Items where Division is "Military Academy" and Year is 2016
Agrotova, Stefanija and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Транснационалниот организиран криминал како закана за националната безбедност. Можното, реалното и виртуелното во современиот свет. ISSN 978-608-4574-75-0
Blazevska Andonovska, Valentina and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2016) Connection between organized crime and terrorism as a new security threat. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 16 (30). pp. 97-110. ISSN 1409-8199
Bogdanoski, Mitko and Latkoski, Pero and Risteski, Aleksandar (2016) Analysis of the Impact of AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE.11e-Based Access Point. Mobile Networks and Applications. ISSN 1383-469X
Bogdanoski, Mitko and Toshevski, Aleksandar and Bogatinov, Dimitar and Bogdanoski, Marjan (2016) A novel approach for mitigating the effects of the TCP SYN flood DDoS attacks. World Journal of Modelling and Simulation, 12 (3). pp. 217-230. ISSN 1746-7233
Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Development, theory and practice of the security functions in the armed forces of the Republic of Macedonia. Contemporary trends in social control of crime.
Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Specificity of the military police service in the implementation of search measures and activities. International Yearbook 2016/1. ISSN 1857-6508
Dojcinovski, Metodija and Janev, Kire (2016) Општествена улога на арм во изградбата на националната безбедност на Република Македонија. Можното, реалното и виртуелното во современиот свет. ISSN 978-608-4574-75-0
Dojcinovski, Metodija and Taneski, Nenad and Kokolanski, Vasko (2016) Crisis management and international cooperation from the perspective of a small country. Crisis management: challenges and prospective. ISSN 978-608-65138-9-4
Dojcinovski, Metodija and Timovska, Maja and Tashevski, Petar (2016) The role of army of Republic of Macedonia in dealing with the security challenges posed by migration crisis. Crisis management: challenges and prospective. ISSN 978-608-65138-9-4
Franc, Igor and Maček, Nemanja and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Đokić, Dragan (2016) Detecting Malicious Anomalies in IoT: Ensemble Learners and Incomplete Datasets. In: 8th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC’2016), 15 Oct 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.
Gelev, Igor and Racaj, Muhamet (2016) Energetic diplomacy and its role on creation of a new multipolar world. Academicus International Scientific Journal, 13. pp. 89-102.
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Kamchev, Goran (2016) The impact of climate change on military activities. Contemporary Macedonian Defence, 16 (31). pp. 67-78. ISSN 1409-8199
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan (2016) Reducing the risk of energy crisis in the Republic of Macedonia through the implementation of the strategy for energy development. International Scientific Journal, 15 (29). pp. 47-54. ISSN 1409-8199
Glavinov, Aleksandar and Stanikevski, Jovan (2016) Use of renewable energy sources for prevention of energy crisis in Macedonia. In: Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “Crisis Management: Challenges and Prospective”, 2016, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Hadji-Janev, Metodi and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2016) Swarming-based cyber defence under the framework of collective security. Security Journal. ISSN 0955-1662
Iliev, Andrej and Grizev, Aleksandar and Stojkoski, Goce (2016) Historical reasons for refugee-immigrant crises and its overall social impact on the Southeast European countries. 9th International Scientific Conference Crisis Management Days, Book of Papers. pp. 691-701. ISSN ISBN 978-953-7716-74-5
Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Hasic, Faruk and Velkovski, Aco (2016) Historical development and protection measures from Hydrogen bombs. In: 24-th International Congress of Chemists and techologists of Macedonia.
Iliev, Andrej and Petreski, Drage and Velkovski, Aco (2016) Status and challenges of the defense reforms in the republic of Serbia for Euro-Atlantic integration. International Scientific Conference: Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime, 30-31 May 2016, Ohrid, 1 (1). ISSN ISBN 978-608-4532-94-1 (Т. 1)
Janev, Kire and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Taneski, Nenad (2016) Suicide terrorism-threat for national security of modern democratic states. Современа македонска одбрана. ISSN 1409-8199 / 1857-887X (online)
Maček, Nemanja and Štrbac, Perica and Čoko, Dušan and Franc, Igor and Bogdanoski, Mitko (2016) Android Forensic and Anti-Forensic Techniques – A Survey. In: 8th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC’2016), 15 Oct 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.
Maček, Nemanja and Franc, Igor and Bogdanoski, Mitko and Mirković, Aleksandar (2016) Multimodal Biometric Authentication in IoT: Single Camera Case Study. In: 8th International Conference on Business Information Security (BISEC’2016), 15 Oct 2016, Belgrade, Serbia.
Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Gjurov, Lazar and Ackoski, Jugoslav and Petreska, Aleksandra (2016) Expert system for managing logistic processes. Military technical courier, 64 (3). pp. 850-865. ISSN 0042-8469
Petreski, Drage and Iliev, Andrej and Velkovski, Aco and Hasic, Faruk (2016) Challenges and prevention from Chemical terrorism. In: 24-th International Congress of Chemists and techologists of Macedonia, Ohrid.
Petreski, Drage and Pavlovski, Zlatko and Iliev, Andrej (2016) Воената индустрија и незиното влијание врз настаните во светот. Contemporary Macedonian Defense - International Scientific Defense, Security and Peace Journal, 16 (31). pp. 31-41. ISSN ISSN 1409-8199 e-ISSN 1857-887X
Racaj, Muhamet (2016) Defining the crisis and crisis management. In: Proceedings of the international scientific conference “Crisis management: challenges and prospective”, Nov 2015, Skopje, Macedonia.
Racaj, Muhamet (2016) Migrant crisis, a security challenge for the Republic of Macedonia. In: 7th International scientific conference „Contemporary Trends in Social Control of Crime“, 30-31 May 2016, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Racaj, Muhamet and Muaremoska Abduli, Sevilj (2016) Contribution of the Republic of Macedonia in the fight against international terrorism. In: International scientific conference researching security: approaches, concepts and policies, 2-3 June 2015, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Sofronievska, Maja (2016) Магистратура: Кризен менаџмент во здравствениот сектор. Masters thesis, Goce Delcev University, Stip; Military Academy “General Mihailo Apostolski", Skopje Associated member.
Stojanovski, Saso and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Stefanova, Biljana (2016) Потреба од меѓународна соработка 2. STIT. ISSN 1857-6710
Stojanovski, Saso and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Stefanova, Biljana (2016) Меѓународна соработка 3 Справување со асиметрични закани. STIT. ISSN 1857-6710
Stojanovski, Saso and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Stefanova, Biljana (2016) Тhe role of Interpol dealing with crime and terrorism. АArchibald reiss days.
Stojanovski, Saso and Dojcinovski, Metodija and Stefanovska, Biljana (2016) Потреба од меѓународна соработка. STIT. ISSN 1857-6710
Taneski, Nenad (2016) Може ли да се спречи „домашниот“ индивидуален тероризам? Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (83). ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad (2016) Исламската држава и митот за „осамените волци“. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (86). pp. 12-15. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad (2016) Незапирлив бран на современиот тероризам. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија (82). pp. 14-17. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) За корените на модерниот тероризам и борбата со него. Штит - Магазин на Министерство за одбрана на Република Македонија, 8 (78). pp. 36-37. ISSN 1587-6710
Taneski, Nenad and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Старо-нови безбедносни закани. STIT. ISSN 1857-6710
Timovska, Maja and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Тhe role of knowledge in disaster risk reduction. Knowledge in Practice, 15.1. ISSN 1857-923X
Timovska, Maja and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) The use of knowledge in natural-disaster relief management. Contemporary trends in social control of crime.
Urim, Vejseli and Tarchugovski, Dragi and Risteski, Robert and Nakov, Petre and Naumovska, Gordana and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2016) Стандардни оперативни процедури за комуникација, координација и соработка помеѓу субјектите од системот за управување со кризи во прогласена кризна состојба - Трето дополнето издание -. 614.8:35.077.3(497.7), 351.78:35.077.3(497.7), COBISS.MK-ID 101549322 . Crisis Management Center of the Republic of Macedonia, National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-65931-8-6
Urim, Vejseli and Tarchugovski, Dragi and Risteski, Robert and Nakov, Petre and Naumovska, Gordana and Glavinov, Aleksandar (2016) Standard operating procedures for communication, coordination and cooperation among the crisis management system entities in a declared crisis situation - Third amended edition -. 614.8:35.077.3(497.7)(082), 351.78:35.077.3(497.7)(082), COBISS.MK-ID 101856266 . Crisis Management Center of the Republic of Macedonia, National and University Library “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Skopje. ISBN 978-608-65931-6-2
Veljovski, Gjorgji and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Аassessment of threat to national security from CBRN terrorism. Contemporary Macedonian Defence. ISSN 1409-8199
Veljovski, Gjorgji and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) Тhe importance of organizational learning and knowledge transfer for efficient defense and security system. Knowledge in practice, 15.1. ISSN 1857-923X
Veljovski, Gjorgji and Taneski, Nenad and Dojcinovski, Metodija (2016) The Militant Ideology as a Center of Gravity of the Religious Militant Organizations. International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE). ISSN ISSN 2349-0373 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0381 (Online)