Concert of the woodwind qiuntet KonTempora with guest piano performer

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Velkovska-Trajanovska, Valentina (2021) Concert of the woodwind qiuntet KonTempora with guest piano performer. SOKOM.

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Модератор: проф. д-р Стефанија Лешкова-Зеленковска,
Селектори на програмата: Валентина Велковска Трајановска, композитор и Стефанија Лешкова Зеленковска, музиколог.

The main goal of the European and Balkan contemporary music thoughts project is to present leading contemporary European composers, to contribute to the promotion of the European culture, to enforce cooperation of music composers, and music performers that can be implemented in different levels, representing European contemporary music trends and connecting also with Macedonian contemporary composers, it will contribute to the development of professional skills among the domestic musicians, composers and cultural operators.

Item Type: Other
Subjects: Humanities > Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music)
Divisions: Faculty of Music Art
Depositing User: Valentina Velkovska Trajanovska
Date Deposited: 22 Oct 2021 08:58
Last Modified: 22 Oct 2021 08:58

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