Angelov, Goranco (2018) Духовното богатство на Ромите зурлаџии и тапанџии - преданија и лични доживувања. In: Ѓурѓовден/Ерделези и традиционалната култура на Ромите во Македонија и на Балканот. Институт за фолклор „Марко Цепенков“ - Скопје, pp. 78-89.
Zbornik Gjurgjovden Erdelezi - Goranco Angelov.pdf
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Трудот е прочитан на Меѓународниот научен симпозиум одржан на 11 април 2018 година во Скопје, по повод 50-годишниот јубилеј од истражувањата на Елзи Иванчиќ Дунин на Ромите во Македонија со тема на симпозиумот: Ѓурѓовден/Ерделези и традиционалната култура на Ромите во Македонија и на Балканот
Spiritual wealth of Roma the zurla players and drummers - traditions and personal experiences (Summary)
In this paper, we tried to present at one place a part of the accumulated spiritual wealth of the Roma in the Republic of Macedonia, which encompassed the zurla players and drummers as carriers of the zurla tradition. The participation of zurla players in various events shows us their role in the overall life in the past and today. Through listed tradition elemenst related to the life of the zurla players and through the expression of their personal experiences and stories that they convey to each other, we will make sure that these events continue their life, and at the same time to testify to the experiences that occur during their music creation. The aforementioned names of zurla players and informants will remain to testify about their zurla activity in the past, which must not and should not fade away from the collective memory. This spiritual immaterial legacy will bring closer to the future generations of zoologists the experiences of those who were dealing with this craft. Through the attached secondary sources and our collected materials from the field, we hope that we will make a certain contribution by which we complement certain gaps related to the spiritual culture of the Romani people from which the guardians of this instrumental tradition emerge, nurtured among them for centuries.
Item Type: | Book Section |
Subjects: | Humanities > Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music) |
Divisions: | Faculty of Music Art |
Depositing User: | Goranco Angelov |
Date Deposited: | 18 Feb 2019 09:39 |
Last Modified: | 01 Apr 2019 13:00 |
URI: | |