Items where Author is "Petreski, Drage"

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Number of items: 56.


Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Markov, Zoran and Iliev, Viktor (2021) Evaluation of the air pollution impact of heavy goods, diesel driven vehicles, along the A1 highway in North Macedonia. International Journal of Ecosystems and Ecology Science (IJEES), 11 (4). pp. 873-880. ISSN 2224-4980

Iliev, Andrej and Stojovski, Zlatko and Petreski, Drage (2018) Status and challenges on defense reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina for Nato integration. International scientific conference Security system reforms as precondition for Euro-Atlantic integrations 04 - 06 June 2018, Ohrid volume I, I. pp. 129-143. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4828-32-7 (T. 1)

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Trajanovska, Elena and Gjurov, Lazar and Petrovski, Aleksandar (2018) Improved technical characteristics of the MI-8/17 in the Army of FYR Macedonia. Military technical courier, 66 (1). pp. 122-142. ISSN 0042-8469

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Cerimi, Shpejtim (2017) Logistic support in NATO led operations. Contemporary Macedonian Defence – International Scientific Defence, Security and Peace Journal, 17 (33). pp. 87-100. ISSN 1409-8199

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Atila, Ago (2017) Hybrid warfare through the prism of Ukrainian crisis. International scientific conference Security concepts and policies - New generation of risks and threats, II. pp. 103-113. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4828-06-8 (Т. 2)

Petreski, Drage and Pavlovski, Zlatko and Iliev, Andrej (2016) Воената индустрија и незиното влијание врз настаните во светот. Contemporary Macedonian Defense - International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 16 (31). pp. 31-41. ISSN ISSN 1409-8199 e-ISSN 1857-887X

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Gjurov, Lazar and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Petreska, Aleksandra (2016) Expert system for managing logistic processes. Military technical courier, 64 (3). pp. 850-865. ISSN 0042-8469

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Velkovski, Aco (2016) Status and challenges of the defense reforms in the republic of Serbia for Euro-Atlantic integration. International Scientific Conference: Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime, 30-31 May 2016, Ohrid, 1 (1). ISSN ISBN 978-608-4532-94-1 (Т. 1)

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Velkovski, Aco (2015) Regional cooperation council of the SEE countries and the needs for defense reforms in the Republic of Montenegro for Euro-Atlantic integration. International scientific conference researching security: approaches, concepts and policies 2 - 3 June 2015 Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia Volume III Skopje, 2015, 3 (3). pp. 241-265. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4532-81-1 (т.3)

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Petreska, Aleksandra (2015) Introduction of the unified communications and information system E-112. Military technical courier , 63 (2). pp. 131-145. ISSN 0042-8469

Iliev, Andrej and Maksimova, Elena and Petreski, Drage (2015) USSR- China relations in the Cold and post Cold war era. Wulfenia Journal, 22 (3). pp. 313-326. ISSN 1561-882X

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Gjurov, Lazar and Petreska, Aleksandra (2014) Logistics supply chain and their application. Military technical courier, 62 (4). pp. 104-119. ISSN 0042-8469

Petreski, Drage and Smileski, Rose and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Gjozo, Kemo (2013) Трговија со конвенционалното оружје како глобален предизвик. Современа македонска одбрана. pp. 75-84.

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Gjurcevski, Dragan (2013) Euro-Atlantic integration in SEE trough regional cooperation. Changes in the global society. pp. 509-518. ISSN 978-608-4574-59-0

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Petreski, Drage (2013) Cyber Terrorism– Global Security Threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defense - International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 13 (24). pp. 59-73. ISSN 1409-8199

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Petrovski, Aleksandar (2012) NATO in planning process of modern operations and recommendations to the R. Macedonia as its actor. Contemporary Macedonian Defence – International Scientific Defence, Security and Peace Journal. pp. 24-31. ISSN 978-9989-2851-1-0

Petreski, Drage and Rajkovcevski, Rade (2012) Arms trade - Between the globalisation, security strategies, conflicts and profit. NBP – Journal of Criminalistics and Law. pp. 89-105.

Nikolov, Elenior and Popovski, Orce and Smileski, Rose and Petreski, Drage (2012) Principles of multi risk assessment. Proceedings od International Scientific Conference “Faces of the Crisis”, Skopje 2012. pp. 226-235.

Iliev, Andrej and Petrovski, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2011) Компаративна анализа на безбедносната соработка во Европа и во Пацифик-Азија. Contemporary Macedonian Defence – International Scientific Defence, Security and Peace Journal (22). pp. 33-43. ISSN 1409-8199

Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Dimitrovski, Dame (2011) Компјутерски дизајн на клипови со мала тежина со примена на Алгор - ФЕА систем. National Journal: Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Petreski, Drage and Dimitrievski, Ljupce and Nikolov, Elenior (2011) Теоретско-аналитички осврт на одржувањето на неборбените моторни возила во АРМ. National Journal: Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Petreski, Drage and Dimitrievski, Ljupce and Nikolov, Elenior (2011) Теоретско-аналитички осврт на одржувањето на неборбените моторни возила во АРМ. National Journal, Modern Macedonian Defense, 12 (21).

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Iliev, Andrej and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2011) Dynamic investigation of pressure activated firing pin for mine-explosive devices. Proceedings of 4th Balkan Mining Congress, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Dojcinovski, Metodija and Petreski, Drage and Gjozo, Kemo (2010) Самоубиствените напади-новото лице на тероризмот. Современа македонска одбрана. pp. 85-98. ISSN 1409-8199

Petreski, Drage and Smileski, Rose and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2010) Трговија со конвенционалното оружје како глобален предизвик. Современа македонска одбрана. pp. 75-84. ISSN 1409-8199

Dojcinovski, Metodija and Petreski, Drage and Gjozo, Kemo (2010) Самоубиствените напади-новото лице на тероризмот. Современа македонска одбрана. pp. 85-97. ISSN 1409-8199

Petreski, Drage and Smileski, Rose and Babamov, Nake (2004) Карактеристики на современите хаубици. Современа македонска одбрана (10). pp. 145-159.

Petreski, Drage and Babamov, Nake and Smileski, Rose (2002) Нов метод за динамичко испитување на запалки за противтенковски мини. Зборник на трудови од 8-ми симпозиум за теоретска и применета механика, Скопје, 3-5 Oct 2002. pp. 105-111.

Petreski, Drage and Babamov, Nake and Smileski, Rose (2002) Воспоставување критериуми за испитување запалки за противтенковски мини. Зборник на трудови од „Прв симпозиум од областа на експлозивните материи, вооружувањето и воената технологија“, Охрид 2002. pp. 395-403.

Conference or Workshop Item

Manev, Nikola and Dimitrovski, Dame and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage and Markov, Zoran (2021) Evaluation of the air pollution impact of the heavy goods, diesel vehicles along, the A1 highway in North Macedonia. In: International Conference of Ecosystems (ICE2021), 4-6 June 2021, Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage (2019) Challenges of the local government for reduction of natural catastrophic in Republic of Macedonia. In: 12-th International scientific conference - conference proceedings, 27-29 May 2019.

Iliev, Andrej and Hasik, Faruk and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2019) Comparative analysis of system for crisis management on Republic of North Macedonia with crisis management system on Republic of Croatia. In: 12-th International scientific conference - conference proceedings, 27-29 May 2019, Velika Gorica, Republic of Croatia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan and Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage (2019) Challenges of local self-government for the reduction of natural catastrophe in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: 12th Crisis Management Days, 27-29 May 2019, Šibenik, Croatia.

Iliev, Andrej and Hasic, Faruk and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2019) Comparative analysis of the system for Crisis management on Republic of Macedonia with Crisis management system on Republic of Croatia. In: 12th Crisis Management Day, 27-29 May 2019, Šibenik, Croatia.

Petreski, Drage and Veljovski, Gjorgji and Iliev, Andrej (2017) Тhe changing role of the Еuropean militaries in handling the migrant crisis: the adaptability of the Мacedonian army. In: Contemporary concepts of crisis management, 14-16 Dec 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Velkovski, Aco and Hasic, Faruk (2016) Challenges and prevention from Chemical terrorism. In: 24-th International Congress of Chemists and techologists of Macedonia, Ohrid.

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Hasic, Faruk and Velkovski, Aco (2016) Historical development and protection measures from Hydrogen bombs. In: 24-th International Congress of Chemists and techologists of Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Taneski, Nenad and Iliev, Andrej (2014) Delivery of weapons in developing countries. In: Fourth international scientific conference: „The science and the social development", 09 May 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Gjurcevski, Dragan and Dencevski, Trajce (2014) Evolutionary development of NATO ISAF mission and its future implications for global security. In: Fourth international scientific conference: „The science and the social development“, 09 May 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Tameski, Nenad and Petreski, Drage (2013) Damage assessment natural and other disasters – Floods. In: International sciantic conference: Changes in global society, 06 - 07 June 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2013) Conflicts – between challenges and interests. In: International sciantic conference: Changes in global society, 06 - 07 June 2013, Skopje, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej (2013) Security challenges in the region. In: 4th International Conference Multiculturalism and contemporary society, Legal and Business Academic Studies dr Lazar Vrkatic, 1 March 2013, Novi Sad, Serbia.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej (2013) Security challenges in the region. In: IV-th International conference: Multiculturalism and contemporary society, 01 March 2013, Novi Sad, Republic of Serbia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej (2013) Recommendations for better crisis management system in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Dani kriznog upravljanja, 28-29 May 2013, Zagreb, Croatia.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej (2012) Evolution and prevention of weapons for mass destruction. In: 22nd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Society of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 05-09 Sept 2012, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Taneski, Nenad and Cikarski, Zoran (2012) Chronological development of post-conflict peace building. In: Operations for post-conflict peace building, 12 July 2012, Krivolak, Republic of Macedonia.

Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Taneski, Nenad (2012) Retrospective of the stages of post-conflict peace building. In: Operations for post-conflict peace building.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Bogdanoski, Marjan and Nikolov, Elenior and Petreski, Drage (2012) Сајбер нападите како најсовремени закани врз воените операции и критичната инфраструктура. In: Научно – стручна конференција MILCON’12, 14 May 2012, Скопје, Р. Македонија.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Gјozo, Kemo (2012) Реформите во безбедносниот сектор во функција на мирот и перспективата на Македонија и непосредното опкружување. In: Меѓународна научна конференција за безбедност, 2012, Европски универзитет, Скопје.

Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Gjurov, Lazar (2011) Globalization processes, security and security perspectives in the region. In: International scientific conference security in the Post-Conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kuzev, Stojan and Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage (2011) The use of Multi-criteria analyses for the security needs of Republic of Macedonia. In: International scientific conference security in the Post-Conflict (Western) Balkans: Transition and challenges faced by the Republic of Macedonia, 27-28 Mаy 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Petreski, Drage and Nikolov, Elenior and Iliev, Andrej and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2011) Dynamic Investigation of Pressure Activated Firing Pin for Mine-Explosive Devices. In: 4th Balkan Mining Congress, 18–20 Oct 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Glavinov, Aleksandar and Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Ilievski, Jance and Petreska, Liljana (2011) Quality management of food security in civilian and military organizations. In: EHEDG World Congress on Hygienic Engineering and Design 2011 – Macedonia, 22-24 Sept 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Defense R&D management influence on the security of Republic of Macedonia. In: Conference for Security, Ecological Security, and Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia, 17-18 Sept 2010, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Влијание на менаџментот на развојот и истражувањето во одбраната врз безбедноста на Република Македонија. In: Конференција за безбедност, еколошка безбедност и предизвиците на Република Македонија, 17-18 Sept 2010, Охрид, Р. Македонија.

Nikolov, Elenior and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Contev, Robertino and Petreski, Drage (2010) Impact of management development and research on defense in safety of the Рepublic of Macedonia. In: Conference for Security, Ecological Security, and Challenges of the Republic of Macedonia, 17-18 Sept 2010, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

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