Acoustic Electronics - concerts in New York

Potevska Popivoda, Emilija (2020) Acoustic Electronics - concerts in New York. [Performance] (Unpublished)

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Acoustic Electronic featuring Ema Popivoda on Piano and Aleksandar Petrov on Drum with two concerts in New York City. Wednesday, March 11th, 2020 at MC Gallery and Friday, March 13th at Baza Studio.
ACOUSTIC ELECTRONICS is a unique music project where world famous electronic epic hits (suitable for piano) are transformed irreversibly into a “classical” music for piano and drums. Together with my colleague drummer Aleksandar Petrov we worked for over a year trying to put a classical spin on an electronic hits of our youth (starting with Kraftwerk, Orbital, New order, Prodigy through Dj Rolando, Layo and Bushvacka, Derrick May, David Morales, Robert Miles and many more). The project was successfully presented in Macedonia, Austria and Montenegro.

Item Type: Performance
Subjects: Humanities > Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
Divisions: Faculty of Music Art
Depositing User: Emilija Potevska
Date Deposited: 28 Dec 2020 19:15
Last Modified: 28 Dec 2020 19:15

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