Items where Subject is "Industrial Biotechnology"
- Scientific Fields (Frascati) (23670)
- Engineering and Technology (3041)
- Industrial Biotechnology (85)
- Engineering and Technology (3041)
Agunova, larisa and Mardar, Marina and Kuzelov, Aco (2016) Fixing of Shelf Life of Sausages of Gerodietetic Application of Quail Meat Larisa Agunova1*, Maryna Mardar1, Aco Kuzelov2. In: Scientific Works of University of Food Technologies, 20 -21 Octomber 2016, Plovdiv Bulgaria.
Andronikov, Darko and Kostadinovic Velickovska, Sanja (2018) Учебник по „Биолошки основи на суровините“. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“-Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-543-4
Claus, Harald and Mojsov, Kiro (2018) Enzymes for Wine Fermentation: Current and Perspective Applications. Fermentation, 4 (52). pp. 1-19. ISSN 2311-5637
Cvetkovski, Aleksandar and Gjorgieva Ackova, Darinka and Smilkov, Katarina (2022) Influence of the nitrification stage of biological treatment to the levels of nitrogen compounds in wastewater treatment. Macedonian pharmaceutical bulletin, 68 (Sup. 1). pp. 325-326. ISSN 1857 - 8969
Dimovski, Igor and Gjumandeloski, Ice and Kochoski, Filip and Paipuri, Mahendra (2018) Computer aided (filament winding) tape placement for elbows. Practically orientated algorithm. Balkan Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics (BJAMI), 1 (1). pp. 89-104. ISSN 2545-4803
Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2011) Predicting of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants using disinfection activity coefficient of solution. In: Prvi kongres farmaceuta Crne Gore sa medzunarodnom ucescem, 12-15 Maj, 2011, Becici, Crna Gora.
Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Dimova, Cena (2011) Activity of antiseptic solutions in relation to their physicochemical properties. EPMA Journal, 2. p. 178. ISSN 1878-5085
Jordeva, Sonja and Mojsov, Kiro and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Gaber, Stevan (2016) The effects of the duration of cold maceration on the composition and sensory properties of Smederevka wines. Advanced Technologies, 5 (2). pp. 67-70. ISSN 2217-9720
Jovanovska, Vangelica and Kuzelov, Aco (2012) Analysis of changes in the parameters of the maturation of sremski sausage with previosly given tenical characteristics of the chamber. Journal of Enginering & Processing Managment, 4 (1).
Kertakova, Marija (2023) Рекламни флаери и постери за уписи на Технолошко-технички факултет во учебната 2023/2024. [Image]
Koleva Gudeva, Liljana and Maksimova, Viktorija and Serafimovska Darkovska, Marija and Gulaboski, Rubin and Janevik-Ivanovska, Emilija (2013) The effect of different methods of extractions of capsaicin on its content in the capsicum oleoresins. Scientific Works: Food Science, Engineering and Technology 2013, 60. pp. 917-922.
Kostadinoska, Biljana and Risteska, Svetlana and Samakoski, Blagoja and Samak, Samoil and Romevski, Nikolce (2019) Influence of process parameters in production of resin film on kevlar fabric prepreg. In: ICAT'19 8th International Conference on Advanced Technologies.
Kostadinova, Slavica and Panev, Ace and Cingoski, Vlatko (2015) Some Optimization Methods for Increasing the Energy Efficiency of the Water Supply Systems. In: Scientific Proceedings of the XII International Conference Machines, Technologies, Materials. Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering, Varna, Bulgaria, pp. 92-95.
Krstev, Aleksandar and Krstev, Boris (2014) The principles and examples of leaching and bio-leaching using SImplex EVOP. In: 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-18 Oct 2014, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Krstev, Boris and Krstev, Aleksandar (2014) The optimization and the precondition for increasing of gold recoveries from domestic mines. In: 14th International Mineral Processing Symposium, 15-18 Oct 2014, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Krstev, Boris and Krstev, Aleksandar and Danovska, Milena (2015) The principles and examples of leaching and bioleaching of copper ores. In: XVI Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 17-19 June 2015, Belgrade, Serbia.
Krstev, Boris and Krstev, Aleksandar and Gocev, Zivko and Zdravev, Zoran and Krstev, Dejan and Zivanovic, Jordan (2013) Using applicative software and software tools for the performance of leaching and bio-leaching. In: Material, Technology, Education, Security - MTM 2013, 27-28 June 2013, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria.
Krstev, Boris and Krstev, Aleksandar and Golomeov, Blagoj and Golomeova, Mirjana and Sala, Ferat and Gocev, Zivko and Zivanovic, Jordan and Krstev, Dejan (2013) The performance of leaching and bio-leaching from sulphide ores usiing SEVOP. In: BMPC 2013, 12-16 June 2013, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
Krstev, Boris and Krstev, Aleksandar and Golomeova, Mirjana and Gocev, Zivko (2013) The presentation of leaching and bio-leaching from different ores using SIMPLEX EVOP. In: 5th Mining Congress BALKANMINE, 18-21 Sept 2013, Ohrid, R. Macedonia.
Miteva, Sofce and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Petkovska, Sofija (2016) Control of raw materials in pharmaceutical industry – comparison of pharmacopoeia regulations. In: 24th Congress of the society of chemists and technologists of Macedonia with international participation, 11-14 Sept 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Mitreva, Elizabeta and Cvetkovik, Daniela and Filiposki, Oliver and Metodijeski, Dejan and Gjorshevski, Hristijan (2016) Implementation of the methodology for flawless operation at a frozen food company in the Republic of Macedonia. Calitatea - acces la succes (Quality - Access to Success), 17 (153). pp. 92-98. ISSN 1582-2559
Mitreva, Elizabeta and Cvetkovik, Daniela and Filiposki, Oliver and Taskov, Nako and Gjorshevski, Hristijan (2016) The Effects of Total Quality Management Practices on Performance within a Company for Frozen Food in the Republic of Macedonia. Tem Journal, 5 (3). pp. 339-346. ISSN 2217-8309 (Print)
Mitreva, Elizabeta and Gjurevska, Simona and Gjorshevski, Hristijan (2018) Optimization of the Business Processes in a Company for Manufacture of Bread and Bakery Products in Macedonia. Tem Journal, 7 (2). pp. 439-445. ISSN 2217-8309 (Print)
Mojsov, Kiro (2023) Ензими за доработка и нега на текстил. Универзитет "Гоце Делчев", Технолошко-технички факултет, 2023, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-959-3
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja and Golomeova, Saska and Gaber, Stevan and Ignjatov, Ivan (2021) Production and application of glucose oxidase enzyme in textile technology. Tekstilna industrija, 69 (1). pp. 21-27. ISSN 00402389
Mojsov, Kiro (2011) Проучување на можности за ефикасно користење на пектинолитички ензими произведени со чисти култури микроорганизми во бистрење на вината. PhD thesis, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Fakultet za zemjodelski nauki i hrana - Skopje.
Mojsov, Kiro (2011) Application of enzymes in the textile industry: a review. In: II International Congress "Engineering, Ecology and Materials in the Processing Industry", Proceedings, 2011, 09-11 March, pp.230-239, Jahorina, Bosnia and Hercegovina.
Mojsov, Kiro (2010) Application of solid-state fermentation for cellulase enzyme production using Trichoderma viride. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 5 (2). pp. 108-110. ISSN 1804-0527 (online)
Mojsov, Kiro (1984) Испитување на условите за биосинтеза на пектинолитички ензими со габата Aspergillus sp. MK-15 врз пресувана јаболкова пулпа. Masters thesis, Univerzitet Sv. Kiril i Metodij, Tehnoloski fakultet Skopje.
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Biopolishing enzymes and their applications in textiles: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (2). pp. 20-24. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2016) Bioscouring and bleaching process of cotton fabrics-an opportunity of saving water and energy. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 107 (7). pp. 905-911. ISSN 0040-5000 (Print), 1754-2340 (Online)
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Biotechnological applications of laccases in the Textile Industry. Advanced Technologies, 3 (1). pp. 76-79. ISSN 2217-9720
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) Biotechnological applications of pectinases in textile processing and bioscouring of cotton fibers. In: II International Conference Industrial Engineering and Environmental Protection 2012 (IIZS 2012), Proceedings, 31 October, 2012, Zrenjanin, Serbia. pp.314-322.
Mojsov, Kiro (2015) Cellulose fibers extracted from agricultural biomass. Tekstilna industrija, 62 (4). pp. 15-19. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2015) Comparison between conventional chemical processes and bioprocesses in cotton fabrics. Tekstilna industrija, 62 (1). pp. 21-25. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2010) The Effects of Different Carbon Sources on Biosynthesis of Pecinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus niger. Applied Technologies & Innovations, 3 (3). pp. 23-29. ISSN 1804-1191
Mojsov, Kiro (2010) The Effects of Inorganic Salts on Biosynthesis of Pectinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus Niger. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 4 (1). pp. 109-112. ISSN 1804-0527
Mojsov, Kiro (2016) Effects of enzymatic treatment on the physical properties of handloom cotton fabrics. Tekstilna industrija, 63 (1). pp. 21-26. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2015) Enzymatic desizing of cotton fabric and glucose generation in desizing liquor. Tekstilna industrija, 62 (2). pp. 15-20. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Enzymatic desizing of cotton: a review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 4 (1). pp. 459-469. ISSN 2249-0558
Mojsov, Kiro (2019) Enzymatic desizing, bioscouring and enzymatic bleaching of cotton fabric with glucose oxidase. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 110 (7). pp. 1032-1041. ISSN 0040-5000 (Print), 1754-2340 (Online)
Mojsov, Kiro (2018) Enzymatic scouring and bleaching of cotton terry fabrics – opportunity of the improvement on some physicochemical and mechanical properties of the fabrics. Journal of Natural Fibers, 15 (5). pp. 740-751. ISSN 1544-0478 (Print); 1544-046X (Online)
Mojsov, Kiro (2017) Enzymatic treatment of wool fabrics - opportunity of the improvement on some physical and chemical properties of the fabrics. The Journal of the Textile Institute, 108 (7). pp. 1136-1143. ISSN 0040-5000 (Print), 1754-2340 (Online)
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) Enzyme Applications in Textile Preparatory Process: A Review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 2 (9). pp. 272-295. ISSN 2249-0558
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) Enzyme Scouring of Cotton Fabrics: A Review. International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT), 2 (9). pp. 256-275. ISSN 2249-1058
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Enzymes in textile industry: a review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 4 (12). pp. 34-44. ISSN 2249-0558
Mojsov, Kiro (2010) Experimental Investigations of Submerged Fermentation and Synthesis of Pectinolytic Enzymes by Aspergillus niger: Effect of Inoculums Size and Age of Spores. Applied Technologies & Innovations, 2 (2). pp. 40-46. ISSN 1804-1191
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Industrial enzymes in textile processing and the healty environment: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (1). pp. 12-16. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) Microbial Alpha-Amylases and their Industrial Applications: A Review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 2 (10). pp. 583-609. ISSN 2249-0558
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) Microbial cellulases and their applications in textile processing. International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT), 2 (11). pp. 12-29. ISSN 2249-1058
Mojsov, Kiro (2017) New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering. In: New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering. ELSEVIER, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 215-222. ISBN 978-0-444-63505-1
Mojsov, Kiro (2013) Production and application of laccase enzyme in textile industry. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (4). pp. 11-15. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro (2009) Researching the Possibilities of the Pectolytic Ensyme Biosynthesis with the Aspergillus Species of Microscopic Fungi. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 3 (3). pp. 146-148. ISSN 1804-0527 (online)
Mojsov, Kiro (2013) Role of biotechnology in textile industry: а review. International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT), 3 (10). pp. 206-220. ISSN 2249-1058
Mojsov, Kiro (2013) Textile effluent & waste water: a review. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering (IJMIE), 3 (10). pp. 467-479. ISSN 2249-0558
Mojsov, Kiro (2014) Trends in bio-processing of textiles. Advanced technologies, 3 (2). pp. 135-138. ISSN 2217-9720
Mojsov, Kiro (2013) Use of enzymes in wine making: А review. International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT), 3 (9). pp. 112-127. ISSN 2249-1058
Mojsov, Kiro (2011) The apple pulp waste used as a nourishing base by Aspergillus niger. In: I-International Conference "Process Technology and Environmental Protection", 07-08 December, 2011. Proceedings., Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Mojsov, Kiro (2011) The effect of pectolytic enzyme treatments on red grape mashes of Vranec on the microbiological quality of wines. In: I-International Conference "Process Technology and Environmental Protection", Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Mojsov, Kiro (2012) The effects of pectolytic enzyme treatments of Merlot red grape mashes on the microbiological quality of wines. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 11 (2). pp. 110-116. ISSN 1804-0527 (Online), 1804-0519 (Print)
Mojsov, Kiro and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Jordeva, Sonja and Kertakova, Marija and Golomeova, Saska and Gaber, Stevan and Ignjatov, Ivan (2018) Production and application of α-amylase enzyme in textile industry. Tekstilna industrija, 66 (1). pp. 23-28. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Jordeva, Sonja and Zhezhova, Silvana (2015) Enzymes and wine – the enhanced quality and yield. Advanced technologies, 4 (1). pp. 94-100. ISSN 2217-9720
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko (2014) Enzymatic treatment of wool: A review. Tekstilna industrija, 61 (4). pp. 23-28. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Gaber, Stevan (2017) Determination of weight loss of cotton fabrics in enzymatic treatment. Tekstilna industrija, 64 (1). pp. 44-48. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja (2014) The Effects of Macerating Enzyme Treat Treatments and Aging on Phenolic Content and Chromatic Characteristics in Vranec Wines. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering (IJIRSE), 2 (12). pp. 817-824. ISSN (Online) 2347-3207
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja and Gaber, Stevan and Ignjatov, Ivan (2017) Advantages of enzyme in textile technology. Tekstilna industrija, 64 (4). pp. 38-41. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja and Gaber, Stevan and Ignjatov, Ivan (2020) Enzymatic treatment of wool fabrics with lipase in the improvement of some properties of wool fabrics. Tekstilna industrija, 68 (1). pp. 4-11. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja and Golomeova, Saska and Gaber, Stevan (2020) Enzymatic treatments for cotton. Tekstilna industrija, 68 (2). pp. 12-17. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Jordeva, Sonja and Kertakova, Marija and Golomeova, Saska and Gaber, Stevan and Ignjatov, Ivan (2019) Behaviour of biopolishing on dyeability and certain properties of cotton fabrics. Tekstilna industrija, 67 (1). pp. 20-24. ISSN 0040-2389
Mojsov, Kiro and Janevski, Aco and Andronikov, Darko and Zhezhova, Silvana (2014) Hyperthermophilic Enzymes with Industrial Applications. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering (IJIRSE), 2 (12). pp. 806-810. ISSN 2347-3207
Mojsov, Kiro and Petreska, Meri and Ziberoski, Jugoslav (2012) Biosynthesis of pectinolytic enzymes by Aspergillus on apple pulp. In: 17th Savetovanje o Biotehnologiji sa megjunarodnim ucescem, 6-7 April, 2012. Zbornik Radova, Vol. 17(19) 2012, 393-397, Cacak, Serbia.
Mojsov, Kiro and Petreska, Meri and Ziberoski, Jugoslav (2013) Effect of enzyme preparation treatments on the chromatic characteristics of red wines from Vranec. In: International Symposium on Biotechnology, 15-16 March, 2013, pp. 477-481, Cacak, Serbia.
Mojsov, Kiro and Petreska, Meri and Ziberoski, Jugoslav (2011) Risks of microbial spoilage of wine: a review. In: EHEDG World Congress on Hygienic Engineering & Design, 22-24 September, Journal of Hygienic Engineering and Design, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Mojsov, Kiro and Petreska, Meri and Ziberoski, Jugoslav (2011) The effect of pectolytic enzyme treatments on white grape mashes of Smederevka on the microbiological quality of wines. In: Savetovanje o Biotehnologiji sa megjunarodnim ucescem, Zbornik Radova. Vol. 16(18), 2011, 4-5 March, pp.305-310, Cacak, Serbia.
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir (2010) A Comparison of Effects of Three Commercial Pectolytic Enzyme Preparations in Red Winemaking. International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, 1 (2). pp. 127-136. ISSN 2229-6107
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir (2011) The Effect of Pectolytic Enzyme Treatments on Red Grapes Mash of Vranec on Grape Juice Yields. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics & Business, 7 (1). pp. 84-86. ISSN 1804-0527
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir and Ivanova, Violeta and Petreska, Meri (2011) Effecs of pectolytic enzyme treatments on white grape mashes of Smederevka on polyphenolic content of wines. In: 46 Croatian and 6 International Symposium on Agriculture, 14-18 February, 2011, Opatija, Croatia.
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir and Petreska, Meri (2011) Application of enzymes in the wine industry. BIGOSS - Skopje, Gjuro Strugar 15, Skopje. ISBN 978-9989-44-154-7
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir and Petreska, Meri (2011) Comparison of effects of three commercial pectolytic enzyme preparations in white winemaking. Applied Technologies & Innovations, 4 (1). pp. 34-38. ISSN 1804-1191
Mojsov, Kiro and Ziberoski, Jugoslav and Božinović, Zvonimir and Petreska, Meri (2011) Effects of pectolytic enzyme treatments on white grape mashs of Smederevka on grape juice yields and volume of lees. In: 46 Croatian and 6 International Symposium on Agriculture, 14-18 February, 2011, Opatija, Croatia.
Petkovska, Sofija and Despodov, Zoran and Gjorgjeska, Biljana and Zdravkovska, Milka (2012) Process of purification of motor oil and its use as an ecological fuel. In: Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, 5-9 September 2012, Ohrid, R.Macedonia.
Petkovska, Sofija and Gjorgjeska, Biljana (2014) Application of the Good Manufacture Practice standards for production of food products for assuring microbiological cleanness and control of the residues of disinfectants. In: 7th Central European Congress on food, CEFood Congress, 21-24 May 2014, Ohrid, R.Macedonia.
Petruseva, Sara and Andronikov, Darko and Janevski, Aco and Bozinovski, Zoran (2024) Квалитетот на водата за пиење на град Скопје. In: 5 студентска конференција „Критични прашања во земјоделството и животната средина", 13 Nov 2024, Stip.
Ristevski, Peco (2014) Тешки токсични метали во подземните води на Пелагониската котлина. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University Stip.
Smilkov, Katarina (2017) Freeze drying in the production of Radiopharmaceuticals. [Teaching Resource] (In Press)