Impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and regional distribution of broomrapes (Orobanchaceae) in the Balkans

Mihajlov, Ljupco and Trajkova, Fidanka and Karov, Ilija and Markova Ruzdik, Natalija and Zlatkovski, Vasko (2012) Impact of agricultural land use on biodiversity and regional distribution of broomrapes (Orobanchaceae) in the Balkans. [Project]

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Broomrapes (Orobanchaceae) are parasitic plants that subsist on broad-leaf plants, thereby depleting them from nutrients, minerals and water. Several broomrape species parasite on important crops causing up to 70% losses in crop production. The current knowledge about broomrapes diversity and distribution on the Balkans is based on floristic records only. According to them on the Balkans broomrapes are represented by 3 genera and 35 species. This project is a product of the joint effort of research teams from six research institutions and three countries: Macedonia, Bulgaria and Serbia. The aim of this project is to explore and study economically important species of broomrapes in the Balkans. There will be application of combined classical taxonomic approach and modern techniques as molecular tools and GPS mapping for determination of the impact of land use for agriculture on broomrape’s diversity and regional distribution.
The main objectives of the project are: 1. Characterization of broomrape species on the Balkans by means of molecular taxonomy; 2. Study of their co-evolution with the hosts, transition on crops/new host; 3. Habitat mapping of rare broomrape species; 4. Survey distribution of broomrape species in agro-ecosystems and map creation with GPS coordinates.

Item Type: Project
Subjects: Agricultural Sciences > Agricultural biotechnology
Agricultural Sciences > Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Divisions: Faculty of Agriculture
Depositing User: Fidanka Trajkova
Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2014 08:49
Last Modified: 05 Aug 2015 08:42

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