Items where Division is "Faculty of Electrical Engineering" and Year is 2015

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Number of items: 41.


Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Implementation of factor analysis in project of lighting system modernization. In: International Scientific Conference "UNITECH"-2015, Gabrovo, R.Bulgaria.


Bogatinov, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Angelevski, Slavko (2015) AI-Based Cyber Defense for More Secure Cyberspace. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 220-237. ISBN 9781466687936

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Gjorgjev, Jelena (2015) Evaluation of the Parallel Computing Performances based on the nVIDIA GeForce GPU. Technics Technologies Education Management, 10 (1). pp. 60-70. ISSN 1840-1503

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2015) Steganography in Support of the Global Terrorism. In: Terrorist Use of Cyberspace and Cyber Terrorism: New Challenges and Responses. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series - D: Information and Communication Security, 12 . IOS Press, pp. 15-28.

Bogdanoski, Mitko and Stoilkovski, Marjan and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) Novel First Responder Digital Forensics Tool as a Support to Law Enforcement. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 352-376. ISBN 9781466687936


Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Potentials for energy efficiency improvements and implementation of renewable energy sources in hotel industry in Macedonia. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce and Klepov, Goran (2015) A Novel Method for Control and Operation of Induction Motors Implemented in Intermitted Working Regime for Musical Fountains. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 84-92. ISSN 0354-8653

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola and Velkov, Tomce (2015) Mожности и методи за замена и заштеда на енергија и зголемување на енергетската ефикасност во хотелската индустрија. [Project] (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Trajkov, Nikola and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Velkov, Tomce (2015) A Joint Workshop on Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy. In: Energy Efficiency in Hotel Industry: Renewable Energy, 10-13 Dec 2015, Ankara, Turkey. (Unpublished)

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola (2015) Assessment of the energy efficiency practices in the hotel industry. Technics Technologies Education Management, 10 (4). pp. 509-516. ISSN 1840-1503

Cingoski, Vlatko and Petrevska, Biljana and Trajkov, Nikola and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso (2015) Energy improvements in the hotel industry. Jökull Journal, 65 (8). pp. 145-150. ISSN 0449-0576

Cingoski, Vlatko and Tanurkov, Dimitar and Jovanovski, Emil and Papasterevski, Kosta (2015) Обезбедување на дополнителни услуги во ЕЕС на РМ од термоблоковите на РЕК Битола. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Kukuseva, Maja and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Analysis for Installation of Stand- Alone PV System in Household in Radovis. In: International Scientific Conference “UNITECH 2015” – Gabrovo.

Cogelja, Goran and Minovski, Dragan and Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Increasing the Attractiveness of Locations for Investment in SHPP in the Republic of Macedonia. Energetika. pp. 67-72. ISSN 0375-8842


Devassy, R. and Durisi, Giuseppe and Ostman, J. and Yang, Wei and Eftimov, Tome and Utkovski, Zoran (2015) Finite-SNR Bounds on the Sum-Rate Capacity of Rayleigh Block-Fading Multiple-Access Channels With No A Priori CSI. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 63 (10). pp. 3621-3632. ISSN 0090-6778


Gelev, Saso (2015) Роботика и автоматизација. Goce Delcev University, Stip, Macedonia. ISBN 978-608-244-244-0


Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2015) Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA. ISBN 9781466687936


Karadzinov, Ljupco and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Direct Phase Digital Control Method in Power Inverters Based on Dumping Frequency Analysis. In: Eurocon 2015, 6-8 Sept 2015, Salamanca, Spain.

Klepov, Goran and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Stefanov, Goce (2015) A New Control Method for Induction Motors in Intermitted Working Regime for Artistic (Music-driven) Fountains. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 164-167. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Kostadinova, Slavica and Cingoski, Vlatko and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso (2015) Increasing Energy Efficiency of Water Supply Systems with Pump Systems Power Factor Improvement. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 160-163. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Зголемување на енергетската ефикасност кај водоснабдителните системи. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. In: Scientific Proceedings of the XII International Conference Machines, Technologies, Materials. Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 92-95.

Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. International Journal for Science, Technics and Innovations for the Industry MTM (Machines, Tecnologies, Materials), 9 (11). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1313-0226

Kukuseva, Maja and Citkuseva Dimitrovska, Biljana and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Overview of Elliptic Curve Integrated Scheme. In: Zbornik Radova Informacione Tehnologije- Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki Fakultet, pp. 148-151. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1


Papasterevski, Kosta and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Високо ефикасни transnorm (TN) асинхрони мотори. In: Зборник на трудови, 9-то Советување на МАКО-СИГРЕ. Македонски комитет за големи електрични системи во СИГРЕ, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4578-07-9


Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Application of Simulink in simulation of electrical machines. In: IT-2015, 23-28 Feb 2015, Žabljak, Crna Gora.

Sarac, Vasilija (2015) Implementation of SCADA system in HPP “Kozjak”. In: IT-2015, 23-28 Feb 2015, Žabljak, Crna Gora.

Sarac, Vasilija and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Minovski, Dragan and Cogelja, Goran and Smitkova, Miroslava and Schulze, Christian (2015) Optimized and numerical models of electromechanical devices coupled with computation of performance characteristics. Journal of Electrical Engineering, 66 (1). pp. 40-46. ISSN 1335-3632

Sarac, Vasilija and Minovski, Dragan and Cogelja, Goran (2015) Имплементација на опрема за далечинско управување во трафостаниците во Р. Македонија. Energetika (96). pp. 30-35. ISSN 1409 - 6048

Sarac, Vasilija and Minovski, Dragan and Cogelja, Goran (2015) Computer aided design of simulation and experimental model of buck-boost converter. International Journal on Information Technologies & Security, 7 (1). pp. 25-32. ISSN 1313-8251

Sarac, Vasilija and Stefanov, Goce and Cogelja, Goran (2015) FEM aided design of performance characteristics of single phase motors. In: 12th International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics - ПЕС 2015, 31 Aug–02 Sept 2015, Niš, Serbia.

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso (2015) Using GPU for Query of Email Spam Detection Systems and IDS. ETF Journal of Electrical Engineering, 21 (1). ISSN 0354-8653

Stefanov, Goce (2015) Практикум задачи и вежби по микропроцесорски системи. [Teaching Resource]

Stefanov, Goce and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Sarac, Vasilija and Golubovski, Roman (2015) Determination of Output Characteristics of Quasi-Resonant Power Converter with Computer Simulation. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 168-171. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Stefanov, Goce and Sarac, Vasilija and Kukuseva, Maja (2015) Analysis of parallel resonat converters with computer simulations. In: International Congress: Machines, Technolоgies, Materials, 16-19 Sept 2015, Varna, Bulgaria.

Suteva, Natasa and Mileva, Aleksandra and Loleski, Mario (2015) Finding Forensic Evidence for Several Web Attacks. International Journal of Internet Technology and Secured Transactions, 6 (1). pp. 64-78. ISSN online 1748-5703 (print 1748-569X)


Tanceska, Biljana and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Risteski, Aleksandar (2015) Toward More Resilient Cyber Infrastructure: A Practical Approach. In: Handbook of Research on Civil Society and National Security in the Era of Cyber Warfare. Advances in Digital Crime, Forensics, and Cyber Terrorism Book Series . IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 305-351. ISBN 9781466687936

Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Application of Fuzzy Logic in Control Systems of Heat Substations. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 172-175. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

Temelkovski, Ordan and Gelev, Saso and Golubovski, Roman and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce (2015) Applicatrion of fuzzy logic in control systems are heat substation. In: 20 Megunarodno naucno-strucni skup Informacione tehnologije sadasnjost i buducnost, 23-28 Feb 2015, Zabljak, Monte Negro.


Utkovski, Zoran and Eftimov, Tome and Popovski, Petar (2015) Random Access Protocols With Collision Resolution in a Noncoherent Setting. Wireless Communications Letters, IEEE, 4 (4). pp. 445-448. ISSN 2162-2337


Velkov, Tomce and Panev, Ace and Golubovski, Roman and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko and Stefanov, Goce and Kukuseva, Maja (2015) Ambient Control System in Greenhouse. In: XX Megunarodni naucno-strucni skup " Informacione Tehnologije" - Sadasnjost i Buducnost. Informacione Tehnologije, 20 (20). Univerzitet Crne Gore, Elektrotehnicki fakultet, Podgorica, Crna Gora, pp. 156-159. ISBN 978-86-85775-16-1

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