Items where Division is "Faculty of Law" and Year is 2024

Group by: Creators | Item Type | No Grouping
Number of items: 84.


Ampovska, Marija (2024) European Union civil liability frameworks in the age of AI: Assessing current regimes and future prospects. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law 2, 15 (2). pp. 466-482. ISSN 2587-5833

Doneva, Nada and Gjorgjieva, Dijana (2024) The Place of the Judicial Authority in the System of Division of Power in the Republic of North Macedonia and Responsibility of Judges МЕСТОТО НА СУДСКАТА ВЛАСТ ВО СИСТЕМОТ НА ПОДЕЛБА НА ВЛАСТА ВО РЕПУБЛИКА СЕВЕРНА МАКЕДОНИЈА И ОДГОВОРНОСТ НА СУДИИТЕ. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 11 (11). pp. 109-124. ISSN UDK 347.96/.99:342.33(497.7) 347.962.6(497.7)

Doneva, Natasa (2024) Can countries with imposed constitutions be part of the EU? Годишник на Правниот факултет „Јустинијан Први“.

Doneva, Natasa (2024) Resolving Cyprus Issues: The 13 (constitutional) Points and the famous Annan Plan. Studia iurisprudentiae doctorandorum miskolciensium, 27 (1). ISSN 1588-7901

Galeva, Jordanka and Stojanov, Igor (2024) The future of Macedonian news radio stations in the time of social media and artificial intelligence. Proceedings of 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World. pp. 479-490.

Gjorgieva, Dijana and Doneva, Nada (2024) The Impact of Criminal Verdicts in Civil Proceedings. International Scientific Journal Vision, 9 (1). pp. 105-116.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Постапка по претходно одлучување пред судот на правдата на Европската Унија: предизвик во најава за македонското судство. Стручно списание Правник (381-2). pp. 20-26. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Правото на конкуренција vis-à-vis правото на слободно движење на услугите во Европската унија: студија на случај. Стручно списание Правник (389-90). pp. 13-17. ISSN 1409-5238

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2024) The Game at Risk: Analyzing the CJEU's Judgment in the “ESLC” Case. 11th International Scientific Conference: Social Changes in the Global World, 11. pp. 155-163. ISSN ISBN: 978-608-277-076-5

Josifovic, Ivica and Kambovski, Igor (2024) Republika severna Makedonija kao studija slucaja za medunarodne eksperimente: Igra bez kraja. Revija za Evropsko pravo, 26 (1). pp. 7-25. ISSN 1450-7986

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Тhe impact of generative artificial intelligence on contract law: legal challenges and ethical issues. Right to Justice-Challenges of Modern Age - Proceedings of the 37th Meeting of Kopaonik School of Natural Law-Slobodan Perovic, III. pp. 254-265. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-81956-28-1

Kambovski, Igor and Stojanovska, Elena (2024) Истражување за ефектот на новите технологии, со особен фокус на вештачката интелигенција, врз човековите права на интернет и развивање етички стандарди за заштита на човековите права на интернет при автоматско донесување одлуки. Metamorphosis. pp. 1-47.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Isamatov, Ernis (2024) Unraveling the Impact of Xenophobia and Hate Crimes on the Human Rights of Migrants and Asylum Seekers. EUWEB LEGAL ESSAYS: Global & International Perspectives, 1. pp. 10-19. ISSN 2785-5228

Kosevaliska, Olga and Nanev, Lazar and Maksimova, Elena (2024) Од фемицид до убиство во нужна одбрана - кулминацијата на родово-базираното насилство во Р.С Македонија, со осврт на националното законодавство и пракса. Vol. 11 No. 11 (2024): Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World". pp. 195-211.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Surlovska, Roze (2024) Етничко профилирање и криминал од омраза како обележја на антициганизмот. Македонска ревија за казнено право и криминологија, 31 (1-2). ISSN 1409-5327

Maksimova, Elena (2024) Cooperation for the Protection of the Rights of Female Migrants: Prevention of Gender-Based Violence During Migration. EUWEB Legal Essays Global & International Perspectives. ISSN 2785-5228

Marolov, Dejan (2024) Security dilemma unveiled: a scholarly inquiry into the Palestinian-Israeli and Ukrainian-Russian conflicts through the prism of offensive and defensive realism. Balkan Social Science Review. ISSN 1857-8772

Marolov, Dejan and Stojanovski, Strasko and Doneva, Natasa (2024) Evaluating Macedonian foreign policy: legal perspectives, regional realities, and public opinion perceptions. Proceedings of the Eleventh International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World".

Mihajloski, Zoran and Miseva, Kristina (2024) Characteristics, Legal Nature and Taxation of Management Contracts According to the Macedonian Law. Review of European and Comparative Law, 3. ISSN 2545-384X (Online)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) The public -private partnership -benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. MB University International Review - MBUIR, Journal of Theory and Practice, 2 (1).

Nenovska Gjorgjievska, Nena and Galeva, Jordanka and Mileski, Toni (2024) A comparative analysis of the Russian - Ukrainian conflict and the middle east conflicts and the refugee responses towards two refugee crisis. Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World. pp. 379-392.

Radulovik, Makedonka and Todorova, Biljana (2024) New models of employee leave of absences and their impact on family-work balance. Collection of papers from the International conference “Social work and social policy in times of global crises” 19-22 Sept 2023, Ohrid. pp. 122-137. ISSN 978-608-238-248-7

Slamkov, Gjorgi (2024) Corruption as an obstacle to the rule of law and economic development. Vision International Scientific Journal, 9 (2). pp. 35-45. ISSN 2545-4323

Slamkov, Gjorgi and Stamevski, Vasko (2024) Степенот на имплементација на стратешкиот антикорупциски документ како позакател за успешноста во борбата против корупцијата. Монографија Знаењето и талентот – фундамент за успешност. pp. 69-80.

Stamevski, Vasko and Slamkov, Gjorgi (2024) Услови за уставно, законско и одговорно вршење на власта - правна држава и владеење на правото. Монографија Знаењето и талентот – фундамент за успешност. pp. 59-68.

Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2024) Youth, migration, and higher education. 11-та Меѓународна научна конференција „Општестевните промени во глобалниот свет“, 11 (11). ISSN ISBN: 978-608-244-353-9

Sutova, Milica and Paunovic, Ksenija (2024) Fundamental criteria for determining the risk of confusion regarding the product origin in trademark law. XX International May Conference “Challenges and open issues of service law", 1 (20). pp. 191-206. ISSN ISBN: 978-86-7623-135-5

Sutova, Milica and Zembrzuski, Tadeusz (2024) Hearing a minor as an instrument of protecting the child’s best interests in Polish and Macedonian procedural law. Balkan Social Science Review, 24 (24). ISSN 1857-8772

Book Section

Ampovska, Marija and Stjepanovic, Stanka and Morait, Branko (2024) Облигационо право општи дио. In: Облигационо право општи дио. Универзитет у Источно Сарајево.

Denkova, Jadranka (2024) LNOB social mapping and evidence-based policymaking in the municipality of Kumanovo. In: Social Mapping Results Report: „LNOB social mapping and evidence-based policymaking in the municipality of Kumanovo“. Municipality of Kumanovo/ Center for European Citizens Initiative, pp. 1-87.

Kosevaliska, Olga and Poposka, Zaneta and Maksimova, Elena (2024) Prevalence of Hate Crime and Hate Incidents in Municipalities in North Macedonia. In: The UN Sustainable Development Goals and Provision of Security, Responses to Crime and Security Threats and Fair Criminal Justice System. University of Maribor Press, pp. 91-121. ISBN 978-961-286-884-0


Denkova, Jadranka (2024) Извештај за резултатите од социјалното мапирање: „LNOB социјално мапирање и креирање политики базирани на докази во Општина Куманово“. Project Report. Центар за европска граѓанска иницијатива.

Majhosev, Andon and Cackov, Oliver (2024) 100 години синдикално движење во Штип (1923-2023). Other. Национална установа Универзитетска библиотека Гоце Делчев Штип, Stip.

Stojanovski, Strasko and Paneva, Ana and Panev, Kristijan (2024) Млади, миграции и образование. Other. Фондација за развој на локалната заедница-Штип.

Conference or Workshop Item

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Strict Liability in Autonomous Vehicles: European Legal Perspectives. In: Bratislava Legal Forum 2024, 17-19 Sept 2024, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia. (Unpublished)

Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Византиската „Еклога“ – Иконоборскиот бревијар на Јустинијановите закони. In: Единаесеттата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-21 Sept 2024, Штип.

Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Codex Theodosianus – Првата државна кодисфикација на римскиот поредок на leges. In: Единаесеттата меѓународна научна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-21 Sept 2024, Stip.

Doneva, Natasa (2024) Човекови права поврзани со животната средина и нивна ефикасна заштита пред ЕСЧП. In: Програма: Клиничка програма за еколошка правда; Младински активизам за позелени општини;.

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Climate Change, Migration and Human Rights. In: Climate migration in the Western Balkan: Legal framework and security - University Dialogue with the Western Balkans, 07-14 Oct 2024, Skopje, Ohrid, Belgrade. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Legal Principles in Light of the Ohrid Framework Agreement: the Case of Macedonia. In: Legal principles in contemporary law, 19 - 20.04.2024, Nis, Serbia.

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Right to clean air and environmental migration. In: Climate Migration in the Western Balkans: Legal Framework and Security, 16-18 Dec 2024, Cottbus. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Right to clean air, reason for environmental migration? In: 6th International scientific conference “Legal tradition and new legal challenges”, 17-18 Oct 2024, Novi Sad. (Submitted)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Rule of Law and Use of State and Minority Symbols in Macedonian and Serbian Case. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024, Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society – „MELSIS 2024“, 17 May 2024, Belgrade. (In Press)

Galeva, Jordanka (2024) Sustainability of minority rights in Macedonian case. In: Sustainability and Law, optional course, 05 Nov 2024, Miskolc, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Marolov, Dejan (2024) Navigating the Nexus: Exploring the Interplay Between the Russia-Ukraine Conflict and Future Wars in Europe. In: Cooperative Multipolar System: In Quest for a New World Order, 3-4 Oct 2024, Skopje. (Unpublished)

Galeva, Jordanka and Stojanov, Igor (2024) The future of Macedonian news radio stations in the time of social media and artificial intelligence. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) Приказна без крај - вечно во чекалната - ЕУ (Македонија) нема да чека засекогаш. In: Тиквешки правнички денови, 18-20 Oct 2024, Kavadarci.

Josifovic, Ivica (2024) European Union (or North Macedonia) Will Not Wait Forever. In: International Scientific Conference Legal Principles in Contemporary Law, 19-20 Apr 2024, Nis, Republic of Serbia.

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Заштита на човековите права во ера на вештачка интелигенција - Влијанието на новите технологии врз остварувањето на дигиталните права. In: Остварување на правата во новиот дигитален свет, 23 Feb 2024, Skopje. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Правна анализа препрека и брана у сливу реке Пчиње. In: Balkans Dam Safety-Best Practices Workshop, 26 March 2024, Belgrade, Serbia. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Artificial Inteligence-legal and Ethical Dilemmas. In: Tikves Days of Law 2024, 18-20 Oct 2024, Kavadarci. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Artificial intelligence and automated contracting in electronic commerce. In: International Scientific Conference - Legal Principles in Contemporary Law, 18 Apr 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Niš, Serbia. (Submitted)

Kambovski, Igor (2024) Concession contracts for small hydropower plants in Macedonian law and possibilities for their termination. In: The XIII Scientific conference on the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Law, 26 Oct 2024, Pale, East Sarajevo, Rep. Srpska (Bosnia and Hercegovina). (Submitted)

Koevski, Goran and Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2024) „Местење на понуди“ во македонското конкурентско право и практика. In: Меѓународна научна конфенреција „Општествени промени во глобалниот свет“, 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Koevski, Goran and Tusevska, Borka and Spasevski, Darko (2024) Правата на оштетените наспроти правата на подносителите на “Leniency” во европското конкурентско право. In: Меѓународна конференција „Општествените промени во глобалниот свет Штип“, 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Капацитетите и Предизвиците на Македонското Правосудство за Навремено и Професионално Постапување. In: IX ОХРИДСКА ШКОЛА ЗА ПРИРОДНО ПРАВО, МАНУ „Зајакнување на националната отпорност кон корупцијата: транспарентност, отчетност и одговорност“, 01-06 June 2024, Ohrid. (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Femicide in North Macedonia: A Complex Interplay of Sociocultural Factors and Legal Challenges. In: International scientific conference "LEGAL PRINCIPLES IN CONTEMPORARY LAW", 19-20 Apr 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Nish. (Unpublished)

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Is There a Growing Risk of Violent Extremism Due to Migration? In: The European Union’s Securitarian Approach to Migration Management: What Are the Repercussions?, 22 Nov 2024, Faculty of Law, University of Salerno, Italy. (Submitted)

Kosevaliska, Olga and Maksimova, Elena (2024) The efforts of the Republic of North Macedonia in improving the fight against gender-based violence by harmonizing the national legislation with international and European standards. In: EUVALWEB Final Conference Promoting Public Awareness on the Fight Against Transnational Crimes, the Role of Police and Judicial Cooperation and Respect for Fundamental Rights in the Prospect of the EU Enlargement (2nd edition), Belgrade, Serbia. (In Press)

Maksimova, Elena (2024) Criminological Aspects of Gender – Based Violence Towards Women and Girls During Migration Flows. In: International scientific conference "Legal Principles in Cotemporary Law", Faculty of Law, Nis, Serbia. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Пристап, собирање, обработка и трансфер на медицинските податоци и правото на приватност: македонски практики. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Shtip. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Introduction to Macedonian Law. In: International lecturing within the Law School of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, 10-11 May 2024, Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw, Poland. (Unpublished)

Miseva, Kristina (2024) THE PUBLIC -PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP - benefit or challenge for the Macedonian public healthcare. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024 “Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society”, 17 May 2024, Faculty of Business and Law "MB" University, Belgrade, Serbia.

Miseva, Kristina (2024) The ambiguity of Solidarity tax. In: New Challenges and New Technologies in Public Administration, Public Finances and Tax Law, 26-27 Sept 2024, Management Campus at Széchenyi István University of Győr, Hungary. (Unpublished)

Nenovska Gjorgjievska, Nena and Galeva, Jordanka and Mileski, Toni (2024) A comparative analysis of the Russian – Ukrainian conflict and the Middle East conflicts and the refugee responses towards the two refugee crisis. In: 11th International Scientific Conference "Social Changes in the Global World", 19-20 Sept 2024, Stip.

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Clinical Legal Education and Free Legal Aid: The Macedonian Perspective. In: 36th International Legal Clinics Conference, 18-20 Oct 2024, Poznan, Poland. (Submitted)

Panev, Kristijan (2024) The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive and Human Rights: Ensuring Due Diligence in Labor Practices. In: III Annual Scientific Conference of the Central European Academy (ASCEA), 19-20 Sept 2024, Budapest, Hungary.

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Towards Responsible Business Conduct: Analyzing the Evolution of Corporate Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence in the EU. In: EU at the Crossroads - Ways to Preserve Democracy and Rule of Law, 13-14 June 2024, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek.

Panev, Kristijan (2024) Understanding Merger Control in Macedonian Competition Law. In: The 7th International Scientific Conference Management and law 2024 “Modern Challenges in Management, Economy, Law, Security and Information Society”, 17 May 2024, Faculty of Business and Law "MB" University, Belgrade, Serbia. (In Press)

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Обештетување на работникот за неискористен дел од годишен одмор. In: XI Меѓународна научна конференција, Општествените промени во реалниот свет, Правен факултет, УГД. (Unpublished)


Apasiev, Dimitar (2024) Римско право - учебник. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев“ - Штип, Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-074-1

Galeva, Jordanka and Marolov, Dejan (2024) Непланираното дете на Европа, Македонија како дел од Источното прашање во 19 век и западните евроатлантски политики во 21 век. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев" - Штип. ISBN 978-608-277-050-5

Majhosev, Andon (2024) Медиумите во Штип: историја на подеми и падови. Nacionalna ustanova Univerzitetska biblioteka Goce Delcev Stip, Stip. ISBN 978-608-242-142-1

Miseva, Kristina (2024) Хрестоматија во финансиите и финансовото право. Универзитет „Гоце Делчев” – Штип.


Doneva, Natasa (2024) „Постконфликтниот уставен инженеринг и улогата на меѓународниот фактор во креирањето на т.н. октроирани устави: дилеми и проблеми“. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Law "Iustinian Primus"-Skopje.


Kambovski, Igor (2024) Правна анализа за статусот на препреки, брани и други инфраструктурни градби во сливното подрачје на реката Пчиња. [Project]

Nastić, Maja and Miseva, Kristina and Ampovska, Marija and Blagojević, Anita and Tasić, Anđelija and Obradović, Goran and Dimovski, Darko and Cvetković, Mihajlo (2024) Jean Monnet Module "Digital transformation and human rights: EU perspective" (DIGIRIGHTS). [Project]

Teaching Resource

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Introduction to Macedonian Private Law. [Teaching Resource]

Kosevaliska, Olga (2024) Hate crimes and social inclusion: Addressing inequality for sustainable development. [Teaching Resource] (Submitted)


Ampovska, Marija (2024) Предавања за новиот предизвик на правната наука и правната практика – вештачката интелигенција како производ. Faculty of Law, University of East Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. (Unpublished)

Ampovska, Marija (2024) Seminar "Unraveling new horizons: exploring EU's proposed ai liability framework and corporate finance". Faculty of law, University of Vienna.

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Клучни предизвици и ефективни решенија во справување со корупцијата во животната средина. IX Охридска школа за природно право, МАНУ. (Unpublished)

Todorova, Biljana (2024) Enhancing youth employment opportunities and promoting decent work for sustainable development. Faculty of Law, Goce Delcev University, Stip, North Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Tusevska, Borka (2024) Улогата на конкурентското право во концептот на „Одржлив развој“. Miskolc University - The campus of knowledge and community - Hungaria.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 03:54:08 2025 UTC.