Items where Division is "Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics" and Year is 2021

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 135.


Angelkova, Tanja and Kitanov, Vladimir (2021) Potentional for ecotourism in Gevgelija region. Knowledge – International Journal, 48 (1). pp. 143-148. ISSN 2545-4439; 1857-923X

Angelkova, Tanja (2021) The influence of the Municipality of Berovo on the development of specific forms of tourism in Macedonia. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science, 26 (01). pp. 54-59. ISSN 2279-0837

Antonievski, Goran and Asani, Agim (2021) Карактеристики на гастрономијата во полошкиот регион. Зборник на трудови ФИЛКО. ISSN 978-608-244-871-8

Boskov, Tatjana and Dzidrov, Misko (2021) Circular Economy Concept and Perspectives in Croatia. Yearbook of Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, 1 (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 2671-3969

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Фактори за развој на верски туризам во Општина Битола со посебен осврт на манастирскиот туризам. Yearbook of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delčev University – Štip, 1 (1). pp. 6-11. ISSN ISSN 2671-3969

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Beginnings and conditions of mountain tourism in the R.N.Macedonia. SocioBrains International Scientific Referred Online Journal, 8 (78). pp. 90-100. ISSN 2367-5721

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Identification, definition, determination and promotion of large mountain tourist regions in the world. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 1 (1). pp. 18-28. ISSN 2671-3810 / 2671-3802 printed (Unpublished)

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) The fortresses in RN Macedonia in function for enriching to tourist offer. Journal of Process Management - New Technologies International (JPMNT), 9 (2). pp. 34-45. ISSN 2334-7449 /2334-735X (Print)

Eftimoski, Dimitar and Josheski, Dushko (2021) Reopening the debate on the relationship among remittances, household consumption stability and economic growth in emerging markets. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 16 (8). pp. 1892-1911. ISSN 1746-8809

Esmerova, Emanuela and Atanasoski, Drasko (2021) Обуката и развојот на човечките ресурси во економисување на претпријатијата. Годишен зборник на факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика 2021.

Jakovlev, Zlatko (2021) Улога и значење на финансикиот менаџмент за работењето на туристичко - угостителските претпријатија. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, I.

Jakovlev, Zlatko and Gigova Mateta, Dusica (2021) Менаџмент на квалитет во туризмот. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика.

Josheski, Dushko and Apostolov, Mico (2021) Equilibrium short-rate models vs no-arbitrage models: Literature review and computational examples. Econometrics. Ekonometria. Advances in Applied Data Analysis, 25 (3). 42 -71. ISSN 2449-9994

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2021) Bequest taxation, estate taxation, land taxation, optimum town, Henry George theorem and capital taxation: A Survey. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, 1 (1). pp. 58-78. ISSN 2671-3969

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2021) Monetary policy effectiveness, and some explanations of unemployment, fair wages and fair prices in a general equilibrium setting. Econometrics: Mathematical Methods & Programming eJournal, 14 (12). ISSN 1556-5068

Josheski, Dushko and Karamazova Gelova, Elena (2021) Auction theory and a note on game mechanisms. Croatian Review of Economic, Business and Social Statistics, 7 (1). pp. 43-59. ISSN 1849-8531

Kitanov, Vladimir (2021) Characteristics of economic factors for rural tourism development. International scientific journal Knowledge, 49.1. pp. 159-162. ISSN 1857-923X

Kitanov, Vladimir and Angelkova, Tanja (2021) Development and economic significance of rural tourism. Knowledge International scientific journal, 49.1. pp. 163-166. ISSN 1857-923X

Kitanov, Vladimir and Angelkova, Tanja (2021) The needs and structure of modern tourist destinations. Knowledge International Journal Scientific Papers, 45.1. pp. 113-118. ISSN 1857-923X

Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko (2021) Archaeological location Stobi. Jubilee magazine of works of the Society for Science and Art Prilep (32/33). pp. 155-166. ISSN 0352-3497

Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko and Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) The role of the financial management for the operation of the enterprise in the field of tourism. Jubilee magazine of works of the Society for Science and Art Prilep (32/33). pp. 145-153. ISSN 0352-3497

Koteski, Cane and Majhosev, Darko (2021) Tourist resources of the Skopje region in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. SocioBrains (78). pp. 13-20. ISSN 2367-5721 (online)

Koteski, Cane and Zimeri, Blerta (2021) Winter tourism in North Macedonia and its impact in the economic growth. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 1 (1). pp. 71-74. ISSN 2671-3810 online version

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Политики за развој на родово претприемништво. Годишен зборник на Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, 1 (1). pp. 53-57. ISSN ISSN 2671-3969

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Политики и практики за развој на социјалното претприемништво. Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century ISCTBL 2021-Conference Proceedings, 4 (1). pp. 80-85. ISSN 978-608-244-824-4

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Accountants stress management policies caused by the impact of COVID-19 virus: the Macedonian case. Conference Proceedings Accounting and audit in theory and practice. pp. 245-256. ISSN 2637 - 272X

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) The impact of Covid pandemic and the policy action for recovery of the small and medium enterprises. International Journal of Economics, Management and Tourism, 1 (1). pp. 62-70. ISSN 2671-3810

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Aleksoski, Ognen (2021) Employee stress management caused by the impact of the covid-19 virus: the Macedonian case. SocioBrains (80). pp. 15-27. ISSN 2367-5721 (online)

Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Postolov, Kiril (2021) Types of crises in the work of entrepreneurs: The impact of the global health crisis. Knowledge - International Journal Vol.46.1., 46 (1). pp. 171-175. ISSN 2545-4439

Majhosev, Darko and Koteski, Cane (2021) Cities branding as tourist destination: case Barcelona. SocioBrains (78). pp. 370-375. ISSN 2367-5721 (online)

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver (2021) Analysis of wine tourism offer in North Macedonia. International journal of economics, management and tourism, 1 (1). pp. 8-17. ISSN 2671-3810

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver (2021) Towards accessible tourism in Republic of North Macedonia. Yearbook of Faculty of tourism and business logistics, 1. pp. 44-52. ISSN 2671-3969

Micevski, Mladen and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) Ottoman heritage: Specific perception of students from North Macedonia. Yearbook of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delčev University – Štip, 1. pp. 90-93. ISSN 2671-3969

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Gjorshevski, Hristijan (2021) Improving the Performance of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics for the Needs of the Business Community. JELM – International Journal of Educational Leadership and Management, 9 (1). pp. 2-27. ISSN 2014-9018

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Kirovski, Filip (2021) Application of the Methodology of Six Sigma in Public Health Institution. SAR Journal, 4 (3). pp. 107-113. ISSN 2619-9955

Nikolovska, Biljana (2021) The representation of information technology in the operation of travel agencies in the Republic of North Macedonia. Knowledge International Journal Vol. 46.5.

Nikolovska, Biljana and Nikolovski, Zoran (2021) Alternative forms of tourism in order to increase the tourist offer and attractiveness – the case of the Republic of North Macedonia. Knowledge International Journal. ISSN 1857-923X

Petrevska, Biljana and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) Sustainability in hotel industry: The role of rooftop PV plants. Yearbook of the Faculty of Tourism and Business Logistics, Goce Delčev University – Štip, 1. pp. 12-17. ISSN 2671-3969

Qahili, Perparim and Koteski, Cane (2021) Влијанието на загадувањето врз развојот на туризмот во регионот на Ана Морава. Годишен Зборник на Факултет за туризан и бизнис логистика, 1 (1). pp. 100-106. ISSN 2671-3969

Risteska Stojkoska, Biljana and Gjorshevski, Hristijan and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) FINKI Scholar, a Publications Database for Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering Scholars. Telfor Journal, 13 (1). pp. 47-52. ISSN 1821-3251

Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Јавни политики за справување со кризи: Лекции научени од Ковид-19 за климатските промени. Политичка мисла, 19 (61). pp. 29-44. ISSN 1409-9853

Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Public Policy and the response to Covid-19. The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings. pp. 257-274. ISSN 978-86-6425-081-8

Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Republicanism: Roman Res Publica as an inspiring concept for the Western constitutional thought. Proceedings Book of the IV International Piri Reis Language, History, Geography Congress. pp. 309-318. ISSN 978-625-7464-31-4


Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Women's rights are human rights: A decade of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention. Yearbook of the Faculty of tourism and business logistics, Goce Delcev University-Stip, 1 (1). pp. 79-89. ISSN 2671-3969

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) The impact of Covid-19 on world tourism. Tourism challenges amid Covid-19 (TISC 2021) –Thematic proceedings, 6 (1).

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Aleksoski, Ognen (2021) Policies for recovery of the travel and tourism from Covid-19 pandemic. Sociobrains, International scientific refereed online journal with impact factor, 8 (83). pp. 57-73. ISSN 2367-5721 (online)

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2021) Социо-економското влијание на Ковид-19: Македонскиот случај со развој на е-трговијата. Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century - ISCTBL 2021-Conference Proceedings, 4 (1). pp. 86-99. ISSN 978-608-244-824-4

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2021) Современи предизвици за заштита на човековите права. Правен дијалог (23). pp. 5-13. ISSN 1857-7644

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2021) The impact of climate change on European countries and the necessity of multilateral cooperation. Sociobrains, International scientific online journal with impact factor, 8 (83). pp. 74-87. ISSN 2367-5721 (online)

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina (2021) The impact of the coronavirus crisis on climate action: lessons learned for the governments. The 2019 Serbian Political Science Association Annual Conference Proceedings Held on September 26–27, 2020 in Belgrade. pp. 275-288. ISSN 978-86-6425-081-8

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Challenges and perspectives of the UN on the future of multilateralism. Iustinianus Primus Law Review, 12 (1). pp. 1-9.

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Magdinceva-Sopova, Marija (2021) State sovereignty in international relations. Knowledge - International Journal Scientific Papers, 45 (5). pp. 975-980. ISSN 1857-923X / 2545–4439 printed

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Предизвиците од политичката глобализација за државите. Зборник на трудови / Петта меѓународна научна конференција ФИЛКО филологија, култура и образование, 8-9 октомври 2020, Штип = Сборник статей / Пятая международная научная конференция ФИЛКО филология, культура и образование, 8-9 октября 2020, Штип = Confer. pp. 319-326. ISSN ISBN 978-608-244-787-2

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Преглед на У.С. Банкорп и движењето на вредноста на акциите.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Супериорноста на необанките наспрема традиционалните банки.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Промени во бизнис моделот на банките под влијание на технолошките иновации и финтек индустријата.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Блокчаин технологија и токенизирање на реални средства како нова алтернатива за тргување.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) (Де)стимулација да се биде кредитобарател со висок кредитен рејтинг.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Важноста на комуникациските стратегии во банкарскиот сектор.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Hебанкарски алтернативи за финансирање.

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Функционирање на концептот “напумпај и продади” (pump and dump).

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) The COVID-19 pandemic impact on the tourist turnover in the Republic of North Macedonia. Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Management, 9 (1). pp. 46-52. ISSN 2328-2169

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) The Glacial Lakes of Shar Mountain as a Tourist Attraction. European Modern Studies Journal, 5 (2). pp. 95-100. ISSN 2522-9400

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) How a design can influence the choice of a hotel? iJournals: International Journal of Social Relevance & Concern (IJSRC), 9 (2). pp. 7-11. ISSN 2347-9698

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) Impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia in regards of potential tourist. Macedonian International Journal of Marketing, 7 (13). pp. 117-127. ISSN 1857-9787

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) Spa Tourism in the Republic of North Macedonia. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Publications, 3 (11). pp. 13-15. ISSN 2581-6187

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) Tourist intensity in the Polog Region 2011-2019. Global Scientific Journal, 9 (5). pp. 1522-1527. ISSN 2320-9186

Book Section

Runcheva-Tasev, Hristina and Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Apostolovska-Stepanoska, Milena (2021) Pejzaž sajber bezbednosti i digitalna forenzika: Makedonska perspektiva. In: Forenzičko računovodstvo, istražne radnje, ljudski faktor i primenjeni alati. Univerzitet u Beogradu, Fakultet organizacionih nauka- Belgrad, Srbija, Belgrad, Republika Srbija, pp. 887-900. ISBN 978-86-7680-393-4

Terzić, Aleksandra and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) Transformation to Seasonal Villages: Second-Home Tourism as Initiator of Rural Diversification. In: The Impact of Tourist Activities on Low-Density Territories: Evaluation Frameworks, Lessons, and Policy Recommendations. Tourism, Hospitality & Event Management . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 125-148. ISBN 978-3-030-65524-2


Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Планински туризам (учебник, електронски извор). Other. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. (Unpublished)

Serafimova, Mimoza (2021) Factors of impact on the labor market and business in Macedonia. Other. Scholars Press, Republic of Moldavia. (In Press)

Conference or Workshop Item

Andreeski, Cvetko and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) Forecasting dynamic tourism demand using Artificial Neural Networks. In: XV international conference ETAI 2021, 23-24.09.2021, online via Zoom platform.

Angelkova, Tanja and Ristova, Cvetanka (2021) Значењето на туристичките агенции за развој на Македонија како атрактивна туристичка дестинација. In: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција „Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век“, 19 Nov 2021, Stip, RN Macedonia.

Asani, Agim (2021) Promotion of restaurants by branding the chef and the impact on the tourist offer of the city of Tetovo. In: Proceedings book of the International scientific and practical conference Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03 Sept 2021, Skopje.

Boskov, Tatjana and Dzidrov, Misko (2021) Circular Economy Development and Resource Efficiency: Evidence for Macedonia. In: Fourth international scientific conference: Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century, 19 Nov 2021.

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Регионален преглед на планинскиот туризам во РС Македонија. In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century: conference proceedings / Fourth international scientific conference, 19 Novr 2021, Stip, North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Esmerova, Emanuela and Atanasoski, Drasko (2021) Модели на развој на човечки ресурси во економијата на претпријатијата. In: 4th International scientific conference - Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century.

Filiposki, Oliver and Taleska, Milena and Dzambazovski, Kristijan and Dimovski, Cedomir (2021) Overview and necessity of risk management in tourism. In: International scientific and practical conference Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03 Sept 2021.

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2021) Monetary economics: Post-Keynesian stock-flow consistent approach (PK-SCF) versus New-Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (NK-DSGE). In: Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century.

Koteski, Cane (2021) Opportunities for tourism development of the city of Krusevo in the Republic of Northern Macedonia. In: IV Scientific conference with international participation Geography, regional development and tourism, 03-05 Dec 2021, Shumen, Bugarija.

Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola and Jakovlev, Zlatko (2021) Хидрографијата како мотивски туристички фактор и вредност во регионот на Мариово. In: Пелагонски културно - научни средби, 13 Oct 2021, Novaci.

Koteski, Cane and Magdeski, Aleksandar (2021) Современи форми на меѓународен туризам со посебен осврт на градскиот и евент туризмот. In: Четврта Меѓународна Научна Конференција Предизвиците во Туризмот и Бизнис логистиката во 21 Век >>ISCTBL2021<<, 19 Nov 2021, Stip.

Majhosev, Darko and Koteski, Cane (2021) Листи на УНЕСКО за заштита на светското наследство со посебен осврт на листата на светско наследство во опасност. In: Четврта Меѓународна Научна Конференција Предизвиците во Туризмот и Бизнис логистиката во 21 Век >>ISCTBL2021<<, 19 Nov 2021, Stip.

Majhosev, Darko and Koteski, Cane (2021) Меѓународните културни и спортски манифестации во Европа како фактор за развој на урбаниот туризам. In: IV Scientific conference with international participation Geography, regional development and tourism, 03-05 Dec 2021, Shumen, Bugarija.

Mateta Gigova, Dusica and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) Глобализацијата и туризмот во Република Северна Македонија. In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2021«, 19 Nov 2021, Shtip.

Metodijeski, Dejan and Dzambazovski, Kristijan and Filiposki, Oliver and Cocoroski, Toso (2021) The effects of Covid-19 pandemic upon tourism: The case of tourism policy in North Macedonia. In: 9th International Conference „Ohrid-Vodici 2021“, 17-19 January, Ohrid.

Micevski, Mladen and Petrevska, Biljana (2021) Perception of young-adults on Ottoman heritage and the opportunities for tourism development. In: 2nd international congress of new generations and new trends in tourism “INGANT 2021”, 27-28.05.2021, online via Zoom platform.

Mitreva, Elizabeta and Stojmenova, Trajanka and Trajkovski, Zlatko (2021) Application of the methodology of digital logic systems in transport in Timocom Logic System. In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2021«, 19 Nov 2021, Shtip.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko (2021) Значење на манаџментот за работењето на претпријатијата од областа на туризмот. In: IV Scientific conference with international participation Geography, regional development and tourism, 03-05 Dec 2021, Shumen, Bugarija.

Petkoski, Gjorgji and Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko (2021) The importance of manamegements financial decisions for the operations of tourismenterprises. In: IV Scientific conference with international participation "Geography, regional development and tourism", 03-05 Dec 2021, Shumen, Bulgarija.

Petrevska, Biljana and Bjelajac, Dajana and Djercan, Bojan (2021) Dark sky tourism: Prospects and challenges for North Macedonia. In: Fourth International Scientific Conference “Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st century” ISCTBL 2021, 19 Nov 2021, online.

Petrevska, Biljana and Popovski, Risto and Cingoski, Vlatko (2021) New innovative tourism product for reanimating rural areas. In: ETIMA 2021, 19-21.10.2021, online via Zoom platform.

Petrevska, Biljana and Terzić, Aleksandra and Andreeski, Cvetko (2021) Modelling the extent of sustainability of tourism destinations in Serbia. In: Geobalcanica 2021, 15-16 June 2021, Ohrid.

Popova, Dushica and Miteva, Natasha (2021) Service quality models in hospitality industry. In: ISCTBL 2021.

Qahili, Perparim (2021) Климатски и хидрографски карактеристики во развојот на туризмот во регионот Јилан. In: Четврта меѓународна научна конференција Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век - ISCTBL 2021, 19 Nov 2021, Stip - North Macedonia.

Qahili, Perparim (2021) Spa tourism in the municipality of Klokot. In: IV Scientific conference with international participation Geography, regional development and tourism, 03-05 Dec 2021, Shumen, Bulgaria.

Ristova, Cvetanka and Durgutov, Ivan (2021) Rebuilding tourism and travel for the future: Policy responses to the coronavirus (COVID-19). In: The 4rd International Scientific Conference "Challenges of Tourism and Business Logistics in the 21st Century", 19 Nov 2021, Stip, RN Macedonia.

Serafimova, Mimoza and Stefanoska, Bobana (2021) Socio-economic impact of Covid-19 crisis on human resources and companies. In: Challenges of tourism and business logistics in the 21st century »ISCTBL 2021«, Vol. 4 No. 1 (2021), 19 Nov 2021, Stip.

Taleska, Milena and Metodijeski, Dejan and Andreeva, Jasmina and Cuculeski, Nikola (2021) Accessible tourism: examples and good practices in selected countries from Europe. In: International scientific and practical conference Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03 Sept 2021.

Terzić, Aleksandra and Petrevska, Biljana and Demirovic Bajrami, Dunja (2021) Personalities and politics – prospects for tourism in pandemic blurred 2021. In: Tourman 2021: Restarting tourism, travel and hospitality: The day after, 21-23 May 2021, online high-level conference through Zoom.

Todorovic, Emilija (2021) Примена на информатичка технологија во работењето на туристичките агенции. In: Шеста меѓународна научна конференција Современите менаџерски предизвици и организациските науки со предметен фокус дигитализацијата и сајбер-безбедноста како менаџерски предизвици, 30 Dec 2020, Bitola.

Todorovic, Emilija and Taleska, Milena and Micevski, Mladen (2021) The fortresses in North Macedonia as a cultural tourist offer. In: International scientific and practical conference Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03 Sept 2021.

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) Улога на интернетот при избор на туристичка дестинација и организација на туристичко патување. In: Предизвиците во туризмот и бизнис логистиката во 21 век, 19.11.2021, Штип.

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) What motivates tourists when choosing a certain tourist destination. In: International scientific and practical conference: Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03.09.2021.

Zakoski, Ilija (2021) What motivates tourists when choosing a certain tourist destination. In: Proceedings book of the International scientific and practical conference Current trends and prospects of international tourism, 03.09.2021, Skopje.


Atanasoski, Drasko and Jovanoska, Irina (2021) Logistika vo transportot. 2ri Avgust. ISBN 978-608-4879-59-6

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana and Karamazova Gelova, Elena (2021) Three essays in economics, finance and linear programing. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing. ISBN 979-8706460525

Koteski, Cane and Jakovlev, Zlatko and Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Religion, mountains and socio-economic conditions. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.

Magdincheva-Shopova, Marija (2021) Претприемништво-е-учебник. Универзитет Гоце Делчев, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-844-2

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Gjorgieva, Ivana and Nacov, Aleksandar (2021) Регионални карактеристики на светската гастрономија. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-10-8

Metodijeski, Dejan and Filiposki, Oliver and Keskinova, Angelka and Dzambazovski, Kristijan and Taleska, Milena and Todorovic, Emilija and Dimovski, Cedomir and Micevski, Mladen and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) Пристапност во туризмот: патувања на лицата со попреченост. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-09-2

Metodijeski, Dejan and Grozdanovski, Goran and Filiposki, Oliver and Gjorgieva, Ivana and Nacov, Aleksandar and Trajcevska, Renata and Stevanovik, Petar and Djingarska, Marija (2021) Користење на остатоци и отпадоци од храна во готварството. Туристика, Скопје. ISBN 978-608-4872-08-5

Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) Менаџмент на квалитетот во туристичката индустрија. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев", Факултет за туризам и бизнис логистика, Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-790-2

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Туризм На Перекрестках: Политика Для Процветания В Будущем. Sciencia Scripts. ISBN 978-620-4-06341-6

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Car Carrefour Du Tourisme : Des Politiques Pour La Prospérité De L'avenir. Editions Notre Savoir. ISBN 978-620-4-06339-3

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Crocevia Del Turismo: Politiche Per La Prosperità Nel Futuro. Edizioni Sapienza. ISBN 978-620-4-06340-9

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Crossroads Tourism: Policies for prosperity in the future. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing. ISBN 978-620-4-20105-4

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Tourismus Am Scheideweg: Politik Für Den Wohlstand Der Zukunft. Verlag Unser Wissen. ISBN 978-620-4-06337-9

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Turismo De Cruzamento: Políticas Para A Prosperidade No Futuro. Edições Nosso Conhecimento Publishing House. ISBN 978-620-4-06326-3

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta and Magdinceva Sopova, Marija (2021) Turismo En La Encrucijada: Políticas Para La Prosperidad En El Futuro. Ediciones Nuestro Conocimiento. ISBN 978-620-4-06338-6

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Personal finances and bank products and services. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing, United States. ISBN 979-8791147073

Temelkov, Zoran (2021) Bank products from a personal finance perspective: Managing your banking activities. Independently published - Amazon Kindle Publishing, United States. ISBN 979-8588866989


Ristova, Cvetanka (2021) Дигитализацијата во хотелиерството: Примена на big data во хотелското гостинско искуство. PhD thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.

Sazdova, Julijana (2021) Анализа на квалитетот на ресторанската понуда во функција на развој на туризмот и угостителството. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип.

Todorovic, Emilija (2021) Туристичка валоризација на тврдините во Република Северна Македонија. Doctoral thesis, Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“, Штип.

Teaching Resource

Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Практикум по планински туризам. [Teaching Resource] (Unpublished)

Filiposki, Oliver and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) Управување со ризици-Скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

Filiposki, Oliver and Mitreva, Elizabeta (2021) Управување со ризици-Практикум. [Teaching Resource]

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2021) Меѓународна економија - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]

Josheski, Dushko and Boskov, Tatjana (2021) Меѓународна економија - практикум. [Teaching Resource]

Koteski, Cane and Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Практикум по Национална туристичка географија. [Teaching Resource]

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Меѓународни односи и дипломатија - практикум. [Teaching Resource]

Stojanovska-Stefanova, Aneta (2021) Meѓународни односи и дипломатија - скрипта. [Teaching Resource]


Dimitrov, Nikola (2021) Стратегија за развој на верскиот туризам и поддршка на активните манастири,2021-2026. КОВЗРГ, Скопје. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Fri Feb 21 23:29:44 2025 UTC.