The Reflection of the Social Context on the Pedagogical Activity

Koceva, Daniela (2023) The Reflection of the Social Context on the Pedagogical Activity. 13. mednarodna konferenca EDUvision 2023 »Novi izzivi današnjega časa – priložnosti za vključevanje inovativnih rešitev v izobraževanje 21. stoletja«. ISSN 978-961-96514-2-1

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The social context in which pedagogical activity takes place has a significant impact on the teaching
and learning process. The social context includes cultural norms, values, beliefs, and socio-economic
conditions that shape how people think, behave, and interact with each other. Pedagogical activity is
deeply intertwined with the social context, and educators must understand how it influences their
practices. The reflection of the social context on pedagogical activity can have significant impacts on
the effectiveness and outcomes of education. Cultural norms and values shape pedagogical practices in
many ways. For instance, cultures that prioritize conformity, obedience, and respect for authority may
prioritize rote memorization and strict adherence to rules and authority figures. In contrast, cultures that
value creativity, critical thinking, and individuality may prioritize experiential learning and student
autonomy. Socio-economic conditions also impact the way the pedagogical activity is carried out. The
content and curriculum of educational programs are also shaped by the social context. Educators must
understand the social context in which they operate to design effective educational experiences that meet
the needs and aspirations of their students. By doing so, educators can promote values and beliefs that
support creativity, critical thinking, and social justice. The aim of this study is to determine the societal
factors that influence pedagogical activity and how they impact educational achievements. To achieve
this goal, we will use analysis as well as conducted research to identify the influencing factors.
Keywords: Beliefs, cultural norms, education, effectiveness, learning, outcomes, pedagogical activity,
social context, socio-economic conditions, teaching, values.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Social Sciences > Sociology
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Daniela Koceva
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2024 08:36
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2024 08:36

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