Items where Division is "Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences" and Year is 2001

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Number of items: 27.

Arabadziev, Dimitrios M. and Stefov, Viktor and Stafilov, Trajče and Boev, Blazo (2001) Physico-Chemical investigations of limestones from different localities in the Republic of Macedonia. Geologica Macedonica. ISSN O352-1206

Bermanec, Vladimir and Palinkas, Ladislav and Strmić Palinkas, Sabina and Gault, Robert and Boev, Blazo and Zebec, Vladimir (2001) Mineralogy of pegmatite with giant epidote crystals, near Chanishte, Macedonia. In: Mineral Deposits at the Beginning of the 21 st Century. A.A.Balkema, pp. 939-942. ISBN 90 2651 846 3

Blažev, Krsto (2001) Општа Геологија. Универзитет „Кирил и Методиј“ - Скопје, Рударско-Геолошки факултет Штип.

Boev, Blazo and Bermanec, Vladimir and Serafimovski, Todor and Lepitkova, Sonja and Mikulcic, S. and Soufek, M. and Jovanovski, Gligor and Stafilov, Trajče and Najdoski, M. (2001) Allchar mineral assemblage. Geologica Macedonica, 15 (16). pp. 1-23.

Boev, Blazo and Lepitkova, Sonja (2001) Petrology of the Demir Kapija -- Gevgelija ophiolite complex. In: Pancardi 2001 - II.Abstracts, Hungary.

Boev, Blazo and Lepitkova, Sonja (2001) The earth's heat. Зборник на трудови - Прво советување на геотермална енергија во Република Македонија. pp. 49-54.

Boev, Blazo and Stefov, Viktor (2001) Fibrous silicates in the envirnonment. Proceeding - Third International Symposium Mining and Environmental Protection, Belgrad (1). pp. 407-409.

Boev, Blazo and Yanev, Yotzo (2001) Orogenic Tertiary magmatism on the Macedonian Dinarides: a Review. In: Pancardi 2001- II.Abstracts, Hungary.

Boev, Blazo and Yanev, Yotzo (2001) Tertiary magmatism within the Republic of Macedonia: a review. Acta Vulcuanologica, 13 (1-2). pp. 57-71.

Golomeov, Blagoj and Krstev, Boris and Golomeova, Mirjana (2001) Mathematical interpretation of kinetics of the Zletovo mine rougher Pb - Zn flotation. In: IX Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 11-13 September 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.

Golomeova, Mirjana and Krstev, Boris and Golomeov, Blagoj (2001) Оptimization of hydrocyclone work parameters by the application of dispersion analysis. In: IX Balkan Mineral Processing Congress, 11-13 September, 2001, Istanbul, Turkey.

Iliev, S and Konzulov, Gerasim and Gocev, Zivko and Krstev, Boris and Golomeov, Blagoj (2001) Recovery enhancement of gold and silver in chalcopyrite flotation "Bucim" - Macedonia applying new collectors. In: IMPC, Turkey.

Jelenkovic, Rade and Kozelj, Dejan and Serafimovski, Todor (2001) Some genetic aspects of the bor copper-gold deposit(Serbia). Geologica Macedonica, 15-16. pp. 1-5. ISSN 0352-1206

Kekic, Aleksandar and Mircovski, Vojo (2001) Investigations carried out on the intake of the thermomineral water of the Kezovica Spa near the town of Stip. Geologica Macedonica. ISSN 0352-1206

Krstev, Boris and Delipetrov, Todor and Golomeov, Blagoj and Boev, Blazo and Serafimovski, Todor and Dumurdzanov, Nikola and Zdravev, Stojan and Mladenovik, Slavko (2001) Curriculum for Development Trends of the Faculty of Mining & Geology-Stip, RM (Transformed and Revised Courses and Programs), TEMPUS-PHARE PROGRAMMES “AC-JEP-13574/98”. [Project]

Krstev, Boris and Mirakovski, Dejan (2001) Tailings dams in the Republic of Macedonia. In: International Conference "New trends in mineral processing IV", 2001, Ostrava, Czech Republic.

Makreski, Petre and Jovanovski, Gligor and Stefov, Viktor and Minceva-Sukarova, Biljana and Kaitner, Branko and Boev, Blazo (2001) Minerals from Macedonia VI. Separation and identification of some sulfide minerals. Geologica Macedonica. ISSN O352-1206

Mirakovski, Dejan and Krstev, Boris (2001) Dust control technologies for mineral processing plants. New developments in mineral processing. pp. 701-706. ISSN 975-97277-6-5

Mircovski, V. and Boev, Blazo and Spasovski, Orce (2001) Petrological characteristics of the crossite schists of the Susica site, Inner Dinarides, the Republic of Macedonia. In: Pancardi 2001 - II.Abstracts, Hungary.

Mircovski, Vojo and Boev, Blazo (2001) Hidrogeological characteristics of the area in the vicinity of the springs for water supply of the municipality of Kavadarci with regard to the determination of protection zones. Geologica Macedonica. ISSN O352-1206

Mircovski, Vojo and Petrov, Gose and Delipetrov, Todor (2001) Хидрогеолошки карактеристики и нови податоци за хемискиот состав на термоминералните води на бањата Кежовица и Лџи, кај Штип. Зборник на трудови - Прво советување за геотермална енергија во Република Македонија. pp. 41-47.

Mircovski, Vojo and Spasovski, Orce and Ilijovski, Zlatko (2001) Geological characteristics of the Mirata caoline clay deposit in the vicinity of Rusinovo, Eastern Macedonia. Zbornik Radova - Proceedings 2001. pp. 34-37.

Most, T. and Frisch, W. and Kadosa, B. and Boev, Blazo and Avgerinas, A.A. and Kilias, A. (2001) Geochronological and structural investigations of the northern Pelagonian crystalline zone. Constraints from K/AR and Zircon and Apatite fission track dating. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress, Athens, 34 (1). pp. 91-95.

Namicev, Petar (2001) Lintaglio in legno nella casa tradicionale macedone. Project Report. Museum of Macedonia, Skopje. Macedonia.

Namicev, Petar (2001) A few proposals for a European preventive conservation strategy. European Preventive Conservation Strategy Project. p. 131. ISSN 951-647-004-1

Petrov, Gose and Mircovski, Vojo and Delipetrov, Todor and Tuneva, V. (2001) Тектонската разместеност на геотермалните појави во Вардарската зона како критериум за понатамошни истражувања. Зборник на трудови - Прво советување на геотермална енерхија на Република Македонија. pp. 85-89.

Spasovski, Orce (2001) Magnetite-ilmenite-hematite mineralization related to the metagabbroide and granitoide rocks in the Shipkov rid locality (Eastern Macedonia). Geologica Macedonica, 15-16. pp. 7-12. ISSN 0352-1206

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