Хармонизација на банкарската регулација во Р.Македонија со регулативниот систем во Европската Унија

Georgieva Svrtinov, Vesna (2008) Хармонизација на банкарската регулација во Р.Македонија со регулативниот систем во Европската Унија. Masters thesis, Универзитет Св. Кирил и Методиј, Скопје.

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The entrance in the European Union, as one of the strategic goals of the Republic of Macedonia, demands maximum preparation for economic integration with EU. The banking and the financial integration are parts of the economic integration. In this capacity, RM should make harmonization of the banking regulation with regulation system in the EU.

In this respect, it is necessary to determine the current establishment of the banking system as well ae the changes that should be made to it in order to make closer to the regulation system of the Union. Thus, in the course of effectuating of the harmonization of the banking regulation it is needed to follow the directives established by the European Union.

The banking and financial integration is of a significant importance for the European Union because it reflects the extent of the economic integration.

In EU, ECB has the role of the main conductor of the state intervention by the means of the monetary politics, assisted by the ESCB in the accomplishing of the limited control function of the banks. The regulation of the legal frame is an obligation of the European Committee. As in respect of the other integration elements, EU functions partially as a state with full sovereignty in terms of the banking integration as well. Its central institution is ECB.

The study subject of this master thesis is the banking sector as a main stand for the economic development of our country.

Namely, the banks dominate our financial system and they participate with about 90% in its total assets. The whole banking regulation which is prepared locally is as much as possible adjusted to the regulation system of the European Union. Hence, the both key laws for this area (The Law for Banks and The Law for NBRM) are established in close cooperation and consultations with the European Committee and the European Central Bank.

The goal of this study is the process of approximating to the EU which constantly imposes the need for stronger harmonization of our regulation system with one of the EU.

In this capacity, the main priorites are:

-Harmonization and regulation of our banking with banking system of the European Union as well as improvement of the performances of the banks, before all, in terms of: the increasing of the percent of financial intermediation, decreasing of the percent of bad loans, increasing of the foreign capital in the banking sector etc.

-The position of our National bank as well as the changes and the adaptations for regulation which should be made to it in order to provide legal integration in the Euro-system. In this respect, the criterion of independence is estimated to have the greatest importance (financial, institutional, personal and functional) as well as the prohibition for giving loans to the Government of the Republic of Macedonia or to other public agencies and state entities. All the activities of our National bank must be accomplished in accordance with the ECB standards in order to provide its legal integration in the Euro-system.

-Implementation of the new Basel capital agreement – Basel II. This standard enables easier management of the banking risks and the relative protection from them. In this regard, the Bank must have much bigger capital than up to now.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: Social Sciences > Economics and business
Divisions: Faculty of Economics
Depositing User: Vesna Georgieva Svrtinov
Date Deposited: 04 Feb 2013 15:25
Last Modified: 04 Feb 2013 15:25
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/5463

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