Items where Division is "Faculty of Computer Science" and Year is 2016
Ackoski, Jugoslav and Koceski, Saso and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Temelkovski, Boban and Stevanoski, Goce and Kocev, Ivica (2016) Remote triage support algorithm based on fuzzy logic. Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps. ISSN 2052-0468
Angelkov, Dimitrija and Martinovska Bande, Cveta (2016) Интернет базирано управување на системи. Knowledge - International Journal, Scientific and Applicative Papers, 12 (1). pp. 237-240. ISSN 1857-92
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Gunova, Vesna and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Pacemska, Sanja (2016) Visualization of the Geometry Problems in Primary Math Education -Needs and Challenges-. IMO-Istrazivanje matematickog obrazovanja, 8 (15). pp. 33-37. ISSN 2303-4890 (print), 1986-518X (on line)
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Lozanov, Sase and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2016) Comparing of deposit model and life insurance model in Macedonia. Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuşi” University of Târgu Jiu, Economy Series, 2016 (1). pp. 76-81. ISSN 2344-3685/L1844-7007
Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Risteski, Aleksandar (2016) Analysis of the Impact of AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE.11e-Based Access Point. Mobile Networks and Applications. ISSN 1383-469X
Cabukovski, Vanco and Golubovski, Roman and Temjanovski, Riste (2016) Learning Repository Adaptability in an Agent-Based University Environment. International Journal of Computer Science & Information Technology (IJCSIT), 8 (3). pp. 103-110. ISSN 0975-3826
Cekova, Katerina and Stojanovic, Igor (2016) Deblurring Image with a Barcode. Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, 4 (4). pp. 71-76. ISSN 1857- 8691
Dimovski, Igor and Risteska, Aleksandra (2016) Didactic principle of visualization in mathematics. ITRO 2016. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7672-285-3
Gicev, Vlado and Trifunac, Mihailo and Orbovic, Nebojsa (2016) Two-dimensional translation, rocking, and waves in a building during soil-structure interaction excited by a plane earthquake SV-wave pulse. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 88. pp. 76-91.
Gicev, Vlado and Trifunac, Mihailo and Orbovic, Nebojsa (2016) Two-dimensional translation, rocking, and waves in a building during soil-structure interaction excited by a plane earthquake p-wave pulse. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 90. pp. 454-466.
Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2016) Swarming-based cyber defence under the framework of collective security. Security Journal. ISSN 0955-1662
Hristovski, Kiril D. and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Olson, Larry W. and Markovski, Jasmina and Mitev, Trajce (2016) Potential health implications of water resources depletion and sewage discharges in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Water and Health, 14 (4). ISSN 1477-8920
Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Tuneski, Nikola (2016) Some inequality relations involving multivalent functions. Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, 5 (1). pp. 45-50. ISSN 1857-8365
Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojanov, Done and Stojanovic, Igor and Zdravev, Zoran (2016) Pattern Recognition and Natural Language Processing: State of the Art. TEM Journal, 5 (2). pp. 236-240. ISSN 2217-8309 / 2217-8333 (Online)
Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2016) Evaluation of an Assistive Telepresence Robot for Elderly Healthcare. Journal of Medical Systems. ISSN 0148-5598
Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Akturk, Inci and Ozcag, Emin (2016) Note on the Distribution Composition (x_+^\ mu)^\ lambda. Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. pp. 1-13. ISSN 0126-6705 (print) / 2180-4206 (online)
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Aufgabe 1344. Elemente der Mathematik, 71 (4). pp. 174-178. ISSN 0013-6018
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Aufgaben. Elemente der Mathematik, 71 (1). pp. 39-43. ISSN 0013-6018
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Cioplea's Inequality. Romanian Mathematical Magazine.
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Featured Solution 4075. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (8). ISSN 1706-8142
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Featured solution 4065. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (7). ISSN 1706-8142
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Inequality in Triangle 110. Romanian Mathematical Magazine.
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Inequality in Triangle 97. Romanian Mathematical Magazine.
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem 100.C. The Mathematical Gazette, 100 (3). p. 536. ISSN 0025-5572
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem 4009. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (1).
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem 4038. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (4). ISSN 1706-8142
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem 4068. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (7). pp. 318-327. ISSN 1706-8142
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem proposal 11938. American Mathematical Monthly, 123 (9). ISSN 0002-9890
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem proposal 11945. American Mathematical Monthly, 123 (10). ISSN 0002-9890
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Problem proposal 4117. Crux Mathematicorum, 42 (2). ISSN 1706-8142
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) A note on Gautschi's inequality and application to Wallis' and Stirling's formula. Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, 99 (113). pp. 121-124. ISSN 0350-1302
Lukarevski, Martin and Malceski, Samoil (2016) Sequentially convergent mappings and common fixed points of mappings in 2-Banach spaces. Математички билтен, 40 (3). pp. 13-22. ISSN 0351-336X
Martinovska Bande, Cveta and Bande, Gjorgi (2016) SCADA System for Monitoring Water Supply Network: A Case Study. International Journal of Software and Hardware Research in Engineering , 4 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2347-4890
Mihova, Marija and Stojkovic, Natasa and Jovanov, Mile and Stankov, Emil (2016) Maximal Level Minimal Path Vectors of a Two-Terminal Undirected Network. Reliability, IEEE Transaction on, PP (99). pp. 1-9. ISSN 0018-9529
Miteva, Marija and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2016) Colombeau products of distributions. SpringerPlus Open Access, 2016 (5:2042).
Ozcag, Emin and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana (2016) Defining Compositions of x^μ_+,|x|^μ,x^{−s}and x^{−s}ln|x| as Neutrix Limit of Regular Sequences. Communications in Mathematics and Statistics, 4 (1). pp. 63-80. ISSN 2194-6701 (Print) 2194-671X (Online)
Risteska, Aleksandra and Dimovski, Igor and Gicev, Vlado (2016) Relationship between the extremes of a functional and its variation. ITRO 2016. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7672-285-3
Stanimirovic, Predrag and Katsikis, Vasilios and Stojanovic, Igor (2016) Computing the Pseudoinverse of Specific Toeplitz Matrices Using Rank-One Updates,. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2016. ISSN 1024-123X
Stanimirovic, Predrag and Stojanovic, Igor and Pappas, Dimitrios and Chountasis, Spiros and Zdravev, Zoran (2016) On Removing Blur in Images Using Least Squares Solutions. Filomat, 30 (4). pp. 3855-3866. ISSN 0354-5180
Stevanoski, Goce and Kocev, Ivica and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Koceski, Saso and Temelkovski, Boban (2016) Implementation of a System for Physiological Status Monitoring by using Tactical Military Networks. Defence Science Journal, 66 (5). pp. 517-521. ISSN 0011-748X
Stojanov, Done and Madevska Bogdanova, Ana and Orzechowski, Tomasz (2016) TMO: time and memory optimized algorithm applicable for more accurate alignment of trinucleotide repeat disorders associated genes. Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 30 (2). pp. 388-403. ISSN 1310-2818
Stojmenova Duh, Emilija and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Game-based learning: educational game Azbuka to help young children learn writing Cyrillic letters. Multimedia Tools and Applications. ISSN 1380-7501
Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2016) Wavelets and Continuous Wavelet Transform. ITRO 2016 (7). pp. 159-164. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7672-285-3
Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Koceski, Saso and Kulev, Igor and Trajkovik, Vladimir (2016) Connected-Health Algorithm: Development and Evaluation. Journal of Medical Systems, 40 (4). ISSN 0148-5598
Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Krstev, Aleksandar and Zdravev, Zoran (2016) E - testing against classical testing in subject Mathematics. Yearbook of the Faculty of Computer Science, 4 (4). pp. 29-32. ISSN 1857- 8691
Book Section
Mileva, Aleksandra and Dimitrova, Vesna and Velichkov, Vesselin (2016) Analysis of the Authenticated Cipher MORUS (v1). In: Cryptography and Information Security in the Balkans - Second International Conference, BalkanCryptSec 2015, Koper, Slovenia, September 3-4, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9540). Springer International Publishing Switzerland, pp. 45-59. ISBN 978-3-319-29172-7
Conference or Workshop Item
Angelkov, Dimitrija and Martinovska Bande, Cveta (2016) Sensor Module for Monitoring Wine Fermentation Process. In: 8th ICT Innovations Conference, 5-7 Sept 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Bikov, Dusan and Bouyukliev, Ilija and Stojanova, Aleksandra (2016) Benefit of Using Shared Memory in Implementation of Parallel FWT Algorithm with CUDA C on GPUs. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Cabukovski, Vanco and Temjanovski, Riste and Golubovski, Roman (2016) The University Library Information System Adaptability in an Intelligent Based University Environment. In: 6th International Conference: Technics and informatics in education, 28-29 May 2016, Cacak, Serbia.
Cekova, Jasna and Delipetrev, Blagoj (2016) Health monitoring system using mobile phones and wearable devices. In: XXI međunarodni naučno-stručni skup Informacione tehnologije IT'16, 29 Feb - 05 Mart 2016, Crna Gora. (In Press)
Cekova, Katerina and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Gesture Control of a Mobile Robot using Kinect Sensor. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies ICAIIT 2016.
Delipetrev, Blagoj and Pupinoska Gogova, Marija and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojanova, Aleksandra (2016) E-learning application for the primary school students. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Eblewongel, Esseynew and Berhanyikun, Amanuel and Mekuria, Sinke and Damtew, Abel and Koceski, Saso (2016) Ubiquitous Computing in the context of developing countries. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, ICAIIT 2016, 3-4 June 2016, Bitola, Macedonia.
Gjorgjieva, Elena and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Creating Interactive Map with OpenLayers. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Gogova, Marija and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Development of Interactive Educational Applications Based on TouchDevelop. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Tuneski, Nikola (2016) Some inequality relations involving multivalent functions. In: 11th International Symposium Geometric Function Theory And Applications, 24-27 August, 2015, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Krstev, Aleksandar and Zdravev, Zoran and Karamazova Gelova, Elena (2016) Analysis of students knowledge for the topic "Integral". In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Learning Software Engineering Basics Through Robotics. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Kotevski, Aleksandar and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) E-health monitoring system. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, ICAIIT 2016, 3-4 June, 2016, Bitola.
Krstev, Aleksandar and Kokotov, Mile and Krstev, Boris and Serafimovski, Dalibor (2016) Mathematical modeling, analysis and optimization using MMANA - Mathematical Modeling and Antenna Analysis software. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Krstev, Aleksandar and Krstev, Boris and Kokotov, MIle and Nushkova, Simona and Krstev, Dejan and Penova, Marija (2016) Cable Distribution systems - an essential element of the global information society. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Krstev, Aleksandar and Krstev, Dejan and Kokotov, Mile and Krstev, Boris and Nuskova, Simona and Penova, Marija (2016) Design of Information Systems monitoring, record and control. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Lukarevski, Martin and Malceski, Samoil (2016) Sequentially convergent mappings and common fixed points of mappings in 2-Banach spaces. In: VI Congress of Mathematicians of Macedonia. (In Press)
Maneva, Magdalena and Koceska, Natasa and Koceski, Saso (2016) Introduction of Kanban methodology and its usage in software development. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Seblewongel, Esseynew and Berhanyikun, Amanuel and Mekuria, Sinke and Abel, Damtew and Koceski, Saso (2016) Context-aware Technologies and Systems. In: International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies, ICAIIT 2016, 3-4 June 2016, Bitola, Macedonia.
Serafimovski, Dalibor and Gicev, Vlado and Krstev, Aleksandar and Mitreski, Kosta (2016) Organization of the Zletovo’s Pb-Zn deposit mineral and anthroghene access databases, Republic of Macedonia. In: SGEM 2016, July 2016, Albena, Bulgaria.
Serafimovski, Dalibor and Krstev, Aleksandar and Mitreski, Kosta (2016) Analysis of the potential of cross-platform mobile applications as data management tools in medical purposes. In: SGEM 2016, July 2016, Albena, Bulgaria.
Serafimovski, Dalibor and Krstev, Aleksandar and Panajotov, Boris (2016) The Potential Use of Cross – Platform Mobile Applications for Educational Purposes. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Stojanova, Aleksandra and Bikov, Dusan and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Varbanov, Zlatko (2016) QURAMI challenge - Estimating the waiting time. In: The 124th European Study Group with Industry, 29 Aug - 2 Sep 2016, Rome, Italy.
Stojanova, Aleksandra and Zlatanovska, Biljana and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Miteva, Marija and Stojkovic, Natasa (2016) “Mathematica” as a tool for characterization and comparison of one parameter families of square mappings as dynamic systems. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Stojanovski, Strasko and Stojkovic, Natasa and Ananiev, Jovan and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2016) University Education in 21 century: Student attitudes toward high educational programs in Macedonia. In: ITRO 2015, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Stojkovic, Natasa and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Zlatanovska, Biljana (2016) Simulation of M/M/n/m queuing system. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Strahovnik, Andrej and Koceska, Natasa and Komadina, Radko and Franc Tasic, Jurij (2016) The use of new technology to lessen the death-rate of soldiers injured in combat. In: 23-th International Symposium on Emergency Medicine, 9-11 June 2016, Portoroz, Slovenija.
Velinov, Aleksandar and Mileva, Aleksandra (2016) Running and Testing Applications for Contiki OS Using Cooja Simulator. In: Information Technology and Education Development - ITRO 2016, June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Veta Buralieva, Jasmina and Hadzi-Velkova Saneva, Katerina and Atanasova, Sanja (2016) Abelian results for the directional short-time Fourier transform. In: Young Women in Harmonic Analysis and PDE, 2-4 Dec 2016, Bonn, Germany.
Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2016) Wavelets and Continuous Wavelet Transform. In: ITRO 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Zlatanovska, Biljana and Stojanova, Aleksandra and Kocaleva, Mirjana and Stojkovic, Natasa and Krstev, Aleksandar (2016) Mathematica as program support in the integral calculations. In: TIO 2016 - Technics and informatics in education, 28-29 May 2016, Čačak, Serbia.
Zlatev, Zoran and Golubovski, Roman and Gicev, Vlado (2016) Data processing of displacements between the ground and the point of cracking at the seven – story Van Nuys Hotel. In: The 7th International Conference "Information Technologies and Education Development – ITRO" 2016, 10 June 2016, Zrenjanin, Serbia.
Angelevska, Jasmina and Andova, Vesna and Brsakoska, Slagjana and Velinov, Daniel and Glavce, Metodi and Dimovski, Pavel and Dimovski, Tomi and Gacoska, Aneta and Kostadinova, Sanja and Leskoski, Delco and Lukarevski, Martin and Malceski, Aleksa and Malceski, Risto and Markoski, Gjorgi and Misajleski, Zoran and Miovska, Valentina and Prangoski, Bojan and Sokoloski, Petar (2016) Natprevari po matematika za ucenicite od srednoto obrazovanie 2016. Sojuz na matematicari na Makedonija.
Koceski, Saso (2016) Графика и визуелизација. Универзитет Гоце Делчев - Штип. ISBN 978-608-244-288-4
Loshkovska, Suzana and Koceski, Saso (2016) ICT Innovations 2015-Emerging Technologies for Better Living. Springer. ISBN 978-3-319-25733-4
Bogatinov, Goce (2016) Интелигентен систем за автоматизирано управување со пластеничко производство. Masters thesis, University of Goce Delcev.
Bogatinova, Kristina (2016) Дизајн и имплементација на интерактивна веб-базирана виртуелна лабораторија. Masters thesis, University of Goce Delcev Stip.
Cekova, Jasna (2016) Здравствена апликација базирана на уреди погодни за носење (wearable), мобилни и облак технологии. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Gigova, Elizabeta (2016) Прилози кон теоремата на Hahn-Banach, Паретова оптимална алокација и примена во економијата. Masters thesis, University of Goce Delcev.
Janev, Mile (2016) Софтверски систем за превентивна заштита на стари лица. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Jovanovska, Dobrila (2016) Унапредување на процесот на проверка на знаењата по математика по електронски пат со примена на некои софтверски алатки. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2016) Нови прилози во неутрикс сметањето. UNSPECIFIED thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ - Скопје.
Lozanov, Sase (2016) Анализа и споредба на добивка при различни видови долгорочни вложувања. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Malceski, Samoil (2016) Строго конвексни 2-нормирани простори. Masters thesis, University of Goce Delcev Stip.
Stojanova, Melita (2016) Влијание на видео игрите врз психо-моторниот развој на децата. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip.
Velinov, Aleksandar (2016) Анализа на енергетската потрошувачка на протоколи на апликациско ниво кај IoT и развој на Андроид MQTT клиент. Masters thesis, Faculty of Computer Sciences.
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka (2016) COSTAction CA15225 Fractional-order systems; analysis, synthesis and their importance for future design. [Project] (In Press)
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Miteva, Marija and Timovski, Riste (2016) COST Action TD1409: Mathematics for Industry Network Industrial workshop - What mathematicians can do for you? Case study from Industrial and Social sectors in Macedonia. [Project]
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Miteva, Marija and Martinovska, Cveta and Timovski, Riste and Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Trifunov, Zoran and Pacemska, Sanja and Makrides, Gregory (2016) MATHDebate - The Voice of Students - Searching Excellence in Math Education trough Increasing the Motivation for Learning. [Project] (In Press)
Dimitrova, Vesna and Mileva, Aleksandra and Meckaroska, Daniela and Bakeva, Verica and Markovski, Smile and Ilievska, Natasa and Popovska-Mitrovik, Aleksandra and Samardziska, Simona (2016) Безбедносни аспекти на податочната комуникација. [Project] (Unpublished)
Jolevska-Tuneska, Biljana and Tuneski, Nikola and Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana and Koceva Lazarova, Limonka and Miteva, Marija (2016) Introduction of New Space of Distributions and its Application. [Project] (In Press)
Lukarevski, Martin (2016) Quantum Structure of Spacetime, COST MP 1405. [Project]
Mileva, Aleksandra and Dimitrova, Vesna and Bakeva, Verica and Samardziska, Simona and Popovska - Mitrovikj, Aleksandra and Mihajloska, Hristina and Bikov, Dusan and Markovski, Smile (2016) Application of Quasigroups in Cryptography and Data Communications. [Project]
Trajkovik, Vladimir and Madevska Bogdanova, Ana and Koceski, Saso and Vlahu-Gjorgievska, Elena and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Simjanoska, Monika (2016) Интероперабилен слоевит модел за поврзано здравство. [Project]
Atanasova-Pacemska, Tatjana (2016) Research visit - University of Zagreb, Faculty of Food Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 01.05 - 01.06.2016. [Experiment]