Items where Division is "Faculty of Law" and Year is 2022

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Number of items: 90.


Ampovska, Marija (2022) Надомест на штета причинета поради медицинска грешка во домашната судска практика и во компаративните правни системи. Proceedings of the Ninth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 9. pp. 17-35. ISSN 978-608-244-905-0

Ampovska, Marija (2022) Надомест на штета причинета со медицинска грешка. Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev" - Stip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2022) Облигационо право општ дел. Faculty of Law, University "Goce Delcev" - Stip, Shtip. ISBN 978-608-244-931-9

Ampovska, Marija (2022) Liability in Medicine – An Overview of Macedonian legal system and practice. In: Jean Monnet Project - Academic debate with the academic world Conference Programme “EU eHealth Law and Public Health”, 26-30 Sept 2022, Ohrid. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2022) Medical liability in Macedonian law and practice. In: Round table EU eHealth law, Faculty of Law in Shtip, 28 Apr 2022, Faculty of Law, University Goce Delchev in Shtip. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2022) Overview of Health Insurance in EU and North Macedonia. . (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija and Kilinkarova, Elena and Miseva, Kristina and Nogaylieva, Fatima and Polenchuk, Maria (2022) Private pensions funds in North Macedonia and Russia. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 3, 13 (3). pp. 725-739. ISSN 2587-5833

Apasiev, Dimitar (2022) Домашните семејни судења во старото Римско право. Годишен зборник 2022 - Правен факултет, УГД, XII (12). pp. 15-24. ISSN 1857-8713

Atanasovski, Ivan and Nanev, Lazar and Lazetic, Gordana and Fatime, Fetai (2022) Ваучерот, начин на финансирање на спортот или извор на корупција - истражување. Геостратешки институт Глобал, Skopje.

Atanasovski, Ivan and Nanev, Lazar and Lazetic, Gordana and Frichand, Ana and Fetai, Fatime (2022) Спорт, идентитет и глобализација. Геостратешки институт Глобал, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-65474-5-5


Denkova, Jadranka (2022) Јавна администрација. In: Јавна администрација. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” - Шти, Е библиотека Универзитет Гоце Делчев Штип, pp. 1-252. ISBN 978-608-244-921-0

Denkova, Jadranka and Ananiev, Jovan (2022) Analysis of public policies and legal changes in the administrative functions of the Republic of North Macedonia, aimed at harmonization with the principles and standards of the European Union. Yearbook on European Law, Policies, and Institutions, 1 (1). pp. 23-34. ISSN ISBN 978-608-4702-62-7

Denkova, Jadranka and Ananiev, Jovan and Majhosev, Andon (2022) Улогата и значењето на инспекцискиот совет за ефикасни инспекциски служби во Република Северна Македонија. Годишен зборник, Правен факултет (XI). pp. 41-50. ISSN 1857-8713

Doneva, Nada (2022) Implementation of national policies in relation to the fight against internal human trafficking in Republic of North Macedonia. Knowledge - International Journal (KIJ). pp. 139-145. ISSN 2545-4439

Doneva, Natasa (2022) Сајбер криминалот низ призмата на целите за одржлив развој на ООН: Преточување на член 16.3 во националналното право. In: Концептот на одржлив развој во правото и во политиките: застапеност, предизвици и перспективи, 02 June 2022, Law Faculty, University of Goce Delcev.

Doneva, Natasa and Zdraveva, Ana and Trajkovska, Elena (2022) De facto states. Ninth International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World".

Doneva, Natasa and Zdraveva, Ana and Trajkovska, Elena (2022) De facto states. Деветта меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“.


Galeva, Jordanka (2022) Украинското прашање и рамнотежа на моќта. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World, 2. pp. 451-466.

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) Политиките на Охридскиот рамковен договор во контекст на одржлив развој. In: Политиките на Охридскиот рамковен договор во контекст на одржлив развој, 27 Oct 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) 9th- International conference: Social changes in the global world. In: 9th Social changes in the global world, 1-2 Sept 2022, Stip, Macedonia.

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) European integration policy challenges for ethnic integration in the Republic of North Macedonia. Yearbook on European Law, Policies, and Institutions, 1. pp. 35-52.

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) International seminar on the Concept of Sustainable Development in Law and Policies: occurrence, challenges and perspectives. In: International seminar on the Concept of Sustainable Development in Law and Policies: occurrence, challenges and perspectives, 02.06.2022, Штип. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) Panel session: How do we improve links between policy and research in North Macedonia? In: How do we improve links between policy and research in North Macedonia?, 20 Sept 2022, Skopje.

Galeva, Jordanka (2022) Regional summer school 2022: Society and Religion: Ethnic Groups, Identity and Nationalism. In: Regional summer school 2022 Society and Religion: Ethnic Groups, Identity and Nationalism, 23-26 Aug 2022, Skopje. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Koroveshovska, Iskra and Majhosev, Andon (2022) Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во северниот и јужниот регион на Република С. Македонија. [Project]

Galeva, Jordanka and Koroveshovska, Iskra and Majhosev, Andon (2022) Перцепција на слободата на изразување на медиумските работници во северниот и јужниот регион на Република С. Македонија. roceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World, 2. pp. 537-552.

Galeva, Jordanka and Koroveshovska, Iskra and Majhosev, Andon (2022) 9th- International conference: Social changes in the global world. In: 9th- International conference: Social changes in the global world, 1-2 Sept 2022, Stip.

Galeva, Jordanka and Mileski, Toni and Nenovska, Nena (2022) Third international scientific conference: China and reshaping of the post-covid world - Economy, Politics and Major Power Rivalry. In: Third international scientific conference: China and reshaping of the post-covid world - Economy, Politics and Major Power Rivalry, 31 Oct-1 Nov 2022, Blegrade, Serbia. (Submitted)

Galeva, Jordanka and Sutova, Milica and Doneva, Natasa and Zdraveva, Ana (2022) 9th International conference “Social changes in the global world”. [Project]

Giumelli, Francesco and Mocanu, Raluca-Ioana and Babanoski, Kire and Miseva, Kristina (2022) CA21133 - Globalization, Illicit Trade, Sustainability and Security (GLITSS). [Project]


Ivanova, Elena (2022) Мигрантската криза и повредата на правата загарантирани во Европската Конвенција за човекови права. Есеи за миграција и азил. ISSN 978-608-244-943-2

Ivanova, Elena (2022) Recognizing potential victims of human trafficking among migrants in the Republic of North Macedonia. In: conference at the University of Salerno, Italy, within the third edition of the Jean Monnet module on cooperation between the European Union and the Western Balkans in the field of justice and home affairs (EUWEB), 31 March-1 April 2022, Salerno University, Italy. (Unpublished)

Ivanova, Elena (2022) Republic of North Macedonia and the protection of human rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights during the migrant crisis. In: Republic of North Macedonia and the protection of human rights guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights during the migrant crisis. Anthemis, Éditeur Juridique Belge De Reference, Lyon, France, pp. 229-255. ISBN 978-2-8072-1006-6


Jakimovska, Svetlana (2022) Mакедонскиот превод на Конвенцијата за статусот на бегалците. In: Есеи за миграција и азил. УГД, Штип, pp. 113-123. ISBN 978-608-244-943-2

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2022) Case Studies Against the Republic of Macedonia in Relation to Article 2 of the European Convention on Human Rights. International Journal - Knowledge, 55 (1). pp. 115-120. ISSN 2545 – 4439

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2022) The Preliminary Ruling Procedure of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Different Versions of Multilingual Jurisprudence. Деветта меѓународна научна конференција - Општествени промени во глобалниот свет, 9. pp. 165-181. ISSN 978-608-244-905-0


Kambovski, Igor (2022) Cloud computing-legal issues and dilemmas. Sadasnjost i buducnost usluznog prava-Zbornik referata sa Medjunarodnog naucnog skupa "Majsko savetovanje 2022", 18. pp. 397-406. ISSN 978-86-7623-112-6

Kambovski, Igor (2022) Dematerialization of things and legal instruments in the context of electronic trade. In: International scientific conference “Ownership and other proprietary rights act, 1997 - 2022: Property law in the 21st century”, 30 Sept 2022, Osijek, Croatia. (In Press)

Kambovski, Igor (2022) Law and electronic commerce-does the norm follow and control technology and innovation? In: The XI Scientific conference on The occasion of The Day of The Faculty of Law, on general topic „Law Between Creation and Interpretation“, organized by Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo, 05 Nov 2022, Pale, East Sarajevo, Rep. Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina). (In Press)

Kambovski, Igor and Josifovic, Ivica (2022) Legal Aspects Distance Learning in the Context of the Covid-19 Pandemic. International Journal - Knowledge, 55 (6). pp. 1157-1163. ISSN 2545 – 4439

Koevski, Goran and Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2022) Comparative - Legal aspects of the concept of immunity or reduction of fine in Competition law. Social changes in the global world Ninth International Conference University Goce Delchev in Shtip, 1. pp. 191-210. ISSN 978-608-244-905-0

Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) Ксенофобија камуфлирана во новинарство – случај на студија Балкан. In: Есеи за миграција и азил. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ Штип, Штип, pp. 41-49. ISBN 978-608-244-943-2

Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) Реформа на казненото право во контекст на унапредување на правната рамка во случаите на криминал од омраза. In: VIIма Охридска школа на природното право на тема: „Одржување на демократско општество преку зајакнување на неговите институции”, 27 June - 02 July 2022, Ohrid.

Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) Кривично правна заштита на правото на здрава животна средина/Legal criminal protection of the right to a healthy environment. In: Концептот на одржлив развој во правото и во политиките: застапеност, предизвици и перспективи, 02 June 2022, Law Faculty, University of Goce Delcev.

Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) Migrants’ Security in the Era of Modern Communications. In: La ricerca al servizio della complessita giuridica e dell'innovazione tecnologica, 29.09.2021, University Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy.

Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) The victimization of migrants in the on-line world. In: III edition of the Jean Monnet EUWEB Module EU ‘Boundaries’ and Challenges in the Field of Asylum and Migration Management: A Look at the Western Balkans, 01 Apr 2022, Salerno, Italy.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Ivanova, Elena and Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Виктимизација на мигрантите и бегалците во Република Северна Македонија во кривични дела, со посебен акцент на трговијата со луѓе и криумчарењето мигранти. Proceedings of ninth international scientific conference "Social changes in global world". pp. 211-234.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Lazetic, Gordana and Nanev, Lazar (2022) Употреба на медијацијата – постигнати успеси и преостанати предизвици. In: Употреба на медијацијата – постигнати успеси и преостанати предизвици, 16 Sept 2022, Double Tree by Hilton, EPI.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Ivanova, Elena (2022) ‘Structured’ solidarity of the European Union towards illegal migration challanges in North Macedonia. In: Outsourcing and cooperation with third countries: Deconstruting the formal and the informal in migration and asylum policies. Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, pp. 61-76. ISBN 979-12-5976-374-7

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Ivanova, Elena (2022) ‘Stuctured’ Solidarity of the European Union for Illegal Migration Challenges in North Macedonia. In: Outsourcing and cooperation with third countries: deconstructing the formal and the informal in migration and asylum policies. Editoriale Scientifica, Napoli, pp. 61-76. ISBN 979-12-5976-374-7


Lazetic, Gordana and Kosevaliska, Olga and Nanev, Lazar (2022) Анализа за примена на медијацијата во Северна Македонија. [Project]

Lazetic, Gordana and Nanev, Lazar and Petrovska, Nevena (2022) Акти за спроведување на третманот и постапувањето со децата во воспитно поправен дом. [Project]


Majhosev, Andon (2022) Улогата и значењето на односите со јавност при остварувањето на државните функции за ефикасни државни органи. Општествените промени во глобалниот свет, Зборник на трудови. pp. 88-103. ISSN 978-608-244-837-4

Majhosev, Andon (2022) Извори на правото на индустриски односи од меѓународно потекло. Универзитет Гоце Делчев, Правен факултет, Штип Годишен зборник 2021 (XI). pp. 78-87. ISSN 1857-8713

Marolov, Dejan (2022) A Study of the Two Documents that Create the Framework of the Contemporary Relations between Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria. European Journal of Economics, Law and Politics, 9 (1). ISSN 2518-3761

Marolov, Dejan (2022) The consistency of peer-reviewers: Assessment of separate parts of the manuscripts vs final recommendations. Accountability in Research Policies and Quality Assurance. ISSN 0898-962

Marolov, Dejan and Doneva, Natasa (2022) Book review for "Pоolitical Geography" from Igor Okunev. Balkan Social Science Review.

Mileski, Toni and Galeva, Jordanka and Nenovska, Nena (2022) Refugee responses in the post-Ukraine world. proceedings of International conference “China and Reshaping of the Post-Covid World – Economy, Politics and Major Power Rivalry”. (Submitted)

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Financing the Macedonian HealthCare system. In: Seminar " EU eHealth Law, ICT and Bioethics", 13-18 Oct 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Healthcare system financing. In: Roundtable "EU eHealth Law", 28 Apr 2022, Stip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Legal aspects of E-Health development in North Macedonia– Where do we stand? In: International scientific conference “EU eHealth Law and Public Health” - policy debate with academic world, 26-30 Sept 2022, Ohrid. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2022) Tax competitiveness as a mechanism to promote or distort small economies: The case of North Macedonia. In: Webinar and ELF publication presentation:Tax competitiveness in the EU: A comparison between “new” and “old” member states, 9 Nov 2022, Ljubljana, Slovenia- online.

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2022) The legal aspects of telehealth. EU and comparative law issues and challenges series (ECLIC) – Issue 6, 6. pp. 393-410. ISSN 2459-9425

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija (2022) The legal aspects of telehealth. In: The recovery of the EU and strengthening the ability to respond to new challenges – legal and economic aspects, 9-10 June 2022, Osijek.

Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Todorova, Biljana and Stojanov, Trajce and Panev, Kristijan (2022) EU eHealth law and Public Health. [Project]


Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Некои размислувања за солидарноста во Европската Унија за време на мигрантската криза од 2015 година. In: Есеи за миграција и азил. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип, pp. 19-26. ISBN 978-608-244-943-2

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Напредок без почеток на преговори во Поглавје 24: легална и нелегална миграција. In: Катедра Аденауер 2021: Оценување на поглавјата 23 и 24 - Напредок без почеток на преговорите со ЕУ?, 17 Dec 2021, Stip.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Different approaches to illegal migration in North Macedonia and in the Western Balkan countries: consequences upon border security of states and human security of migrants. In: XIII Diplomatic Festival “A Wind of Change - European Union in the Age of Global Uncertainty, 9-10 June 2022, Cracow, Poland and online.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Gli accordi di riammissione tra l'Unione Europea e i paesi Balcanici: più di quanto sembri! EUWEB Legal Essays. Global & International Perspectives, 1 (1). pp. 9-19. ISSN 2785-5228

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Key issues of concern in migration and asylum. In: Key Elements for the future of the EUWEB Observatory’s research - Open Forum, 15 June 2022, Tirana, Albania.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Politiche e pratiche di prevenzione delle migrazioni illegali e lotta contro il traffico di migranti nella Macedonia del Nord: domandando l'ovvio. In: EU ‘Boundaries’ and Challenges in the Field of Asylum and Migration Management: A Look at the Western Balkans / I “confini” dell'UE e le sfide in materia di asilo e gestione delle migrazioni: uno sguardo ai Balcani Occidentali, 1 Apr 2022, Salerno, Italy.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Promoting Human Security of Migrants in Maritime Space: The Role of Non-State Actors in North Macedonia. In: Non-state actors and human security in navigable spaces a cura di Giorgia Bevilacqua., Rivista di diritto pubblico italiano, comparato ed europeo, Rome, pp. 116-127. ISBN 1826-3534

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Report on MAPS project activities for the University Goce Delcev - Stip, North Macedonia (2018 - 2022). In: Migration and asylum policies systems: the way forward, 19-20.05.2022, University of Naples 'Orientale', Palazzo du Mesnil, Via Chiatamone 61/62, Napoli (IT).

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) Solidarietà ed esternalizzazione delle politiche migratorie e d’asilo dell’Unione Europea verso i paesi dei Balcani occidentali. In: Migranti o rifugiati: l’Unione europea riuscirà a rispettare i diritti di tutti?, 12 May 2022, Rome, Italy.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana (2022) The concept of sustainable development in law and policies: project activities at the Faculty of Law, University Goce Delcev - Stip. In: Sustainable University Sport Campus, 27-28 Sept 2022, Budapest and online.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Kosevaliska, Olga (2022) EU and North Macedonia: Establishing new bordering practices in asylum and migration. In: Deconstructing realities and framing policies in the new European Borderlands. University Goce Delcev - Stip, Stip, pp. 16-20. ISBN 978 - 608 - 244 - 978 - 4

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Kosevaliska, Olga and Ivanova, Elena (2022) Prevention of illegal migration and fight against smuggling of migrants: questioning policies and practices in North Macedonia. In: Migration and Border Management: Challanges and Perspectives for Reform, 25 March 2022, University of Malta, Malta.

Nikodinovska Krstevska, Ana and Tusevska, Borka (2022) Концептот на одржлив развој во правото и политиките: присуство, предизвици и перспективи. In: Концептот на одржлив развој во правото и политиките: присуство, предизвици и перспективи, 02 June 2022, Stip (Hybrid event).


Petrovska, Nevena and Lazetic, Gordana and Nanev, Lazar (2022) A new model for protection of child victims/witnesses of violence – children's house (BARNAHUS). International Yearbook of the Faculty of Security, 2. pp. 59-71.


Ristov, Angel and Sutova, Milica (2022) The Civil Code and the reforms in Macedonian Family Law. Zbornik radova deseti međunarodni naučni skup Dani porodičnog prava, 16. ISSN 2303-6052


Sutova, Milica (2022) Property legal disputes of former spouses. In: Ninth International Scientific Conference "Social changes in the global world", 1-2 Sept 2022, Stip. (In Press)

Sutova, Milica and Vlaškovic, Ksenija (2022) European Court of Justice on the use of a previous trademark reputation in terms of infringement. XVIII International May Conference "The Present and Future of Service Law" (2022). pp. 495-504.

Sutova, Milica and Zdraveva, Ana (2022) Litigation proceedings for resolving family disputes during the state of emergency. In: Systemic Agency in Extraordinary Situations: Experiences and Challenges, 20 April 2022, Nis, Serbia.


Todorova, Biljana (2022) The right to social security – Normative content and conditions for effective enjoyment and protection in the republic of North Macedonia. International Scientific Conference “Protection of human rights and freedoms in light of international and national standards”. pp. 105-116. ISSN 978-86-6083-084-7

Todorova, Biljana (2022) The right to unemployment insurance in the Republic of North Macedonia. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 1 (9). pp. 359-372.

Tusevska, Borka (2022) Одржлив развој во конкурентското право. .

Tusevska, Borka (2022) Шпедицијата во современите услови на промет на стоки. Working Paper. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип.


Zdraveva, Ana (2022) Еднаков пристап до правда во сите сегменти на општественото живеење. In: Концептот на одржлив развој во правото и во политиките: застапеност, предизвици и перспективи, 02 June 2022, Law Faculty, University of Goce Delcev.

Zdraveva, Ana (2022) Правна заштита на компјутерски програми. Деветта меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“.

Zdraveva, Ana (2022) Еднаков пристап до правда во сите сегменти на општественото живеење. In: Циклус предавања по одржлив развој во рамки на проектот „Концептот на одржлив развој низ призмата на правото и политиките“, 25.11.2022, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University Stip.

This list was generated on Sun Oct 20 00:56:39 2024 CEST.