За „Нумерологијата“ на неолибералистичкиот глобализам (сиромаштијатa - второ име на структурното насилство)

Apasiev, Dimitar (2011) За „Нумерологијата“ на неолибералистичкиот глобализам (сиромаштијатa - второ име на структурното насилство). Security Dialogues – International Peer Reviewed, II (3). ISSN 1857-8055

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СИРОМАШТИЈАТА - второ име на структурното насилство (Апасиев).pdf

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The aim of this paper is to give a slightly different emphasis on neglected and often forgotten structural violence and its most notable phenomenon – the poverty, as one of the anti-civilization phenomenon in modern “developed” society.
In this essay are being elaborated the aspects of this “soft”, but highly destructive, type of violence against humanity and, trough the numerous statistical-numerical data and comparisons, this issue is placed in the context of today completely de-legitimized system of capitalistic neo-liberalism – with particular reference to the so-called “Macedonian case” during the [post]transition.
From a anonymous confession of a poor African, and trough the opinions of prominent authors, activists and authorities (Gandhi, Luther King, Galtung, Bauman Kuroń, Žižek, Racin and others) – the author ends the article in a optimistic tone, with the statement of the inspirational Jiddu Krishnamurti, that: “Man is his own Deliverer”!

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: Structural violence, poverty, pauperism, starvation, Developing countries (‘Third World’), trans-national corporations, income, crisis, culture. структурно насилство, сиромаштија, пауперизација, глад, „Земји во развој“ (Трет свет), транс-национални корпорации (ТНК), приход, кризи, култура.
Subjects: Social Sciences > Law
Social Sciences > Political Science
Social Sciences > Sociology
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Dimitar Apasiev
Date Deposited: 08 Nov 2012 11:23
Last Modified: 16 Nov 2012 09:57
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/641

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