. In: XV International Conference of the Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, 03-06 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria .

Frasher, Brahimaj and Dambov, Risto and Brahimaj, Shkurte (2019) The contour blasting aplication in the Kosovo motorway project in Bellanica. In: XV International Conference of the Open and Underwater Mining of Minerals, 3-7 June 2019, Varna, Bulgaria.

Gjorgjiev, Lazar and Rogan Šmuc, Nastja and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Dolenec, Tadej (2019) Contribution to the widening and confirmation of the mineral association in the Borov Dol ore deposit, based on SEM analysis. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (2). pp. 99-109. ISSN 0352-1206

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Armenska, Branka (2019) Идејно решение и оправданост за изведба на еднолентна кружна крстосница во Берово. In: First Macedonian Road Congress, 7-8 Nov 2019, Skopje, Macedonia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Dimov, Gorgi and Armenska, Branka (2019) Примена на кружни крстосници како современи решенија врз безбедноста во сообраќајот. In: First Macedonian Road Congress, 7-8 Nov 2019, Skopje, Macedonia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Dimov, Gorgi and Micova, Marija (2019) Звучните бариери како мерка за заштита од сообраќајната бучава. In: First Macedonian Road Congress, 7-8 Nov 2019, Skopje, Macedonia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Dimov, Gorgi and Zlatanov, Nikola (2019) Procedures for dimension of flexible road constructions. Knowledge – International Journal, Vol 30 (No 3 ). pp. 625-630. ISSN 2545-4439

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Ivanovski, Nikola (2019) Aerodromes in Republic of North Macedonia. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 31 (3). pp. 711-718. ISSN 2545-4439

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Odjakov, Ferdinand and Ivanovski, Nikola (2019) Implementation of performance based navigation approaches in Republic of North Macedonia. In: XIX Međunarodno savjetovanje pod nazivom „Inovativnost i istraživanje u funkciji tehničko-tehnoloških promjena u saobraćaju, ekologiji i logistici“, 07-08 June 2019, Travnik, BiH.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage (2019) Challenges of local self-government for the reduction of natural catastrophe in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: 12th Crisis Management Days, 27-29 May 2019, Šibenik, Croatia.

Golomeov, Blagoj and Golomeova, Mirjana and Zendelska, Afrodita (2019) Оскултација – техничко набљудување на хидројаловиште. Natural resources and technology, 13 (13). pp. 11-16. ISSN 185-6966

Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Bakreska Kormushoska, Natasa (2019) Environmental and occupational noise management process in cement industry. Safety Ingeenering, 9 (1). pp. 7-12. ISSN 2217-7124

Iceva, Ana and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Universal design for contemporary concepts. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.

Ivanovski, Dejan and Mijalkovski, Stojance and Gocevski, Borce and Stoilovski, Stojne (2019) Примена на телескопски лафет во рудникот за олово и цинк „Саса”. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Jancev, Mitko and Boev, Ivan and Stojanovska, Zdenka and Boev, Blazo (2019) Characterization of phosphogypsum from dumps of Veles phosphate fertilizer factory (North Macedonia) and environmental implications. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (2). pp. 111-124. ISSN 0352-1206

Jovanovski, Gligor and Boev, Blazo and Makreski, Petre and Stafilov, Trajče and Boev, Ivan (2019) Intriguing minerals: lorandite, TlAsS2, a geochemical detector of solar neutrinos. ChemTexts, 5 (12). ISSN 2199-3793

Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Panov, Zoran and Popovski, Risto and Murtanovski, Pece and Stoilkov, Aleksandar and Jovanova, Maja (2019) Tехноекономска анализа на подготовка и имплементација на подземната гасификација во рудниците за јаглен. Зборник на трудови „Природни ресурси и технологии" на Факултет за природни и технички науки. ISSN 185-6966

Lepitkova, Sonja and Trpeski, Vlatko (2019) Европски предизвици за искористување на милта/тињата од индустриски процеси и заштита на животната средина. In: Podeks-Poveks'19, Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Manasievska, Ankica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Interior textile – employment in space. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.

Melfos, Vasilios and Voudouris, Panagiotis and Serafimovski, Todor and Tasev, Goran (2019) Fluid Inclusions at the Plavica Au-Ag-Cu Telescoped Porphyry–Epithermal System, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Geosciences, 9 (2/88). pp. 1-18. ISSN 2076-3263

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Adjiski, Vancho and Doneva, Nikolinka (2019) Моделски испитувања за одредување на искористувањето и осиромашувањето на рудата. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Adjiski, Vancho and Doneva, Nikolinka (2019) Development of the underground exploitation of metalic mineral resources in Republic of Macedonia. In: 19th conference with international participation “Waste Management – GzO’19 Urban Mining” and 14th conference with international participation “46th Jump over the Leather Skin”, 12-13 Apr 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Mirakovski, Dejan and Boev, Blazo and Boev, Ivan and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Zendelska, Afrodita and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena (2019) Wintertime urban air pollution in Macedonia – composition and source contribution of air particulate matter. In: 18th World Clean Air Congress 2019, 23-27 Sept 2019, Istanbul, Turkey.

Mirakovski, Dejan and Boev, Blazo and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Ivan and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2019) Asbestos in air – sampling and SEM analysys. In: OSH Priority, 9-12 Oct 2019, Ohrid.

Mircovski, Vojo and Mihajlovski, Stojan and Stefanova, Violeta and Dimov, Gorgi (2019) Хидрогеолошки истражувања во Асанлиско Поле во близина на Дојранското Езеро. In: Podeks-Poveks'19, 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Mircovski, Vojo and Stefanova, Violeta (2019) Preventive measures for water protection of pollution from the catchment of the River Gradechka – Vinica. In: “1st Scientific Conference for "Critical environmental issues of the Western Balkan Countries”.

Miteva, Pamela and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Feng-shui and landscaping. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.

Namicev, Petar (2019) Просторни концепти во културата. [Teaching Resource]

Namicev, Petar and Doneva, Tatjana (2019) The impact on the development of the tapped furniture on the design and the materials of the modern furniture. Journal of Process Management - New Technologies, 7 (1). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2334-735X

Namicev, Petar and Namiceva, Ekaterina (2019) House of Shtip, The traditional architecture in Shtip from XIXth and the early XXth century. Project Report. Petar Namicev, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.

Namicev, Petar and Namiceva, Jasminka (2019) The Porch -spatial synthesis of the house in Strumica area. Зборник-Едиција научни собири, 3 (3). pp. 205-219. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4845-05-8

Namicev, Petar and Petrovski, Mihail (2019) Wood as a primary selection of material for furniture production. Journal of Process Management - New Technologies, 7 (4). pp. 6-12. ISSN 2334-735X

Namicev, Petar and Petrovski, Mihail (2019) The impact of the application of wood on the technological preparation for furniture manufacturing. Journal of Process Management - New Technologies, 7 (3). pp. 1-9. ISSN 2334-735X

Namicev, Petar and Tasevska, Viktorija (2019) Specifications of eco-materials and their influence in the design of modern furniture. Journal of Process Management - New Technologies, 7 (1). pp. 12-20. ISSN 2334-735X

Namiceva, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2019) Virtual Reality as a Method of Promoting Architectural Cultural Heritage and Cultural Memory. Palimpsest International Journal for Linguistic, Literary and Cultural Research, 4 (8). pp. 113-122. ISSN 2545-3998

Namiceva, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2019) The traditional architecture in region of Veles from the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th centuries. Patrimonium.MK - Periodical for Cultural Heritage - Monuments, Restoration, Museums, 12 (17). pp. 316-338. ISSN 1857-9612

Panov, Zoran and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Popovski, Risto (2019) Approach towards optimising on truck transport during surface exploitation on metals in function of minimising the costs of exploitation. In: Waste Management - GzO'19 Urban Mining, 12-13 Аpril 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Reka, Arianit and Pavlovski, Blagoj and Ademi, Egzon and Jashari, Ahmed and Boev, Blazo and Boev, Ivan and Makreski, Petre (2019) Effect of Thermal Treatment of Trepel at Temperature Range 800-1200˚C. Open Chem (Impact Factor 2018: 1.512 / 5-year Impact Factor: 1.599), 17. pp. 1235-1243.

Reka, Arianit and Pavlovski, Blagoj and Lisichkov, Kiril and Jasharia, Ahmed and Boev, Blazo and Boev, Ivan and Lazarova, Maja and Eskizeybek, Volkan and Orald, Ayhan and Jovanovski, Gligor and Makreski, Petre (2019) Chemical, mineralogical and structural features of native and expanded perlite from Macedonia. Geologia Croatica, Journal of the Croatian Geological Survey and the Croatian Geological Society, 72 (3). pp. 215-221. ISSN 1333-4875

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Ентериер и екстериер. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје. ISBN 978-608-244-631-8

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Art principles in park art as a factor for street landscaping in cites. IXth International scientific conference оn architecture and civil engineering ArCivE . ISSN 2367-7252

Serafimovski, Todor and Boev, Blazo and Stafilov, Trajče and Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Boev, Ivan (2019) RIS-CuRE: Zero waste recovery of copper tailings in the ESEE region (HORIZON 2020 Programme Project). [Project] (Unpublished)

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Robeva-Čukovska, Lidija (2019) Preliminary investigations of paragonite in marbles from Sivec, North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (1). pp. 53-59. ISSN 0352-1206

Spasov, Hristijan and Spasov, Mire and Gjorgoski, Icko and Ademi, Majlinda (2019) The diagnosis of Phleum Pratense as alergogen on the immune system in white laboratory rat. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Spasov, Mire and Gjorgoski, Icko (2019) The diagnosis of Daucus Carota as alergogen on the immune system in white laboratory rat. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers. ISSN 2545-4439

Spasovski, Orce (2019) Пробна експлоатација при геолошко истражување на наоѓалишта на архитектинско градежен камен. In: Podeks-Poveks'19, Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Spiroski, Darko and Krakutovski, Zoran and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2019) Процена на екстерните транспортни трошоци за патната инфраструктура. In: First Macedonian Road Congress, 7-8 Nov 2019, Skopje, Macedonia.

Stefanova, Violeta and Serafimovski, Todor (2019) Placer gold prospection in Suševska River, Suševo Village, North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 33 (1). pp. 39-51. ISSN 0352-1206

Stojanova, Violeta and Petrov, Gose (2019) Paleogene micro-and nannofossil assemblages from the Obleševo site in Kočani valley, Republic of North Macedonia. In: National Conference “Geosciences-2019” with International Participation sciences 2019, 6-7 Dec 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Stojanova, Violeta and Petrov, Gose and Stefanova, Violeta (2019) Lithostratigraphic characteristics of oligocene sediments in Kočani valley, Republic of Macedonia. In: XII Стручно советување од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација (Подекс-Повекс 2019), 01-03 Nov 2019, Strumica, Macedonia.

Stojanovska, Zdenka and Boev, Blazo and Ristova, Mimoza and Boev, Ivan and Ajka, Sorsa and Zunic, Zora S. and Ivanova, Kremena (2019) Risk assessment resulting from radionuclides in soils of the Republic of Macedonia. Contributions, Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, MASA - Dedicated to academician Gjorgji Filipovski on the occasion of his 100th birthday, 40 (2). pp. 161-168. ISSN 1857–9949

Stojanovska, Zdenka and Boev, Blazo and Zunic, Zora S. and Ivanova, Kremena and Ajka, Sorsa and Boev, Ivan and Curguz, Zoran and Kolarz, Predrag (2019) Factors Affecting Indoor Radon Variations: A Case Study in Schools of Eastern Macedonia. Romanian Journal of Physics, 64 (1-2). Art. No.-801. ISSN 1221-146X

Stojceva, Zorica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Combinatorics as a reason for design and constructing using combinatorics. In: Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria.

Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Adjiski, Vancho and Cekerovski, Todor and Serafimovski, Todor (2019) Organization of the access database for the Lojane Sb-As mine waste dump, Republic of North Macedonia. 19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference (SGEM 19), 7 (1). pp. 1003-1010. ISSN 1314-2704

Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Cekerovski, Todor and Konzulov, Gerasim and Serafimovski, Todor (2019) Organization of the access database of the Veles smelting facility area, Republic of North Macedonia. 19 International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference (SGEM 19), 7 (1). pp. 1011-118. ISSN 1314-2704

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