Magic through the Prism of Orthodox Christianity

Atanasov, Emil (2011) Magic through the Prism of Orthodox Christianity. Other thesis, University Goce Delcev- Stip.

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The word occultism comes from the Latin word "occultus", which means something hidden and inaccessible for the majority. In the sphere of occultism entering various inexplicable occurrences and actions, which are caused by mysterious, incorporeal forces. Following the taught Magic definition is some sort of unusual power which is believed to allow people without adequate natural resources to achieve even remotely occult, anormalno influence has forcedly action.
Religion and magic is seemingly similar only because those two common theses that the material reality is not unique reality, and that there is some connection between material and spiritual world. Therefore, the people who ignorant this problem, they put equal sign between them. But they are also the psychological and ethical and dogmatic level, quite contrary to each other. The religion prays, the magic commands. Religion makes people obedient son of God, makes magic voobrazen master of the world, usurper of God's rights and tutor over the power of God. Religion wants to develop a man‟s love towards another man as the brother and magic requires only benefits and selfishness. Religion connects man with God, the magic connects man with demons.
Based on these facts the conclusion follows that the religion and magic are not only essentially different from each other, but anyway contrary. "Understood religion as worship and prayer, just the opposite is the magic that is atheistic" (Bergson).

Item Type: Thesis (Other)
Subjects: Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Educational Science
Depositing User: Snezana Georgieva Siceva
Date Deposited: 06 Nov 2012 13:45
Last Modified: 15 Nov 2012 09:55

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