Items where Author is "Islam, Aida"

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Number of items: 49.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2024) The Benefits оf Music Education Across Multiple Scientific Disciplines. Current Progress in Arts and Social Studies Research, 5. pp. 24-33. ISSN ISBN 978-93-48119-01-8 (Print)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2024) Re-Design and Revision of Music Education Program in an Elementary School in RN Macedonia. An Overview of Literature, Language and Education Research, 4. pp. 75-88. ISSN 978-93-48006-56-1 (Print)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Demir Guven, Mehtap (2023) Music in the Bektashi Order in RN Macedonia: Aspects of Performance. Musicologist - International Journal of Music Studies, 7 (2, 12). pp. 238-268. ISSN 2618-5652

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2023) Еxperiences and lessons from online teaching a group of music subjects during the pandemic covid-19 at the faculty of education – skopje. In: ОБРАЗОВАЊЕ У ВРЕМЕ ПАНДЕМИЈЕ COVID-19: ИСКУСТВА И ПОУКЕ, 1-3 June 2023, Beograd, R.Srbija. (In Press)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2020) Preservation of Cultural Heritage Reflected in the Musical Tradition. In: Perspectives of Arts and Social Studies. Book Publisher International.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2019) Evaluating of the musical abilities in function of effective music teaching. In: 14 International Balkan Education and Science Congress, 5-7 Sept 2019, Ohrid, Republic of North Macedonia.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2018) Assessment of the Musical Aptitude of the Future Teachers: Applying the Gordon AMMA Test. In: 13 International Balkan Education&Science Congress, 6-8 September 2018, Edirne/Turkey/Trakya University Faculty of Education. (In Press)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2018) Woman and Music Tradition: Vocal Singing in the Ritual Henna Night. Europian Journal of Arts (1). pp. 24-29. ISSN 2310-5666

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2017) The benefits of music in inclusive education. In: 12th International Balkan Education and Science Congress, 28–30 Sept 2017, Nessebar, Bulgaria.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2017) Evaluation of Music Education: Musical Competences and Self-confidence in Teaching. In: 8th Lumen International Conference RSACVP 2017, 7-8 Apr 2017, Suceava, Romania.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2017) The Music Education of the Future Teachers: Developing Pedagogical Knowledge and Musical Activities. In: 9th World Conference on Educational Sciences (WCES-2017), 01-04 Feb 2017, Nice, France. (In Press)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2017) Production of Macedonian contemporary music composers: stimulative measures for new musical works. Europian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 (2017). pp. 27-31. ISSN 2414-2344

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2016) Musical tradition in wedding ceremony: The role of music in masking the bride. In: Fifth Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, 2-8 May 2016, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2016) Musical Elements in the Performing Approach: Sonatina in C for Two Pianos from a Macedonian Contemporary Composer. Muzikoloski Zbornik - Musicologial Annual, Vol 52 (1). pp. 41-50. ISSN 0580-373X

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2016) Ottoman Music Culture in the Balkans through the Prism of the Travel Writer Evliya Celebi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research, 27 (3). pp. 261-268. ISSN 2307-4531

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2016) Music Tradition of Yuruks: Western Part of the Republic of Macedonia. Documentation. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing GmbH&Co.KG, Schaltungsdienst Lange o.H.G.,Berlin.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2015) Music as a Vital Factor for the Continuity of the Cultural Identity. Review of European Studies, 7 (12). pp. 90-97. ISSN 1918-7173 (Print) 1918-7181 (Online)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2015) The importance of the practical work of the future teachers for the subject Music education. In: First International Conference “Practicum of Future Pedagogues, Teachers and Kindergarten Teachers in Multicultural Environments - Experiences and Challenges “, 27-29 Nov 2014, Skopje, Macedonia.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2015) The Significant Role of Music in the Educational System through the Various Scientific Disciplines. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR), 22 (1). pp. 354-359. ISSN 2307-4531

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida and Janevski, Vladimir (2015) Музичката традиција во Коџаџик - колевката на семејството Ататурк. [Image] (In Press)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2014) Correlations between the acquired knowledge and practical applications in the class teaching on the subject of music education. In: International Conference for Academic Disciplines, 6-10 Apr 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2014) Between Social Transformation and Continuity: Bektashi Sufi Music Tradition in the Republic of Macedonia. Review of European Studies, 6 (2). pp. 63-80. ISSN 1918-7173

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2014) The music education subject in modern educational trends in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Teaching and Education, 3 (1). pp. 555-560. ISSN 2165-6266

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2014) Global cultural processes in the continuity and the prospective of the musical tradition. Journal of Social Sciences (COES&RJ-JSS), 3 (2). pp. 271-276. ISSN 2305-9494

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2014) Влијанието на модерните тенденции на музичкото наследство во руралните делови во Република Македонија. In: Seminar in SOAS University of London, London, UK. (Unpublished)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2013) The impact of music education on the preference of musical genres in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of Teaching and Education, 2 (4). pp. 135-141. ISSN 2156-6266

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2013) Музичката традиција во Коџаџик – колепката на семејството на Ататурк. Documentation. Islam & Leshkova-Zelenkovska.

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2013) Музичкото образование, идниот наставен кадар, современите образовни тенденции. Muzika, 15 (18). pp. 57-64. ISSN 1409-6579

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2013) The continuity of the musical tradition in the modern education. In: International Conference Inovations, Challenges and Tendencies in the Post Moder Education, 12-13 Sept 2013, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2013) Музичката традиција во Коџаџик, Дебарско. [Image] (In Press)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2013) Модели за музичко едуцирање во трето доба – изучување музички инструменти. In: Vospitanieto i obrazovanieto megu tradicionalnoto i sovremenoto. Institut za pedagogija/UKIM-Skopje. ISBN 978-608-238-012-4

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2013) Модификации во исламската мистична духовна музика во Република Македонија во услови на глобалните музички текови. In: Трета Светска конференција за меѓурелигиски и меѓуцивилизациски дијалог, 10-13 May 2013, Скопје. (Unpublished)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Impact of economic determinants on the production of new works of art music. International Journal of Business and Management Studies, 01 (03). pp. 459-465. ISSN 2158-1479

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Conditions of the Musical tradition in R.Macedonia. In: Workshop and presentation about conditions of the musical tradition in R.Macedonia, 22 November 2012, Istanbul, Turkish State Conservatory Music. (Unpublished)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) The Islamic Mystical Spiritual Music Tradition in the Era of New Musical Tendencies. Asian Social Science, 8 (6). pp. 170-175. ISSN 1911-2017

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Modification in the musical tradition as a reflection of the modern musical trends. In: Third Symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Music and Dance, 17-23 April 2012, Berovo, R.Macedonia. (Unpublished)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Impact of economic determinants on the production of new works of art music. In: Interantional Journal of Arts and Science for Academic discplines, 1 -4 April 2012, Vienna. (In Press)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2012) Spiritual islamic Music Tradition in The Balkans at The Time of The Ottoman State. Journal of Academic Studies, 14 (52). pp. 1-18. ISSN 1302-2431

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2012) The Role of Music Education in Preserving Traditions in a Multiethnic Society. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Thought CD -ROM. pp. 159-163. ISSN 2156-6992

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Influence of social determinants in preference of public audience at music performances in the Republic of Macedonia. Sociology study, 2 (1). pp. 33-42. ISSN 2159 -5526

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Традиционалната музичка практика во Република Македонија во услови на доминација на глобалната музичка култура, денес. Ethnologist, UDK 39 (14). pp. 154-159. ISSN 1409-6404

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2012) Choral art in Republic of Macedonia. In: The 2nd International Sypmosium on Choral Art, Singing and Voice, 12-14 April 2012, Zagreb. (Unpublished)

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2011) Музичките ансамбли - форми за културна комуникација меѓу младите. Prosvetno Delo, 64 (5). pp. 53-71. ISSN 0350-6711

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2011) The need for integration of modern e-methods in studying of the subject Musical education in Republic of Macedonia. The modern society and education, 2. pp. 1359-1365. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2011) Нови трендови во музичката култура кај младата популација во Скопје, Република Македонија. Godisen Zbornik, 2 (2). pp. 13-21. ISSN 1857-7296

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2011) Македонската Хорска Традиција преку дејноста на диригентите Ивица Зориќ и Сашо Татарчевски. Музика, 14 (17). pp. 141-150. ISSN 78.071.2 (497.7)

Islam, Aida and Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija (2011) The Need of Integration New E-Methods in the Learning of the Subject Musical Education in the Republic of Macedonia. The VI International Balkan Congress for Education and Science: The modern society and education. ISSN 978-9989-823-33-6

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2010) Улогата на музичката едукација во функција на спроведување на предметот Музичко образование во одделенската настава. Godisen Zbornik, 1 (1). pp. 13-21. ISSN 1857-7296

Zelenkovska Leshkova, Stefanija and Islam, Aida (2009) Attitude of the future teaching staff towards the subject music education in the elementary education. Congress full text book, 1. pp. 32-35.

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