Items where Author is "Bocvarova, Jadranka"

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Number of items: 18.


Jovanova-Mitkovska, Snezana and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Smilkov, Nikola and Pasterk, Olivera (2016) Intercultural Medical Communication in Europe–IMED-COMM-EU. TOI TOI TOI Guidelines.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Pesova, Biljana (2014) Early Intervention and Prevention of Students with Specific Learning Disabilities. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149. pp. 701-708.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Pesova, Biljana (2014) The Role of Professional Primary School Services (Pedagogue, Psychologist) in the Process of Inclusion (with Special Aspect of Hyperactive Children). Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 149. pp. 889-895. ISSN 1877-0428

Petrovska, Sonja and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2013) Media in preschool age of child's life. Педагогика Научнотеоретично и методическо списание, 85 (6). pp. 877-889. ISSN 1314-8540

Bocvarova, Jadranka and Pavlov, Zoran (2012) Students’ mobility. Yearbook of the Faculty of Philology, 3. pp. 257-265. ISSN 1857-7059 (3)

Petrovska, Sonja and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Petrovska, Ana (2011) Sоmе characteristics of the development of teachers’ education in the Republic of Macedonia (from School of Teachers' Education to Faculty of Education). Journal of educational theory and practice - Vospitanie, 7 (11). pp. 111-124.

Conference or Workshop Item

Petrovska, Sonja and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2016) Preparing teachers for work in an inclusive classroom in Republic of Macedonia (Study programs at the Faculties for teacher training). In: International week “Diversity and Inclusive education”, Salzburg, Austria.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2015) Состојби и предизвици пред учителската професија во 21 век. In: Научно-стручна трибина на тема: Компетенциите и професионалниот развој на учителот во 21 век, 03 Oct 2014, Stip, Macedonia.

Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2015) Application of the ICT in teaching in secondary schools in Republic of Macedonia. In: International Academic Conference: Researching Paradigms of Childhood and Education, 13-15 Apr 2015, Opatija, Croatia.

Bocvarova, Jadranka and Sivevska, Despina (2014) Вклученост на децата со посебни образовни потреби во редовните групи во детската градинка. In: X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Васпитач у 21 веку“, 28-29 March 2014, Висока школа за васпитаче струковних студија, Aлексинац, Србија.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2014) Професионален развој на воспитувачот (Посебен осврт на ситуацијата во Република Македонија). In: X Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Васпитач у 21 веку“, 28-29 March 2014, Висока школа за васпитаче струковних студија, Aлексинац, Србија.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2014) Educators Views about the Inclusion of the Children with Special Educational Needs in the Regular Groups of the Kindergarten. In: 9th International Balkan Education and Science Conference, 16-18 Oct 2014, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey.

Bocvarova, Jadranka and Sivevska, Despina (2014) The teacher and the gifted child. In: 9th International Balkan Education and Science Conference, 16-18 Oct 2014, Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey.

Petrovska, Sonja and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2013) Media in preschool age of child’s life. In: International Conference “Innovations, Challenges and Tendencies in the Post Modern Education”, 12-13 Sept 2013, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

Sivevska, Despina and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Cackov, Oliver (2013) Вклученоста на децата од ромска националност во предучилишните установи. In: IX Симпозијум са међународним учешћем „Васпитач у 21. веку“, 29-30 March 2013, Sokobanja, Serbia.

Koceva, Marija and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2012) Using the internet in teaching. In: International scientific and expert conference: Education for the future, 24 - 25 May 2012, Zenica, Bosna i Hercegovina.

Miovska-Spaseva, Suzana and Bocvarova, Jadranka (2011) ECTS and the teaching organization in higher education in the Republic of Macedonia: Students’ views. In: Education between Tradition and Modernity, International Symposium, 22-24 Sept 2011, Ohrid.


Petrovska, Sonja and Sivevska, Despina and Popeska, Biljana and Bocvarova, Jadranka and Stuparik, Jovana (2015) Професионален развој на наставниците во Република Македонија – состојби и перспективи. [Project] (Submitted)

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