Items where Division is "Faculty of Educational Science" and Year is 2020

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 85.


Barbareev, Kiril and Pandiloska Grncarovska, Svetlana (2020) Current Conditions and Challenges of the System of Education and Professional Development of Preschool Teachers. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 25 (6). pp. 53-57. ISSN 2279-0837

Bujar, Adili (2020) Culturally Diverse Gifted Students – a brief overview of multicultural education context in Macedonia. Conference proceedings: Gifted and talented creators of the progress (2). pp. 325-336. ISSN 376.54(063) 159.928.22:37.015(063)

Butusova, Natalija and Stojkov, Stojko (2020) Subjective and objective in the national self-identification of Macedonians in Bulgaria. Balkan Social Science Review, 16. pp. 227-245. ISSN 1857-8772

Cackov, Oliver (2020) Брегалничката голгота. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 8. pp. 29-35. ISSN 1409-9187

Cackov, Oliver (2020) Како да им се доближиме и да ги зачувме историските спомeници на културата во Источна Македонија. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 9. pp. 67-74. ISSN 1409-9187

Cackov, Oliver and Pasterk, Olivera (2020) The text method in the history teaching reveals new knowledce and truths. Vospitanie, 11 (15). ISSN 1857-5331

Dimitrova, Marijana and Smilkov, Nikola and Popeska, Biljana and Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2020) Улогата на универзитетот и предизвиците во образованието на возрасни и доживотно учење. Годишен зборник на Факултетот за образовни науки , 8. pp. 21-27. ISSN 1409-9187

Hmelak, Maja and Lepičnik Vodopivec, Jurka and Barbareev, Kiril (2020) Interculturalism from the perspective of pedagogics and integration in preschool with emphasis on cooperation with parents. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 33 (1). ISSN 1848-9664

Jankova Alagjozovska, Natka (2020) Интеркултурна компетенција - неопходна компонента за изучување странски јазици. Knowledge –International Journal, 42 (2). pp. 383-389.

Josimovska, Elena and Josimovska, Verica (2020) Театарските активности во Штип пред изведбата на првата опера во Македонија во 1925 година. Театарски гласник (94/95). pp. 55-59. ISSN 0351-9600

Josimovska, Verica (2020) Austro-Hungarian Military Reports in Mirzsteg Reforms in Macedonia. Review of the Institute of History and Archaeology, RIHA, 7 (1). pp. 38-46. ISSN 2671-3144/e: 2671-3152

Josimovska, Verica (2020) Научните концепции на д-р Андрија Штампар за организација на медицинската служба во Кралството на СХС. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences, IX (9). pp. 61-66. ISSN 1409-9187

Josimovska, Verica (2020) An active with crtical thinking student and individual efforts -a necessity in modern history teaching. Воспитание - списание за образовна теорија и практика, 11 (15). pp. 181-184. ISSN 1857-5331

Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Модели на наставна работа. Годишен зборник на Факултетот за образовни науки, 9. pp. 23-35. ISSN 1409-9187

Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Motivation to learn during pandemic. Vospitanie - Journal of educational sciences, theory and practice, 11 (15). pp. 217-223. ISSN 1857-8705

Kitanova, Irena (2020) Active listening in the educational practice - conditions and problems. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38.2. pp. 395-399. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X

Kitanova, Irena (2020) How active hearing is necessary in the teaching process. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38.2. pp. 453-457. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X

Koceva, Daniela (2020) Инсталирањето на Исламот на тлото на Европа и новиот свет низ призмата на имиграцијата. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences. ISSN 1409-9187

Koceva, Daniela (2020) Review of policies and models for the integration of minority groups in multicultural societies. Vospitanie - Journal of educational sciences, theory and practice. ISSN 1857-8705

Koceva, Daniela (2020) Секуларизацијата и сакрализацијата во современото oпштество. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences. ISSN 1409-9187

Koceva, Daniela and Baruti, Shukrije and Mirascieva, Snezana (2020) Јазикoт и говорот во функција на општествена и индивидуална адаптација. Conference proceedings, Fifth International Scientific Conference "Filko" - Philology, Culture and Education. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-787-2

Koceva, Daniela and Mirascieva, Snezana (2020) Рефлексијата на одделни телевизиски содржини и појавата на насилство кај децата. Conference proceedings, Fifth International Scientific Conference "Filko" - Philology, Culture and Education. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-787-2

Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Kirova, Snezana and Ristov, Lidija (2020) Фразеологизмите од бајките во наставата по странски јазик. Годишен зборник на Факултетот за образовни науки. pp. 75-82. ISSN 1409-9187

Mileva, Eleonora and Ivanova, Veselina and Popeska, Biljana and Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2020) Comparative Analyses of Primary School Teachers` Satisfaction with the Profession in Bulgaria and Macedonia. Research in Kinesiology, 48 (1-2). pp. 31-34. ISSN 1857- 7679

Mirascieva, Snezana (2020) Учебникот – нов предизвик на медиумската дидактика. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences. ISSN 1409-9187

Mirascieva, Snezana (2020) Didactic aspects in distance teaching. Vospitanie - Journal of educational sciences, theory and practice. ISSN 1857-8705

Mirascieva, Snezana (2020) The didactic function of information technology in the educational process. Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences. ISSN 1409-9187

Mirascieva, Snezana and Risovski, Zoran (2020) Social media and social interaction to young people. Vospitanie - Journal of educational sciences, theory and practice. ISSN 1857-8705

Mitevska Petruseva, Katerina and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Monitoring and Evaluating the Educational Role of the Teachers in Developing Students Personality. International Journal of Education & Phylology, 1 (1). pp. 54-63.

Mitevski, Orce and Popeska, Biljana and Mitevska Petruseva, Katerina (2020) The motivation for academic work of student – future physical education teachers. New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences, 7 (3). pp. 200-209. ISSN 2547-8818

Mo Ching Mok, Magdalena and Chin, Ming-Kai and Korcz, Agata and Popeska, Biljana and Edington.R, Christopher and Sacli Uzunoz, Fatma and Podnar, Hrvoje and Coetzee, Dane and Georgescu, Luminita and Emeljanovas, Arunas and Pasic, Milan and Balasekaran, Govindasamy and Anderson, Elizabeth and Durstin.J., Larry (2020) Brain Breaks®Physical Activity Solutions in the Classroom and on Attitudes toward Physical Activity: A Randomized Controlled Trial among Primary Students from Eight Countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (5). pp. 2-11. ISSN 1660-4601

Nacev, Trajce and Veselinov, Dragan (2020) Процена на загрозеност од елементарни непогоди кај христијанските верски храмови во Општина Штип. Зборник на трудови од Седмиот меѓународен симпозиум Денови на Јустинијан I.

Nikolovska, Violeta (2020) А камоли... имплицитна негација со градација. Македонски јазик. ISSN 0025-1089

Petrovska, Sonja and Adili, Bujar (2020) The intercultural sensitivity of the primary school teachers in the Republic of North Macedonia. Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 11 (15). pp. 20-30. ISSN 1857-5331 / 1857-8705 (Online)

Popeska, Biljana and Mitevski, Orce and Mitevska Petruseva, Katerina and Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2020) Different Teaching Strategies and Methods Applied at PHE Classes - Experiences of Classroom Teachers. Research in Physical Education, Sport and Health, 9 (1). pp. 225-232. ISSN 1857-8160

Salija, Bangoi and Emilija, Petrova Gjorgjeva (2020) Comparison of student’s position at school in the past and nowadays. Воспитание / Vospitanie - Journal of Educational Sciences, Theory and Practice.

Salija, Bangoji (2020) Standards in the Teaching Profession. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).

Salija, Bangoji (2020) Student Involvement in School Work. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR).

Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Oppinions of students for their sport activity during Covid-19 pandemic – case of students from teaching faculty in Stip. Pedagogy, 92 (7s). pp. 220-231.

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2020) Образование по Кембриџ – поблиску или подалеку од учениците? Yearbook, Faculty of Educational Sciences, 9 (9). pp. 5-22. ISSN 1409-9187

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2020) Why do children spend less time in the natural environment? Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 11 (15). pp. 131-143.

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Kirova, Snezana (2020) Teacher – manager in creating environmental culture of primary education students through integrating ecological contents into EFL/ESL teaching. Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, 11 (15). pp. 153-157.

Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Stavreva, Anastasija (2020) The impact of the usage of web animation in teaching molecular and cellular biology. Journal of Educational Sciences Theory and Practice, Vol. 1 (15). pp. 116-130.

Stojkov, Stojko (2020) From ‘Nations’ to ‘Archontias’ (II) Terms ‘Sclavinia’ and ‘Sclavoarchontia’ and Incorporation of Balkan Slavs in Byzantium. Slověne, International journal of Slavic studies, 9 (2). pp. 7-37. ISSN 2305-6754

Stojkov, Stojko (2020) The impact of the Policies of the Great Powers on the Emergence and Development of Balkan Nati. Review of Institute of History and Archeology, 7 (1). pp. 68-81.

Stojkov, Stojkov (2020) From ‘Nations’ to ‘Archontias’ (I) ‘Sclavinia’ and ‘Sclavoarchontia’: Terms and Chronology. Slověne, International journal of Slavic studies , 9 (2). pp. 7-28. ISSN 2305-6754

Temjanovski, Riste and Popeska, Biljana (2020) The potential of cycling tourism to promote healthy lifestyle habits. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 6 (11). pp. 79-88. ISSN 1857-9787

Tevdovski, Ljuben and Masalkovski, Ile (2020) Classicism and orientalism in the light of the new globalization theories. Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, 6 (3). pp. 123-136. ISSN 1857 - 9760

Tevdovski, Ljuben and Masalkovski, Ile (2020) The quest for unity - owning or sharing the traditions of the classical world. Horisons, International Scientific Journal - Social Sciences and Humanities, 27. pp. 119-133. ISSN 1857-9884

Book Section

Cackov, Oliver (2020) Педагошки факултет, Факултет за образовни науки (1995-2020). In: Педагошки факултет, Факултет за образовни науки (1995-2020). Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Штип . ISBN 978-608-244-776-6

Memeti, Memet and Damovska, Lena and Mirascieva, Snezana and Atanasovska, Tatijana and Muhikj, Maja and Kochoska, Jasminka and Koceva, Daniela and Ahmeti, Kustrim and Tasevska, Alma (2020) Multicultural education: Concepts and Methods Handbook. In: Multicultural education, Concepts and Methods: Handbook. Centre for Balkan Cooperation, LOJA. ISBN 978-608-66247-2-9

Nikolovska, Violeta (2020) Јазик и јазици: социолингвистички аспекти на постоењето на јазикот / апологија на постоењето на еден јазик. In: Погледи за македонскиот јазик. Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“, МАНУ; Совет за македонски јазик, Филолошки факултет „Блаже Конески“, pp. 425-435.

Popeska, Biljana and Klincarov, Ilija and Malcev, Marjan and Malcev, Ivan (2020) Physical education and sport and Universities in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: Physical Education in Universities Researches - Best Practices - Situation. Slovak Scientific Society for Physical Education and Sport and FIEP, Bratislava, pp. 347-356. ISBN 978-80-89075-91-1

Popeska, Biljana and Tufekcievski, Aleksandar and Aceski, Aleksandar (2020) Physical Education and School Sport in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: Research on Physical Education and School Sport in Europe. Meyer & Meyer Verlag, Aachen, Aachen, Germany, pp. 333-360. ISBN 978-3-8403-7539-2

Stojanov, Trajce (2020) Философија во руската литература: Гогољ, Достоевски, Толстој. In: Testamonia Philosophica. Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ Филозофски факултет – Скопје Институт за филозофија, pp. 269-289.

Stojkov, Stojko (2020) Persecution of “Non-Existent”: Repression of Macedonians in Bulgaria during the Communist Period (1944 – 1989). In: Macedonia & its Questions. Studies on Language and Culture in Central and Eastern Europe (34). Peter Lang, Berlin, pp. 205-255. ISBN 978-3-631-81911-1

Tevdovski, Ljuben (2020) The Beauty of the Oikumene Has Two Edges: Nurturing Roman Imperialism in the “Glocalizing” Traditions of the East. In: Community and Identity at the Edges of the Classical World. Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 7-28.


Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Kitanova, Irena and Koceva, Daniela and Josimovska, Verica and Cackov, Oliver and Stojanov, Trajce (2020) Педагошки факултет, Факултет за образовни науки (1995-2020). Documentation. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип.

Conference or Workshop Item

Barbareev, Kiril and Nikova-Cingulovska, Zorica (2020) Swedish preschool curriculum (Skolverket) as a model in the preschool education system. In: Vospitanie - Online, 2020, Stip.

Ignatov, Georgi and Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Leisure Time Activities of Students During Covid 19 Pandemic – Opinions of Students from Teaching Faculties in Bulgaria and Macedonia. In: 23th Symposium on Sports and Physical Education of Youth, 2-3 Oct 2020, Ohrid, Macedonia. (In Press)

Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Popeska, Biljana and Smilkov, Nikola (2020) Intercultural Sensitivity Among Students - Future Teachers. In: 1st International Scientific Conference on Multicultural Education, 2-4 Dec 2020, Tetovo, North Macedonia. (Submitted)

Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Smilkov, Nikola and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Teaching Methodics During Covid 19 Pandemic - Experiences in Methodics of Art, Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Physical Education from Faculty of Educational Sciences in Stip. In: Международна научна конференция в рамките на Климентовите дни в Алма Матер „Измерения на компетентността“, 3-5 Dec 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria. (Submitted)

Mitevski, Orce and Popeska, Biljana and Mitevska Petruseva, Katerina and Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2020) Different teaching strategies and methods applied at the classes –experiences of classroom teachers. In: 4th International Scientific Virtual Conference in Physical Education, Sports and Health, 4- 5 June 2020, Skopje. (Submitted)

Nacev, Trajce and Veselinov, Dragan (2020) Процена на загрозеност од елементарни непогоди кај христијанските храмови во Општина Карбинци. In: Четиринаесети Цар-Шишманови дни в Самоков.

Nikolovska, Violeta (2020) Јазична (не)писменост. In: Македонскиот јазик - извор на филолошки и културолошки истражувања..

Nikolovska, Violeta (2020) Концептите дома и граница од семантички, социолошки и аксиолошки аспект. In: Македонскиот јазик - извор на научни истражувања (дома и надвор), 20 и 21 октомври 2020, Институт за македонски јазик „Крсте Мисирков“ - Скопје. (In Press)

Popeska, Biljana and Sivevska, Despina (2020) The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the Leisure Time Activities and Personal Development of the Students of Faculty of Educational Sciences. In: Modern tendencies in Physical education and sport, 6 Nov 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Popeska, Biljana and Sivevska, Despina (2020) The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the leisure time activity and personal development of the students of Faculty of Educational Sciences. In: The ХІІ International Scientific Conference in Alma Mater, Sofia Modern Trends of Physical Education and Sport, 6 Nov 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana (2020) Leisure time of students – future teachers during Covid 19 pandemic. In: Тhe 4rd International Symposium of Silkroad Academic Studies, 17-18 December 2020, Cappadocia, Turkey. (In Press)

Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana and Ristova, Cvetanka (2020) Интерес на студентите за вклучување во активности на отворено. In: Трета меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век“, 13 Nov 2020, Stip, R.N. Macedonia.

Stojanov, Trajce (2020) The Devil`s trade: Transcendence of Freedom for the Immanence of Security. In: Felix Romuliana, 28-30 Aug 2020, Serbia.

Stojanov, Trajce and Donev, Dejan (2020) Possibility of having (bio)ethical education in high schools and faculties in Macedonia. In: Osječki dani bioetike, 06-08 Nov 2018, Osijek.

Yaneva, Anzelina and Popeska, Biljana and Barbareev, Kiril and Barbareev , Vanco (2020) Interests of University Students from Bulgaria and Macedonia for Participation in Health Enhancing Physical Activity. In: 23th Symposium on Sports and Physical Education of Youth, 2-3 Oct 2020, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Submitted)


Cepreganov, Todor and Dzingo, Teon and Josimovska, Verica and Cackov, Oliver and Nikolova, Sonja (2020) Македонскиот национален идентитет во британската и американската дипломатска и разузнавачка кореспонденција (1919-1945). Принт фактори, Скопје, Република Македонија. ISBN 978-608-245-540-2


Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrovska, Sonja and Koceva, Daniela (2020) Универзитетски курикулум за интеркултурна работа со млади. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce (2020) Археолошка проспекција со примена на геофизика на археолошки факултет Исар - Марвинци. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce (2020) Извештај за Пештера „Топлата“, клисура Пешти, река Бабуна, Велес Сондажни археолошки ископувања. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce (2020) Конзерваторско реставраторски работи на објект Полукружен плоштад на археолошкиот локалитет Стоби во 2020. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce (2020) Проект Североисточната граница помеѓу Пајонија и Тракија до крајот на 6 век пред нашата ера. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce and Pavlov, Goce (2020) Конзервацијата и реставрацијата на супструкцијата од источната половина на summa cavea на театарот во Стоби. [Project]

Nacev, Trajce and Stojanovski, Darko (2020) Палеолитот во Источна Македонија, археолошко истражување на локалитетот Узун Мера, село Мустафино 2020. [Project]

Stojanov, Trajce (2020) Форум: Млади, семејство, деца/Форум «Молодежь.Семья.Дети. [Project] (In Press)

Teaching Resource

Josimovska, Verica and Cepreganov, Todor (2020) Македонците во рамките на балканските земји меѓу двете светски војни. [Teaching Resource]

Josimovska, Verica and Cepreganov, Todor (2020) Македонците во рамките на балканските земји меѓу двете светски војни- Практикум. [Teaching Resource]


Yaneva, Anzhelina and Baca, Arnold and Barbareev, Kiril and Popeska, Biljana and Guðmundsdóttir, Margret Lilja and Tumanova, Boryana and Dobiasch, Martin and Kornfield, Filip and Elenurm, Eero and Finnbjörnsson, Thorvald and Dancs, Henriette and Liira, Rasmus and Stoyanova, Elitca and Lukanova, Valeria and Hristova, Petya and Kazandzieva, Kristiana and Hristova, Daniela and Prokopov, Ivailo and Ivanov, Darry (2020) Guide for Physical Activity Through Innovative Technologies. University Publishing House "St. Kliment Ohridski" Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 21:00:38 2025 UTC.