Items where Division is "Faculty of Medical Science" and Year is 2007

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Number of items: 48.


Ambarkova Vilarova, Elena and Mitrev, Zan and Blagoevska, M (2007) The use and abuse of fresh frozen plasma our experience in cardiac surgery patients. In: Abstracts of the XVII-th Regional Congress of the ISBT, Europe, 23-27 June, 2007, Madrid, Spain.

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan (2007) Autotransplantation for treatment of a giant left atrium. The Heart Surgery Forum, 10 (1). S94.

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan (2007) Surgical treatment of multylocular hydracyst of the left ventricle - A case report. The Heart Surgery Forum, 10 (1). S102.

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan and Belostotsky, Vladimir (2007) Clinical results from stentless aortic valve replacement. The Heart Surgery Forum, 10 (1). S11.

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan and Belostotsky, Vladimir (2007) Direct circular repair for left ventricle aneurysm. The Heart Surgery Forum, 10 (1). S79.

Anguseva, Tanja and Mitrev, Zan and Belostotsky, Vladimir and Petrovski, Vladimir (2007) New Sugrical Technique for Stentless Aortic Valve Replacement. In: International Society for Minimally Invasive Cardiothoracic Surgery, 06-09 June, 2007, Rome, Italy .

Arsova-Sarafinovska, Zorica and Aydin, Ahmet and Sayal, Ahmet and Eken, Ayse and Erdem, Onur and Savaser, Ayhan and Erten, Koray and Ozgok, Yasar (2007) Rapid and Simple Determination of Plasma and Erythrocyte MDA Levels in Prostate Cancer Patients by a Validated HPLC Method. Journal of Liquid Chromatography & Related Technologies, 30. pp. 2435-2444. ISSN 1082-6076 print/1520-572X online


Bosevski, Marijan and Borozanov, Vladimir and Vavlukis, Marija and Pemovska, Gordana and Georgievska-Ismail, Ljubica (2007) Carotid ultrasound, blood lipids and waist determination can predict a future coronary revascularisation in the type 2 diabetic cohort. Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 28 (2). pp. 127-36. ISSN 0351-3254


Carcev, Mile and Miloshevski, Branko and Spirkovski, Vlado and Getova, Biljana and Sarakinova, Olivera and Pavlevska, Meri and Nechakovska, Tina and Dzaferi, Ajsen and Aljilji, Shevalje and Sozovska, Elena and Petanoski, Hristo and Ambarkova, Vesna and Carceva-Salja, Sofija and Shutinovski, Zharko (2007) Национална стратегија за превенција на орални заболувања кај деца од 0-14 години на Република Македонија за периодот од 2008-2018 година. [Project]

Casser, Robin B. and Ranganathan, Shoba and Baillie, David and Sternberg, Paul W. and Mitreva, Makedonka and Mardis, Elaine and Wilson, Richard K. (2007) Whole genome sequences of nematodes of the order Strongylida. Research Instructor in Genetics Washington University .

Chibishev, Andon and Nikolova-Todorova, Z and Bozinovska, Cvetanka and Petrovski, Daniel and Spasovski, Goce (2007) Epidemoilogy of severe poisonings caused by ingestion caustic substance. Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 28 (2). pp. 171-183. ISSN 0351-3254


Danilovski, Dragan and Orovchanec, Nikola and Vasilevska, Kristin and Taushanova, Biljana and Velic Stefanovska, Vesna and Isjanovska, Rozalinda and Zafirova-Ivanovska, Beti and Zdravkovska, Milka and Pavlovska, Irina (2007) Општа епидемиологија. Recenziran ucebnik; Visokoskolski ucebnici . Institut za epidemiologija i biostatistika so medicinska informatika, Medicinski fakultet, Skopje. ISBN 978-9989-2534-2-3

Dimiskovska, S and Anguseva, Tanja and Klinceva, Milka and Mitrev, Zan (2007) 24 hours ECG Holter monitoring evaluates types of arrhythmias in accordance to type of cardiac surgery. EKG Holter.

Dimova, Cena (2007) Clinical preparation and evaluation of local haemostasis effectiveness following oral surgery treatment in thrombotic patients. PhD thesis, Стоматолошки факултет, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј “ - Скопје.


Gang, Eun Ji and Bosnakovski, Darko and Figueiredo, C. A. and Visser, J. W. and Perlingeiro, Rita C. R. (2007) SSEA-4 identifies mesenchymal stem cells from bone marrow. Blood, 109. pp. 1743-1751.


Ikonomovska, Lidija and Gazepov, Strahil and Stojmenova, J (2007) Bacillus keratitis associated with contaminated contact lens care systems Pseudomonas corneal ulcer associated with color cosmetic contact lenses in an emmetropic individual. In: X-th Annual meeting of Union of Bulgarian Ophthalmologists, 13-16 June 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria.

Ikonomovska, Lidija and Maksimovik, Julijana and Kamcev, Nikola (2007) The progresive myopia and its prophylaxis in children. In: IV Congress of Macedonian Pediatric Association with International Participation, 18-22 Sept 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Ikonomovska, Lidija and Stojmenova, J and Kamceva, Milka and Kamcev, Nikola (2007) Компликации кај пациенти со herpes zoster ophtalmicus лекувани во очното одделение при Општата болница во Штип. In: III Macedonian Congress of Infectious Diseases, 13-16 May 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Ilievska, Liljana and Gorgieva, E and Petrov, I and Petrova, V and Nikodievik, D (2007) Ефектот на валпроат на кортикалната електрогенеза. Списание на Лига против епилепсија на Р.Македонија. pp. 1-6.

Ilievska, Liljana and Petrov, I and Arsovska, Anita and Ilievska, E (2007) Имуногенетски истражувања кај пациенти со епилепсија. Списание на Лига против епилепсија на Р.Македонија. pp. 41-45.


Kamcev, Nikola and Danilova, Marina and Stefanova, Melsa (2007) Заштита при работа во лабораторија - скрипта. . (Unpublished)

Kamcev, Nikola and Danilova, Marina and Stefanova, Melsa (2007) Заштита при работа во лабораторија - практикум. . (Unpublished)

Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Milka and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Ikonomovska, Lidija and Zlatkova, V and Velickova, Nevenka (2007) Transfusion of erythrocyte concentrates at ill people with special clinical conditions hospitalized and treated at the children's ward in Stip. In: IV Congress of Macedonian Pediatric Association with International Participation, 18-22 Sept 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kamcev, Nikola and Kamceva, Milka and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Ikonomovska, Lidija and Zlatkova, V and Velickova, Nevenka (2007) Transfusion of erythrocyte concentrates at ill people with special clinical conditions hospitalized and treated at the children’s ward in Stip. In: IV Congress of Macedonian pediatric assosiation with international participation, 18-22 September, 2007, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.

Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Milka and Dejanova, Vesna (2007) Control of the health condition of blood donors with the presence of markers of Hepatitis B and C. In: ISBT, 23-27 June 2007, Madrid, Spain.

Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Milka and Dejanova, Vesna (2007) Инциденција на treponema pallidum antitela кај доброволни дарители на крв од источниот дел на Република Македонија. In: III Macedonian Congress of Infectious Diseases, 13-16 May 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kamcev, Nikola and Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamceva, Milka and Velickova, Nevenka (2007) Појава на длабоки венски тромбози на долните екстремитети и пулмонален емболизам кај пациенти со срцеви заболувања хоспитализирани и лекувани во ЈЗУ Општа болница во Штип. In: 17th Congress of the doctors of R. Macedonia with intrenational participation, 10-13 Oct 2007, Ohrid.

Kamceva, Milka and Kamcev, Nikola (2007) Најчести инфективни болести во Република Македонија. Црвен крст на Република Македонија, Скопје. ISBN 9989-2007-4-2

Kamceva, Milka and Karagozova, Glorija and Siskova, Dijana and Ikonomovska, Lidija and Zlatkova, V and Velickova, Nevenka (2007) Epidemiological characteristics of the humane brucellosis with ill at the age of 15 treated at the infective ward in Stip. In: IV Congress of Macedonian pediatric association with international participation, 18-22 September, Ohrid, 2007.

Kamceva, Milka and Karagozova, Glorija and Siskova, Dijana and Kamcev, Nikola (2007) Клинички карактеристики на хуманата бруцелоза кај пациенти лекувани во инфективното одделение-Штип. In: III Macedonian Congress of Infectious Diseases, 13-16 May 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kamceva, Milka and Karagozova, Glorija and Siskova, Dijana and Kamcev, Nikola and Ikonomovska, Lidija and Zlatkova, V and Velickova, Nevenka (2007) Epodemiological characteristics of the humane brucellosis with ill at the age of 15 treated at the infective ward in Stip. In: IV Congress of Macedonian Pediatric Association with International Participation, 18-22 Sept 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Kovacevska, Ivona (2007) Evaluation of coronal and apical microleakage and the effect on failure of endodontic treatment. PhD thesis, University "Ss. Cyril and Methodius" Skopje.


Laha, Thewarach and loukas, Alex and Wattanasatitarpa, Supatra and Somprakhon, Jenjira and Kewgrai, Nonglack and Sithithaworn, Paiboon and Kaewkes, Sasithorn and Mitreva, Makedonka and Brindley, Paul J. (2007) The bandit, a New DNA Transposon from a Hookworm— Possible Horizontal Genetic Transfer between Host and Parasite. Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 1 (1). pp. 1-11.

Lehtonen, Miika and Page, Tom and Thorsteinsson, Gisli and Miloseva, Lence (2007) Simulations and Virtual Reality Tools in Technology Learning: Results from Two Case Studies. In: Proceedings of the Sixth IASTED International Conference Web Based Education, 14-16 March 2007, Chamonix, France.


Mitrev, Zan and Belostotsky, Vladimir and Hristov, Nikola (2007) Suture line reinforcement using suction-assisted bioglue application during surgery for acute aortic dissection. Interactive CardioVascular and Thoracic Surgery (6). pp. 147-149.

Mitreva, Makedonka and Elling, Axel A. and Recknor, Justin and Gai, Xiaowu and John, Martin and Maier, Thomas R and McDermott, Jeffery P and Hewezi, Tarek and McK Bird, David and Davis, Eric L and Hussey, Richard S and Nettleton, Dan and McCarter, James P. and Baum, Thomas J. (2007) Divergent evolution of arrested development in the dauer stage of Caenorhabditis elegans and the infective stage of Heterodera glycines. Genome Biology, 8 (10). pp. 1-19.

Mitreva, Makedonka and Grupa avtori (2007) Draft Genome of the Filarial Nematode Parasite Brugia malayi. Science, 317 (5845). pp. 1756-1760.

Mitreva, Makedonka and Zarlenga, Dante S. and McCarter, James P. and Jasmer, Douglas P. (2007) Parasitic nematodes – from genomes to control. In: Veterinary Parasitology. Elsevier B.V., pp. 31-42.


Peovska, Irena and Maksimovic, Jelena and Vavlukis, Marija and Davceva, Jelka and Pop Gorceva, Daniela and Majstorov, Venijamin and Kostova, Nela and Bosevski, Marijan (2007) Relationship between myocardial viability and improvement in left ventricular function and heart failure symptoms after coronary artery bypass surgery. Prilozi / Makedonska akademija na naukite i umetnostite, Oddelenie za biološki i medicinski nauki = Contributions / Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Section of Biological and Medical Sciences, 28 (1). pp. 97-112. ISSN 0351-3254


Samardziski, Milan and Zafiroski, George and Tolevska, Cveta and Konstadinova-Kunovska, Slavica and Vasileva, Violeta (2007) Diagnostic and treatment problems with parosteal osteosarcoma. A clinical and a histological study of 7 cases and review of the literature. Radiology Oncology, 41 (3). pp. 152-160.

Smokovski, Ivica (2007) Comparison of the UKPDS and Framingham models for the evaluation of apsolute risk for coronary heart disese in diabetes mellitus 2 and their clinical implications. Masters thesis, UKIM, Medical Faculty Skopje.

Stojmenova, J and Ikonomovska, Lidija and Gazepov, Strahil (2007) Oculocardial reflex (OCR) in cataract surgical procedures - case report. In: X-th Annual meeting of Union of Bulgarian Ophthalmologists, 13-16 June 2007, Borovets, Bulgaria.


Vavlukis, Marija and Borozanov, Vladimir and Georgievska-Ismail, Ljubica and Bosevski, Marijan and Taneva, Borjanka and Kostova, Nela and Peovska, Irena (2007) Arterial hypertension in patients with coronary artery disease treated with surgical myocardial revascularization. Bratislavské lekárske listy, 108 (7). pp. 301-6. ISSN 0006-9248

Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamcev, Nikola (2007) Anemia in sick children hospitalized and cured with transfusion at the children's ward in Stip. In: IV Congress of Macedonian Pediatric Association with International Participation, 18-22 Sept 2007, Ohrid, Macedonia.

Vitlarova, Jordanka and Kamcev, Nikola and Dejanova, Vesna and Cuckova, Biljana (2007) Following the health condicion of voluntary repeated blood donors in WU Transfusiology – General hospital in Stip. In: ISBT, 23-27 June 2007, Madrid, Spain.


Zisovska, Elizabeta (2007) Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Perinatal Healthcare Improvement through Education: Case study. In: A Handbook for Teachers, Researchers, Health Professionals and Decision Makers. Publisher: Hans Jacobs Publishing Company. ISBN 978-3-89918-169-2

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Lazarevska, Liljana and Arsenova, Jagoda (2007) Air pollution and the birth weight - are they correlated? Ekoloska istina-Ekoist '07 (20). pp. 677-679. ISSN ISBN 978-86-80987-51-4

Zisovska, Elizabeta and Lazarevska, Liljana and Zivkovic, Jadranka and Spasova, Lidija (2007) Does the cigarette smoking influence the perinatal outcome? Ekoloska istina-Zbornk radova (20). pp. 672-677. ISSN ISBN 978-86-80987-51-4

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