Project Summary: NEWAVES – Collaborative Alliance for Radio Recovery and Boost of Community News Media in Lowdensity Territories

Jordanka, Galeva and Strasko, Stojanovski (2023) Project Summary: NEWAVES – Collaborative Alliance for Radio Recovery and Boost of Community News Media in Lowdensity Territories. [Project] (Unpublished)

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NEWAVES officially began operations in June 2023 and will run for 24 months, until June 2025. It is designed as a network for the exchange of best practices between local radio stations, journalists and communication experts. The media industry is facing several obstacles, particularly in sparsely populated European regions. NEWAVES is a reaction to these issues.
The shift to digital media made it easier to provide news in a variety of formats, which boosted market competition, particularly in the local radio industry, which witnessed a significant decline in listeners and advertising income. By giving local stations throughout Europe the chance to join a supportive network, NEWAVES develops a cross-border and cross-sectorial community that will work collaborative and have access to several tools and resources, including a digital platform for the distribution of radio programming across a variety of genres.
The platform will contain the material produced by each of these local radio stations throughout Europe, giving them access and promoting the circulation of a broad variety of European ("glocal") content, enhancing what they can offer their listeners, and boosting their competitiveness. NEWAVES is a network for the exchange of best practices between local radios, journalists and communication professionals from higher education institutions to increase the viability, innovation and creativity in the production and dissemination.
The project will implement a knowledge transfer center for the radio sector at the local level acquisition and improvement of professional skills of journalists and media professionals. To do this, NEWAVES envisions training current and future communication professionals and students through physical and online mobility programs as well as an e-learning course program to address the specific needs of local radios. This course program will be developed through a collaborative process of co-creation workshops at the grassroots.
Participants of the project Istituto Politecnico da Guarda, Radialtitude – Sociedade de Comunicacao da Guarda lda, Trgovsko Radiodifuzno Drustvo Radio Kanal 77 Dooel, University Stip Goce Delcev Stip, Trencianska Univerzita Alexandra Dubceka v Trencine, Rozhlas a Televizia Slovenska, Unios Sveuciliste Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku and Akademija za umjetnost i kultruru u Osijeku.

Item Type: Project
Subjects: Social Sciences > Media and communications
Divisions: Faculty of Law
Depositing User: Jordanka Galeva
Date Deposited: 06 Feb 2024 11:56
Last Modified: 06 Feb 2024 11:56

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