Items where Division is "Faculty of Educational Science" and Year is 2011
Apostolov, Mico (2011) Corporate Governance in Macedonia - Micro and Macro Analysis. Risk Governance and Control - Financial Markets and Institutions, 1 (1). pp. 124-134. ISSN 2077-4303
Cackov, Oliver (2011) Климент Охридски -првиот словенски просветител и уцител на македонскиот народ. Годишен зборник на Факултет за образовни науки. pp. 39-43. ISSN 1409-9187
Cackov, Oliver (2011) Јосиф Ковачев - ученик и учител. Годишен зборник на ИНИСА, 2 (1). pp. 151-153. ISSN 1857-7342
Cackov, Oliver (2011) Јосиф Ковачев ученик и учител. Годишен зборник Институт за историја и археологија, 2. pp. 151-155. ISSN 1857-7342
Daskalovska, Nina and Ivanovska, Biljana (2011) Information Technology and Learning Styles. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Dimova, Violeta and Celik, Mahmut (2011) The Method of Aesthetic Communication, a Basis for the Communication: Student - Literary Work – Teacher. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Filov, Kire (2011) Развојот на просветната дејност во Штип пред, за време и по Јосиф Ковачев. Godisen zbornik na INISA, Univerzitet „Goce Delcev"-Stip. pp. 179-183. ISSN 1857-7342
Gacov, Sanja (2011) Семејството како клучен фактор во работата на современото училиште. Yearbook, Faculty of Philology, University "Goce Delcev"-Stip, 2 (2). pp. 203-210. ISSN 1857-7059
Hristovska, Dijana and Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2011) Computer information technology in the function of permanent high quality informal education of the teachers. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28. pp. 573-578.
Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2011) The Need of Integration New E-Methods in the Learning of the Subject Musical Education in the Republic of Macedonia. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Josimovska, Verica (2011) Делата на Јосиф Ковачев и времето во кое ги создаваше. Годишен зборник - Институт за историја и археологија, 2 (1). pp. 175-178. ISSN 1857-8802
Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Hristovska, Dijana (2011) Contemporary teacher and core competences for lifelong learning. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 28. pp. 573-578.
Kitanov, Blaze (2011) The Profession – Teacher and the Modern Society. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 57-59. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Koceva, Daniela (2011) Social changes, education and educational policy. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education (Ohrid, 29. IX - 1. X 2011.) Book of proceedings. pp. 97-101. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Kuzmanovska, Daniela (2011) Social Changes, Education and Educational Policy. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Kuzmanovska, Dragana and Petkovska, Biljana and Nicheva, Vesna (2011) Professional Retraining and Supplementary Education for Information Society. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 135-138. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Leontik, Marija (2011) The Upbringing Dimension of the Educational Institutions. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 237-241. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Miloseva, Lence (2011) Interpersonal and Cognitive Factors Associated with Adolescent Depressive Symptomatology. CD proceedings 15 th European Conference on Developmental Psychology. PSIII.77.
Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) Професионалното развитие на възпитателите от детските градини в Република Македония - проблеми и перспективи -. Съвременни тенденции в предучилищното възпитание, 2. pp. 8-12. ISSN 978-954-395--061-4
Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) Didactical principles in the teaching and education for human relations. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15. pp. 1401-1403. ISSN 1877-0428
Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) For some new Tendency in the Process of Evaluation in Teaching. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 391-396. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) Teaching in the religious education in the Republic of Macedonia today. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Journal. ISSN 1877-0428
Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrovski, Vlado and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Educational institutions, communication with public and quality of the life. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 53-59. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Nasev, Lence (2011) Systematic Teaching in Music Education. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Nikolovska, Violeta (2011) Евалуација и реконструкција. Литературен збор (1-6). pp. 37-43. ISSN 0024-4791
Nikolovska, Violeta (2011) Нормата и македонската наука за јазикот. Јазикот наш денешен, 20. ISSN 978-608-220-018-7
Nikolovska, Violeta (2011) The Predicate-Argument Structures with Prepositional Phrases / Предлозите во предикатско аргументските структури на предикати од втор ред. Folia philologica Macedono-Polonica, 8. pp. 629-639. ISSN 1897-5607
Nikolovska, Violeta (2011) The Role of Media in Linguistic Upbringing and Education. The VI International Balcan Congress for Education and Science: The modern Society and Education. 1251 -1257.
Nikolovski, Zvonimir (2011) Свети Никита и Бесите во светлината на новите проучувања на Кумановската област. Macedoniae acta archaelogica (20). pp. 341-346. ISSN 0350-1639
Nikolovski, Zvonimir (2011) Осврт кон старото рударство и металургија во североисточна Македонија. Музејски гласник 2011, 6. pp. 171-186. ISSN P.P.1-265
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Организираниот педагошки процес влијае на развојот на музикалноста и општиот развој на детето. Годишен зборник 2011, 2 (2). pp. 105-119. ISSN 1857-7296
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Мотивираност на наставникот за самообразование и професионален развој. Педагошка ревија: Научно списание за образовни прашања (1-2). pp. 53-61. ISSN 1857-7105
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Kirova, Snezana (2011) Information-communication technologies in teaching (prerequisites and perspectives). Tehnologija informatika i obrazovanje. pp. 200-207.
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Petrovski, Vlado and Mirascieva, Snezana and Kirova, Snezana (2011) Solving the problem of waste. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences 15 (2011) 1475–1478, 15. pp. 1475-1478.
Petrovska, Sonja (2011) Do our schools need teachers – leaders. Годишен зборник 2011 - Филолошки факултет, УГД - Штип, 2 (2). pp. 159-169. ISSN 1857-7059
Petrovska, Sonja and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Petrovska, Ana (2011) Sоmе characteristics of the development of teachers’ education in the Republic of Macedonia (from School of Teachers' Education to Faculty of Education). Journal of educational theory and practice - Vospitanie, 7 (11). pp. 111-124.
Petrovska, Sonja and Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) Students’ attitudes at the Faculty of Education –Stip towards the model quality for practical qualification of the students/potential teachers. Journal of educational theory and practice - Vospitanie, 7 (11). pp. 81-97.
Petrovski, Vlado (2011) Современите развојни процеси, образованието и вработувањето. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education (1466). pp. 131-134. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Petrovski, Vlado (2011) Contemporary modern industrial societies and the role of education. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2011 (15). pp. 1362-1365. ISSN 1877-0428
Petrovski, Vlado (2011) Modern Development Processes, Education and Employment. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 131-138. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Petrovski, Vlado and Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Современиот образовен менаџмент основа за успешно функционирање на образовните институции. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education (1466). pp. 127-130. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Petrovski, Vlado and Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Multiculturalism, globalization and the implications on education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15 (256). pp. 1366-1371. ISSN 1877-0428
Petrovski, Vlado and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) Modern educational management, a basis for successful functioning of educational institutions. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 127-130. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Popeska, Biljana (2011) Differences in strength performances between groups of 7-year-old male Macedonian students with different levels of explosive strength abilities. Physical education / Tjelesna i zdravstvena kultura. pp. 386-393. ISSN 10:953 - 95082 - 8 - 2
Popeska, Biljana and Stojanova, Biljana and Petruseva, Katerina (2011) Opinions for Teaching Subject Sport and Recreation Determined among Students From Seven Different Faculties at University “Goce Delcev” in Stip. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Sivevska, Despina (2011) Interculturalism and Multiculturalism as Dimensions of the Modern Educational System. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. pp. 171-176. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Sivevska, Despina and Cackov, Oliver (2011) The Willingness of Teachers for Application of Computers in Primary School (I-V Grade). The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) Distribution of lead in the waters, sediment, rice and vegetable crops in the basin of the river Bregalnica. Proceedings, 1. pp. 269-279.
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) How to use an active board in the classroom. Tehnologija, informatika i obrazovanje za društvo učenja i znanja, 1. ISSN 004:502.2
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) Microorganisms -indicators of the level of soil pollution with lead. Proceedings, 1. pp. 279-287.
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement, retention, and attitude among in biology studying. Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences, 4 (1). pp. 175-185. ISSN 1305-905X
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana (2011) Application of Innovative Models in Teaching Methods For Nature and Society Studies and Students' Success. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana and Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Djokic, Milena (2011) The effect of teaching methods on cognitive achievement in biology studying. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15. pp. 2521-2527. ISSN 1877-0428
Stojanova, Biljana and Popeska, Biljana and Pertuseva, Katerina (2011) Differences Among(Between) Male and Female Students at the University “Goce Delcev” in Stip, About There Opinions for Teaching Subject Sport and Recreation. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6
Book Section
Josimovska, Verica (2011) Украинските имигранти во Штип меѓу двете светски војни. In: Украинско-Македонски научен зборник. НАНУ, Национална библиотека на Украина, МАНУ, Киев, pp. 64-72. ISBN 978-966-02-6028-3
Conference or Workshop Item
Avukatova, Milena and Cackova, Milena (2011) The Influence of Family and School Education Students. In: The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Компетенциите како професионален стандард. In: III Symposium of international participation ”Education in 21 century”, 09 Dec 2011, Bitola, Macedonia.
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Key Recommendations of European Institutions and Other International Organizations for Initial Education of Teachers. In: International Congress on the Topic of: “Modern Society and Education”, 30 September – 1 October, 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Модел на иницијално образование и професионален развој на учител/воспитувач Model of Teacher Education and Professional Development of the Teacher / Educator. In: Меѓународен научен симпозиум: Воспитанието и образованието меѓу традиционалното и современото, 22-24 септември 2011, Охрид, Македонија.
Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2011) Instruments and type of instruments that are used for evaluating in the teaching of natural scientific area. In: 14 th International conference, 16-18 June, Belgrade, Serbia.
Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana (2011) Math, natural science and ICT at kindergarten. In: International congress on the topic of “Modern society and education”, 30 September-1 October, 2011, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Kitanova, Irena (2011) Classroom with E-Learning for Gifted Children. In: The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Klincarov, Ilija and Popeska, Biljana (2011) Model for Physical Education Content Standards at Early Stages of Primary Education in the Republic of Macedonia. In: 6 th FIEP European Congress, Physical education in the 21th century - Pupils competencies, 18-21 June 2011, Porec, Croatia.
Miloseva, Lence (2011) Association Between Perfectionism, Test Perfomance, State Positive Affect and Negative Affect After a Classroom Tests. In: The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Miloseva, Lence (2011) The Role of Automatic Thoughts and Tests Anxiety in Adolescents' School Success and Satisfaction. In: The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Miovska-Spaseva, Suzana and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2011) ECTS and the teaching organization in higher education in the Republic of Macedonia: Students’ views. In: Education between Tradition and Modernity, International Symposium, 22-24 Sept 2011, Ohrid.
Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrovski, Vlado and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Educational institutions, communication with public and quality of the life. In: VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education, 29 Sept -1 Oct 2011.
Nikolovska, Violeta (2011) Kirilicata i ekonomskata mokj. In: Megjunarodna konferencija, 2011, Sv. Nikole.
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Bloom's Taxonomy (Classification of cognitive areas – remembering, understanding, applying). In: VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija and Petrovski, Vlado and Mirascieva, Snezana (2011) Bloom‟s Taxonomy (Classification of Cognitive Areas – Analyzing, Creating, Evaluating). In: VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Petrovski, Vlado (2011) Современите развојни процеси, образованието и вработувањето. In: VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education.
Petrovski, Vlado and Mirascieva, Snezana and Petrova Gjorgjeva, Emilija (2011) Современиот образовен менаџмент основа за успешно функционирање на образовните институции. In: VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education, Ohrid.
Popeska, Biljana and Klincarov, Ilija (2011) Relations Between Anthropometric Varilables and Motor Tests Used at 6 Years Old Male Children. In: 6th FIEP European Congress Physical Education in the 21 Century Pupil Competencies, 18-21 June 2011, Porec, Croatia.
Sivevska, Despina and Cackov, Kiril (2011) Application of computers and educational computer software in teaching nature and society. In: 6th International Symposium:Technology, Informatics and Education for Learning and Knowledge Society, 3-5 June 2011, Cacak, Serbia.
Stavreva Veselinovska, Snezana (2011) Children, ICT and the Everyday Nature of Social Exclusion. In: Lifelong Learning, 2011, Saint-Petersburg.
Stojkov, Stojko (2011) "Ниа сме синку християни", "Само и само християни". In: Отец Неофит Рилски. Епохата и наследството му в гр. Мелник, 7-9 Oct 2011, Мелник, Пиринска Македонија, Бугарија. (Submitted)
Filov, Kire (2011) Политичките и економските промени во Штип и Штипско низ архивската документација 1944-1946 година. Национална Установа - Универзитетска библиотека ,,Гоце Делчев" Штип. ISBN 978-9989-147-72-2
Antova, Biljana (2011) Интерперсонални односи во наставата. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Atanasov, Emil (2011) Magic through the Prism of Orthodox Christianity. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Donska, Zagorka (2011) Moral Values in the Teaching Contents of Macedonian Language from fifth to eighth class. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Donski, Aleksandar (2011) The Historical Role of The Religions in the Social Pedagogy. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Gorgev, Nikolce (2011) Historical development of Judaisam. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Ivanova, Sonja (2011) “Managing Human Resources in Modern School“. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Jovanova, Tatjana (2011) Етичкото учење и норми во исламот. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Jovcevska, Vesna (2011) Exposure and Criticizm of the Teaching of Jehova’s Witnesses. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Jovkovska, Aneta (2011) Didactic Aspects of Orthodox Christian Education. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Kamceva, Tanja (2011) Relations of children’s disturbed behavior and conditions for family life. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Koceva, Marija (2011) Models of school discipline in contemporary school. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Kostova, Mima (2011) Comparative review of the measures against deviant and deliquent student behavior in the past and nowadays. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Kukutanov, Riste (2011) Адвентизам. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Mijalov, Julijana (2011) Professional Development of Teachers. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Milanov, Igor (2011) Comparative Perception of ethics of the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Church. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Milanova, Dance (2011) Secularism in the Church Like Modern Ethical Problem. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Mirasciev, Vlatko (2011) Етичките компоненти низ одделни религиски системи со посебен осврт на Будизмот и Христијанството. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Mircovska, Gordana (2011) The family and agressive behavior of the pupils. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Nikolovska, Pavlina (2011) Policy and prevention programs of risky behaviours among studends living in state boarding schools. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Sokolovska, Jasminka (2011) Management of the Library in Modern School. Masters thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Trajkov, Dejan (2011) Good and Evil as Basic Ethical Categories. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Bridging Universities And Businesses For Enhancing Employability Skills For Students Conference on Employability Skills and Challenges of the Labor Market. [Project]
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Building Capacity for Structural Reform in Higher Education of Western Balkan Countries. [Project]
Petrovski, Vlado and Koceva, Daniela (2011) „Толеранција,дијалог,соработка! [Project]
Smilkov, Nikola (2011) More Than Forme -sculptures- -visiting exsibition-. [Show/Exhibition]
Smilkov, Nikola (2011) Second International Ceramic Workshop Datca Turkey. [Show/Exhibition]
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) За Македонија – копчата на светот (2). [Audio]
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Марија Монтесори (Maria Montessori) (1870-1952). [Audio]
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Рудолф Штајнер (Rudolf Steiner) 1861-1925 Валдорфска педагогија. [Audio]
Barbareev, Kiril (2011) Педагошки плурализам и нов учител за новото време. Нова Македонија, Скопје.