Items where Author is "Miseva, Kristina"

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Number of items: 94.

Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2024) Characteristics, Legal Nature and Taxation of Management Contracts According to the Macedonian Law. Review of European and Comparative Law, 3. ISSN 2545-384X (Online)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) THE PUBLIC -PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP - benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024 “Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society”, 17 May 2024, Faculty of Business and Law "MB" University, Belgrade, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Introduction to Macedonian Law. In: International lecturing within the Law School of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 10-11 May 2024, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Хрестоматија во финансиите и финансовото право. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” – Штип.

Miseva, Kristina (2024) The public -private partnership -benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. MB University International Review - MBUIR, Journal of Theory and Practice, 2 (1).

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Односот помеѓу правилата на граѓанско-правна одговорност за надомест на штета и начелата на јавните расходи. In: Тркалезна маса "Примена на правилата за граѓанско правна одговорност за штета во финансовото право и во правото на интелектуална сопственост компаративен приказ на правните системи на Р.С.М акедонија, Р. Српска и Босна и Херцеговина", 22 Dec 2023, Stip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The impact of digital technology in sports and the right to Data Protection. In: The XII scientific conference on the occasion of the day of the Faculty of Law “Legal gaps and the completeness of law“, 28 Oct 2023, Faculty of law, University of East Sarajevo, Pale, B&H. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The role of Public Private Partnership in the Macedonian healthcare sector. In: 5. međunarodna naučna konferencija “Pravni i ekonomski aspekti procesa integracije Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropsku uniju”, 26-27 Oct 2023, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The right to participate in sport VS privacy and data protection regulation. In: International Conference “Democracy, Rule of Law, and Protection of Human Rights in the European Union, 29-30 Sept 2023, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The Challenges of the Macedonian Tax System according to the EU Recommendations and EU Tax Rules. In: International scientific conference "The Influence of European Integration on the Development of Monetary Law“, 30-31 May 2023, Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) 3rd International Staff Week (ISW). Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirkovic" Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. In: 3rd International Staff Week (ISW),, 22-26 May 2023, Pula, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Legal and financial aspects of public healthcare and E-health development in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: 3rd International Staff Week and ERAZMUS+ staff mobility, 22-26 May 2023, Pula, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The role of Public private partnership in the Macedonian healthcare sector. In: International Scientific Conference Law and social values, 21 Apr 2023, Faculty of Law, University in Nis, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Legal and financial aspects of E-health development in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: Guest lecture in the frame of Jean Monnet Module entitled "Jean Monnet Module for European Monetary Law-MONELA", 31 March 2023, Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia.

Ampovska, Marija and Miseva, Kristina (2023) Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED). [Project] (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The challenges of the Macedonian tax system according to EU recommendations and EU tax rules. Collection of papers International scientific conference “The influence of European integration on the development of monetary law". pp. 1-144. ISSN ISBN 978-86-7148-309-4

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Tax competitiveness as a mechanism to promote or distort small economies: The case of North Macedonia. In: Webinar and ELF publication presentation:Tax competitiveness in the EU: A comparison between “new” and “old” member states, 9 Nov 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia- online.

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Financing the Macedonian HealthCare system. In: Seminar " EU eHealth Law, ICT and Bioethics", 13-18 Oct 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Legal aspects of E-Health development in North Macedonia– Where do we stand? In: International scientific conference “EU eHealth Law and Public Health” - policy debate with academic world, 26-30 Sept 2022, Ohrid. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Todorova, Biljana and Stojanov, Trajce and Panev, Kristijan (2022) EU eHealth law and Public Health. [Project]

Ampovska, Marija and Kilinkarova, Elena and Miseva, Kristina and Nogaylieva, Fatima and Polenchuk, Maria (2022) Private pensions funds in North Macedonia and Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 3, 13 (3). pp. 725-739. ISSN 2587-5833

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2022) The legal aspects of telehealth. In: The recovery of the EU and strengthening the ability to respond to new challenges – legal and economic aspects, 9-10 June 2022, Osijek.

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2022) The legal aspects of telehealth. EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC) – Issue 6, 6. pp. 393-410. ISSN 2459-9425

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Healthcare system financing. In: Roundtable "EU eHealth Law", 28 Apr 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)

Giumelli, Francesco and Mocanu, Raluca-Ioana and Babanoski, Kire and Miseva, Kristina (2022) CA21133 - Globalization, Illicit Trade, Sustainability and Security (GLITSS). [Project]

Miseva, Kristina (2021) Tax and fiscal policy measures in digital transformation era during Covid-19 pandemic: The experience in North Macedonia. In: Tax and fiscal policy measures in digital transformation era during Covid-19 pandemic: International experiences. Higher education policies for developing digital skills to respond to the COVID-19 crisis: European and Global Perspectives.

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Timovski, Riste (2021) Лексикон е-здравствено право. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Штип, Штип.

Miseva, Kristina (2021) Tax and fiscal policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic: The experience in North Macedonia. In: Tax and fiscal policy measures in digital transformation era during Covid-19 pandemic: International experiences Higher Education Policies for Developing Digital Skills to Respond to the Covid-19 Crisis. Zavod 14, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 1-323. ISBN 978-2-39067-024-7 9782390670247

Ampovska, Marija and Miseva, Kristina (2021) Обликување на македонскиот е-здравствен систем во законодавството и практиката. In: Осма Меѓународна Научна Конференцијa Општествените промени во глобалниот свет, 2 септември, Правен факултет во Штип. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Miseva, Kristina (2021) Legal aspects of eHealth development in North Macedonia. Вестник Санкт-Петербургского Университета, 12 (3). pp. 660-675. ISSN 2074-1243

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2021) Здравјето како основно човеково право. Универзитетскиот спортскиот и културен центар при УГД.

Miseva, Kristina (2021) Јавното здравје низ призмата на здравствените политики и здравственото право во време на КОВИД-19. Школата за јавни политики „Мајка Тереза“- ЦРПМ,Скопје.

Miseva, Kristina (2020) The impact of FinTech and RegTech on the Macedonian financial regulation. In: Jean Monnet Module is organizing the International Scientific Conference “ EU Financial Regulation and Markets: Beyond Fragmentation and Differentiation”, 26-27 Nov 2020, online. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Petrov, Andrej and Stojanov, Trajce and Timovski, Riste (2020) EU E-Health and North Macedonia: From Current Practice to Implementation. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina (2020) The cyber security in the Fin Tech Challenge for the Macedonian financial supervisors – where do we stand ? In: 7th International Conference “Social Changes in the Global World", 03 Sept 2020, Faculty of Law UGD Shtip / on-line. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2020) Countering hybrid threats under the international law. In: III. Conference on International Terrorism and Security, Beykent University Faculty of Economics and Adminstrative Sciences, Istanbul.

Miseva, Kristina (2020) The institutional and legal framework of the open-end investment funds according to the Macedonian legislation. In: International academic conference “Bratislava Legal forum 2020”, 6-7 Feb 2020, Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Miseva, Kristina (2020) Project for higher education student and staff mobility between Programme Countries and Partner Countries. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina (2020) Toward Effective Cyber Defense in Accordance with the Rules of Law. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina (2020) US and EU Governmental Efforts to Protect Controlled Unclassified Information from Cyber Threats. In: Toward Effective Cyber Defense in Accordance with the Rules of Law. Series - E: Human and Societal Dynamics, 149 . IOS Press , pp. 81-88. ISBN 978-1-64368-086-6 (print) | 978-1-64368-087-3 (online)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Countering hybrid threats under the International Law. In: III Conference on International Terrorism and Security, 13 Dec 2019, Beykent University, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Countering hybrid threats under the International Law. Conference on International Terrorism and Security Proceeding Book. ISSN 978-975-6319-46-8

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Offensive Cyber commerce activities and States’ responses in accordance with the rule of law. In: Toward effective cyber defense in accordance with the rules of law, 3-8 Nov 2019, Ohrid . (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Toward effective cyber defense in accordance with the rules of law. [Project] (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Advantages and disadvantages of the Macedonian Financial Supervision. In: Научни скуп „Право, традиција и промјене“, 26 Oct 2019, Pale, Saraevo, Bosna i Hercegovina . (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2019) Правни положај чланова обавезних пензијских фондова у Републици С. Македонији с акцентом на накнаду штете. Радно и социјално право часопис за теорију и праксу радног и социјалног права, 2. pp. 185-201.

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Shaping the Macedonian Financial Supervisory Architecture. In: "Social change in the global world" 6-th International Scientific Conference, 5-6 Sept 2019, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Реформи на македонскиот пензиски систем ( правни, институционални и финансиски аспекти). In: Круглый стол «Реформирование пенсионных систем России и Северной Македонии», 20 June 2019 , Faculty of Law, Saint Petersburg University . (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Todorova, Biljana (2019) Challenges and opportunities of the Macedonian pension system according the EU Recommendations (Social, legal and financial aspects). EU and comparative law issues and challenges series ( ECLIC 3) (3). pp. 988-1007. ISSN 2459-9425

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Todorova, Biljana (2019) Challenges and opportunities of the Macedonian pension system according the EU recommendations (Social, Legal and Financial aspects). EU and comparative law issues and challenges series, 3. pp. 998-1019.

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Европско право на друштвата. In: Тематски семинар: Одбележување на денот на Европа 2019, 09 May 2019, Stip, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) The effects of the pension funds on the Macedonian capital market. In: 3rd AFU International Conference: Towards Advanced Scientific Knowledge in Business Sciences, 1-2 May 2019, Dubai, UAE . (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2019) Тhe effects from the reformed pension system in the Republic of Macedonia. In: International Scientific Conference “Law and Multidisciplinarity”, 12-13 Apr 2019 , Niš, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2018) Liabilities and Duties of directors in Macedonia. In: The rules on liability and compensation, 24-26 Oct 2018, Cappadocia University, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Maksimova, Elena and Stojanovski, Strasko (2018) Зборник на трудови од Петта научна меѓународна конференција Општествени промени во глобалниот свет. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Maksimova, Elena and Stojanovski, Strasko (2018) Зборник на трудови од Петта меѓународна научна конференција „Општествени промени во глобалниот свет: Секција млади истражувачи“. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina (2018) О финансовых основах местного самоуправления в Македонии. In: Местное самоуправление в контексте правовой, управленческой и политической культуры, 17-19 Sept 2018, Voronezh, Russia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina and Dimic, Suzana (2018) Aпории за оданочувањето на црквите и црковните даноци – примери во Р. Македонија и Р. Србија. Зборник на трудови од Петтата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, 5. ISSN ISBN 978-608-244-548-9

Miseva, Kristina (2018) Contemporary trends and challenges of the current system of managing and financing the public healthcare system of the Republic of Macedonia. Collection of papers "Universally and Particularity at Law" .

Andonov, Marko and Miseva, Kristina and Mihajloski, Zoran (2018) The position of licensed industries with special emphasis of the Republic of Macedonia. 6-th International OFEL Confrence on Governance, Management and Entrepreneurship.

Miseva, Kristina and Latif, Samir (2017) Права, обврски и одговорности на членовите на органот на управување во јавните здравствени установи. Зборник на трудови, Четврта меѓународна конференција „ Општествените промени во глоболниот свет“ - Правен факултет - УГД.

Ananiev, Jovan and Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Maksimova, Elena (2017) Четврта меѓународна научна конференција Општествени промени во глобалниот свет. [Project]

Petkukjeski, Ljupco and Andonov, Marko and Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2017) Employees’ participation in the management and decision making in public enterprises and institutions – the case of the Republic of Macedonia. Зборник на трудови од Четвртата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“. ISSN ISBN 978-608-244-423-9

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2017) Задолжително VS доброволно здравствено осигурување. In: The 3-rd International Scientific Conference Ohrid School of Law Theme: “Effective Protection of the Human Rights and Liberties: Reality or Wishful Thinking”, 12-14 May 2017, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2017) Advantages and disadvantages of the current form of managing and financing of the Public healthcare system in the Republic of Macedonia. In: Globalization and Law, 21-22 Apr 2017, Nis, Serbia. (Submitted)

Miseva, Kristina (2017) The influence of the EU health policy on the process of public health system reforms in the Republic of Macedonia. In: EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek, Osijek, R. Hrvatska.

Tusevska, Borka and Miseva, Kristina and Kosevaliska, Olga (2017) Практичната настава на студентите во Република Македонија – предизвици и перспективи на студентите од правните факултети. Project Report. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип.

Andonov, Marko and Miseva, Kristina (2016) The Specifics of the Private Placement of Securities in the Macedonian Securities Law. In: Social change in the global world, 1 Sept 2016, Stip, Macedonia.

Tusevska, Borka and Miseva, Kristina and Kosevaliska, Olga (2016) Contemporary Trends and Prospects of Practical Training for Students in the Public and Private Sector in the Republic of Macedonia. European Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 5 (8). pp. 1-13. ISSN 2235-767x

Miseva, Kristina and Tusevska, Borka and Kosevaliska, Olga (2016) Student Practical Training as part of Law Faculties through the Prism of the Public and Private Sector in Macedonia. PONTE International Scientific Researchers Journal, 72 (11). ISSN 0032-6356

Simonovski, Ivica and Miseva, Kristina (2016) The Implementation on the International Restrictive measures according to the Macedonian Law on International Restrictive Measures: Challenges and Suggestions. In: 7-th International Scientific Conference "Contemporary Trends in social control of Crime", 30-31 May 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia. (In Press)

Tusevska, Borka and Miseva, Kristina and Kosevaliska, Olga (2016) Практичната настава во Република Македонија согледано преку дисциплината и посветеноста на студентите на Правните факултети. Годишен зборник 2016, Правен факултет. pp. 139-151.

Stojanovski, Strasko and Ananiev, Jovan and Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2016) Трета меѓународна научна конференција Општествените промени во глобалниот свет. [Project]

Miseva, Kristina and Duić, Dunja (2015) The EU Restrictive Measures – What if the Court of Justice of European Union finds them not Being Legal: Cases in Croatia and Republic of Macedonia. Balkan Social Science Review, 6. ISSN 1857-8799

Miseva, Kristina and Timovski, Riste (2015) An assessment of the impact of the fiscal policy on the citizens of Macedonia from the perspective of administrative fees. In: The Man in the Global World, 18-20 May 2015, Voronezh, Russia.

Blazevski, Ljupco and Miseva, Kristina (2015) Финансово право - рецензиран практикум. ISBN 978-608-244-161-0.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Tusevska, Borka and Belovski, Vojo and Nanev, Lazar and Miseva, Kristina and Davkova, Lidija (2015) Кадровскиот капацитет, потребите и развојните потенцијали на малите и средни бизниси во источниот регион базирани на знаење. [Project] (Submitted)

Miseva, Kristina and Duić, Dunja (2015) The UN Sanctions and the Procedure for the incorporation into the Macedonian and Croatian Law. In: UN: Historical traditions and contemporary law, 2-3 Oct 2015, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. (Unpublished)

Tusevska, Borka and Miseva, Kristina and Kosevaliska, Olga (2015) The personnel capacities and needs of small and medium trade companies seen through the traineeship in Republic of Macedonia. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 24 (7). ISSN 2307-4531

Blazevski, Ljupco and Miseva, Kristina (2014) Финансово право - рецензирана скрипта. ISBN 978-608-244-148-1.

Petkukjeski, Ljupco and Andonov, Marko and Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2014) Some aspects of employees informing and consulting in accordance with the labor law and law on safety and health at work. In: Social Change in the Global World, 11-13 Sept 2014, Stip, Macedonia.

Petkukjeski, Ljupco and Andonov, Marko and Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2014) Participation of Employees in Company Management - Legal basis for its implementation in the Republic of Macedonia. In: International May Conference on strategic management (IMKSM2014), 23-25 May 2014, Bor, Srebia.

Miseva, Kristina and Risteska, Marija (2014) The Application of International Law in Macedonia. In: Judicial Application of International Law in Southeast Europe. Springer.

Petkukjeski, Ljupco and Andonov, Marko and Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2014) Illegal Decisions of a Shareholders Assembly – The Case of the Republic of Macedonia. Balkan Social Science Review, 3.

Mihajloski, Zoran and Andonov, Marko and Miseva, Kristina (2013) Legal Nature of the Management Contract- The Case of the Republic of Macedonia. In: International OFEL Conference on Corporate Governance, 12 Apr 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia.

Tusevska, Borka and Miseva, Kristina (2013) Consumer protection in financial services and the demands of European consumers. In: Regulatory Implants and Local Legal Regimes in the Mediterranean Region, 20-23 March 2013, Mersin, Turkey.

Miseva, Kristina and Andonov, Marko (2013) Некои аспекти и дилеми кај оданочувањето на удели издадени од инвестицките фондови во Република Македонија. In: Зборник на научни трудови: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција, Св. Николе, Република Македонија .

Miseva, Kristina and Andonov, Marko (2013) The influence of Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) on the Macedonian Capital Market. In: Balkan Social Science Review. Goce Delcev University - Stip, Faculty of Law, Stip, R. Macedonia, pp. 131-144.

Andonov, Marko and Miseva, Kristina (2012) Some aspects of the regulation for waste management with special emphasize on the batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators in Republic of Macedonia. In: Zastita i upravljanje zivotnom sredinom, 30 March 2012, Bijeljina, BIH.

Miseva, Kristina (2011) Светскaта економска криза и нејзиното влијание на пазарот на капитал согледано преку инвестициските фондови. Меѓународен дијалог: исток-запад (култура, славјанство и економија). Зборник на трудови Втора меѓународна научна конференција, 2. pp. 280-284. ISSN 978-608-4559-03-0

Miseva, Kristina and Andonov, Marko (2011) Оданочување на удели кај инвестициските фондови. Здружение на правници на Република Македонија (226).

Miseva, Kristina (2010) Ликвидација на отворени инвестициски фондови. Годишен зборник на Правен факултет, 2. ISSN 1857-7229

Miseva, Kristina (2010) Инвестициски фондови - правни аспекти. Other. Алфа 94 Скопје, Скопје.

Miseva, Kristina (2009) Друштво за управување со отворени инвестициски фондови. Годишен зборник на Правен факултет, 1. pp. 169-182. ISSN 1857-7229

This list was generated on Mon Jan 20 13:28:20 2025 CET.