Items where Division is "Faculty of Technology" and Year is 2014

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 50.


Angusheva, Biljana and Jovanov, Vojo and Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Fidancevska, Emilija (2014) Glass Ceramics Composites Fabricated from Coal Fly Ash and Waste Glass. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies. pp. 294-299.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Gelev, Saso (2014) Performance Analysis of Statistical QoS Routing Schemes for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 7 (5). pp. 119-128. ISSN 2233-7857

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Design of glass/phenolic ballistic composites by implementation of factorial experimental design. Zaštita materijala, 55 (4). pp. 122-126.

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Predicting ballistic strength of life-saving aramid fiber composites for personal protection. Quality of Life, 5 (1-2). pp. 33-38. ISSN 1986-602X

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Predicting the ballistic strength of aramid fiber composites by implementing full factorial experimental design. Technologica Acta, 7 (2). pp. 33-37. ISSN 1840-0426/ 2232-7568 (Online)

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Predicting the ballistic strength of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene/fiber composites by implementing full factorialexperimental design. Journal of Engineering & Processing Management, 6 (1). pp. 91-98.

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) The design of nylon fiber/phenolic ballistic composites by the implementation of the full factorial experimental design. Advanced technologies, 3 (1). pp. 54-58. ISSN 2217-9720

Fidancevska, Emilija and Jovanov, Vojo and Angusheva, Biljana and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Composites based on fly ash and clay. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the Israel Nuclear Societies. pp. 292-294.

Janevski, Aco and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana (2014) Determination of the parameters of crystallization of maleic anhydride modified polypropylene in model composites with glass fibres. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering (IJIRSE), 2 (10). pp. 705-713. ISSN 2347-3207

Jordeva, Sonja and Tomovska, Elena and Trajković, Dušan and Zafirova, Koleta (2014) Application of Apparel Cutting Waste as Insulation Material. Book of Proceedings 6th International Textile Conference.

Jordeva, Sonja and Tomovska, Elena and Trajković, Dušan and Zafirova, Koleta (2014) Tekstilni otpad kao materijal za toplinsku izolaciju. Tekstil, 63 (5-6). pp. 168-178. ISSN 0492-5882

Jordeva, Sonja and Trajković, Dušan and Tomovska, Elena and Zafirova, Koleta (2014) Tekstilna industrija i tekstilni otpad u R. Makedoniji. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (6). pp. 29-32. ISSN 0040-2389

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Biopolishing enzymes and their applications in textiles: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (2). pp. 20-24. ISSN 0040-2389

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Biotechnological applications of laccases in the Textile Industry. Advanced Technologies, 3 (1). pp. 76-79. ISSN 2217-9720

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Enzymatic desizing of cotton: a review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 4 (1). pp. 459-469. ISSN 2249-0558

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Enzymes in textile industry: a review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 4 (12). pp. 34-44. ISSN 2249-0558

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Industrial enzymes in textile processing and the healty environment: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (1). pp. 12-16. ISSN 0040-2389

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Trends in bio-processing of textiles. Advanced technologies, 3 (2). pp. 135-138. ISSN 2217-9720

Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko (2014) Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (4). pp. 23-28. ISSN 0040-2389

Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja (2014) The Effects of Macerating Enzyme Treat Treatments and Aging on Phenolic Content and Chromatic Characteristics in Vranec Wines. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering (IJIRSE), 2 (12). pp. 817-824. ISSN (Online) 2347-3207

Najdoski, Metodija and Stojkovikj, Sasho (2014) A simple microscale gas generation apparatus - Sencillo aparato de generación de gas para los experimentos de microescala. Journal of Science Education, 15 (1). pp. 49-50. ISSN 0125-5481

Pavlovska, Gorica and Jankuloska, Vezirka and Temelkoska, Bratica (2014) Chemical Treatment of Water for Steam Boilers in Mining Power Complex “Oslomej”in Kicevo. Book of proceedings of the 4th International symposium on environmental management and material flow management. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-6305-029-7

Sofijanova, Elenica and Jovanov, Tamara and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco (2014) Анализа на комуникацискиот процес во домашните МСП. Yearbook, Faculty of Economics, Goce Delcev University - Stip, 6 (6). pp. 57-65. ISSN 1857- 7628

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana and Dimeski, Dimko (2014) Biocomposites based on polylactic acid and their thermal behavior after recycling. Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. pp. 277-285. ISSN 1857-5552, e-ISSN 1857-5625

Stojkovikj, Sasho and Koleva, Violeta and Najdoski, Metodija (2014) Chemical deposition of nano-sized electrochromic thin films of Na0.33V2O5 ∙ H2O xerogels. Nanoscience & Nanotechnology: Nanostructured materials application and innovation transfer, 14. pp. 67-69. ISSN 1313-8995

Tomovska, Elena and Jordeva, Sonja and Trajković, Dušan and Zafirova, Koleta (2014) Pre-consumer apparel waste mangement in Macedonia. Book of proceedings 6 th International Conference of Textile. pp. 247-253.

Conference or Workshop Item

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Advanced prepreg ballistic composites for military helmets. In: 6th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies - OTEH 2014, 09-10 Oct 2014, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia.

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) A comparison of penetration mechanics of metal and fiber/resin composite targets against ballistic impact. In: VIth International Metallurgical Congress, 29 May-01June 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) The role of contemporary ferrous and nonferrous materials in ballistic protection of military vehicles. In: VIth International Metallurgical Congress, 29 May-01June 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Janevski, Aco and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana (2014) Dependence of morphology and crystallization parameters of polypropylene on nucleation. In: First Symposium - Research in the Field of Environment and Materials, 21-22 Nov 2014, Macedonian Academy of Science and Arts.

Janevski, Aco and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana and Stefov, Viktor and Najdoski, Metodija (2014) Structure of Ba, Sr, Ca AND Mg pimelates and their nucleating ability in polypropylene melt. In: 23 rd Congress of Chemists and Technologist of Macedonia, 8-11 Oct 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Koleva, Violeta and Stojkovikj, Sasho and Najdoski, Metodija (2014) Electrochromism in Layered Vanadium-Based Thin Films. In: 16th International Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology NANO 2014, 7-8 Nov 2014, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Design of filament wound glass reinforced plastic (GRP) pipes for construction. In: Next Workshop - Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction, 22 October 2014, Kaiserslautern, Germany. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Environmentally friendly technologies for new polymer compozite materials: challenges and opportunites. In: Sеvеnтh International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials, 21-22 Dec 2014, Banja Luka. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) New Composites-based on natural fibers. In: Next Generation Design Guidelines for Composites in Construction, 13-14 March 2014, Lyon, France. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Bogoeva-Gaceva, Gordana (2014) Preparation and recycling of polymer eco-composites. In: MatCatNet Workshop "From molcules to functionalised materials", 5-10 Sept 2014, Ohrid Macedonia.

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Risteska, Svetlana and Srebrenkoska, Sara (2014) Production of filament wound composite tubes for construction. In: Present and Future of FRP in Construction, 23 Oct 2014, Technical University-Kaiserslautern, Germany. (Unpublished)

Srebrenkoska, Vineta and Zhezhova, Silvana and Risteski, Sanja and Golomeova, Saska (2014) Methods for waste waters treatment in textile industry. In: International scientific conference "UNITECH" 2014, 21–22 Nov 2014, Gabrovo, Bulgaria.

Stojkovikj, Sasho and Koleva, Violeta and Najdoski, Metodija (2014) Electrochromic Vanadium Oxide Thin Films: From a Layered to a Tunnel Structure. In: XXIIIrd Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 8-11 Oct 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Stojkovikj, Sasho and Najdoski, Metodija and Sefer, Birhan and Mirceski, Valentin (2014) Development of Nonenzymatic Amperometric Sensor for Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide Based on Manganese(II) Carbonate Thin Films. In: MatCatNet Workshop - From Molecules to Functionalized Materials, 5-10 Sept 2014, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Tomovska, Elena and Jordeva, Sonja and Trajković, Dušan and Zafirova, Koleta (2014) Atitudes towards Manging Post-industrial Apprel Cuttings. In: 3 R International Scientific Conference on Material Cycles and Waste Mangement and SWAPI, 10-12 March 2014, Kyoto, Japan.

Zhezhova, Silvana and Janevski, Aco and Mojsov, Kiro and Andronikov, Darko (2014) Мода и брендирање на текстилните производи. In: Втора меѓународна научна конференција „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, 30-31 октомври 2014, Скопје, Р. Македонија.


Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Дизајн и анализа на експерименти. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Штип . ISBN 978-608-244-057-6

Dimeski, Dimko and Srebrenkoska, Vineta (2014) Механички својства на текстилни материјали. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-105-4


Dimitrijeva, Vanga (2014) Детска модна ревија. [Show/Exhibition]

Dimitrijeva, Vanga (2014) Крушево Град на културата. [Show/Exhibition]

Teaching Resource

Efremov, Jordan (2014) Техники на цртање - скрипта. ISBN 978-608-244-118-4.

Janevski, Aco (2014) Основи на наука за материјалите 1 - скрипта. ISBN 978-608-4708-99-5.

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Практикум по нега на текстил. ISBN 978-608-4708-98-8.

Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Хемиска текстилна технологија - скрипта. ISBN 978-608-244-102-3.

This list was generated on Thu Dec 19 02:24:20 2024 CET.