Items where Division is "Faculty of Medical Science" and Year is 2009
Holloway, Kathleen and Ivanovska, Verica and Ross‐Degnan, Dennis and Johnson, Amy and Lewis, Sarah and Vialle‐Valentin, Catherine and Wagner, Anita (eds.). (2009) Medicines use in primary care in developing and transitional countries Fact Book summarizing results from studies reported between 1990 and 2006. WHO/EMP/MAR/2009.3 . World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland.
Ambarkova Vilarova, Elena and Anguseva, Tanja and Blagoevska, M and Mitrev, Zan (2009) Употреба на крв и крвни компоненти во кардиохирургија наше искуство (2004-2008). Book of Abstract from the III Congress of the Macedonian Society of Transfusion Medicine, 63 (75). p. 158.
Andonovska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2009) Примена на Био-ос кај коскени дефекти во мандибула. In: V-ти Конгрес на стоматолозите од Македонија со меѓународно учество, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид, Македонија.
Angelovska, Bistra (2009) Дијагностички сродни групи (ДСГ) како систем за плаќање на здравствените услуги. Фармацевтски информатор. ISSN 1409 - 8784
Angelovska, Bistra (2009) Трет Балкански семинар за телемедицина и е-здравство. Фармацевтски информатор. ISSN 1409 - 8784
Angelovska, Bistra and Kamcev, Nikola (2009) Превентивната здравствена заштита во Република Македонија. In: Summer School Ohrid, 17-22.08.2009, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Unpublished)
Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Eken, Ayse and Matevska, Nadica and Erdem, Onur and Sayal, Ahmet and Savaser, Ayhan and Banev, Saso and Petrovski, Daniel and Dzikova, Sonja and Georgiev, Vladimir and Sikole, Aleksandar and Ozgok, Yasar and Suturkova, Ljubica and Dimovski, Aleksandar and Aydin, Ahmet (2009) Increased oxidative/nitrosative stress and decreased antioxidant enzyme activities in prostate cancer. Clinical Biochemistry, 42 (12). pp. 1228-1235. ISSN 0009-9120
Atanasov, Zvonko (2009) 64 MSCT diagnostic. [Teaching Resource]
Atanasov, Zvonko and Veljanovska, Lidija and Bozinovska, Biljana and Milev, Ivan and Idrizi, Spend and Klinceva, Milka and Mitrev, Zan (2009) Right coronary ostium agenesis: a case report. In: The Heart Surgery Forum, 24-28 September, 2009, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Bosnakovski, Darko and Nandez, Ramiro and Struck, Matthew and Zaidman, Nathan and Kyba, Michael (2009) Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells from patient-specific FSHD myoblasts. In: 13th Annual Minnesota Muscle Symposium, 9 June 2009, USA.
Bozinovska, Biljana (2009) Преглед на мускули и тетиви со ехотомографија. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Bozinovska, Biljana (2009) Флебографија. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Bozinovska, Biljana (2009) 64 слоен компјутер кај ортопедски заболувања. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Bozinovska, Biljana and Veljanovska, Lidija and Atanasov, Zvonko and Dimova, A and Zafiroski, George and Mitrev, Zan (2009) Usefulness of 64 – detector-row scanner peripheral angiography in patients with skeletal tumors of lower extremities. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Brindley, Paul J. and Mitreva, Makedonka and Ghedin, Elodie and Lustigman, Sara (2009) Helminth Genomics: The Implications for Human Health. PLoS Neglected tropical diseases, 3. e538.
Clifton, Sandra W. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) Strategies for Undertaking Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) Projects. In: Expressed Sequence Tags (ESTs). Humana Press, pp. 13-32. ISBN 978-1-58829-759-4
Dimitrov, Olgica and Mladenovski, Saso (2009) Ендопротеза на колениот зглоб - рана рехабилитација. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Dimitrovski, Cedomir and Smokovski, Ivica and Makrevska, Snezana and Mileva, Iskira and Kostojcinoska, Mira (2009) Significant Improvements in Glycaemic Control without Weight Gain with Insulin Detemir in Clinical Reality: Experience from Macedonian Clinical Practice. In: ADA Congress 2009, 05-09 June 2009, New Orleans, USA.
Dimova, Cena (2009) Дијагноза и третман на импактирани канини. In: V-ти Конгрес на стоматолозите од Македонија со меѓународно учество, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид, Македонија.
Dimova, Cena (2009) Употреба на транексемичната киселина во оралната хирургија. In: Sovremeni dostreli. Stomatoloski fakultet, Skopje, pp. 89-97. ISBN 978-9989-2604-6-9
Dimova, Cena (2009) Diagnostic and treatment of impacted canines – review of literature and own cases reportet. In: V Megjunaroden Kongres na stomatolozite na Makedonija, 10-13 Sept 2009, Ohrid.
Dimova, Cena (2009) Impacted lower first molar – case report. In: 1st Congress of the Orthodontic Society of R. Macedonia, 22-24 May 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Dimova, Cena (2009) Supernumerary teeth as mechanical obstruction and cause for semi-impacted upper left central incisor – case report. In: 1st Congress of the Orthodontic Society of Macedonia, 22-24 May 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Dimova, Cena (2009) The effect of Alvogyl in the postextracted period. In: Congress of Dentistry, 29-31 Sept 2009, Tirana, Albania.
Dimova, Cena and Andonovska, Biljana and Neceva, Violeta and Kovacevska, Ivona and Georgiev, Zlatko (2009) Correlation of Blood Fibrinolytic Activity and Clinical Outcome After Oral Surgery Interventions. Balk J Stom, 13 (2). pp. 111-116. ISSN 107-1141
Dimova, Cena and Kovacevska, Ivona (2009) Follicular cyst at the mandibular first molar – case report. In: 1st Congress of the Orthodontic Society of Macedonia, 22-24 May 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Dimova, Cena and Kovacevska, Ivona (2009) Influence of root clinicanal filling on postoperative outcome. In: V-ти Конгрес на стоматолозите од Македонија со меѓународно учество, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид, Македонија.
Dimova, Cena and Kovacevska, Ivona and Georgiev, Zlatko (2009) Contemporary dental and oral surgical concept in the treatment of prosthetic heart valves patients. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia, 11 (21). pp. 57-70. ISSN 1409-8768(Print), 1857-6087(Online)
Dzidrova, E and Trajkova, V and Gazepov, Strahil and Gacova, S and Aleksova, A (2009) Радиолошка и имиџинг дијагностика на тумори на орбита. In: II Македонски конгрес на офталмолозите со меѓународно учество, 7-10 Oct 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Elling, Axel A. and Mitreva, Makedonka and Gai, Xiaowu and Martin, John and Recknor, Justin and Hussey, Richard S and Nettleton, Dan and McCarter, James P. and Baum, Thomas J. (2009) Sequence mining and transcript profiling to explore cyst nematode parasitism. Directory of Open Access Journals. pp. 1-17.
Evrosimovska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2009) Микробилошка анализа како императив за адекватна антибиотска и симптоматска терапија кај перикоронитис. Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 33 (3-4). pp. 183-190. ISSN 0350-8129
Georgiev, Antonio and Smokovski, Ivica and Pavlovska, Kristina and Georgieva, Daniela (2009) Use of Framingham model for identifying type 2 diabetes patients for primary prevention of coronary artery disease with statin treatment. Medicus, 12 (2). pp. 18-21. ISSN 1409-6366
Georgiev, Zlatko and Kovacevska, Ivona and Dimova, Cena (2009) Acid phosphatase activity of deciduous dental pulp in health and pulpitic conditions. In: 14th Congress of the BaSS Balcan Stomatological Society, 6-10 May 2009, Varna, Bulgaria.
Georgiev, Zlatko and Petrusevska, Gorgana and Kovacevska, Ivona and Dimova, Cena (2009) Дентин ресорптивна клеточна активност во пулпата на млечните заби со напредната ресорпција. In: V Megjunaroden Kongres na stomatolozite na Makedonija, 10-13 Sept 2009, Ohrid.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2009) Управување со квалитот на водата во Охридското Езеро – значаен елемент за збогатување на туристичката понуда. UTMS Journal of Economics.
Gjorgoski, Icko and Peshevska, S and Mladenov, Mitko and Hadzi-Petrusev, Nikola and Atanasovska, B and Spasov, Mire and Davceva, Olivera (2009) PGE2 concentration in teeth pulp tissue as a marker for the effectivenes of different types of treatment for periodontopathy. Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory. ISSN 1310-4543
Gligorievski, Antonio (2009) CT evaluation of gastric lymphoma. Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences. ISSN 0351-3254
Hadzi-Petrusev, Nikola and Mladenov, Mitko and Davceva, Olivera and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana and Spasov, Mire and Dodevska, D and Stojchevska, E and Gjorgoski, Icko (2009) Protective role of vitamins E and C in carbon tetrachloride induced acute liver damage. Balkan Journal of Clinical Laboratory. ISSN 1310-4543
Haegeman, Annelies and Jacob, Joachim and Vanholme, Bartel and Kyndt, Tina and Mitreva, Makedonka and Gheysen, Godelieve (2009) Expressed sequence tags of the peanut pod nematode Ditylenchus africanus: The first transcriptome analysis of an Anguinid nematode. Molecular and Biochemical Parasitology, 167 (1). pp. 32-40.
Idrizi, Spend (2009) Амбулантна коронарографија и коронарна интервенција-илузија или реалност. In: Меѓународен конгрес по студенти на медицина и млади лекари, 15-17 May, 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Ilhan, Aysegul and Gartner, Wolfgang and Neziri, Dashurie and Czech, Thomas and Base, Wolfgang and Horl, Walter H. and Wagner, Ludwig (2009) Angiogenic factors in plasma of brain tumour patients. Anticancer Res, 29 (2). pp. 731-736.
Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija and Avmedovski, Fatmir and Yamamoto, Mayumi and Bhonsle, Uday (2009) Introducing Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in Clinical Practice. [Project]
Kamcev, Nikola and Danilova, Marina (2009) Организација на здравствената служба - скрипта. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) The influence of the concentration of heeavy metals in the blood of miners-blood donors in the municipality of Probistip. Vox Sanguinis, 96 (1). ISSN 1423-0410
Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Gordana and Kamceva, Milka and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) Несакани ефекти од трансфузија на крв во дневната трансфузиолошка болница при ЈЗУ „Општа болница“ во Штип. In: III Congress of Macedonian society of transfusion medicine, 10-14 June 2009, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.
Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Gordana and Kamceva, Milka and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) Autologous blood transfusion on operated patients of the orthopedic section of the public health institution general hospital in Stip. In: III Congress of the Macedonian Society of Transfusion Medicine, 10-14 June 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Gordana and Kamceva, Milka and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) Undesired effects from blood transfusion at the daily transfusion hospital with the PHI" General hospital" in Stip. In: III Congress of the Macedonian Society of Transfusion Medicine, 10-14 June, 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Kamceva, Gordana and Kamcev, Nikola and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) Relationship between blood group of ABO blood system and coronary arterial disease. Vox Sanguinis, 96 (1). pp. 188-189. ISSN 1423-0410
Kanurkova, Lidija and Dimova, Cena (2009) Ортодонтско оралнохируршки третман на ектопично поставен максиларен инцизив. In: V-ти Конгрес на стоматолозите од Македонија со меѓународно учество, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид, Македонија.
Kovacevska, Ivona (2009) Sovremeni tehnologii vo restavrativnata stomatologija i endodoncijata. In: Современи дострели. Стоматолошки факултет - Скопје, pp. 124-132. ISBN 978 - 9989 - 2604 - 6 - 9
Kovacevska, Ivona and Georgiev, Zlatko and Dimova, Cena (2009) Our expirience with the Nd: Yag laser in the therapy of the chronic apical lesions. In: 14th Congress of the BaSS Balcan Stomatological Society, 6-10 May 2009, Varna, Bulgaria.
Krstevska, Branka and Mishevska, S. and Janevska, E. and Simeonova, S. and Livrinova, Vesna and Pemovska, G. and Velkoska Nakova, Valentina and Serafimoski, V. (2009) Gestational Diabetes Mellitus – The Impact оf Maternal Body Mass Index аnd Glycaemic Control оn Baby’s Birth Weight. Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., MASA, XXX, 2, p. 115–124 (2009), XXX (2). pp. 115-124. ISSN 0351–3254
Krstevska, Branka and Velkoska Nakova, Valentina and Adamova, Gordana and Simeonova, S. and Dimitrovski, Chedo and Livrinova, Vesna and Serafimoski, V. (2009) Association between Foetal Growth and Different Maternal Metabolic Characteristics in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Contributions, Sec. Biol. Med. Sci., XXX (2). pp. 103-114. ISSN 0351–3254
Kusakatski, Slavcho and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana and Prgova, Biljana and Zafirov, Mite (2009) Липом на овариум-КТ евалуација (приказ на случај). In: Книга на апстракти-5-ти Конгрес на радиолози на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 20-23 Sept 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Kyba, Michael and Bosnakovski, Darko and Dandapat, Abhijit and Darabi, Radbod (2009) Investigating disease mechanisms and cell therapy with pluripotent cells bearing FSHD mutations. In: FSH Society Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy [FSHD] 2009 International Research Consortium & Research Planning, 9-10 Nov 2009.
Li, Ben-Wen and Rush, Amy C. and Mitreva, Makedonka and Yin, Yong and Spiro, David and Ghedin, Elodie and Ghedin, Gary (2009) Transcriptomes and pathways associated with infectivity, survival and immunogenicity in Brugia malayi L3. BMC Genomic, Plos Neglected tropical diseases- Open Access. pp. 1-16.
Maneva, Marija and Dimova, Cena (2009) Cephalomteric analysis of the position of maxillary incisors at subjects with class II malocclusion. In: 1st Congress of the Orthodontics Society of Macedonia, 22-24 May 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Martin, John and Abubucker, Sahar and Wylie, Todd and Yin, Yong and Wang, Zhengyuan and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) update 2008: improvements enabling more efficient data mining and comparative nematode genomics . Nucleic Acids Research, 37. D571-D578.
Menceva, Z and Dimova, Cena (2009) Значење на РТГ дијагностика во предоперативниот пристап на радикуларните цисти. In: V меѓународен конгрес на стоматолозите на Македонија, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид.
Milenkovic, Tatjana and Smokovski, Ivica and Kulumova, Elena and Stojanovski, Nikola and Aleksov, Branko (2009) Significant Improvements in Glycaemic Control with BIAsp 30 in Clinical Reality: Experience from Clinical Practice in Macedonia. In: ADA Congress 2009, 05-09 June 2009, New Orleans, USA.
Milev, Ivan (2009) Differential diagnosis and treatment of acute coronary disease. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)
Milosev, Vladimir and Miloseva, Lence and Kocev, Pavle (2009) Oral and maxillofacial rehabilitation of head and neck cancer patients. University Hospital Dubrava, Zagreb.
Miloseva, Lence (2009) Clinical Psychology, Health Psychology and Psychotherapy: a new Perspectives. Iskanja ( Vzgoja - Pre-Vzgoja ) (33/34). pp. 56-62.
Mitrev, Zan and Anguseva, Tanja and Hristov, Nikola (2009) Is There a Less Invasive Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair? Off-pump thoracoabdominal surgery. [Teaching Resource]
Mitrev, Zan and Belostotsky, Vladimir and Veljanovska, Lidija and Hristov, Nikola (2009) DeBekay repair for type III thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery, 35 (5). p. 905. ISSN 1010 - 7940
Mitrev, Zan and Veljanovska, Lidija and Hristov, Nikola (2009) Aorto-Bilateral-Femoral-Bilateral-Popliteal Bypass for Leriche Syndrome With Occlusion of Both Superficial Femoral Arteries. The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, 88. p. 683.
Mitreva, Makedonka and Mardis, E.R. (2009) Large-scale sequencing and analytical processing of ESTs. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 533. pp. 153-87.
Mitreva, Makedonka and Smant, Geert and Helder, Johannes (2009) Role of horizontal gene transfer in the evolution of plant parasitism among nematodes. Methods in Molecular Biology, 532. pp. 517-535.
Pandilova, Maja and Ivanovski, Kiro and Petrovski, Mihajlo (2009) Оптимално орално здравје кај возрасната популација на територија на Република Македонија. Македонски стоматолошки преглед, 33 (1-2). pp. 108-112. ISSN 0350-8129
Panova, Gordana (2009) Нега на болен-2. [Teaching Resource]
Pavlovska, Kristina and Smokovski, Ivica and Georgiev, Antonio (2009) Comparison of type 2 diabetes patients identified for primary prevention of coronary heart disease with statin treatment according to Adult Treatment Panel III and Framingham model. Macedonian Medical Review, 63 (1). pp. 39-42. ISSN 0025-1097
Pejkovik, Danijela and Stojanoski, Darko and Manoilov, Mihajlo and Veljanovska, Lidija and Atanasov, Zvonko and Bozinovska, Biljana and Mitrev, Zan (2009) Low - dose CT of the chest as a screening method for early detection of pulmonary cancer. In: Специјалистичка болница „Филип Втори".
Popovska, Katja and Zdravkovska, Milka and Jurhar Pavlova, Maja (2009) Important changes in dynamic balance and resistance of hospital eco system in surgical intensive care unit in the period of 15 years. In: International Journal of Infection Control; Tenth Congress of the International Federation of Infection Control (IFIC), 8-11 Oct 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Popovska, Lidija and Dimova, Cena (2009) Оптурациони можности на Gutta-Flow: ин витро испитување. In: V-ти Конгрес на стоматолозите од Македонија со меѓународно учество, 10-13 Sept 2009, Охрид, Македонија.
Popovska, Lidija and Dimova, Cena (2009) Therapy of symptomatic apical periodontitis. In: Congres of Dentistry, 29-31 Sept 2009, Tirana, Albania.
Popovska, Lidija and Dimova, Cena and Kovacevska, Ivona (2009) Antimicrobial activity of 2,5% sodium hypochlorite as endodontic irrigant. Journal of Dentistry Apolonia, 11 (21). pp. 9-20. ISSN 1409-8768 (Print), 1857-6087 (Online)
Prgova, Biljana and Atanasov, Dzvonko and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana (2009) Синглслајсна vs. мултислајсна КТ во дијагностика на ангиомиолипом на бубрег (приказ на случај). In: Книга на апстракти-5-ти Конгрес на радиолози на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 20-23 Sept 2009, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Prgova, Biljana and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana (2009) Улогата на компјутеризираната томографија во дијагностика на примарни и секундарни малигни промени. In: Книга на апстракти-5-ти Конгрес на радиолози на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 20-23 Sept 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Prgova, Biljana and Sterjovska-Aleksovska, Andrijana (2009) Псоас-апсцес (приказ на случај). In: Книга на апстракти-5-ти Конгрес на радиолози на Македонија со меѓународно учество, 20-23 Sept 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Risteska, Sonja and Dimova, Cena (2009) Orthodontic and oral surgery approach in the treatment of bilaterally impacted maxillary canines – case report. In: 1st Congress of the Orthodontic Society of Macedonia, 22-24 May 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Ruskovska, Tatjana and Antarorov, Risto (2009) Reactive oxygen metabolites and chronic low intensity inflamation in haemodialysed patients - influence of age and duration of haemodialysis. In: SFRR - Europe Meeting 2009, 26-29 Aug 2009, Rome, Italy.
Ruskovska, Tatjana and Cvetkovska, Jasmina and Antarorov, Risto and Jansen, Eugene (2009) Evaluation of oxidative stress and inflammation biomarkers in chronic haemodialysis patients before and after haemodialysis. In: 17th Meeting of Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 16 - 19 September 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Ruskovska, Tatjana and Pop-Kostova, Ankica and Eftimov, Orce (2009) hsCRP In healthy volunteers: correlation with some of the lipid and nonlipid cardiovascular risk factors. In: 17th Meeting of Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 16 - 19 September 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Sahar, Abubuckar and Zarlenga, Dante S. and Martin, John and Yin, Yong and Wang, Zhengyuan and McCarter, James P. and Gasparree, Louis and Wilson, Richard K. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) The transcriptomes of the cattle parasitic nematode Ostertagia ostartagi. Veterinary Parasitology, 162 (1-2). pp. 89-99.
Serafimov, Aleksandar (2009) Съвременни модели за финансиране на здравеопазването. Masters thesis, Medical University Sofia.
Smokovski, Ivica and Georgiev, Antonio and Pavlovka, Kristina and Georgieva, Daniela (2009) Reduction of absolute risk for coronary artery disease in type 2 diabetes patients as assessed by UKPDS model 6 months after initiation of insulin treatment. Medicus, 12 (2). pp. 22-26. ISSN 1409-6366
Smokovski, Ivica and Pavlovska, Kristina (2009) Rating of cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus by using the system SCORE. Physioacta, 3 (1). pp. 9-15. ISSN 1857-5587
Taleski, Vaso (2009) HIV/AIDS in Republic of Macedonia. In: DIMO 9th Annual HIV/AIDS Planning and Policy Development Course, "The Way Forward", 5-11 Dec 2009, Course San Antonio, Texas, USA. (Unpublished)
Taleski, Vaso (2009) “PCR based methods for diagnosis of human brucellosis". In: Microbiologia Balkanica 2009 & 4-ti Kongres na mikrobiolozite na Makedonija, 28-31 October 2009, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Vasileva, Stojka and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamcev, Nikola (2009) Ulcus Cruris Venosum во наш материјал. In: Македонски медицински преглед, 2009.
Veljanovska, Lidija (2009) 64 MSCT angiography & 64 Cardiac MSCTSpecial. [Teaching Resource]
Veljanovska, Lidija (2009) 64 slice CT Angiography. [Teaching Resource]
Veljanovska, Lidija (2009) 64-слојната компјутеризирана томографија на коронарните (КТ коронарографија) и каротидните крвни садови. [Teaching Resource]
Veljanovska, Lidija and Atanasov, Zvonko and Bozinovska, Biljana and Idrizi, Spend and Ampova, Vilma and Milev, Ivan and Mitrev, Zan (2009) Diagnostic accuracy of coronary angiography with 64-slice MSCT in asymptomatic patients prior to non coronary vascular operations in comparison with conventional angiography - our experiences. In: European society of Cardiac Radiology, 08-10 October, 2009, Leipzig, Germany.
Velkoska Nakova, Valentina and Krstevska, Branka and Bosevski, Marijan and Dimitrovski, Chedo and Serafimoski, V. (2009) Dyslipidaemia and Hypertension in Patients with Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Prilozi, Odd. biol. med. nauki, MANU, XXX, 2, s. 93‡102 (2009), XXX, (2). pp. 93-102. ISSN ISSN 0351–3254
Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Velickova, Nevenka (2009) Iron deficiency in repeated blood donors in WU transffusiology at General Hospital in Stip. Vox Sanguinis, 96 (1). p. 138. ISSN 1423-0410
Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Gordana and Velickova, Nevenka and Dejanova, Vesna and Cuckova, B (2009) The use of plasma components in a therapy of patients with liver cirrhosis in a daily transfusion hospital in Stip. In: III Congress of Macedonian society of transfusion medicine, 10-14. 06.2009, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.
Wang, Zhengyuan and Martin, John and Abubucker, Sahar and Yin, Yong and Gasser, Robin B. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) Systematic analysis of insertions and deletions specific to nematode proteins and their proposed functional and evolutionary relevance. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 9 (23). pp. 1-14.
Yin, Yong and Martin, John and Abubucker, Sahar and Wang, Zhengyuan and Wyrwicz, Lucijan and Rychlewski, Leszek and McCarter, James P. and Wilson, Richard K. and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) Molecular determinants archetypical to the phylum Nematoda. BMC Genomics. pp. 1-14.
Zarlenga, Dante S. and Rosenthal, B and Hoberg, E and Mitreva, Makedonka (2009) Integrating genomics and phylogenetics in understanding the history of Trichinella species. Veterinary Parasitology, 159 (3-4). pp. 210-213.