Items where Author is "Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela"
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Mitic, Zora (2020) Depression and diabetes. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 38 (4). pp. 837-841. ISSN 2545-4439
Subeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Velikj Stefanovska, Vesna (2019) Lipid profile changes relations to body fat distribution changes determined with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry during the weight loss. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific Papers, 35 (4). pp. 1221-1226. ISSN 2545-4439
Subeska Stratrova, Slavica and Kostovska Srbinovska, Elizabeta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Velikj Stefanovska, Vesna (2019) Body fat distribution changes during weight loss determined by dual-energy x-ray absorptiometric android/gynoid ratios indexes of abdominal obesity. Journal of Macedonian asociation of Phisiologists of Anhtropologigts, 13 (2). pp. 9-19.
Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Estimated central obesity index – worthwhile screening test procedure of abdominal obesity. Knowledge – International Journal, 34 (4). pp. 903-909. ISSN 2545-4439
Pereska, Zanina and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Bekjarovski, Niko and Simonovska, Natasha and Babulovska, Aleksandra (2019) Acute venlafaxine overdose with positive urine immunoassay for tramadol – clinical and diagnostic overlap - case report and literature overview. International Journal Knowledge, 31 (4). pp. 1027-1031. ISSN 1857-923X
Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Body fat distribution and lipid profile changes after weight loss – a case report. International Journal Knowledge, 31 (4). pp. 1071-1076. ISSN 1857-923X
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Plasma cortisol levels in heroin addicts. International Journal Knowledge, 34. (4). pp. 733-737. ISSN 1857-923X
Paneva, Tanja and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2018) Детекција и застапеност на инфекции со Helicobacter pylori во адолесцентна возраст. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип. ISSN 1857-5994
Bliznakovska Stanchev, Dragica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Trajkov, Dejan and Hristomanova Mitkovska, Slavica and Kirijas, Meri and Efinska Mladenovska, Olivija and Sibinovska, Olgica and Petlichkovski, Aleksandar (2015) A case of a ten-year old girl with dominantly inherited Familial Mediterranean fever in Republic of Macedonia. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin, 61 (2) (2). pp. 19-23. ISSN 1409 - 8695
Babinkostova, Zoja and Stefanovski, Branko and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Samardziska, Valentina (2015) Association between Serum Cortisol and DHEA-S Levels and Response to Antipsychotic Treatment in Schizophrenia. Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences, 18. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1857-9655 (online)
Semovski, Samedin and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2015) Аспекти на социјалната медицина во превенција на наркоманијата. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип, 10 (22). pp. 16-17. ISSN 1857-5994
Babinkostova, Zoja and Stefanovski, Branko and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Samardziska, Valentina and Stojanovska, Lila (2015) Serum cortisol and DHEA-S levels in schizophrenic patients with different response to antipsychotic therapy: association with psychopathology. Прилози, Одд. мед. науки, 36 (1). ISSN 1857-9345
Babinkostova, Zoja and Stefanovski, Branko and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Samardziska, Valentina (2015) Serum cortisol in patients with schizophrenia: association with psychopathology and response to antipsychotics. Sylwan Journal. English Edition, 59 (4). pp. 421-434. ISSN 0039-7660
Gorgievski, Borce and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2014) Злоупотреба на супстанции во спортот. Medicus, информативен гласник на јавното здравство - Штип, 9 (21). pp. 29-30. ISSN 1857-5994
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Vujovic, Viktorija and Ignjatova, Liljana and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Chibishev, Andon (2013) Sexual Dysfunction as a Side Effect of Hyperprolactinemia in Methadone Maintenance Therapy. Medical archives, 67 (1). pp. 48-50. ISSN 0350-199
Trajanovska, AS and Vujovic, Viktorija and Ignjatova, Liljana and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Chibishev, Andon (2013) Sexual dysfunction as a side effect of hyperprolactinemia in methadone maintenance therapy. Med Arh, 67 (1).
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Ignjatova, Liljana and Vujovic, Viktorija and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Grozdanovska Naumovska, Mirjana (2012) Clinical implications of prolactine disfunction in men receiving methadone maintenance for opioide dependence. Medicus, 17 (2). pp. 43-47. ISSN 1409-6366
Pereska, Zanina and Bozinovska, Cvetanka and Dimitrovski, Chedo and Cakalarovski, Koco and Chibishev, Andon and Zdravkovska, Milka and Babulovska, Aleksandra and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2012) Heroin Dependence Duration Influences the Metabolic Parameters Mechanisms and Consequences of Impaired Insulin Sensitivity in Hepatitis C Virus Seronegative Heroin Dependents. American Society of Addiction Medicine; J Addict Med, 6 (4). pp. 304-310. ISSN 1935 - 3227
Perevska, Zanina and Bozinovska, Cvetanka and Dimitrovski, Chedo and Cakalarovski, Koco and Chibishev, Andon and Zdravkovska, Milka and Babulovska, Aleksandra and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2012) Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanisms and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents. Journal of Addiction Medicine, 6 (4). pp. 304-310. ISSN 1932-0620
Perevska, Zanina and Bozinovska, Cvetanka and Dimitrovski, Chedo and Cakalarovski, Koco and Chibishev, Andon and Zdravkovska, Milka and Babulovska, Aleksandra and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2012) Heroin dependence duration influences the metabolic parameters: mechanismus and consequences of impaired insulin sensitivity in hepatitis C virus seronegative heroin dependents. J Addict Med, 6 (4). pp. 304-310. ISSN 304-10
Spasovska - Trajanovska, Aneta and Vujovic, Viktorija and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Grozdovska - Naumovska, Mirjana (2012) Сексуална функција кај машки хероински зависници поставени на метадонски третман на одржување. Physioacta, 6 (1). pp. 99-110. ISSN 1857-5587
Spasovska - Trajanovska, Aneta and Vujovic, Viktorija and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2012) Relationship between methadone dose and sexyal dysfunction in methadone maintenance patients. Physioacta, 6 (2). pp. 45-50. ISSN 1857-5587
Conference or Workshop Item
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Gashi, Blerim (2023) Methadone maintenance treatment and Corona virus pandemic. In: 41th International scientific conference – the teacher of the future, 08-11 June 2023, Budva, Montenegro.
Domazetovska, Saska and Miova, Biljana and Vavlukis, Marija and Pereska, Zanina and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2023) Determination of Hsp 70 as one of the important inputs in the detection and definition of the degree of myocardial ischemic events. In: Wordlab Euromedlab Roma 2023, 21-25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Manuseva, Nensi and Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Domazetovska, Saska and Stefanovski, Branko (2023) Insulin resistance in patients with depression before and after treatment. In: WorldLab Euromedlab Roma 2023, 21-25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Domazetovska, Saska and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Pereska, Zanina and Miova, Biljana (2023) Differences in red blood cells distribution (RDW) at patients with ACS. In: WordLab EuromedLab Roma 2023, 21-25 May 2023, Rome, Italy.
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Mitic, Zora (2020) Depression and diabetes. In: 24th International scientific conference: Knowledge without borders, 27 March 2020, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia.
Subeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Velikj Stefanovska, Vesna (2019) Lipid profile changes relations to body fat distribution changes determined with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry during the weight loss. In: 23 th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge without borders, 12-15 Dec 2019, Bansko, Bulgaria.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Domazetovska, Saska and Koloska, Valentina (2019) Dyslipidemic profile relations to insulin resistance. In: 27th Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation Meeting BCLF 2019, 30th National Congress of the Turkish Biochemical Society TBS 2019, 27-31 Oct 2019, Antalya, Turkey.
Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Estimated central obesity index – worthwhile screening test procedure of abdominal obesity. In: Institute of Knowledge Management.
Domazetovska, Saska and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Grozdovska - Naumovska, Mirjana and Koloska, Valentina (2019) Possible input of diabetes and smoking cigarettes in confirmation of AMI diagnosis. In: 27th Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation Meeting BCLF 2019, 30th National Congress of the Turkish Biochemical Society TBS 2019, 27-31 Oct 2019, Antalya, Turkey.
Pereska, Zanina and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Bekjarovski, Niko and Simonovska, Natasa and Babulovska, Aleksandra (2019) Acute venlafaxine overdose with positive urine immunoassay for tramadol – clinical and diagnostic overlap - case report and literature overview. In: 21th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge without borders juni 2019 Budva Montenegro, 07-09 June 2019, Budva Montenegro.
Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Body fat distribution and lipid profile changes after weight loss – a case report. In: 21th International Scientific Conference: Knowledge without borders juni 2019 Budva, Montenegro, 07-09 June 2019, Budva, Montenegro.
Spasovska Trajanovska, Aneta and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2019) Plasma cortisol levels in heroin addicts. In: XX International Scientific Conference: Knowledge without borders, 29 March 2019, Vrnjacka banja, Serbia.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Domazetovska, Saska and Koloska, Valentina and Gorgeska, Biljana (2018) Autoimune antibodies in thyroid diseases. In: Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory - 26, (18, 1), 3-5 Oct 2018, Skopje, Macedonia.
Domazetovska, Saska and Slaveska Raicki, Renata and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2018) Diabetes mellitus treatment, effects and consequences. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.
Koloska, Valentina and Chaloska- Ivanova, Viktorija and Panov, Sašo and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Stojkovski, Velimir and Jankulovski, Nikola (2018) Identification of pre-core and basal core promoter mutants in patients with chronic hepatitis b in the Republic of Macedonia. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Domazetovska, Saska and Kololoska, Valentina (2018) Immunological criteria for the differential diagnosis of thyroid disease. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.
Domazetovska, Saska and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Koloska, Valentina and Miov, Biljana and Chofkarovska, Suzana (2018) Role of standard markers and hsp 70 in diagnostic and prognostic managing of acs. In: The 33rd World Congress of Biomedical Laboratory Science (IFBLS), 22-26 Sept 2018, Firenze, Italy.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Shubeska Stratrova, Slavica and Domazetovska, Saska and Gorgeska, Biljana and Evtimovska, Nina (2017) Anti –tpo and anti-tg antibodies in autoimmune thyroide diseases diagnosis. In: Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 13 June 2017, Athens, Greece.
Nateva, Marina and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2017) Аналитички значај на Ц реактивен протеин. In: 32ри априлски средби.
Drpljanin, Azra and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2016) Evaluation of endocrine function. In: VIти Конгрес на Сојуз на Здруженија на медицински лаборанти и санитарни техничари на Република Македонија.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Stefanovski, Branislav and Babinkostova, Zoja and Domazetovska, Saska (2016) Serum cortisol in patients with schizophrenia. In: 4th Joint EFLM-UEMS Congress “Laboratory Medicine at the Clinical Interface”, Varsava, Poland.
Rendzova, Vasilka and Apostolovska, Silvija and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Eftimovska, Mira and Koloska, Valentina and Ristoska, Sonja (2015) Компарација на физичките и хемиските карактеристики на материјали за директно прекривање на пулпата. In: VII Конгрес на стоматолозите од Mакедонија со меѓународно учество, 11-14 June 2015, Ohrid.
Domazetovska, Saska and Vavlukis, Marija and Petrovska, Emilija and Biljali, Sefedin and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Kuzmanovska, Sonja and Grozdanovska Naumovska, Mirjana (2014) Detection of circulating proteins and markers of oxygen deficit. In: IFCC Worldlab Istanbul 2014, 22-26 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Spasovska-Trajkovska, Aneta and Gün Atak, Palmet and Domazetovska, Saska and Kuzmanovska, Sonja and Petrovska, Emilija (2014) Relationship between plasma cortizol levels and score of depression in heroin addicts of methadone treatment. In: IFCC Worldlab Istanbul 2014, 22-26 June 2014, Istanbul, Turkey.
Meceska-Jovcevska, Jasmina and Subeska-Stratrova, Slavica and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Gruev, Todor (2011) Bone markers CTX and osteocalcin assessment in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis on alendronate treatment. In: IFCC Worldlab Berlin 2011, 15-19 May 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Gruev, Todor and Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Jovcevska-Mecevska, Jasmina and Dimitrov, Saso (2011) Differences in hematology and biochemical parameters in diabetic patients. In: IFCC - Worldlab Berlin 2011, 15-19 May 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Subeska Stratrova, Slavica and Pereska, Zanina and Mecevska Jovcevska, Jasmina (2011) Heroin dependents are insulin resistant. In: IFCC Worldlab Berlin 2011, 15-19 May 2011, Berlin, Germany.
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2023) Основни познавања на лабораториската работа. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-028-4
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2022) Лабораториски анализи за метаболни нарушувања. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-945-6
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela (2021) Работни процеси во медицинска лабораторија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-854-1
Teaching Resource
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Atanasova, Marija (2015) Практикум по клиничка биохемија. [Teaching Resource]
Janikevik Ivanovska, Danijela and Atanasova, Marija (2015) Скрипта по клиничка биохемија. [Teaching Resource]