Items where Division is "Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics" and Year is 2023

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Number of items: 84.


Andreeski, Cvetko and Petrevska, Biljana (2023) Regional Economic Environment: Insights from North Macedonia's Agricultural Sector. European Countryside, 15 (4). pp. 494-507. ISSN 1803-8417

Angelkova, Tanja and Kitanov, Vladimir and Ristova, Cvetanka (2023) Млековод - Уникатна туристичка дестинација во манастир Св. Јоаким Осоговски, Крива Паланка. In: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век“, 19 May 2023, Skopje, RN Macedonia.

Angelkova, Tanja and Ristova, Cvetanka (2023) Специфични видови на туризам. In: Специфични видови на туризам. University "Goce Delcev" Stip. ISBN 978-608-277-006-2

Asani, Agim and Sazdova, Julijana and Antonievski, Goran (2023) Вонпансионската туристичка понуда на угостителските објекти во Полошкиот регион. Sixth International Scientific Conference: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-891-6


Bardarova, Snezana and Serafimova, Mimoza and Miteva, Natasa (2023) Legal regulation and general overview of e-commerce in the Republic of North Macedona. In: Sixth International Scientific Conference: Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2023«, 19 May 2023, Skopje.

Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Financial Flows, Financial Stability and Managing The Capital Structure in Emerging Country. Knowledge - International Journal, 58 (1). pp. 65-69. ISSN 2545-4439 /1857-923X (printed)

Boskov, Tatjana and Dzidrov, Misko (2023) The circular economy: “the number one priority” for the European Green Deal. [Project]

Boskov, Tatjana and Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha (2023) Financial Digitalization and Economic Growth:Recent Developments in Banks and Fintech. In: Sixth International Scientific Conference: „Challenges of Tourism аnd Business Logistics In the 21st Century“ ISCTBL 2023, 19 May 2023, Porta Makedonija, Skopje.

Boskov, Tatjana and Radjenovic, Zarko (2023) Estimating Potential Currency Crisis: Evidence from Small and Open Economy. Knowlwdge – International Journal, 60 (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Boskov, Tatjana and Radjenovic, Zarko (2023) Testing the Possible Occurance of a Currency Crisis in the Second Decade of the 21st Century. Knowledge-International Journal, 60 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Boskov, Tatjana and Zezova, Aleksandra (2023) Developing Banking Industry through Human Capital Needs. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 14 (2). pp. 73-77. ISSN 2219-1933 / 2219-6021 (Online)


Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Услови и можности за развој на планински туризам во Општина Новаци. In: Пелагонски културно - научни средби, Зборник на трудови 18, Новаци 2022, 15 Oct 2022, Novaci, Republic of Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Нови природни мотиви за туристичко - планинска рекреација во јужниот дел на националниот парк „Пелистер“. In: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција, 19 May 2023, Stip, North Macedonia.

Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) "Biblical Macedonia" - Tourist challenge. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (1). pp. 97-107. ISSN 2671-3810

Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Brief historical account of the hotel industry in Bitola (On the occasion of 180 years since the first hotel in Bitola 1843). International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (2). pp. 29-42. ISSN 2671-3810 (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Македонската географска мисла во XIX и почетокот на XX век. In: Свечена академија - над 150 години македонска географска мисла и 100 години организирано географско образование (21.12.2022). Македонско географско друштво - Институт за географија, Скопје, pp. 13-43. ISBN 978-608-65155-6-0

Dimitrov, Nikola and Petrevska, Biljana (2023) Туристичка валоризација и развој: избрани теми. Универзитет Гоце Делчев Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-968-5


Emilija, Todorovic and Yasmina, Andreeva and Dejan, Metodijeski and Oliver, Filiposki (2023) Tourist valorization of the fortresses in the border regions of North Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the International scientific and practical conference “Bulgaria of regions”, 26-27 Oct 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.


Filiposki, Oliver (2023) Менаџмент на настани. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-014-7

Filiposki, Oliver and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2023) Методологијата за реактивно унапредување на деловните процеси во хотелскиот сектор. In: 6. Меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците на туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век”, 19.05.2023, Порта Македонија - Скопје.


Ilievska, Nadica and Todorovic, Emilija and Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver (2023) Основни концепти на туризмот. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-18-4


Jakovlev, Zlatko (2023) Современ менаџмент. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-981-4

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Kitanov, Vladimir (2023) Promotional activities during the tourist stay. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (1). pp. 91-97. ISSN 2671-3810

Josheski, Dushko (2023) Mirrleesian optimal taxation: Theory and numerical solutions. Public Economics: Taxation, Subsidies, & Revenue eJournal, 18 (95). pp. 1-26. ISSN 1556-5068

Josheski, Dushko and Apostolov, Mico (2023) The Prospect Theory and First Price Auctions: an Explanation of Overbidding. Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analytics, 27 (1). pp. 33-74. ISSN 2449-9994

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Економија на регулација-учебник. Goce Delcev University, Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-971-5

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Економија на регулација-практикум. ISBN 978-608-244-972-2.

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Diffusion models of option pricing: Review of some local volatility models (LVM) and stochastic volatility models (SVM) with computational examples. Economic Development-Journal of the Institute of Economics Skopje, 25 (3). pp. 182-207. ISSN 1857-7741

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Apostolov, Mico (2023) Three essays in optimal taxation: Explorations on the economic theory behind public finance. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing. ISBN 979-8373029063

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Miteva, Natasa (2023) Monetary policy and unemployment: Literature review and computational examples. In: Sixth International Scientific Conference Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century, Skopje.

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Miteva, Natasha (2023) Auerbach-Kotlikoff OLG model in a Huggett heterogeneous agents incomplete markets economy. Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 3 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 2671-3969

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Zezova, Aleksandra (2023) Economy and Asymmetric Information: Mirrleesian Optimal Taxation as an Asymmetric Information Problem. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 14 (1). pp. 36-50. ISSN 2219-1933 (Print), 2219-6021 (Online)

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Aiyagari, Bewley, Huggett, Imrohoroğlu (ABHI) economies: Literature review and computational examples. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (2). pp. 7-28. ISSN 2671-3810

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Entrepreneurship with Financial and Unemployment frictions. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (1). pp. 7-35. ISSN 2671-3810

Josheski, Dushko and Miteva, Natasha and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Heterogenous Agents and Incomplete Markets : An Exploration. Behavioral & Experimental Economics eJournal, 14 (185). pp. 1-21. ISSN 1556-5068


Kitanov, Vladimir (2023) The appearance of hotels as a factor for attracting tourists in the municipality of Berovo. International journal Knowledge, 60.1 (1). pp. 197-202. ISSN 2545-4439

Kitanov, Vladimir (2023) The importance of information technologies in the promotion and sale of hotel services. Knowledge International Journal, 61 (1). pp. 41-47. ISSN 2545-4439

Kitanov, Vladimir and Angelkova, Tanja and Jakovlev, Zlatko (2023) Туризмот и туристичката медијација во услови на глобализација. Шеста меѓународна научна конференција. pp. 195-205.

Kitanov, Vladimir and Asani, Agim (2023) Innovative technology and its impact on the economic development of tourism. International journal knowledge, 57.1 (1). pp. 157-162. ISSN 2545-4439

Koteski, Cane (2023) Учебник по Меѓународен туристички сообраќај. Faculty of Tourism and Bussiness Logistics Goce Delchev University of Shtip, Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-974-6

Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Етнографските и социјалните туристички мотиви како фактор за развој на туризмот во Република Северна Македонија. In: Пелагонски културно - научни средби, Зборник на трудови 18, 14 Oct 2023, Novaci, Republic of North Macedonia.

Koteski, Cane and Qahili, Perparim and Asani, Flori (2023) Верски туризам и неговата важност. In: Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, 19 May 2023, Skopje, North Macedonia.


Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2023) Прирачник за родова застапеност во институциите основани од Општина Гевгелија. Manual. Печатница „2-ри Август” -Штип.

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2023) Финансиски извештаи кај буџетски форми на организација. Conference Proceedings of the Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century, 6 (1). pp. 88-96. ISSN 978-608-244-891-6

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2023) Политики и легислативна рамка на македонското буџетско сметководство. Conference Proceedings Accounting and audit in theory and practice, 5 (5). pp. 211-218. ISSN 2637 - 272X

Magdincheva-Shopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2023) Policies for supporting green entrepreneurial businesses. Knowledge International Journal, 60.1 (1). pp. 161-167. ISSN 2545-4439

Metodijeski, Dejan (2023) Кетеринг менаџмент. Министерство за образование и наука на Република Северна Македонија, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-273-311-1

Metodijeski, Dejan (2023) Анимации во туризмот и угостителството. Министерство за образование и наука на Република Северна Македонија, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-273-551-1

Metodijeski, Dejan (2023) The second wave of Bulgarian hip hop: An analysis of record labels Sniper and R'N'B. Balkan hip hop studies (BHHS) International Journal of hip hop and urban culture, 1 (1). pp. 57-68. ISSN 2955-2206

Metodijeski, Dejan and Andrevski, Zivko (2023) A Handbook for new baristas and policy makers in sustainable tourism. Institute for Tourism, Education and Management - ITEM, Skopje.

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Dzambazovska Zikova, Sanja (2023) Aspects of medical tourism: analysis of spa offer in North Macedonia. In: Challenges of identity, cultural heritage, sustainable development or tourism related with new crises, 11th International Conference "Ohrid-Vodici, 2023", 18-19 Jan 2023, Ohrid.

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Taleska, Milena and Todorovic, Emilija and Angelkova, Tanja and Kitanov, Vladimir and Sazdova, Julijana (2023) Туризмот во урбаните средини. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-19-1

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Todorovic, Emilija and Kitanov, Vladimir and Angelkova, Tanja and Sazdova, Julijana and Micevski, Mladen (2023) Младинските патувања и туризмот. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-17-7

Mitreva, Elizabeta (2023) Основи на менаџмент. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-953-1

Mitreva, Elizabeta (2023) Усвојување на филозофијата на tqm (тотален менаџмент на квалитет) преку градење добар систем за управување со квалитет во организациите во република северна Македонија. In: 6. Меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците на туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век” во Порта Македонија - Скопје., 19.05.2023, Порта Македонија - Скопје..


Petkoski, Gjorgji and Andreski, Ivica (2023) Услови и перспективи за развој на туризмот и социоекономските карактеристики на Општина Долнени. In: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција-Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, 19 May 2023, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Opportunities for development of religious tourism at Holy Savior-Krushevo monastery in the Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (1). pp. 86-90. ISSN 2671-3810

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2023) Услови и перспективи за развој на туризмот и социоекономските карактеристики на Општина Кривогаштани. In: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција -Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, 19 May 2023, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2023) Cultural heritage and space for tourism development in the church St. Annunciation in Prilep. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (1). pp. 79-85. ISSN 2671-3810 online version

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2023) The role and significance of domestic and foreign tourists for the development of tourism in Prilep municipality before, during and after the period of the pandemic covid- 19. In: 43rd International Scientific Conference Knowledge in Practice, 15-17 Dec 2023, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane (2023) The role and significance of domestic and foreign tourists for the development of tourism in Prilep municipality before, during and after the period of the pandemic covid-19. In: 43rd International Scientific Conference Knowledge in Practice, 15-17 Dec 2023, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Management and team work in tourism and catering. In: V Scientific conference with international participation: Geography, regional development and tourism - modern dimensions, 04 Nov 2022, Shumen, Bugarija.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Significance and state of the management and perspectives of the work of the tourist- catering enterprises in R. North Macedonia. In: V Scientific conference with international participation: Geography, regional development and tourism - modern dimensions, 04 Nov 2022, Shumen, Bugarija.

Petrevska, Biljana and Andreeski, Cvetko (2023) Regional economic dynamics: Managerial insights on agricultural perspectives. In: 6th International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st century” ISCTBL 2023, 19 May 2023, Skopje, North Macedonia.

Petrevska, Biljana and Andreeski, Cvetko (2023) The role of tourism within the broader regional economic environment. In: Economics of Tourism. Regional aspects. University of Economics in Bratislava (Slovakia), Faculty of Commerce, pp. 25-34. ISBN 978-80-7556-121-3

Petrevska, Biljana and Mihalic, Tanja and Andreeski, Cvetko (2023) Tourism Sustainability Model for a World Heritage Destination: The Case of Residents’ Perception of Ohrid. European Journal of Tourism Research, 34. ISSN 1314-0817

Petrevska, Biljana and Nestoroska, Ivanka (2023) Reviving the Past and Inspiring the Future: Exploring Rural Architecture and Tourism in North Macedonia. Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, 10 (6). pp. 1-14. ISSN 2738-2222

Petrevska, Biljana and Nestoroska, Ivanka and Matlievska, Margarita (2023) Tourism-Induced Transformations of Cities: Insights from the Old Bazaar in Skopje, North Macedonia. International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, 10 (11). pp. 390-404. ISSN 2738-2222


Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane and Asani, Flori (2023) Valuation of cultural-historical objects in the eastern region of Kosovo. In: 43rd International Scientific Conference Knowledge in Practice, 15-17 Dec 2023, Bansko, Bulgaria.

Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola (2023) Аnalysis of the spatial plan of Кosovo in the period of 2010-2020 with special emphasis on tourism. In: V Scientific conference with international participation: Geography, regional development and tourism - modern dimensions, 04 Nov 2022, Shumen, Bugarija.

Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane and Haziraj, Faton (2023) Opportunities for the development of rural tourism in Anamorava-Kosovo. In: 13 th International Scientific Conference of Bussiness Faculty, 27-28 April 2023, Durres- Albanija.

Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane and Shabani, Erda (2023) The importance of transport for tourism development in Kosovo. In: V Scientific conference with international participation: Geography, regional development and tourism - modern dimensions, 04 Nov 2022, Shumen, Bugarija.


Radjenovic, Zarko and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Smart Cities Sustainability Achievements Ranking: PCA Weighting. SCIENCE International Journal, 2 (4). pp. 141-146. ISSN 2955-2036 / 2955-2044 (online)

Radjenovic, Zarko and Boskov, Tatjana (2023) Towards Economic Growth in Managing Financial Digitаlization Environment: Cluster Perspective. Journal of Economics and Development Studies, 11 (2). pp. 44-51. ISSN 2334-2382 (Print), 2334-2390 (Online)

Ristova, Cvetanka and Angelkova, Tanja (2023) Google Hotel Ads: new ways to drive hotel bookings and reach guests. Knowledge – International Journal, 57 (1). pp. 109-114. ISSN 2545-4439


Sazdova, Julijana and Asani, Agim (2023) Туреѕ of Restaurant Service Quality,Expectation and Perception. XIX International Balkan and Near Eastern Congress Series on Economics, Business and Management. Plovdiv, Bulgaria. ISSN 978-619-203-339-2

Sazdova, Julijana and Asani, Agim and Antonievski, Goran (2023) Анализа на квалитетот на угостителските услуги во источниот дел од Република Северна Македонија. Sixth International Scientific Conference: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2023«. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-891-6

Serafimova, Mimoza and Bardarova, Snezana (2023) Factors and Conditions of the Labor Market in Macedonia and the Region. Other. LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Italiy.

Serafimova, Mimoza and Bardarova, Snezana and Atanasoski, Drasko (2023) The labor market in Macedonia and the region – situations and analysis. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism(IJEMT), 3 (1). pp. 56-64. ISSN 2671-3810

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2023) Covid-19 pandemic as a challenge for redefining tools in diplomacy and international relations. Knowledge - International Journal, 57 (1). pp. 133-137. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Komnenovikj, Kristina and Cukleva Anastasovska, Jovanka (2023) Социјалните медиуми и дигиталната дипломатија. Yearbook - Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 3 (1). pp. 6-12.

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdincheva-Shopova, Marija and Koteski, Cane and Jovevska, Svetlana (2023) Uncovering the challenges: post-covid analyses of the state policies, health measures and diplomatic initiatives to boost tourism. International Journal Knowledge, 61.1. pp. 47-52. ISSN 2545-4439 / 1857-923X


Temelkov, Zoran (2023) Overview of Artificial Intelligence (AI) application in the banking industry. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 3 (2). pp. 43-51. ISSN 2671-3810

Todorovic, Emilija and Andreeva, Jasmina and Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver (2023) Tourist valorization of the fortresses in the border regions of North Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference Bulgaria of regions‘2023, 26-27 Oct 2023, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

This list was generated on Sat Oct 19 06:53:58 2024 CEST.