Items where Division is "Faculty of Law" and Year is 2023

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Number of items: 111.


Ampovska, Marija (2023) Облигационо право посебни дио. In: Облигационо право посебни дио. Правни факултет Универзитета у Источном Сарајеву.

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Правилата за одговорност за штета како поттик за развој на интелектуалната сопственост во домашното право. In: Tркалезна маса „Примена на правилата за граѓанско-правна одговорност за штета во финансовото право и во правото на интелектуална сопственост: компаративен приказ на правните системи на Р.С.Македонија, Р. Српска и Босна и Херцеговина“, 22 Dec 2023, Stip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Организација на Тркалезна маса „Примена на правилата за граѓанско-правна одговорност за штета во финансовото право и во правото на интелектуална сопственост: компаративен приказ на правните системи на Р.С.Македонија, Р. Српска и Босна и Херцеговина“. Правен факултет, Универзитет Гоце Делчев во Штип. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Осигурувањето во РСМ за време на Ковид 19 низ призмата на компаративниот сектор за осигурување и нивниот одговор на пандамијата. In: International Scientific Conference Law and social values Niš, 21st April 2023, 21 April 2023, Faculty of Law, University in Nis, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Civil Liability and autonomous vehicles - current regimes and tendencies in the EU. In: Bratislava Legal Forum 2023, 11-12 Sept 2023, Probistip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Civil liability for AI in EU: General remarks. In: 10th International Scientific Conference : Social Changes in the Global World, 28-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University Stip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds. [Project]

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Navigating liability in the age of AI: burden of proof, standard of proof, and causation challenges. In: International Conference on South East European Law, 23 Nov 2023, Faculty of Law, University in Belgrade. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) Prospectus liability in EU: an overview of existing legal regimes. In: The Influence of European Integration on the Development of Monetary Law, 30-31 May 2023, Nis, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2023) An overview of the proposal for the AI liability Directive in the EU. In: The XII Scientific conference on the occasion of the day of the Faculty of Law “legal gaps and the completeness of law“, 28 Oct 2023, University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Law in Pale. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Koceski, Saso and Sutova, Milica (2023) Панел дискусија - Заштита на интелектуалната сопственост во дигиталната ера. Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev" - Stip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Miseva, Kristina (2023) Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds (KA171-HED). [Project] (Unpublished)

Apasiev, Dimitar (2023) Јустинијановите „Институции“ – првиот византиски правен учебник со законска сила. Годишен зборник на Правниот факултет на УГД, XIII (13). ISSN 857-8713


Doneva, Nada (2023) Social integration of victims of human trafficking. In: Tenth International Scientific Conference Social Changes in the Global World, 28-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Doneva, Nada (2023) The incidence of human trafficking in the Republic of North Macedonia and its readiness to meet the minimum standards in the fight against it on the way to EU. EUWEB Legal Essays, Global and International Perspectives, Issue 2/2023 (2). pp. 43-67. ISSN 2785-5228

Doneva, Nada and Gjorgjieva, Dijana (2023) Mediation in Criminal and Civil Cases in the Positive Law of the Republic of North Macedonia - Situation and Challenges. International Scientific Journal ”Sui Generiss”, 2 (2). pp. 35-51.

Doneva, Nada and Gjorgjieva, Dijana and Ibis, Ebru (2023) Атхезионо решавање на имотноправни барања во кривична постапка. Годишен зборник 2023, Правен факултет, 13 (13). pp. 57-65. ISSN 1857-8713

Doneva, Natasa and Galeva, Jordanka and Sutova, Milica and Zdraveva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) 10th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". [Project]

Dragovic, Anica and Drakulovska Chukalevska, Marija and Koceva, Daniela (2023) Qualitative approach in population study research. Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference Social Changes in the Global World, 2 (10). ISSN 978-608-244-999-9

Dragovic, Anica and Drakulovska Chukalevska, Marija and Koceva, Daniela (2023) Qualitative approach in population study research. Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference Social Changes in the Global World, 2 (10). ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-999-9


Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Република С. Македонија. In: 10-th International Scientific Conference "Social changes in the global world", 28-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Одржливост на правата на малцинствата во македонскиот случај. In: Одржливиот развој во правото и во политиките: патоказ за достигнување на одржливиот развој на Обединетите Нации, 06 June 2023, Stip. (Submitted)

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Редефинирање на македонското право како резултат на надворешни влијанија и негова одржливост. In: 9-th International scientific conference Ohrid School of law 2023 Theme: Redefinition of the role and the meaning of the law, 11-14 May 2023, Ohrid.

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Редефинирање на македонското право како резултат на надворешни влијанија и негова одржливост. 9-th ISC OHRID SCHOOL OF LAW 2023 Redefinition of the role and significance of the Law, 17/18. 303 -316. ISSN 978-608-4996-10-1

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Конститутивни носители и дефинирање на малцинствата во унгарскиот и македонскиот случај. Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 2 (10). pp. 487-499.

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Constitutive holders and definition of minorities in the Hungarian and Macedonian case. In: 10-th International Scientific Conference "Social changes in the global world", 28-29 Sept 2023, Stip.

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) Sustainability of minority rights in the Macedonian case. In: Sustanibility and Law optional course - University of Miskolc, 17 Oct 2023, Miskolc, Hungary. (Submitted)

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) The “Visegrad initiative” vis-à-vis “Open Balkan initiative” in the process of European integration. In: XVIII Harmonius school of lawbusiness and legal challenges of the open Balkan, International Conference on South East European Law, 24 Nov 2023, Belgrade. (In Press)

Galeva, Jordanka (2023) The "Visegrad" initiative vis-à- "Open Balkan Initiative" in the process of European Integration. Harmonius Journal of Legal and Social Studies in South East Europe. ISSN 2334-6566

Galeva, Jordanka and Korovesovska, Iskra and Majhosev, Andon and Denkova, Jadranka (2023) Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Република С. Македонија. Proceedings of X International Scientific Conference "Social changes in the global world", 2 (10). pp. 615-627.

Galeva, Jordanka and Majhosev, Andon and Koroveshovska, Iskra (2023) Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во Република С. Македонија – компаративна анализа. [Project]

Galeva, Jordanka and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Developing an Accreditation for MA Program in Investigative Journalism in the Western Balkan and Turkiey. In: Developing an Accreditation for MA Program in Investigative Journalism in the Western Balkan and Turkiey, 16-17 Nov 2023, Budapest, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Strengthening Quality News and Independent Journalism in the Western Balkans and Turkey II. [Project] (Unpublished)


Jordanka, Galeva and Strasko, Stojanovski (2023) Project Summary: NEWAVES – Collaborative Alliance for Radio Recovery and Boost of Community News Media in Lowdensity Territories. [Project] (Unpublished)

Josifovic, Ivica (2023) Постапката по претходно одлучување пред Судот на правдата на Европската Унија: предизвик во најава за македонското судство. Забрзување на процесот на пристапување на Северна Македонија во ЕУ: клучни предизвици и приоритети. pp. 257-272. ISSN 978-608-203-379-2

Josifovic, Ivica (2023) Различните верзии на повеќејазичната судска практика пред Судот на правдата на Европската унија. Стручно списание Правник (369). pp. 7-14. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica (2023) Заемното признавање - Европскиот налог за апсење - Правило на двоен криминалитет: поедноставување или комплицирање. Стручно списание Правник (372). pp. 14-44. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica (2023) Macedonian Euro-Experiment: Will It End? Law and Social Values. pp. 535-553. ISSN 978-86-7148-311-7

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2023) The European Public Prosecutor's Office: Two Years of Investigations and Prosecutions - Challenges and Perspectives. Општествени промени во Глобалниот свет, 10 (1). pp. 159-171. ISSN 978-608-244-998-2

Jovanovski, Zoran and Denkova, Jadranka (2023) Трансформација на глобализираните односи и нејзиното влијание врз дипломатијата. In: 9-th International scientific conference: Redefinition of the role and meaning of the law, 11-14 May 2023, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia.

Jovanovski, Zoran and Denkova, Jadranka (2023) Local self-government on the territory of Republic of North Macedonia. In: The International Scientific Conference “Law between the ideal and the reality”, 19-20 May 2023, Kosovska Mitrovica.


Kambovski, Igor (2023) Law and electronic commerce: does the norm keep up with and control technology and innovation? Law Between Creation and Interpretation, II. pp. 452-462. ISSN ISBN: 978-99938-57-74-7

Kambovski, Igor (2023) Out-of-court settlement of disputes - arbitration and mediation. Pravna regulativa usluga u nacionalnim zakonodavstvima i pravu Evropske unije-Zbornik radova sa XIX Majskog savetovanja, 19. pp. 1051-1061. ISSN 978-86-7623-121-8

Kambovski, Igor (2023) Some aspects of termination of the concession contract. In: International scientific conference ”Law and social values”, 21 Apr 2023, Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia. (In Press)

Kambovski, Igor (2023) The concept of civil and moral responsibility. In: International scientific conference - “Legal gaps and the completeness of law“, 28 Oct 2023, Pale, Rep. Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina). (In Press)

Kambovski, Igor and Josifovic, Ivica (2023) E-commerce during the pandemic and after it - Macedonian experiences and conditions. Yearbook-Faculty of Law, 13. pp. 75-80. ISSN 1857-8713

Koroveshovska, Iskra and Galeva, Jordanka and Majhoshev, Andon and Denkova, Jadranka (2023) Media workers perception of freedom of expression in Republic of N. Macedonia. Tenth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 10 (1).

Kosevaliska, Olga (2023) Правото на заштита на лични податоци во ера на масовно следење на комуникациите. In: Training No. 3 on Intelligence and Security Sector Governance and Accountability: Human Rights Mainstreaming in Security Sector Reform for CSO and Media representatives in North Macedonia, 13-15 March 2023, Berovo, North Macedonia. (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2023) Ethnic and racial profiling in criminal cases (as part of non-discrimination). In: Sustainability and Law - optional course, Miskolc, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2023) Fighting Xenophobia and Hate Crimes Against Migrants and Asylum Seekers. In: Partners: Supporters: Cooperating for the Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Migration and Asylum in the EU, 01 Dec 2023, University of Salerno, Department of Legal Sciences (School of Law). (Unpublished)

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nanev, Lazar and Naneva Zimoska, Ivona (2023) Ecocide: a future ‘new” crime in the mandate of the International Criminal Court: reality or fantasy? Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference Social Changes in the Global World, 1 (10). pp. 203-216.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Maksimova, Elena (2023) Antimigration rhetoric and xhenophobia towards migrants in North Macedonia. In: Migration and Asylum Policies Systems' National and Supranational Regimes. Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, pp. 109-128. ISBN 979-12-5976-529-1

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Maksimova, Elena (2023) Judgement AA and others against North Macedonia: From the obvious to the unexpected. In: International Scientific Conference Law and social values Niš, 21 April 2023, Faculty of Law, University in Nis, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Kosevaliska, Olga and Poposka, Zaneta and Maksimova, Elena (2023) Hate Crime in North Macedonia: Geographic Distribution of Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents. In: International biennial conference on Criminal Justice in Central and Eastern Europe: The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals – Rural and Urban Safety and Security Perspectives, 12-14 Sept 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Submitted)


Majhosev, Andon (2023) Индустриски односи-регулатива, теорија и практика. University of Goce Delchev-Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-898-5

Majhosev, Andon (2023) Индустриски односи во Република С. Македонија-емпириска анализа. Универзитет Гоце Делчев-Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-899-2

Majhosev, Andon (2023) Лексикон на индустриски односи. University of Goce Delchev-Stip. ISBN 978-608-244-900-5

Majhosev, Andon (2023) Индустриски односи-регулатива, теорија и практика. [Teaching Resource]

Majhosev, Andon (2023) World Justice Project Rule of Law Index 2022. [Project]

Majhosev, Andon and Jovevski, Lazar and Todorova, Biljana (2023) Решавање на колективните работни спорови по пат на економски притисок во Република С. Македонија во периодот 2005–2021. Македонско научно и стручно списание за трудово и социјално право, 1 (1). pp. 131-152. ISSN 2955-215X

Maksimova, Elena (2023) Развојот на македонската судска пракса при постапување во случаи на родово-базирано насилство. In: Работилница „Размислувај во боја: 16 дена портокалов свет за подобро утре“, Nov 2023, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University. (Unpublished)

Maksimova, Elena (2023) Cooperation for the Protection of Women Migrants' Rights: Prevention of Gender-Based Violence During Migration. In: Cooperating for the Protection of Human Rights in the Context of Migration and Asylum in the EU, University in Salerno, Italy.

Maksimova, Elena (2023) Preventing violence against women and girls to achieve gender equality as sustainable development goal. In: Sustainability and Law - optional course, Miskolc, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Maksimova, Elena (2023) Risk factors and consequences of victimization of women and girls. Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference Social Changes in the Global World.

Maksimova, Elena and Kosevaliska, Olga (2023) Battered woman syndrome in female perpetrators in Republic of North Macedonia. In: Battered woman syndrome in female perpetrators in Republic of North Macedonia. Springer Cham, pp. 133-163. ISBN 978-3-031-27628-6

Maksimova, Elena and Kosevaliska, Olga and Naneva Zimoska, Ivona (2023) Complicity among Female Perpetrators of Crimes, with Special Reference to Cases from the Republic of North Macedonia. In: XII International Scientific Conference: Archibald Reiss Days, 8-9 Nov 2023, Belgrade. (In Press)

Maksimova, Elena and Kosevaliska, Olga and Naneva Zimoska, Ivona (2023) Complicity among female perpetrators of crimes with special reference to cases from the Republic of North Macedonia. NBP. Nauka, bezbednost, policija, 28 (3). pp. 19-36.

Maksimova, Elena and Marolov, Dejan (2023) Правото на образование низ призмата на практиката на Европскиот суд за човекови права. Годишен зборник, Правен факултет, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ Штип, 13 (13). ISSN 1857-8713

Maksimova, Elena and Stanojoska, Angelina (2023) The Impact of the EU Principle of Solidarity and the Rule of Law on Criminal Aspects of the Migrant Crisis in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: Solidarity and Rule of Law The New Dimension of EU Security. Springer, pp. 113-127.

Marolov, Dejan and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2023) Macedonian Foreign Policy: From Disintegration to Integration. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 1-5275-1257-6

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Односот помеѓу правилата на граѓанско-правна одговорност за надомест на штета и начелата на јавните расходи. In: Тркалезна маса "Примена на правилата за граѓанско правна одговорност за штета во финансовото право и во правото на интелектуална сопственост компаративен приказ на правните системи на Р.С.М акедонија, Р. Српска и Босна и Херцеговина", 22 Dec 2023, Stip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) 3rd International Staff Week (ISW). Faculty of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirkovic" Juraj Dobrila University of Pula. In: 3rd International Staff Week (ISW),, 22-26 May 2023, Pula, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The Challenges of the Macedonian Tax System according to the EU Recommendations and EU Tax Rules. In: International scientific conference "The Influence of European Integration on the Development of Monetary Law“, 30-31 May 2023, Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Legal and financial aspects of E-health development in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: Guest lecture in the frame of Jean Monnet Module entitled "Jean Monnet Module for European Monetary Law-MONELA", 31 March 2023, Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) Legal and financial aspects of public healthcare and E-health development in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: 3rd International Staff Week and ERAZMUS+ staff mobility, 22-26 May 2023, Pula, Croatia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The challenges of the Macedonian tax system according to EU recommendations and EU tax rules. Collection of papers International scientific conference “The influence of European integration on the development of monetary law". pp. 1-144. ISSN ISBN 978-86-7148-309-4

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The impact of digital technology in sports and the right to Data Protection. In: The XII scientific conference on the occasion of the day of the Faculty of Law “Legal gaps and the completeness of law“, 28 Oct 2023, Faculty of law, University of East Sarajevo, Pale, B&H. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The right to participate in sport VS privacy and data protection regulation. In: International Conference “Democracy, Rule of Law, and Protection of Human Rights in the European Union, 29-30 Sept 2023, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Batumi, Georgia.

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The role of Public Private Partnership in the Macedonian healthcare sector. In: 5. međunarodna naučna konferencija “Pravni i ekonomski aspekti procesa integracije Bosne i Hercegovine u Evropsku uniju”, 26-27 Oct 2023, Mostar, Bosna i Hercegovina. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2023) The role of Public private partnership in the Macedonian healthcare sector. In: International Scientific Conference Law and social values, 21 Apr 2023, Faculty of Law, University in Nis, Serbia.


Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2023) Comparative approach to North Macedonia's membership in the United Nations and the European Union. In: Seminar on Comparative approach to North Macedonia's membership in the United Nations and the European Union, 30 Nov 2023, University of Salerno.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2023) Externalization of EU asylum and migration policy: the case of North Macedonia. In: Cross Border Security: What News from the EU Migration and Asylum Proposals?, 24.03.2023, University of Salerno.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2023) The Macedonian question and the difficult path towards the European Union: Let's understand why? In: EUVALWEB Legal Observatory: The Macedonian question and the difficult path towards the European Union: Let's understand why?, 23.03.2023, University of Salerno.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2023) Solidarity and the Externalization of EU Migration and Asylum Security: A Dual Concept? In: Solidarity and Rule of Law. The new dimension of EU security. European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World, 9 . Springer, Cham, pp. 129-150. ISBN 978-3-031-29229-3

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2023) The role of EUAA Roadmaps - cooperation for protection of human rights of migrants. In: Coopearating for the protection of human rights in the context of migration and asylum in the EU, 01 Dec 2023, University of Salerno.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Kosevaliska, Olga and Maksimova, Elena (2023) EU-North Macedonia cooperation in prevention of illegal migration and fight against smuggling of migrants: going by the book or backsliding on human rights. In: International Scientific Conference “Law between the ideal and the reality” thematic conference "University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica Faculty of Law, Institute for Comparative Law - Belgrade, 19-20 May 2023, Kosovska Mitrovica. (In Press)

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Russo, Teresa (2023) Jean Monnet Chair “Promoting Public Awareness on Enlargement Policy, EU Values and the Western Balkans’ Accession” (EUVALWEB). [Project]


Panev, Kristijan (2023) Independence and Impartiality of Arbitrators in Investment-State Arbitration: The Blue Bank Case. Proceedings of the Tenth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". ISSN 978-608-244-999-9

Panev, Kristijan (2023) The impact of Open Balkan on cross-border employment and labor mobility. In: II Annual Conference at the Central European Academy, 21 - 22 Sept 2023, Budapest, Hungary. (Submitted)

Paneva, Ana (2023) Раскинување на договорот за доживотна издршка поради променети околности. Десетта Меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет". ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-999-9

Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Пристап до правда во македонскиот правен систем. In: 10th International Scientific Conference: Social Changes in the Global World, 28-29 Sept 2023, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University Stip. (Submitted)


Slamkov, Gjorgi and Stamevski, Vasko and Stamevska, Elizabeta (2023) Предуслови и мерки за ефикасна борба против перење пари. International Journal of Science and Arts - “IDEA”, 7 (13). ISSN 2545-4552 2545-4560

Stamevski, Vasko and Slamkov, Gjorgi and Stamevska, Elizabeta (2023) Financing of terrorism – looking at money laundering and organized crime as main forms of financing. International Scientific Journal ”Sui Generiss”, 2 (1).

Stojanovski, Strasko (2023) Нации и национализам. Other. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип.

Stojanovski, Strasko (2023) Модели на градење на нациите и национализмите на Балканот. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на Институтот за историја и археологија, 23 Nov 2023, Stip.

Stojanovski, Strasko and Denkova, Jadranka and Koceva, Daniela and Stojkov, Stojko and Nacev, Trajce and Zdraveva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Социо-антрополошки, правни и историски аспекти на заштитата на културното и историско наследство во општина Карбинци. [Project] (In Press)

Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Youth, Migration and Higher Education. Balkan Social Sciences Review, 22. ISSN 1857-8772

Sutova, Milica (2023) Children's right to a healthy environment. Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Sutova, Milica (2023) Criteria for determining well-known trademarks and their application in court proceedings in case of infringement. In: 9-th International Scientific Conference Ohrid School of law - 2023 „Redefinition of the Role and the Meaning of the Law“. (In Press)

Sutova, Milica (2023) Expertise as evidence in civil procedure. In: International Scientific Conference Law and Social Values, 21 Apr 2023, Niš. (Unpublished)

Sutova, Milica and Paunovic, Ksenija (2023) The danger of misconception in the latest practice of the European Court of Justice. Правна регулатива услуга у националним законодавствима и праву Европске Уније. pp. 491-502.

Sutova, Milica and Zdraveva, Ana (2023) Улогата на парничната постапка во ефетуирањето на концептот одржлив развој. In: Одржливиот развој во правото и во политиките: патоказ за достигнување на целите на одржлив развој на Обединетите нации, 06 June 2023, Stip. (Unpublished)


Todorova, Biljana (2023) Социјално право. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Правен факултет, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-956-2

Todorova, Biljana (2023) Усогласување на трудовото законодавство со принципите на одржливиот развој. In: Oдржливиот развој во правото и во политиките: патоказ за достигнување на целите на одржлив развој на Oбединетите Нации, 06 June 2023, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University Stip. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Biljana (2023) Sustainable development through decent work of young people. /. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Biljana and Jovevski, Lazar (2023) Limitations and Conditions of a Fixed-Term Employment Contract. Зборник на трудови, Десетта меѓународна научна конференција, Општествените промени во глобалниот свет, 10. pp. 373-382.

Tusevska, Borka and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Улогата на јавните набавки во концептот на „Одржлив развој“. In: Одржливиот развој во правото и во политиките: патоказ за достигнување на целите на одржлив развој на Обединетите нации, 06 June 2023, Shtip.

Tusevska, Borka and Panev, Kristijan (2023) Улогата и значењето на товарните листови во утврдувањето на превозничката одговорност. Proceedings of the 10th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". pp. 397-409. ISSN 978-608-244-998-2 (Т. 1)

Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2023) Competition Law Enforcement: Arbitration, Standard of Proof, Enforcement Priorities. In: Competition Law Day, 19 April 2023, Osjek Croatia, on line event, Zoom.

Tusevska, Borka and Sutova, Milica (2023) Public procurement and the process of digitalization of the procedures for awarding contracts for public procurement. In: E-Government "Challenges for digital public services in the EU", Krakow, Poland.

Tusevska, Borka and Sutova, Milica (2023) The importance of Industrial Property Rights in the business sector. Social Changes in the Global World. ISSN ISBN 978-608-244-998-2

This list was generated on Sat Feb 22 10:51:29 2025 UTC.