Items where Author is "Sandeva, Vaska"
Sandeva, Vaska (2024) Елементи на проектирање. In: Елементи на проектирање. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2024) Инфинити. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2024) Avant-Garde Movement in Landscape Design. International Journal of Art and Design, 1 (1). pp. 1-11. ISSN 2955-2400
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2024) The Influence of German Modernism in Macedonia. International Journal of Art and Design, 1 (1). pp. 39-47. ISSN 2955-2400
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2024) Integration of biophilic design in landscape architecture. In: Scientific Committee for the Conference on Green Urbanism (GU) -8th Edition, 07-09 Oct 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2024) Transformation of landscape design – high line of the avant-garde. In: Scientific Committee for the conference on Green Urbanism (GU) -8th Edition, 07-09 Oct 2024, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy.
Despot, Katerina and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Sandeva, Vaska (2023) The role of artificial intelligence in automotive design. Knowledge – International Journal, 61 (3). pp. 423-429. ISSN 2545-4439
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2023) Biophilic design in landscape architecture and interior architecture. Knowledge – International Journal, 61 (3). ISSN 2545-4439
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) Application of industrial and post-industrial style – interior and exterior. 32 International conference for young scientis. ISSN 1314-4669
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) Geomorphological Phenomenon Markovi Kuli - Prilep. Подекс - Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. pp. 250-257. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-65530-7-4
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The green system and the connection with the street network. 32International Conference Younger Scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) The influence of composition in geoparks. Подекс - Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. pp. 258-266. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-65530-7-4
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) The art in the development of modern park composition. 32 International conference management and quality. ISSN 2603-4395
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The two pages of the beauty in the design. 32 International conference management and quality. ISSN 2603-4395
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) Геоморфолошки феномен Маркови Кули - Прилеп. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество Подекс - Повекс ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) Влијанието на композицијата во геопарковите. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество Подекс - Повекс ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.
Nikolovska, Vladica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The importance of architectural accessibility in modern society. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1857-6966
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2022) Композиција во дизајнот. Univerzitet Goce Delcev - Stip.
Dimitrijeva-Kuzmanoska, Vanga and Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Efremov, Jordan and Golomeova, Saska and Zhezhova, Silvana and Jordeva, Sonja and Ristova, Elvira and Bojadziska, Slavica and Slavkova, Emilija and Gjorgjieva, lidija and Mirceska, Natasa and Angelinova-Dimitrova, Penka and Dimitrova Evtimova, Maria and Onteva, Maria and Badea, Corina and Hagi, Emil and Nanusevski Filipovic, Nadica and Janakieska, Danica and Golant, Natalia and Dimitrijeva-Mastev, Marina (2022) Preservation of local craft traditions at the international level and integrations into new tehnologies and process of recycling and apllications in modern and functional design. [Project]
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2022) Решенија на проблемите за улично озеленување. Roads - Патишта.
Sandeva, Vaska (2022) Планирање и одржување на зелените површини. UGD, Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-934-0
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2022) Botanical Parks and Gardens. In: Managment and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2022) Designer - Composition – Design. In: International conference for young scientist.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2022) Landscaping of the street network and environmental protection in urban infrastructure planning. Natural Resources and Technologies. ISSN 1857-6966
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2022) Style Accent in the Interior. In: Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2022) The introduction of the industrial design on public objects. In: International conference for young scientist.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2022) The relationship between street network, composition and street landscaping. Second Macedonian Road Congress 3-4 Nov 2022. ISSN 978-608-66946-1-6
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2021) Научно културните средби „Десет дена Крушевска Република" 2021. [Show/Exhibition]
Risteski, Sanja and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2021) Видео перформанс - Помеѓу личноста и просторот (не)време. [Video]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2021) Еклектични изохипси. [Show/Exhibition]
Jakimovska, Jana and Miloseski, Slobodan and Despot, Katerina and Efremov, Jordan and Dimitrijeva, Vanga and Sandeva, Vaska and Namicev, Petar and Risteski, Sanja (2021) Културното наследство низ призма на ликовната дејност - изложба. [Show/Exhibition]
Sandeva, Vaska (2021) Историја и теорија на пејзажната архитектура. In: Историја и теорија на пејзажната архитектура. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-828-2
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2021) Development of park art in North Macedonia. 29 International Scientific Conference. pp. 108-113. ISSN 2603-4395
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2021) Elements of the introduction to dissertation research. 29 International Scientific Conference. pp. 180-181. ISSN 2603-4395
Demirdjiev, Martin and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2021) Scandinavian design in children's environment. 29 International Scientific Conference. pp. 100-104. ISSN 2603-4395
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2021) The light and the shadow in the park composition. 29 International Scientific Conference. ISSN 2603-4395
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2020) Пејзажни фрагменти. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Minova, Anja (2020) Combinatory is received for design and furniture construction. Journal of Textile, apparel and leather technologies, 7 (7). pp. 172-175. ISSN 2535-0447
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Vasilev, Miroslav (2020) Color as One of the Supporting Elements of Training in Minimalism. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2 (15). pp. 316-319. ISSN 1844-8933
Krstev, Krasimir and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2020) Education in Synthesis of the Furniture and Art. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2 (15). pp. 231-236. ISSN 1844-8933
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Shivaceva, Galya (2020) Learning of Modern Interiors with Eclectic Movements. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Virtual Learning, 2 (15). pp. 242-246. ISSN 1844-8933
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2020) Човек и пејзажни принципи. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Концепти за урбани пејзажи. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Дизајн на мебел. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 684.4:7.05(075.8). ISBN 978-608-244-630-1
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Ентериер и екстериер. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје. ISBN 978-608-244-631-8
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Еко-црвена линија. [Show/Exhibition]
Velkova, Angelina and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Application of multi functional furniture in the public space. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Art principles in park art as a factor for street landscaping in cites. IXth International scientific conference оn architecture and civil engineering ArCivE . ISSN 2367-7252
Stojceva, Zorica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Combinatorics as a reason for design and constructing using combinatorics. In: Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria.
Antonova, Pale and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Creativity and harmony with materials in office space. In: Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Eko Furniture Design. Natural Resources and Technology, 13 (13). ISSN 185-6966
Miteva, Pamela and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Feng-shui and landscaping. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Manasievska, Ankica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Interior textile – employment in space. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Velkova, Angelina and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Multi functional furniture in the overcrowded living area. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Despot, Katerina and Namicev, Petar and Sandeva, Vaska and Namiceva, Ekaterina (2019) Problems and features of sitting sites in the medicines of musics of living instruments. IXth International scientific conference оn architecture and civil engineering ArCivE . ISSN 2367-7252
Despotoski, David and Vasic, Toni and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Role of graphic design in correlation with industrial design - product. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 7 (3). pp. 164-174. ISSN 1314-9253
Despotoski, David and Vasic, Toni and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) Role of graphic design in correlation with industrial design-product. Innovation and entrepreneurship, 7 (3). ISSN 1314-9253
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Vasilev, Miroslav (2019) Specific Opportunities for Visualization a Reason for Modern Interior Design Education. Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality. ISSN 1844-8933
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Vasilev, Miroslav (2019) Specific opportunities for visualization a reason for modern interior design education. Virtual learning – virtual reality. ISSN 1844-8933
Iceva, Ana and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2019) Universal design for contemporary concepts. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Adramanova, Ana Marija and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2019) The chair important functional element in the space. In: 28th International conference for students and young scientists.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2018) Не-дефиниран урбанизам. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2018) Ecological and aesthetic parameters of park art as a factor for street landscaping in cities. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 6 (3). pp. 154-166. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Zlatev, Zlatin (2018) Education influence of artistic elements and principles on the street network. International Conference on Virtual Learning.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2018) Influence of park art on the development of modern park composition. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 6 (2). pp. 105-117. ISSN 1314-9253
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2018) Professional - artistic exhibition, Undefined space. [Show/Exhibition]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2018) Textile applied element in the interior. Spisanie za tekstil, obleka, koza i tehnologija. ISSN 2535-0447
Asenov, Georgi and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) Избор на тема на дисертациионото изследване. XXVI International conference "Management and quality" for young scientists '2014. ISSN 1314-4669
Mihov, Miho and Georgieva, Krasimira and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolov, Minko (2017) Изводи и препоръки за теорията и практиката. XXVI International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Application and transformation of traditional forms in contemporary interiors. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 5 (2). ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) Articular principles as a strong street factor. Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 1314-9253
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Bionika concept for design of furniture. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 5 (2). pp. 89-95. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Veselinova, Tamara (2017) Chaos as Art principle - Reason for Composition Imbalance. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference On Virtual Learning . ISSN 1844-8933
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Characteristics of ancient furniture correlated with Scandinavian modernism. Innovation and entrepreneurship, 5 (3). ISSN 1314-9253
Asenov, Gorgi and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) Choosing the topic for doctoral study. XXVI International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) Creativity development concept in industrial design. Innovation and entrepreneurship, 5 (3). ISSN 1314-9253
Mihov, Miho and Georgieva, Krasimira and Nikolov, Minko and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Derivatives and recommendations for theory and practice. XXVI International conference "Management and quality" for young scientists '2014. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) Graphic line as composer of forms in interior and exterior design. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 5 (2). ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Harmony of furniture with matter of tradition. Innovation and entrepreneurship, 5 (1). pp. 21-30. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Dzingo, Aleksandar (2017) Landscape considerations. [Show/Exhibition]
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) One line with respect to the industrial design and its psychological representation in green areas. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 5 (2). ISSN 1314-9253
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2017) Similarities and differences between design and artwork. The 12th International Conference on Virtual Learning Virtual Learning – Virtual Reality. ISSN 1844-8933
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2017) The effect of lighting exterior and interior design. Innovation and entrepreneurship, 5 (1). pp. 10-21. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Hadzi - Nikolova Malashev, Gordana (2017) The influence of park art in the development of the composition of memorial parks. Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship. ISSN 1314-9253
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Пространство и композиция в ентериерниот и екстериерниот дизайн. XXV International conference management and quality for young scientists 2016. ISSN 978-619-160-679-5
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Space, composition, vertical wall ... XXV International conference management and quality for young scientists 2016. ISSN 978-619-160-679-5
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2016) Архитектонски завеси во простор причина за драматичност во простор. First International Scientific Conference, FILKO, Philology, Culture and Education. pp. 817-825. ISSN 978-608-244-308-9
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Application of clean geometric indoors. XVIII International Scientific Conference, Managment and Sustainable Development. ISSN 1311-4506
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Application of industrial design in green areas. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 4 (1). pp. 79-87. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Application of optical illusion of modern interior and exterior. XVIII International Scientific Conference, Managment and Sustainable Development. ISSN 1311-4506
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Stevcheva, Sanja (2016) Description botanical park in the world. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2016) Fluency of English art on exterior and interior. XVIII International Scientific Conference, Managment and Sustainable Development. ISSN 1311-4506
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Fractals one reason and basis of design. XXV International Conference for Young Scientists 2016. pp. 269-274.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Colakov, Dejan (2016) Role and place of roof gardens in the composition of landscaping. XXV International Conference for Young Scientists 2016. pp. 263-269.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Colakov, Dejan (2016) Roof gardens as landscaping in modern times. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2016) Simetral balance minimalist kitchen. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4 (4). pp. 21-32. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2016) Texture as a means of reorganization of space. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 4 (4). pp. 12-21. ISSN 1314-9253
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2016) Tuscany style in interior and exterior. XVIII International Scientific Conference, Managment and Sustainable Development. ISSN 1311-4506
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2016) The modern style in interior and exterior. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 4 (1). pp. 72-79. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) Composition of futurism in landscape architecture. 15th International Scientific Conference VSU 2015, 3 (3). pp. 23-28. ISSN 1314-071X
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) Design as mediator between the form and the reality of the user. 15th International Scientific Conference VSU 2015, 3 (3). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1314-071X
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Modern trends of the 21st country way of looking at the design during adolescence. 15th International Scientific Conference VSU 2015, 3 (3). pp. 28-34. ISSN 1314-071X
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Movement and rhythm in indoor and outdoor space indoor. 15th International Scientific Conference VSU 2015, 3 (3). pp. 15-21. ISSN 1314-071X
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Stevceva, Sanja (2015) Application of water surfaces in landscape architecture. In: XXIV International scientific conference Management and Quality, May 2015, Ruse, Bulgaria.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Artistic elements as the tools in the textile surfaces and upholstered furniture. In: XXIV International scientific conference Management and Quality, May 2015, Ruse, Bulgaria.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Colakov, Dejan (2015) Light perspective in the park areas. In: XXIV International scientific conference Management and Quality, May 2015, Ruse, Bulgaria.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) The point witch connects the designer and viewer. In: XXIV International scientific conference Management and Quality, May 2015, Ruse, Bulgaria.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) Color as winner of emotions and how building block design. Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 357-367. ISSN 185-6966
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) Impact of water in designing landscape. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies, Trakia University, 3 (3). pp. 275-281. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Industrial design in contemporary Scandinavian modernisam housing. Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, 9 (1). pp. 367-377. ISSN 185-6966
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2015) Land Art – Аrt of Landscape. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies, Trakia University, 3 (4). pp. 358-364. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Lighting as melodies residential objects. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies, Trakia University, 3 (4). pp. 364-373. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2015) Mediterranean in design interior and exterior. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies, Trakia University, 3 (3). pp. 281-290. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2014) Application country style in modern interior and exterior. 14th International Scientific Conference Sofia Bulgaria, 1. pp. 65-70. ISSN 1314-071X
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Influence of Japanese trends on the concept for minimalist gardens. 14th International Scientific Conference VSU 2014, 1. pp. 59-65. ISSN 1314-071X
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2014) Историја на пејзажната архитектура - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Индустриски дизајн -рецензирана скрипта. [Teaching Resource]
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Теорија на композиција во пејзажната архитектура. Национална и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје 712.4(075.8) . ISBN 978-608-244-056-9
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Art decorative appearance of children park. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 2 (4). pp. 393-400. ISSN 1314-8796
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Basic structure of chair - DNA on a chair. XХIII International conference for young scientists '2014. pp. 18-30. ISSN 1314-4669
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Bionics in industrial design. Journal of the Faculty of Technics and Technologies, 2 (3). pp. 309-316. ISSN 1314-8788 (print), 1314-8796 (online)
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2014) Combinatorics networks based on solution compositional symmetry with in the park. XXIII International conference "Management and quality" for young scientists '2014. pp. 95-104. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Veselinova, Tamara (2014) Innovative concept spatial volume in historic buildings. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 2 (4). pp. 400-408. ISSN 1314-8796
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Simovski, Bojan and Acevski, Jane (2014) Planning of urban green areas of Štip. International Scientific Journal, 44. pp. 31-33. ISSN 1857-9507
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Petrovik, Vladica (2014) Radial symetry base for decorative design. XXIII International Conference for Young Scientists 2014. pp. 31-42. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2014) Role of industrial design in the process of product development. Applied Researches in Technics, Technologies and Education, 2 (3). pp. 300-309. ISSN 1314-8796
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2014) Texture - a tendency to contemporary interiors. XXIII International conference "Management and quality" for young scientists '2014. pp. 105-113. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Simovski, Bojan (2014) The main function of plant design of parks and gardens. International Scientific Journal, 44. pp. 34-39. ISSN 1857-9507
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) Urban exterior graphical design in botanical garden. International Conference on Technics, Technologies and Education 2013.
Namicev, Petar and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Application of symmetry in the traditional architecture of the 19th and early 20th century in Macedonia. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namicev, Petar (2013) Decorative design in contemporary interior inspired by the carpets of the 19th century in Ohrid. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Modern style furniture and glass as part of the everyday interior. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Old Ohrid features - inspiration for contemporary exterior. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namicev, Petar (2013) Radiator as a sculptural form in the bathroom (Inspiration for creating and developing the heating element in the bathroom is a form of plant origin - Dandelion). In: XXII International Scientific Conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namicev, Petar (2013) Space – intеrior and exterior. In: XXII International Scientific Conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Status, problems and trends to address green space in Skopje, Macedonia. Landscape transformations of the post-communist countries an international interdisciplinary conference.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) Using sculpture, principle of common links between art and park. Landscape transformations of the post-communist countres an international interdisciplinary conference.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) External and internal spatial composition of the church of St. Blagoveshtenie - Prilep, Macedonia. International conference on technics, technologies and education ICTTE 2013. pp. 414-420. ISSN 1314-9474
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Water as a component in the formation of the composition of the park. Internacional conference on technics, technologies and education ICTTE 2013, 4. pp. 414-421. ISSN 1314-9474
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Bosilanova, Kaliopi (2013) Architecture ornaments – inspiration for contemporary interiors. XXII International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namicev, Petar and Ignatov, Aleksandar (2013) Being the corresponding accents of red in one interior and one exterior as. XXII International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Namicev, Petar and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) Chardak-universal functional space in a traditional house from the 19th and the beginning of 20th century in Republic of Macedonia. XXII International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namicev, Petar (2013) Use of kitchen colors (the example of a kitchen laboratory). XXII International scientific conference for young scientists. ISSN 1314-4669
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Composition of vertical gardens. XV International scientific conference on management and sustainable development.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) Decorative designs in interiors and exteriors. Natural Resources and Technologies, 7 (7). ISSN 185-6966
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2013) Illumination in residential interiors – emotional effects. Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria. ISSN 1312 - 8027
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Process design (exterior – interior design). Union of Quality Experts in Bulgaria. ISSN 1312 - 8027
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2013) Use of artistic principles exterior and interior design (examples of unity and contrast). Natural Resources and Technologies, 7 (7). ISSN 185-6966
Galev, Emil and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2012) Aesthetic evaluation of forest landscapes within the training and experimental forest range (TEFR) Yundola, R. Bulgaria. UKiM FoF Forest Review XLIII .
Tasev, Gorgi and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2012) Структура и елементи на увода на дисертационно изследване. In: XXI International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Tasev, Gorgi and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2012) Полезни препоръки при защита на дисертация. In: XXI International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana (2012) Analysis of the composition and decorative monumental sculpture in the park "Mogila" – Prilep. Natural resources and technology.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana and Atanasov, Ivica (2012) Artistic perception angle between unpaid domestic sanitary landfills children. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska (2012) Conceptual – composite decision of botanical garden (city of Strumica, Republic of Macedonia. In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Mitev, Trajce (2012) Constructive and shape-forming specifications on Macedonian traditional architecture. In: XXI International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Galev, Emil and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Acevski, Jane and Simovski, Bojan (2012) Creating a database for the dendrarium using remote sensing and GIS technologies – examples of experimental forest department “Petrohan”, R. Bulgaria. UKiM FoF Forest Review XLIII.
Mitanoska, Ana and Dimoska, Aleksandra and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2012) Evaluation and improvement on bicycle-friendly environment in the urban city center in a developed country (the case of Sapporo, Japan). In: XXII International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2012) Influence of park Mogila, city of Prilep - a tool for sustainable development of tourism. XIV International scientific conference on Management and Sustainable Development.
Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana and Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Mitev, Trajce (2012) Integration of architectural design in the landscape. In: XXI International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana (2012) Profession of landscape architects – situation in the Republic of Macedonia and some neighboring countries. XXII International Conference for Young Researchers.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2012) Sustainable development of green areas the city of Skopje, R. Macedonia. XIV International scientific conference on Management and Sustainable Development.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Atanasov, Ivica (2012) The presence of a common link between artistic expression and garden. Compositional solution botanical garden Strumica. Natural resources and technology.
Sandeva, Vaska and Kovacev, Atanas (2011) Development of green system in the city of Skopje, R. Macedonia according to bio-environmental elements. Jubilee Scientific Conference 60 years specialty landscape architecture. pp. 154-158. ISSN 978-954-90425-6-6
Sandeva, Vaska and Kovacev, Atanas (2011) Forecasting varieties for green system development in city of Skopje, R. Macedonia. Jubilee Scientific Conference 60 years specialty landscape architecture. pp. 150-154. ISSN 978-954-90425-6-6
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2011) Attempt to “ecologically” zoning in the city of Skopje, Macedonia degree of auspiciousness. In: XX International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Dimoska, Aleksandra and Mitanoska, Ana and Sandeva, Vaska (2011) Concept of designing energy efficient residential building following the principles of passive house. Natural resources and technology.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2011) Interdependence of the green system to the verious functional system of the urban area (housing, work, recreation, technical infastructure) the city of Skopje, R. Macedonia. In: XX International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Donev, Aleksandar (2011) Perception and psychology of colors and their application in design. In: XX International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2011) The quality of green areas and a comparison between environmental factors and the effectiveness of existing green areas of the city of Skopje, Macedonia. Union of quality experts in Bulgaria. pp. 49-56. ISSN 1312 - 8027
Sandeva, Vaska (2009) Development of green system of the city of Skopje Republic of Macedonia - structural and environmental aspects. PhD thesis, Forestry University Sofia, R. Bulgaria.
Sandeva, Vaska (2009) Historical development and modern condition of the green areas in the city of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. Годишниот зборник на Земјоделскиот факултет.
Sandeva, Vaska (2008) Contemporary issues in the development of green system (the example of the capital Skopje, Republic of Macedonia). In: XVII-th International scientific conference Management and Quality.
Sandeva, Vaska (2005) Mountain holiday resort "Ponikva" mountain Osogovo. Masters thesis, University of Forestry in Sofia.