Ефектот на високата надворешна температура во интраутериниот и раниот постнатален период врз масата протеините и нуклеинските киселини во тимусот кај белиот лабораториски стаорец

Gjorgoski, Icko and Spasov, Mire and Mladenov, Mitko and Hadzi-Petrusev, Nikola and Dimovska, Jordanka and Ovnarska, Verica and 'Rtovski, Dragi (2008) Ефектот на високата надворешна температура во интраутериниот и раниот постнатален период врз масата протеините и нуклеинските киселини во тимусот кај белиот лабораториски стаорец. Biologia Macedonica. ISSN 1857-5277

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The thematic contents of this scientific project is to examine the characteristic reactions that appear in homoeothermic organisms (Wistar rats) during hyperthermic conditions.
Our aim was to determine the influence of the high external temperature and its teratogenal potential on the Wistar laboratory rat, as a homoeothermic organism, during the intrauterine and early post natal growth and development. We recorder the body mass, absolutely and relatively to the thymus mass, the relative content of proteins in the thymus and the relative contents of RNA and DNA in the thymus of both experimental groups of animals and control groups.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: Medical and Health Sciences > Basic medicine
Divisions: Faculty of Medical Science
Depositing User: Mire Spasov
Date Deposited: 24 Apr 2013 08:12
Last Modified: 24 Apr 2013 08:12
URI: https://eprints.ugd.edu.mk/id/eprint/3869

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