Mineralogical investigation of enclaves present in calc-silicate rocks from Novo Selo-Kriva Lakavica, Eastern Macedonia

Sijakova-Ivanova, Tena and Boev, Blazo and Mircovski, Vojo (2012) Mineralogical investigation of enclaves present in calc-silicate rocks from Novo Selo-Kriva Lakavica, Eastern Macedonia. Geosciences 2012 Proceedings. pp. 1-2.

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This paper deals with the mineralogical investigation of mafic enclaves, which are present in metamorphic calc-silicate rocks from the area of Novo Selo-Kriva Lakavica (Macedonia). The host calc-silicate rocks are situated in the Vardar zone, which occupies the central part of the Republic of Macedonia. The rocks in this part of the Vardar zone suffered amphibolite facies Abukyma type regional metamorphism at medium to high temperatures and low pressures. The Abukyma type metamorphism is associated with the existence of paired metamorphic belt in the Vardar zone (Mircovski, V., 1997). The calc-silicate rocks are composed of calcite, diopside-hedenbergite, augite, actinolite, pargasite, K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, titanite, vesuvianite, clinozoisite, andradite-grossular, scapolite, prehnite (Sijakova-Ivanova 2000, Sijakova-Ivanova at all 2012). There are different opinions about the origin of the calc-silicate rocks, namely: carbonatites (Ivanov, 1987-88); skarns (Stojanov and Svesnikova, 1985); and regional metamorphic calc–silicate rocks (Sijakova-Ivanova, 2000; Sijakova-Ivanova et al., 1997, 2012).

Item Type: Article
Uncontrolled Keywords: enclaves, calc silicate rocks, bagbro
Subjects: Natural sciences > Other natural sciences
Divisions: Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences
Depositing User: Tena Sijakova Ivanova
Date Deposited: 21 Dec 2012 08:43
Last Modified: 10 Jun 2013 13:06
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/4189

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