The Balkans at the Crossroads

Stojanovska, Aneta (2006) The Balkans at the Crossroads. Политичка мисла, списание за политичко-општествени теми, 4 (14). pp. 95-100.

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The fall of the Berlin wall and the unification of Germany marked the end
of the bipolar division of the world. In the Balkans, such milestone was the
disintegration of Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (SFRY).
Following the overcoming of the problems caused by the dissolution of the
federations and the calming of the euphoric nationalism, transition processes
have been initiated in all spheres of societal life. The integration into NATO
and the EU was the topmost political goal of most of the leaderships of former
socialist countries. The analyses have been separated into five sections,
according to the country to which they refer. The first section deals with the
Republic of Albania, the second with the Kosovo protectorate, the third one
is divided into three subsections, of which the first covers Serbia & Montenegro
(S&M), while the second and third subsection deal specifically with Serbia,
i.e., Montenegro, the fourth section refers to Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H),
and the last one deals with the Republic of Croatia.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Social Sciences > Political Science
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Aneta Stojanovska
Date Deposited: 01 Oct 2013 14:08
Last Modified: 01 Oct 2013 14:08

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