Items where Division is "Faculty of Computer Science" and Year is 2010
Gicev, Vlado and Trifunac, Mihailo (2010) Amplification of linear strain in a layer excited by a shear-wave earthquake pulse. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 30 (10). pp. 1073-1081.
Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2010) Practical Method for Real-Time Path Planning and Optimization for Mobile Robots. ICT Innovations 2009. pp. 105-114.
Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa (2010) Vision-based gesture recognition for human-computer interaction and mobile robotʼs freight ramp control. Information Technology Interfaces ITI 2010 32nd International Conference on.
Mihova, Marija and Stojkovic, Natasa (2010) Analysis of an Algorithm for finding Minimal Cut Set for Undirected Network. ICT Innovations 2010, Web proceedings. ISSN 1857-7288
Mihova, Marija and Stojkovic, Natasa (2010) Minimal Cut Sets for Transportation System. Proceding of The 7th International Conference for Informatics and Information Technology (CIIT 2010).
Mileva, Aleksandra and Markovski, Smile (2010) On the prop ratio tables of Extended Feistel networks and their quasigroups. Mathematica Macedonica, 8. pp. 53-59. ISSN 1409 9721
Risteska, Aleksandra and Zivanovic, Jordan (2010) Едно друго доказателство на теоремата на Островски-Канторович за сходимост на метода на Нотон. Сборник доклади, „Тенденции в развитието на индустриалните системи и технологии 2010“, Благоевград, 2010.
Stojanovic, Igor and Bogdanova, Sofija and Bogdanov, Momcilo (2010) Application of the Progressive Wavelet Correlation in Image Retrieving. Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, 3 (2). pp. 77-82. ISSN 1844-6043
Stojanovic, Igor and Bogdanova, Sofija and Bogdanov, Momcilo (2010) Applying of the Combination of Content-Based Search and Progressive Wavelet Correlation in Image Retrieving. Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, 3 (2). pp. 83-88. ISSN 1844-6043
Stojanovic, Igor and Bogdanova, Sofija and Bogdanov, Momcilo and Taskovski, Dimitar (2010) Performance of the Progressive Wavelet Correlation for Image Retrieval. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (64). pp. 33-37.
Stojanovic, Igor and Kraljevski, Ivan and Chungurski, Slavco (2010) Using of the Algorithm of Lagrange Multipliers in Image Restoration. Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 3 (2). pp. 203-206. ISSN 1844-6035
Book Section
Martinovska, Cveta (2010) Conceptual Clustering and Analysis of Data from Gynecological Database. In: ICT Innovations 2009. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 45-54. ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1
Mileva, Aleksandra (2010) Cryptographic Primitives with Quasigroup Transformations. In: Mathematica Balkanica, New Series. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences-National Committee for Mathematics, pp. 207-216.
Mileva, Aleksandra and Markovski, Smile (2010) Quasigroup String Transformations and Hash Function Design. In: ICT Innovations 2009. Springer, pp. 367-376. ISBN 978-3-642-10780-1
Conference or Workshop Item
Atanasova Jovanovska, Verica and Jovanovski, Vlatko and Radosavljevik-Bojceva, Marina (2010) Making online business after world economic crisis. In: International conference: Economy and business in post-recession period, 28 October 2010, Prilep, Macedonia.
Chungurski, Slavco and Kraljevski, Ivan and Stojanovic, Igor and Prevalla, Blerta (2010) Speech Synthesis of Dissimilar Languages Using their Phonetic Superset. In: Proceedings of 8th Conference, Digital Speech and Image Processing, 16-18 Dec 2010, Iriski Venac, Serbia.
Karamazova Gelova, Elena and Piperevski, Boro and Asprovska, Elena and Nikolovska, Marija (2010) За еден варијационен проблем од електротехника и неговиот соодветен контурен проблем. In: Семинар по доференцијални равенки „Струмица 2010", Банско, Република Македонија.
Koceski, Saso and Koceska, Natasa and Krstev, Aleksandar (2010) Hand Gesture–Based Control of Mobile Robot's Freight Ramp. In: 14th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control (EPE-PEMC), Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia.
Kraljevski, Ivan and Chungurski, Slavco and Stojanovic, Igor and Arsenovski, Sime (2010) Synthesized Speech Quality Evaluation Using ITU-T P.563. In: 18th Telecommunications Forum, 23-25 Nov 2010, Belgrade, Serbia.
Kraljevski, Ivan and Grceva, Solza and Stojanovic, Igor and Gacovski, Zoran and Spireva, Biljana (2010) Recognition of Individual Animals by their Vocalization. In: the thirteenth Multiconference Information Society – IS 2010, 11-15 Oct 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Kraljevski, Ivan and Stojanovic, Igor and Chungurski, Slavco and Arsenovski, Sime (2010) Time Encoded Signal Processing for Speech Quality Assessment. In: Proceedings of 8th Conference, Digital Speech and Image Processing, 16-18 Dec 2010, Iriski Venac, Serbia.
Kraljevski, Ivan and Stojanovic, Igor and Gacovski, Zoran and Spireva, Biljana (2010) Speech Quality Measurement in GSM Networks Using Time Encoded Signal Processing. In: the Nineteenth International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference, 20-22 Sep 2010, Portoroz, Slovenia.
Markovski, Smile and Mileva, Aleksandra and Dimitrova, Vesna (2010) Quasigroup String Transformations and Block Cipher Design. In: 10th Central European Conference on Cryptology (CECC 2010), 10-12 June 2010, Bedlęwo/Poznań, Poland. (Unpublished)
Martinovska, Cveta and Stojkovic, Natasa and Gacovski, Zoran (2010) A Fuzzy-Based Approach to Selecting Successful Contractor for Public Procurement. In: The 2nd International Conference, Science and Technology in the Context of Sustainable Development, 4-5 Nov 2010, Ploesti, Romania.
Stojanovic, Igor and Bogdanova, Sofija and Bogdanov, Momcilo (2010) Performance of the Hybrid Method of Image Retrieval. In: ICEST2010, 23-26 June 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Stojanovic, Igor and Kraljevski, Ivan and Chungurski, Slavco (2010) Application of the Progressive Wavelet Correlation to Content-Based Image Retrieving. In: Proceedings 8th Conference, Digital Speech and Image Processing, 16-18 Dec 2010, Iriski Venac, Serbia.
Stojanovic, Igor and Kraljevski, Ivan and Chungurski, Slavco (2010) Applying of the Algorithm of Lagrange Multipliers in the Removal of Blur in Images. In: ICEST 2010, 23-26 June 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia.
Veta Buralieva, Jasmina (2010) Вовед во Фуриеова анализа. In: Семинар по диференцијални равенки „Струмица 2010", June 2010, Банско, Република Македонија.
Zdravev, Zoran (2010) Integrating ICT in Teachers Education - Case study at "Goce Delcev" University. In: BASOPED - 13th International Conference - ICT in the education of the Balkan countries, June, 2010, Varna, Bulgaria.
Zlatanovska, Biljana and Dimovski, Donco (2010) Solving Lorenz System - Part I. In: Mathematical Conference 2010, Dedicted to Professor Gorgi Cupona, 10-13 Sept 2010, Ohrid, Macedonia. (Unpublished)
Krstev, Aleksandar (2010) Information systems for operational mechanisms of activities of industrial enterprises in Bulgaria and Ukraine. PhD thesis, International Personnel Academy, Interregional Academy offices Personnel, International Open University.
Mileva, Aleksandra (2010) Cryptographic Primitives with Quasigroup Transformations. PhD thesis, Faculty of Natural Science, University "Ss Cyril and Methodius".
Stojanov, Done (2010) Биоинформатичка анализа на постоечки и нови модели на протеини. Masters thesis, Универзитет „Св. Кирил и Методиј“ - Скопје.
Gusev, Marjan and Zdravev, Zoran and Patel, Dilip (2010) Innovation and knowledge management towards e-student information system. [Project]
Ilieski, Milan and Jovanovski, Vlatko (2010) Климатски промени. Vest.