Items where Division is "Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences" and Year is 1997

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Number of items: 15.

Blažev, Krsto (1997) Геологија на лежиштето на кварцни песочници „Пржани" Синковица. Geologica Macedonica (1). pp. 45-55. ISSN 0352-1206

Boev, Blazo and Lepitkova, Sonja (1997) Geochemical investigations of the soils in the republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica, 11. pp. 51-56. ISSN 0352-1206

Ilic, Ilija and Krstev, Boris and Stopic, Srecko and Cerovic, K (1997) The study of chlorination of nickel oxide by chlorine and calcium chloride in the presence of active additives. Scandinavian Journal of Metallurgy. ISSN 0371-0459

Kochneva, Nina T. and Stojanov, Risto and Boev, Blazo (1997) A neogean orogenic tectonics of East Macedonia (with use of the morphostructural analysis). Proceeding Magmatism, Metamorphism and Metallogeny of the Vardat zone and Serbo-Macedonian massief. pp. 1-5.

Korikovsky, Sergey and Mircovski, V. and Boev, Blazo and Stojanov, Risto and Kurduykov, E. (1997) Prograde formation of Clinopyroxene -Plagioclase Symplectites in Garnet -Clinozoisite Amphiholites of the Ograzden Complex,Macedonia. Magmatism, Metamorphism and Metallogeny of the Vardar Zone and Serro-Macedonian Massif.

Korikovsky, Sergey and Mircovski, Vojo and Zakariadze, G.S. (1997) Мetamorphic Evolution and the Composition of the Protolith of Plagioclase-bearing Eclogite-Amphibolites of the Buchim Block of the Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Macedonia. Petrology, 5 (6). pp. 534-549.

Korikovsky, Sergey and Stojanov, Risto and Boev, Blazo and Mirceski, Valentin and Kurduykov, E. (1997) Mineral equilibria in high-temperature gneisses of the -Bogdanci low -pressure metamorphic complex, Macedonia. Proceeding - Magmatism, Metamorphism and metallogency if the Vardar zone and Serbo-Macedonian massif. pp. 257-259.

Mircovski, V. and Korikovsky, Sergey and Stojanov, Risto and Boev, Blazo (1997) Metamorphic Evolution and P -T Conditions of Eclogite -Amphibolites in the Buchim Block, Serbo -Macedonian Massif, Macedonia. Proceeding - Magmatism, Metamorphism and metallogency if the Vardar zone and Serbo-Macedonian massif.

Namicev, Petar (1997) Објекти за чување и складирање на храната во селската архитектура во Македонија. Ethnologist (7-8). pp. 378-393.

Namicev, Petar (1997) Makedonija -podobe podezelske arhitekture. [Show/Exhibition]

Namicev, Petar (1997) Profane architecture in the Struga area in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. Изворник, Списание за наука и култура, 1 (1-2). pp. 195-212. ISSN 1409-6110

Serafimovski, Todor and Spasovski, Orce and Stankovski, Rade (1997) Content and distribution of some elements in the major minerals from the Topanica Pb-Zn deposit (NE Macedonia). Geologica Macedonica, 11. pp. 1-15. ISSN 0352-1206

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Blazo (1997) Mineralogical characteristics of johannsenite in the Sasa ore field. Geologica Macedonica, 11. pp. 45-49. ISSN 0352-1206

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Blazo and Korikovsky, Sergey (1997) Metamorphisam of the Impure Calcite Marbles from the Kriva Lakavica. Proceeding - Magmatism, Metamorphism and metallogency if the Vardar zone and Serbo-Macedonian massif. pp. 243-244.

Stojanov, Risto and Boev, Blazo (1997) Alpine Plutono-Magmatism and Metamorphism in the South-Eastern Parts of the Vardar Zone and the Serbo­ - Macedonian Massif. Proceeding Magmatism, Metaporphism and Metallogeny of the Vardar zone and Serbo - Macedonian massif.

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