Систематизирање на технолошките трендови кои го обликуваат „училиштето на иднината“

Grceva, Solza and Zdravev, Zoran (2004) Систематизирање на технолошките трендови кои го обликуваат „училиштето на иднината“. Annual Miscellaneous Collection, 3 (3-4). pp. 73-79. ISSN 1409-9187

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Abstract: One observer once remarked that today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s reality. Visions of the future are suffused with images of technologies that may seem magical and far away now, just as cellular phones and fax machines seemed only a few decades ago. And, though the technology images we see when we look into the future of education are not clear and ill defined, we know that they will go hand in hand with current technical trends. The “futuristic” developments described in this article either already exist or will likely become common place in the near future. They have unlimited potential in altering educational opportunities.
The purpose of this article is to describe the hardware, software, and applications development and to present a vision of how these trends could be reflected in a restructured school in near future. As teachers will play a critically important role in the shaping of this future, we will also describe some skills and a sense of mission they must acquire in the new environment.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Natural sciences > Computer and information sciences
Social Sciences > Educational sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Computer Science
Depositing User: Zoran Zdravev
Date Deposited: 25 Dec 2012 12:29
Last Modified: 11 Nov 2013 11:00
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/4474

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