Signature driven e-mail spam detection using network intrusion detection methodology

Sokolovski, Aleksandar and Gelev, Saso and Cingoski, Vlatko (2013) Signature driven e-mail spam detection using network intrusion detection methodology. In: Прва меѓународна научна конференција на тема: „Влијанието на научно – технолошкиот развиток во областа на правото, економијата, културата, образованието и безбедноста во Република Македонија“, Еуробалкан, 20-21 Dec 2013, Скопје.

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The scope of this research paper is one of the most important aspects nowadays, the security and management of one of the most important services the e-mail and all of the alike online services today. This paper attempts to investigate the possible benefits of using standard signature-driven spam detection logic in combination with algorithm for network intrusion detection system (NIDS).
The primary objective is to verify that proposed solution (standard signature-driven spam detection logic and NIDSalgorithm) will be an effective strategy for dealing with e-mail spam detection.
The main aim is to determine best possible integration of standard signature-driven spam detection logic in combination with algorithm for network intrusion detection system, for creating more effective solution for dealing with e-mail spam compared to the previous solutions available.
This will be achieved by testing the effectiveness of the solution compared to other solutions until today, by using network simulators NS-3.
Keyword: e-mail, spam, network intrusion detection system, network security, agent based security.

Item Type: Conference or Workshop Item (Paper)
Subjects: Engineering and Technology > Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering
Divisions: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Depositing User: Saso Gelev
Date Deposited: 10 Feb 2014 11:00
Last Modified: 10 Feb 2014 11:00

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