Items where Division is "Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences" and Year is 2023

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Number of items: 73.


Adjiski, Vancho and Kaplan, Gordana and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2023) Assessment of the solar energy potential of rooftops using LiDAR datasets and GIS based approach. International Journal of Engineering and Geosciences, 8 (2). pp. 188-199. ISSN 2548-0960

Adjiski, Vancho and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2023) Methodology for assessing the spatial distribution and extent of open-pit mines in R. N. Macedonia through remote sensing analysis. In: XIV Expert conference themed: Technology of underground and surface mining of mineral raw materials, Podeks - Poveks ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Adjiski, Vancho and Zubicek, Vaclav (2023) Continuous monitoring of the mining activities, restoration vegetation status and solar farm growth in coal mine region using remote sensing data. Mining Revue, 29 (1). pp. 26-41. ISSN 2247-8590


Boev, Ivan (2023) Isotopic (87 Sr/ 86 Sr)determination of wine from the Tikves area. In: International Meeting Agriscience & Practice (ASP 2023), 19-20 Apr 2023, Stip, Macedonia.

Boev, Ivan (2023) Micrometeorites in the dust collected on Кozuf Mountain (Republiuc of North Macedonia). Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (2). pp. 13-18. ISSN 1857-6966

Boev, Ivan (2023) Mineralogical and geochemical composition of the ores processed in the metallurgical facility in Kavadarci. In: Podeks-Poveks '23, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Boev, Ivan and Andov, Ivica (2023) Geology of the terrain where the Javorska river waterfall appears, in the vicinity of the site of talium Alshar deposit, North Macedonia. In: Podeks-Poveks '23, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Boev, Ivan and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena (2023) Age of the Volcanoclastic Sedimentary Rocks of the Vitačevo Volcanic Plateau (KOŽUF MOUNTAIN), North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 38 (1). pp. 5-14. ISSN 0352 – 1206

Boev, Ivan and Stefkov, Jordan (2023) Middle miocene volcanism in the čitaklija locality of the vardar zone, north Macedonia. GEOLOGICA MACEDONICA, 37 (1). pp. 37-48. ISSN 1857–8586


Dambov, Ilija and Dambov, Risto (2023) Construction of the pipeline trench for MHEC. XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23 (14).

Dambov, Risto and Dambov, Ilija and Stojkoski, Igor (2023) Blasting with non-explosive agents of rocks with of gas - cartridges "Splitter Rock Gas". XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23.

Dambov, Risto and Risteski, Dimitar (2023) Technology of expolation of marble blocks with chain saw machine and diamond wire saw. XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23. ISSN 978-608-65530-7-4

Delipetrev, Marjan and Doneva, Blagica and Dimov, Gorgi and Mitreva, Leonora and Krstova, Hristina (2023) Geomagnetic researches in the eastern part of North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 37 (2). pp. 153-170. ISSN 0352 – 1206

Despodov, Zoran and Mijalkovski, Stojance and Despodov, Bojan (2023) Some technical solutions in Macedonian mining with a high degree of environmental protection. In: 9th International Conference Mining and Environmental protection, 24-27 May 2023, Sokobanja, Serbia.

Despot, Katerina (2023) Индустриски дизајн - учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-958-6

Despot, Katerina and Naumoska, Kasiopeja (2023) Man, space, principle. [Show/Exhibition]

Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The two pages of the beauty in the design. 32 International conference management and quality. ISSN 2603-4395

Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) Application of industrial and post-industrial style – interior and exterior. 32 International conference for young scientis. ISSN 1314-4669

Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) Геоморфолошки феномен Маркови Кули - Прилеп. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество Подекс - Повекс ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Nikolovska, Vladica and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) Geomorphological Phenomenon Markovi Kuli - Prilep. Подекс - Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. pp. 250-257. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-65530-7-4

Despot, Katerina and Srebrenkoska, Sara and Sandeva, Vaska (2023) The role of artificial intelligence in automotive design. Knowledge – International Journal, 61 (3). pp. 423-429. ISSN 2545-4439

Doneva, Nikolinka and Zendelska, Afrodita and Lepitkova, Sonja and Dimov, Gorgi and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2023) Комуналните услуги во паметните градови. In: 11та меѓународна конференција „Комуналните услуги во паметните градови", 18-19 Oct 2023, Skopje. (Unpublished)


Gjorgiev, Lazar and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Tasev, Goran (2023) Techno-economic parameters related to the Bunardzik Cu-Au ore body, Buchim copper mine, Eastern Macedonia. Natural Resources and Technology, XVII (1). pp. 4-11. ISSN 1857-6966

Gjorgiev, Lazar and Stojanova, Violeta and Petrov, Gose and Stefanova, Violeta (2023) Fossil flora from Paleogene sediments of the Serta locality in the Tikveš basin, Republic of North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 37 (1). pp. 75-83. ISSN 0352-1206

Gocevski, Borce and Ivanovski, Dejan and Dimitrovska, Ana and Mitevski, Toni and Velinovski, Jovica and Ristovski, Cedo and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2023) Новите техничко – технолошки достигнувања во рудникот за олово и цинк Саса – М. Каменица. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минералните суровини, Подекс - Повекс 2023, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.


Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Zendelska, Afrodita and Topcheva, Teodora (2023) Comparation of noise pollution in agglomerations vs small urban areas. In: The 20th International Conference “Man and Working Environment” Safety engineering & management – science, industry, education (SEM-SIE 2023), 7-8 Dec 2023, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Zendelska, Afrodita and Topcheva, Teodora (2023) Comparison of noise pollution in agglomerations vs small urban areas. In: 20th International Conference ”Man and Working Environment“ – SEMSIE 2023, 7-8 Dec 2023, Nis, Srbia.


Jovanovski, Gligor and Boev, Blazo and Makreski, Petre (2023) Chemistry and geology of coal: nature, composition, coking, gasification, liquefaction, production of chemicals, formation, peatification, coalification, coal types, and ranks. ChemTexts, 9 (2).


Kaplan, Gordana and Gašparović, Mateo and Kaplan, Onur and Adjiski, Vancho and Comert, Resul and Asef Mobariz, Mohammad (2023) Machine learning-based classification of asbestos-containing roofs using airborne RGB and thermal imagery. Sustainability, 15 (7). pp. 1-16.

Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Panov, Zoran and Popovski, Risto (2023) Влијанието на експлоатацијата на архитектонско градежниот камен врз животната средина. In: Podeks-Poveks '23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.


Lee, Vincent and Trifunac, Mihailo and Dimov, Gorgi (2023) Seismic hazard mapping of Ohrid, North Macedonia. Earthquake Engineering and Resilience (EER). ISSN 2770-5706

Lepitkova, Sonja and Georgievski, Marjan and Andov, Ivica (2023) Присуство на самороден сулфур и гипс во село Плешенци и нивно влијание врз животната средина. In: Подекс – Повекс ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.


Mijalkovski, Stojance and Despodov, Zoran and Adjiski, Vancho and Doneva, Nikolinka (2023) Избор на рударска откопна метода според постапката на Shahriar&Bakhtavar. In: XIV стручно советување со меѓународно учество од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минерални суровини, Подекс - Повекс 2023, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Efe, Omer Faruk and Zeqiri, Kemajl (2023) Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Methods for the Underground Mining Method Selection. In: Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption and Production for Greener Economies. IGI Global, Publisher of Timely Knowledge, pp. 42-57. ISBN 9781668489697

Mijalkovski, Stojance and Peltecki, Dragi and Despodov, Zoran and Mirakovski, Dejan and Adjiski, Vancho and Doneva, Nikolinka (2023) Application of the Fuzzy TOPSIS method for selecting an underground mining method. Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 28 (2). pp. 465-478. ISSN 1335-1788

Mirakovski, Dejan (2023) Personal exposure to respirable dust in extractive industries in Western Balkan countries. In: 20th International Conference ”Man and Working Environment“ – SEMSIE 2023, 7-8 Dec 2023, Nis, Srbia.


Namicev, Petar (2023) Aesthetic and constructive characteristics of the traditional house in Skopje area from 19 century. Project Report. Petar Namicev, Skopje.

Namicev, Petar (2023) Traditional architecture in Ohrid and Struga from XIX century. Project Report. Petar Namicev, Skopje.

Namicev, Petar and Nestoroska, Ivanka (2023) Charm of Tradition: The Role of 19th- Century Urban Houses in Tourism Promotion in Macedonia. Journal of the international Society of Vernacular Settlements, 10 (11). pp. 60-70. ISSN 2738-222

Namicev, Petar and Nestoroska, Ivanka (2023) House Design in the 19th Century: Urban and Rural Vernacular Architecture of North Macedonia. Journal of the International Society for the Study of Vernacular Settlements, 10 (6). pp. 15-25.

Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2023) Russian Architects and Engineers from the Beginning of the 20th Century in Skopje and their Influence on Urban Development. Palimpsest, international journal for linguistic, literary an cultural research, VIII (15). pp. 225-233. ISSN 2545-3998

Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2023) The Vernacular rural house in the region of Ohrid in the 19th century. Patrimonium, 16 (21). pp. 259-274. ISSN 1857-5811

Namicheva Todorovska, Ekaterina and Namicev, Petar (2023) The Russian Architects of Skopje in the Period between the Two World Wars. Palimsest, 8 (16). pp. 153-163. ISSN 2545-3998

Nikolovska, Vladica and Despot, Katerina and Sandeva, Vaska and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The importance of architectural accessibility in modern society. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 1857-6966


Panov, Zoran and Karanfilovska, Gorica and Karanakova Stefanovska, Radmila and Popovski, Risto and Petrov, Dejanco (2023) Пресметка на количини на руда и јаловина со користење на софтверски решенија. In: Podeks-Poveks '23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Panov, Zoran and Pekevski, Lazo and Popovski, Risto (2023) Процесирање на сеизмички сигнали од минирања на површински копови. In: Podeks-Poveks '23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.


Robeva-Čukovska, Lidija and jankulovska Peeva, Biljana and Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena (2023) Физичко-хемиски испитувања со примена на SEM-EDS и конзервација на пет стаклени садови од архелошкиот локалитет Стоби. ПАТРИМОНИУМ.МК, 16 (21). pp. 315-337.


Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina (2023) Biophilic design in landscape architecture and interior architecture. Knowledge – International Journal, 61 (3). ISSN 2545-4439

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina (2023) The green system and the connection with the street network. 32International Conference Younger Scientists. ISSN 1314-4669

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) Влијанието на композицијата во геопарковите. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество Подекс - Повекс ’23, 06-08 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Namiceva-Todorovska, Ekaterina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) The influence of composition in geoparks. Подекс - Повекс: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини. pp. 258-266. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-65530-7-4

Sandeva, Vaska and Despot, Katerina and Nikolovska, Vladica (2023) The art in the development of modern park composition. 32 International conference management and quality. ISSN 2603-4395

Savreska Dujovska, Hristina and Makraduli, Liljana and Milosevic Krstevska, Sanja and Milanovic, Natasa and Tegova, Vesna and Vuckovic, Ivana and Trajanovska Donev, Elena and Slaveska Spirovska, Irena and Gjurceska, Angela and Kocova, Katerina and Petrovska, Elena and Susleski, Damjan (2023) Cleaning validation of electronic counting machine with two different cleaning agents. Macedonian Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 69 (1). pp. 159-160. ISSN 1857 - 8969

Serafimovski, Todor and Volkov, A. and Djordjevic, Tamara and Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Murashov, Yu. K and Gjorgiev, Lazar (2023) The Sb–As Lojane Deposit (Republic of North Macedonia): Types of Ores and Conditions of Their Occurrence and Geochemical Features. Geology of Ore Deposits, 65 (4). pp. 315-331. ISSN 1075-7015

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Blazo (2023) Mineralogical characterization of hematite from alinci, republic of north Macedonia. GEOLOGICA MACEDONICA, 37 (1). pp. 65-73. ISSN 1857–8586

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Ivan (2023) Hydrothermal halite in the Pb-Zn mineral association of the Sasa deposit (North Macedonia). Geologica Macedonica, 37 (2). pp. 111-118.

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Ivan and Nacev, Trajce (2023) Preliminary results for the influence of lichens on archaeological monuments in Stobi locality. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (2). pp. 4-12.

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Ivan and Nacev, Trajce (2023) Preliminary results on the influence of lichens on the monuments at the Stobi archeological site. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (2). pp. 4-12. ISSN 1857-6966

Sinani, Berat and Boev, Blazo and Reka, Arianit and Boev, Ivan and Paçarizi, Musaj and Qeriqi, Epir (2023) Geo-statistical analysis of distribution of As, Fe, Mn, Cu, AND Zn in Artana mine tailing from floating process. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM, 23 (2.1). pp. 171-178.

Spasovski, Orce and Doneva, Blagica (2023) Hydrogeothermal model of the locality Proevce, Republic of North Macedonia. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 12-19. ISSN 1857-6966

Stefanov, Vasko and Mijalkovski, Stojance and Despodov, Zoran and Bonev, Ivan and Mirakovski, Dejan (2023) Избор на локација на фабрика. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минералните суровини, Подекс - Повекс 2023, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.


Tasev, Goran and Serafimovski, Dalibor and Boev, Blazo and Gjorgiev, Lazar and Serafimovski, Todor (2023) Radon and radium concentration in water from public fountains at the central parts of the Kratovo-Zletovo volcanic area, Republic of North Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 37 (2). pp. 171-184. ISSN 0352-1206

Tashev, Krste and Karadjova, Irina and Boev, Ivan and Stafilov, Trajče (2023) On CV-AAS determination and speciation of mercury in wine. Journal of Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences, 77 (2). pp. 39-48.

Taskovski, Stanke and Gocevski, Borce and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mijalkovski, Stojance (2023) Методологија за истраги на инциденти на работни места. In: XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество од областа на подземната и површинската експлоатација на минералните суровини, Подекс - Повекс 2023, 6-8 Oct 2023, Ohrid.

Topcheva, Teodora and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2023) Comparative analysis between the personal noise exposure level of industry workers and school teachers. Knowledge - International Journal, 59 (3). pp. 231-234. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545-4439 (Online)

Topcheva, Teodora and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Doneva, Nikolinka and Zendelska, Afrodita and Mihailovska, Ana and Samardziski, Boban (2023) Personal noise exposure level among employees in schools, automotive and mining industry. In: The 20th International Conference “Man and Working Environment” Safety engineering & management – science, industry, education (SEM-SIE 2023), 7-8 Dec 2023, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Topcheva, Teodora and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan (2023) Review on the personal noise exposure level in a manufacturing plant. International Journal of Engineering, 3 (XXI). pp. 143-146. ISSN 1584 – 2665; 2601 – 2332 (online); L 1584 – 2665

Topcheva, Teodora and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija and Mirakovski, Dejan and Simeonov, Simeon and Petreski, Zlatko (2023) Personal noise exposure level and the impact on the employee`s performance in the automotive industry. International Scientific Journal "Industry 4.0", 8 (5). pp. 186-190. ISSN 2534-8582 / 2534-997X (web)

Trajanova, Adrijana and Zendelska, Afrodita and Golomeov, Blagoj and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2023) Heavy metals removal from wastewater from the leaching process by neutralization. Natural Resources and Technology, 17 (1). pp. 21-25. ISSN 1857-6966


Uka, Ujmir and Zekiri, Kemalj and Dambov, Risto and Ferati, Burim (2023) Simulation of the impact of seismic waves on the stability of active benches in the Sibovc mine. XIV Стручно советување со меѓународно учество: Технологија на подземна и површинска експлоатација на минерални суровини Подекс – Повекс ’23.


Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2023) Asymptotic Relations for the Distributional Stockwell and Wavelet Transforms. Functional Analysis and its Application, 57 (1). pp. 29-39. ISSN 1573-8485 / 0016-2663 print


Zendelska, Afrodita (2023) AMBICON LAB on Workshop WP1-13 - Status of Environmental Laboratories in Western Balkans. In: Workshop WP1-13 - Status of Environmental Laboratories in Western Balkans, 6-7 Nov 2023, Tirana, Albania. (Unpublished)

Zendelska, Afrodita and Trajanova, Adrijana and Golomeova, Mirjana and Golomeov, Blagoj and Mirakovski, Dejan and Doneva, Nikolinka and Hadzi-Nikolova, Marija (2023) Heavy metals removal from synthetic obtained acid mine drainage using neutralizing agents. In: 19th - Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 28-31 May 2023, Mitrovice, Kosovo.

This list was generated on Sat Oct 19 09:09:24 2024 CEST.